The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, January 23, 1896, Image 5

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It. .1. Simmons, Kdilor ami I'rop.
t. F.tV.V K. K. Time table.
Going Wo.t. truing Kant.
o. . Billed, 10:40 1 No. , mixed m
Prompt attention Riven to all legal
mutter in Juxtii. County and IiiMrkt
Courts, and before the United States
Lanl Ortii-e.
Fire Insurance written in reliable
d!f"Legitl ars (urefully draw n.
Harkiwin, - Nkhiuska.
Fashionable Barber & Hair Dresser.
ittvn 1 iiim t a J Cull.
I'liTnirisn and Surireoii.
Alt rail, glvi-ti prompt iiUkiiIIoh.
office In Ifrug jtiuri'.
Vests, and
and when you nt-inl unytliing in Hint
line von should survly k'" 10
He alxo luut a line n-Hortnient of win
ter underwear, gloves, mittens, lints,
t-Mw. laot, shoe, n r tin, etc, etc.
Hid stock of staple and fancy nx-erieM
i full ami complete and on all ko1h
lie will make you bedrock
The) Toledo Weekly BUde I'""
palgn of IM.
With a great presidential campaign
coming next year, every thoughtful
citisMit will need, beside hi local puwr,
it great national weekly. The greatest
and most widely known of these is the
Toledo Weekly Blade. For thirty yenr
it lam been a regular visitor in every
part of lira Union, and in well knowr at
almost every one of Hie 70,000 xwl
olllee in the country. It is edited with
reference to a national circulation. It in
u republican (siper, but men of all Kli
ti;s take it hecniiM oh it honesty and
fairness in the discussion of all public
vuestivna. It itt tlie favorite family
)per, with something for everp of tho
lKimehod. Serial stories, oelry, wit
and humor; the household detriment
(beat In the world). Young Folks, Sun
day School lsaaons, Ta Image' Sermons,
tU Farmstead, the Question Bureau
(which answers question for subscrib
ers), the News of the Week in complete
form, and other special features. Speci
men copiM gladly sent on application,
nod if you will Mod us a lixt of addreiM
e, we will mail a copy to each. . Only
f 1 year. If you wish o rnie a club,
write for Vfrnin.
AJJrtV Tl Blade,
Toledo, Ohio,
The service at tlj M. E. church
still continue.
For the highest cash price for
lieat nee Grant Outline.
Fine line of jewelry and clocks at
Pioneer Pliarniv-y.
For Sale-Two full-blood poland
china, boars. Ws. Norkis.-H.
H. Turner received a larjee in
voice of clothing hiuI invites all to call
when in need of audi good.
Iloreliound compound cough yrup
the great remedy for coughs and colds
at Uie Pioneer Pharnwy.
J. C. U Rigland has traded bis place
on Antelojw to O. V. Sury. Jai k says
be is now out of real estate.
Ir. Phinney reports the arrival of a
lioy at the borne of Surveyor Ellis on
Monday. All concerned doing well.
Don't forget that TriK Jochsaj. has
a large clubbing INt und wlieo selecting
reading matter for the coming year call
and give us your order. We can stive
you money.
( badron jienple are still after the
factory and claim to be sure of getting
it. Perseverance will accomplish much
anil those interested seem to have plenty
of jwrseverauce.
Comity Treasurer Itiehle received a
voucher from Auditor Moore a few days
ago for some thing over four thousand
dollars school money, which was found
to have teen intended for the treasurer
of Custer county. A state npportioo
ujent of that sum would gladden the
hearts of many Sioux county teachers.
The commissioners have been hard
at work checking up the hooks of the
treasurer's office for the ast two years,
and when completed they will know just
how the outgoing treasurer stands anil
in future should an investigation be
made no shortage will Isj found. It was
supposed that was what the slate exam
iner was for but bis work was a farce.
The commisMonei's wilt likely complete
their work to day.
Reduced rates will be given over the
F. E. & M. V. to delegates to the meet
ing of the Nebraska Beet Sugar Associa
tion at Fremont, Feb. 5th and (Hh. A
great deal of interest is Isjing taken in
the matter in the eastern part of the
state and a large gathering is looked for.
If there ure any in Sioux county who de
sire to attend the convention they can
easily get credentials, as the county is
entitled to a number of delegates.
