The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, January 16, 1896, Image 4

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    fjpjipux County Journal.
z.r kitLi hid lv.J
111 I'ilUM ('ilJ'.tV t:.Tf WUs 3 l.ttlel
scene ,eii tiie ie 'nuti'v j,jd;e tef,t
i 1
' o tji.i-in'!; f. Tlit) outworn;; jiji'r't
I was deleted at the but had con-!
i 1 i
tested Ue tir ! u of Jilt, but a i
r-roont '( lli? votes made no change in
tf.f I'esflit. A -tij-T .--dea-i b. lid
I. led but hi - i. h i t-; d tes r t lie, but !
li e r.inl. - in', r - : i t t iri-:ilr tli- !
. !':. T i- j i l.---K-t tui In "i and
a lr.! ii,! U tie- v.,oj,.J Is- hoei-over up
:im! u:n oct t; .f!i -. It i-.
i.t:;t!i;''li- Cu-l ft 1- to t so.ue e-o- ,
to r il.z; l.'j tt they have been'
I III (If J ,lo A n.
Sioux County,
Feed and Sale
.Salxw-fipUoB Fru-e, f-.OO
" ' 1..:
STEADER. jl,. J. Sim mo n ,
) i'a i-
H-Mer.-! t the liiirrewll t oltK-e a
c : juj cit Lualler-
1 I 1 J II
The Kjraney H '' ;-aks ' ' ir
.1 irnll as chairman of tlie (.i I . an
' t'e central committee. It ev.dei;.
' : l it Bro. Brown h.n .!. instead ot
i Is til his If 1-
Tins Tenty-f.urtli anuu il iii"-tiiir 1 f
''m Nebr.i-ka state re-s a-.siH'i.itn.n will
..u hIil at Lincoln January b ami
. . 1 tlie (jiull drivers w!i h nv tin m il-
j -r in cliure jr.dii:e a tnu tiuit ill Ik;
Mr.trtti iroiiiir nilit-s t. t-r. . tiut-s
11 so.
IJeuU-aanl Swift votMiu!tt-l s'i i . 1 at
irt Hobinsiiti last H'k. H bail I n-t-n
i i charge f tl st I'afitn fur mhih'
li'ue imt was nlicvt'il ati'i an iNVt-st ira
t otivias Winy; mail . 1I as short
stliout two tlioiisan l ilollars took tl;
suicitle rout out of the trouble.
if the reports are at ail n-li.-.ble tln"-n
ill lie a larger nmulir of aspirants fir;
lite retiuMican noiuimitinn for governor
fian tier known in tli state, it
more than likely that a goo I many w i
on sbcoikI Uiougbt ileciil.; that tiiey h tv
I io DiUch other business to atleiui to
it is a long time until liie next governor
vill Ue sel tel.
.The first official act of Judge West
over on Jan. ytli "as to st-nlehi e a
" i
young man to two years m toe leinten-
"tmry. He pleaded guilty to an a-sauit
ith intent to commit robbery. If that
.is the :e Judge Westovi r intends to
take with criminals who come Ik. fore
.him evil-doers will not have it as ea-v as
ooie seemeil to think.
Another 10,l,()DO,000 bond isie is I
.itig made anJ a syndicate has perfected
,i plan to take the entire i-v,e. It is
'i-lainied that it is the only course titid.r
the existing conditions. That may be
true, but we lielieve that it is the result
if unwihe policy on the part of the party
in power which created conditions as to
rentier such a course necessarv.
From the number of men w ho are he
jng mentioned as seeking the republican
nomination for congress in the sixth dis
trict one would be led to lieheve that
whoever received hat honor was sure ol
jhis seat under the dome of the capitol. ;
That is a mistake. No matter w ho is i
nominated he will have to make the ;
greatest light of his life if b; is xticrt k- ;
;ful and a mistake made in the selection
vill mean defeat. The Wrongest I
man is the one to .selected.
One of the best things we have sn in
'ts way is the ' Remnant Sale of Ru b- j
elors" written up by W. J. Wright in .
the Chadron JjuryuiK The onlv tiling j
lackintr to make it i.'oiiiiik-te is the fol- i
Wri;ht, W. J. Vo are now at lib
erty to offer this at it bargain, as it
must 0. Medium height, lieht com
plexion. Has an intellectual counte
'nance and inviting hps. Was omitted
Jrom bargain list on ace wot of an out
standing option. A rare gem but must
'lie taken quick.
