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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1896)
j ?' The Sioux County Journal, VOLUME VIII. HARKISON, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JANUARY JO, 1890. NU31BEK 19. THE JAILER'S QUERY. "SIR3, WHAT MUST I DO TO BE SAVED?" Her. Dr. Tslmaite on the Converted rheriff-A yuetion of Incomparable. Importance-The Cry of an Agitated Chonl A Call to the Unconverted Onr Weekly htrmon. For the cloning discourse of the year Rev. l)r. Taliuagu chose a subject which appeal to the unconverted everywhere viz.. "The Philippian Jailer." The text selecti-d wan, "."mis, what must 1 do to bo saved?" Acts ivi., Incarcerated iu a Philippian peniteu tiary, a place cold and dura and dump lid loathsome and hideous, uiiilluiuiiied ave by the torch of the olliciul wl eomes to see if they are alive yet, are two ministers of Christ, their feet fuat in in trumeiiu of torture, their shoulders drip ping from the stroke of leuiheru thongs. their mouthv hot with iiiniiiimiatlon of thim t, their headi faint because they may not lie dow n. In a comfortable room of that name building and amid pleasant sur- roandlnga ia a paid otiicer of the (joveru oient wboee buaiueaa it la to snjierviae the prison. It ia niicht. and all la atill In the corridon of the dungeon save as some murderer struggles with a horrid dream, or a rutflan turna over in his chains, or there ia the rough of a dying consumptive amid the dampness, but sud denly crash go the walla! The two chx gymen pass out free. The Jail keeper, although familiar with the darkness and the horror hovering around the dungeon. ) startled beyond all bounda, and. Dam beau In hand, he rushes through amid the falling wulla, shouting at the top of hla voice, "Hirs, what muat I do to be saved?" I itand now among thoae who are ask ing the aame question with more or les earnestness, and I accost you in this crisis of your aoul with a message, from heaven. There are those in this audience who might be more skillful in argument than am; there are those here who can div Into deeper depths of science, or have larger knowledge; there are In this audi ence those before whom I would willing ly bow aa the inferior to the superior, hot I yield to no one In this assemblage In desire to have all the people aaved by the power of an omnipotent gospel. The Freeing of Peal end ttllse. 1 shall proceed to characterize the ques tion of the agitated jail keeper. And, first, I characterize the question as cour teous. Ha might have rushed in nnd Mid: "Paul snd Hilas, yon vagabonds, are yon leering down this prison ? Aren't yes satisfied with disturbing the peace f the city by your infamous doctrines? A ad are yon now going to destroy public property f Back with you to your places, yea vagabonds!" He said no such thing. The word of four letters, "sirs," equiva lent to 'lords, ' recognised the majesty and the honor of their mission. Hirs! If a Ban with a captious spirit tries to find the way to heaven he will miss It. If a maa comes out and pronounces all Chris tians as hypocrites, and the religion of Jems Christ aa a fraud, and asks Irri tating questions about the mysterious and the inscrutable, saying, "Come, my wiae an, explain this and explain that; If this be true, how can that be true?" no each man finds the way to heaven. The question of the text was decent, eonrts ena, gentlemanly, deferential. Sin! Again, I characterise this question of the agitated Jail keeper by saying that It was a practical question. He did not ask why God let sin come Into the world, be did not ask how Christ could be God and man ia the same person, he did not ask the doctrine of the decrees explained or want to know whom Cain married, or what was the cause of the earthquake. His preeent and everlasting welfare was Involved in the question, and was not that practical? But I know multitudes of people who are bothering themselves about the nonessentials of religion. What weold yon think of a man who should, while discussing the question of tbs light and beat of the sun, spend his time down in coal cellar when he might come out and see the one and feel tbs other? Yet there are anltitudea of men who, in dis cussing the chemistry of the gospel, spend their time down In the dungeon of their unbelief when Ood all the while stsnds telling them to come out Into the noonday light and warmth of the sun of righteous ness. The question for yon, my brother, to discuss is not whether Calvin or Ar mlnlos was right, not whether a handful of water In holy baptism or a baptistry is the better, net whether foreordinstion and free agency can be harmonised. The practical question for yon to discuss sad for we to disease is, "Where will I spend eternity T' A Pereoaal Qaeettoa. Again, I characterise this question of the agitated jail keeper as one personal