It would le well for merchants to be
careful alsiut furnishing goods to paup
ers on the order of a justice, as the com
missioners do not seem inclined to allow
bills for any thing but the necessaries of
life. In some counties the merchants
require that orders from a justi-e lie en
dorsed by one of the county commission
ers liefore it will be honored. That cer
tainly would help to bold the bills clown
to reason.
Young man. d not swear. There is
no occasion for it outside of a printing
oflice, where it is very useful when the
p,ier is behind. It also comes in bandy
in proof reading, and is indesensible
when Hie ink works badly, or the press
is to be run by baud. It has lxen known
to entirely remove that tired feeling of
the editor when he glances over the mis
takes after the aer is mailed. Out
side of the printing oflice it is a very
foolish and unbecoming misuse of the
language, Grand Island Iiidi'j unuient.
At the meeting of the Sioux County
Stockgrowers" Association held at the
residence of E. J. Wilcox on last Thurs
day three names were added to the roll
of members, ('. B. Uollingsworth, J. T.
Hewitt and J. T. Anderson were chosen
as a Isiard of directors. The next meet
ing will be at the residence of S. R.
Story on January !10th at 10 o'clock, a.
ni. A vote of thanks was given to Mr.
and Mrs. Wilcox for hospitalities ex
tended. The association has adopted the
constitution and by-law of a similar or
ganization which has been in socssful
operation for some years in Fall River
county, South Dakota, and there seems
to tie no reason why it should not do just
the same in Nebraska.
Sberiir Bartlett informed us that the
county commissioners had instructed
him ti close the .court room against all
gatherings, unless a permit was obtained
from the Iward. The commissioners are
rewiionsible for the county property and
consequently liave authority for taking
such action, but there are grounds to
question the wisdom of such a course.
It is the only place in the town or coun
ty nuitable for public gatherings and it
does not seem right to deprive toe peo
ple of its use. It may be that in the past
its use has been no easily obtained and so
free from responsibility that some have
come to consider it a right rather than a
privilege and abuse of the privilege fol
lowed, but it hardly just that all should
be denied the use of the place because of
such acts by a few. If the room was
put in charge of the sheriff with instruc
tions to grant permission to use it to re
sponsible parties for any public gather
ing, the party obtaining such permissin
agreeing to leave it in as good condition
as it was received, and to make good any
damage, and to rent it at a fair price to
any one who desires to use it for private
gain, it would be better than to close it
for the whole time except the few days it
would be used for district court: purposes.
Yesterday morning it began to
snow and is still at it as we go to press.
The winter so far lias been unusually
fine and many are predicting an open
winter, but Hiere is time for much bad
weather before spring comes. j
Miss Fannie VanBoskirk presided I
over the primary department of Uie !
school Tuesday on a-count of the sick-!
ness of Mrs. Fisher. ' Superintendent I
Davis taught in Hie grammar deKirt-j
merit during the morning session. .
- E. Robwer and I. Rrichsteiu liave j
len liaving their ice-houses filled with '
ice and J. W. Scott is converting his j
barn into an ice-bouse and will have it
filled. The ice is obtained from the dam i
at Commissioner Johnson's place and is '
of line quality and good thickness.
Parties desiring cut of animals w ith
their brands and marks engraved thereon
can obtain them through this office at
small cost, and once obtained there is no
additional expense to having it put on
your stationery to plain printing.
The settlement of the controversy I
between Turner and Hough was sub
milted to arbitration, the arbitors Isiing
County Clerk Blewett, P. B. Bigelow j
and J. L. F. lager, of Chadron. The:
findings were in favor of Turner, but we
did not learn the exact amount. It is
not known whether the case will end
where it is or go to the courts.
The action of the commissioners at
the last meeting rejecting the bill for
goods furnished to pauiiers on the order
of a justice of the peace, led Justice
Klein to write a long communication ad
dressed to the county lxard defining his
authority and instructing the board as to
their duty in such case, and threatening
the board with legal proceeding if his
orders were not promptly honored. He
gave sjiecial instructions to the clerk to
lile the communication as it might be
needed. Some one most have given him
a "hunch lor he aime me day the ooaru
met and before they convened he with
drew the document, lie showed it to
Commissioner Vels;r and soon got his
opinion of it and a request to leave it to
come before Hie board, but he did not
care to do that ami it will likely lie some
time Iwfore he will write another such
Notice to Taxpayers.
