--t . f ' Mi 3.-4L --a the k:ocx rorNTY JOXJSISrLXi.! r i . - 1-4 I'.l.l.iriin I I'run ! - , f. V.k V. VU. H. Tim .!... i-tln( t l.o.nif Ka-t. Ho. I, mJxwI. 1 I So. . ii'tl UBAST OUTHRIE. Attorney-aMaw. I'rompl attention icivrn to nil lil ! niullrrt in Junior, County ami litrii t , Ciurtj, iiuJ brfjie tlm United Htjte lixl Uttii. Fins Insur.ime writtrii in rrliablu cofiiiinif . J'jrlrf-ttiil pam fiirt?fully lrt n. 11akjun. - Ni:m:ak. II. I. SMLVK, Fashionable Berber L H:ir Dressor. OPEN SUNDAY FROM TO t 2. RAAMS kSU KWOIW ITT IS (IIIllER. ;tv l mr I H 1 Cull. J. K. IMIIXNEV. M. I). riiytlrlan ami Siircwm. All rnll given jrrouipt ulli-ntloii. lllBi-B in lirnif Mure. UARIIIWlN. - - Ni:iin.(K. -THK- RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE 1IAH JU8T 'EIVEIJ A I.Aut il. IN-' i Voli KOF WiNTKU CLOTHING lN.IX'IiINli Overcoats, Coat3, Vegts, and ml -Alien you need iiiiythiri- in that line von sliuiilil stir.ly j,ro to GERLAOH'S. tli! iltn I' K a line iissortmenl of wi ler nml'-rwear. kI"vv''' niiMeits. hat Cis, UmiIs, shoe, nr tn s. elf., elf. I Kik M.N-k "f "taple nd f incy roc. r.es Is full uml complete and on all k'"ihI he wilf make you nwdrock RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE. The Toledo Wi-rUjr lllmli' " '"' jmln of I VMl. Willi a Kreut president ml cTinipuiirn f-oniiiij,' iMsxt year, every thoughtful t-iliaull will need, besideK his Iik mI p.iir. It ptml national wnekly. The Krealesl SUlJ most widely kn iwn of thes.) is the Tolwlit Weekly rtlH.le. H.r Unrty yeiirn It ln U-en a regular visitor in every rt of the Union, and is well know n til utmost every one of tlm 70.0UH iohI itUiCeii m th counlry. H in edited w ith . nniloiiat ciivulaiion. It is rows - - , r .., ....t,. n rnuilieti'i l'Mer ...v.. tic laU il Ivecitus os it hoiiesty nun - r ..1 1.1,.. fiim-min tlm 'hsi'Ussioii in mi i- i.hMli.Mi. It Hw favorite family Itlifier, with imethiiie; for everp id the irlli-lioil. Kerml stories, fsietry, wit Hiwl Itinxitr: Hie hmis.ihol.1 rtpnrtuiei.t (l-estm the world;, Y.nnh,' F'dk-. rtun Ity fik houl Lis)", Tjlin.i: Sermons, the F4rui.!.Ml, llm Q'ltvilioil Unreal. (lict iiwer (piesliiion for Bnlrsi rile r). tb fAm of lit.) Wk to complui. forni, und otlur lentures. Kie..i- iMMnrWieaKludly iefit on iippliuition, . . II ml If yml wiil iwihI ns il list ol uo.uess Only fill niiiil n, i:opy to '" i I i ia e,r. If oU w thii u i-ii iil) lor ti "in. Aadi'-s Ti. Hl.id-. 'f .l -'C'i ' !' For tin ftiirln-st asii price for l.e at w Until (Jut line. m tint of jewelry Utul l at Pi'inwr I'liHriii'irv. rim S UJ! - Hrootil-corn millet seed IiiU.i :it this ollice. j County Attorney Outline was in the e-ist purl of the county mi olficial busi- m-ssi tile I'rst of the week j 1 lorehoiind coni'sinnd coue;h -vrup I Mir ifivat r, Minlv for roii'-lis aiwl cold 1 I n .at '.I fion-rr I'l,:.rniii. v. M. I ICiiim'V, in tltli- n -If of Ti ,(,nl1iul uorour of Lmhlt-r. The Ni- wll w win :ti nio-i tvili-tii'. Htilill. UiU-m