Speaking of the proposition of Chadron
to give $2",000 cash and a lot of land as
a bonus for a sugar factory, the Lincoln
Journal contends that it would be Is-tter
for the people of that place to pot a lew
thousand more in it and own the plant
That would lie all right if
h3 b,,I it but if will ..!,., ,, ,.. 1
thev can raise to meet that and tiie limit i
, ... .
is the limit in such casts. If it can be
done so cheaply it would be a g ooJ plan
for the people of the eastern part of Ibe
state to take hold of it :tnd help the
"work alonj;. It would lie good economy
to lielp get the western part of the tttate
on a basts which would make it sell
supporting that no more appropriation
. ...... ... ,1
will lie needed to carry the people
hroiiirh tlx. winters '
nrougii tlie winters. j
1 " :
v .
Discussion of men for delegates to the
natiomU- republican convent,.,,, has he- j
gutl. John L. Webster of Omaha ad i
j'eter Jansen of rirburv are j f ir the j
onlv names menlioneil for ileWnten , 1
oniy names mennoneu lor (iiiegales at :
large, but other candidates will doubt-
I. , . I
lem come to trie front in a short time.
There are plenty of good men in the
late, and no doubt the republicons will j
I-' ., ti...,
select from lhs beait of them. Tha !
H- t U. time Himply offer, one ,ug- j
tyentiorv: Don't elect uny congressmen or
other olllt.e-holdern as delegates. They
live glory enough for the present, and
he dfstinction it( beino; (lali-gates can
just a well he ' conferred up in some
fetlier -good I men. SjivarJ Il pn-tv;
' The above Hiigestion is a wise one.
It m mm l,n b,en lunjrjl wit', an ollice
let htm W imtisileil, ami do not attempt
to pile honors upon him. His j idgo
ineot might' break down ' ah J then he
would fcelong to 'thai numerous class
who think that tlmy own tlie people,
etlwr than the people own Uisin.
Final I'pn'f Noil.-'. i
All HT-ri-, fl i ! firof initio. -i I
!;;:. ., r ft .i -. r ;iakt i ( -4 J ul Iht i
H . 't 1 .1 "II1. i'MjI JrjTl lut- I'.ir I'uliii.-
i. .-. hr ,
i.. l-:-..
at Uj:i
w la r !i
i t!i
t tlie tl.Mimtlf
.in. i -
tl ll i- H.e I l.u; !' ! II.- I'.l. 11
t ,,,, t
i.i .i" ll i ,.i it i... i i i . i. ,ij ,:l 1. 1 (i i
! ;'! 1.4.1 . I I lil O'.f i.i O - til. iH"
.). I:.. -.u r.( . .. rk io-tn. t .. it i,t
.-"ii, .v Li. , n i i iiriirti ' i , .i. :
V il'.iiii s-,,i,r-,. c lliirri-iiii. i-!..
!i'i in :!' II l. No. r:;7 1 1 ir T he 1 , ue. i, , n .
;, .... v. I., iji. a , r ... ii .
In- i. . i. - Ho- i 4 wli.o---. - to ; r.o.
I: .il . l.u l. i,i - r- I .. Ujl i.i I lU.ti.t
I. o.i oj - ii,i lioej , . :
1.. o i .r 1 ll.iul, lj i- ' -ii:-:.i I. .-1
ina, .i iuroT I ..i:ix, a!! i ( II. r. mh, N. i i .
;o - i
.bom s . uf H.irri-n i.
v. ho iii.-i'i- II . I.. ' y. f..r til.- -w :,
we. I.,, I.. , , ill . , .1, Ip. -i , I: ... N .
If.- :i in..-- th. : o. ,-, .. ri-r : i im j r o
I hi- eoiit ...i.o i- ri .-,;.,n. uiM,;i ,,ini , ,,i.a
I ' I ol . - :i 1 1 Oi l. I .
! I.,.i,irl anal. I.i-I'.'rri.v. .im.ii !
lUii. I l-nii-aff I.erU.t:, li.'i ill 1 1 .. ri t-,n , S. .-..I .
I I .l, J.l.
i.i li.-i r.
