The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, December 19, 1895, Image 4

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    C3ibux County Journal.
prietsd article criticising the judge of
that court.
Tlie court of apf"ls held that con
tempt of court is an offense ttiat can W
committed only in the (irosence of the
court while iu session, by interference
Willi its jrftKeetbiij.'s and jiriMsras-, or
elsewtiere by violating its injunctions
and orders. A criticism of a judicial
Sioux County,
Feed and Sale
TATfcr.( KU:
HI K. !'Mibti .ovrrwMr
(. fr.. M'Mlf- l.H-UU'Mblil i,uriHr
I uiffif lr
j,, jh v t a t,vy
Tnwui rr
'fUaWtnj.Uon Prirt, f2.H0
It. K jr! H M- i'ublit lntrurtlu
Y. litit rmju I . -tlr, Oitmhii
V Mi. V AH i I . ?. titr, MiiIIhou
. J. :r .ii, t 1-t i .'l, J i. win
1'. il n-i f, Hti:iM
.. it. h'i; j !iu uii'iiM
STEADER. iX'J. Simmons
opin.on out of court. whether oral or
written and .-o.Lli-lied, is not the techni
t thi llarriaon ixwt uHlan as
cal oTense drsinisrd as contempt t.f
court and piimliatile by r-umiiiury pn
i e dings u,aiu-it Hie aulluir t.f the C- li-t-ls'll.
The New Yiwk court held thjt 0e lro-
"TaW. JiJTBNAL i!if all its re:uk-rs a
Mm) Christmas.
The man who -.n run a timntrv new.
lf prao that it will I lea- every lmdy
oot ret been born and he who under
ttakes it simply shows bow big a fizzle
lb caa make of it.
Allen O. Thnrman died at his home in
I Qhio on last Thursday. He;was a little
,Bore than eighty-three years old and
-wtM for man' years the leader of V
.democratic party of his state and one of
I the leaders in"tthe nation.
We don't see much to encourage pop-
uliittii. Theirvotu was not only tut
.down in most of the states at the last
.ejection, hut tli nunilier of representa--tiveninthe
new congress has been re
educed from twelve to six. And the
.democratic vole in congress has lieen re
dueedjn"ahout the s.miejproportion.
Fremont Tribune.
Ea-CongresKnian if V. A. M'Keighan
,died at Hasting on .Sunday morning.
iHafhadJbeen in poor health for more
itbao a year past, a disease of a
, having fastened itself upon I it ,
ibqt took him sxmer tlian was ex
jpaVtad. lie representedthe fifth Ne
btka district in congress for two terms,
leaving beenelectedjis a populist.
Among the names being mentioned ns
(belonging to men'uho would make !'hhJ
congressional timber is tluit of I). B.
. Jeockes, of Chadron. Mr. JencUes has
rewded there for years, attending strictly
tt thejprnctice of his profession, seeking
tBO political preferment, and should he
deajre it there is no doubt that the re
jpublicaos of Dawes county would give
bim enthusiastic support.
The curreot number of the Xdiraxka
fkiitor contained a well-w ritten article
lbjrMm. Elia W. Penttie on the'Xews
aPrWmen of Nebraska" and shows
ifhat the state has some good talent en
jraffad in that line. But tlie list does not
jiactude sear all the ladies wIk have for
years been engaged in newspaper work.
Northwest Nebraska has several who are
.titled to recognition.
Opinion seems to differ widely in re
jgard to the position Jthe United Htatm
tabiuld take in regard to Cuba. The nl
,moat universal feeling is hope for the
.success of tlie Cubans but conservative
people do not rare to see this nation do
, ay tiling tluit would affect the existing
(Mlatioos with Spain. It looks as if the
Jatter had pursued a course which called
for interference by ail the civilized na--tiooa
on the broad grounds of humanity.
