The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, January 16, 1896, Image 6

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CHAPTER XXVII. (Continued.)
They were not in the veranda when he
went out, and he strolled further away to
where he knew ome seat hail been
placed. Even then be did not see them:
it was Jane'a voice which Strayed their
presence at the other aide of a tent, near
which he was standing.
"How can you aoy such cruel things,
and so untrue."" she was saying, in ex
cited Indignation.
"I fancy the cruelty lies in the truth
f the accusation," answered Jack Blouut,
ruttingly; and the listener could no
longer doubt that Diana Knollys had
been correct in her estimate of the man
and his power of beiirg disagreeable.
"They said you were a fiirt. Only a few
months ago you jilted Colonel I'rinsep
the fellows told me that at mess to-night
and Dow "
He stopped suddeul) us Colonel I'rinsep
himself stood before them.
"Perhaps I am the lest p rson to refute
that calumny." he said, onietly, but with
a repressed passion in his tones, lliat
Jane, knowing him so well, easily de
tected. "That Miss Knox gave we up
wag my own fault; I have never had I lie
slightest reason to reproach her."
"Of course if you say ." began Mr.
Blount, ungracious!).
"I do say so, and must beg t hat here
at least you will uot refer again to the
subject on which yon have received sinn
Inaccurate in format ion."
With a malicious scowl darkening
Mount's face he turned upon his heel and
The witchery of the time and place had
csKi its imwcrfiil spell over Stephen I'rin
sep. (irudnully ss she spokp he forgot
everything except that she had been his
love. The moonbeam fell upon her un
covered head and upon her lovely up
turned fa.-o u:i she pleaded her rxtelillll-
"Is it your fault you are o fair'.' Fven
hut dolt could not be blind to your sweet
beauty;" lie exclaimed, passionately, and
would have said more only that she
hniiik from him trembling.
1 As she turned away, bashful, yet so
glad, so rapturously glad to know he
loved her still, she encountered the stony
ga.e of Jacob l.ynn. He was hidden be
hind some trees dose by, and must lime
heard what they had said. A sudden
fear assailed her lest, in his jealously, he
should come forward and do some des
perate deed that would ruin him forever.
Kven if the Colonel knew of his presence
there it might be serious for him.
Colonel I'rinsep then led her back to
the ball room in grave silence, angry with
himself that he had kept true to what
wish her had evidently been only an
evanescent feeling, yet unable to steel
liis heart against her.
I!arry Ijirron sauntered up to them as
they stood together in th ball-room.
"They are waiting for you. Colonel, to
lead the way in to supper. Miss Knox, I
think you promised to go with me."
(startled at his voice .lane withdrew her
face from the grateful coolness of the
flowers and wondered w hy, as she did so.
he looked at her so strangely.
Colonel I'ritisep bowed and left her.
Then Major I.arron spoke his thoughts.
"You cannot think how it has pleased
roe that you have deigned to wear my
flowers," tu said.
"Yonr liowcrs! Was it you who sent
them ?"
"Who else? I hope you did not i house
them ander n false impression."
"I oh, no! 1 never thought "
Disregarding her confusion, as he hail
disregarded the quick movement which
she had made to cast the (towers from
her when he claimed to be the sender,
Barry Larron had remained silent. W hen
he spoke again it was as though impelled
by a feeling stronger than his judgment.
"Miss Knox. I w ish I were your brother,
or some one that you could trust to ad
vise yon well."
"I)o you think that I am in need of ad
vice'," "I do. Will you promise not to be of
fended if I speak?"
"Yes, I will promise, though I cannot
guess what it inn be that you are going
to say."
The ball-room was deserted now. and
they stood alone in the center of it. Jane
with her hand lifted proudly, as though
defying him to sh.t anything that could
affect her, and holding- her bouquet as far
away from her as possible.' The (lowers
that had delighted her had lecome hate
ful in her eyes now that she knew the
giver, and had actually caressed them in
his sight.
