The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, January 16, 1896, Image 2

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tu- cmrv pnimrv miiDMii
Ik OVUIJI W'",i I HHunn.ii,
I. J. SIMMONS, Propria
It may be that Harry Hay ward waa ;
not aa bad as he painted himself, but
be was bad enough to prevent any re- j
frets that he was hanged. I
. . - - j
Tbere has l-en si) much, excitement .
the hint few days that it la a wonder
Mr. Kockefeller hasn't rushed off and
given an extra million to the Chicago
No reasonable person can blame Mr.
Caleb (Jubbleable, of New Hampshire,
for asking the Legislature of his State
to change all that part of his name after
Caleb to something else.
The Cleveland I'lain Dealer's inter
view with "the only living survivor"
of the electric street car accident is
only equaled by the Chicago Tribune's
discovery that "all the fatally dijim-d
will probably recover."
Immigration is picking up rapidly
again. The figures for July were 27,
130, against 17,SS'J for the same tnoinh
last year. The increase from the Brit
ish Isles was and from Austria.
Hungary, Itussia and Italy, 4,,'xm. A
light decrease from Germany is report
ed, a fact indicating business prosperi
ty in the German empire.
The English newspapers and our
home torieg censure the plan of a com
mission to ascertain aud decide ex
parte the boundary of Venezuela, aud
ay that it would not be binding on
Great Britain, because Great Britain
has not agreed to accept the decision
when it shall be made. The Sehom
burg line was drawn by a British
agent, without notice to Venezuela, j
and was adopted without asking Vents j
Etiela's assent. It is not binding on j
Venezuela any more than a, line drawn '
by a Cut ted States commission would
be binding on Great Britain.
- . . y
The traveling itnerican never ceases
to Interest otf" British cousins. The
Paris corespondent of the London
Daily wb recently headed an article
.o.ouu ' -
BO.IL11 lieu Ulitl IICIII .JJlinr-rj (
Daisy Miller, struck the fancy of our ;
British cfusins, and they seem to meet I
her numerously over there. Americans
who have never been abroad seem to ;
doubt her existence, but th 'Se wi.o have
traveled are reluctantly forced to admit
that Daisy Millers in the tiesh may b;
fonnd in Europe every day. Concern
ing these "Diamond Daisy Millers," the
News says: "The new American hotels ,
In Paris overflow with them. Crowds
of pretty girls in faultless Parisian toil- i
ets and many of them in their teens,
one and all displaying diamonds enough
to set up an actress, one aud all speak
ing with the American accent." From
this It is evident that our feminine com
patriots in Europe are recognized by
their accent and by their habit of wear
ing diamonds In the daytime.
Comment has been made on the fact.
deemed remarkable, that President !
Cleveland made no reference to Mear- .
gua and the canal in his message. The j
reason Is not far to seek. The American !
commission dispatched by the author
ity of Congress to examine the pro
posed route and Investigate impartially
the estimated cost and the probable
benefits made an adverse but as yet
unpublished rcjxirt on the eve of the
completion of the message. Any gen-
eral recommendation which the PresI- j again ou the general; to see him, more
dent had projected of the enterprise over, solely as a strategist. It may be
from a practical or a patriotic point said tbat he was for the first aud last
of view was necessarily affected by time unhampered. His political iude
Hhis report, and no intelligent or eon- ; pendeuce and personal popularity were
elusive statement was possible to Mr. t alike se-eure. His army was the best
Cleveland until further time should In Europe, composed of young and wel
enable him to consider the later and un- j drilled conscripts, who had been elgh
doubtedly sounder views of the en-1 teen months under arms, with a large
gineeringand monetary difficulties to be f nucleus of trained veterans. Of the
overcome before the canal, at least by ; generals who commanded the seven
the previously accepted route, can be j corps destined for Germany only two,
deemed practicable. The Nicaragua : Augereau and Bernadotte, were over
CanaL so to speak. Is for the present
out of politics.
