r frpeae Hmhf Nark. A French writer, M. Loun de (in moat, eriously propose l he etablih meat of a baby market la 1'aris. How loan? people are there, he asks, who lameut lue fact that they have uochil dren In their homes; and on the other hand, bow many people are there who. having children, find the strutr? e with adversity too difficult, and cannot iet fool for thoaectiiidrrti? L-t them sell their child-en, he says, and all will tx well. C- of eaaortonitj is Life's rreatest , lota. Think of infferlac with NEURAL! IO Years Yean:! whca the opportunity lie in a bottle of ST. JACOBS' OIL. IT CURES. 10O3OOOOO0C000OO0C The Greatest Medical Discover of the Age. KENNEDY'S MEDICAL DISCOVERY, D0HA10 KENNEDY, OF ROXBURY, MASS., Has discovered in one of our commor pasture weeds a remejy that cures every kind of Humor, from the worst bcruiub down to a common Pimple. He has tried it in over eleven hundred cases, and ntver failej except In two rases (both thunder humor). He has now in Ins possession over two hundred certificates of its value, all within twenty miles of Boston. Send pota! card for bi ok. A benefit Is always experienced from the first bottle, and a'perfect cure Is war ranted when the right quantity is taken. When the lungs are affected it causes shooting pains, like needles passing through them; the same with the Liver or Bowels. This Is caused by the ducts being stopped, and always disappears in a w eek after taking it. W.'aJ the label. If the stomach Is foul or bilious It will cause squeamish feelings at first. No change of diet ever necessary. Eat the best you tan get, and enough of it. Dose, one tab'espoonful In water at bed time. Sold bv all I f-!"rr'ist:;. ASK YOUR DEALtW rurt W. L. Douglas 3. SHOE beor1dThe If you pay 4 to ! fur li", ex amine tlw W. I.. Doiinlru Shiw, and what i ffmxl ihne sou can buy for OVER IOO STYLES AND WIDTHS, CUNriKKHH, l!t'TTO, and f.ACF., iiiMild tn nil klmlfl of tlw iM-nt i-li-cld li ulhi r by (ikllleil work men. e make nitil AX"-i'''K 3 t-'0.-. Ilinn any ilhcr nniifHiirer In the- wurlil. Noiw gnuin unle name and prk i Atainjtt-d on the bottom. AsV your dealer for mir .S, 4. Trill, a'.-4A Sh. S.AO, -! and 1 .7.1 1'.r buy. Tf NO SUBSTITUTE. If y'ourd-ak-r tanwrt sujipiy you, cnl to fac tory, eniiliKitiff i'fife and j-o-ntH topay carn.iKe. Slate kind, it k of toe (cap or plain), ic and width, fmr Cuitnm Itept. will till vour order. Send for n-w llluv irati-d CatalnRne to inn K. W. L. DOUCLAS, Brockton, Mass, Jt MISSOURI Th tK-t fruit eetloii In the We-t. No drinittm. A fnlliue of e p- never known. Mild eltini. I'rwl active - Aimiid imu of pun; u-r. .... For Mni and (Treuliirii Rl in t"H dmr rln tlon ot the Kich Mineml. Fml' end A(.'ih ultur al fundi In Konih Wet Minir , wriu to JOHN M. I'l ItllV, Mbiiuk.t of the Mj unri Lanrtand Liv-H'ock t.omps-y. .Neo-h... .New ton Co.. Mow'-url OPIUM Morplilne llnhlt Cnrnl In 10 to so l r? till cured. OH.J.Sfiit'rtCNfj, LllMr,on,Ohio. "He that Works Easily Works Suc cessfully." Tis Very Easy to j Clean House With SAPOLIO POND'S Oetialne la on bottlee only, burl wrapper- ri our name, I'ond'i Kitreet Co Kev York ana Loudon. rest, some ill J work, it saves, and time, and rubbing, nothing seems more absurd than to try to clean house without it. Pearline no soap with itjust Pearline makes house-cleaning easy. :5iiiTeiia1!teg .":::vs:ri ... mato viut-a tin nljr I rem- it i tot much trouble, 'Hie cri p Mkioni a-lli for high pru ts, and lo put much laboi on it lecxena the chance for profit Virile recent eiperimeiit, a writer says show thai the pruning Is not a benefit hut rather an injury. It lessens tlit crop ami doe, uot make it earlier, as it claimed. '1 he tomato nc e Is all the ieaves it ban to jiertect its fruit. When it is injured by xitato hee'le lavra the ruit la watery and iuh'rior. J uiirr-eil. A young woman who ha 1 nevft learned the art of conk mi;, being tie iirou of impressing her husband w.tli i.er knowledge and dil genee, in .mat t i to leave the kitchen door aj-tr on trie lay ! fter their return from the brid ii I p and s her lord co i;es in from the i Dice exclaims loudly: '-Hurry up. 1.1 7, dear! Haven't yoiiwashnl the iettnee yet? Here, give