Major Larron looked down at her sadly.
"I wonder whether it is worth w hile to
risk the loss of your friendship for the
sake of the problematical gesid that I
might do if I spoke; I wonder if if is even
worth while to do a disinterested act of
"Tell me, and let me decide."
"I will, aim you wish it. llo you
know what has been the general talk
since yon entered the room' You do not
of course not. You are too young and
inexperienced to lielicve in malice or
idle tongues, and I dare say yon fancy
it is profound secret only known to
yonr heart that you love the Colonel and
wish to win him hack."
Hhe turned deathly pale, and win ton
taken by aurprise to attempt a contradic
tiom. Looking up ah saw his fare avert
4, mm! was touched by his delicacy,
knowing nothing of the swift glance by
which he had assured himself that hia
haft had gone hoae.
"Da act be angry with me that I re
peat what every one else has aaid. I
thought It right that you ahoald know,
and ae b able to pat an end to the go
at, which la year parity of alad yon
titM Mt fee, in are an proad, I
know bow H weold gall yoa war it to ba
rU that Coleael f'riaae aarried yoa
ftp Htr"
"Pa ytm thmk I wawM mrrr any mm
. -5-t 'A
v ,tv frs r3 rx ." i"i "iS.
on sueh terms?" she cried, indiirnantlv.
"No, I do not; but then every one baa
I not studied your character so carefully
as I. 1 know that you are too noble to
' allow any mercenary or interested tin..
tivea to intliieiii-e your actions, and I
know, also, that you could with a word
win back Colonel I'riusep to the allegi
ance be nattered himself that he had
thrown off. Ihni't be offended that I
speak so. Consider the circumstances
from an outsider's point of view, and you
will see that it is natural he should 1
glad to have ewaed what the world
would call a mesalliance, notwithstand
ing your grace and beauty. Before he
loved you so entirely so unthinkingly,
that had you married him then, neither
he nor you might have had reason to re
pent; but now he has had reason to
weigh the proa and cons, even for he la
very proud to congratulate himself that
something occurred to part you. When
he came back to Altpore, It was in the
confidence that to meet you was no longer
a danger that he had. In fait, conquered
his unwise love. In these circumstances,
you would not care to draw him back to
you. as you so easily could, against bis
better judgment."
She w as very pule, hut the pride which
he had rightly surmised that she sis
sessed prevented her from betraying hat
she suffered.
"Io you think it could be a pleasure
to me to see you pained?" he continued.
"It is only that I wanted to spare you
a keener pang hereafter. I am a mnu of
the world, Miss Knox; but what is the
use of my worldly wisdom If I may only
use it for rny own good, and never for
another's? I have overstcpicd the bound
ary of conventionalism, I know; but it
was for jour sake your sake only."
"Yet 1 w ish you had not sioken."
"I might," he went on, as if the words
were being forced from him "I might
have told you of another love less calcu
lating, perhaps because so utterly with
out hope- a love that only desired to see
you happy. But I would not speak of
myself; all my thoughts are of you. ( nly
let me wat.h over you. shield you from
the dangers you are too inexperienced to
suspect. mhI I shall he content."
"I am very glad of your friendship,
very promt of it." she said, gently.
"Thou I am more tliau repaid." he an
swered, gravely.
As they went toward the supMT-room.
they u.i t several persons returning iIh'ih,
among them Diana Knollys, who was
leaning mi Colonel I'rinsep's arm. She
smiled kindly at Jane, who returned the
glance, carefully avoiding to look at the
same time into her companion's face. If
scandal were si, easily set admit, it was
scarcely sufficient to show indifference
only, she must prove to him that his
presence was positively distasteful to her.