to himself. I have no doubt be had many fries a, and he was interested In their welfare. I have no doubt he found that there were persons in that prison who. If the aarthquske had destroyed them, weald have found tbelr case desprrsts. Ha la not questioning about them. The whole weight of his question tarns on ths pronoaa "I." "What shall I do?" Of coarse, whew a man becomes a Christian, ha Immediately becomes anxious for ths sslvatioa of other people, but until that liolnt ia reached the moat Important ipies lion Is about your own salvation. "What is to be my destiay?" "What are my prospects for ths future?" "Where am I going?" "What shall I do?" Ths trouble Is we shuffle the responsibility off upon others. We prophesy had end to that inebriate and terrific exposure to that de faaJter and awful catastrophe to that profilgate. Wa are" so busy la weighing other people ws fsrget oarsalves to get la in the scales. Wa ars so busy watching Ik pear gardsss of ether people that we let ear own dooryard ft to weeds. Wa ars s basy esadlng oof other psopls Isto too lifeboat ws stak la the wars. Wa cry Tltof becaaae amr astgtksr's hoa Is haralaa dewa aa4 aseaa la ba snlater asted, sJdMtkgfh air wrm hoass is hi the O waalsrtag themgtaa. rko-dar. Bis eat tail satire as- Mrea yoarostf. Tear ata, It It I? Tsar death, la H prevtdad for? four heaven, is It secured? A mightier earihouiike than that which demolished the I'liilippiiin penitentiary will rumble about your ears. Ths foundations of the earth will give way. The earth by one tremor will tling all the American cities Into the dust. Cathedrals and palaces snd prisons which have stood for thou sands of years will topple like a child's block house. The surges of the sea will submerge the land, and tho Atlantic and l'acific Oceans above the Alps and the Andes chip their hands. What then will become of me? What then will become of you? I do not wonder at the anxiety of this man of my text, for he was not only anxious about the fulling of the pris on, but the falling of a world. Oh, what a question what an Import ant question! Is there any question that compares with It in Importance? What Is it now to NflHiHn III. whether he tri umphed or surrendered ut Heilan. whether he died at the Tuileries or ChiHclhiirHt whether he was einjs-ror or exile' lie cause he was laid out In the eotiin In the dress of a lieid marshal did that give him any better cliiiuce for the future than if he had been laid out in a plain shroud? What difference will it soon make to you or to me whether In this world w e walked or rode, whether we were liowed to or maltreated, whether w were aiiiiliiud.-d or hissed at, welcomed in or kicked out? While laying hold of every moment of the future aud burning in evpry splendor or every grief nml overarching or under- girding all time and nil eternity will be the plain, startling, Infinite, stupendous question of the text, "What must 1 do to be aaved The Phlllpplan Jailer. Again, I characterize this question of the agitated lull keeper as one crushed out by his misfortunes, pressed out by his misfortunes. The falling of the peniten tiary, his occupation was gone. Besides that the flight of a prisoner whs ordinari ly the death of the Juiler. Ho was held responsible. If all hud gone well; if the prison walls hail not been shaken of the earthquuke; If the prisoners had all staid quiet in the stocks; if the morning sun light had calmly dropped on tho jailer's plilow, do you think lie would have hurled this nil-hot question from his soul Into tho ear of his apostolic prisoners? All. no! You know us well as I do it was the earthquake that roused him up. And it Is trouble that starts a great many people to asking the same question. It has been so with a multitude of you. Your appar el Is not as bright as It once was. Why have you changed the garb? Do yon not like aolferino and crimson and purple as well as once ies, but you suy: "While I was prospered and happy those colors were accordant with my foellngs. Now they would tie discord to my soul." Ami so you have plaited up the shadows Into your apparsl. The world Is a verr dif ferent place from what is was once for you! Once you said, "Oh. If 1 could only have It quiet a Itttke jrhile!" It ll too quiet. 