The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, March 12, 1896, Image 2

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    !KE scjix cnnarr mmi
If l a'. exactly chip that Canada
U wearing about on lta shoulder It
may be spoken of, perhaps, a a Urge
chunk of wood pulp.
If Inventor Edison can evolve from
his intellectual workshop an invisible
balloon that will carry a few hundred
pounds of dynamite he will solve the
coast defense problem in one move.
Jameson, It Is mud, stands a good
chance of being shot. Considering the
Idiotic way In which he Inaugurated the
Invasion of the Transvaal, the irnpres
lon prevails that he was about balf
ehot when he started out
England has added ships so rapidly
to her navy that the supply of sailors
has run short When the Magnificent
and Majestic were put into commission
recently crews were taken from other
hips, which will now be manned with
Inexperienced seamen.
A man named Anson is said to have
told a New York newspai-r reporter
that the Chicago baseball club Is going
to win . the championship this year.
There Is something strangely familiar
In this statement, but An-son?. Anson?
Where have we beard that name be
fore? The corn crop of 1895 turns out to
have been one of the three largest ou
record; but the amount of It that has
been marketed is comparatively smalL
Past experience has taught the fann
ers the Importance of holding surplus
crops for higher prices, and there are
more cribs of corn on Western farms
at the present time than has ever been
known before.
The Rev. Dr. Parkhurst is getting the
ox and the goat mixed up In his theo
logical aoology. To the young men of
the Students' Club, whom be addressed
at New York; he said: "Any ox can
devour the painting left upon the easel
out In the pasture where he la grazing,
but that does not help to make the ox
esthetic." Dr. Parkhurst has confound
ed the ox with the goat We ask uie
Doctor's pardon for correcting him so
far as to say that no ox could possibly
consume an oil painting and live. With
the goat, according to the humorous
papers which have made a study of the
subject, an oil painting or a measure of
nitroglycerine are mere delicatessen.
The many friends of Martha E. Hol
den, who has contributed so largely to
the newspaper of Chicago over the
well-known signature of "Amber," as
well as the many who have read her
communications, will be pained to learn
that she has passed away after an ill
ness which at the last was brief, though
she bad been a sufferer for a consider
able period. She had worked bard and
bravely to support herself and children
In various avocations before doing reg
ular newspaper work. In which last tha
made a more than local reputation by
her cleverness, nuoonventlonality, and
cheerful optimism, which, now that she
has passed away, appears in a still
stronger light by reason of the suffer
ing she must have endured so long and
with so much courage and patience.
Much Interest will be developed In
the scheme of electric lighting by the
act of the Mayor of Buffalo In signing
the Niagara Falls power franchise, for
it secures the introduction Into that
city of electric power developed at the
falls. The proposed plan will bear uion
the problem of the economic distribu
tion of power produced at a distance
from the point of application. If suc
cessful It may be expected largely to
Increase the use of water power. In
all of the older States of the country
may be found many abandoned mill
sites on streams abandoned because
distance from "markets and supplies
overbalanced, In cost of transportation,
the difference In cost of production be
tween the use of steam and of water
power. With a demonstration of eco
nomical distribution of electric power
over a wide radius, these abandoned
mill sites will have a new value. Power
developed there will be used by the
manufactories situated miles distant
on the lines of transportation.
Everybody knows that Wilhelm, the
German Emperor, estimates himself at
his full value, and sometimes over
shoots the mark a little; but no one
has ever supposed that be regarded it
as a part of his destiny to become
William the Conqueror Number Two.
Recent statements lend color to this
notion. The German military party
has many times boasted that, in spite
of fortresses and channel squadrons, it
Is far easier to Invade England now
than It ws, In the time of Julius
Caesar, or inflie days when William of
Konnaorly pushed his hardy warriors
up tbe English beaches, and pressed
OB to fight the great battle at Hastings.