"I wonder where Jack Hlount is; 1
have not seen him for some time," said
Harry I.arron, abruptly, us they passed
"I think he has left," faltered Jane,
trying to look unconscious, but failing be
neath the keen gaze that was directed on
"Ah. is that it?" was the softly sis.ken
remark. "Child, how many lovers you
have, yet not one worthy to be success
ful! Or is it that I ain too jealous for
you? At any rale I am glad that he has
"Yon are drawing your own conclu
sions." said Jane, hastily. '"1 never said
anything to make you think that he has
gone because of me."
"lo you think that we are all blind?
His devotion was too apparent for any
mistake--;raiiiie has lost his money: he
thought you would accept him, and betted
on it, though he should have known you
liotter now than to siipjKise tlmt you
would be tempted by the advantage of
wealth or position."
"Hid Mr. Craeinebet nlsiiil me?" asked
June, angrily.
"Well, yes; tint I ought not to have
mentioned it. The fact is, that I have
been speaking so freely that I forgot
there must be a limit to my frankness.
Besides, it has vexed you I call see it
has, and he will never forgive me for rny
indiscretion if you resent it."
"What would be the good? It seems
that people sny very much what they
like, regardless of any one's feelings; yet
I should not have thought that he who
always seemed to 1 my friend would
have made me the subject of a bet."
"He is young, and I dan say did not
think. Yon must not take it so. or I shall
blame myself more than I already do for
my own thoughtlessness in having re
peated it. And now sit dow n here w hile
I get you some supper. You are looking
quite tired and faint."
Having accomplished what he desired,
Major Larrou reverted no more to dis
agreeable subjects; when he chose no
one could be more brilliant 'uid enter
taining and he exerted himself so suc
cessfully now that he won back the color
to Jane's pale face and a smile to her
lips. She wns surprised to find the time
had passed so quickly when her father
came in search of her. to sny that it was
late and they were going home.
Major Larron saw her to the carriage,
and took the onus upon himself, when
Mrs. Knox remonstrated with her daugh
ter on her long absence from her aide.
Valentine irueme bad also gone to see
them off, hut Jane was very stiff with
him, and pointedly turned to Barry Ijir
ron to wrap her aha wis about her and
help her to hrr scat In the high dog cart.
The adjutant looked decidedly crest
fallen as (hey drove away.
"Ixive thirty: love forty; game and
set. It la most discouraging," declared
Diana Knollys, giving a vicious hit at the
V II remaining in her band, and aending
it high into the air.
"Mlaa Knot Improve every time aba
play i," aaid Barry Irron.
"And I grow worae. Jane, yon are on
of those provoking creator that do ev
erything better than any one la."
Ian aailled and abook her bead.
"That k) aUaatataoMDt which I aball
ot b vain enoagh to contradict; tboagh
I might aak, what aboot painting, draw
ing, maaia "
"Oh. those are mere matters of educa
tion!" replied I liana, carelessly.
Mie had meant no invidioua compari
son, but Jane, who was unduly aenaitive.
flushed criuisou,
"I-t os have another match, said
Major Ijtrrou. gayly. to cover her em
barrassment. "Education and all the c-complisf.meiita-
w hii h is you. Miss fcnol
!;. and ,rey again! skill and natural
talent, which m.dety forbids ine to more hint is represented by my partner
and myself."
I-augtiing at his saliy. Jane forgot that
she had been hurt by Miss Knoll) a'
thoughtless remark. It was now tictriy
a week since the th llcssars' dance,
and each day Major Larrou had made
himself more ueeessary to her. n-aking
good his cliiim to her friendship. Though
very gentle with her. he never seeuud to
consider her a subject for pity- n hieh
would have galled her more but always
when she needed help, however trivial,
she found him ready at her side.
They had played two sets. Jane aid
Major Ijirron against Mss Knollys and
Colonel (irey.
"Quite a regimental game. I feel an
outsider." Miss Knollys had observed.
"You need not lie so longer than you
like," answered Colonel (irey, impres
aively. "You are very persevering," smiled
"What I want is worth trying hard
for," he returned, atolidly, missing a
casual ball, which struck him smartly in
the face.