it U me. Where is the soap?'' London Tit i!its. Mrs. WuolU rlon (imnatiently; flel iij'en (lis houi-p, yo" giod fo' liullia v.y niftier! Yo'oughter be 'shatneo ob yo'self, sittiu' dar all de day long w;itchiij' jo' wife make de libbm' fo (If lilibin' fo' de family. Mr. Woolbertot) ; 1 1 1 1 a hit e) Vo' oidn't uter talk to me dat. way nfo' we was dun married. Yo' uster call me Migar, den. Mrs. oolbertou Ye; an' 1 ca 1 yo' sugai r ow loaf Butrar. D.it's what yo' Is loaf sugar! (i'uek. r. gentleman me day took his littlt lad out for a walk, but the boy, Irorr some cause or other, (jut lost, and meeting a policetraii, tearfully asked 'l'.eae, sir, l ave you seen a man with, nut a little bnyf 'Cause, if you have, l'.-e that little boy !' (Tlt-lllta. IN OLDEN TIMES I'rople o i rl okdl the inipiitiiriee of pr-r-iiihi entlv hene lieial ellecis nnil were xati lull wiili transient action; hut now that it is jreiierally known that Kyrnp of riL-a wil; permanently cure tiiiliittiul rintipalion. well-iiirorine.l people will not Imy otliei laxatives, winch act for a time, hut linal!) 1 1 1 j ii e tin; nystcm. Lawyer--You say the prisoner stolt your watch. What distinguishing (Vature was there about the watch? Witness li had my swt-ethe.rl's pio ore In it. Lawyer Ah! I see. A woman it tue case. cottlsh American. "Ituuwx's liiiox-HIM, Thochem" lire o ireat service in Mibduini; .".uHrxncis snt 'oi-jrlin. f-old only in boxen. Avoid iiui j t. it ions. Mamma That's the way the Japu i-SB stories tre always printed. Donald - Ai.d do you have to aiU i, em ail u.i heiore. pou know what tin ;ory Is abom? Puck. WE mitke a new artifler iiuple A entM ell them on fclu'ht. 11, is food , Frank ill tirme, 111. Khoda Hioughton Is still living a' ixfoid, a slalely charming woman mst beginning the autumn of life lie rareiy goes to London now, but ii ways pleased to welcome her literar; j ends to her home in the classic oli luivi rsity tow n. KITS.-AU I- in i..k- i rn,l.v Dr. Klinc'f Great Nerve Restorer. N" I n ain-r Hi.- nrt day'ius. M.o vrS. cure. T fan-.'- and Iroil i.,ttL fr-c lo rite!. Send to I 'r. klme.'y ji An Ii St., 1'iiiU., 1'a. Dr. Klias Leounrot, a country phyM inn i f l iiiland, has been called tin 'I'hr Htopher Columbus of Finish poet ,-pic pot-mi celebrating the early bisto ty of the country. Sirs. IVhiKloWs eooTHisn SvuiT for ehllc". ren teelhlns. Milieim ihe villus, re.lures ItiUmn inatioii, no ui i- pain, on rc w uiti colie. Ooilld Mis. Ilt mjhrey Ward livee, when it he ft uiitry, at, A hi bury, a sleepy Kn giisli village ol MM p" p, under tin Cl.il ern bibs .Mis. Waru's n sidctici railed "St nek's lions".'' rnlTersally uwd and reeom menilrd fur fate, Hurni, Mruliei, Colds, Cstsrrh, Bore Ttiroet, ell I'sln, 1'llee eu4 InllaiulueUuU. Better use them this way, if you don't use Pearline. Give your tiretl arms and aching back a now, wnen you re scruouint'- and cleaning. "An absurd idea?" Of course. Rut when a person has cleaned. house with Pearline, year in, and year out, and knows how much' topics for farmers A DEPARTMENT PREPARED FOR OUR RURAL FRIENDS. Butter Making turullti Btaal Urn ploj in-nt Alt the Vear Kouii.l at Fair I'roflt-Hult Cuwa Mulurljr W iutcriutf lice. Gutter-Vakintf u Hnloe. Butter liiaklui f unilslie.! sieady i-ni-pluymeiit. at a fulr price, when oiuo wcil ebtablibbcd. Ittitter makers murft not be afraid to work lieforu wveii or after sli. Cream yathcreiK. fa riuera. the butter maker or the liim-him-i y may cause a poor batch of butler even a 1-aky l'uuuel has poilcil butler. Coii fctaui vigilance of the factory and study are necessary to keep up with the times, says t lie Agriculturist. K very- fa rmer should take a ilcc interest iu the creamery, Its success being an in dividual iju-wriou, for one man's cream may spoil a full -.lit. l'io;j August to November creameries are unable to till orders, yet but few daii j i n-n make an ellort to supply larger plant ties of cream. The meanem kind of stealing is to set down more spi.ci s of cream than was actually gathered. Many creameries were built by men who had no idea of planning to save Hoik nv lime. Hull er making is hound to be a prolitabli' tradi' for a hu.g time to i