The rumor from Colorado that British
speculators have invaded the Cripple
Creek gold district is confirmed by ad-
vleoa from tha nthr Hide nf the A rift n-
Uc. The London Financial Times says profession, and had. practiced It with
a "Mine's Exploitation Syndicate" has j success; they were, without an excep
been formed there to acquire properties ! tion self-reliant and enterprising, fanrll-
Jn the Cripple Creek district, "and pro
mote the same." : The syndicate has
secured the services of the State Geol
ogist of Colorado and other experts to
dvlse as to the selection of prospects,
: and to report Upon the same when
ready for company promotion. . It is
th vender and promoter of the Crip
pla Creek' Exploitation Syndicate, and
"will have . the entire and exclusive
management thereof," receiving 20,000
- folly paid shares In the latter concern
aad 20 per cent of the net profits as
remuneration for managing tbe busl-
neav It la not to be wondered at that
the Cripple Creek agent of the syndi
cate Is reported to hare written "most
faToraWy" In regard to several of the
eiaima held in tbe district by his era-fcitortrs-
.The V. T. does not state that
Intention Is to offer most If not all
, M Hie shares on the London market,
Ibot this may be Inferred for the ooUet
bf tbe enterprise. Doubtless the "prop
erties" will be duly offered to Anterl
ccan "Investors" after the prices ku'e
- been sufficiently boosted abroad.
: Aa investigation of cattle tube reflo
ats has been made al the Iowa A.jrl
emltttral College eipertoeat sutli n.
The following resnHa n aanonnead,
Mat, If sat all, from werk previously
ssssV rr lit bt now confirmed: Tntr
alsO f tbi tower sMinasi to Ideatl
Cal wttk uta psfcstamtl . It to
dsaay betrana-
and from tit lower ai.iuiHla to Uian. i
TtiU-rculoai -a uses more deaths In
t the human family tliau an otb -r diie
ease, conn an- esp.-cially bum ptill to
J It, aud art- extensively affecte.' by it
! Milk from cows affected with i m:'T
! convey dim asp t the consumer. .' i
though the animal may have in'ii a
fted udders. The flesh f iu!-rcu
lous animals may convey tin- dw-as
a large proixtrtiuu of the eases (ami
be recoguiz.-l by clinical i-xai.iin-'t i.
The tutft-rr-tilln test is practically !n-
fallible and no oilier tew yet '!'
ered can detect any coin-li. ';ble pro
portion of disease in the 1 i in,; sube t.
Injections of tuberculin cannot
tulterculosis. nor are the reult harm
ful. The published r. j . rt wta'a-s l! ;it
autopsies ner- he'd recently on thn-e
diseased aniinuls that bud recen -A a"
intervals tin ejections of lul.uiv,.!-
Two of them were fat. appa; ii;
the lust of health, and slio,..t
very slight lesions. "It aes-tos r
probable that in these animals li e i..
l : tiliu exerted, to a certain ext-:.t, :it
least, a curative effect."
Kdward Atkinson, president of the
Boston Manufacturers' Mutual 1 ire 1 ; -suranee
Company, looks with dltd'aw-r
on the steel skeleton buildings, main
tninliig that when exposed to a lug;,
heat either from within or from with
out they would tear themselves to
pieces to the great danger of the sur
rounding property, and also to the peril
of the tirenieu who attempted to control
the tire. During the period of the ur'
low price for steel or iron bon;fC Mr.
Atkinson tayg in a recent rrt to bis
company many plans wii were tub-
imnt-u louicauiig a euieucy on im
part of architects jf sulsstitute iron or
steel for heavy ,tiiiler in some part of
the frame., one or two instance
i steel Jje'.iis had twen adopted in mill
! construction, which leads Mr. Atkiiis:i
I to repent his caution as to the dangei
j of unprotecteil iron or Bteel. InMai ct :
I are cited w here steel iH-auts have Ue:i
doubled and twisted out of shape by
fire. In one instance iron posts of the
"I" form, on each side of which two
Inch planks had been bolted f r tia It
protection, were twisted into a worth
less condition by the heat of the ti v.
Fourteen-iueu square wooden js's.
exposed to the same fire, were lno-ie -d
a little lens than two Inches dei p
the ten Inches remaining still sustain
g the load which rested uik.ii them
buu sietfj irmu tue uesiructive eueet o.
heat, either within the building or strlk
Ing upon the building from without. i.
yet but partially solved. Mr. Atkinson
prefers the mill construction, and
comlucting experiments with the view
to securing the best means of protec
tion to wotidon surfaces, especially at
the incbptlou of a tire, thus preventing
the flames getting under much head
way before the lire department arrive.!.