They changed court now, and began
the third set.
Jane was only a beginner at the game,
but she picked it up very quickly, and
like all graceful women, looked well with
a tennis bat in her band.
She was playing better than usual that
afternoon, until turning, with hand up
raised to catch a ball that was thrown
to her, she espied Colonel Prinsep on a
eat behind her. watching the progress
of the game. After that she scarcely put
one over the net, and when Colonel (irey
and Miss Knolly scored an easy victory,
professed herself ired and would play no
Just as they stopped playing, Valentine
Graeme drove up in his high cart and
called out to Major Ijirron. The Major
obeyed the summons, and Jane was left
standing alone until Colonel I'riusep
joined her.
"Won't you sit down?" he asked.
"Thank you. I am not tired."
Sometime ( 'oloiiel I'riusep lost his tem
per, as was the case now.
"You mean that you will not admit to
me that you are tired."
"I mean that I do not w ish to sit down,"
she returned, ci.nisisedlr, ignoring his
Major Larron came b.n k. looking rather
glum. j
"There's (inienie hurt his foot at i
cricket ball hit his ankle. This will stop i
our thcatrienis, I nm afraid." j
'l'oor M r. ( irio me I'm so som !" said
Jane. !
"lie wants to talk to you about
same theatricals," went on Barry I.arron. ,
"Will Voll collie?"
She wi ut at once, both gentlemen fol
lowing. I
"Does it hurt you very much?" sin-;
asked .of Valentine liraeuie, as lie leni,c i
down from the -art to hold the proffered
"Not much, only when I move it; but
the doctor says I shall feel it for the next
three weeks. What bothers me is our
play. I did so want to net with yon. and
1 can't possibly limp about the stage."
"Can you not get some one to take your
part ?" asked Larron.
"Why won't yon?" said Jane, quickly,
fearful lest another substitute should
offer himself.
"Because it is not at till my style. I
should only make you ridiculous and my
self. It was just suited to Mr. (Jraeme,
and to him only in the regiment, I should
"The Colonel was Al when he re
hearsed it with Mrs. Dene last year. Col
onel. I w ish you -"
The Adjutant stopped short, romeuibcr
ing the reason why his chief could senrce
ly share the title role of "Sweeth'-nrts"
with the untirtermasicr's daughter. I'nr
a moment there was an awkward pans,.
"1 shall be very happy to take the part
if Jlw Knox has no objection," the Col-
one! said, maliciously. i
"It's a matter of perfect indifference to
me w ith w hom I act," replied Jane. I
coldly. j
The Colonel's attempt at retaliation re-1
coiled uis.ii himself. Thinking she would
certainly refuse him as a coadjutor, he
hud proposed to help them out of their
dilliculty merely to annoy her in return
for the many annoyances she had heaped
iisn him. He was not prepared for her
assent, and foreseeing the tunny awk
wardnesses that might ensue, ami the
trial it would be to himself to play at
making love to the woman who was to
have been his wife, he tried to retract his
(To be continued. 1
A Itcmarkable Will.
The leading newspaper in Vienna
prints the unitizing lawt will anil testa
ment of a wealthy old eccentric who
died lately at Iladersdorf am Knuip.
"I lMMtieHrli the whole of my property,
movable and Immovable." says he, "to
my six nephews and lx nelcea, but
under the sole condition that every one
of my nephews marries a woman nam
ed Autonle, and that every one of tnj
nieces marries a man named Anton."
The twelve are furthiT required lo give
the Christian name Autonle or Anton
to each first loru child, according as
it turns out to be a jrlr) or boy. The
marriage of each nephew and niece Is
also to be celebrated on one of tlie 8t.
Anthony's days, either January 1", May
10 or June 13. Each Is further required
to Iks married before the end of July,
IStsTI. Any nephew or niece remaining
unmarried to an Antonle or to an An
ton after that date forfeits half of his
or her share of the property.