When the Germans were In France,
twenty-five years ago, they went to
Dieppe, and, looking across the "silver
gtraaV," longed to be launched forth
against the Britons. Gen. Von Hlti men
thai used to say that there was an
official plan In the German War Office
tot Invading England by overrunning
Holland and Belgium, seizing all the
transport vessels which the industrious
Lowlandcrs possess, and then crossing
the North Sea, with a couple of hun
dred thousand men, and landing in Brit
ain with an Irresistible force. In case
the young Emperor were able to put
Utis plan Into execution, be would
pratabfr Insist on having the British
enrwa, to which be claims a family
Itght But If be attempts any expedi
tes of conquest In the direction of En
aad, and wlshea to annex more king-
Ma antra, hia soctai-aemo-
era tic "subjects," as distinguished from
his soldiers. luay possibly decide that It
la high time to declare the republic.
and bts Imperial wupatien win i
gone. Ha would better remalu William
the Cranky, and not try to ape uiiain
the Conqueror. New York Journal.
By refusing to permit the Bed Cross
Association to distribute the supplies
that Christendom has gathered for the
relief of the Armenians, the Turkish
Sultan has condemned the Armenian
race to death by famine, by cold, and
by the sword. Compared to this lust
outrage against God and nature all
other crimes become venial The Sul
tan deliberately contemplates the mas
sacre of a nation. It is an Insult to the
Intelligence of the world when the Tur
kish Sultan'B agents plead his ability
and willingness to relieve the Armen
ians. By his connivance. If not by his
direct orders, the sword has destroyed
thousands of them, the famine has
slain other thousands, the cold of the
Armenian mountains has killed others,
and the pestilence that follows these
horrors has well nigh completed the
work of destruction. The Sultan nei
ther has been able nor willing to ameli
orate these Infamies of agony, lie
made professions of willingness when
It seemed likely that Euro? would
unite to compel him to keep his pledges
of Armenian reform, butas soon as the
complication of affairs in Africa and
Venezuela made European activity on
behalf of Armenia doubtful, the Sultan
assumed his old attitude of despotism.
With the Venezuelan and African uues
tions out of the way the Armenian Is
sue will regain its international import
ance. Never before has a government
that professed civilization hindered the.
benevolent work of the Bed Cross. Its
philanthropic work was approved by
our own administration in the yellow
fever smitten districts. Russia wel
corned Its agents In a season of fain
iue. Spain and Italy welcomed them
In time of cholera. Turkey alone has
denied to them the exercise of their
benevolent functions.. No special plead
Ing will avail to mitigate the crime of
the Sultan. He has decreed to murder
a race.
T rouble Which Chora Glrle Brought
Upon the Oncrt Manager.
There Is trouble In the ranks of the
grand opera chorus singers at the
Metropolitan Opera House, New York
City. The decision of the management
to give Sunday night concerts In which
the chorus should take part was f 1
lowed by an order for the chorus girls
to appear upon such occasions. This
provoked some Indignation, which lie
came dire wrath when It was made
known that, while the Italian members
of the chorus would receive $2.50 for
this extra work, the American girls
would not get a cent extra. This dls-
crimination against home talent nearly
provoked a strike, especially as an ap
peal to tlie management secured no re
dress. The American girls were told
that If they did not sing Sunday nights
they would not be permitted to slug
other nights, and their places would be
filled. This threat stopped the threat
eued strike, and the American girls
have accepted the ultimatum with res
ignation. In the meantime the Italian
singers have been viewing the troubles
with much complacency, if not with
actual pleasure.
"De maka me stanea what you say
for stanca tired?" said one stout old
contralto with a growth of silky black
mustache over her upper lip that would
have done credit to a basso-profundo.
when a Sun reporter asked her what
she thought of the American girls In the
chorus. "Dey no sing words. Dey
stand and say only la, la' for alle
opera, and I slnga at Le Seala, Coventa
Garden, and know alia words, and dey
know only 'la, la. And dey will pusha
me back where nobody seea me, and
dey Htanda In de fronta rowa with only
der 'la, la.' Wbatta you say In Aiug
llsh? Xltta? I say 'Nitta to dem. I
In de bncka row for a lot of girls who
slnga only 'la, la.' I say once more
"NittaT "Troy Times.
A Newspaper on Linen.