1 Some people say that they would nit bring bsck their departed friends from heaven even If they had the opportunity, but If you had the opportunity you would bring bsck your loved ones, and soon their feet would bo sounding la ths hall, and soon their voices would be heard In the fsmlly, and the old times wonld come back just as the festal dsys of Christinas and Thanksgiving days gone forever. Oh, it Is the earthquake that startled you to asking this question the earthquake of domestic misfortune. Death is so cruol, so devouring, so relentless, that when it swallows up our loved ones ws must hare some one to whom we can carry our torn and bleeding hearts. We need a balsam better than anything that ever exuded from earthly tree to heal the pang of he soul. It Is pleasant to hare our friends gather around us and tell us how sorry they sre snd try to break up the loneli ness, but nothing but the hand of Jesus Christ can take the bruised soul and put It In his bosom, hushing it with the lullaby of heaven. O brother! O sister! The gravestone will never be lifted from your heart until Christ lifts It. Wss It not the loss of your friends, or the perse cution of your enemies, or ths overthrow of your worldly estate was It not an earthquake that stsrted yon out to ask this stupendous question of my text ? How to Oct an Answer. But I remark again, I characterize this question of the agitated jail keeper as hasty, urgent and immediate. He put ll on the run. By the light of his torch as he goes to look for the apostles behold his fare, see ths startled look and see the earnestness. No one can doubt by that look that the man la in earnest. He muat have that question answered before ths earth stops rocking, or perhsps he will never have it answered at all. Is thst the way, my brother, ray sister, you are putting this question? Is it on the run? Is it hasty? Is it urgent? Is It Imme diate? If It is not, It will not be answer ad. That Is the only kind of question that la answered. It Is ths urgent snd the Immediate question of the gospel Christ answers. A great many are asking this question, but they drawl it out, and there Is-indlffereucs iu their manner ss if thev do not mesn It. .Mske It an urgent ques tion, ana men you will bare It answered before an hour passes. When a man with ail the earnestness of bis soul cries oat for Ood, he finds him, snd finds him right sway. Ob, sre there sot Iu this house to-duv those who are postponing until ths last hour of living lbs attending to ths things of tbs soul? I give it as nty opinion that ninety nine out or tne aundrsd deathbed repentances smonnt to nothing. Of all the scores of persons mentioned aa dying in ths Bible, of how many do yon read that they successfully repented ia he last boor? Of AO? No. Of 40? No. Of SO? No. Of 20? No. Of 10? No Of B? No. Of 1-only 1, barely 1. as If to demonstrate ths fact thst there Is a bare possibility of repenting In the Isst hour. Rat thst la Improbable, awfully Improbable, terrifically Improbable. One hundred to one against tha man. If, my brother, my sister, you have aver tees man try to repent la ths loot hour, you have area soatsthlog very sad. I do got know anytklag on earth ss sad aa to see a maa try to repent oa a doathbed. There la not from tha ssesaeat that Ufa bsgiaa to breaths la Isfsner U tho last gaap sera an aafavorable, completely aa favor able, hoar for rapes tales as the death hoar, tho last hoar. TVm tre tho tee ters standing wtth tho ssedMoeo, There is the lawyer Branding with the half w ritten will. There is the family in con sternation as to what is to become of them. All the bells of eternity ringing the sonl out of the body. All the past rising before 'ns nnd all the future. Oh, that man Is en infinite fool who procras tinates to the deathbed his repentance! Twelve Upon Gstea. ' My text does not answer the question. It only usks it, with deep and Import a nnte earnestness asks it, ami, according to the rules of sermouuiug, you would say, "Adjourn that to some other time," Uut I dure not. What aro the rules of sermonizing to me w hen 1 am after hoiiIs? What other time could I have, w hen per lm Jt this is the only time? This uiiulit bo my lust time for preaching. This might be jour last time for hearing. After my friend iu l'hiladelphia died his children gave his church .Bible to me, and I rend it; looked over it with muHi interest. I saw in the murgin written iu lead pencil, "Mr. Taliiiuge said this morn lug that the must useless thing in all (iod's universe is that any sinner should perish." 1 did not remember saying It, but it is true, and I say it uow, whether I said it then or not. The most mules thing In nil (Jod's universe is that any sinner should perish. Twelve gates wid open. Have you not heurd how Christ bore our sorrows and how sympathetic ho ia with all our woes? Have you not heurd how that with all the sorrows of the heart and all the agonies of hell upon him he cried: "Father, forgive them. They know not what they do?" By his feet blistered of the mountain way, by his back whipped until the skin me off, by his death couch of four spikes, two for the hands and two for the feut, by his sepulcher, in which for the first time for thirty-three years the cruel world lot him alone, and by the heavens from which he now bends In compassion, offering par don and peace and life eternal to all your aouls, I beg of you put down your ull at his feet. Condemned