The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, February 20, 1896, Image 7

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rim Ma.
Dtvtng Um 14(h ceoturv. In Franee
Md 8peia. gifts of valsebW riots 10
MMwtortte Miota ud Virgin Mtr;
war wry common. One statu io liar-
eatons la Mid to have worn rtngi t1-
. Pilgrim rtngi war formerly told ar
very ootsd shrine In Chrlttendom
They ware parcbaaad by pllgrimi pre
paring to return home, and were re
garded aa evidence that that the pit
griaiage bad been really performed.
Blood motm sound health. With pure, rirh,
health? blood, the ttomacb and dlifetilte
Organs lll be vigorous, ciid there i do
djrapepida. Khmmstl-m n1 neuralgia will be
unknown, Kcnfula aud salt rheum tll disap
pear. Your nerve will i strong, juar sleep
suunu. iwki ana reireening. Hood's Br
rllU make, pare Mood. That ii why it . ures so
many diseases. That U wbjr thoniandf lake It
to CQe disease, retain good health. Kewember
la the On True Blind Further. AlldruKKist. l.
Hood's Fills u 'T-'
Bring comfort and improvement and
tends to perwinul enjoyment when
rightly uned. The many, who live bet
ter than otliem and enjoy life more, with
lata expenditure, by more promptly
adapting; the world's Wt product to
the'Deedi of iiliysical being, will attest
the value t) health of the pure liquid
laxative principle em braced in the
remedy, Hvrup of Fifr.
It exocllinec is duo to its presenting
in the form moxt arceptalile and pleas
ant to the tate, the rc!reihinjr and truly
beneficial properties of a rfpct lax
ative; effectually cleansing the system,
dlapcllin? eoldt, hewlm hen and fevera
ana permanently ciirinjr enntipation.
It haa (riven mi infliction to inilliniia and
met with the approval of the medi'-al
profeiwion, beeati-e it Ju ts on the Kid
ney,. Liver and IJowvl without weak
ening them and it is perfectly free from
every objectionable mibi-tunce.
flyrup of Fiir i for eale by all drug
gists in 50c and tl In. t ties, but it is man
ufactured by Clio California Fig Syrup
Oo.on)y, whose name ia printed on every
packa(f', also the numi., 2rup of Figs,
and bei:(f well in'ormed, you will not
are"' - 1 ''-" 1 '' '-'' -red
A penny
or two
all extra profit.
That's the merchant's reason
whourges an inferior binding for
a costly skirt. It's not nothing
is) as good as
r- Blai Velveteen Skirt liinding.
Look for S. H. & M. on the label
and take no other.
If your dealer will not aupply you wa
or - win.
Saad for simple! ihowTn
ball and mte-
naia. lOIhe S H k M. Co.
Vara dTty. X
O Boa 699 New
CO. oea halt Ui rkrj
ll oaa iviiHni ' ?
aaaaaawta 1 what Itwaa. n haa aiani rmum
?raTCiw.iS3lPIt'- tuf reoalra
m mam
Ik aaiilleXlaB It will
1 lhaa araeM lhal II will lureiaa aaul
at at I ft UM uaual ertee, ll aaw wmm
Taataaa rwwaaaf all Slant wl rat MipfV
felaVTt IM. Rvkwt I"- Slwua. UIMa
A Simile
SaiSbon!.-!!", TUU
rnmt. mm W Cutiata awl f-A
There's all sorts of prades of tobacco plant. The best
comes from Havana. There's all sorts of grades of sarsa
parilla plant. The best comes from Honduras. If you
want cheap tobacco, all right provided you get value for
your money. Cheap tobacco not as good to smoke but
it don't cost as much.
If you want cheap sarsaparilla ... But you don t want
It. Of course you don't. You are prying for the best.
To pay for the best and Ret anything but Honduras sar
saparilla Is like paying for Havana cigars and getting
Pittsburg " Stogies' There's only one sarsaparilla made
eiclusively from the imported Honduras plant. That's
Ayer's. Just keep It in mind that you are paying for
Honduras sarsaparilla when you are paying for the best;
but you don't get what you pay for unless you get Ayer s
Aar 4ob abort It r S.d lor it - Cwebooh."
ll kllla doabu bat cwtm aoobtar.