o:nc but iuexperieliceil or cheap help Is in vnriably expensive In tb" cp-l. In tin- Weet great gains arc reporicd by churn ing in cli.sed churns at o- to oil de grees 1'.; this can be done with (Sep arator cream Unit is lliii-ty-Iive percent fat. It is hardly feasible lo churn CiHiley cream of lo to 1 per cent fat bi low :s I'egn-es. The l'limfrel K't-l cnamcry churns at ."S to - ih-grees, using a rniigaIlon sipiare box churn with pulleys a i- id tin- center. When biiltei- begins lo separate, add a little salt and water to get a clear separa tion; after washing twice, salt in the ( llUl'll. f-ult the tow netfiilnrly. Many farmers salt their cows only In suiiiiiier when on green feed. Hut the salt Is just us much needed now, unit if given will make the butter come more ipiickly. It Is probably true that part of the difficulty In making good winter butter Is due to the f I. and ct- hilly to the lack of sullicient find regular supplies of salt. The best way Is, If stock have not been accustomed to having Kit It beside them, to give a little each day until the appetite for salt will result In nil attack of scours and probably to permanent injury to the digestive organs. Winterinii the 1'ecn. The honey-bee has nothing of the na ture and constitution of the polar bear. Although bees have souk times been known to winter under seemingly most adverse conditions, yet, on the whole, the more protection we give to them the surer we bring them through the winter all right, and the surer will be the honey crop, say s F. !., In Farm and Fireside. A person may be able lo en dure zero weather without nn overcoat, still, he would probably take more com fort with one; possibly live longer for wearing one. F.ven should your bees be In unsightly bo.x-hlves, give them n little protection. If your hives have an empty chamber In tin- upper pari, fill In some dry moss, flue hay, chaff or something of that sort. Set up corn fodder around the'hlves, but be sure to glvesir have a chalice for the bees to go out and In whenever it becomes warm enough: Instead r sitting up corn fodder, you may also, or better, place each hive ill a somewhat larger box of any description and fill iiroinul with dry sawdust, planer shavings, moss or chaff, in such a maiinor as to provide tin exit for the bees. Put a rainproof cover over tin- whole. When It blows and snows you will feel till the belter for It to know your bees are comfort i.bl- t ut the CnticB. The proper way to propagate the black cap raspberry Is by sticking the long, snake-like tips into the soil, and growing it new plant from these. If the soil has been well cultivated mid the plant Is very vigorous, a plant can be made not only from the tip of the main stem, but from most of the branches. So soon ns they are well rooted, the new plants should be separated from the old stern. The wind blowing on the bush loosens the branches where they are rooted In the soil and uproots them. This Is pretty sure to happen If the plant Is left with these numerous root ed tips In the ground over winter. Freezing rind thawing Is hard enough mi any new plant, but Is especially so to one nttnehed to another above It, and constantly pulling it upward. As tin" soli Is loosened when thawed, up flies tho brunch with Its rooted tip. and n short time In spring sunshine de stroys Its vitality. I'otimh to Hi pen l'cacli Tree. Potash on peach trees In the Me fjiiarrie orchard made the fruit two weeks earlier In ripening than on trees lecelvliur no liotash. The fruit of the bitter was dull and greasy looking 'Vhlle the color of the potash-fed fruit is clear nml bright, siijh the Agrlcul UrUt. The difference In taste and flavor Is pronounced extraordinary. This orchard Is on common pine land sandy soil. Kach tree when plnnted received nbout a pound of blood and bone fertilizer, and during the first year the ground between the trees was cul tlvated Into corn. In the second year each tree received nlsnit a pound each of sulphate of potash nnd acid phos phate, and In November the land was plowed and everything- turned under, while In the spring following the land waa plowed, but no crops planted. The third ytar the land was kept well