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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1895)
1 avssW'il(iC3a3S. a. Hiagcaa Atritn siaiir are era ol "frwu i ArawM Irtrkn" . llowirnm ami Ttirt Troubles. Tbry ajfurd lualant relief. Lovers pa? ssteetuear s compliments; husbands py wiV bills. Take Care Of your pliytail Iwlch. BuH4 up your i)tm. lnwi ytuf mrh ami tiitli organ. Uk tjm vour (ntil nrvit tur Mot,, dmr out itil Mgpufllirv iutJ rvrnt k kns try Usvirttf KlOGdl' Sarsaparilla The (Kve true Blood rurlaer. t 1 ; a lr $5. Hnsvt'e Pills "' harmnnlou-ly 1th Mood's IIUUU S THIS Si,r!.aiar!lt. -M. KNOWLEDGE Bring comfort and improvement and tends to tentorial enjoyment wlien rightly used. The many, who live bet ter than othprsand enjoy life more, with lea expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world' bo-t products to the'Deeda of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, fvrup of Figs. lU excelicDi-e in due to ila printing in the form most acceptable and pleas ant tf) the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial propertied of a ierfect lax ative; effectually closiiMiig the syetom, dispelling coldn, lii-adarlies and fevcra and permanently curing conidipation. It has (riven satisfaction to million and met with the approval of the medical profession, berau-e it art on the Kid ney, Liver and liowils without weak ening them and it U jwrfertly free front every objectionable substance. Byrup of Fiif i fr Kile by all drug gists in Mc and f 1 bottles, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Byrup Co. only, whose name in printed on every package, also the diuul, riip of Figa, and Ix'iiig well informed, von will not nrrmt ':,n if red. When to say "No." When the clerk tries to some other binding by just as good as the get rid ol calling it Bias Velveteen Skirt Binding. Simply refuse to take it No bind- ing wears or looks as '. II k M." well as the If your dealer will not supply you, we will. Send for samples, showing Isbeit and mite ruie. to the S. H M Co . P 0 Boi 699. New Tor Clly. 1 World Fair I MKIMCST AWAWI). IMPERIAL RANUM Many competing: FOODS I have come and gone been missed by few or noneSe popularity of this FOOD steadily increases! Sold by DHl'OOISTS EVEVV WMKBE I John carle a son. rew rr. SOUTH MISSOURI WEST The tjet trtilt MKtbm In the wen. ." dnmihx. A (xllnre ol eroin never known. Mild climata. I'f0luctlv 11 Ai.uii'l nn'e o( gnxl i.ure waier. .... fnrMaiaaiid irrulara sloiiK full near rip Hon ol the Kich Mineral, ('lull and Agrb uliur al lauila In MVm'h nt Mliaoun. wrliu to .JOHN M. I'l'KltV. Manager ol I he Ml.nonri Und ami l.ivM xk l oinpany,, New toii Co., M UMmrt. araaa ArnMoTllR CO. tiulf tli r,..' miat dom u I ' what It aa. It a- mam hraiiri .in rn i- . . uaiumiaiiiid rrualii LT hoira, anl aupplM IU and n-pali. av7 .a. -v. MUW KlUW ' a- iiim artirJa f oUxra. If maaaa Funipina aim uwad. aux-l, Italraniaad aflar- rr":,.. wi,imiiit tiiuw a, J aa4 FI.M Hux-I Towers, Kia B.ilaw ar W OrnuMra. i api-llcatlon t will name ona C Ua article that It will furtm i nnill Jaanan IM H 13 IH usual at. I also Diataa HtZn 71 Ilia. iMkatU aat FI0ars KraUt, Ctkaia ASTHMA KMllJI'SAtTKaUSPECinC Orraarallaf la n ra ailaaua, tora rWKC trial ixuaaea. tokli bT llraifliu. Oaf poaiDald oa nraipt ' a)ia.iOT(.aa. Yaaa. rora.a, ram . rt. OPIUJ Morphtna Habit Carea In Id to a Odara. st dbf tin rurra. D.J.'fHlN. LsSaasa.Oaie, . M. V. Na. S67--S1. Vara, Men WHBK WHITINO TO AUVEBTliIKH a Ira ir J saw the aalrarUaamrni laa Baaa V 1 A MOTOUMAYS LIFE. FULL OF HARDSHIPS. EXPOSURE AND CONSTANT DANGER. Tba Great ftraia oa a Man'a Narvea Bafficieatin Itaalfto Wreck Hlaa ia a abort Tine The Ksperieace of a Wall-kaown Motoraia. From the Cincinnati, Ohio, Enquirer. The life of a mot.iruian ia not a bed of re.t He U aubjwied lo many bardahipa H-ei)ly in the wiutrr, when be U ex-oM-d to the cold and snow. Kveu in the numiuer he must bear the inteiiw heat wineti tx-au down Uxn him. Considera ble nerve and self