J. C. Are
Mora than VJO ear loada of erangai:
were ahlpped from Laa Angolaa, CaL
to the oaat the paat aaaaon. It ia atat
ed that orange have bean ablppep from
lUvertlde, Cel., daring every month of
California' record ol orange ahiq
mratr thta aeaaon far aurpaaaea that of
any other year. Up to December 18
I tat 410 car laoo of orange had been
hipped eaat from aoutbern California,
a compared with 18 car loada In H'M
Thm Gunpowdar Kd(Io
Modern high eiplosive are again
bringing the principle of the old gun.
powder engine into promlnece. (''
liarker, superintendent of the Itrif '
small arm factory a' sparlbrook n
recently gpeaking of the subject, in a
the point that while one pound of t" .
I 0 der was capable of developing ot r
17u,0(i0 foot pound of energy, the i w
nrtokeleaa powders were capable -l
till more, and at the game time lelt no
solid residue, as ordinary gunpowder
did, on combustion. The latter, too,
developed In combustion only about
280 volumes of permanent gaceF, while
the new powder gave off nearly 1,000
volume. With this encouragement,
it 1 not at all ur likely that the gun
powder engine Inventor will Bet to
woik with renewed en'hugiahm. Cin
cinnati Commtf rcial (lazet'e.
Her reat Kehelnft
Father Now, gee here! If vou marry
that young pauper, how on e irth are
you going to I've?
Sweet (Jlrl We have hvtired that all
out. 1 hu remember that old ben my
an 't gave tnef
'Well, I've been reading a poultry
el'i'iilar. and I find that a good hen
will raise twenty chicks in a geaaon.
Well, next reason there will be twenty-
one hens, and aa each will raiHe twenty
in i'c, that will be 420 The next jear
the number will be 8,t)0, the following
yr.r, and the next s.wmjixj.
Just think! M only twenty-live cen's
a p eca we will liave over S.i'.i'i.COO.
Then, dear old papa, we will lend you
some money to pay off tne mortgage
on this honae." Uoston Traveler.
Virjr Tired Indeed.
It has remained for a little girl in
lironklyn to nearly If not quite equal
a fumoim witticism of Leigh Hunt. Of
course hIih spoke in chiMiflmess inno
cence, where the Knglinh essayist and
itii used his ripened intellect. Hunt,
ti describing an exceedingly warm
day, it will be rembered, spoke of it aa
one which tempted him "to strip off his
flcrh ant sit in bis" The dear
little ISronk'yn miRs had been romping
and r iu i i nil day. Toward night
fall her tamer met her. "Are you not
very tired, little one?'' he a.sked. "Oh,
not go very tired, papa," sh replU1.
Then in a burst of confidence ghe
whispered, "Only I do feel as thougb
I'd like to take my legs off and carry
them a little while.
Oilfln Of t natda'a Nome.
The word Canada is the eommor
name In Spain of rather narrow valleyi
having preclpUous sides, the sami
word In fact as canon. This use ol
the word can be seen from the namei
of several localities In California. At
is well know, the valley of the St. Law
rence fully answers thj description p:
canada orca'hon. Especial alon tht
north shore Js it abrupt and precipitous
and ibis peculiarly contlhaei to i
greater gj less extent up to Lake 0r
tar to. Those who have sailed alonj
the shores of Lakes Huron and Super
ior will remember that the rocky shrei
there Will Justjfv tha use of the wore
cahada ej applied to that region. Thi
h re nc h very aptly applied the term t
(he newly disnorerrd country from th peculiarities juii meniionea.
Oee On EawTer.
At the Walworth country reunion
General Fairchlld (aid that when cer
tain soldier joined the Ninth Illlnoli
he asked one of the boys where hi
could get his washing done, and wai
told to take It to the colonel's ten1
who was also tbe regimental wash
woman. On arriving at tbe colonel'i
quarters the soldier made his wanii
known and laid bis bundle down on
the colonel's table. "All right," said
the c ilonel, taking a pen, as If to mark
the "wash." 'What Is your name?'
"Tom Lawier" was the answer
and Jhe ruture conmander-in-cbiel
of tbe Crand Army strode out,
Owlngto f omVeitreme girth a special
detail of 100. "washermen was made
to do the work.
in Smoke.
Co i Lowell, Ma.
Tbe forest renerve In Maine contain
17.0OO.0iXj acre, and the special agent
to look after It number thirty.
An albino partridge, tbe dp of it
white feather tinted with pink. 1 the
latewt freak brought out of the Maine
There Is an historic well In Rutland,
Vt It was built during tbe revolution,
and was used by soldiers of Burgoyne's
army after being removed from Itoatton
In 17.HH.