I Srttii-e tor I'ulihi itM.n, i
l i tlttlee lit .iili.e Nt-I... .
j li.- i: i
Noliee W l.'n h tfi. ;i tl. ,1 I il. I.:. low
ll e I -.1 . r f I- liii Inline ol li,i' ti ll
turn to ihlk- ii iiI -i..o to ui"it ..I l.u ;
i. in-1 i,i .1 .. 1 . r -,t vi ii ; o. iii-.H- im- ;
vl .1. !:o . 1 1, i i.-m !i-ii .. t i oni t ul'
11 . 1 1 ;-on, .-i.i -i- k ,i . hi i i hi a..i v 1, I-'.:, i. . j
I l!,ir i-''. Aim i ! I. nl llari u hi. . I... !
: v. Iio hi !! II. I-'.. No 7..l the lull 1 aiei
ttrl v.u nr. , ..,i- I , I . 11,1 .J, V, ., ali't
mi j A . i- '.'.1. t ;i 1 ' II . I . ..' , vv
II.- u :i ii,.'- lie- I-. ii 11,4 'In- -i' ti. ir ivr
lu-en',1 ni'i'iii- i .'-I 1 . ii i e uj, i, ii niel ei. i I : j
I ion i-t . -,il I 1 mil . .. ; j
Ainliv M'-i.oii. -,, . II l.m'.f,.l. .
iilu.-.t, .ill i.l i;,,i ! ,, S, Oi.l, r . N.-l'i-e,
oi l:.-ii, s. i,. j
J. W. M liiv. .In.
il', V.. I.i;i.n r.
Nu'i.-e i-ir I'liiiiu-.i'
I. ami ( Die
it A I
Nell.. I
,m Iiik
NotSci is hereby pln ti..t lie 1
1 le.iie-.l -en er h.i- llh-l l.otee i .1 !i i - in ; .
tion to mil ki- lirui! jeiKiI in -ij,;n.;!ol ni.
i-laiui. .tint - li't iifiol I .' in ;'!' I,.-
Iwl - '1. J. l:..weM. i'l.- k ot tlte -I'-lle-'
1'oiirt, lit ili.rri-oii, N.-hr., on Jun
I vie:
V.bji.lili ,ei:i:ir:l. Ilf t'lHW f.l.'ll. Veil.
who iiiiele II. I.. N ;,;; ((,r tie -. 'smy.
aim . i, -., tji. n., r .. .
i le li.oii' -s t a-- 1 i.i l'i ia .ii w i t m-s-e- to pi Ol I
111-eo it in 'hill- I '-ii;i-,!.-e linnet ; 1 1 i ( 11 . 1 : u
lion ol - ,i't it u'l nc :
A I mi -Ii i i. if, Ki.,.-.'v l'i..---r. I!eiirv i.-el.-I;..,.,
rt .N. ei e, n,i oi in ;;, Hi.
;c .1. "A . i.iin. J.. Keal.ter.
Onlcr nl'H'-Rriii mi Pi'ti'ii.n lor iiioiii'iiii-ii) i
of A.' iaistr.Coi of Ai!uiiii(tra'ri. J
ST TE I f NKHKvKt, i j.
At a ( u nity ( uerl, lieel nt the County
t o.irt 1;..oki, i,i ;i;nl Uir tor ..ii'l ( ouiitv, I .- !
l-e.lilM-r :
I'll-- -11
111 111,'
J.I lie. C
1111 1".
-1. A, I
, lloiH-rt U il-on, i "on:i I) .lii tc r l Ule Ktt.tle ol I ll.llli'S
,l l , l)ce.'..-,',.
invfa- 'I fllilOf ti'.e .ititiiei o r.
e ru.l.iv. i.".i lua 'Ii .1 in!iii:io-ir i
lion ;' - 'ill . -t it.' In- ;;r.o.ll-l t I linn I,-
:cl alni-lr .tor.