possrsHioa ia urn-saury in a good niotoruiun, for the live and Innba of bis paHNengeni are at stake. ne of the uest-kuuHD electric motoruien ill tbia city i William t razcr. t ho in at prea etit runuing a ear ou I he Cuuiiuitiaville ele trie line. He ia not only well known to hia fi'H.iH eniiloye, but to the ix-oile -ho travel ou li.n ear. Mr. Frazer ia a yomiK man atmt tweuty-thx yearn of ae and rraiilt'S with hia wile and child at 144 Hhu Bire t. ( 'iu' innati. (). Alioul a year ago Mr. FraztT una taken with aerioua atmiiaih triMibiea. lie lioiiclit wveral kiuda of uieilii iiif w hii'h w ere re iiiiiiiend ed to hiuj, hut none of tlnni aeemed to Kive him ereu tenirary beuclit. Au eu thuxiaatie admirer of thai famoiia remedy known ax Dr. Williiniis' I'mk 1'illx for I'ale 1'euple told him lo try them. Frazer waa alniost diwoiiraKed, imt took t lie ad vire. To an Knnirer reporter he xaid. "I inn iiinxi heartily rreomnn'iid Dr. Williama' t'ink I'illa. They are u 11 that ia claimed for thorn, in fact they advertixe tliemxelvex belter than any medicine I evT mu'. 1 wax xeized wnne lime ntfo null a bail attack of inHiirciiiui. My atomuch hurt me nearly all the time end 1 could not il ti'H my fixxl. 1 he puin waa aliuoxt unbearable and I found uothinx that would give me ridief. 1 confexa that when 1 hoiiR-lit the tirxt box of Fink 1 1 11 at 1 hadn't lunch eonlideurv in their etlicacy, becauxe I had tried o many thiliKX with out Hiiccexxthat 1 vvaaalmoxt diKi-ouray:ed. Before 1 hud taken one box I wax decided ly better. Two boxea cured me entirely. While t have been under the weather from other eauaea my indiitextion haa never returned. If it ever ahould 1 know juxt what to do. I have xo much confi dence in Hie etlicacy of Fink Fill that if I ever Ket real aick again with any dix order I ahull uxe aome of them. 1 1 la a plea au re for m. I axxure you, to textify to the excellent uualitiex of thexe I'ink Fillx. They not only tone the xtouiHch but regulate tin' Ixiuelx and act aa a mild ca thartic." Dr. Williama' Fink Fillx roiitam all the elemeiiU neiexxaiy lo give new life and richncxs to the blood and rextore ahattcr ed tiervex. They are xold In boxea at .V centx a box or xix hoxea for $2.."il. and may be had of all druggixtx or dirwtly by mini from Dr. Williamx' Mwlicine Com puny. Scbeiieelady, N. V. How'a Thill We offer One Hundred Dollars Keward for any cae nf I'alnrrh that cannot bt cured liv Hall's Fatar-h t 'lire. V. .1. ClIKNKY A CO., Fmpa , Toledo, 0. We the underxigned have known K. J. Cheney for Ibe laKt I') years and believe him jierlei-tly honorable in all hiixiness tranaaetinnx ai d financially able to carry out anv ohl.MTiiiri made by their firm. Wiii Thi a ho.e-ale Druggints, To ledo, O. Wai.tiso. Kiijjs it Marvin Wholesale Ib-iigg xta, Toledo, (). Hall x t.'o'arrh Cure in taken ititernnlly, acting direct I v upon the blood and rmtcoua xurlares of ihe system. I'rice 7fx: per bottle. !-'oid by "all Drm-giatg. Tesii Diuliiulit I rcc. A Map of the I liltcil SlHtns The wall m:ip l.ssued by the Hurling ton Koine Is three feet wide by f.iur feet long; m primed In seven colors; tt mounted on rollers, shows ?very state, coiinly. important town and railrond In the I'nion and forms a very desirable and useful ndjunct to any household or business establishment. rurchased In large quiniiiies, the maps cost the liurlington ICoute more hnn fifteen cents each, but on receipt of that ami imt In stamps the ut.dnr slpned w ill be pleased to send you one. Wriie immediately, as the supply is limited. .1. Fhancis. ;. I. & T. A., lii rllt.R. ton Houte, Omaha. Neb. A brass clock which is alleged to have been telling the time In Concord, Mhrs., when Paul Revere rode through that town Is owned by a man in lirat ileboio, Vt., Hiid is Mill an excellent timekeeper. Kough, wintry, changeable weather pro duces t'atarrhx. Coughs, Disorders of the Lungs, etc., which .layne's Kxpectorant promptly cures If faithfully administered. Harper's Mie I think you would