i 'V. . Sioux County Journal, if VOLUME VIII. IIAUKISOX, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1896. NU31BER 20. a,-- The r TALMAGE'S SERMON. HE PREACHES ON THE RETURN OF THE PRODIGAL. New LlfhU on Familiar Btory Th Blcheat Bin Ever Flashed on the Via ton la That Which Our Fathar FaU on a Forgiven 6ouU A Hlng on Hia Hand. In hit sermon Sunday Her. Dr. Tal mage took for bit subject the return of the prodigal son. The text chosen wi Luke xv., 22, "Put a ring on his band." I will not rehearse the familiar story of the faat young man of the parable, You know what a splendid home he left. You know what a hard time be bad. And you remember bow after that season of vaga bondage and prodigality be resolved to go and weep out bia sorrow i on the boaom of parental forgiveneaa. Well, there U great excitement one day in front of the door of the old farmhooae. The servants come rushing up and says "What's the mat ter? What la the matter'" But before they quite arrive the old man cries out: "Put ring on bia hand." What a seeming absurdity! What can such a wretched mendicant as this feriow that la tramping on toward the bouse want with a ring? Oh, he is the prodigal son. No more tending of the swine trough! No more longing for the pods of the carob tree! No more blistered feet! Off with the rags! On with the robe! Out with the ring! Even so does Ood receive ev ery one of us when we come back. There re gold rings, and pearl rings, and emerald rings, and diamond rings, but tke richest ring that ever flashed on the vision is that which our Father puts upon a forgiven soul. I know that the Impression Is abroad among some people that religion Demeans aad belittle a man; that it takes all the sparkle out of bis soul; that he bas to ex change a roistering independence for an ecclesiastical straitjackeU Not so. When man becomes a Christian, he doe not g down; he starts upward. Religion multiplies 1 by 10,000. Nay, the multi plier Is In infinity. It is not a blotting out; It I a polishing. It is an arboreacence, it la an efflorescence, it la an irradiation. When man comes into the kingdom of God, he la not sent into a menial service, hat the Lord God Almighty from the pal ace of heaven rail upon the messenger aagels that wait open th throne to fly aad "put a ring on hia hand." In Christ are th largest liberty, and brightest joy, aad highest honor, and richest adorn ment. "Put a ring on hi hand." A Kins; of Adoption. I remark. In th lint place, that when Christ receive a soul into bis love h put apoa kirn tke ring of adoption. Whll in aay church In Philadelphia ther came th representative of the Howard mission of New York. He brought with him eight r tea children of the street that he had picked up, and he was trying to And for tkem Christian home, and a the little one stood on th pulpit and aang our hearts melted within u. At the close of th services a great-hearted wealthy man ' ram up and said, "I'll take this little bright-eyed girl, and I'll adopt her as on of my own children." And he took her by th hand, lifted her into his carriage and went away. Tk next day, while we were In th ebtrrk gathering up garment for the poor of New York, this little child cam back with bundle under ber arm, and she aid: "There's my old dress. Perhaps Home of th poor children would like to have It." while ahe herself was in bright and beautiful array, and those who more Immediately examined her said she had a nag on her hand. It was a ring of adop tion. There are a great many person who pride themaelve on their sncestry, and they glory over the royal blood that poor through their arteries. In their lln there was a lord, or duk, or a prim minister, or a king. . But when th Lord, our Father, puts upon u th ring of hi adop tion w becom th children of th Ruler . of all nations. "Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon u that w shook) bo called th sons of Ood." It matter not kow poor our garmnt may bo la tkia world, or bow scant our bread, or kow mean the km w live In, If we hav that ring of Christ's adoption a pea our hand, we an assured of eternal defease. Adopted! Why, than, we are brother and sisters to all th good of earth and beavanl w bar th family nam, th family drew, th family key, the family ward rob. Th Father looks after us, rob defend us, blissss we. W bar royal blood la ear vela, and ther ar crswa la our Hoc. If w ar hi children, thea prince and princesses. It is only a a, section of time when w get our coronet Adopted! Then