The first rule laid down for avoidlus
the rapid spread of lire on wooden sur
faces is to forbid absolutely the smear
ing over of these surfaces with any of
the ordinary types of combustible var
nish. Mr. Atkinson is now investigat
lug the recent tires In Chicago with a
view to gathering further Information
on the subject of the Influence of Are
n uctural steel. As none of the
',ull'"u. l,"n,t"1 was "1 .tlie n"-
fireproof variety the question will still
remain open as to whether great "sky
scrapers" could burn or could tumble
down from the effects of fire.
Napoleon's Grand Army.
la order to apprehend Napoleon's su
pernal greatness it Is essential at this
period of bis life to shut out of view
the man and politician, aud fix the eye
: forty years of age. The Emperor him
self, fioult, Lanne, and Ney, were
thirty-six, Davont was thirty-five, and
Marcnt only thirty-one. Of the di
vision eomnmnders one-half were be
tween thirty and forty, while only a
single one wax fifty. They knew their
iar with their leader's methods and re
qulrements.- Century.
John Chinaman at Home,
"In our country we see but one varie
ty of Chinamen the laundry variety,
taken from the lower class of the Indoor
coolies, and cowed, too, at that, by the
democratic exuberance of our hood
lums." ' iThus Mr. Francis Tiffany, In
his new book of travel, "This Goodly
Frame the Earth.") "He Is no more
like the breed at home than If he had
been boiled along with the shirts in one
of his own laundry vats and lifted out
on a stick, shrunk and dripping. In
his own land John Chinaman Is a big,
portly fellow, who walks as though he
owned the earth. He could swallow an
average Japanese without looking
Unlm kf Monday.
A German statistician finds that the
most unlucky day of the week so far a.
aecldents to human beings are con
cerned, Is not Friday but Monday;
16.74 per cent of all accidents occur
Mondays; 15.77 per cent, Tuesdays;
16.31 per cent Wednesdays; 15.73 per
cent Thursdays; 10.38 per cent. Fri
days; the same per cent Saturdays, and
2.00 per cent Sundays.
Anaaal OaUay for Bicycles.
In tbe laat four yean the American
people hare paid oat for blcycUs doi
leas than 1200,090,000 -at the rate oi
60,000.ono per annum
Rivalry is kut and bh'iEk
The Location of Oklab raa' Capital
Matter of Con. cation.
porta rom IJ ei tcr Dispute tlte state
ment Ih-t th Bood utt rttte Iota m
Corner tu 1'olorawto tiold.
Oklahoma City. Okl.. .lao. 9
The statehood convt-n'ioii, which wa
calied here jenteraay, promises t, bo
the warmeit .'athering ever l.eid in the
terrror. N'-ariy ail of tle iiegates
a'e in fvor of g'atthood t"r OislaltoiiiH
but there are .ffmost a m-i'iy sclietiies
tor attaining it as there ar delegate.
Ever since Ol ihouu w ts tir 4t ojmrie l
to se'tlemeut there lias been n intense
rivalry between the d.flerent towns.
Cotigreps provided that th first leg
islature of Oklahoma should meet at
Guthm and fix the territorial capitis.
Then began a light of the bitterest
kind between the different towns. Ie?
ialatures voted the capital three times
to Oklahoma City and once to King
fisher, but Governor Steele vetoed it
every tia.e, and the capita! remains at
The locality of the future capital of
t)V.!otn!i, as a state, will depend
largely on the boundary lines of the
new state, f a state is made of Okla
homa with its present boundaries,
Kinglisle-r or Kl Ueno would be near
the center, and would stand better
chance for the capital than either
Perry, Guthrie or Oklahoma City, on
the t-x'reme eastern edge of the
state, j
So kingfisher and LI Iteno favor im.
mediate statehood f Oklahoma with
Ps prent Isjuiidaries, and the Perry,
Outline and Oklahoma City people aie
against it. When the body met yes
terday the war waa open over the se
lec ion cf a committee on credentials,
and tin admission of the delegate
iroin the Chickasaw nation.