The yjjraskz fclitor reports six papers
which have recently gone out of busi
JtW nnd that does not include'the one at
'Kushville which was moved to South
Uukota, and since that report was issued
0tp oMej-papers at Albion have taken in
he third and its publication discon
iyVid,aod it is reported that two of the
(t-jtadrofl papers will tie consolidated in
tba near future. Such things are pretty
KOud evidence that liard times make
)l bard jttedding for newspapers.
TfSjkfFJ Hayward was hanged last vveck
lt Minneapolis for tlie murder of Cathe
fim GKng. The case is remarkable lor
Mm reason that a man by the name of
'fitixt waa arrested for the crime andron
fmtd to having done tlie actual killing,
jtwt claimed that Uayward compelled
dtian to do the deed as he exerted an ite
tuanca over him that he could not resist,
ilayward bad the best of legHl talent to
djeaod him.bnt withous avail. The case
ixaa hypnotism as a recognized factor
a criminal jurisprudence.
Tb republican national committee
fnl nt Washington last week and se
dJaatadSt. Louisas the place for holding
fba aext national republican convention
ad Bxad June 15th as tlie date for it to
mvaaa. As it is admitted by all that
tm mm Mt will Ita il isnnhliiin
4im iadiridual who carries off the prize
fi- Louis will be the next president
ftba United States axl lite lightning
jatoot upifants are rapidly going up.
"iiaaoittcant that it will be the first
Mifl republican convention ever lield
tMBtaf tbe UisMWNppi, and also tlie first
'fS)m kftld in a southern or border state.
tlM U f CMtMHBt.
3aa WarM Herald. .
Cm af th last opinions Id which Ru-
y. faskham, the new justice of the
4NMaAuta Wmtm4 LtiMtmmA m m m nuin tmm
i .Jir or wri 01 appeals, was
'jrfew th oitestioa of cootenipt
j lection of a jude Ironi ahn-jve and
1 lal newspaper ailn les was in the la ol
j lil-l and a court's antlnritv to pun
j iJi fr contempt les not exleiid Ix-youd
tlie walls of h; cjurt r j jui, except to
; cnf.-n-e the decree1.
I Liul' ul. tdlly tlu is sound law flfld it
I would te well if It could be ln.irei-tru.tly
uImtvI in t-Vetv state in the Union.
Ten or twelve years 1 11,1 t!ie criminal
judge of St. L en cileil Stanley Water
loo, the nell-knowu newsjiaiier man.
then of St. Louis, now of . Im-ajo, to
show t-uti'-e w by he shooid not he com
mitted l ir contempt for the publication
of a criticism of this jude. This pro
ceeding amazed law vein as well as itews-
' paiier men and it was linallv dropiied,
fie corn es-iuii lieing tlial tliere was no
authority fwr the infla tion of punish
ment for contempt sh.twu ontsi, It of the
court room. Snme then, h iwever, this
form of resentment has Is dime more
common, Lut it lias not yet lieen estab
lished in the favor of courts generally
iind proliahly never will I.
A jud-e is entitled to every protection
from slander and be slioulil I given
every advantage accorded to any indi
vidual. Hut it is not harinonious with
the theory of justice that a man shall be
at. oik; prosecuting w itness and judge.
Tiial a jinUe may, by contempt pro
ceedings, mete out punishment for a
tiesiaer criticism would tend to es
tablish a press censorship in this country
that would iHje " gmui for tlie lieoole.
A had jude mi h by this method muz
zle the press, for 11 is not likely that a
newspaper man would leel warranted in
exposing a Uid man at (he risk of liemg
tried nnU convicted for the criticism by
the man he criticised.
I'ril'C siii should be confined to niodtr
ate. decent language, setting forth 'only
such as is known to lie fact, nnd if Ibis
rule is followed out no court in the laud
can take unfair advantage, so far as ulti
mate results are concerned.
Fiual Proof o1icrs.
Ail persons hsvlni; rituil proof notices in
till- mer will receive a uutrkcl copy ol the
pnler Hint are reqneteij to exilllill'ie tlielr
notice mnl il any -rrois exist report tlie
Siiiite to this ottlcc at uitce.