cult) vated np to Anmist, when a crop of cass waa allowed t trow. This was plotted miller In NowiiiIh-i' mid liie trees fell ili.ed MKiilli, each tree wllh a Hiiilnl of Hiilpliate of iMilafh. Tliia year tl.Mirn the liind was well cultivat ed during the Hl'i UK molitliH. up to within three weeks of the niicnlliH of the crop of peai-hi-s. The triMH ploillic-i-d a hea v y crop of fruit, ami Iihvb mudi a moHt vitroroiiH growth, many of the trcea mcariiriliK twelve inclii-s around the collar. The orchard "la iu Northern l'loiiihi. Murting an Orchard. A quick und cheap way to sturt an on-hard is to buy root grafts. Thtsfeu loot grafts are advertised by all the large nursery tirms for .'! to $-1 per KXJ for upph-a, ami $t to -r Itxl for pears, cherries and plums-u Utile low er in price. These root grafts consist of a root, or part of one, grafted with a scion of two or three buds. They are prepared during the winter, packed In boxt;, nf sand, and kept iu the cellar until they can be set out iu the spring. They are pluuled and carefully culti vated for two or three years on bigh pricnj land, and sold by the nursery ma ii as tries, and, of course, at very good prices. The fanner can, if lie wishes, purchase these roots and grow them himself. Hand vvhl.li will grow 'Jik bushels of potatoes to the acre will glow a line lot of trees, and it will not reipiire any nunc manure or labor to grow the trees. An acre of trees carefully grown will be worth eight to ten acres of potatoes. The root grafts should be set iu rows four feet, a purl and dibbled in every eighteen inches in l lie row. Let the top bud be about inn inches above the ground. 1 lie time to set "the grafts is early in April. Clean, level culture must lie given. At the end of three ytars the trees will be large enough to set out In the orchard -The American. Alkali muIh. Alkali is a name given to a class of substances that have certain well-de- lined characteristics, such as uniting with fats to form soap and neutraliz ing acids. Potash, soda and ammonia are all "alkalies." The trouble Is an alkali soil, says the It urn I New Yorker, Is not due to an excess of potash, but to the niesclice of too much soda in a harmful form. The remedies are to get the soda out of the soil by Hooding or draining, or to change it into such a form that: It. will not lie harmful to plants. These spots might, perhaps be helped by ib ainage, but unless wat er can be washed through tl i then Is not much hone from this. The best way is to change the form of the soda Tills can be done by broadcasting plas ter or gypsum at the rate of 7Ml pounds per acre, and harrowing or cultivating it Well on these spots. The Northern Spy App'e. Frequently, out of a number of va rieties of apples iu an orchard, only one or two will bear, all the others fail ing to produce it crop. The Northern Spy Is sold by Median's Monthly to be one of the tipples that will frequently bear when al the others fail. This Is probably owing to its blooming tl Utile later than the others, so that the flow ers get the full benelil of its pollen. The Northern Spy is also a favorite from the fact that it usually bears an abun dant crop; that is, after it once com mences to lienr; but the trees seldom bear when young, and the orchanlist. fnqueiilly lias to wait several years for u crop, when other varieties have ls-en for borne time In bearing. Conking Clover for Stock. Very old animals have usually weak digestion, and cooked food for them will sometimes prolong their useful ness. We have heard of farmers cook ing clover for old cows and old sheep kept until past their prime because tliev were valuable breeders. Clover Is also excellent for fowls, and if they will not eat it freely, moisten It-wit h hot water, and put a little oatmeal and wheat middlings on it. This will make an excellent ration to iniiiice layiun, though some whole grain should go with It, so that the digestive organs may not be weakened by having too lit tle to do. Fx. Sulxliiintr n Drulned Kwnmp. ,T. W. has cleared and tlle-drnined four acres of swampy land which has for many years been covered w ith bogs. The sod was so tough that It had to be broken up with n double lea