wo hav th family e rrets. "Th secret of th Lord 1 with I heat that fesr him." Adopted! Then wc have th family Inheritance, and In th day when our Father shall divide the riches of heaven we shsll take our share of th mansions and palaces and temples. Henceforth let us boast no more of an earthly ancestry. The Insignia of eternal glory la our coat of arms. This ring of adoption puts upon us all honor and all privilege. Now we can take the words of t'harles Weley, that prince of hjnin nakers, and sing: "t'otne, let us join our friends above Who hav obtained lb prise, And on th eagle wings of love To joy celestial rise. "14 all lb saint terrestrial sing With those to t'ory gone, For all ths servanta of our King la heaven, aad earth arc one." I hav ba told that when any of the member of aay of th great secret socie ties of thi country ar in a diataat city aad ar la any kind of trouble aad ar act apea by caoailM they hav oaly to give a eertaia signal, aad th member of that ergaaleaUae will bock arouad for dsfsaaa. And wkaa aay nun helena to tkU groat Christian brotherhood. If M gets la liva ble, la trial, la perseeatiea, la reasptadoa, be ksw oaly to show this riai of Christ's adoption, aad all the a mod cohort f asaven will cosa t k4g raarao. A Marrlare Klaa-- Still further, when Christ takes a soul Into his love, he puts upon it a marriage ring- Now, that Is not a whim of mine llosea ii., 19, "I will betroth thee unto me forever yea, I will betroth thee unto me in righteousness, and in Judgment, and In loving kindness, and In mercies." At the wedding altar the bridegroom puts a riug uxiii the hand of the bride, signi fying love and faithfulness. Trouble may come upon the household, and the carpets may go, the pictures may go, the piano may go everything else may go. The last tiling that goes is that marriage ring, for it is considered sacred. In the burial hour it is withdrawn from the hand and kept In a casket, and sometimes the box is opened on an anniversary day, and as you look at that ring you see under its arch a long procession of precious memories. Within the golden circle of that ring there is room for a thousand sweet recollections to revolve, and you think of the great con trast between the hour when, at the close of the "Wedding March," under the flash ing lights and amid the aroma of orange blossoms, you set that ring on the round finger of the plump band, and that hour when, at the close of the exhaustive watching, when you knew that the soul had fled, you took from the hand, which gave back no responsive clasp, from that emaciated linger, the ring that she had worn so long and so well. On some aniversary day you take up that ring, and you repolish It until all the old luster comes back, and you can see in it the flash of eyes that long ago ceased to weep. Oh, it is not an unmeuning thing when I tell you that when Christ receives a soul into his keeping be puts on it a marriage ring! He endows you from that moment with all his wealth. You are one Christ and the soul one in sympathy, one in affection, one In hope. There Is no power on earth or hell to ef fect a divorcement after Christ and the soul are united. Other kings have turned out their companions when they got weary of them and sent them adrift from the palace gate. Ahasuerus banished Vashti, Napoleon forsook Josephine, hut Christ Is the husband that is true for ever. Having loved you once, he loves you to the end. Did they not try to di vorce Margaret, the Hcotch girl, from Jesus? They said: "You must give up your religion." She said: "I can't give up my religion." And so they took her down to the beach of th sea, and they dmv In a stake at low water mark, and they fastened her to It, expecting that as the tide came up her faith would fall. Th tid began to rise and came up higher aad highter, and to the girdle, and to the Hp, and in th last moment, Just a th war wa washing her soul Into glory, she shouted the praises of Jesus. Oh, no, you canont separate a soul from Christ I It la an everlasting marriage. Rattle and storm and darkness cannot do it It la too much exaltation for a man, who 1 but dust and ashes like myself, to cry out thi moment, "I am persuaded that neither height nor depth nor princi palities nor powers nor things present, nor things to come, nor any other creature hall separate m from th love of Ood which Is in Christ Jmus, my Lord!" Glory be to Ood that when Christ and the aonl ar married they ar bound by a chain, a golden chain, If I