belter tell father that we are en gaged, deurest. He Why? She His lease runs out on the first of the month, and he wants to know whether to lake a larger bouse or r.ot. How to Make Money. Mn. Kpitor: Tell others nf my success. Fif teen years farming and hustling discouraged mn. Myeountn made a.oOO List year elating tahlii ware. Jewelry etc. 1 ordered an outfit from Gray ft Co.' I'latliig Works, lieiit. IS. Columbus, (). ft was Oimpletn, all materials, lormiilas. trade s crnts and liudnicttons; Ihoy teach agents free, (inods easy plated, nice ax new, guarautood ten sears. Made A't first wck. 47 second. aoa Brst inmitli: get all work I can do; hrntlmr made $76 selling outnts. Write Arm for sample. R . K , tS 1 1 A W . Morgan Count v Coloradx. The anreess id Ihe famous firpflev Colony la being regaled III Ihe Irrigated dltiilrt sur-, roundluv fort Morgan, Coin, 1,1 Hie more than lo yean have elapsed since lis settlement lx gan hut Ihe results thai have nliexdr heeH at. iamrdarefar beyond the mo-i extrnvsgxnt hopes of the founders of the enterprise Where Vtiry had alined to pi ml modest Hi I e colony are &O0 splendid firms surrotinulng; several llouilthlng I nuns and ni.i"rine a system of si h(xil. ehurehes a l o,eicilcs unsurpaaiied anywhere The lerrifory em. braeed under the sysiern of I Men Hon canals has ien erected Into nirgari t'ouniv. in,,,., nd now haaa population toiiiriat in riiro of S.fKO souls. Allalfs. iiotatoes. wheat and nsts arp the s s- Sle produrts, bill Ihe pnasll.ll ltu- m ,,ih r Ireeliotis are almost b -vend Isdlcf Mr i-me Cook, In ha western part of Ihe r .ii iv. ihK year raised l.MiO hualiela ni onions Ire, In acres"! grouud, lor which he will reeeivid LSM while Mr. w. t. muipson a hoe lo n ia garden patch adjoins the town . I Fori Morgan, .1 mvtn hi. vil... . CleariMI tnig i uiii no, or Illy Ollt in., nsi farmers In the coo lit v have hal average yeld of f huslu ls nf a heat to Ihe aero and more than 100 exceeded 40 bushels. Ah la) fa mages a larger crop than anyvhero el-u In theeounlry. The price ol lanil varies ir m flit to S0 an acre, including pariietual water rlrht. SU acres la as much as one man car. farm, and If he goes In for fruit mlalng or market gardening ball that much will keep Dim busy. Detailed Information about Mor-an County eomalned In an lllualratei Ismklet Issued by Ihe I'aaaenfer Departmtnt of the Hurllnton Konte and now ready for free distribution. A rniiv will be mailed to any one who will write lo . Francis, 0. P. A., Omaha, Neb., lor it. No one who Is really In earnest In his desire to find a better location man nis present one win sail U do this. roi'lCS OF THE TIMES. A CHOICE SELECTION OF INTER ESTINQ ITEMS. ' eate aa4 Criticiaaaa Baaa4 DaM the Happealaaa of tke Iar-aIU-tortcal and Niwi Notaa. " It can tw aald for the Chicago and St Ixiul paiiT which have reduced to 1 cent that they are fully worth the money. Forests that yield India rubber are i dlsapjieariiig rapidly In South America and Africa, and no measures whatever are taken to preserve this source of an invaluable comerclal product. A world without India rublier would be Intoler able, and yet not a hand as yet is raised to protect the only means of supply. The Parisian papers are making a good deal of fuu of the appointment of M. Kertholet as Foreign Minister, be cause be Is known only as a sclent itic student. He claims to have discovered a chemical process of creating artifi cially, in exactly the same purity as the original growth, such products as sugar, tea, coffee, tobacco, Indigo, and so on, at a comparatively small cost; i and If he can bring about such a revo lution, he certainly deserves any office In the gift of France, with exemption from newspnper derision on account of his alleged Ignorance of politics. It Is a curious feature of the massa cres lu Eastern Turkey that the vic tims, without a known exception, have been Armenians, Treblzoiid and Con stantinople, for Instance, each contains a numerous (irecu population; yet no