. v ' TbScax County JoumsL i O r, . , fcditr. KnUTed M tike tlartfaoB port ortlre aa Vfe-:uud ciaas mutter. Thursday. Mawh 19. Wt. tyaVUrsa Mate teaiMition. meTnbllcaneleet.rof tne lue uS Ne- tiTaJke ere rjueWsl to aeuil eeleKiiim Iio u lntheitr.rfu.ea. Wsdnastl.y. April 1 WW, t S o'clock, p. m for the purpo- ih Vrboosluf four i" delegates ami four, 4 1 Vernalea to the Keputelran National I'onven Ikm to be held In the city of t. l.ouia, Mi Vwrt, on Tuetdny, June 1. W.e, ill) o'eloek. taoon. mod to trauwu't aaeh oilier business n tuay properly couie before the ennwiilloii. Tux ArrorrioMiiSKT. 'Tln aeveral cimutlm lire eulitleu to repre 'Mentation aa folloni, tbe apportioiiiount be ing baaed upou the vote cant (or Hon. JM-pb S. Hartley for atate treaanrer. In 14. Hiving Vax-b county oue drlejaU" at large and one for each 100 votea and major fraction tbernof: orsTlta. PEL. UTlt:a liltl.. Adam IM Johnson '4 Autnlope 10 Kearney 11 Itanner Keith S HlaUie Ki-v I'xlia S Honne II Kllubiiil t Ho Butte B Knox M Boyil - 1 jt iun I it 71 iiroan . . binvolu 11 Knffalo IS Ixiran hurt H I oup i Ilntlur l MurtiMjii I Haa Mcl"h-ron Vlr Merrick .... I I 'hua 4 Nam-e . 4 berry Nfinaht 1ft H hey en lie 'Nmtkollw :ay IK!(Ho' 'olfax l'nlvitv 1 i'uinlnif 1- IVrWIns S 4 iiter ! ,1'ln-lin I" Dakotii riera- i Oaa-ea M'latte I' Itawaou 12 Polk - teul . Dtxon f odfa . ttonglas,. luiiidy FUlinorn l-Tanklln Trmtirr Fnrnaa . ae arlleld ".onper ',rant ireeley Hnll Kamiltou Harlan tin yea Hitchcock 4 Kill illow II V kli hiir lwm Ci IP Koi-k 4 Ufi.a!tlie 4Sarpy " IHisiuinders IV PlSeotu Hluff H s.wril 1 13 shertdaii r. sluTiimn -. S .... I Muui . . t . ft Stanton. (t S Thayer 17 4 ThoiiiHH t is Tbimton - 4 14 Valli-v 7 9 Waahliiguin '4 4 Wavne K II Webster I Holt. II Wheeler t Hooker 1 York Howard H1 -Jegerson I Hi Total -Ift" Tt ts recommended that no proxies be ud nnltted to the convention and that the dele fffatea present be authorized to east the en ailra vote at the delegation of the eoanty which tbey represent. K. J. H ainkb, T. EiKiwi k, t hulrmuo. Secretary. Call fr Rrpablicaa Cotiuty ConTen tioa. The republican eleetora of lo K countv Nebr. are requested to aend dett-gate from nhelr aeveral preclncta to meet in conven tion In HarrtMn hr. Apr. 4, 1WK, at II o'clock a. m. for tbo purpose of choosing wo(l) delegutea to the ri-piibllcan state convention to be held la the CUV of Omaha Jebr. on Wednesday April 15 MM and two Ki) delegate!) to tbe sixth Congressional Dis trict convention to lie held in Broken bow Xsbr. on Monday Apr. 1.1, lHSK and to transact ;ikcb other baslnca as may properly rotue tbefore the convention. THE il'l-OKTIOVHr.NT. Tkc several precini'W are entitlal to rep taa aentation as follows, being based upon the Vitte cast for Hon. T. 1 Forvl for supreme 0udge In ltf.S giving one delegata at large Hor each precinct and one delegate for euch Ken votea and the major rractluti thereof. l rue pi; Andrews Rnunlng Wnter I Antelope 1 snske (Jreek t (Bodsro 2 Sue i r lxnf s Bowen 4 Whistle Creek 3 ottonwosl ... 