i iKi.i.KKh, II, it Jit ti tin ry int., . I). I
i. f on. o'. l.,'k. i'. M ., i- .1-. : 4 ii I tor ti . i ,n
s.Kll .( t Oil. V. !i.i M'l-o:,- It. l.'l .(.'"l 1,
- , : i ii. t l.r .ii i i (i., .i ,t t ii i i hi : v t o i rl
to l,e le , i-i i,,,', ).., .,. ,-O'C.t;', io,' I -li.,v
riiii - liiiv (ii.-ir io r o, p.-t ,l:,'.,i r
t,i! !' I.'i I'.I'-ii, ii i'l i'o;n' ol tii- H...'tiey
ol .el J . t t , ) , i , it It t !!i h imu' Id i r-'i.t. U'
g: V i'.'i to ,iit jiil -o ,- i.ili-l .'-1 't 1,1 -.o,l ti.nt
l.-r l.v ;.utn,-ii; e a ioiii ol lii.i- o;iJer in
TUB "suit n l oi TV .ci liS'i, a mi kiy
ieu-ii,iH'r jirialeil in rteon v, for i.liiV
M '-' k". ( '" '" ''' '' 'V
ii..iir Wiimiv,
oniily J u Ig;'
lief or 1 for a May izi lie
the lli'st
Ile:t!ore-t' I. lit l'-.iter Pitt teros are the uiowl '
pruetlei l o:t tlie iiiiirlo-t. I h-y are ol biiv i
s;.. a meiiiU-r in t:i" Iioiim-IioI'I coul. I re j
,iOr,. I,, ,.-t. .-,,,.v ... II,.. Vl.,i, .vi,...
print. ul a i ouixm entitling Hie nli- rllier. I
"r P'ireliiuer. to a p tteni orth hikI r.-Ku
for i..ur cent-e ieh to coser ui'k- itn l
IK.-I.IU-. tt llfll tile VHllle ol tlie pitlerit.-i-
i eoliiJiilered the nltseriiH'r iwtaally i:l
Ami iiinsf.i.liie It. i-! Kor Kfi it will
U: more I r lliioii tli.iti ever Is-fore. New
liiitlliitfetiient, new liiettlo'lw, new lde iw.
K'tell copy eoiitnllls mi exiui-lte repr.Hl ue
t io.l In color of soii.e relehr.i li'it tllet il re liv
i h fiiiiiou iirti-t, woithv to Hdorn the wall
lot' tlie nto-t reltiie! home. It Isnffirim-'l that.
It l-M i Ittl-.s I ttthe only complete ramliy
HUlf llll' I" I im mi "I im ino-t ei-.-l
i,,,,t points ot Its e.. itempor tr;. -, U -nl.' 'litlilil altl" feat nr.- of 1 1 ow it, IIKVt
ohk - t s u ,u tu ,ny H mvoaivk-
In one.
u I- ti IMg-t (if Current . Kvents n ml Ide.i
flr ti. t,u-v- mni r xoman. a Hevlew hi,i t.
what they need to mmue nir) In-irm-t men,,
,i-o priietieil helps ill eveiy ilepa rt men t o
fiomestle nml ! il life. Inehniinif tin-1 urn
l-hlmt nn I orn inientlna' ot the ho , em
t)r.,, ry, i.rlc u innc-y work
i ;!. ''te-. etc , :i. .uustiim n.
mlvlce ri'''H"lf the well luting uikI (Ires-
jaK ,, their own iioii-.
Interests, mi l th- articles will Is- Crofu-lv
Ulu-trtiteil with the finest ruKraviiiKii, Kiel,
in n.iaiiion. it will rmhiuii tio-ini ,ni pur
llie'tts; it. Kt es a lifl'Sl 'lea, ol MIO'tltloll to
tin- ( hililw-n's Mep '.rl iteiit, ami "Oiiri.irh,"
nnil Inn. a Mo tthlv syuioiilm ttv t r li.,ritei
People, in wliirh tire illnetisst'il iiiiMirtHiit
(ineHllonof lilt' liourof illtere-t Ul tile tfer
j-t. ii hvi" your tmlweriptlon nt oner.
on jfet tn'ire vnltie for yonr imiueV than It
lspossitile to seeure in Kiiy other mittfitftliic.
The Mamir.lni one yeitr lor 'J0i. ,
(ir 'ii iiKtiit.hs for - I (W.
(Oner ti iltfferent imrm.nt i:m idiowit
eneh year, p ttternsnif Hll of wtileh Hre ote
t-tiiiH i.le hy stcMerilrttrti at 4', e tell, i SHinpli
copy (with p.ittern i-oiioiii smil for Kie.