might aay so a chain with on link, and that on link th golden ring of God' everlasting lore. A Bias; of Festivity. I go a step further and tell you that when Christ receives a soul Into his love be puts on him the ring of festivity. You know that it bas been ths custom in all age to bestow ring on very happy occa sions. Ther i nothing more appropriate for a birthday gift than a ring You de light to bestow such a gift upon your chil dren at such a time, ft means Joy, hilar ity, festivity. Well, when this old man of the text wanted to tell how glad he was that his boy had got back, he expressed It in thi way. Actually, before he ordered sandals to be put on his bare feet, before he ordered the fatted calf to be killed to appease the boy's hunger, he commanded, "Put a ring on hi hand." Ob, It is a merry time when Christ and the soul are united! Joy of forgiveness! What a splendid thing It Is to reel that all Is right between my God aad myself. What a glorious thing It I to hav God Just take op all th sins of my llfs abd pat them In on bundle, and than fling thm Into th depths of th sea, never to rise again, never to b talked of again. Pollution all gone; darkne all Illumined: God reconciled; the prodigal hornet "Put a ring on hi hand!" ' Every day I And happy Christian peo ple. I And som of them with no second coat, eom of them In hut and tenement house, not on earthly comfort afforded thm, and yet they are as bappy a happy can be. They ing "Rock of Age" as no other people la the world sing it. They never wore aay Jewelry in their life but one gold ring, and that wa th ring of God's tfndytng affection. Oh. how happy religion make us! Did It make you gloomy and sad ? Did -yea go with your head cast down? I do not think you got religion, my brother. Thst Js not the effect of religion. True religion I a Joy. "Her way are way of pleasautness, and all her paths are peace." Why, religion lightens all our burdens; it smooth all our way; It Interpret all our sorrows; it changes the Jar of earthly discord for the peal of festal bells. In front of th flaming furnace of trial It sets the forge on which scepters are hammered out. Would you not like this hour to cine tip from the swine feeding aad try tliis religion. All the Joys of heaven would come out and meet you, aad Ood would cry from the throne, "Put a ling on bis hand!" Uncertainty far Abearance. Yon ar not bappy. I a It There la no peace, aad sometime you laugh wbea you feel a great deal more like crying. The world I a cheat It Irst wear yon down with Ra follle; thea It kick you out Into darkaeas. It cornea back from tk massacre ef 1,000,000 soul to attempt tke deotroctloa of your soul to-day. No paac out of God, bat bare la th fountain that can shaks th thirst. Hsr to tk harbor where you earn drop safe saober afe. Weald you not Ilk, I ask yea aat per faactorily, bat aa om broth' might talk teaasihsr weald few act Hk w hav a sfl1w i rest to pat year head ? Aad would you not like, when yon retlr at night, to feel thHt all is well, whether you wake up to-morrow morning at 0 o'clock or sleep the sleep that know no waking? Would you not like to exchange this awful uncertainty alxiut the future for a glori ous assurance of heaven' Accept of the Lord Jesus to-day and all is well. If on you way home some peril should cross the street and dHsh your life out. It would not hurt you. You would rise up immediately. You would stand in the celestial streets. You would be atnid the great throng that forever worship and are forever happy. If this night some sudden disease should come upon you, it would not frighten you. If you knew you were going, you could give a calm farewell to your beautiful home on earth and know that you are go ing right Into the companionship of those who have already got beyond the tolling and the weeping. You feel on Saturday night different from the way you feel any other night of the week. You come bom from the bank, or the store, or the office and you say, "Well, now my week's work is done, and to-morrow is Sunday." It is a pleasant thought. There are refreshments and re construction in the very idea. Oh, how pleasant it will be if, when we get through the day of life, and we go and lie down in our bed of dust, we can realise, "Well, now the work Is all done, and to-morrow Is Sunday an everlasting Sunday." "Oh, when, thou city of my God, Khali I thy courts ascend. Where congrgations ne'er break up And Sabbaths have no end?" There are people in this house to-day who