Nolire for I'lililicatiim.
IjuuI tfiice Kt Allinure, Ne) ., I
lits-. is. If. .1. i
Kotice 1 hereby Riven that Ui followlng
ntiiuel M-t tier lius tllwl notice of Ins inten
tion lo uinktt H1111I pnsit in support of his
claim. nil tlntt id prxf will lie mle I,
fore M. J. iilewett, clerk of the il'slrict
euiirt, Ht HarriMiu, Suur., oil Jan.
tii, in1., viz:
V I limn I,immnl. of Crmif.-d. XrU.
who iiuwle II. E. No. 101 for tlie . "i tvr.
uml s. v.. , se.;. SI, tp. 1 11., r. 44 .
lie inune the lollowutit wltnenx-a to prove
hi continuous resilience ujxni and cultiva
tion of ilil IsiKt viz:
Alva lripve, K nery I'nuwr, Ilenry llelile,
Kols rt ckcc, an ot Hell, Ji4-i.
I .-!) J. w . WkiinJB.. Register.
.Vo;tiH fur f'u lilieul ion.
IjiuiI (ifflce at Alliunre, Xeb.,
Nov. wt, 1st 11. (
Kotice 1 ln-ri'bj-(fiveti that tie- tollnwlua
llan.eii Hettli-r li r Ultil notice of lux tiiten
tion to nmke ndul prsl in Kiippurt of lii
l lnilll, uml Unit said irsif will tie lilili Is
fore il.J. Itl. w. tt, cii.-rk U lit. ciiuri, at
rinon, eo., 011 Jan. 11, isi-ii, viz:
Heu y Wss-ej-lmrs-r. of lilli-lirbt, Neli.,
who uuule 11. K. 'o. luitf for thu tn:. t s c. 21.
tp. n4 11., r. & w.
lie iiaiiie tae follow lux witnesses to prove
his continuous re.-nileuee upon anil cultiva
tion, ol aiiI luini. viu:
Anion Kliein. Henry I'lekenbrwk, M. J.
Gnj lcirt, 1-ruiik Nulto, nil oi t.tlclirUi. Neh.
U-li J. w. VVtiix, Ju., tu.-Kii.ter.
.Sillier for I'll hi im: ion.
X-iiiid Oftk-c at Alliance, Xcfo., I
Nov. 111, isis. ,
Sotlce Is hereby Riven tluit the Inliow lnif
nuuieit settler lias illl notice ol Ills tiiteii.
tiou to mske Btml proof In iiijmu I ol li lis
cIhIiu, ami that said proof will la- uiiiiie Is
lore ,. J. liieweti, ciei it of IMitrlct court,
at iln Uoa, Neb., 011 iec. , l5, viz:
John II. Krimii. if stnrj-, h.,
who tiiade II. E. No. 2l-,l) for lb sc. se. i4
m-c. 14, e. . . 4 w. U a. a, tp. ;n
11., r. i-7 u".
lie luiiiien the foliovfiiir witnesses to prove
bis coiitiuuoUH reside icu Uikjii and cultiva
tion of, said laud, vi:
Aiiust liinK, u. W. story, Wilbur shep
herd, n. il. .story, all of sioiv, Neb.
1 1 1-Mi I J. w'. tt Kiis, J 11., Iteritcr.
Notice lor Pnblirstiun.
Land Offlue at Alliance, Xcbr., I
Nov. Ill, ISMft j
Notice is hereby given inat the following
named settler has tiled noliee of his inten
tion lo ui-kc lliial proof in K!ipKrl of his
claiiii, and s .id jiroof will 1st made be
fore M.J. I'.lewctt, icrk District ( ourt at
iiarrisoii. Neb., 011 iJee. -h, Irt"., viz:
X. lmn?U lliunil , of Harrison. .Neh..
who made II. K. So. l"' for tlie e. , se. ,
W. ' i se. 1, -c. Ill ttlld 11 w. U sec 1 1,
l;. .in 11., f. .17 w.
tie name the following witnesses to prove
Ills coiitliiuuns residence UKi.i and cuitiva
tion of said land, viz:
W alter li. W oodruff, Samuel M. Thoams,
J. T. r'itzg.-rahl, uuiucs Nolan, all of iiairi
oii, Neb. Also
Sartincl M. Tlimnas. of Hiirrlson. Xdi
who nitide II. K. No. KTi for the lot J, . a tiwr.