IlKUOKIT I't hlahlllM CO.,
110 I'll III Avenue, .New-York.
A LtlltK tt OrKRH. Xl-r IXO
Hetid Vottr ;.iil)tc ript,!oaii tothUOWce.
duni n- . '11,1'b-lali.uis
I! .r. U-aniK
n. n. B:.K'.vc-ni,
l'les.di nt.
n. ii. )r:vol:, ci shier.
Iransacts a General Bankinc; Businecs
.'.!-.!:H-AN Kv' IIIVl.K NkTI'iNAI, SK, New Vols-,
"MvllA N.vnnVil. HNK, ).iia'i;i.
l';:t-T Natiun!, 1!am;, Cliudn.n.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
you wuj, r,N; :.u: at thi:
Drugs, Medicines, Paints & Oils.
lea.nto us sen leineni l.i-l ,. hiiV lor '
special elfoi t to get s.-ttleis was I
J"ZB"W"1EIjK"2", CLOCKS JIT"X)i,.,ade,aswasdo,i,. in the early day s l
3? A.2T3!Z
The Inter Ocean
Is the Moft Popular Republican Newspaper
of the West and ttaa the Larg'.-st Circulation.
DAILY (without Sunday) $4.C0 per year
DAILY (with Sunday) $6.00 per year
The Weekly inter Ocean t 1 .00
As a Newsrjaner THE INTER OCEAN Iceepi iibrat of the times in all
resf)tn.t. It spuria neither p.nn nor expen -e la gncinng
The Weekly Inter Ocean
As c Family Pa per It Net HxceHeJ hv Any.
5Flt hr.t inrrirth,n of Interest to each nimbor ol the familv. Its
hfc-iJ YOUTH'S DEPARTMENT Is the ve.7 beetof Itf kin J. Ita LITE.'vV
RY FEAT URE3 are nncqnalad.
It is a TWELVE PAGE PAPER and oortains tho 27ewa of the World.
POLITICALLY IT IS REPUBLICAN, and nives Its readers tlto henefit of
th able.t discussions on all live poil tic. 1 topics. It i Dub lt.h4 In Chicago
and is inaccjrd with the pop a of tb Wt in both politic. :i1 litrt,ir.
Pla9 remember tut the price of THE V.EEKLY LVi'i-K UCAN is
T II H JNTJER OC iV.j: h -c ago. , '
fLlf IraiiM i hi t.irtim r
C. F. ' V.rrER,
Vice l'rtjiideDt.
Free Homes for More
Than 5,000 Ken.
; A new county with
' schools, churches,
j railroads, etc.,
Conta'ns over forty-five nvies of
rail oad and has no county
S.oux count v is the norlhwc-t ( i.utilv
i of Nebraska. It is ulut thirty liiib s
,eu-t and west by about seet,ty Hole-!
' north and south and i .'i.l.nhs
t i
: "f land. There at" more bright . s a i l,-- i
ling, small streams in the comity than
can be found in the same area els"Vt b. re
, in the state. It has limn' pile- I.iii'k r in '
; il t' i.i ll ail tli" rest ol t he - tale 1 1 ,o I.i p. ii '
I It s L'i a-v s are (lie rii lie-t nml iimM nu-
j tntions know n vi that l..r sl k grow u,g
i it i- lllit'Ncelled.
j I
Tiie soil varies from a In a v lav to 1
light sandy loam mi l is cap.ihlt-of pro-. '
diictiig excellent. ( rops.
'n The principal cr ips are small gi-tin '
and Ve.'.-ta! !(--, altbouah con,
grown in the valleys. The v, e:i , o;'t
rye and barley are al! of uiiiim. lit,.
uality and ouniiai.d tlie h'gin --t u,.i -
j ket price.
The w'iiler it pure 1 ref n-shing .
: is found in abiintlata e Hi all jails il tin
i The county is pr.tcliially out of ill I.l
! and has user forty-five iiul-s ol ia;,
: within Its lioi'ders, has a good bi n k oi.l I
! house and the necessity nviiiiis lor run-
filing the county sunl tt.iv nVtl .'
I U'en one dollar of county irtimi- hiu-t;
and hence lax.s will be. b,w.