1 srlmnnet.. s Five Points i White River t Mat Creek Highland f Total 31 Montrose 1 It Is recommended that tbe different pre cincts hold their primaries on Thursday, April i II. . l-air.Kr. (.'hiirniHii Co. (u Com. 4aTID BlTLrTT, Secretary. Date to be Remembered. Prohibition national convention, st Pitt jurg. May M. .Republican national convention, at SI. ImIi, Jane it. Denaaeratlc national convention, at ( h cagsj, J1y 7. Popallst aational convention, bl. I.i,us, Jwly n. Republican state con vent ion to elect dele -gittea at large to the national coiiveiition, t Oniatia, April !". Bryan or free silver democratic stute con "sentien to elect delegates to the national democratic convention, at Lincoln, April ft. Administration or straight democratic 'State eonventlon to elect delegates to the national democratic convention, at l.im-lon. MayrtrSa. sirtk district repnMiean convention to elect delegates to tbe national repnhllcan -eonventlon, at Broken Bow, April II, at 7 as. m. Blxth district republican convention to autiaaitnte a candidate for congresa, at North "lasts, llgast 19, at 10 a. m. Tbe last hu of the Atkinson Graphic u oeofucted by tbe pupils of tlie pub BecHools of that town. It was a well ngotteo op issue aod could not but be in tructive to the pupiUi. "9me Oea lUnderton has returned lion be mm done a great deal U allay lM hnwtavtion in the repuhlican ranks by amtirian hit frieods that he does not de arire toiUr the Held aa a caodidaU for tt igB for preeidea', aa aa op-0mt-at iUKimUj, bat abould tbelat araat Viirigf mitodmml atreafrUi to Mprisa titet) far Xcbraaka to ate4aaiMof bar ditteafaiatMa Tkat to tka avaper way t aa it Tkt raeatw ( naaiinua to atich JaitWa MmU 4MMU not twlisrva ba MClbjajajtjr toaacbatM to aafaat lMab W rba faayto and bii puna ' hte peeilteu leur matUr Ttte administration or straight demo crats base tlie representation at their state convent ion on the vote cat for T. J. M-ihooey for supreme judge and Sioux county i entitled to seven delegate. Ttie republican convention of toe sixth Jml nut is i-alted to meet at Broken Ilow on April 13th to elect 1 delegate to the St. Loui convention. The rrpreaentv tion Mill be the same as at tlie slate coo veil t ion. Tite public debt of England ia f4.0rt r apils. tlutt of Canada "0.00 per i-afutii, itod tli'it of tine L'nited State $18.00 per capita. Krom that it apears that a ualiuo e are not so fcreat a ttebler a tlie reputed creditor nation of Ue ea.lh by more tlin f,.orth-Uhs. f". t Mi Ni.li of Wisner, i out as a canduUte for the republican nomination for Mate treasurer. 1U will h.ive to contest with Oeo. Iiroolo tf Biizile Mills John IL Mc 'lay ol Lincoln, 1'eter YouUKer of (Kmh-v.i, f. H 1'a.sey of Pawnee, with several otlier places yet to hear from. Tlie Omaha World Herald hu at traded a great deiil of attention to tlie Hue of moisture from below in wells and streams and many reiHirtH n to '.onlirm tl"t position. Tlie peoplu of Nebraska are looking forw ird to the coining sea son as one which sliall be noted for bouuliful crops. Tl rvort are that tlie candid icy of O. A. Eckles, of Chadron, for the repuh- t:,..,., nll(.iin'ili.in , I :i li 1 1 .f Itl ll,M4.til) with much approval all over tlie state. There are hut sixteen others in the lield for the same place, but that fact creates no terror in the heart of tlie Chadron candidate. He is standing up for north went Nebraska. Hon. K. M. Hroonie receiver of the land ottice at Alliance w;oi nominated for a second term as mayor of his home city. It speaks well for his administra tion during the past year. In accepting tlie nomination be said he would do the