H.r.llll. Moulin Sews. I iiliTivr.i, l. - WANru'J Vll i :iulf to licnl tliirinij th coining Kr-iisoii. (I M.J r.mCH iiml wnter. :iuil i iin-ful attenlion i;iiitr.ititm'.. I ( "IVrui. J-0 ivuts for t In w-rou. ; I. N. KlIIKI'ATIiU'X. tl.rrii.n V..I.I- 1 ni i -inip to trlailili'ii tin- Ilium of Mr. ami Mrs. f. '. Jame-oii on T'wxlav. - Iiaiiron ItfniM r. ' Tl!F. Jiit HS . woiilil like t i an j or,u,.tion pitU,, up h,. l, svoul.l ilin ? w jM'oi-j to ni-"t iui'1 a II take iart in I lie win k. It woulil ln.-li all to !-1 i oni uhle to express themselves liefo, mi aiiiliein e and to Itoiii f.i'inhar with paihanieo.ary practiie, .,,.. of I... I. j HIV illllNlt't.Ilit. I I .v , -Will Hi iifil i-alliil an kanl was in town M-unln ml iirr.in-.-d to advertise the ' ile of the personal prop. rly in In 1" session. His fa ller llllll lliotlier have ; pmr east to li v ft tn I he has i-'-iiti'd I he i !pla,-etoi.w,Ki-iosta..d win put in the Sinn r on the nin-je. hul eXi-(ts to! pi cast t, i live within n year. j I M.HIV pipers I III Ve ailoptetl the rule I I'L-i- ineii'led at meeting of the stale i j pri.ss ii-so,-iiiti.in and iliar- regular ad- 1 ; 1 Vettlsiiiir rales for nil oi iaU. i liuri-h I ,! f , . . . ; Miplir r-. or other i!alhi-rm,s for tlm pur-. iK se of iiialuntc nioiiey. and h df lad s fur all oiler notiees. TllE JoflSNAl. Is l:eve, that nht to d i in mist eases, hut j .i.i i i t j I lllK-s Hill 'III II liri it'is. i.iit I .11 ! everv tl)f itn-l i-verv ho.ly else here, i ' . hns hard work to t aloiiii,. Like many ! ut Iters v w.uild m fl'i-l to lie even more li'.ieral would tho r i n i ; from our i ii I,im;ni-ss allow it. ')u t:it Friday the ititdenls of t he i l primary depart nieitt eiiterlaiued t lins of , ' i , ..il...; theurimmar d.-pai t ment- with i lieton- nils. The next d.iv Ih-iMK V.'aslimt. iii's ' I'lilhil iy lite leelio.i were aluo' tliut j hue to iiiile mi e;l. ni. A f-v visitors j ivere preseul and that h id a iwnVi'i V to s 1 make tlw i hildii-n fi-r'i I what, they II ul , , ,. , ,, in m v, inn Hie rwire.-, r-s, ,. ...... I. TI... vt. ,-,l..r 1 1 1 i . L- l-l. .1 i.rl- i ! i a's one of the most inipirlint p irt ii-.'s i insi huol work. Il i t!i- old y w ay lo ha , e iiu-ii and wom-ii wlio i-.m piitii-'pite in .issi-uil lac-s of liiiinauit V, and ill these .lays of nssoi ia' ion, i luhs. eti- . Ihu per son whoi-mmo! nirdi ipite I ises mm - j of Ihe IsMiellts. A pi iufi r in "making up" news in the forms, peUiwi !!)' p- ;-''" ready to print, took n handful of type from the ail end of a flr! item nod hv mistake pn' it iK-t ir.