m of oxen. The easiest nml most cneeuvu method of subduing the land next spring Is to sow corn broailciiKt for fodder, and the following year put In corn or potatoes In hills nnd cultivate thoroughly. After that the land may be seeded down or used for any crop desired. Stock to Hrecd From. If we want to breed cows yielding milk In great quantity, we must choose both cows which are deep milkers and bulls bred from deep milkers, nnd the chances of success will be Increased ns we multiply descents from deep" milkers only. If our object be a large proportion of butter to the milk yield ed, we must choose sires nnd dnms alike from rich milkers. Having done this, we ascertain the comparative val ue of the cows ns dnms nnd of the bulls as sires by trial ouly. Tranamitttnu Tubcrcnloals. The danger of transmitting tubercu losis from man to cows Is emphnslzed by nil fnlr-nilnded experts. The expec toration of consumptive persons if lick ed up by cattle may Impart the disease. Too much care cannot be taken by con sumptives to avoid such a resulu This It another fact demonstrating the Im possibility of stamping out tuberculo sis entirely. Think and Work. All work and no thought makes a dull farmer. All thought and no work will never pay the mortgage. How much time to spend In planning out must be fWlded by cacb for klmtelf. ' Ah -.u,ulutaiti hopeful II Ion For many years foreign furrier have .loticed lint all theikins of I'olar bears hicfi they have received have been mutilated by the lms of the nose.. A Parisian furrier has discovered that '.his is the result of a ntperstiiious be leif prevalent among the Ksquimaux fiat whenever a Polar bear is killed b s tif-sa must be cut off and thrown l.ion the ice, or bad luck will fo.low t'le hunter. mm i ri I w ii Cu'e Whre fell fe icq it- nils. TA Tr.S tin l. l)s; 1 V ,'l ii U. FOR Timely Warning. The great success of the chocolate preparations of the house of Walter Baker & Co. (established in 1780) has led many misleading of their name, labels, and wrappers. Walter Baker 8t Co. are the oldest and largest manu facturers nf nure and hisrh-prade Cocoas and . . - - - - , i Chocolates on this , Hi used in their manufactures. Consumers should ask for, and be sure that they get, the genuine Walter Baker & Co.'s goods. WALTER BAKER & CO., Limited, DORCHESTER, MASS. GOOD t05H ALONG yAr-A iS ' Pur S39MS lb A Great Bi m m-v m w 10 Cents OHI 44 SAY BOSS! Them People SP GR0CRIE:r z TIIH AKRWOTOR CO. loa half the mrld'e tnndmlll hinliiem, becMee It be reduced the oat of una none lo 1 n shet It wee. . It bee muir branch B bouaM, and Mippllea II iinda and repairs at (our door. It can and doee luriilsb g STr if better article lur leaa mooer Uian othere. It m all re pumping and geared. Steel, oaivaniaM-anar- CMMi.tilallMi Wl mint III TlltiW and Filed meet Steel Boil Saw 'Frame. Ml reed Cutter and Feed ar JkBrlnder. on application It will name one UMM ante tee that tt will furnieb anul tanpan M al 13 lb usual prto. It else Bake ranks ant Pump ot all ktada. Bead tst linn, racterr: Ifta, KedcetU ae PtuW ilraits. CMeu At iBe twite Hoard. Mr. Peierby, will you please) care thn turkey '(" "No, I tt.Hnk you. The mm who carves must either be a fool or a rascal, and 1 don't care to be either." ' What do you mean?" ' If he keeps the choicest portions for himself he is a scoundrel; if he does not keep tliem for himself he is a fool, and. as i said, I don't care to place myself in either category." Texas Siftints "I firmly believn that Fiso'a Curo kept me from havi i quick Cousa.-nptiou.' M..t H. D. DAI! LI Beaver Meadow, N. Jaa 18. 1895 1.1, BISTCOUCH SYRUP. -T.n KV lUtfCfitiTS. S5 CT to the placing on the market and unscrupulous imitations - a o continent. No chemicals are ceo Piece fop !:.,! ba Won't Take This Soap-TheyWant SANTA CLAUS SOAP" Everybody wants Santa Claus Soap who knows the goodness of it. Try it once and you will refuse all other kinds, too. Sold every where. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, CHICAGO. WHF.N WHITING TO ADVKBTISKKS plawM eaj you taw the adrarttoeanent In thl pafar. tkAaaaVaaeaataaabatAaaaAX flWflfffWlwfWWwwWfTJW M. N. V. No. 370--S. York, Neb. I . t ,4 ikl in' i ii