Christian Creeks have fallen during the dreadful butcheries In those cities, anil if any men or women of European or American nationality have lost their lives at the hands of the Turkish and Kurilihh assassins the fact has not been reported. The pmssacres may have beeu the acts of frenzied fanatics, but then has been so much method In the madness of the butchers as to com pel the conclusion that their frenzy has been directed by some guiding Intelli gence. A curious example of extinction of re morse iu the human breast Is afforded by the village of retired organ grinders, which, we are told, is to be found In Italy. They exhibit as great a serenlly and jteuce of mind ns though they had passed tJieir Uvea In benelillug their fellow creatures. No recollection of the tortured author, the frenzied musician, the sleepless Invalid, haunts their cal lous hearts; and, what Is most amazing of all, some of them -not many, alas! or we should be the gainers have actu ally taken their hateful Instrument home with them, jiiid grind upon them for their ow n amusement. It will be In teresting to that large body of imtsoiis who respect the Scripture, without a very Intimate knowledge of It, that it expressly stales (In Job) that ihe wicked rejoice at the sound of the organ." A little less than two huudred years ago, when John Churchill, Karl (at the time) of Marlborough, was confined lu the Tower of London for having dis pleased William the Third, a certain Jan Iierblldt was serving ns a corporal In the guards of the Staathclter, as the King of England was.alwa.ys called In hia own Netherlands. A great-grandson of Corporal Jan Derblldt was one of the many sturdy Hollanders who went lu search of work nnd wealth In the New World. .Somehow his iiaiim became twisted Into "Vaiulerbllt," and (according to the London (icutlewomun) it was the grandfather of the American girl now wedded to the Duke of Marl borough of to-day who made the first of the many millions of the Vauderbilt family of New York. If the great Duke of Marlborough, when he won his bat tles In Flanders, ever cast his eyes on Corporal Jan Derblldt, he could not In his wildest Imagining have ever atip jrosed that oue of his future successors would go across the water to "Clio Amer ican colonies" and bring back a duchess chosen from the descendants of that Dutch private soldier. The Illinois State Hoard of Arbitra tion promises to prove useful ns a board of conciliation and as a promoter of established systems of voluntary ar bitration between employers and their workmen. In Its short existence the board has had but one application from both sides to a dispute to act as arbi trator, but It has taken notice alto gether of some thirty controversies. One of these was the strike of the brlekmnkers at Calesburg, affecting nenrly Mi men. Not having a request from both parties, the board could not act as arbitrator, but Mr. Klcfler, at the request of the strikers, got repre sentatives from both sides to meet him In conference. After a few hours a mutual agreement was reached to the effect that the employers shall meet a committee of their men once a year to tlx a scale of wages, that whenever both sides are unable lo agree upon such a scale the matter shall be submit ted to the State Hoard of Arbitration, and that all employes engaged In the strike then in existence be reinstated without prejudice. Fpon this basis the men returned to work and a ruinous strike 'luil had been dragging along for seven or eight weeks was doctored off. In this case one of the members of the Isoard, acting ns n conciliator, not only settled the dltllcully but Induced the parties concerned to adopt a plan that renders strikes lu the future Improb able. The board's usefulness In this re gard will lie Increased when It becomes t'oter known and shall be appealed to earlier. It Is much easier for a board jf conciliation to be effective in tbe early stages of a controversy than afler hostility haa arlaen between tbe con tending