Fire Companies of Women.
Wasso, Sweden, baa a feminine fire
department. Its dutlea consist of fill
ing four great tuba which constitute
the water supply In case of fire. They
stand In two continuous lines from the
tuba to the lake, about three blocks
way, one line passing the full bucket
and th other aending tbem back.
Whenever the Are alarm sounds they
are obliged to come out, no matter
what th weather may be, the daughter
of the boas as wl as th awing
maid, and often their aklrt fre Ilk
bark from th water and th cold. If
th dm ar a war hey not only carry
rb watar, bat bring oat th bow sad
ladder and work tb pamps.
Nl'iH 1' was falling; ou the val
ley between the snow-capiK-d
, peaks. The mountain Vis.
however, were still barbed lu the siileu
did rosy light with which the Alps are
1 colored by the rays of the setting suu.
These brilliant jieaks made the shad
jows, which crowded over the little
town timidly hanging over the rocks,
appear blacker and more alleut.
The augelus bell rang frnu the tower
of the old abliey. Within the slow chant
of vespers rose from the cuotr benches
of blackened bolm oak, over which the
sanctuary lamp cast Its flickering light.
Away down the broad nave, quite
dark and deserted, a woman was pray
ing. Was she praying, or was Bhe
merely lost In the Intense melancholy
of the hour anil place? Kneeling on the
stone, she had fallen, her arum lower
ed, her hands crossed, in an Inert and
wearied attitude.
The darkness of the place and the
black veil that covered her head con
cealed the expression of her face. How
ever, whether she was praying or
whether she was wi-aplied In reverie,
she was so absorbed that she did not
perceive that the evening a!ig was
over, nor did she hear the soft steps of
the monks who were leaving.
Suddenly the stillni'SH was broken by
the tinkling of a bunch of keys which
echoed through the church, while a
voice cried out:
"We close!"
Hearing this the lady rose hastily
and withdrew, gathering about her
waist as she went the long black clunk
which covered her tall and slender
figure. She left the church, and a.t she
passed along the narrow streets of the
village the few passers-by turned to
look nt her with a certain curiosity, but
yet without actual wonder.
Kvery day ut the same hour for eigh
teen years hud thai lady been seen pass
ing by. wrapped In her black cloak, her
face covered by her thick, black veil.
Fur eighteen years her mysterious pres
ence in that I'ai-olT valley furnish
ed a subject to the liiiiigiuaf'oii and go
sip of the Inhabitants. And yet, little
by little, before that Impenetrable mys
tery. Imaginations had ceased to work
and tongues were now reduced to si
lence. Aceoinpanlixl by her husband, she
had arrived one evening, us already
stated, atsuit eighteen years previous
to the time we are describing. They
had come alone, without servants and
with but little baggage. They had
alighted at the hotel, where tliey lived
for several months while- the house
they had bought on the outskirts of the
town was being repaired. It was a
pretty cottage, surioundiil by a full
garden of roses.
From the day they had settled lu that
very modest abode they had led a quiet
life. They were know n as Sigtior and
Signora Mcolini. but on their silver
plate there was a monogram beating
a crown.
What could be their motive for con
caling their name? How had tliey
come to that remote corner of the
world? Why did they not wish to see
anyone, either relatives or friends?
Why did they live alone, as If tliey
hid come from some other planet?
They were, indeed, kind to all and
charitable to the poor. Hut their kind
ness kept people at a distance, and
when they opened their purse it was
apparently without feeling.
The husband, a tall, strong man.
with an almost athletic physique, ap
peared, at the time of their arrival, to
be about .VI years of age, his wife not
more than 2.1.
Tliey were never seen together. He
went hunting, or took long walks, al
ways alone. She wandered among the
roses of her garden, and every day.
morning and evening, she went to the
abbey and came back, walking with
the same slow and mechanical step.