A novelty In journalistic enterprise
comes from Fpain. It is a weekly illus
trated "paxr" printed on Hnen. The
Journnl is appropriately entitled La
Tela Cortada and Is sold at 2 pence
The price Is moilest enough in view
of the peculiar advantages which are
offered to subscribers. From an nr
ticle on "Hygiene and 'Journalism" we
learn that the reader has tint to send
his copy to the laundress after perusal
In order to transform It into a superb
pocket handkerchief. It will, moreover,
lie useful for dusting one's hat, wiping
away a tear, making one's tender
ndieux, taking part in popular demon
strutions and "presi-rvlng diplomatic
documents." Although Its sjx'cial ap
plicability to the last-named purpose
Is not very clear, the Tela Gonads must
be credited with considerable original
ity In Its aim of extending the sphere
of usefulness of the press.
Removing, Chamois Hklns.
Chamois skins that have become
much soiled in cleaning brasses, etc.,
may be softened and cleaned thorough
ly by washing In tepid water and house
hold ammonia. Use for several skins
six tablespoonfuls In a quart of water.
Soak an hour, and press them out In
the water with a fork or spoon, so
that there will be as little rubbing as
possible. Rinse in several waters,
each of them tepid.
British Colombia and Italy. '
Sir Charles Tnpper recently mid that
he found vegetation of all kinds much
more advanced In Victoria, British Co
lumbia, In April than In Italy on the
same date In the following year.
Probably a woman's really fondest
and proudest moment of her husband
la when he voluntarily asks the minis
ter to ask a blessing.
Will lot Attend to the Cuban isola
tion Verj Soon.
H Md Olney DUpoM-4 to ba Counm-
live With R(rd to the RruaUloi
f CJba'i ftielligracy.
Washington-, March 5. What win
the president do with the Cuban reso
lutions should they erer emerge from
the conference committee aud reach
him r The fact that it was an open se
cret that the president and Secretary
Oiney were disposed to proceed in a
very conservative manner in regard
to Cuban recognition, fully appreciat
ing the many difficulties surrounding
the question, was stated in the United
press dispatches of February 28 last,
and has since been repeated and con
tinued from other sources. It if well
understood in congress that but for a
knowledge of this fact, and a conse
quent indisposition to embarrass the
executive, a joint resolution, instead of
concurrent resolution, would hare
been adopted by both houses. It is
felt by leading members of the house
that the president can be depended
upon to do what Is proper, and that
the action of the two bouses in passing
resolutions favorable to the Cuban in
surgents gives him the indorsement of
Ihoae bodies should be deem it proper
to issue a proclamation of belligerency.
But will be take such a step? That
question was put yesterday by a United
press representative to a number of
prominent republicans and democrats
In the house. The republicans claimed
to bare no knowledge of the execu
tive's intentions and said the only per
on competent to speak with intelligence
upon the subject was Mr. Cleveland
himjelf. The democrat leaders were
equally uncertain. In their opinion
the president will study the situation
carefully, and If be should be satisfied
from the official correspondence that
Weyler proposes to inaugurate a reign
of terror in the island, he will Incline
more strongly to accord the insurgents
belligerent rights than would other
wise be the case. It is not believed
that under anv circumstances be will
act upon the matter for several weeks,
should be do so at all.
Editor aad Lawrar Fight
Benton Harbor, Mich, March &.
Attorney Edward 8. Kelley of bt Jo
seph was attorney for the plaintiff in
an assumpsit case against Harrison C
Hobart, city editor of the St. Joseph
Press, in a Justice court in this city
yesterday. After the case was decided
the attorney and city editor engaged
In a heated debate, wbich resulted in
two-round bout without gloves. The
attorney was severely choked, but the
cltv editor bad the end of bis little
Onger bitten off, his face sadly disflg-
ured and a bump on his head trora be
ing bit by a chair, lloth say tbey will
have the other arrested. They are
church members and Hobart was
delegate to the Y. M. C A. convention
last week and Is a very prominent
To Protest to O rover.
Madrid, March 5. It is asserted,
npon good authority, that bpain is no
in communication with the several Eu
ropean ministers, with a view of secur
ing their agreement to a joint protest
tn the event of President Cleveland de
claring the belligerency of Cuba.
Demonstrations and meetings of pro
test against the action of the American
senate nd bouse of representatives
continue in the provinces. They are
almost wholly participated In by stu
dents. None of them were of any par
ticular importance, and they were all
easily dispersed by the police. Armed
trans-Atlantic steamers will begin on
March 20 to act as cruisers.