partlea. A dbtpatch from Cleveland states thavt X.000 Oktiatlan Endsavorers prayed unitedly for Col. luifenaull a cooverahm ; to ortJiodoiy. The fljfurea lu tbla are somewhat tartlls. Ordinarily ll la awrauied that the prayer of oue rijjht I eoua (erauu availetii much. Why, then, boult the EudevorornrauilsatltMi aettlw j upon 3,tHM) rlgliteous penoua to unite ia prayer for the Colonel to confess to 1 a belief In bell and Satan? I it be J oausve they think that the Cokmel la j 3,(sj riuiea more unbelieving thau Uie I average sinner? If this be the theory H ' rve to make Ului harden hia heart harder than ever, and the proband ;tle are that he will undertake to discuss it with the Endeavor Society in hia peculiar style of logic. So the 3,ns Christian Endeavorers. earnest, honest and zealous as they may be, must not make the mistake of fancying that they have an easy task before them In opening his eyes to the reality of Satan and his fiery furnace. The Col onel will make a hard tight to wiis? out both his evil majesty and place of alssle, and before It Is over the Endea vorers may have to send for reinforce ments. It Is to be hoped the Endea vorers may succeed In their purjiose, for the Colonel's brilliant tjualitleo enlist- M ()U th(J 8i,)e of chr;stialli,y Wl,uld make a deep linjresslou on hosts of bad men, but they will have uphill work before them. Hut even if they should fall they will have no reason to com plain that they have not had an Inter esting time with the gallant Colonel, and meanwhile the church will have a ret while the Colonel devotes his at tention to the organization In question. If ll shall apear that his case is hoe less. why not let out the work to the Salvation Army? The soldiers with their drums and trumpets ami the hal lelujah lassies with their tambourines at least ivmld overjMiwcr him, and that would be a gnat advantage. Hesidcs, they have had more experience in deal ing with hardened sinners, and he is very fond of music. HISTORIC SOUVENIRS. 'Old ri Ickiipoo " Owned by the Hari ana Historical Society. Old Kickapoo Is the name given to one of the most historic pieces of ord nance In the country. The first known of it was when, with Its five compan ions. It was belching at the American soldiers at the siege of Sacramento In the war with Mexico, 'ihe six guns were captured by Colonel Doniphan, of Missouri, and brought back with him at the close of the war as trophies. On his way home he presented one of the guns lo the City of New Orleans, nnd Ihe other live were brought to Missouri. Some iif the guns were left In St. Umls, and at least one was used In tbe de fense of the city during the war. It was stationed In front of the Gratiot street prison. (lid Kickapoo was taken early In ls."i.'t to Independence, Mo., to help In the defense of the settlers and emi grants who were then thronging the Santa Fe trail. It was stolen by the Missouri Hangers in isr0 and taken across the border Into Kansas, and was used at the first sacking of Lawrence In that year. It was fired on the Free State Hotel by David It. Atchison, Fulted States Senator from Missouri and at one time acting Vice President of the I'lilted Stales. At tbe election which adopted the Lecoinpton constitu tion nf Kansas It was at the polling place In Kickapoo, and did its share to ward Inllueiicing the citizens to vote for that pro-slavery document It was soon afterward captured by the Free State men, and wns used In several of the battles of the border war. It was burst at Leavenworth some years ago, and from the piece which was blown out about tifty little souvenirs, facsimiles of the old gun, were made nnd presented to the friends of freedom. The gun Itself Is now In tbe Kansas State Historical Society's rooms nt To peka and Is considered one of Its most Interesting relics. The metal is brass. Honesty Itewurdcd. A day or two ago a 15-yenr-old boy picked up a wallet on Cambridge street, which, upon being opened, was found to contain $12(1. Tbe boy was an honest hid, and