Tliey received papers, magazines,
books, but never a letter.
Hoth seemed sad. of a gloomy and
desolate sort of sadness, which those
who approached them felt themselves.
Many a servant. Indeed, had goue away
unable to endure that Icy atmosphere.
It Is certain that they neither wrangled
nor spoke harshly; on the contrary,
there was always between them a dead
silence. Interrupted only by those short
phrases which dally contact made nec
essary. Reaching the garden gate, as If fight
ing on Inward repugnance, the lady
stopped and passed by. Then she
turned back and again passed the gate.
At last she entered.
In the hall she found a servant, w ho
on tbe mute question of her look an
swered: "Still In the same condition, signora."
She put her cloak and bonnet on a
chair and went upstairs. There she
stopiied, hesitating again, before one
of th doors on the first floor. Opening
It rudely, she entered a large, dismal
room. Here on an Iron bed. a bed be
fitting a soldier, lay ber husband.
Noiselessly she drew near, listened to
the sick msn'a heavy and painful
breathing, and, bending over him, she
tried to see his face.
Little by little, ber eyea growing ac
customed to th darkneoa, ahe could
perceive hia convulsed and livid fea
tures, hia cheeks farrowed with red
reins. His heavy eyelid wore half
ckMed, his noae, drawn and emaciated,
stood oat above hi blue, half-opened
llpa, from which cam a abort, whis
tling breath. He was dying!
A woman who had been watching at
tb bedside had left the room aa soon
as the slgiiora hud (nine In. And now
the latter was alone with the dying
man. gazing on that human face that
held her lu subjection so many years,
and thai was now fading away. This
hour, looked forward to for eighteen
years, this hour longed for, prayitl for
111 the silent revolt of her downtrodden
heart, the hour of her liberty, had come
at last.
The lady seated herself and let her
mind turn once more to the past.
It was the old, old story. She met
a young man. Their souls blended.
At first it was IniiiM-etit friendship; then
the storm of passion. One day her hus
band, returning home, hud found them
together, their hand clasped!
Oh. the terrible recollection! The
thought of it made Uie blood rush to
her heart, and she again felt the same
shame, the same terror, which had
wholly overpowered her before her
Judge's revolver and stern face.
Kverythlug had suddenly assumed a
strange rapidity. She had faced her
husband, crying: "Mercy! mercy! I
promise to never see him again!"
Her husband had hesitated a mo
ment; had liMiked at them, crushing
them under the weight of his contempt;
then, without lowering his revolver,
had dictated these conditions:
"Promise on the gospel, on your eter
nal life, that you will never si-c this
crea'ure again; that you will obey me
in all; and that you will accept the pun
ishment which I may please to Inflict."
Ill the anguish of her fear and lov
she had promised, word for word, what
he had insisted upon.
On a sign of her husband the young
man, humiliated nm! vilified, had de
parted and her expiation had begun.
Her husband had resigned his com
mand In the army and had gone to live
on that mountain slope, assuming a
false name, hiding his secret from all.
Like two stones that full to the bottom
of the sea. they had disappeared from
society without leaving any tnu-e.
Twice a year she w rote to her mother.
Her hiwlmtnl read her letters, would
mail thein'bimself In some fhi'-ofT place.
Finally her mother had died, and from
that day no letters were sent.
In that terrible Isolation she had gone
through all the stages of despair. For
several days she declined to eat, wish
ing to starve; but her inexorable Judge
had said to her:
"Yon are a l 'lirlstiaii: you have prom
ised to obey; therefore eat."
And she obeyed, because even In )or
excess of despair and revolt, even
amidst her thotigtiis of suicide, the Idea
of falling In her promise had never
crossed her mind. That promise was,
in a certain sense, the supremo inher
itance of her love, the painful tie that
bound her to the past.