to Death. hi the troubled times of Scotland Wr John Cochrane was condemned to death by the king. The death warrant was on tho way. Mir John Cochrane was bid ding farewell to his daughter (irlzel at the prison door. He said: "Farewell, my darling child. I must die." His daughter said, "No, father, you shall not die." Bui," he said, "the king Is against me, and the law is after me, and the dosth wurrunl is on its way, and I must die. Do not deceive yourself, my dear child." Tho daughter said, "Father, yon shall not die," as she left the prison gato. At night, on the moors of Scotland, a dis guised wayfarer stood waiting for the horseman carrying ths mailbags contain ing the death warrant The disguised wayfarer, as ths horse came br. clutched the bridle and shouted to the rider to tho man who carried the mailbags, "s Tnonnt!" He felt for bis arms and was about to shoot, but the wayfarer Jerked him from his saddle, and he fell flat. The wayfarer picked ud the mallban. nut them on his shoulder and vanished In ths darkness, and fourteen days were thus gained for the prisoner's life, during which ths father confessor was pleading ror tne pardon of sir John Cochrane. The second time the death warrant Is on Its way. The disguised wayfarer comes along and asks for a little bread rjid a little wine, starts on across the moors, and they say: "Poor man. to have to go out on such a stormy night. It Is dark, and you will lose yourself on the moors." "Oh, no," he says, "I will not!" He trudged on and stopped amid the brambles and waited for the horseman to come carrying the mailbags containing ths death warrant of Bir John Cochrane. The mail carrier spurred on his steed, for he was fearful because of what had occurred on the former journey, spurred on his steed, when suddenly through ths storm and through the darkness there was a flash of firearms, and ths horse became unmanageable, and as the umil carrier discharged bis pistol in response the horse flung him, snd the disguised wayfarer put his foot on ths breast of the overthrown rider and said, "Hurren der now!" Tho msll carrier surrendered his arms, and the disguised wayfarer put upon his shoulders the mailbags, leaped upon ths horse snd sped sway Into the darkness, gaining fourteen more days for the poor prisoner, Hir John Cochrane, and before the fourteen days had expired pardon had come from the king. Ths door of the prison swung open, sod 8lr John Cochrane was free. One day when he was standing smld his friends, they congratulating him. ths disguised way farer appeared at the gate, and he said. "Admit him right away." Pardon from the Throne. The disguised wsyfsrer came in and said: "Here are two letters. Bead them, air, snd csst them Into the lire." Mir John Cochrane read thetu. They were his two death wsrrants. and he threw them into the tire. Then ssid Sir John Cochrane: "To shorn sm I indebted? Who is this poor wayfarer that asved try life? Who is ll?" And the ws.vfsre'r pulled aside snd pulled off the jerkin and cloak and the hat, and, lo, it was dried, the daughter of Wr John 'ochrane. "(Iru clous heaven," he cried, "my child, my savior, my own Crixel!" But a more thrilling story. The drain warrant had corne forth from the King of hesveu ami earth. The drstli warrant read, "Tha soul that slnneth. il shall die." Tbs death warrant coming on the black horse of eternal night. Wr must die. Ws must die. But hressting the storm and put ting out through the darkness was a dis guised wayfarer who gripped by tbe bri dle the oncoming doom and filing it back and pat his wounded and bleeding foot on tbe overthrown rider. Meanwhile pardon flashed from the throne, and, Co free! Open the gate! Blrtks off ihs chain 1 (Jo free! And to-day ysmr liber ated sonl stands in the presence of tbe dis guised wayfarer, and ss ho pulls off the dlsgnlse nf his earthly hamtliatioa, and tho disguise of his thorns, and ths d le gates of ths seamless robe, you find ha Is bono of your boas, flee of year tosh, yoar Brother, your Christ, your pejdoa, year sternal life. Iet all earth and boar oa break forth In vociferation. Victory throtgh onr Iiord J seas Christ! A goflty, weak and helpless worm, Oa tky kind arm I fatl. Bo ttsM my strength aad rtooaMosa, zfy loans aad my all GOWNS AND GOWNING WOMEN GIVE MUCH ATTENTION TO WHAT THEY WEAR. Brief Glances at Fancies Feminine, Frivolous, Mayhap, and Yet Offered in the Hope that the Heading Prove Bestfnl to Wearied Womankind. Gossip from Gar Gotham. New l'ork correspondence: KUTTLK t h e work of fashion makers as best they can, the crit ics of our brand new yetir will find themselves weak In one respect They cannot In n-asou find fault with all of the current rules of women's dress, and whatever the captious fault finder pick out as the target for her volleys of wrath, there's pretty sure to be some dainty and