A writer lu the Edinburgh Kcotcbman,
In dealing with the cauaes of Intemper
ance, mwitiona as one of the prluciiwl
one the "want of symmthy at home
and a scoldlug. milking, nagging wife."
Two Itiirtttlun battle Khljm, the Hurik
and the Dimltrl Donskol, have harlKired
lu Portsmouth ou their way to the Med
iterranean. It ia the tlrst time this
privilege ha 4een grunted for a quar
ter of a century.
Robinson f 'niKop's munkef, "a finp old
(lieclini'li, with hilig barrel, flint lock,
and beautifully balanced," Is offered
for wile in Edinburgh. It ctime Into
the poftwKsion of the prem-nt owner
through Alexander Selkirk's gniud
nlwe. It has been notM that serpi-nt charm
ers coiiliniuilly talk, slug or whistle,
or have an attendant to play ihu some
ahrill musical Instrument during thp
time exhibitions are being given. That
rhwe sou nils have their influence there
1s not tlie least doubt
A Philadelphia reporter who had a
tip that a patient In a New Jeraey
lusane asylum had died from punish
ment Inflicted by his keepers secured
admission to the asylum an a lunatic,
and gathered the evidence that has aent
two of the keepers to the penitentiary
for fourteen years.
Bert (Tough, of Surry, Me., returning
homo u the gloaming after an unsuc
ci'snftil day's hunt, saw a buck and doc.
He Ami, killing the buck. In the
morning he started on the trail of the
doe and had gone but a few rods when
he found her (lend. One bullet hud
killed both buck and doe.
Plphlherla of the skin, a very rare
disease, has been cured by the use of
antitoxin in a little 2 year-old Berlin
girl recently. She had been badly scald
ed with lilliig water, and as the sklu
wm healing she was kissed by her
mother on the wounded axiL The moth
er had diphtheria, mid thus coininuiii
cated It to the baby's nkln; the throat
was not affected.
(Jeorge Kbers, the Egyptologist, has
illscovcnil that many of the queer med
ical recipes found In old English anil
(iennan liooks came from the ancient
Egyptians. They were not known to
the (ireeks, but were spiend from Sa
lerno, the great medical school of the
middle ages, to which they must have
come through the Coptic aud Arabic
A peculiar Incident occurred In New
York. While a policeman of that city
was trying to see what was going on
in a "HiisK'Cted" saloon hit soiled his
bunds; he noticed a sink in the ante
room of the saloon, and when he turned
on the faucet he was surprised to find
that he was washing his hands In beer.
The keeper of the saloon was, of course,
The movement toward the municip
alization of quasi-public works seems
to be spreading. Before the Boston City
Council is a petition from the East Bon-
ton Trade Association for the establish
ment of gas and electric light pfeints In
that section of the city to be maintained
by the municipality. It is supported by
many prominent citizens wlio think the
experiment worth trying.
New Orleans Is discussing the feasi
bility of commemorating the purchase
of Louisiana In 1H03 by a grand expo
sition In 11HI3. At a recent meeting of
the New Orleans Chamber o( Com
merce, called to consider tbe question,
resolutions were adopted urging the
desirability of such an exposition, and
a committee of 100 wa appointed to
formulate and devise way and mean.
A method of allvering mirrors, pro
ducing mirrors of much greater brill
iancy than those made by ordinary
processes, haa been discovered by Herr
Hans Boas, of Kiel. It 1 baaed on the
fact that when a heavy metal forma the
cathode of a vacuun) tube containing
a trace of hydrogen, the electric current
volatilises the metal, which le deposit
ed, a a firmly adherent and highly pol
ished layer on the walla of the tube.
The fact that Egypt Is going to be
more faahionable this winter than ever
before la shown by the number of book
ing St the hotels. The hotel keejier
aay that Ave years ago they liad about
4,000 people In Cairo for the winter,
nine-tenth of them English. Ijist year
there were 8,000, one-half of them
Americans. This year rh hotclkeepers
estimate that they will have at leiurt
10,000, and the American Influx will be
larger than ever before.
A man who claimed to have seen
Washington, ami really twHeved that
he had, no matter bow other folks
treated his assertion, tiled recently In
Baker County, Oeorgla. lie was a ne
gro known as Jim Hall, and was reput
ed to be at least 125 years old. There
Is no doubt be was an exceedingly old
num. lie used to declare that ho had
driven his muster to tho polls to vote
for General Washington on the occasion
of his first election as President. Ho
wa In every way honest, and worked,
supporting himself, tip to the time of
hi death.