-st Ihe l'r-1 pari of a funeral ! no'ii- s.iv ,m t Xi l-nie-e. In tin' rtper t it r-nd like l':is: "The nt, II liearers .n -! en d the lslv mlo He- i-"i v. - and lis it. as ropsiijneil to f!te llaiois ! here were few if any reifrets. for the old wreck had ( , ,. f,,r years. Of course lliere was individual Iosj, hut that whs fn'lv covered hy insif-ani e." The widow Honks the editor wrote the ol ii t tin t'V tllnt W"V 's-ciosi Ihe lamented nnrtner of her jovs uml sorrow, owed htm live years' suhsi ript ion. -John Iiiet knian and John ficy have i-oiistriu teil a tlani nci-oss thu hiif rivi-le norlhwest of to-vn. To V "ft to In rep iid hy KtoriiiLT water for slock and it may enahlu them to irriuntu wmi'f land with tliB ovei ll iw. They proposu to construct rillier dams neross the snirie ravine n won us they cun. TlIK". Joflt val ha frdipiently culled attention to the excellent o port unit ien olfereil for titorine; wnter in the ravines nnd the on ulmve mentioneil in pnrliciilar. nnd it is of opinion that d-.ut-s constriicled lit in tervnls of hnif n mile, U'inniiie; n (he head nnd exteiidnie; as far down, lit least, as to where Hie railroad crosses il, would produce U-nellls which would re pay all cost. Avast nmoiiiit, of water ;oe iii wnsledow n Ilie channel each year which would, if properly stored nnd use I, irrigate a lar;e ucreaue. As nnnminced in tlm last issun of TlIK JiH HNAL Senator Alters mi l Prof. Ilruuer were hereon hist Thursday to address the people. Oil nccoillll of the short noti e of the niecttm; the mien dunce ol those from the counlry was lim ited, hut almost every one in town at tended and wim interested. Keimtor Akers talkul oil irrigation, ll suhject nf the most vital importance to thn eiiple of this Im nlity. His renniikH were well ! received mid his uririiih' the construction r Pr!wrV(lln,rr ,, storim: of water i hwU ( (lH in, .,.u ,twed to iro to waste wits lit iiccoitl with the seiitl ment of evtry llioui.'hlful )orson who has ii cure lor the wellnra of the nortli west. lie answered iiunieroiis tpieslions in remin d to I hi" frrlKittioii hiw s nnd in so doing j;:ivb onl liiucli valutihle inforniil Imn. After lie concluded the audience wn iiiiKiiienled hy the iirrmtl of the m Irool 'children, n'nd Prof. Ilruiier made an inlereslinjr Inlk on insects, li'.nK etc., whiuh hotli Hiniised und instructeil the uudience. An orKiin'?ilit'i wuh imule hv the e'li'tlon of Chnrleii Bielile. prehi- dent.nntl X. J. filuwult. mm -mtary, no i )( urr, nlKt,nK 0f that iiftlure I ... , . i . i . ... Il IL. - 1 will 1st under tneir sup rvision. "'- ' close of his talk Keiiator Alters was , . , . I. .. . .1 u ....l.ll ,i;n'ti fir :i un .h iiiimii na i-ni tmeni ,vli.-!i " i'l assail lion m his work ns sei r. tlil-V of tile Milt" .1 of irti'ittion its: , . . r h no iv Is-Her nnd' Ti'tand i the i hi a ul " t . nil J . t'iual Proof N(i1ic-k, Ml peroii Imvliiic nmtl proof nnticoo in Oil ---r lit rrif n fii..rki -.! .'t P-- ; I'.'l" i nn'i ai! " u-i-.i i -4iiiiiir i nri i noliif uii'l if Hy simiM t-Nl r jrl hujiif to thin ofh'- at uni'i. n'i;-- fur I'rtilimf iu:i, I. tati Ml AIU4h. Wt. fr.-I.y -i4, ,;.-. Nirtit'i' 1- I rrt-lsy ffi v-u 1 tt.-i !)! t.ili.m in mi,:ii-"l iti'i Ji,i liK'ii iiolii-c ol hi in tii- li'l f O tltll Is' fllt..l lJf'M! ( sUllK)l't I'l In -l:ti.n. ! Hi n -.ilo proot Hi u-in ,.i.