TI1K SIOUX UIW'TY c 1. J. Simmon, I". Iltorunil IVni. r.K. M. T It. U.Titrif tnt.l. (otllff Wrct. ,.ti, K-;. No. S, n.l.-t 10 41 1 S'i. (., inUi-1 7 in GRANT GUTHRIE. Atiorney-at-Law. Prompt attention jiven to :UI l-;r:il matter in Justice, ( 'mini y ami I 'iVi'K I Court's, and before the United Stntes Land OtTU e. Fire Insurance w rit t-u in reh iUe I computes. "2'LejaI papers carefully drawn. IUkHLsoS. - NllltUAKA. Ii. I.. SMIXK, Fashiorublo Barber 2: H;ir Dresser. OPEN SUNDAY FROM 0 TO 12. RVZI.MW AM) 'llon ITT f. OHIiKK. (.Ire t me ! H I I nil. J. E. IMIINNF.Y, M. D. I'liysiciiiti anil Surgeon. Alt ritIN given proiuit attention. O I1lr ill III UK' 'tme. HARKIsijX. - - NKIilusKA. -THE- RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE HAS JUST nU'EIVEU A LAUCE 1N' VOIl. E OF WINTER IN I.UDIXtl Overcoats, Coats, Vests, and Pants nnd wlicn you iK'td nnyt!. line vnu kIiuiiIiI surely in t j Ilo nIo has a line assort iiietit of v in ter underwear. kI',v,'. onitens, hats, inp. hoots, shors, arctics, etc , etc. HiK stin k of htaple and fancy -roceri. s in full and complete and on nil floods he. w ill inakt' vnu heilrot k RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE. Tlif Toledo Weekly liliiili' nml Ciiin intljfii of ISilti. With a fcTeat presidential cumpain f-omint; next year, every thiunhtful citi. m will need, li'iddes his local pa.r, il 4,'reat niiliotml win-kly. The greatest and most widely known of these i.s the Tolwh) Weekly Blade. For thirty years it has heen u regular visitor in every part of the Union, and U well known at ulm.ett every one of tlm ?0,M() posl olticeH in the country. It is edited with reference to a national circulation. It is ti nrpuhlicnn iiiier, hut men of all poli tic take it IxM-ause os it honesty and f,nrn in the ilincusMon of all puhlic vuextiuns. It is tlm favorite family Hrwilli Honiellimn for evetp of the hou'tiod. 8.;ril hlnries, poetry, wit nnd humor; the household ilepiirtmeiil in the world), Youn Folks. Kun ilay Hchool r'ssoiiH, T.llmnf,', S.'1'iiions, tlx) KirmsUmd, the fjiiestion Hureaii (which aiiNWein question for mihscrih en), tlic New'H of the Week In complete form, and other special features. Hpeel Mieu copies Kladly sent on application, him! it you will send us a lint of udilreHH m, we will miiil a copy to each. Only (I year. If you winh to miso iv i luli, write fur term. Atldcn The Ulade, ' Toledo. Ohio. CLOTHING, it) ri ; for Fine ,ne (,f jewelry ul (Inks al I'ioiiM-r I'liuniru'V. j ;,.,,. H. Turner rei-eive.j ti l;iri-c ii voire of i l!l,u,;," and invite, all to i-.i In n m ti i cif kui Ii More hound compound couch svruj the i:r-:it ivniedy for cuiili-i and colds at the Pioneer 1'lKinnai v. j Rev. I. J. ('link will lie-in a seri. s it . r.it r:n 1 1 1 ii. .-.lines nt tin, M. ::. i hiir. Ii tins ev. n.n-. All me invited. Horn. !. Mr. and Mrs. ,. W. Ku lall V'iiii.s.l.i v morning .) uniaiv Mlt. a ;iii. All uii:,,,s d,i,' V..-II.-IJ,.,,,,,,.-- f-.r.l r ,;,l. - f',.r t! l,il..l u,h wheat we Omnt Outline. ,, -, , ,. . , 'Hat unlay and a', tli.s olSi.