Last night the delegates resolved
themselves into a mob and adjourmd
the convention sine oie before a jer
manent organization could be made.
Can't Corner It.
Dkxvkk, Colo., Jan. U The s'ory
that the bond syndicate has secured
control of the gold output of Colorado
is most indelinite. Gold obtained by
sin cine and from stiitnp tmlis is sold
to the branch mint in this city. The
go'd-bearing ores are sold to the smel
ters, ho in turn sell the bullion pro
dm-ts to the Philadelphia mint or to the
brokers and refiners In several cities of
the east. One smelter of Denver has
contracted to deliver its gold bullion in
Ch eago to an Aurora, III., refiner a
tt mint price; another sellB at a slight
premium to a New York city refiner; a
third ships its product to New Orleans.
The gold, after refining, is sold on the
daily market. It is impossible to con
tract a delivery of gold in advance of
smelter treatment, as it is not a fixed
quantity in an ore shipment, nor can
the smelter managers in advance cal
culate upon their receipts. A smelter
manager here stated yesterday that it
is not impossible nor epec-nlly difficult
for at-yndicate to buy up all the gold
in the daily offering.
Vnrtotg Thing hi riiloole ltii.
t'HlLAlihLl'HU, Jan. 9. The sena
torial investigating committee yester
day afternoon continued its investiga
tion into the alleged abuse by the au
thorities. The star witness of the day
was .rs. Matlie Myers, who for over
three years conducted a questionable
resort and who declared that she p;dd
the police every week for protec'ion.
When the payments ceaued the woman
said she was arrested and sent to prison
and after being Incarcerated for a week
she was discharged upon the payment
of 1100 to L'awyer Lewis Matt and to
the "private detective'' of the district
To Hlp Morton,
Chicago, Jan. 9. The Hamilton
club, a prominent republican social or
ganization of this city, which brought
out Speaker Heed a little over a year
ago, has invited Governor Morton, the
latest avowed candidate far the presi
dential nomination, to be its guest of
honor and principal speaker at tbe an
nual banquet January 31, to be held at
the Auditorium. This action is taken
to mean amou r 'publican party mana
gers l-'-re that (iovernor Morton Is to
be given a boom by wealthy business
men. Kx-Garernor Foraker has ac
cepted an Invitation to speak at the
Vollcs-M Ootlirid.
Kansas . Citt, Mo., Jan. 9. The
state board of health, in session at St
Louis, Monday, outlawed three Kansas
City medical colleges as follows: Tbe
university medical college and the
homeopathic medical college. Notice
of this action was made public yester
day by Secretary King.
The board has absolute power in all
matters relating to the practice of medi
cine in the state, and if a college is de
clared not to lie In good standing the
diploma issued by it, is void.
Soun t Itawlly.
San Fuancisoo, Jan. S. It will not
Via lAnr itjkf j(-a t kin Ihiat t lHi iV i Iru ctti
will be ready for sea. The last of tbe
armor plates for the turrets have been
hipped from the Bethlehem works in
the east for the Union iron works, and
according to the contract tbe vessel
to to b eomplethd within ninety days
after tbe reeelpt of the plates. 1 he
with s pen sons and barbettes,
has long been put in position and near -
I. all f the el.hUneh and tha smaller
Dknvkh, Jan. 10. Government ofli
eials stealthily made their wy through
the railroad yards to a d lapidated
cab:u b-t k of a soap factory m the bot
toms at the loot of Nineteenth afreet,
at noon yes erday, where, suddenly
bursting in thM' dujr, they di-icove ed
two men busily engive 1 in the manu
facture of cou'iterfei' coin. Th"y gave
the name of William Flaher and
George WWiaiiH, aud an abundance of
evidence or their crime against to
governtuent was secured.