Italian! In Trouble. (
Home, March 5. The republican
and socialists organized demonstra
tions Tuesday evening in several of the
principal cities and towns of Italy, and
denounced the African policy of the
ministry. A crowd In Milan, in at
tempting to break through a cordon of
troops, became so frenzied that tbey
hurled themselves against the bayonet
of the soldiers. One man was killed
and seven were wounded.
1'akis, March 5. A dispatch from
Aden to the Matlu says that the Ital
ians lost 5,000 men in last Hundaj 's
battle with the Abyssiaas.
Basr a Wreck.
Galveston, Tex, March 5. The
steamer Pensacola, which returned
here yesterday from a relief trip to the
Texas and Mexico coasts, reports that
she sighted the wreck of the schooner
Willie Ann, which has been missing
one month. The four persons on board
were drowned. Tbey were:
Capt. Simon Baker of Lake Charles,
Seaman Larry.
William Anderson, cook.
M. Moguat, a passenger, of Hock
ford, Texas.
Cancel aa Agreement.
Chicago, March 5. All western
roads have given notice of their Inten
tion to cancel the rates and agreements
made for the Baptist anniversaries at
Portland, Ore., the Baptist having de
elded to bold the conventions nearer
the centre of population. A special
meeting of the western passenger asso
ciation has been called (or nett Toes-
day, to be held In St, Louis Instead of
the headquarters here, the St. Louis
roads having eitended the Invitation.
Aagrr Wilt the t-ail4 SHIM.
Havana, March 5. All the mer-
eh ants of Caaofuegoe have agieed
to cancel the orders glveo to
tbeit oorrwpoodenti la the United
States aa a protest against the action
of the American congress In the Cuban
ffalr. The merchants talked of hold
ing a demonstration, but Captain-General
Weyler prohibited it. The cham
ber of commerce bere met yesterday to
consider the question or taking similar
action. General Weyler advised the
hamber to be prudent. There is talk
of stopping the exportation of tobacco
n bales and to permit the export of
only the manufactured product.
General Weyler has placed restric
tions on the sale of pe'roleum and has
prohibited its sale in the interior towns
which the insurgents visit, I he roi
lowing towns in the province of ilnar
del Rio have been recently burned by
the rebels: Cabanas, lUhla, Honda,
ban Diego de Nunez, Santa Cruz de lot
Piuos. Palaclos, Pasco Ileal, Ban Diego
de los llanos, San Juauy Martinez and
Quiebra Hacha.
The gunboat Llnce, which was carry
ing rations to Jibro, on the south coast
of Camaguay, found chains across the
entrance of the harbor. . The vessel was
fired npon by rebels and replied with
her guns.- '
News was received here to the effect
that SCO mounted rebels attacked a con
voy of ammunition near Gibara, prov
ince of Santiago. The iuiu'enta were
repulsed with a loss of twenty-five
killed. The Spanish loss was one lieu
tenant' killed and seven soldier
wounded. '
General La Cbambre reports that
troops have reconnoitered in the zone
of Jarahueca and destroyed the hnts
ou the farms held by the rebels. The
troops had an engagement with the in
surgent. The Utter left two dead on
the field. ,
The volunteers at Gibacoa surren
dered the fort to the rebels. The in
surgent took all their arms and then
released the men.
, Cardinal Satolll In Denver
Denver, Colo.. March 6. Cardinal
Satolli visited parish schools, hospitals,
colleges and received calls and petitions
all day yesterday and every moment
from early mass until a late hour in
the evening was busily employed. The
moat Important petition was presented
by a delegation of wealthy churchmen
sailing the attention of the cardinal to
troubles arising out uf the year s con
troversv between Bisbop Mat?, bis
priests and memberi of the church in
Denver. The parochial schools, the
eonplainta of the priest and the de.
plorabl flnnetai chaos of the docese
were all reviewed and the cardinal was
asked to make a decision that would
effectually end all the difficulties. Car
dinal Satolll said that he would be in
Washington on the 12th ins'. when be
would lose no time in examining fully
the Denver situation. He depart to
morrow for Kansas City.