-U- uir. J. Hi. will. .Iik .il Hi.- iliMri-'t ......rt, .t !......-... Vu.. o.. .ii 4, i--.. VH'!i'i!;i II; u.. nf lluiliir". rli. P -r. II.. 1. .a..j. II... .Itnu-:!. I u I lll tO fll'OI I' ' In-l-O.lll ..4iOU lVl-ii llM: , li -itiiV rt- tl'""'l -xt-l l.oi.l. il: -. l",lliMI lll. ..IMJ s tim, J,loi .-.u r.-.. .ill hi linruir t l!.i:n l ' i li. w lio lu.i-li I!. K. ;. 'L l'r llii-iv ' in. ',, I In :Lt i. t- J. u .i.il ...i.r. a i . 'P.- -u "- r " , ,, ll U1IIIH--4 tin followinir .ii'-v to iro i lii - roiitiuii nio- ii-i.i...hi- uuo.i mi l i-mii- v'-it-io't ot -rt.ilil l.iiul. i: I Joloi 4-ri--, l-'ijh"ii crrM, MrliohtM lilitS J.U'klM Klivli 1, Ul: ol I ti I il I''", .M'll. , uUo ln (. rl-ti-Ii. it'" lliil'i l-oll Ni-li. tin lii.nlf II. K. No. I'D lor tin-in-, 'i -i'i-. i-, ii. M ii .( r. "iii. il- iiaiin-- I hi- I o!om tiiic h il ri to iro vi-lli-. i-oilloilloll l-'li'.M;i- tlim.i inn) i-iitl ,i 1 ioti ol , t.ulil lanil . u : 1 Xul "'.V. i -' , J. H . i nil , J., Hi-jiisU i. Wire lnr I'ti 111 i. i..n- i.aiiu i iiii i- in 1 1 in iii-1't .'-w., i .1.111 Is'.i,. "VTX t tOll llf Ul.tk- lillill lUN.t Itl -i l tit HlM lion lo uiiike liioil piiNit in i.ijipwia ii iiim i - iiiilli, anil Ih-il s iii pnml w ill ty ni.iOe Is- I. nt- M. .1. Iln-m-lt. i lelk ot ttl- -l -illii ' i'""" - ... "l ,l.,),n J. Iliiirs. nf I'.nifiic. Nrh. , who linule II K. No ;.i lor Hie se. i, e. 51, i- ,Tii:i'ie ine i.nliiv. Im Itne ,inie tin- !oilov.'iiu w line-.!-- to prove . "i-,i.m, mrli .el Kullliii;. .lotto Wai-k. Ion;, iailT ( ' (. , . ' ' , , ' . . h,,, in,,,,. . .. f,M I,, i- til.- 1 1-. i .oi'l it. !, ii w. ; , 1 1. I wp. .1 ; i. r. .'ii w , : in-mi s t.ie foiiomiitf ilin -j lop.-me Ills eon tuitions i.-saiem-e up sii.l en, in , lion i.'l . ii. I I unl, u. : . Mn ii .ei i,u!!i.,ir, Meplieu si-rn-s, Louts I Llllll.ll, i'illll HO lit I.!!,.!.-, .M'll.' " ! Mii-luii-l l:ir!in. nf liinlHn. i W . I ho i.ki.1.- II. K. So. -.IM for tin- -'i 'o , III-, 1 j t i SI" . i.', IMI. .., r. il w. in- u.u,i. s tin- iinii. l.nf , u ,n-.i-. m ptoi i- Ii! i-ii-1 1 i 1 1 .ii m s r.-i. 1 1' iii'i- iimi.i ..mi i-ii.r.vu 1 iinl in , il. , li., V,. : vu-,;i..i -.ri---.'.Jii.i J. Iliii. .lolm sines, Jotlil , 1 1 11. i ll-l , .ill ol lio. I. H e, Sen. i , jiji; j. n . iW.n , .in., lo-isi.-r. i - I Mierlil'ii Sale. I iv v - nil' oi an ian-r in s,i,. i.sia.. ny ( ,, .. k . ... i,,,.;, , . .. ,,, ,,. , ,,,, ; .1 Hy vlMHe of an llili-r ol s,ii. l.siie-1 liv i - i uii-i ii'i h iii iiii-1'i-iiiii.iiitiii.iii lie- iiiii.i I) "1 Mm! ... uml M.t- oi St la-si,.,, up.,,, s I lei ii-i- l i-iiilrri-l I.' s,l, In, lit In f.nnr o( i a i t.-.in I n i-si n.i-u I nmp iiy uml i.K iln-l. ; .loan I'l'-tel'soii iiiel Loll s i I' ii-tiTsi in , 11 ml lo , r.-.-t.-.l. t will. o,. in,-hi I, ,l,.y ol M.,r .ii, j A. i. I--';. ni ii'" ho'irot I o .-lo. ii. p. m., .ii Ihe I'.iol fro, it il-ini' ol t.i.' t milt l,oiie i.i! iii-rriHim. In s.ifl I oiiatv, oiler I si ,t tile i ''xiVe'i'inih'w!