Judge James V. Harvey, of the Mont
gomery Circuit Court, Orowforclavllle,
Ind., la about to establish a new court
rule wbleh will practically do away
With the "profenslonal Juryman," who
haa been auoh an annoying curse to all
court In Indiana from Utnn Immemori
al. Judge Jlurvey proposes to guard
agalnut thia cWuh by ordering th Jury
commlaalonera to draw the i tegular
panel of twelve, end then either four or
Ix additional taieauneo wbo can be
called in to take tbe plavcm of tiioee of
tbe recular panel excused by the court
Tbe aheriff declare that the profession
al Jurymen become more numerous ev
ery year, and are moat annoying, ren
dering a herlfT poalrlon, especially la
election years, most embarrassing.
Eminent Authorities Look to It Pos
sibility aa a treasonable Mope.
Despite tbe Immense amount of writ
ing and talk on the subject of aeronauts,
the question ha always been: Will
aerial navigation be practicable within
a time near enough to Justify us in in
teresting ourselves etsiut it? asks a
writer. The decided affirmative answer
of Professor Alexander (iraham BelL
the creator of the Bell telephone, is
worthy of consideration. Professor
Bell say that human locomotion
through I lie air will lie achieved before
long, although the principle of gas ex
pansion, which constitutes the lifting
power in balloons, will have no place
lu the practicable flying machine. What
is necessary for rising In the air, he
says, is not a cumbersome balloon, nor
an unmanageable Initiation of a bird's
or insects' wings, but a mechanical
contrivance which can be operated by
ordinary motors.
Buoyancy of the flyJng machine must
be secured by motion of -some of its
own parts, and not by Uie whole ma
chine having a specillc gravity less tliuu
that of the air. A French' muchiue
culled the helikoples. Professor Bell
thluks, approaches nearer In principle
than any others the flying machine of
the future. It simply screws fisclf In
to the air, a certain rate of revolution
of the screw causing It to rise, a lower
rate giving it more buoyancy, and a
still further decreased rale making It
sink gently to the ground. This device,
It will lie noticed secures only suspen
sion lu the air, but little Is detracted
from Its value on this account, as buoy
ancy is t lie only problem, It lieing
comparatively easy to olrtniu motion to
and fro.
Apropos of mechanics In a different
field, Professor Bell says that, the elec
tric roads, horseless carriages and bi
cycles will not negate the horse to the
fields, but will give him a no! her und
more effective sphere of aciicity. "Man
has Invented the bicycle," he says, "to
Increase his powers of propulsion, and
while 1 do not say that a horse could
ride a bicycle, I am confident that n
machine could lie built, whereby a
horse could be taken off the ground and
used as a motive power. With a prop
er system of gearing, great sieed could
In; ol it. 'i I ned." Ieniorest'n Magazine.
Trumbull's Manner.
John Trumbull, the American histori
cal painter, Is described as a man of
aristocratic tendencies and associa
tions; yet his apparent hlgli-hcadedness
was but a physical peculiarity. He
was always ready to face any situation
with pride and courage which render
ed him speedily Its master.
During the Hevolution, he was In
Loudon, and was there suspected of be
ing u spy. He was arrested and cast
Into prison, where be lived for nearly
eight mouths, amusing himself by
painting. When he was questioned as
to his antecedents, be made the haughty
"I am an American, and my mime is
Trumbull. I am a son of him you call
the rebel governor of Connecticut. I
have served in the rebel onny. I have
the honor of being an aide-de-camp to
him you coll the rebel (Jeorge Wash
ington. I am entirely In your power.
Treat me as you please, always remem
bering that, as I may be treated, so will
your friends In America be treated by
Through tbe influence of the painter,
West, and of such men as Fox and
Burke, he wa released and then return
ed to America.
His sense of personal dignity was one
of his marked traits. AVhen In 1177 the
Continental Congress treated him with
seeming neglect In not promptly end
ing him a commission for promotion he
wrote to Congress:
"If I have committed any crime, or
neglected any duty, since I engage! In
the service of my country, If I have
performed any action or spoken any
word In my public character unworthy
Of my rank, let me be tried by comrades
and broke; but I mut not be thought
ao destitute of feeling aa to bear degra
dation tamely."
The member of Congress who acted
for him In the matter aaaured him that
a mistake had been made, and advised
him to write another letter, and ask for
the commlMlon, but the artist replied:
"I have never asked any office lu the
public service nor will I ever do so.