4 A ne. sw '( si-c- 3, t p. , 11., r. .7 w.
He n.tnies the following witness- to lro-e
his continuous residence upon and emul a
tion ol,said bind, vi..:
N. I. !! in. Walter It. Woietruff, S. I..
KIIIh, Jjmea jsolan, alt of H.iiilso.i, .'eb.
Wnlt; r I!. WnalrnT. of Harrison. Neb.,
who made II. K. So. -t' for tbe s. (J m;. ;4 A
a. '-, sw. i4 see. 14, tp. M n., r. .'i7 w.
H nain-s the following witnesses to prove
liis continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, srtid l4nr, v-12:
Siunnel M. Thomas, X. I. Ilionilii, J. T.
Klt.geruld, Jiiiiics N0U11, all of Harmon,
ill lj J w, WKiis, Jr. B
Xotli-r tor 1'ubllratiffii.
ijiud Office at Alliance, Seb., I
Sept. i, isWi. t
Notice Is hereby given tluit the following
named settlor hsa filed notice ot his luteal
lion to make final pro" if in support of his
claim, and Unit s ild proof will he inmie la
fore M.J. Iilewett, Clerk liltriet I'otirt at
Harrison, Nebraska, on iec. il, sV3, viz:
Ornrge W. Irrliiini, of llnilarc. r.,
who made H. K. No. Mu.1 for tbe s. ', sw. '4
'SA and 11. H nw. , sec. t, tp l u.,r..V w.
He. names tlie following witnesses to orove
hi contliiuims residence nsiu and cultiva
tion of, raid land, vis:
Krncst Hung -, Asliltel firton. Wlllliim Klrk
ard, Jocepb l-arsons, all of Holarc, Nob. alo
William Bil liard, of Bmlarr, Nrl...
who niade If. K. So. for the no. (4 ec. ),
to. at, n.. r. to w.
H nattMM tbe folkrwing wttnewea to prove
ale qpatlnamM reaMeuee ouon aud editiva
tlowof,wM land, vis:
wfi W. Urlmm, Itiarlm 0m, Jloatpb
Ttmmm, Rraast Uo.ige, all of Itodarc. mm.
i, W. Was), ii.
mm .. c3j
(total rjrs furniiJiei on short no! ice.
Reliable drivers and ouiet saiUlIe horses always on band.
(iood accut;nnHJations for tran-situl tustomcrs.
Horses boanlcd.
3. E. Brjc-vrnt,
D. li GR-'SWOLD, Casliier.
Transacts a General
Amuiican ExC3iaxje Xationai. AXK. New York,
Om.uia National Bank, Omalm,
First National Hank, Chadrnn.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
Drugs, Medicines, Paints & Oils.
' J, E, piiinney proprietor
C. F. rorFTE,
Banking Busine
FrPP Hnmp fnr Mnrp'r
Than 5,000 Men.
A new county with ;
schools, churchec,
railroads, etc.,
Contains over forty-five m'.lcs cf
rail oad and has no county
Sioux coiinlv in the nrtliwt-t pnnni v
if Nelnikn. It in alint thirty iml.-s
eiiHt nnd west by nlxnit w venty miles j
nurlli and koiiIIi und oiitni! s j
nf html. There me nior hrihl. spurli-j
linir, mnnll utreninx in the i-inmly limn
-;in lie found ill the kiiiih uivsi elm wln ri
in tlMi Mlnte. It h i more mie ImiU-r Hi
it than all the rest (if the ;ie i n.l iibmI
Il piifiM r the richent. and lined mi
tritioiH known j tluit tr htx-k-;rti iii(j
it is UllvXel.-d.