best lie could, but promised no better and not much worse administration in the future than in tlie pnt. In speaking of a candidate for the re publican nomination for governor who resides in the western part of tbe htate, some of the papers in the eastern part of the state call for a suitable man to be named. THX JockmaI. is not much given to candidate-making, but would suggest that James Whiteliead, of Custer coun ty, possesses tlie elements for a good candidate and also a good governor. Whv not nominate Whitehead? It is noticeable that many democrats in Nebraska are expressing Iheir inten tion to support McKinley for presiilenl. It is not the man, but the fact that he represents the protection idea of the re publican party. It is more than likely, however, that those same men would support any good man who may b nom inated for president by the republicans, for he will represent the same principle, aod tliat will be the issue of the coming campaign. The split in the denvicratic party in Nebraska does not seem to las nny nearer an end than it was last year. Each fac tion Itas called a state convention to elect delegates to the national conven tion at Chicago. Some attempt was made to have the matter settled at the democratic primaries but it fell flat. It seems to be the general opinion tltat the Cleveland forces will control tlie nation al convention of that party and in that event the Bryan wing of tlie Nebraska democracy will stand no show of recog nition. Ohio and Iowa republicans ench met in t.tte convention on the 11th inst. and each brought out its favorite son as a presidential candidate. In Ohio Mckinley was lionized and everything possible was done to demonstrate to the people of the nation that he was supported in his can didacy by the entire republican strength of his state. His name will lie presented, to tlie St. Louis convention by Senator Foraker, tlie man who has ever been his rival io political matters. In Iowa an equal amount of unanimity and enthusi asm was displayed for Senator Allison as an aspirant for the presidential nomina tion and if neither succeed in obtaining a majority of the votes of tlie conven tion at St. Louis tbey will always have reason to he proud of tlie handsome compliment paid tliem by tlie party of tlieir respective states. For Flak U CllMb. Lincoln Journal. J. 8. Kirkpatrick, president of the state fish commission, announc es that the commission has c ommenced a cam paign to secure the construction of fish ladder in every dam in the state where such a lliing does not exist. The su preme court recently handed down a d- cision upholding the constitutionality of the statute requiring owners of dam to put in ladders so that the fth can pass up stream la the proper season. Acting vadar thia deeiaioa the commission liaa wrlttM to county attorney iawll of the countiea urginf than to ask owoem to ooaiplj with Um law, and If tha wort ia not done within a reasonable time, to cowmen os proeecutisma. Tha commis sion labor under the dread van taf of be ta without faaaa to proatcuta violator of tha gaata law, bat in tha work of te non' flab ladder tu daa there will be pilule or ao axjieo lojnoaevutinjf. Oood riifs furnished on short notice. Kelutble drivers and tinet saddle horses always on hand. Oood aifoitinxslationa for transcieut customers. Horses boarded. TERMS REASONABLE. GIVE ME A CALL THE COMMERCIAL BANK. ESTABLISHED 1888.1 Harrison, Nebraska. 