having counted the money, he waited where he had picked up the purse for the return of the person wiio would claim Its owner ship. Very soon a middle-aged woman hurried breathlessly down the street, and, stopping before the boy, demand ed whether or not he had seen anything of a pocketlxsik. The boy promptly turned over the money and Its recep tacle, and then the woman said: "You're an honest boy, and I'll repay you." The next morning the lad called at the address which the woman had given him. She opened tbe elisor, and, perceiving who her caller was, direct ed her steps toward the pantry, return ed, and then handed the young man that form of pie popularly termed "turnover." Hostou Traveler. Fresh Water In the Ocean. On calm days the crew of the light ship anchored three miles off the Co-j lunibla Hlver, Oregon, are able at ebb. tide to lower a bucket over the side and bring up water fresh enough for drink ( Ing purisises. This fresh water spreads out over the surface of the ocean In j the ahape of a fan, the apex being the mouth of the Columbia. It Is only aliout two feet In depth, and If the bucket Is allowed to sink below that depth the water with which It Is filled Is strong ocean brine. There are not many rivers In the world with strength sufficient to send their waters so far out to sea, the principal exception be ing the Amaion, which freshens the ocean for twenty miles off Its mouth.1 hips having filled their casks with' fresh water from the Amazon wbtn out of sight of land. The shoe leather annually worn old by the people of ths United States li Mid to cost 18O,00(MW0. Tlnckinghaiii's Dye for the Whiskers does its work thoroughly, coloring a nni lorm brown or black, which, when dry, will neither rub, ws.h IT, nor soli linen. Indian relics in great abundance were discovered uear Milford, idich., a few days ago when workmen un covered a prehistoric cemetery. There are said o be several thousand graves iutheaiea of I lie burial ground, and in almost all so far 0ned pipes, spear beads and vaiioug trinkets have been tou nd. BEWARE IN TIME. to ct i ArriRc nn USE a I e U1WVL4 Vllvt "Thoughtless Folks Have the Hardest Work, but Quick Vitted People Use SAPOLIO THE LARGEST PIECE OF GOOD TOBACCO EVER 501D FOR fj CENTS SANTA CLAUS SOAP Sold everywhere. Made only by The N. K. Fairbanh the doctors approve cf Scott's Emulsion. For whom ? For men and women who are weak, when they should be strong ; for babies and children who are thin, when they should be fat ; for all who do not get from their food the nourishment they should. Poor blood is starved blood. You eat and are nourished. Consump tion and scrofula never come when the blood gets its proper food. And nothing is better for starved Mood than cod-liver oil. Scott's Emulsion is C0D-tiVER oil with the taste taken out. It is for all who feel weak, have lost appetite or are losing flesh. A M afar Vm up to44iyr til u it it trtktn tip in Scott I Bmuttin. Ify 4 it, git it Ar tubitituti will do. TWO 5IZBS, Ms. aaa II.M. '. ' ;..ti. ?.,:,':' .ii T be oldest watches bearing iuseribtai dates are of twist n-ake, and the data is 1W. KIT All t in t..(,d fre.- l,v Dr. Kline's Great .' Nerve Restorer. No I -is inn iik- tni .lay's use ,V r- . tun .. 'I -jfi-- ai'it - .. tf .'' lii'l' ,. O -t it -s. rfi' ' ' .:. . 'a. Talent is more valuable than renins, because a man eaii control it. Detroit Free I'refF. Mrs. Ivlnslow's Soothing ranr for child ren teething, soiiens 'he zums, re. luces lndam rnaiion. aiis s jiaui. t res wind colic. i bottla. Jhe first acute twinge of IS THE WARNING DELAY, NO THOSE TWINGES MAY TWIST VOUR LEG OUT Or SHAPE. Double the satisfaction obtained from ordinary soap and only half the expense and bother. That's why thousands of thoughtful. thrifty women use Santa Claus Soap. They have learned by practical, thorough tests that for washday or every day use there is no soap in the world that nearly equals Company, - Chicago. SCOTT BOWNB, CtMsaUta, Ntw Vet. VraaW" trVdr- . .J vv j 'V1