I The his, moii!, I.ll.iioi'u & Miskoi.n '
. Valley la.lronii cn.s-t s Sums cnuutx
. from east to West and the B. & M. ba-
i about lilleeii miles of its hue ill Ibe
; northea-l pari of tlie county. I
i The chniiite is more pleasant Uiau that
j i
i of the eastern portion id Nebraska. j
There is ti!i
i of land in Sioux county yet open t(J .
j homestead eulry. H is better land and j
' more desiiuidy located . than that lor:
hich such rushes ale made on I he oped-
j ing of a ti-servataiii. llnre is m nui-
I road laud in the county and lor that j
tin; settleiui-iil ul the t a tei ii pa It o the)
(ioid deeded lafid can lie iiurch.ssi-ii ni i
reasonable rates with government land
adjoining so that a person whotta.tsi
i more than ime juarter seclioi, can obtain i
i it if be has a link- menus.
lhere are aljoul 2,olli) people in the
county and there is room for thousand
il.irri :in is the county seal and is sit
uated on the K E. & M. V. railroad, and I town as the thinly settle I 1
country demands.
School houses and .hufebes are pro
vided m almost every sellleintnt und are I
Kept up wiLh U'e tunes. I
All who desire to get a honieslea 1 or '
buy land cheap are invited to tome mid
see the country for thcuist Ives and i'ide I
of its merits. Homesteads uiil not U..
obtainable much longer und if ou wuiit
touseotir right and get 100 acres of
laud I rum Uncle ham free it is lime jou
were about it.
l.iKik ot This List
of western t it ies:
'luc.'tHo St. Joseph
Omaha Lincoln
St. I,oiiiH ) etiver
Kansas 1,'ity I endwoood
It does" nt matter which you intend
visiting. The IJurlinton Hoitte is the
Is'st line to all as it is lo uny 01.0 ol
litem. ,
AdverllsinK nintter iind full infoifiin
lion about trains nnd rales on applica
tion. - ' " J, Fbapcik, O. 1'. & T. A.
' OtllUllM, Neb,
crtltHKIi t Us:
sun, t I, ml. t;iermir
U r. Um CleuU-imllt (MIVIVtHiT
J. V l'tir - .secretary itt sii.t.1
, Uiene Vl.e - AlKlltor
J..-. pu . Ii .rt n v - Tresnuivr
A - I Ion- loil - Attorney (.mural
H. I 1, ii. - I..HO, t t.ntriilMiijMtrr
II. K ( ol l U supt. I'uhlli lllallu, llou
( (iVi.liKs-K'NAI. lit l.l.t;ATI(lX:
.'., -i M 1 Ico -Oni. C-- senMor. innnkR
v ,,,, V t i -1 t . s. Sen 1i, r, M:wtiMiMi
.1 I: -1'.-1. . l ....fc'ic iii.i i-l li-t , t.liu-Mlti
It .11 '. t , - r. " .-, oitiatiw
.. II. iu . ..lill " l " fllllertoM
J li.uM'i . ' 4IH ' Anna-
id .t ,int,, ' .'in- II. -I ( Intel
1 1 ii. In ui, " tan linarti Ik.vit
t. t r..-C, I icef J It-lice, Cl.Iuiltt.B
I II 1 ll.O I ,-0.1 . A-'le JU't -! '. t'l" onl il.itt
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UMI t- 1 ll JI M HI. l,-Tl:i(T:
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V II Hf.lovel. . - . " I.U-hiil
M . J. 'li.'W t il .. . . iel k, II..M Iini
1 nt NI l r ICKH:
i:,.M-rt tc;;-m ( ..nniy Jtniif
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lit n i;i i f 1 .I Mlsh iM 'is;
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.Iiii,s) 1:. p.. I i-t. No. -:, ll.'iiiit.rflt.r.l
MI.I.Ai.l. (irHi'Klls:
M. .1. I lies et t ; 1 iiniriiiiot Triut.-
I . lions . r ,
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Ii II. (.r . .el
V . It. It il-ti-il.-l
i. I. -Iniliioi . Clerk
i.e v i- I . I ,:ii h - 1 M'.tvUler
S( II1MII. tlffll lis;
I. W. s.-ott I.lrietor
I.. I -in n k. .iiKlen.ior
0. v . in -o i I it'.uier
'I I HMs nt , til KT:
,'i-lt .t ( ttnit, Al ltiirrt-.ui, t'oini.ietifs-tf
M 11 h il 1 1, Nov cnilier : t:i.