fashionable alternative that will present itself at once. For, mark you, the fashions' cixle of 1896 says. If you don't like it this way, then have It that. There's no end to the possibili ties. There's not only no excuse for not looking; your best there Is never that but there's not the slightest need of being In the smallest degree un fashionable at the same time. Begin at the top; you may wear your balr In whatever manner It looks best Pass down to your dresses, and you may choose from a half-dozen centuries for M.MM or cut, but bbiobtlt trimmed their key-notes. If you look well In a sumptuous rig, you may dress like a queen aud wear real diamond crowns on your head, as the leaders of our so cial upper crust do at the opera; or, If you look more charming In a simplicity get-up, yon may be unconventional and yet stylish, and as demure as ever was a Puritan Dorothy. In the later role you may put your self Into a dresden figured dainty silk, full at the waist with the bodice all cov ered by the folds of a voluminous fichu, and the sleeves quaintly off the shoul der and puffed at the elbow; In the first role, you may wear court trains, Jew elled crowns, real gold embroidery, and goodness knows what all. You may spend all the money your husband has and all be can borrow that's a possi bility with every new year and yet with good taste to guide uot overdress. In ths pictures tbe more simple dresses come first, the first two being suggestive of tailor styles, till knowl edge of their materials and construc tion proves them to be otherwise. The first of these wan found In dark-green cloth, Ita skirt trimmed with blaa folds that extended upward at tlie left side after going all around near the hem. Your critic will quickly espy the but tons on this nearly perpendicular end, ami will stoutly Insist that there's Tata OTtaaitiiT taut i.tiaaas. neither use nor oenao la them, but any osm who la qualified Ut niUclao dreea natters knows that bnttooa may go My where, for m bettor laaaua thaa girt ffiTo far otUi;ony'a ht oa back side in front, so here's no fault At back and front this bodice termin ated at the waist 6ut its sides formed tabs that were draped in cascades at one edge and finished with bias folds and buttons at the other. Just above the waist the bodice was cut away iu front to show a white silk vest and from this to the neck there was a lwx pleat of the silk decorated with but tons, and pieces of the same material Were set Into the nleeve cuffs. Dark blue doth was the fubric of the second pictured drewi, blue and gold galloon beinj; very freely used for trim ming. With Its Jacket bodice whs worn a blue silk blouse front finished with CLOTH, FVn AND LACE COMBINED. belt and collar lo match, the Jacket hav ing revers and turned down collar of dark blue velvet edged with the gal loon. Its seams were strapped with the galloon, and a border ran around the hem. Then the sleeves had a row around the cuffs a few Inches from the wrists, and Its employment on the skirt was an Indicated. Blue shot silk was used for the Jacket's lining. Months and months ago women were expressing wonder on the slowness with which the overskirt refused to give up Ita attempt at general accept ance, and since then this style's per sistency has become an old story. Even now It la occasionally seen on new dresses and Is then found In good com pany and la usually worn by some very careful dresaer. It la the apron form that is presented here, cut from green cloth, the aklrt proper having a band of aable about Its hem. This bodice fastens at the aide and baa a deep pleated yoke and a plain corselet part The garniture consists of a aeries of straps of white ribbon with Dresden figures, ending In Jet fringe. A fur band topa the stock collar. While there is less of glitter In the next dress that the artist preaenta than In the last one described, there la, nev ertheless, a great degree of richness. Made of smooth, satln-flnlshed cloth, Its skirt Is cut away, as shown, from SI.ASHBD FOB OBK A MENTAL PURPOSES, n wide band of fur, two jot stars orna menting each of the tabs at the aide. Alternate bands of fur and cloth make the bodice, the latter being covered with lace. At the bottom there Is a tiny basque, and at the top a yoke and rn edict collar of fur. Black aatln gives the belt, the sleeves being of the cloth. Whatever fur la choaen for the dress trimming should be matched In the muff, and should lie used, freely or sparingly, aa Is preferred, upon the hat. A less exHHislve method than this of attaining a suggestion of the petti coat modes la depicted In the final Il lustration. Here the material la dark brown cloth, finely striped with lighter brown, and the two alaahes are strap ped with brown silk cord and buttona, and are filled with tiny dark brown velvet panels. Tbla la repeated In slightly modified