-K. - I ot. t f..r-.'t that, I Hi: .Iiii-hv.m. has, 1 IV.- rlul !,,,,- 1,-1 an. I !.... l J uilll-''r relni ii.-,) yt-st-nl iy fi-om matt. 1-(,, , 11,,. ,,i.,- v-ir ,,,11 !ai.,l nix:- us yiir i!.-r. We .in have lou moii.-v. , V,,,- , -uirllli!.' a r.'vnlv. ra few . lay-. .1:4.1 Fraii I. l'li.llms a. .-i.!.-iil.-ily -hot I liiini-lf tiii-.m-li ih.. lor.-arni. I'rr'nn- 'at. iy it si i n. k ii:j i,.ia. s an 1 ( IhmIu. -Mr. atid Mrs. J. V. Smith, M ss 1 1 'laud.a 1 1,'ster and J. S. Ii,nise went I to the oysl.-r su,,i.- at '. F. '.'oU'ee's 1 1 1st Friday eveNin,'. A laiv" attend J aii' i' and a eiieial 0 id time is repoi t- r- .r i- , ( . I . t ollee was in 1 i id.i v :ml to d J us ahoiit I c,ii' cnn.l or I he asthma. lie was treated ley iin an;it is and took no I ,,.,! .! 1... i- .,.,,11.1 ,i j permanent ly cur.-d and is .f.-clin very K""d ahoiil it us he had Ml llefed reiitly j with it for years. -Atth" last, meeting of the W. ). W. of t Ins place t he fol low ing new ol!i jcers were instil lied : W. I,, liovt.r. (.'.; ! J. A. lI iiiHi.u, A. I,.: I-ivis (1, rlach, hiinki-r; W. II. I avis, clerk. The ramp holds its regular nn-etiiiL's each alternate i Weilii..H,,iv cveiiinir and is in a lloiirish - inc; condition. ''. IS. 1 1'lllin'sworth wiis in town on Tuesday and called and ivii us an order for lei ti r heads ml envelopes with a cut sliouin' Ins hriiiul and mark printed thereon. l her sluckoA in-rs aie invited to follow hi ex rnple, as il. costs hut a trdle mor.i in the end than it does to Use lain stiit ionery and is inn, h mere con vient and hiisiuesi, like. - I'.nlv last Sunday ti.ornin'' Craw ford eXH'rien. i d a r,),0liu lire, with no ir.suraiice t'i sp,..ik of. Anions the heav'le-.t losers are ('numier. ial Shite '.aid;, K. A. Thompson. V. ,, F. Mi:- I KelVeV. A. I 'rillleallN. (ho. (hil'toll, W. ,T. I''., i.es, I'.,t l it :cr:i I I. and F. II. j WliiK'i' Id. 'I he lire i thought to have Min'ii work of an in. '-iidi.i rv for the i.nr j ' th',1 ' P"' f roolii ry and a nu'nl er of arrests have heen made, hut whether the rime hash, ill fastened on "iny one has not heen li-nrni d. The 'ii.lly one deselAes to he .severely (halt with. TltK J it'UNAI. desires to retiiind those who are :n a n e i i-ri I !i it. it would he in i order for tln-iu to pay up. A lare ; !mnni-r of st.it. uients h ive hei n sent out to I hos" w i ,1 , n ,t. co ii.i Icre and j ! if you re.'.'i v I .i i of Li 'in hi I hive 1 net remitted il will ! appreciated if j I von do o at once. J! von r-- -ei veil no s, item, nt ni.d know vnu are mdehteil to this ( , llice send iis ii p i r t , if not all lh.it oii owe. A ti n 1 1 1 le-r promised to pay useaify in this iiioiilh and we trust that llh-y will nr.ik" the promise Kood. It. is not ii 1 1 1 that we have horr.nv money to meet I'linuin e a pens s when we have mi much due us. No on-' ever theiiu'lil of inlrnducin siexp ns. v" a I eat ure as Iilhur.tphic color wnrl; in the d ivs w In n the