3. E. B!trwn, I' resident. O. H. ORIS WOLD, Cashier. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. S30000. Transacts a General Banking Business. COR RESPOND K NTS: American Exchange Natio.n.u. ask, New York, Omaha National Dank, Omnba, ftiivT National Ba.k, Chadron. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. VUBAFTS SOLD OJi ALL PARTS OF EUROPE. YOU WILL FIND ME AT THE OLD STAND WITH BA.RX3-A.IiTS FOB GEO. PIONEER Drugs, Medicines, Paints & Oils. JEWBLBY, CLOCKS AJTJD FATCIT GOODS. CALL AND SEE. J. E PIIINXEY, RARKnOK, The Inter Ocean Is the Meat Popular Republican Newspaper of the West and Ha the Lfgt Circulation. ' TERMS BY MAIL, DAILY (without Sunday) K.tO per year DAILY (with Suaday) .00 per year The Weekly Inter Ocean C 1 .00 fkrykab:. r 1 As a Hewepaper THI IMTXR OCSAM keeps abreast af tfce times la sit f aspects. It spares aeitaar palas aer szpenst la aa lint ALL THE NEWS AND TMB BEST Of CURRENT LITERATURE. ThaWZcchly Intor Ocean Aa a Family Paper U Not Eacelled hy Any. ftVTtt asaseasetaiac ef lataeest. U aaaa avmaet af ike euMlv. lta MKU TOtrryaDJOTAATIiXIITtstkaewyaaat at lta afa. toUTSR. AIITfXAltTXXBsrs saaqaklad. It ia a TWXLTl PA0X PaTZR sa4 aeatalas Cae Vews af tke WerM. POLITIC AXiT IT M MOTBUCA. aa4 -Rtres its readers tke heaeat of tke aMssi diss asanas saaUttre poHWeaeapHa. tl Is Mb.lake ( Ckieage ajU la la aaeat wita tfca pssp a af the Wa f-bom aoHMes an X lltesatare. Pteese rsaunaaar t tst the prise af TU Ul,LT AtlxOCLAM Ii mi.1 UXE UOLLAk aid AaaresS IMP. IWTBa OCriAN. Ch f ro. Feed and Sale Stable. N D. HAMLIN, PKOPUIETOR. C F. form. Vice-Preeideat. II. TURNER. PHARMACY NO TROUBLE TO SHOW OOOLS. PROPRIETOR. KEBBASIU. Sioux County, THE LAND OF THE HOMESTEADER. Free Homes for More Than 5,000 Men. I A new county with i ! si a n n scnoois, cnurcnes, railroads, etc., AND 8oo,ooo ACRES YET OPEN TO HOMESTEAD ENTRY. Contains over forty-five miles cf rail oad and has no county bonds. Hionx roiinty i- the nortliv-t mints of Selinutlci. It ia alioul thirty unit--nmt nml went liy alint aevrnty mil north aial south ami i-oiitiiiiiM OVER 1,300,000 ACRES of land. Tltere ate more lrirhl . irk- liny, Htnall Ntrettni in the roiinty tlinn an lie found io tlie aanie ir-a I htk in the atate. It It more idm tinil-r in it tluta all tlie rent of the ifutf i.rnhiin l ltd ffmM-n ure tlie rit hrt uiul mo-t nn tntioun known so tlul lor Htm-k-ruwiii it i unexi ellnl. The soil vnries from a Iwnvy -l:i y to i li'ht tuntly loam ami is itihle of ro JuciiiK extlletit tojm. Tlie )irinctKil cri are tuiuill trail um) vegetuVI, although t,'"l coin i grown in the valley a. Tlie M-ltnit,oat-rye uad (urley are al! of miuniinlly lln qunlity anil loiinnunJ the ln-.ir--.l nun ket jiriceK. The water is pure awl ri-freiliini; uiul iit found in ahii!uhiin.e in all mi ti of I ti ro unty. The county in pntcticully out of dth? and hait over forty-live inilrnol nulroui. within its borders, h;i a rood lrn k court j lion and the nt-i.cv-;ii v IIxiiiivk lor run n I n,' the county and there h iirvn been one dollar of county UjikI-i iwueti and licinu titM-H will be low. The Fremont, Elkhoru & Miiumiiiii j Valley railroad crown Mioux county j from eaxt to wewt and the U. i 11. liar about lten miles of its