are very near the eternal world. If you are Christians, I bid you be of good cheer. Hear with you our congratulation to the bright city. Aged men, who will soon be gone, take with you our love for our kindred in the better land, and when you see them tell them that we are soon coming. Only a few more sermons to preach and hear; only a few more heart aches; only a few more toils; only a few more tears. And then w hat an entrance ing spectacle will open before us! "Beautiful heaven, where all is light; Beautiful angels, clothed in white) Beautiful strains that never tire, Beautiful harps through all the cholrt There shall I Join th chorus sweet, Worshiping at the Savior's feet." And so I approach you now with a gen eral invitation, not picking out her and there a man, or here and there a woman, or here and there a child, but giving you an unlimited invitation, saying, "Come, for all things are now ready." We invite you to the warm heart of Christ and th lnrlosure of the Christian Church. I know a great many think that the church does not amount to much; that It la obso lete; that it did Its work and Is gone now, so far as all usefulness Is concerned. It I th happiest place I have ever been la, except my own home. The On Teat. I know there are some people who say they are Christians who seem to gat along without any help from others, and who culture solitary piety. They do not want any ordinances. I do not belong to that class. I cannot get along without them. There are so many things In this world thst taks my attention from God and Christ and heaven that I want all the helps of all the symbols and of all th Christian associations, and I want around about me a solid phalanx of men who love God and keep his commandments. Ar there any her who would like to enter Into that association? Then by a simple, childlike faith, apply for admission Into the visible church, and you will be re ceived. No questions asked about your past history or present surroundings. Only one test do you love Jesus? Baptism does not amount to anything, aay a great many people, but the Lord Jesus declared, "He that believeth and is baptised shall be saved," putting baptism and faith side by side. And an apostle declares, "Repent and be baptised every one of you." I do not stickle for any par ticular mode of baptism, but I put great emphasis on the fact that you ought to be baptised, yt no mors emphasis than th Lord Jesus Christ, th great Head of the church, put noon It, Bom of you hav been thinking on this subject ysar after year. You hare found out that thi world I a poor portion. You want to be Christians. Yon have com almost Into th kingdom of God, but ther you stop, forgetful of th fact that to be almost saved la not to be aaved at all. Oh, my brother, after having com so near to the door of mercy, If you turn back, you will never come at all. After all you have heard of th goodness of God, if you turn away and die, It will not be because you did not hav a good offer. "God's spirit will not always strive With hardened, self destroy Ing man. Ye who persist hi love to grieve May never bear his voice again." May God Almighty this hour move upon your soul and bring you back from th husks of the wilderness to the Father's house, and set you at the banquet, and "put a ring ou your hind." Why He Wasn't Interested. James Payn relates a curious colnol cldence: "A young engineer was de scribing to the occupant of a railway carriage a late experience on an en gine; 'We were making up time be tween two stations, and going at a great rate, when we suddenly sighted an old gentleman walking quietly In front of ua along the lln. W screech ed and whistled, but lie waa vry deaf, and w could not attract hia attention. An old lady, horrified by the situation, and hoping there waa same wa out of It, her exclaimed: 'Bat on didn't hart him? We war down upon him, ma'am, Ilk on o'clock! Hurt htm, In deed! Did you ver hear such a ques tion, airr addreaalng a young man la dp mourning, who had maintained a melancholy atlsnee. 