-si'ipVirli-r ' T v.. ..ly luiir -. Jl . r,, .t-IUi I ini ty tl.-e i , 1 1 p .-i ., i: u.ki-i-m v il i- in: ..i. Wi--i oi i 111.-Mil p. in., I i -ion I iinnty. Ni l.-.ikn. l j paiilii' .ii-l'o.i t.i I.i - li'.le-si i,i.i,r lor ci-li, j lU v ,,, ,. ,,, ,.,,. u, , sh .l,,. iiili--i-s ,it I'l I II -1 I't'lll p"l' sin ml I I 'l.u M:iy 1st, i,-: , jieil rusts He,. ruin ro-l . Iivv.o II in rial I , s.-r,l!' ol siiiil I mi ul y. Mu-rili Sale. I!v i Irt i" of mi onl-r or Sile lssn il iv tile" I li-rk ol tie- ll.lrl,-t l o'irt ol tin- Ill'latV II. si,, K. ,i t' s( it of Sel,!-is ! .i. ..m..i ,i ,,, , ,, , .... s, ... , ,,,,, u ,,, ! , air "I l o.u i n el'e I .1 I i est me , 1 1 I oin p my iiml ,itf onst Is nlore Klrhstel n , I- nun v- Ifli-li st.' oi, lliouiis K. M-liltt. M.iry si-lnlt mxl I II. U'les L. si-hilt, null lo me (I i t-e.-l.-il, I will o i li e hall 0 ,v o! March, .l. v.:,nt the ilour ol tie-1 onri nous,, 1,, il.trrlstni, u, ,.,j. , ivr!;Vr""l't'V!e. lo'wttV''' ' "" ! 1 in- Sortln- ist quarter ol Hie -oiiilii :i-t j V I. , s 1. 1 ..i S....I....I 'I...... If. I ( '.' i I, llll ml llv Sol In liii f ol tin- souiluve.t I ipi.ll'ler i s, il. i,i ill sei-itu-l IW-lllV ill i :'s.i, il'l'l Hie .sorlilrtest ipl irter HI Hie -Olll lll'.i.st lll,lll"r j N. W . S s. i-. ' l "I S'e till I live. llv Ii I l'i!i III 'l'owiislilp ThlrU three ( Twp. Norili of U.iik r'lltys.x .'ii,ilii thei-oioity of shm uii'l stute ol Se hr .sk.i, at p.iiihv lUti-Uoii, to liu It i kIii-h t lihl-il.-r for e .sh, to t;sfy .iiil (ir lei ol suh- in -it hi of i il.ei vvltll Intetesl lit tt per i-i-lit per lllllill.lt ll'O.lt Soif.lilKT LUil. IS' 4, ullll rusts mill iici-fuui l-ii-ts. i.i isj lllVIII 1H1ITI.KTT, shi r tl ul s..,t ( oiinty. Sherlir. Sale. lyl--ile of itu writer of Sale issue I by t lie llel It of the I list riel I ollrt ot tile i-ollii I V ol SloltV, llllll SI ate of SetilMsUil, llMI.I II lleelee re uleleil Iiy 1 1 t I olll I. ill fuMir ol i: n-iiil Iii Wsimeiit l o i. piny uml in; lest I'inllp Hi i-Uer, .liieoh Lo knur, I.e. t I . Poll. .ni, uml Mr. -olliiril. Ills wile, i-lirls ti in iiioiie iniknoA n, iiml r. 11 To M-f.iv, uml to me ilireeteo, I Hill oil the Hit I (lay of March, Km, at Ihe hour of o'l-loi-k, p. in., . I the east ll'ollt iloor of the I oil r I House in ILirrison, In sahl roimty, olfi-r uml sell the foliowiiiK ilesi-rili.-il re.il estnle, towit: The -outlli-ist ipi il ter ( s. K. 't) of si-ctlo t Seventeen (See. t; i, Township i nil ly Tnrea (Twp. Hil), It miff fifty four ( K;t. i-4 ). in Ine i oiinty of sinii , iiiel stiit,! ol Seiiriiska, nt miiilic itnctaiii. In the hlnlifi't til'I'tor fur i-.n-h, to "allsl v "alii ' Inler of sale In tlic sum j p,.r aiiinim from Noveinlier l inu:., uinl i-ints mei ntvruiiiK costs. .Jill 1 1 A V 1 1 lilllTl.I.TT, siierliv m Mihl i oii.iiy. U-.tUr nf ll'-ml ic "il I't'HI'iii tnr Appoint -nii'iit of Aihiiliiislnifiii- ur Ailnihi ist rill I i x. ST ITIC i f Sr.llll imka, iss nun x t'oi.'sir. I ' At it ( oaiitv Court, lieM nt the County Court liootii.'ln uml lor for s ilil roii.tiy, reiirii-trv I7ih, A. P. Iwti. I'l.nellt, lioliel t Wilson, Coil ity Jil'U". Ill tile mutter ot tint K.slate'of A. II Pintieo, llee.