line in tin oortheanl irt of the couuty. The cliiuale i it mure plvanuiil than thai of tlie eastern ortion of Nvbrunka. There in still OVER 800,000 ACRES of land in Sioux county yet oorn to hon intend entry. It is belter land situ more desirably located than that fol which uch runueft are made on the on- HiXofa rvKervation. There ia no rail road land in tbe county and for that reason its Hettlenietil lias jn slow lui no apecial eirort to get xettlers was made, u wiu done in (he early day ol Uie settlement of lite eautern rt ol the stats. Good deeded land can be urchuw-d a I reaaouable rates with (joverniiient laud aJjoiiiiux so tlutt a iwrnoii who wants more tliaa one quarter aeclion cau obtain it if he has a little means. Tliere are about 1,400 people in Uie couuty and Uiere is room for lltouaaudn more. Harrison is tlie county seat ami in sit uated on tlie . E. 4 11. V. railroad, and is as good a town an the thiuly scltUd country demauds. bchoul Itouaes and churches are pro vided in aluioat every mttlement aud are kept up with the times. All who desire to yet a homestead or buy land cheep are invited tu come and see Um country for theinael ves and judge of its menta. liuliienteads will not lie obtainable much longer aud if you waul to use your right and get 160 acres of land from Uncle Sam free it is tune you were about it. Leek at This List uf western cities: fctmjf o St. Joseph Omaha Lincoln 8t. Louis Uaaver Kansas City Ileart t oed Ituoas'ut nrntUr wlikrh you iatand visiting. TU Burlington Roots is the bsst liaa l all as it is to say oee of them. Advertising matter and full iaforaia tion about trains aud rates on upidiis tioo, J. AKCif , O. P. 4 T. A. UalMM, K'sb. OfFICIAL DIRECTOR. -T TE I' K-'t 'Mu A. Holi.Mi.b nniwinr a. k. Moir. ...... Ij tii-Mt ,ir-ri,.f J. A. r I r MTftiii ei -li' hiri' Muurr .Aenilor JiMM-pti . Iirtu-r Trraearar A i. hurrlilll All.iriioir t-Ml II t . Hurll... ( uiHRitxInaer H. Hi or Ik It fubllt' llmi tlua IV)Si;HKHKAL lKI.Kt.ATIoS: Joint M. Itinnton I'. . "H-nntor. neaha V in. V Alwn ( . a. N nator, Mntbim J. It. "-tro.!!.. ,,.jO-i-.iH ! I'l'l-, I.lnreln H. li. Mrruer, " -! " oumtta i.. Ii. M.-ltl. J..lin .t-l " rullrrtoii V.. J. duller. " 4th Aarai I . t. i..ln , " iih " Wlliwl II. V. knu, " (.1 li " lijokfa w Jl Kit IAHY : A. M. I'wt lin t Jutic". olnmlim T.i.". Ili ri-im .. A.'u Jii-I.', ilr l laUn-l I . l or-nl twn'Ul. Ju.l... - .r-l l. A. t aiiito-il-. Wrk nn.l l.-Nru-i , l.inroia Mil -KKTII Jl lH 1AI. IM-TICKT: M. IV K tukxl'l .-Jfl". "'Nrilt W. 11. WfUiri-r " tiuhllU l. J. K'tt 1 Il..rriiu I IU'NTT WHi'U": llolu rf Viion l oKnty Jurtir M. J. Illwrtl - lS bxi. BU-ul lrw.iirr W. II l.l mi.1. riiblir laatre. Hub It. li., hi. it. iit.-ria' J. K, I'hliMirt ' u" . u Klli- Mr M.J. HU-a.-u t'U-ik of ItUlrh'l I earl uraiit t.uihri.. Connty Attwrnry Hi A It It OK tiMMI'lii!lia: Krunk Tlnkh im'(l liuirm tn ) !! UIlrli- M. J. rl r l II. I . Jo'ii.xiii i M l.l.i.ll.A I IVK: H. ;. Mi-wnrt. nWir. Ill u. I4.rmati.nl . lH'Ui-.Y.. Urp., nl.l. Nu. u, llratluftunt ll.l.Auk Off It I K": M. J. Hlrantt it liairiuati) Ttaatea t. ltuU.r " J. W. tvwll " It. II l,i,-.-l " W. II. M..r.l.Mli-r I. . J. Niiiimo . . Ittirli lM m in-rlui I - ....iirifc.r-r M lliml. uri H'l l!': Itlrrrtor -v tfinlt'nttur J . W . MmiII II. I.. KH.lU-k I.. M . II,.. ....'1 r.