Ask for Help
MADRiD.March 6. It was announced
yesterday morning that in the event of
the United States government declar
ing it recognition of the belligerent
right of the Cuban rebels, the govern
meut will prepare a memorandum mak
ing an energetic protest against such
action and send It to all of the Euro
pean ministries.
Demonstrations against the action of
the American senate and house of rep
resentatives were held In Toledo, Se
ville, Grenada, Cadiz and Malaga
Wednesday evening. The only one of
special Importance was that at Malaga,
where the police were obliged to charge
npon the mob and to protect the United
States consulate.
John town hai a Ills; Klre.
Johnstown. Pa.. March 6. Fire
Wednesday night between 10 and
o'clock destroyed the Herman block
and damaged surrounding property to
the extent of 8100,000. The heaviest
losers are: John Hanuan, $40,000, in
surance, 120,000; Johustown Democrat,
120.000, insurance, W.OOO; H. M. Hen.
shaft lob printer, 80,000, insurance,
1,000; Nathan Miller, grocer, 5,000,
Insurance, $2,000.
The tire started in Miller's grocery
store and the flames spread so rapidly
and burned so fiercely that for several
hours It was feared the entire business
portion of the city would be destroyed,
There was great excitement and the
wildest scenes witnessed since the tei
rlble night of the flood in law pre
The tSremon worked heroically, how
ever, and, with the assistance of volua
teers, the flames were finally controlled
A number of firemen were slightly in
lured by falling walls, but no one was
seriously hurt.
Koeaunters a Gala.
Sas FitANcisco, March 6. Tb
coast defense vessel, Monterey, arrived
in port yesterday from ban Diego.
The Monterey had orders at ban Diego
to proceed to Puget Bound, and was oc
her wav there when she encountered
gale off Santa Barbara and lost two ol
her boats. The seas swept entirely
over her decks, carrying everythlu
moveable before them. The Monterey
put In at Santa Barbara.
MkrNw Urlcaua CmIi op.
Council Blcffh, la., March 6.
Afler fight log for eighteen years Kev.
Jolah Fisk, has won a settlement ol
Judgment against the city of New Or
leans for services during the recon
struction period. He was virtually s
law partner of President Lincoln, and
President Grant In WVi appointed blm
a direct attorney in New Orleans, Hit
effort at that exciting period to inves
tigate and punish all outrages brought
down on blm the wrath of the"KuKlux'
"fit ( DRINK.
Tannaands of Uvea, Caaractera an6
aTortaaea) Are Anonally Wrecked
Along the Gilded Pathway Having
lta B la tan Wlaa Hooaaw
Made a Man of Farragat.
Admiral D. O. Farrapnt, America'
oreinost naval commander, reached the
turning point In his career at a very
rly age, according to a statement in
Turning Tolnts In Successful Ca
reers." It Is wel known that Farragut
ntered the navy when a little more
than 9 years old. During the next year
r two the boy got to be about as bad
boy as one of his ege could well be.
In after years, when he reached the
lenlth of rank and fame, he related to
friend this crisis In his career. Raid
the old Admiral:
When I was a little more than 10
rears old my father, Master Comtuan-
cr George Farragut, was sent In a
loop of war to New Orleans to watch
be suppmed movements of Aaron
Burr. I went with him aa a midship
man. I bad some qualities that I
thought made a man of me. I could
swear like a Caribbean pirate, coum
drink as stiff a glass of grog as the
toughest old salt and could smoke like
volcano. I was great at cards, and
was fond of gambling In every shape.
"At the close of dinner one day my
father turned everybody out of the
?abin, locked the door and said to me:
'David, what do you mean to be?"
'I mean to follow the sea,' I said.
'Follow the sea.1 exclaimed my fatb
er. "es. be a poor, miserable, uranium
sailor before the mast, kicked and cuff
ed about the world, and die In some
fever hospital in a foreign clime.'
"No, father," I replied, 'I will trend
the quarter deck and command, as yoh
do." ,
'No, David; no boy ever trod the
quarter deck with such principles as
you have and such haiilts a you ex
hibit You will have to change your
whole course of life If you ever be
come a man.'