The very request would acknowledge
and prove my unworthlnes."
Training Sheep.
To save labor with sheep, take a
young ewe lamb and raise her a a pet
near the house. When the ewe la grown
place her with the flock. She can be
called and the other sheep will follow
her. If properly trained, she can be
made very serviceable, and should a
dog attack the flock she will run to the
house. She may also carry a bell, If
tbe owner so prefere.
Conditions of Happiness,
Willey I tell you. It's lieiter In the
end to be honest. Did you ever know
a rogue who wasn't unhappy?
Shalley No; but, then, one would
hardly expect a rogue to be happy when
he Is known. It's rogues who are not
known that are happy. Koxbury On
setto. Common Affliction,
Thome Mis Hummcrly got a stage
fright the other night
Bramble Ho did the audience.
Boston Courier.
Vartaau Rstss.
It Is statad that Lady Henry Somer
art ia about to visit India in the inter
arts of temperance.
A pessimistic scientists baa an-
tounosd that civilization is a failure.
3 moat have been viewing tbe world
trough a saloon. Pacific Ensign.
Stockholm, the cltadU of tbe Got
enburg system, is said to have tbe
argeet death roll from alcoholism of
Uiy city In the world. Ninety In 1,000
lie from excessive use of Intoxicants
sf sBBsta aaTata aflskv BsV
3 Rheumatism,
! ar a
I'oajltli Plr
with ertibl
K merit . Hftv
rured roan tbmm.nd
taVHAsi pronounced hopejM. From flrt d-Ns K.vmp
mi rapidly dih-jjpfar, ind In t d-vu t kant two
birdpt of all awni-tom are removed. HOOK of of inlrkwalnuii cures MDt FKr'K.
fen Days Treitnent Furnished Free bj Mail.
II. I. I lift! Ittlt trtCIUIifl IfUITI ttOICII
I .rt KM Kit AHKN I mat' Mg hmhih; M lllnf ur
. lllwr-HhttriM-npre a eMliKhrre (kmiiipIh -J tV), tic
vfivd i and otlwr ukWiii UiIiutk to fiti-uirr Halary 'r
tow. bnd tAmp. WriiiiiUlutiiii allir Co.. Mn-alur, UL
J3mUfllTiflrf , .l'rli.1 IA4J.1
ft Morphin
Habit Cured In 10
IISwIIII lt20d. Nop
ar till cured.
VI IWhl OS. j. STEPHENS. Lebanon. Ohio.
'A Good Tale Will Bear Telling
Twice." Use Sapoliol
a a LJ S6 a a a
)tt '
As good as can Be made
regardless of price
Other Brands Only
Jife Ounces
Dont take
for it. but
and see Ibr yourself.
mite Washing
All weal)iaf Is not white waahiaf ,
as all eeip is net state Class.
That bstMrkk tint when eeea as
tothes, alwsv proves that sBev
en stsnnf en tp (hats Oeee bssv
Try H. lild eTsrvWhsr. Measfir
Fsiatsra Wt ataia.
Do not acorn to wear a veil In a high
do not economize on the manicure's
Do not neglect the day of small
Do not regarb the pin a a substitute
for the neeble.
Do not wear shoe unblackes or run
down at tbe heel.
Do not rllow skirts to become frayed
or elbows worn.
The beal fruit aection in the Went. No
drouths. A failure of eropa never known.
Mild climate. I'ruductive aull. Abundance ol
good pure water.
For Ma and rireulara plvin full dVarrip
lion of th Kith Mineral. Fiolt and Agricultur
al Lands In South West Missonri, write to
JOHN M. fLKUV, Manager of the Mihsouri
Land and Liv Htock Company, Neobho, New
ton Co., Missouri.
The St Joiipph and Grand Island B. B.
And In connec- tt T c c, .
lion wita the union raoiDo System
To California, On gon and all Western Points.
For informal ion rexardiug rates, etc , call on
or address any aueiitor 8. M. Adhit,
M. V. KOBINSON, JH., lieu. fSSS Agt.
Oen'l Manager, St. Joseph, Mo.
hxamtnatloii and Advice as to'PaiPiitanillty of In
vention. .Bend for Inventors' GuMe. or How t(., x
a Patent, f ATBica O'Pajuucix, Wadhiugtun, li. C.
N. K. V. No. 31S--B.
York, Net.
Diesas aav vou asw tha advertlaeiiieiit
Id tbia paper.
DO cents
H cents
our word
buy a piece;
I 1