-i tit JKHMsliI HH IIT: iMrlrt ruiirt, Al llMrrim, ;otntuff.iH-c h n il IM i..l Novruilmr VtU. i on ut onrt. -Al il.irriiii, cuuouuiiwa nrxi ,v,,iiiil.i) ul i-ui'lj u.oiitli. III Hi lr AMI H'l:Tlr:s. MrtticNh-l innlN x hol mrt rrrr Han- l imi.i!i ul II .:tu. .1.1- M um r.i.L t. M. W.ll I'ltlf, llfM-l llttrli'trnl. MfrlMtf. WihiIIMI.N ill TIIK K'nlll It. Iliirrion Chiiiu. No. A.'., uirta un earn al litn..t.' We.liu'j) pvi.iiiif . II. I)vi. W. U Mi.tr, Clark. I aw. I ui.i. M'tlk,( W.MIMK-l r XMKH.ICK. Mrts h altvruHlr !lliriy v ina .ItocliK-k. A. u. ui, . t). J. n . saiTH, I'lerk. II'WOKTH I.K.VIii r.. ltvoiloiini nulling rTry sunUny evr-aW a dl lluw. i ablniit luwllug on rll wf rk- I'lii. 1'isMk Vimwaias, Man. II. I.. 1 1 ii nn. I'ra.lir.,1 e,raUi v. Ib-forn sun rililn lur a Mf vji'me !MetarHM Bemorests AN LNI'AUM.I.K;) tJKKKR. !eiiniit' I'nl !'hhi I' llti-rna arc ttoi run.t pr n ttivil on 1 1- in.irJt.'i. h..y r of an e ie ii iiieiiil r of Hih !i.ii iti,M poukj is.. lllr.-. Ill eicll l-lll lt the Unf.M.llf 14 lirlnlvil a 'iiiKt.i mituilnif Ihe .iiImi tII . r iMiruli.i-r, to b p tlern (worih ami rwj- Inrly "11 for .) or any nemlivrof u.tw-r lor Innr rents eiu'tt t nnrr pxk.gr an.l IKHttiiK.-. H heu the Vnlueof U,. i..lUrn it i-.iiipl'lered tlie Niilwerllirr actually grit liKMOKRirS MAItAZ NK KKEK Anil a lint a ingn.lne It Ul nr 14 (I alii la- mure I rlltUul thin -vr Itrfore. er inimiilHent, now methoU, urw Mi . I.Mi b opy ciiiit.ilna nn r.iil,u repnalue lion In eoinra it Mime erlel.nir.l n. lur l. h lamoiiK urtlat. anrthv ti art...-,, it,. .. . of tlir mint renntvl hitiii". 1 1 la a mruiml thai ll AI"KKs- ta Ihr only r.M...lelM r'aililly 1-..MI.TI1HK Hll - I tllr IlllMl Olrvl lenlailnla of a Hiltein,ir.irlea. Imlllra IikVIi k nllnltahlr fmlurra of Itai.a,,. KIM ultl.- I's I. .! tnull) a Imi.KK Mil. AIN s in one. It la h Itlural H urrrnl Ktrnla and Hraa fur the nu.y nmu or "man, a Kavla. aint a Morehoiiw of li.t. ri-t 1m u II. w lra, utolb e a, lte a nn.l ilnuKiiirra cn Mini narv.y aliat they i,re.t toainuar an. I Inatrtlct thr.a. .ilao prMi-llml hrlpaln evarv 'leuarHnam ol iliimeatle an.l ibk-I.iI life, InvlmllnK Ih- Inra lahliiK nil oriinnientinv ,4 thr home. u. Itrni'l.-tT, trh' a hrar, urtiatlr ami lance urk 01 n I knnU.ru-... rte , an-l aiueaemi,,,,, ( uilvkf r.-K..r.iM n,e aril lm ai.il .Ir.a. I11K11I tlieiroHii teiaoiia. 1 li aroi nit lie aitleira fur lta and IM alllcterUiealn.ieeoiintrym.d II, ,ri1 IllUr-.!,. ami theartlele. , he frolUa.lv lllu.tn.Utl with the fliir.l.,r1Bir, 'J In Hililtllun, It wit) ,.u,,.h IheUat uZ' X' eal aetluti. It treat, at l.iii.tl, llltf t,mr i-poru. Home Aiiiaaen.eui. ., fc,,t,.rui. the ( hlWren a I rtn.ent. an.l "(Mtrfciri. " an.l !.. , Moi.tl.lyryi1.p.M,lBmbT,.hr.j IVople.l,, wi,,,-!, ,h,cnM Imuortaol n.frT" " '"'"r of Internal to lae "h"r .. 1 "J ,",v " u rlpllo at once. to eciin- In any other ma,..",,. The MaK.'ltnr nna rar fur tl Sa Or.li uiontbaror - lis (Ouer iUl Ulfferaiil urmi. '-. lalnnWe l.y aulwrlU-ra al ic. earh I 1... ..It) (I,U ItHlteri, .u.,po,,)S,f'r Z p 1'l.aokkaT I'l Hl..HlkU I o , lie rifth Avc.iur, Sew Tork,. i.iatKiiorrri. oslt3.c THE SiOUX tXU.VTY JOURNAL ml .KMUMIT a rAlili r M AtiAIIN K. Sen.1 Vour fiitsx rlptlouf loihl.lxB. North-Weatern LINE F E, A M. V. R. 8. is the U.I to and from tha SUGiR BEET FIELOS -or it i ' ' Si;. jtnft fc-f ijr -t v j - - '