About a week ag) the secret service
ofliials were informed ha, par'ie-t
were attempting to n emuterfeit
uickeU and q laritrs about thi city. A
description of the men was ootained,
and af'er a petsisteot search the den
of the counterfeiters wa tracrd and a
raid planned which resulted so sa'is
factoriiy yesteraay, A crueibie with
molten metal io it was fouad on the
c,oal.. Three moul i hot with n-w
casts, res ed on a br iken to!. Oi a
plain tabie the ollicer overiuni'-d a
pile of uiitinisliej q i irterj and a in i'S
of nickels. In the oven of the stove
another moud was drying. Other
moulds were foun 1 ou a buiiK in the
corner of the hovel and several small
bags filled with newly made coin. Sev
eral bars of copper and lead were lying
near the stove ready lor melting. In
the pockets of Fisher's troiners an
other bag of coin waa loca od
The oilicers gathered up the plunder,
manacled the prisoners and drove anay
to the photographer's thence to the
Bridge titvf kf.
Cleveland O , Jan. U. Tbe Ak
ron, Bedford & Cleveland Inter Urban
Hallway company's bridge, which
spanned Tmker'screek, collapsed short-
ly after daylight yesterd ty morning
and a powerful 10 J horse powar motor,
on which were tnree trainmen, and at
tached to which was a heavily laden
car, plunged to the bed of the creek,
sixty feet below, William Voting, one
of the trainman, , was Instantly killed
aud the other two trainmen, Haymaker
and G;eb, so badly Injured that they
will die. The weight of the work train
waa tremendous, as compared with the
ordinary motor for which tho bridge
W"as designed.
At 10:30 Lyman Haymaker died In
the power house, Charles Gieh cannot
U'hlnkjr t ompanjr 0- l'p.
LonisviLLE. Jan. 10. The Belle of
Nelson Distilling company, one of the
largest concerns In the coiritry, IlieJ a
deed of assignment at 1 o'clock yester
day afternoon to the Columbia Finance
and Truit company. The assets Bnd
liabilities are not known, but it is
thought that they will be about $300,-
000. The company will be reorganlzid
and resume business. The assignment
is said to have been caused by Uie" firm
carryng the stock of Uartleyf Johnson
& CO., which assigned about a year
ago and which is iuvoied in the pres
ent failure.
KoMlrr DIM hUOwn IlAloU
Cuaw toisd. Neb., Jan. 1!). (Special)
About noon yesterday Lieut. J. A.
Swift of Ft. Kobinsou shot himself
through the heart with a 'AH C ilt's re
Tolver, dying almost instantly. The
cause was a shortage in his accounts as
manager of the poit exchange and can
teen. The officers in making the
quarterly examination noticed sus
picion aud therefore are making a
thorough Investigation, and it is
thought he will bt about 1,000 shorj.
It is ch-irged, but prool ia lacking,
that Mts Agnes Mullen of Chadron,
who was head bookkeeper, left with
about .7XX) cash, ishe lett January 1
to visit her home. an 1 cannot, it is sa d,
be found. Other cierks claim they saw
her have a large amount of money.
The books show about 62,000 cash on
Lieutenant Swift leaves a wife and
eleven children. It is thought by some
that his salary was not sufficient to
meet his expenditures and that he used
this money to pay his debts. He was
about fifty ymrs of age, extremely
generous and very kind aud loving to
his family. Tbs exchange is now
closed. The Indebtedness to wholesale
houses is not yet known.
Jonr Very III.
Sah Francisco, Jan. 10. Governor
Jones of Nevada, who has been ill in
this city, showed no signs of improve
ment yesterday, and his condition is
considered to be serious. His paysi-
clans have pronounced his ailment to
be cancer of the stomach. There is
more than a probability that he will
not recover. His family and a number
of close friends are in attendance at
his bedside.
Xnaptclon Uld It,
Macon, Mo., Jan. 10. George P.
Keichel, a wealthy furniture dealer,
committed suicide Wednesday night
by cutting his throat. Mr. Keichel
recently became convinced of bis
wife's unfaithfulness and Wednesday
he sued her for a divorce. Tbe suicide
was a sudden Impulse while brooding
over his troubles. It Is believed his
suspicion of his wires honor was
IlarrUon to Marry
New Yokk, Jan. 10. The announce
ment from Indianapolis yesterday that
P Harrison will shortly be
married to Mrs. Mary rscrtt Dimmick,
limply confirmed rumors current lor
lome time past The marriage Is to
take place in this eity. Ex-l'resldent
Harrison will leave Indianapolis for a
Un days' visit to this city lotne time
(his week. Tbe wedding, It to aaid.