leading i!,;i),".iiin s sold lor . Ill) a year nnd :!" ceuls a -opy. liut times clana and the m iii;:inus i hiiri:; with them. Il has re mained lor tlni Cosmopolitan, sold at one dollar a year, to put in a.n extensive lithographic plant capahle of printing ii'.'tl.Cltl) p.'i-; s H-r ilay (one colon. The January issue p,es-nts as a Irontispie e a water-color drawing Ly Erin I'ape, il-lu-t tiling the last s'ory Ly Uoherl Finns Slevwisiiu. which hiis prohahly never Ik-cii exce.lkd even in the paes of the finest dollar French periodicals. The cover of Hie Cosmopolitan is also chang ed, a draw in; of pitfe lengt h hy the (anions Paris artist Rossi, in lithograph ic colors on w hit" paper takes the place of the niiinill.i Lai k w ith t he red strip... Hereafter the cover is to he a flesh sur prise each mouth. The transfer of the ollices of enmity treasurer and sherd!' occurred on last Thursday without any jar or friction, and Mr. W'oodi ull' departed thai evening for l,:n. oln to make his linal settlement with the slate treasurer and thus end his ollicial career retiuninj; the entire conll ileiico of the penplu for honesty. Mr. liiehh! took his place as treasurer n (id i.s condiictin theollh e in person, w hich certainly " ill lie satisfactory to the peo ple of the county. Mr. Iew delivered the olli' e of hhurill' to Mr. Hartlett in ex cellent coiidilion, there hein no uu linislnsl hiisiiiess on hand. Having no other nllli ial husiness look after hut his own Hherill' llartletl will he uhlu to ive it as close personal attention as it may reipiire, iit.il if violators of the law tire not hrouj.lit Id justice it will not he on account of the failure of the hheriir to do his duty. This is the 13 rst time in yearn that each of county ollli;i;ils has given Ins ieronal uttuufion to the du ties of Inn olllce and thiin in one cause for complaint by the people removed. ri:itsoAL. Iillis Rifloi ' wm ril (In. I'mii.lv uil ! I,)(1I.,V I , , , ''! I .llld infill u:ikt nit from ( 'riu Ti.hI 'I " ' ye-teril.i V. j V,'. H. Johnson was iii from Oleu tli' (irt of the week. 1 '. H. Turner was at ('nut ford tin' llrt of tli.- we.-If. -. (. isln-r, of t hailron, is in to vn m legal ltiisii.rs. ! John V. Fry an l 1'an Klein were up , from White kr. it Tin. lay . Mrs. J. E Marstell.-r ami children re ' '' l-ml on Sat unlay. Will 1'linl iis was 111 Ii 1111 lli-lilaiai ' ,'i '' 'I' '! I'l-'.''l vwlli what Ik'"ua- : Il.-nrv I'm k. nhr.i. k an l II. V.'a-si r- hiiiV'i" w.-re o.er Iroin M, ml rose Salur I ilay anil a I le.l at this ollh e. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas i ' veiiport were up troin (Fen last Thursday and called ill this 1 1 ti i-. A l i-ilheri f T. ). Williams arrived from olorado hot Thursday evening ill answer to a I'de-inm announcing the death of Mrs. .unihriiuiien. i u i:svn i: i;-s srxi i; m i: n t. -;.-li,i aliiiinil sliitelheat of liionl,'. I'i-i-ei e'l , , . ,, , . , ; nun ,li-l,ur-el ironi Jniy I, Is'.o to .hinu iry im., by t!i tre.i.nrer of ioii count y, Ne ; laio!..i: I "ire FLMi. I'.iililMi -.Inly I I oil, el ion . I anl -I ,1,' ii, ,- ni'-l li.O.uife Jauil ry r - '.'