1 bar heard th story before,' h replied, la axpla na tion f hia want of latere; it waa ray fata.' " Wls-Thata a shocking bad ha reamweartag, Jeaes. Jooea Yea) bat I fa ft m mm mr wtfa ef law of r taat mrrhW M. THE LATEST TYPE OF DOWAGER NOW PLANNED FOR BY SWELL DRESSMAKERS. According to Example that Seem to Bet the Face She la to Be Vary Fat, Frightfully Homely, and to Dreea Principally In Hideouanesa. Ootham Faahlon Gossip. Mw fork correspondence: K.N the poster craze, which Is now making Itself felt In women's dress, does not bring more of ug liness than does the American dow ager, who la, con s I d e r e d from a fashion's stand point, an equally new development. To be a dowager In correct form, according to the few examples that are asserting them selves and setting the pace, Is to be very fat, frightfully homely, and to dress with a magnificent regard for all that U hideous. No longer able to attract by charm of any kind, this new type of dowager triumphantly fixes the af frighted attention and with a victo rious assault on all your senses of beauty, blasts your recollection with an unfading image of her. This person ha long been a pillar of British so ciety, but she la only Just beginning to appear here, and only thla season bas she been planned for by swell dress maker. She has a lot of wraps, and Is usually done up In elegant furs. These furs ex tend In long tabs In front, and the tabs take a toboggan down the front like A HOUSE OOWJt Or STATBX.1MBSS. that on the back, only It la not so long and I a little more abrupt She always seems to be in a frightful temper, and If she really Is a fish of any alae In th social pond, ber hostess will be In per fect anguish unless everything seems to ault her, while the beet-looking man In th room will drop the prettiest girl In th place at the summons of the dowager's fan. If you haven't seen this new type, all thla will seem strange to you, but there Is no exaggeration In It as applied to the Individual. It really looks as If well-to-do women of advanced yean and receded charm had planned to surrender absolutely, and to be as ugly as they can be. Or It may tie that th dressmakers, who were always most sinfully neglected of theae women, have cboaen the easiest way out of It and on In for elaborate ugliness, giving up striving to disguise defect. But no matter bow stylish the dowager may become, no sensible woman will con sent to take after ber. In loose house dressea particularly there is no excuse for It, for In such gowns the middle aged and pudgy woman can compete with youth with considerable siK-ceaa, and In other aorta of drees she should bully her dressmaker Into doing th best possible for her. An exceptionally handsome house drees that will serve her well Is shown In these first two sketches. It Is of silver-gray velvet laufLT at on or aica STurrs. opening over a vet of straw-colored Ilk. ThefrontUge4brd toaBOsAre, law aoTscafl yoke, which la In on with aaoDar that will swegoet a neck what MM not. WkJU aatia Mae tk toon velvet fronts, a rich drapery of lace depends from either shoulder, aud nar row strips of gable show on collar, yoke and wrists. One of the chief advan tages urged for the ugly manner of gowning for these women Is that they are, enabled to dress as richly and spend as much money on their ward robes as they could possibly wish to, but there is richness enough here and beauty, too. That any woman may dress herself so as to make herself less beautiful Is strange doctrine. A house dress that Is hardly less ele gant is next shown, but the absence of lace or other elaborate adornment from Its make-up leaves the violet velvet of Its fitted back and 'loose sides, and the white silk figured with faint gold flow ers of Its front breadth, to asert their richness through their simplicity, aa It DA1MTIHES THAT COMES OF VLOWBBBD STCFF. were, which they do with entire suc cess. The bloused front droops over a narrow ribbon belt, velvet glvea the aallor collar and la trimmed with gold galloon, two gold buttons holding the gold cord strap, and the figured silk gives the bishop sleeves. Figured silks and flowered satins are found In many of the prettiest house dressea, and for many reasons are to be preferred to velvets. A dress in white pompadour satin figured with pink rose appear In the fourth pic ture, and Is eloquent of what can be ac complished with auch stuffs. It Is made princess, and has a front panel of pink satin covered with accordion pleated white nioussellne de sole, which fastens on the left alda. In the skirt the pom padour edges next to the panel ahow cascades of chiffon. The full sleeves end In long chiffon ruffles, and a chiffon fichu Is draped about the shoulders. The stock collar with Its bow In back, and the belt, are of rose pink satin rib bon. A change of front Is practically a necessity with such a dress, and It Is an excellent idea to have them quite different, one from the other. One of lace would