1 " Tv J ' , V" 7"'
w' ta" P,,ct bfore ' wlu" to Id'
Trial of Mr. UavidMMi.
Pas Fkawosco, Jan. 8. ThJ pre
liminary examination of Mrs. Mary
D vidson on the charge of extorting
money from llev. Dr. D. O. ilrown, pas
tor of the First Congregational church
of this city, was cont nued yesterday.
Mrs Davidson was the only witness
placed on the stand. Uer testimony,
in substance, wai to the effect that at
the instigation of Dr. Brown she had
acted as his agent, in the ( ass aud had
procured the money for i-rs. Baddin,
who threatened the pastor with ex-
post. re regarding im reianoni wim
M'.,8 Mattie Overmm. The crocs-examination
of the de'endant ill begin
on Thursday morning next, to which
time an adjournment was taken laat
A number of letters, purporting to
have been written by Miss Overmad to
a friend in ihu city, have been pub
lished by local papers, in which the
former confesses that she was a victim
of the pastor. They have created an
intense sensation. The authenticity of
the letters is not questioned.
A Valuililti Kook.
Seattle, Wash., Jan.
Charles II. Lugrin oi this city
8. Mr.
has in
his possession the original manuscript
or the report made to the British gov
ernment in 17sl by the commissioner
appointed to deline the boundaries of
Duicii Guiana. The report makes a
bwk of nearly four hundred pages
and contains a description of every set
tlement and plantation lit Dutch (Jiii
aua which is now claimed by the Jint
isti, aud the names of all the original
grantees from tho Dutch government.
It defines the boundaries of the terri
tories claimed by the Dutch, French,
Spanish and Portuguese at that time,
in addition to a large amount of other
extremely valuable information. At
the request of Lord Salisbury Mr. Lu
grin is about to forward the book to
the English premier for inspection by
the Uritish government.
The report liaa been in his possession
for some rears, and as near as he is
able to learn it was taken to Canada
from New York by one of the United
empire loyalista at the close of the
revolutionary war.
Swept by I'ralria Flrea.
Wichita, Kas., .Ian. 8. Portions of
Kiowa, Staff on, Kdwardi and Pratt
counties are being swept by prairie
(ires, which light up the sky until from
this distance the appearance is that of
a red sunset. The extent of the des
truction has not yet been definitely
learned, for the rea-on that the desolat
ed country is enUreiy cut off from tele
graphic comtnunicuiou. The branch
of the Missouri l'?i(ic railroad from
Alcott west, whichruha through the
Gre-sweptdistrictJ, has been abandoned
for several u,ontln, and all telegraph
offices along the ntie -discontinued,
Itonce the details' obtainable are very
meagre, v j
There is'ho telegraphic communica
tion wi.h Iuka, in Pratt county, on the
abandoned branch, but reports from
Dodge City, Kiushy, Stafford, St. John
Lamed and other surrounding towns
lead to the appreh-'.fion that the town
ha. b en swept away. Thousands of
acres have been burned over and tha
loss of property will he considerable.
hull Ag tit at Ui Sanla I e.
Nlw YniiK, .Ian. 8. The proceed
ings before Judgd Lacomb" in the
Uniied Stales circuit court in the, ac
tion of the Prescott & Arizona Central
llaltroad company aiainst the Atchi
son, Topeka & Santa Fe liailroad com
pany and others for 8,25J,0.-0 damages
opened yesterday morning with a mo
tion on the part of the defendants to
dbmiss the suit, which is for the alleged
wrecking of the plaintiff railroad. C.
N. S'erry of Albuquerque, N. M., of
counsel for the defendants, moved to
dismiss on the ground that the inter
state commerce law does not cover the
case as presented. The argument for
a dismissal occupied the entire morn
ing session of the court. After recess
Defos McCurdy for the plaintiff road
argued at length agaiust the motion.
Old fight llt-newed.