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(II! Ill litis ami H I V I IKS. -III. I iv -i li.M.I uieeUevrry !!!
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stipe 1 in) .' M.I ft! t. - iTi'lu y.
WliitllMI.N l,t 7 II K VVulIl.ll.
l;il!-olt I nit I . No. 11 ei fit on i-jull nt-
:e i.tti- W e, j,,v 1 .veiling
v . .1 inv, v . I.,
t n i I.. I W.I. t tf ...
M 11. ;t 1 1 1 4 ; i.y v ; nc v.
Meet. ...It nll.Tllli sjt.,r,,v .
1 "' a .;. v. c.
J. A . -tt.tK. ( I I I.
KI'V iilt'i ii l.K.u.t t:.
I lev tit on it 1 11 1 i'l' 1 1 1 1 t'vl'I'V s.ii,,!,. y ,.v filling
1 i. Jl. t ..hoie, tin-, tlli4 oil lull 01 pi'el.
" "t l.t.l I . I, I . ,'H,
-i 1:. W. It ll . ... 1 ,,..,.,,i.
'.it tnrv.
A. P. T. L.
The Amcican Protective Tariff League
is a national organization advocating
" Protection to Ame'ican Labor and
Industry " as explained by it! constitu
te,'!, as follows :
" Th '.t:s-:t of Vt Lt(;u .h.II l t pt-5tct
As-tr :tr tar ty a t.'i' ort itnp-rt.. which .hail
R-lq ,3t- y 8n:..i-. Ait-.r.-n tr-duilrtal prodvcUj
B(;4iii-,'. 1. .a c jiT,pi,l,'., jn cf fir;gn Uti.r,"
Tlicre a'e ro pcsoral or private
profits in connection with the organiza
tion and it is sustained by membership,
contributions and the distribution ol :'.
FIRST: Corr9.rtotvdtinc It otleitftd efflrdinf
" I.n,ttrtp " nd ,-0,f'Ciftl CorraaponoanU,
6EC0N 0: Wa rand and wtalsom corttribubona,
whthar atr.ftil cr lart. to Our caufta.
THIRD : Wa cutli.h a kvrga lisa cf doeumartte
covenrg all pKaaea of tt-a Tariff qjl,on, Com
plcta Bat will ta ma, lad to any adats. for 60 oarte.
FOURTH; 8ind poatal card raqutHt for fr
aampla copy cf ta " Amartcan Ecotvonviat.
Addrtt.i Wrbur F. Wakaman, Ganaral 8acratr,
13S Waal 23d Straat. How York.
Slientific American
fl Afjcncy for
rnr Inff.rmnUnn and fr-.. Iltuvilimk nt. in
Ml .v.t ft (Xi w.l lintuuwiT, K Y(m.
0..1I -1 htinsna Bttetirtn.T pau ntatn Amerlt-av
I'-vt-ry t.tni taken tsit ,,y u. la l.rouuht bctf.tro
mo punuc uj tii.oce (ivttn I red ol diarjo la
S ricutific aweriratj
ri 10
a uuml It- KMkl,
i-nr; (I.Vjinrnonni A'ltlma,
I Vfl
-i.tiLt.tiLM .IO L llriMbawa.v. 2titr V,
imma, ai Urodgf, kw Vork cur.
Just I'ruai the I'rr.
A very attnictive publication has just
liet.ui tssiost by I tie liHsseiitfer dt ititrtiiient
of the IturlinK'loii lioiitw. Jt b.nrs the
title "The Newer No,th- rht" u(,d de-scnlK.-
in 11 niot interi stinj,' and rend
able fashion thtnw jsirlioiui of no, iheril
Vyomiuj;anil thu ltlut-ic Hill ol
Dakota wiiich are reached by thin toiu
jHiny's lines.
Tlie scenery, tow;..., mine- i,r,e flnd
industries of Uh-m- t reim.rki.hl s c-
tions of country ttru trettt of with
solute li.lelety. 200 p,, W(t, illMrtt-
uorw, sent 0,1 futs ipt of 10 ,r,,ts iu
sluu,p. J Kkancis, J.'.& T. A.
'iualn. Nebrnska
! North-Western
l. K. & M. V. H. R. ; tim
to and from the
Mil n kalk L
.L- I