prove particularly handsome for this dress. Miss Demurity can be depended ou to get herself up In many extremely at- rorTiHO MABUBBsa or rim tbabs aoo. tractive ways, but here's a new trick for her In this last picture, a device that will lie difficult to equal for quaintneas. This simple blouse waist Is finished at the neck with a plain collar band, and attached to this Is a collsr of white stiffened mull, much like the tu tiding collars worn by men sixty yenre ago. The cravat of those times Is too severe for women to copy, so a liow Is put at the front, Its ribbon going around the neck. A plain ribbon forms the belt, the material of the whole being brown silk. Of the simple house dresses that lend an air of domesticity to their wearers, aprons are an Important factor, and these are now plain, th day of the dainty beruffled apron being gone. Htich aprons are now on the bargain counters, which means that they are no longer fitted to the latest wrinkle. Th right apron looks dellgbtfull do mestic. It Is ao stiff that It crinkle, and baa a wide hem and wide strings that tl In a big, crisp knot, so stiff that It la a regular challenge. Ita bib la an other challenge, enough to make a man fl that somebody ought to hug Ita wrr Just to tak a little of th starch at of that Mb. Bach an apron backa np all th BtorUa an woman can tall about biscuits aad pt craft, va with at th corrobo ratio of th things ah hag eookad, A New Clothea-Uorae. The two Illustrations represent tn folded and open position, a light and strongly-made clothes horse or rack, designed to occupy In either position the least apace necessary for a thor oughly practical article. Within th central post slides a rod conveniently adjustable at the desired height, and carrying on Its upper end a series of plvotally connected umbrella-llka clothes-supporting arms, each arm be ing separately adjustable to an out wardly extended position. opbit. Plvotally connected to the central post are also folding frames with horV aontal bars, forming a clothes horse at rack at each side for supporting larg pieces of clothing. Each side fram is) Independent of the other, so that slthet one or both of them ma be used at a time or both of them ma be books TOl.DXD. up and held In a raised position, on! the umbrella-like clothes-snpporw ing arms at the top, and leaving a clear space all around to the floor, these fea tures rendering the device very advan tageously adjustable where It Is desira ble to economize space and where larg placea hare also to be bandied. Oeraaiuma la Winter. A correspondent of Success With Flowers describes her management ef geranium for winter bloomers, says the Independent. It Is a little late for practice this fall, but la worth r mem baring: You cannot expect to hav the same plant bloom both In summer and winter therefore, Starr and neglect the geraniums in pots; let them get rootbound tn summer; pinch off every bnd; In September repot la flT-lach pots, using rich mold, with good drain age. Sprinkle and wet once a week with a tablespoonful of ammonia la a gallon of water; set the plant In the snn, and keep moderate that In the room, and there will be blossoms la profusion. The writer bad thirteen va rieties, every one In blossom since No vember 10th, none without two trasses, and most of them with four or Ave trusses of lovely bloom. The red, scar let, pink, solferlno and white, la varied shades, make a window exhibition that passers-by stop to admire. Deviled Kaa. Boll the eggs for twenty minutes, shell and cut In halves. Take out the yolk, and mix to a paste with mus tard, pepper, salt and vinegar to taste, using only enough melted butter to make the paste smooth and of a proper consistency. Tress back Into the egg halves; chill before serving on lettuce leaves. If the lunch-basket baa to be packed some time before using, the eggs keep more moist If the halves are put together after being filled and daintily wrapped In para (line paper. Htate. Clean plaster of parts ornaments with wet starch. Brush off when dry. The torn pages of a book ma be nice ly mended wHh white tissue paper. Clear, black coffee diluted with water and containing a little ammonia win clean aad reatere black clothes. Raisins can U easily aeeded If put In hot water aad allowed to stand flfteea Kjlautaa bfr beginning to seed. few dreps of benaoia placed aa fatten and put la ar areaad ft teeth that It aching will almost Inataati atop the nala. f " t:- IK lie I- It-' (fan ' S -J 51 iv'AJ i ( - 'v