CoLLMftt s. O., Jan. 7. there was
a fierce clash between the Foraker and
McKlnley factions in the senate yester
day that may couse opposition to ex
Governor Foraker for the United States
senatorship and Governor McKmley in
bis own state for the presidential riom
inatlon It was over the confirmation
of Joseph r. smith s appointment by
Governor McKldley for state librarian
Senator Bhattuc of Cincinnati, a friend
of Foraker, charged that Smith assailed
Forake's character last summer when
he came out as a candidate for United
States senator, saying be would better
be tent to the penitentiary. Senator
Garfield, son of the late president, de
fended Smith. The fight was close and
bitter and resulted In the confirmation
of tbe appointment by a vote of 18 to
Made aso OO Kaiy.
Chicago, 111,, Jan. 8. At 4:.'i0 yester
day morning a lone robber entered
James ltogers restaurant, at 218
Thirty-first street, and at the point of a
revolver held up three customers and
the night cashier, the contributions
netted the adventurer 900.
Trouble, hat Maaioaa.
Flaostakk, Ariz., Jan. 8 No news
has been received from Sheriff Cameron
who left here with a posse Monday to
release tbe cowboys reported corralled
by a party of Navajoes forty miles east
It baa been learned that tha captured
party consists of three cowboys who
disputed tba right of tbe Indians to
grata their cattle and sheep on tha
nubile binds near tha r starvation
A trard Fatnar.
"What is the matter, JohuT" asked
1 Texas widower of his little son.
"You are not acting right, father.
V'ou are not behaving as a father should.
Vou have secrets.''
"What have I done, Johnny?"
-You have engaged yourself to Miss
Jones, without consulting roe. I had
au-cauV picked out a wife for you. but
as you make your bed o you mint lie
,n t Ail that I can ay is that a way
ward father is ai.t to make a bad hus
biiJ." 'i-" Sf"a8'
Mure" Colorado.
-1 rotiil r!b' have una aire of land h(-r
under imitation ihaii leu a.rv. a I txml irnjra
Hmi in am lnnlliy 1 eterlne-l in,
"Thll 'irLut i by M. A. J. M.,rv,a
reel'l'-ii '
vrr. mi t
nio ii, ile
Morey t
V umlM!
sj . rif-tii .oui.'j, v -
t.,ib . Im. tin- "i l
ir,- loi.-il.-v ii tnk"- J"! tr
livil in wl'..tin. K!! ul
HrbiM tr.vw.l ever 11. aoy o her
' K I . 11' I1B J. - ,
v,r !-! vrar.- 1 "'h r h !"
mini ele.iiuli to einMe t i ll t wake
, . ,,U2i. u. rn-i ..ot il h " ''"
llei'ih.r.-it-t. Ail . ii"i i "' aiajr. HI.
-Hs laiel. .r- tn,.l.r ih- l'l ite a..d
Heaver h n..nh. ( Isni'h 1 l.av Uen -
Ki.'e l 1" he. . MlMI, .8 rhh tly but ,.e.o
crne.l on m- larmliiK ami te ..ille an la-"re-tlnlruit
r ,lture. 1 have ili. I run ti
troalnit wldrh InrHl.l.-a a)..lea. ,Umt.
C;.-rr;es j,n'-.n- and )Tar trees. I l.av never
a ire.- wiiil. r till, and -!rf..m le.t what alt
twii! -lrt mi:, the u-rmlnal bud I" lh l'rm.
All ih.-s.- tie. niae a tlirili anfi ph. nominal
Brimlli. I lnm "i" elierri.-s l-rinx ll urn
veatmtter amln -. and many ..I III- a.,.la
.-rt. tie.-. Ik anni! well atl. r t and
urili jear lr .. fiai.tmif "a planW
i one 'ear d. ar. . alter jear jrr.mli , A
fli mil nd if, Iti. h.a around. 1 ha thur
onKiilv le.ied iirowing mnaiita. Ki-abrrl"a.
,tra l-rrii-., ra..berrle. l,i kN-rne and
crai all n- l.n h mate a .rolitif erowth and
yl,-ld uliundaiitly. pn.vlna to me mH
(nut crowing in Ihl. l.- adiy l a prmabl In
diid'ty '-K'alle prdiiw ann.l.Tpilly, and
ln year n-n tout of mxar Iwniin one
ouarter-r.e olian-l. Many 8li.(!.it ia e:glle(l
iwentv tue ,.,u:id.