!() Ml l.'.sT 7.1 ins .1 ..vn Ft: mi. -- H'.l iii .. iiu i, HCIIOol. I'.aiuiii'i' .July I . . I ii-n e I : i . . . . . . I .1..I -t il.- Ii t-,n i-r . 1 101 21 U. il.ni, ..' J.niil uy M" V T K 8CIIUOI. I IMi. I!:llilliee .111! V I '.'4 1 1 ".i.-ctioiK. m . 0111,1,1-1,0,1.1 .... . Il nam e January l'.l I s jo iii ( Ol STT UV.SY.K l I. Kt 'Mi. ' ttiiUliee .In jj fii,7 'l I o.l.-.'l loa- .... . . . . -7 1 7 i Tr.iii-l, r 1 1 oiii lir i,e i u. i, i .. 4 is e j Aeerili ,1 hlt.'l'i'-l It, W al'ratils l,-,l, .'iii.',l I Ollllllis-IO,, ll.ilaliee J.,an ,r n.. j iisil.i II COC.MT llltlJH.K l'IMi. I Itiilanee July I . 1711 'H ( ole, I e 111s ... ., lo.,-, 41 V.-.'l ue, I, in re.-l II til W ai r.lltt- l-U.-e.ltel ! I Olllllil-s.OH . ! Ii.tl.tii.-e a.uoi.ii y f . . '.is r.s I 71 ',11 I f.VI Ml i-i 4. i ,-7 1 ", rot'NTV UOAli HM. I'.nlntH-i' Jul v I 4',j l.l 1 i.iiiti ttnx ' l'. ;: v I Uf'l lltti t i--t . 7 Z! W ill Trilll t If'i4M-IIC1 - 7H ( OIUMll-'Mlil .... liH-iJltfr JU1lii.1t f . tl VII 1-M K II KKISON liM HM, Itiil.tm-t' July 1 :.; I i olti'i iinh- . .. .. n 1 II I'M -t iil ill r . T'I I ni Hit-- ton J.tMii.tt' V I'j.i n k,i i j VII.I.AriR OF inilHISOV I.I.VKIHI. Kt. N II. I'..ii.iie July 1 .'. . f j I olIi'l'Lloils ' 1JI tii l .o'l v liins'i- 1 1 en- 7 1 : ( 0,1011 is-inn . ;; Yi II. ,J.iiii-i' Jiiiiii.u v s . 4 tn I7,i -4 I' vii.i.ai.i: or iiaiikifov waij.r ic.mi. il. , l.i 1 ,-- July 1 .'7 lo l O.lei'tilMIs ... 21 21 I'ulil V111 itfe Ilea- .","1 4: ( o.nlll issioll '. J II. il. Uu e JilnuarS' i- . i 1 1 -i; ;.4 VII. I.f. Itlll'llIC t lliil-l'l : or iiARitiHos crr.cni. hkiit ki mi. July 1 Vi 7.'i ,ei . .'. . . ... .ii ; 1 I'i.i 1 viii 'i.e il.-u. ..:. 7', I II l!IUls-i M .... I .'J II .l.ou e Jiilnt.il y H . a;'i '11 l 4.1 li I'.i Ki'ia 1 m. intiiT re M'. Iliilaiie.. J.ilv I I 41 ( lliil'l'l lOIK . i'- 11 1 Ar.-i ui-'l iii o-r.- 't . 7 i,l V ill rant- ie,,-,'iiie. 1,0 -l ."l I oiiiiiiI ma - . 7 -M l,,.lauei- J. 11,11. iT s . . '.', C4 07 l,.',4 ll" foi. turn's itci.iKi' ri'Mi. nnlnlu-e July I S'i 7li I llllet'lloas . 7 iVi Al-lTlle.l tiller, -I --. I '4 l ononis,,, mi ll I- ii.il. in, .- January n . 11,1 l 4 I a 7ti FUMi. -il ?! 3;l uil liiii ' Aiivr.irnstM lliilaiiee July I 1 oitet'l ion- I oiiiiii! lint.. ... . . liaUni .; J,iiiili y . 1 ft. ' ISOW'KV I'ltl.CIMT IIOM) Kt' N II. Itillmier July I '.'Vii w ( iilie. llo.is. V'7.1 -7 Ae.'lill'.l hit- lest 4" Ilil..'l. s1 i'iillMins Jul. 7'i0 ori 2-nii id) 3 J.i iis I mil mil- -ion.. . II..I.1IU-,' January s - iieiiii is tliull lilsnill'T I I'M). Itlillllice July I. W ''"1 I ollec.llliiis 11m -i 4 oili'le-l's pal, I . . . I Ulllllllssiilll. , l.alaui-e Jmiil.o y s . ft-lit r M'KI'IAI. 110 H InsTltllT I'I'MI. l' a r,s .1 . SJ) l.i Illllllllee July I HIS Hi .. WU tii ( oileelloiili. --. oilelierK ,.,l, I (Itllllitssllllt liiiliiiice Jiiuiini y H . 