-liseiL llll re.lilhlK ll.i'l tllllll.' til'' JletUion III A. K. (i iten. pi-nyliiu' 111 il inliiii ilsir.i lion of h Oil estite may lie k r ihteil to lino as tiiliiilui.str ilor. (imihMKii, Tint Mnreli l'itli, A. H. IH'.m, lit two o'e4m-k, I'. M., Is iishIkiusI for lii-.il lnK mi Itl s tllilltl, H lien llll persons lnleiesle,l hi ihl iiniiier may appear nt a I oiiniy i oiirt to l,e lielil I'l ami lor h.i. eoiiniy, nun ihf i..inri. uiiu tin. ,ir,viT nt iH-liilo.irr shti nil ,,i he Kruulei ; uml noiire ol Hie peinlein y III HIUM H-IlllOII. tlllO Hill li'-.illiilt, inn".,,. i. vim in nil nelsons inleresfT"! Li still mat ler Iiy puiilisliliiK a i-op.- of tlilii orilei- In TlIK SI' il ' X l llllstr Joi ns II., Il weekly Iii spiiM-r pii.ile, In ml,) c ounty, for four Ulereshhe weeks, pl lor lo " I'l 'lay t hear-Iiik- lliiiiiciir Wn.sos, f- ' omity Jii.lu". SKU.. 1 ; A true copy. H.irrifl'H Sale. I'.y vlrtire of tin Orrler of Knle l-stiert Iiy tin; Clerk of the Plsti li t C iurt ol Ihe l.'oiiii ty of Moux nnd sliilu of Selinisli.,, upon it I ei ree i iinlereil Iiy ahl I oiirt In favor ol Horatio Looke iiml ini.ilnsl liBiiii'l Klein, Alliellil Klein, .losepll ii. ArinstroiiK "i"1 " W. w otsl lliul M. C. Ilas-ett, I will, oil thn Jinl ilnyot Al in-ill, A. I). ls'.i. nt the hoar ol in o'clocK, M. in., ul tit" K.i't l ioat dour of til" l mil t lioiw In lliirri-on, In ml loimty nf ler iiml sell the foiloH Inn ilescribe'l re.d es tate, town : The noi Ihe-ist ipmrter ( N. K. M. ol (sortlnn Hill tv three (ail), I nwnnlilp thirty-one (ill), r.nie III ty-tltree (M) west, In hlonx enmity, Nefiriiskii. nt tilllillll 11 IK-1 1 oil . to the lilihest hlililev lor oimh, lo miilfy snl'1 Ol'lnrof siiln i in i in Mini ui ru.tiH w in iiiieroi int-reoii ut Ml per cent per Hiniilni front April Will, "' t""1 eoni mm i-criiuiu eosrs. i ' I 1MIIII lllllll.M I, , ni-rol of s.ii.i Comity. AjikI ll.irtnw, riuiukli -v;ty. personal, F. M WoM It was up from H.Ve Poillls ,, Ju (f Mr. iiml Mr. Irit is Iiriii vcre in H irriwin on Sutunt.iv. I-iut y (111 Ii)!.jtior Uiihlman v.as in Harrison last Kit unl-.ty. 1'. II. Wright' family is viHitin rti'li (rii-iiiK in lim n thi week. Coiintv Attorney (iuilirip wns nt ,,,., i. . . ,. ' , liflion l:ivt w.f!; on opi ,.,.,V(. ,,:irrs w.,s , I I iii4i n-. from IH I thf lirl of tlip v.