Then, continued the Admiral, "ray
father left me aud went on deck,
was stunned and mortiflxd at the '
buke. I thought over aud repeated to
myself what be had said, and then 1 re
solved to change my life, ' From tliat
time and until the present, I have nVver
uttered an oath, taken a drop of Intox
Icating liquor or handled a card. Short
ly after this episode I became a Chris
tian, and that sHthd my temporal as
well as my moral dcetlny."
Rnalneas of Konr Faleamen.
The following true story Is related by
one of the participants In the remarka
ble Incident:
Not long since In a certain New En
gand city four commercial travelers
met for the first time at the table. With
that genial bonhomie peculiar to the
craft they were soon engaged in con
versation. In a few moments one of
them said:
"Gentlemen, suppose we begin, being
all strangers, with the gentleman o
posite me, to introduce ourselves aud
our firms' business."
This was unanimously agreed to.
raia o. i: "i am , and 1 repre
sent the house of X. Y. Z., selling glass
Said No. 2: "Well, gentlemen, per
haps It la no chance that I come next.
for I represent V. I. Q. I am , am
I sell the stuff that goes Into the bot
ties. I sell wines and liquors."
There was a moment's silence as No
3 said: "That, gentlemen, docs sty in
little strange, but perhaps there Is a
fatality about this. I am of the firm
of W. U. 8., dealers In undertakers'
No. 4 now remained silent, and sug
gested that it would be well not to
pursue the subject further, and that It
had been well never to have started It
After much urging to complete the
chain he said: "Gentlemen, It is Indeed
a fatality. I am , of I). H. K., and
am taking orders for gravestones." Was
there ever a temperance lecture com
pressed Into so few lines?
Drnnkennc and filicide.
Dr. I'rinzlng, of L'hn, Germany, has
now come forward with a remarkabl
showing of the evils which intemper
ance Is working In the Kaiser's realm
He has shown that more than 80
cent, of all suicides committed by men
In the prime of life arc due to drunk
ciiins. This Is startling news from
a nation so calm and self-contained
aud so little inclined to nervous ex
citenient as the German. San Frail
Cisco Call.
Chi pa.
a nd a hand to close the bar-rooms.
The salofiti Is an oien gate to perdl
Iteer is never as flat as the man who
drinks It
The bottle slays Infinitely more peo
ple than the battle.
Drink first dims, then darkens, tlu
deadens, then damns.
Whisky has Wrr called the "dyna
mite of civilization."
The respectable drinking Chrlstia
is as responsible for the evils of th
liquor trafllc as the disreputable drink
High License! How high? What
equivalent In money can be given for
the legal HT!iilHHlon to blight tl
character, ruin the homes, and destroy
the souls of men?
The agents of the Liquor League In
Harrlsburg, 1'a., at the next term of
the Legislature will Introduce a bill
rescinding the Brooka high license law
nd substituting a measure of thel
own drafting. Their Idea Is to tax
saloons sccordlng to the amount of
business they do, and they will cin
body this Idea In their bill.
8h Tall How at Laat fha vi aa rer
From tk frtti. Art Turk Or.
For more tho fiftren years, Mr. A.
Mather, who live at . -i "'"
Hundred aud Twelfth .treet. Ne rk,
wan a unVrrr from anaemia, which, in
pit of the treatment of physician, grad-
IlT (level(i-il HUH urr")U , i.
M.I nuai'.y markd yuiptim ol j.araijie
t in. Mr. .Mather giuuiy gave iue re
porter her experif lice.
r or uiauj j -- -- -
I an a cuuatant miftVrer from uervoua-
, n e ...... tk.t
neaa. It aa auuui niiecu jn
my condition t-uau to grow worse. Hooa
1 Wauie u a fleeted that 1 wa proatrat-
ej and, nutil about two year ago. wa a
part of the tMiie onatne to iean 017 un
employed several purairiaiis Irom liuio
tmi. my bills at the d atore for pre-
acriptioua wnnetiuiea biiiohuimih iu -
much aa . a uioiun, out an tut- uot um
d for ui did not seem to ueip iue ai an.i
.My bl.Hid tie.ame greatly tiiiHTr.iiei
nil after yara or aum-nng 1 a iuicm-
ened with paralyais.