411 li! Hi liooi. iiisrioi T fi'Mih. Iliilmiee Jnlv 1 2.1(1 ." K III ll,li Nil 411 12 ( lilleetliill" -- Si' I'tliit on N.itlehers.. ( OUIIlllSsl.lll I1..I.IIICI! Junll .1 y " . Is! 41 XI -If, 'ill . Sil 43.",; M Hi IIUOl. IIOMI I'l'Mi. llllhillen Ju'y I - (Jollcrlioti nllell. rs pahl t 'oiiitiitsiiliiii . ll.il.iiii u Jiiiiuary s 1470 II Ii.ll 11(1 irr.il so 41 ;ji to mi hi jia., m WAIIKANTll RrUINTKHH.ll IS tStlfl. (,l)llerill f 11 nit -.f'lMl II County roiiit Inmt 4( in Klieeliil llelit fund 8 "0 llrlilife fund W BKOIHTKKKII WARKaKTM Ol'TSTA Mil Nil. (ieiienil fuii'J .'i4f0 W Special ili'til fnml 132 15 II. t. Wooiiiterr, ('oiiniy Treasurer. - Tli" li.r'n i1oiirii mill nt All, an.' was ili-trow.l l,y t,m the lirs! of the' ) wt-eli. j A ilaiinhter of Swan JVtei-son, l.o , , r.-Mik s on liidiaii . reek, died the first of I !h'.'We, I;. ; The "hirth.lav" wx ial givm hv the L'jiif! .-s" A id Sori. ty l.it Thni Mliiy even nif," Was the r.-a1est sii. res-, liiiain ially , of anvthiii of the kind evei held in the ,l.n e and pr ives that the M-o)le are in terested in jn in' oil' tlitf church del, I. The tu t receipts were :i 1 . Hit; . - The coiiiiiii-Mioiiers met on Tuesday and are still in ss-ssion and as they have the hnok-, of the ontoin treasurer to examine they will likely lie husy some dis. As the examination hy the state olJii-lal iiniiiimte,! to nothing, it i.s hoped I that the hoard will do the joh thorough ly :-n that no ,j, n ation will come uj in future. ( tirri'iiniiJciic('. F...:.m:c, Nkb.. Jan. H, lu!i(i. Miss F.-arl I la'.vnrt h, of Belmont, is slopping at Ioi!!' ( 'oll'ee's. The in ser supper was well attended, ahoul f,ii persons U-in there. Everv ho.lv Ki'eiiieil to enjoy themselves. William Schleyer is on tin; sick list. Mrs. Sara. Montgomery will close her three months term of whool ne-xt Fri day. Alhert Hill is huilditie; a new house on Ills homestead. Born, January Hi h, a ;it 1 to Mr. and Mis. John S-.tivs. To lalch (if Villi. If you owe f Jen, II. Turner or Hough & Son either hy note or account it will lie to your interest to call at once and set II". (J i;,). II. TlliNhH. Iisllll ,l,tii'l'. T;ikrii up l,y the iiinler-iwne'l on liU pri'iii' ises on ee I loll il.,, Ii iw'llsli I p il', ramie ,,il, in 51.. 11 eolll.tv, Nell., tile I , I, ,U' I ! ,e , lew, -II lie, I ittuiiii! is : I i roll ifi iiy hor -, lir i lele I J II itf, eolllii'i'le.l. on lei I slinlli'ler, nliotlt. Il Veal s 01.1 . Vi i - i j.' 1 1 1 n I jil t. 7."0 1 1 HI 1 1, l - ; I s. il' re 1 1 horse, u h:.'IiI a In ,ul 7 rfi inn in I--, In it !i hi ml I eel. anil oie llo-it loot wllite, hlaze lace, Inainleil 1 1 l n'i lei I thigil or II, ink. i 17 l , A.J. liiil'.Kvwooii, ( raw J'iril, Neh. Remember ROHWBR ALWAYS KEEPS ON HAND A Good Slock AND Jin i GET THE BEST When yen are rlie'it ti hnvaScwInc Maehirn do nut he ileniv,,l bv mini inc let v. rt;somrm anil tic led tn tliiiik you uu yet lliu bent made, flnest tuiisLcU anj Most Popular for a mere son,-;. Rco to It tliat you buy frniii r.