As she had lived, hope alone remain
ed. She had hoped that her husband,
after he had noticed her sweetness, do
cility and patience, would relent; and
for many years she had observed his
pensive forehead day by day. hoping
to see on It a sign of forgiveness.
He never treated her rudely, he never
allowed himself to be wanting In re
spect toward her, nor to speak to her
a harsh or sharp word, (inly once,
having found her sobbing lu a lit of
despair, he had said to her:
"My life Is no bctler 1han yours, yet
1 have betrayed no one."
He had. In fact, sacrificed everything
-his ambition, career, family, pleas
uresto bury himself with her. In the
same atonement.
She had hoped, but In vain. Days,
weeks, years had gilded on In an in
flexible monotony; self-control vanish
ed, she liocame the ssirt of inisids, ae.
cording to the time and humor-now
weary of life, now tormented by re
morse, now Intated and full of hatred.
How many a time she had said to her
self: "He Is old and 1 nm young; he will
die and I shall lie free! When shall I
lie free?"
And now he was dying. At thl
thought she felt a strange spirit like
feeling, which startled her. At last she
was about lo be free, her own mistress,
her actions free, her thoughts free, free
to love and lie loved!
Ah! the Joy of escaping from her pris
on, of seeking other horizons, of grasp
ing friendly hands!
She felt a kind of Intoxication In her
brain, and rose, feeling the need to
walk or move; stillness was death, and
she had enough of death, silence, cold
ness, solitude.
And as the moon, which was high
aliove the horizon, sent Its pale rays
through the window she went to lean
against the mantelpiece, seized by a
kind of uncaaliicas. She turned her face
to the mirror, and stixxl there, looking
at herself, She was still IwHtitlful.
Then her lips parted with a smile.
Those who had know n ber would know
her still. Hut w ho would still remem
ber her? And what bad liecotne of her
friends, of ber acquaintance?
And what bad become of him? At this
question she felt herself seised upon
by fesr; not that she would apear to
him less handsome, or that she bad
been forgotten. Kbe feared that she
night And hi in unlike the Image h
had left In her heart; that she might
find him changed phyalcally and mor
ally and not recognise him; that he
would be a atranger to ber.
While ahe heaped euch thoughts ahe
aaw before herself In tb mirror, feebly
Dlamlnated by th reflection of the
moon, two dilated eyea gaalng tm ber
like coals. Being affrighted by that
gsze of the dying man, who seemed a
If he wanted to follow her in ber (CUilty
reverie, she turned with an Irresistible:
.....!.,, ... I , . .. ... I II... I.c.l OIS'V-
UC'ifoii nu, em i"n iiei
lug. lu spile of herself, a kind of Im
perious and magnetic call.
Then It seemed to lo r as If a deep
and desperate v.d.-e came from that
face, w hich was grow ing stone like:
"I have loved you, I have worship!
you all my life. a:nl you have lietrsyed
me. For years and years I have waited
with a painful desire a word that
would put balm on my bleeding wound,
but you have let me suffer. I was inno
cent and shared your expiation. I took
on me half of your punishment, hoping
that at least repentance would would
come to your heart, and l! with a
murdering wlsli you would like to
hasten my death, and as you find It too
slow your thoughts Him against your
marriage vows. Foolish and faithless
that you are! My death eanuot free
you! Did you not say 'Never?"
She all this as plainly a
If he had really sis.ken, and suddenly
she felt the horror of the evil she bad
done. Yes, he bad loved her. he had
adored her always, before and after
her guilt, and she had placed the cold
ness of her passive obedience over
against the man's passion.
Then, liefore the terrible Impotence
of that conscious agony, she felt that
pity, together with remorse, was en
treating her heart, and, tielng moved
by an Irresistible power, she bent over
the dying man, stretched her arm to
the cross that hung over his pillow, and
with a low but distinct voice she re
pealed her promise:
"I promise that I will never see hint
The contracted face of the dying
man beamed with serenity, bis eyelid
lowered over his dim eyes, while the
only two tears which she had ever seen
flowing from these severe eyes came
down his checks, already cold.