-l; mill i-,i!piI to f iw. W. J. A. R iuoi no fr"rn I 'ot ion woo.1 a i-ouile of il.iys tlm a't of tlif ivi-L rl ami Tom llunn r"'uin"(l n f iliv-iitro from I'olorailo, liaviii(,r niailr til" trill liV ti-iiiii. W. 1 Jlovtwns in town 1-int Tliur ilfiv uril ilioi-(l infn our oHio. i lioilin:r a p irt of his i-nttle on Rijuaw civi l; this iMnlnr P. I". Thomas has U-i-n depiillwl V. K. -irv-vor. .fol.n ( 'orl'in returneii eten!av Iroiu Slantou ilh arar-loail of stoe1;. --TlIK Jot US U, weli ouies t he (oinni u-iiii-ation from the Hell i-orrespondent . Hope he will not weary in well-doinj;. ' has. K. Si hilt was in tow n Tuesilav and his horse nroke the post to whii h he was tied and made things lively for a r,,w rnj sj Col minutes. iiiiinis-ioner Welier infonned us ; that the sll) has lieell selei-leil anil a rlmrcli ill lie limit at (ilen hi the near I'utniv. It will ho of tin) Fleshy tena il ilenoniiiialioil. (In ni von tit nf the dentil of I7ev. -..,lil father of Hev. J. W. Kendall. loinieilv i.astor of ll.e i Imn h here. I're- -ium r.hier .j iiiiau was miaoie in mi ms ... ... ii ppoint iiient here. Kev. . (J. (il.isner ., , u Mlhstitule. 1 The Kinsev Koniedv K . is hilled to ,' . . ,, . t- - appear nt Andrews hall to-morrow, r ri- day. eveniiiiT. Those who have he-nil the i-onipanv sav that tin.' pH-fin-man! e I 1 isoirl. It is not often thai iinylhiii of , , . , I, ' i til l.al.l I (lull's ill ll. irrisoii. SO llll'ie Alio , v ,,.) eni.-iiuninents slioiil.l mis, ' - . upporl unit y to have a yood lauli. I'lili III' Sale. ., . . , . -,, , m , 1 e inn ersii' tei will si ll al . . . ... ,, , , .- T h- undersigned will sill al pulilti ,1,, .,t tl,e Ro k iid farm, 1? miles wes ' of Iioil ti-e postollii-e, or. n nun. .'i i - n,n -It 1 1 1 s'l T I ICK-iJA . M A K II lh. Is.),, ), ,,r p,,,..(n;, properly, i-onsistiiiK of ' i rut tie, horses, farm nine liinery filill liousi-hold (TikhIs and uteusiU too nnnier- , t ,lu.nti,m. Terms i-asli. WILLIAM Rll'KAKI). Marili'd. -At the imrsonair" in liar Stu-iv I'ran- rison. on Fuesdav. FVIirtmry '-J5, hy Rev. I. J Clark, pastor of the M V,. church, Mr. Oscar W. Storv and Miss Amy )'.. Tfeeil. hoth of SLory, Sioux l oiinty, Nehra-kn. Hnl Xutici'. r.'trties having cattle which th")' de sire to hare herd -d diirim;' the coniinj; season will tliKw not lee lliul 1 win run n herd on Monroe creek. Plenty of Kod .....n-e and water. Terms: ono dollar for ' the season of six months. Jhriiy Will, Harrison, Nehr. Remember ROHWBR ALWAYS KEEPS OX HAND A Good Stock OF Feed AND I 1 snra wr leat. FOB izrouTi M A RST B L Bsador Richstein, DEALER 1 1ST Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. At.KNT FOR Pabst's Celebrated BEER. HAIiirsON, Why pa eo to FENCE Horse high, bull atronaj, pl( and chicken tlht. A man and boy can make from 40 to OOrodaaday. OvarSOatyle. 1 1 lustra tad CMatocu Fro. KIT8ELM AN Rldgevilio, THE SIOUX COUNTY JUL ESTABLISHED 1888. Always carries in stock a good line of stationery consisting of Letter heads, Statements, Legal blanks, Book stock, Cards, Etc, Etc, Etc. When in need of such things do not forget to call. han L J Z R B ROS, "The Old Reliable." NEBRASKA. 90c. rod for fane whanjrou can malt theK CEST WOVEN wIRE FENCE Ok EKRTU FOR 13 TO 20 CENTS A ROD! zs: y BROTHERS ; Indiana., Note heads, Envelopes, Bill heads, Poster stock, Invitations,