-liahio raiiiiu fiHturer;! that have ('airiil a Tf piiuu ion by h.'iiest 'iiul i.ti i. aro ilealimt, yi'U will then i;i t ft tsewinij Mic-huii! that is nit''U tho wurltl over f, r its ilurr, tiilltv. You want the cue tuut to easiest to laauutjo udU im Light Running V Tlmre h none In thr world that E KTZ. "IC'in e'niul in niei-luiniiul con- !AW--t' '-n , i.iii,.. ..f tuorltinu working l)tnui y "HM In lippi iirall, e, of lum u U many New Home: It hns Aiitomntlc Trnfilnn, IViuhle Fd. alike on both Klili-H of iiecdletiaf-wrAnonlher bus tt i New SiiinJl ijAilnv "Kyvhei-l h nsed on n.l lust alitiictutora, thus reducing fnctlootMi 'ho minimum. VITS FOR C8RCULAR8. THE SEW HOME SEYilHG MACHIHE CO. rum'vw.''ti. ati ta,oa. ran balc by iWA w I OF JtLXt WlLJL ; TS ''Q T5 fa FOB loney, Marsteller Bros. "The Old Reliable." Hester & Son, DEALERS IX Lumber, Coal and Sash, Doors, Lath and Windmill and IIARHISON Isedor Richstein, DEALBB I2sT Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. AGENT FOR Pabst's Celebrated BEER. iiaur'.sox, Great Prize Contest. 1st Prize, KNABE PIANO, stylo 2d Prize, Cash, - 3d Prizo, Cash, - 10 Cash Prizes, each $20, - 15 Cash Prizes, each $10, 28 Prizes, n-i. ,i,.i ..,;.. ,iii v.n rrivnn to sinlcnre, in Enirlish, contuiniim all Hie letters in the iiliimlet. The otluT irizns will (ro In regnlur order to tlioso'compelitors wlw.-nj sentences bta..d lieu ll) iiouil oi urevny. CONDITIONS. Thr- lentrth of a sentence is to be measured bv the number of letters it contains, mill ouch ponlestant must indicate by (Inures al the close of his seiileiicc risl liow loin; it is. Tho sentence must have Rome meanim;. Uro'-rapii'ieiil names and names of persons cannot be used. Tho contest closes February l.'illi, 1 (!, ami the results will be published one week later! In case two or more prize-winning sentences are equally short the one first, received will bo (riven preference. Every Competitor whose sentence is less titan llfi letters in length will receive WilUio Collins' works in paper cover, including twelve complete novels, whether he wins a prize or not. No contestant can enter more than one sentence nor combine with oilier 'competitors. Residents of Omaha nr not permitted to lake any unrt. directly or indirectly, in this contest. Piano now on exhibition at llay'den Bros.' Music Store, Omaha, Neb. This remarkably liberal oircr is made by tho Wickki.y Yi Oui.D-lIiiiiAj,o, of which the distinguished ex-congressman, WILLIAM J. BRYAN, is Editor, nnd it is ror-nlrcd that each competing sentence be enclosed with one dollar for a year's subscription. The Wkkkly Woiii.d-Hihald is Issued In Heiiil- pl weekly sections, and hence is nearly as goou as ft uaiiy. n is iuh western Lj champion of free silver coinage and the IuuUin family ucwspu'ier of jn Nebraska. .Address, : S weeK'u World Herald. OmaHa. Neb. YOTJB Farm Implements, Blinds, Lime, Shingles. Pump Supplies. NEBRASKA. NEBRASKA. t 4 P" $000 100 GO 200 150 $1300 t I ho. norson whn constructs tlic sliortt"'1. I I- D C C C D D C C C C C K I r ' ii r :