Parties holding road overseers' receipts
for road tax or poll tax worked out, and
wishing to have them applied inpayment
of taxes must present such receipts to the
county treasurer or no credit can be
given therefor.
County Treasurer.
" f '
Just From the Press.
A very attractive publication has just
been issued by the passenger department
of the Burlington Route. It bears the
title "The Newer North-west" and de
scribes in a most interesting and read
able fashion those portions of northern
Wyoming and the Black Hills of South
Dakota which are reached by this com
pany's lines.
The scenery, towns, mines, ieople and
industries of these two remarkable sec
tions of country are treated of with ab
solute fldelety. 200 pages with illustra
tions, sent on receipt of 10 cents io
stamps. J.rRANCts, U.F.A T. A.
Omaha, Nebraska
Filial Proof Notices.
All persons having tlnal proof notices In
this paper will receive a marked cony of the
)uht und lire rci nested to examine their
notice nd If sny rrors exist resrt tho
suuiu to this office ni oncu.
Notice1 for i'libllcatlnii.
l.aiiil offlue t Alliance, Sebr., (
January H, is-.w. (
Notice is hereby given that the following
name 1 settler hits tiled notice of his InU u
tlou to make final proof In support of ina
claim, and that said proof w ill be. imule la
fore VI. J. Illewett, Clerk District I'ourt at
liarrlxou. Neb., on February 1.1, law, vis:
William Hlattery, f Harrison, .Neb..
who nimbi II. K. No. SMT for the s. 'i ne. U.
. i see. W, tl). 11 n., r. 7 w.
His iiainea the follow ing witnesses to prove
his continuous residence uism and cultiva
tion of sahl land, vl.:
UiounrU Haul, lsllo Craim. Samuel Iwl
lug, l lenience Keeling, nil of Harrison, Ncbr.
Jsnira Slstlfry, of Harrison, Neb.,
whoimuhi H.F.. No. 3H for the s. '4 se.
sec. IS, A n. ', ne. M see- P- M ". M w.
He names the following witiiesxen to prove
Ma continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, vlr.:
U-ouard Hunt, lealle Crane, Samuel U?el
lug. lenience U-uliiiK. all of Harrison, Nebr.
118 1, J. . WKlis, JK.
1 Register.
'itlce. tor Publication.
Land Oftlcc at Alliance, Neb., j
Dial. Ill, Ixli.V t that the following
naiiiisl settler has tlh'rf notice, of his Inten
tion to make, final proof InsupKirt of his
claim, and that said prar will Is; made be
fore. M. J. Illewett, Clerk District Court at
Harrison, Nebraska, oil February I, lB, vis:
llsrrle 0. ArnihVId, or Harrison, Neb.,
who matte II. K. No. Mi'i for the lots S and 3
and sw. lie. 'i see. I, tp. 'is n., r to w anil
w. 14 w. 4 sec. nil, Ip, Hi) 11., r. Aa w.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said laud, vis:
Andrew Mnlilnley, W. II. Hisiver, J. W.
F.arnest, all of Harrison, Nub., Robert .Neece,
of Hell, Neb.
J. W. Whin, Jk.
I If) 21 1 Register.
Notice lor Publication.
l-and ffflce at Alliance, Neb., j
Dee. IS, ISM. I
Notice Is hereby given that the following
ntiniMl el tier lias Bled notice of his Inten
tion to iiiska Musi prcsit In support of his
claim, ami that said proof will imj inauii on
font II. J. Illewett. clerk of the d'strlct
court, st Harrison, Ncbr., on Jan.
William bennard, of Crawford, Neb.
who made II. K. No. 1 018 for the . (4 !i
anil a. U mi. U hoc. XS. to. ttl n.. r. M w.
Il iiaiiiiis tliM ffilliiwtnir wltiiitMHes to nrove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land vis;
Alva Shrleve, Kinery Prosser, Henry lleldc,
Rolsirt Neece, all of Hull, Neb.
lill J. W. Wkhx, Jr., Register.
A. T. Clark was up from Chadron
F. M. Smith was up from Five Points
on Monday.
Oscar Story was at the county seat
on Saturday.