Those two tours were to her like bap
t'sm of pardon which washed her guilt
away, and a great peace diwended
upon her In-art.
She opened the window, saw the
slurry heavens along the snowy peaks,
over which the moon shed Its pule, and
serene smile; then, lowering her eyes
to the deep valley, she saluted, as if she
saw it for the first time, that prison
where her life would be spent. Wio
well knew that, to keep her promise,
so that fate should not bring the lovers
of former days together. It was neces
sary that she should remain exiled
from all. unknown, forgotten, forever.
The tomb, which had opened for an
Instant, had closed forever, and closi-i!
In peace.-- Boston Transcript. "-
Adelaide Ncllson's Tenrs.
There never was an actress who
could comm. mil her lachrymal gland
as Adelaide .Wilson could. Several of
her leading men found on: her peculiar
faculty to their cost, due of tlniu was
".lack" Hurtles. At the time the Kugllsli
tu tor was young and slender, and rath
er fancied himself In such parts ns
Koineo, going to considerable expense
lu the matter of dressing. For Itomco
he had some lovely eostuiiHti, all silk,
satin and luce. A delicate pale blue
jacket was his favorite In one of tlm
scones between Romeo and Juliet, but
he was hw fully sorry he had It before
the season was over. After a few per
forma uccN Barnes noticed that thrt
beautiful pale blue silk ou the front of
the Jacket was stained in some way.
There w ere long streak In It. w hich he
could not account for. That night Miss
.Wilson and he were In one f their pa
thetic love scenes. Her head rested on
bis breast. She looki-d up, turned her
face to the audience a moment, which
nt once burst Into most tumultuous ap
plause. When she turned her face to
ward Barnes again he saw the tears
streaming down her cheeks. He glanced
at his costume, and saw the cause of
the stains. There were several fresh
wet streaks n the handsome pale blue
llk made by Juliet's tears. Barnes
tried to hold her head away from liiui,
bur. the costume bad to he sacrificed to
art. and w hen the season was over his
costume whs a striped Instead of a
plain blue silk .the change having been
caused by Juliet's too realistic weeps
n.'Oph Kd mu mis. in Footlights.
Children's Birthdays.
A treat which has not yet become
'et eral. but which is strongly recom
mended to parents as something new
mid surprising, Is to let the hero or
heroine of a birthday order tils or her
dinner. The result will, as a rule, be
much less extravagant nm) less Indi
gestible than might lie supKised. One
little girl always orders mince-veal and
plum pudding; another's hobby jH fow
ami rice and apple-fritters, and she was
recently heard to declare that she
would never, as long as she lived, In
vent anything nicer for her birthday.
Ferluips with Im.js the experiment
might Is- more dangerous. They are
liable to overeat themselves, and then
the glories of the birthday would turn
to dust In their mouth. Still, as an ad
ditional morsel of enjoyment, aa an
other proof of how entirely the birth
day child Is master of the situation on
that one day, a trial should lie made
Days of unalloyed pleasure arc few
Indeed, and, as year roll on, they be
come fewer. Ko let the children have
theirs, at least on their birthdays aa
long a they can. '
Htaadtng Alone. .
Thank heaven. I can euwd alone!
Can you? Ar you yet at the end of
your life Journey? Have you yet stood
over the dead body of wlf or CU)M
anatched from you when life was at the
flood tide of happiness? Did you ever
close your weary eye to the bright
dawn of a new day, and pray that you
might never II t to look at another? If
a woman, did you ever tu poverty
where luxury had been, aDd ,, .
hither and thither for tb nmZ
frind l bat you would never as ante
till larder aad cffr were repUsun
Ar you aura, wboa yM how, tk4,''
can ".Ud alooe," that yea kg!!
learned ab bow to fall alea ,