form upon tho sleeves, while on tbe bodice tbe alaahes abow rslret tneertiona without tbo cording. Tbe collar Is of brown velvet covered with rich cream guipure, and Is aquars In back, but In front there Is a tab that extends to tbo waist. It la In ona with tho collar, which la finished with a chiffon rucblng. Copyright, laSS. Bat "bodies" bars been made of cork. of willow, of palmetto, an4 may otbor Mbataaeaa. OTg0B Mr. W. P. Howella' forthcoming bot el is to be entitled "The Landlord of the Lion's Head." It Is a story of American summer hotel life. "Taquisara" is th e title of F. Marion Crawford's new story, a dramatic pic ture of Italian life and character. The story will run serially in the London Queen. A new edition of Robert Louis Ste venson's little lxok, 'The Child's Gar den of Verses," is to be issued, Illus trated by Charles Hobiuson, a young English artist. The new edition of Byron's works is to be issued In ten handsome vol umes. The -addition to the poems of the letters of Myron was an excellent idea on the part of the editor, W. E. Jlenley. A timely book published is "The City of the 8ultans; or, Constantinople, tho Sentinel pf the Bosphorus," by Clara Erekine Clement, who contributed "The Queen of the Adriatic" and "Naples" to the Italian Citiea Series. Edwin Lester Arnold, the son of Sir Edwin Arnold, publishes "The Btory of Ulla, Etc." This is not Mr. Ar nold's first essay in fiction; his 'Thra the Phoenician" was a success a year or so ago, and he has written other stories. "The Poor in the Great Cities'" brings together the best experience in dealing with the problems of the poor. The authors contributing to the volume are Walter Besaut, Oscar Craig, W. T. EI sing, Joseph Klrkland, J. W. Mario, J. A. Kiis, E. K. Spearman, Willard rr sons, W. J. Tucker and Robert A. Woods. The work will be illustrated, and will contain an appendix on tene ment house building by Ernest Flagg. The new "Cyclopedia of Architecture In Italy, Greece, and the Levant," is aa elaborate and exhaustive work. There aro twelve full-page plates and over two hundred and fifty text Uluatra Uona, also a glossary and a carefully oditod bibliography. Tho work will bo Issued in a handsome quarto, decorated parchment binding, uniform with tbe Cyclopedia of Painters and Painting" and "Cyclopedia of Mnaic and Musi cians," the edition limited to five hun dred copiea for America and England. Badger Dog for Hla Pet. At tbe foot of the middle butte of tbo Iwoet Grass Hills In Montana Uvea a minor named Byron Banner. Ho la practically a recluse, seldom associat ing with any neighbors, or even talk ing to them. He worka hla claim alt alone, and no one knows whether ho is rich or poor. Like most recluses, he baa his pet, but Banner's pet is so uncommon, oven un natural, that it deserves to be put oa record. This pet, saya tbo Dupuysr Acantha, Is a badger-dog. The animal la small, and baa the foot and lega of a badger, while tbe body resembles a dog. Its claws have to lie trimmed every few months, aa they grow out of all proportion to the foot. When It walks it has the peculiar waddle of a badger. Ita bark is somewhat similar to that of tbo lapdog. It will bite aavagely wbea teaaed, but la otherwise iorfectly do cile. A cross between a wolf or coyote and a dog Is not uncommon, nor It is so much of a freak, since they belong to tbo same family. But a cross between different families, as the dog and bad ger, Is something for naturalists and evolutionists to think about. Without Reptile. One hundred frogs taken from tbo nsaraboa near BorHn have been import ed Into Iceland, wfeere these animals aro unknown. Certain portions of tho kfaznd are Infested by swarms of gnats aad flies, and these frogs were Import ed to do away wtth the plague. Tbo In habitants near Lake Myvatn (meaning Mosquito water) must wear wire nets over the face and bands to protect tbetTaselvea from tho painful stings of tbo gnats. A Danksh physician, Dr. Enters, was the first to propose tho Importation of frogs, aince reptiles wore absolutely unknown In Iceland. Tbo entire batrachkan colony waa set free near a warm aprtng lo tbo en virons of Reykjavik, Where after tho long confinement of tho sea voyage they disappeared, quacking happily. It was Interesting to not bow tbs native ducks drew away from tbo novel In truders, being evidently frightened at tbe unwonted apparition of a Jumping animal that could sw4m. Not Worthy a Wife. The ni Using brMosjroom la getting aumeroua. Tbo latest one's absence from the wadding coromony Is said to have boon duo to bio sxeoaslvs baabful aaaa. A maa wtw at too msiest to at tend hla owa wedding doooa't doaorvo a wife, aad bo kon't likely to got one -Boston Horald. A so eats Baoots la lOootviotiy. Haaa Ispka twig Aawrtsa la far hat 4 of aay etkac soantry ha the aoe -m , a ,,! M , 91 wmUTmXj, , ,4. ' -1