Chris. Chrisenson was up front An
drews Tuesday. f
Surveyor Ellis aud Fred Deuel were in !
town Tuesday, I
Mrs. M. J. Blewett Sent some days
visiting hr parents the past week.
J. C. Eherspectier and Albert Hill wers
up from Bodarc Tuesday.
Henry Rose was at the county seat on
Saturday und dropx-d in to see us.
S. W. Carey was up from (Vt ton wood
the first of the week and called at this
W. F. Shepherd was doing business at
Harrison Saturday and called at this
Charley New man was in town Monday
and dropied into this ollice fur a few
Nets Engbret was in from Highland
the first of the week. He intends to put
out a larger crop the coming season tlian
he had last year.
To Each of Yttu.
If you owe Geo. H. Turner or Hough
& Sou either by note or account it will
be to your interest to call at once and
settle. Geo. H. Turner,
KKtray .Notice.
THken up by the iinlertKitel on liU prein
Imch on Hection aft, township 32, noin ;3, In
Sioux county, Sen., the following ileicrlls-u
sniniHls: I Iron fc-rny horse, hrunilt'il J nK,
counecUMl, on left shoulder, hIhiuI 6 years
old, weight Hlsiut'iO umls; I tiorrell lioru,
weight hImmiI 7- MtiiiO, both hlml feel hik!
one (rout liMit while, ulu.e iev, branuwu
o (,' on left Uiltrh in rittiik.
17 21 j A. J. liKSKKWlMIlP,
I rusiortl, Neb.
Good Stock
When you re a boat to bays Sewing Mschint
do not b deceived by alluring advertisements
and be led to think you can get tas but mads,
nest finished and
Most Popular
for s mere song. See to it that
you buy from reliable manu
facturers that have Kincd a
reputation by bonett and square
dealiag, you will then get a
Sewing Machine that is noted
the world over for Its dura
bility. You want the one that
U easiest to manage ana is
Light Running
There Is none In the world that
can equal In mechanical con
struction, durability of working
parts, fineness of wnUh, beauty
In appearance, or has as many
Improvement as the
New Home
It has AwtssssUe Tmslee, OeeWe PseJ, jHks
on both sides ol needle ( pattnUd),io other has
it 1 New Stand ( pmttnttfh, driving wheel h njil
on sd (uatnble centers, thus reducing friction to
the minimum,
oakUM. Bosms. . Pmos ?,.
Vatiueo, px. at. Lock, Mo. pwu.TBua.
gas nuseiaeo, c.i n. w.
ton Salt
lEToney, Than
Marsteller Bros.
"The Old Reliable."
Lumber, Coal and Farm Implements,
Sash, Doors, Blinds, Lime,
Lath and Shingles.
Windmill and Pump Supplies.
Isador Bichstein,
Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Great Prize Contest.
1st Prize, KNAOE PIANO, style "P"
2d Prize, casn, - -3d
Prize, Cash, - -10
Cash Prizes, each $20,
15 Cash Prizes, each $10,
28 Prizes, - '300
The first prize will be given to the person who constructs the shortest
sentence. In English, containing sll the letters In the alphabet. Ihe oiu-r-prises
will go in regular order to those competitors whose seuleuces sUkJ
next in point of brevity.
The leneth of a sentence is to be measured br the number of letter It
contains and each contestant must Indicate by figures at the close of till
sentence Just how long it is. The sentence must hate some meaning.
Geographical name, and names of persons cannot be used. The contesl
closes February 15th, 18U0, and the results will bo published one week
later. In case two or more pri.e-winniug kuhi ..-..j
one first received will be given preference. Every competitor whose
sentence Is lessthan 11 letter, in length will receive WilUle Collins work.
In paper cover, including twelve complete novels, whether he wins prise
or not, No contestant can enter more lhan one sentence nor combine with
other competitors. Residents of Omaha gre not rmlttd M i take any
nart, directly or Indirectly, in this contest. Piano now on finlbition at
Harden Bros.' Music Store, Omaha, Neb.
This remarkably liberal offer is made by the Wuui Would-IUbaui.
of which the distinguished ex-congressman,
VILLIAU j. tXtlX U Etlfer,
weekly sections, and hence It nearly as good as a dally, t U the western
rhamnlon of Ire silver coinage and the leading family newspaper of
H Nebraska. Address,
a Weekly
World Herald, OzzU Neb.