When 1 walked 1 couiu scarcriy -aran
alnnir. aud at timia uiy kueea
would give away u that 1 would akuoat
fall down. Feeling that ijoetor rouiu noi
li nie. I hud little hope ul recovery, uo-
il one dar 1 read in a newspaper how a
person, atflieted almost the aauie aa I waa,
had been eure.1 by Dr. Williama' I'iuk
'ilia for 1'ale reople. 1 pun-baaed a txi
ni iHwan taking the pills. The effect
f this tirMt box pleaaed uie so much that
Iw.iiirlit another. Hefore I nal tanen an
h nitla in the firat hot I began to expe
rience relief, and after the third b..x had
been nwd, I waa practically cured. It
a-aa reallv anniriaiiur wnat a speedy ana
pronounced tried the medicine had upon
Die. ' . . .....
I alwaya keep Dr. William rink fin
in the houxe now, and when I feel any
symptoms of nervonaneet find that they
give me rertain relief."
Whwn Mra. .Mather tamea wnn me re
porter ahe waa dreaned for the street. 10
4ediuK U go out for a walk. She looked
the picture of health, far different than
he did berore taking tne rink rum.
Mra. Mather' daughter, Mia Anna.
rorrolwirated her mother a account, and
Id how ahe. herself had lx-n cured ot
chronic indication by theae pilla; ami.
taov bw her cousin had oeen cured o
anaemia in same way.
Dr. S illlama' I'iuk rills contain, in a
condeuaed form, all the element nece-
(li-v to e!v new life and nchnena o th
blood and restore shattered nerves. They
are also a specilic for troubles peculiar to
females, am b aa suppression, irregulari
ties and all form f weakne. They
build up the blood, nd restore the glow
of health to pale and sallow cheekn. In
men tbey effect a radical cure in all cane
arising from mental worry, overwork or
exceases of whatever nature. I'ink Fills
are sold in boxes (never in loone hulk) at
50 cents a box or six boxe for '-!.. V. and
may be had of all druggiata. or direr by
malt from Dr. Williams Medicine com
pany, Schenectady, N. V.
Will Wot loierfara.
A few weeks ago several manufac
turers of cigarettes appeared bet ore
the commissioner of Internal revenue
at Washington and asked that he make
a ruling on the practice of manufac
turers packing Inside or ctgareue
packages forelgu substances, such as
pictures, pennies, etc. After taking
the matter nnder advisement the com
missioner has decided that he would
leave the matter where it now stands
and make no ruling at all.
Dr. Katharyn Houser has been ap
pointed by the governor second physi
cian in the state insane asylum at Hop-
Itnsvllle, Ky at the petition of a great
number of women and other cltieni.
She is the first woman in Kentucky to
receive such an appointment.
To walk arm-in arm with your hus
band is considered good form In Paris;
therefore we may expect to see the
slinging Tine type of women on our
own thoroughfares.
'otir b1ool in Pprin is almost certain to
bs full of impurities the accumula
tion of the winter months. Bad ven
tilation of sleeping rooms, impure air
in dwellings, factories and shops, over
eating, heavy, improper foods, failure
of the kidneyi snu liver properly to do
extra work thus thrust upon them, are
the prime causes of this condition. It
is of the utmost importance that you
Now, as when warmer weather comes and
the tonic effect of cold bracing air is
gone, your weak, thin, impure blood
will not (urniili necessary strength.
That tired feeling, loss ol appetite, will
open the way (orseriousdiseuse,ruined
health, or breaking out of humors anil
impurities. To make pure, rich, red
blood Hood's Harsaparilla stands un
equalled. Thousands testify to its
n.eriu. Millions tak it as their Spring
Medicine. Get iioud's, because
It theOneTnie Blood l'ntifler. All driiKKl't". It.
Pr. pared only by C. I. Hood A Co., Lowell, Mas.
Hood's Pills
are the only ptlli in tak
Wllh HiMM'i Horirlll.
for other R'xhI prortv. Hend u full and com
pletedeeiiptlon of what von have. We will
try and make an r.Xi.HANOt mat YOU.
Vie en tiuile Kii Itlr-s in good farms (or Towa
proiMTiy or meaner isnn aoar
i-Hl'lIT, Vurk, Kab.