Ii ull.-l infonriatlnn alvmt Moraan f ounly I
e,.nitntfl man iiinHrt.-J lklei l.i.-d by
the i'aweni.'1-r t-.anmenl ol the Burlington
KoiiU- an-' now fd lor free i.trit-uti.n. A
ei.r will I mailed io any one lio will wrlla
toJ. Krhcl. i. I. A., wrnaha. Seb , f..r It. No
one who real I v fn earnrat In h! deira Ui and
a tietter ioratloii Hiau i.ia prrat nt one atll tail
to do IhU,
What They Talk A boat.
Mrs. Verger Matilda, you and Mrs.
Peterhy's servants are always talking
togethe. What do you find to talk
Matilda s-nowboll-We was just
an usin' ourselves, jess degaine as you
and Mrs, Peterby does, except dt you
talk about the servsn's and we talk
about our employers. Texas Sittings.
fA practical, all-around printer,
To married man, would I ke a route
i'ubllnhcra: try tiruatloli. Addn 1. II w.,
IHox .VSj, York, Neuraaita.
.Tspaiiei-e Stories, Donald Mamma,
I saw a Japanese fairy story to-day.
and the words ran up and down like
figures In the arithmetic.
Caiarrb Cannot ba cures
with Local APPLICATIONS, as they
cannot reach the feat of the diaeaae. fa-
tnrrh i a bl-i or constitutional diwase,
itid in order to cure it you must lake in
ternal remedies. Hal Catarrh Ctire ia
taken internally, and acts dirertlv on tha
blood and mucous aartures. ifaH'a Ca
tarrh ( lire is not a ipiurk in ed mine. It
was pretcrit.c.1 by ot.e of ihe beat physi
cians in this country lor years, and is a
r. gnlar prescription. It in' composed of
the best tonic known, combined with the
Lent bluoii pririhers. wtiiifr dirertiy fin the
MineotiH aurlaees. The pcrleet comriina
lion oi the two ingredients is what pro
duces such wonde'lul rcaults in curing
Caiarrh. ."-end for teaiimoninl, Irec.
V. J. CHKXKY A en., Proi..., Tolelo, 0.
."-old by Druggists, price 1ms.
A Kansas popnlis' is at work on a
new scheme to increase the sum of
human happiness. He Is trying to
cross the milkweed and t lie strawlasrry,
so that people may raise strawberries
and creHm together.
Weak Ltinea are strengthened, Pleu
risy l'uim relieved mid Asilnuntic symp
toms subdued by Dr. D. Jajne'a Kxpee
torant, a sovereigu remedy for all Cough
and Colds.
Cattish, Miss Passe Dear raej One
cannot cross the street without a lot of
horred men (.taring at one. Jlaud
Kt hel They don't look mote than once,
do they, dear? Cincinnati Krqtiirer.
Hall's Hair Henewer contain the natural
food and color-matter for ilia hair, and
medicinal herbs ior the scalp, curing Kray
ness, hiililiiesi, dandrull', and acalp aores.
Max Nordau, the author of "Degen.
erat'ou," livts in Paris above a drink,
ing saloon. The name Nordau was
originally used by him as a newspaper
pseudonym. With the consent of hla
father. Herr Sudfield, he legally as
sumed It.
Hall Calne does his best writing at
his Isle of Man home, Greeba castle.
Jn London his home Is near those of
Herbert Spencer, Altna-Tadema and
other celebrities.
It Is reported that Count Tolstoi's
"Anna Karenlna" has been dramatized
in French, and that in the last act tha
heroine is run over by a railroad train
in full sight of the audience.
"Whynotf Is it dumbye are! Any
felly coraln' along with the tin of
di'monds can lake It, shore!"
The nerves npon pure blood, and they will
he your fmthtnl aervnnt and not tyranni
cal mastera; yoti will not he nervous, bat
utronR, cheerful and happv. To havs
pure blood, and to keep it pure, take
Hood i PUls mrc all Lrver Ills. S5 cents.
$9 f or aflame
aw y roe ocr nrw Arrarn bool
cent Stamp tor lull particular. - .
e. YORK, NEB. , . '
AUBJITa W AMTStnTaM it .m Mrt
r,o un? nZT&f
1 1 ba tower anintak
runt have been moun'd. ' dlanapolls.
' There Is no fear of an uprising.