T!ie so l varies frnni a I i.ivv I:iy t u
! ;-lit sandy loam nnd i i nitlile .f pl'.i
dw'iiitf exi-ellent. i-ri.px. ,
Tlie linn'Mru-l i-nii nro snnill irmir
und vegetal le, ulihutili irissl enrn j.
grown in the vulh-ys. Ttie w tient, nut.
rye and Imrley ure at! t.f urn u:i!ly lim
nnlity und tomiiiai.d the li;Qlivst umr
ket prires.
The water is pure nnd r . freshinif nnd
is found in abiindauuv in ail pin t ul Uit
The counly is pnu tic ally out c,f ili-hl
nnd liiiD over fnrty-live iiiilesul rniln.ini
within it.. hoiikTs, 1i;is a ixkI bi n k rinu l
house and tlie neiessiiry lixluns lor ruii
liin the county uml lln ie lum in-vn
been one dollar of v Uit.d.s iv.uiti
and licnce taxi s wijl 1 low.
The rreiiiont, Kiklioin & Missouri
Vrulley railroad ci-osmk Kioux louiil,)
from east to west and tlie U. ct M. Ii..e
uoout lilleeii miles of Its Inn in thc
uortheast part of the i-oiiiil-.
The iliiiitile is more piea;iiil than that
of tlie eastern portion of Nebraska.
Tliere is still
of land in Sioux county jet ojn to
homestead entry. Jt is lietutr land and
more desirably hx-attd than that fur
which such rushes are made on the open
ing of a r-servalio.i. There is no rail
road land in the county and lor Unit
reason its settlement has bet.-, slow nr
HO Sx.-cial effort to gel setlltrs was
made, us was done in the early da s of
the settlement of tbu t:i!frti iu.i-i ,.r il... I
state. ,
(hxxl deeded land can lie Jiiin lmstu ut
reasonalile rates w ith jovei iimtiit land
adjoining m that a person who wauls
more than one quarter section can obtain
it if he has a little iiii-ans. ,
Tliere are ulxiut 2,51,0 jieople in the
county and there is room ir liajus-uids
llarri xin is the r-ounty seat nnd is sit
uated on the F. E. & H. V. railroad, and
in as good a town as the thinly settled
country demapds.
School houses and jliurclies are pro
vided in almost every settlement and are
kept up with the times.
All w ho desire to get a homestead or
buy land cheap am iuvited to come mid
see the country for themselves and jnde
of its merits. Homesteads will not be
obtainable much longer mid if jou want
to use your right and get 16'J acres ol
land from Uncle Sam free it is time you
were uboul it.
Luok at Till Lint
of western tiliesl
Chicano Ht. Joseph
Omiihn, Lincoln
Ht. JViuis 1 enver
KansiisCity l.eadwoood
It does'nt matter which j on intend
visiting. The Burling'uin lion to is the
bett line toall us it Is to any one of
lupin v
Advertiaing mutter and full infornm
tiMI about trains and rate on vpplicu
Wm. ' ' Kbaxc:p, . P. L T. A.
Omaha, Nb.
I . Vnrvnl liii I .l-l-lii". en-r!
M 1.1 V-4 I I.- J il.i jf-. t ii!n:ilfit4
1 . l I II in l.,i . Wl' In U -. '.r .ml Mi'i'l
I, a. itiiiU-n..t li tk riittl ut-.iru-r, lji.t-ula
hh .i:niii jrniri ai. ii-tkht:
M. I. Kli.kii'l -Ju l"'. iN.-ll
Allnil II It"!
il.J. Ui.x.Ml
I hnillMHt
...v li-rk. lii.iriMOM
Hil XTV on let K:
il rl Vilni i.nnly Jii'lifn
. J. I'.li-nrtt l K
li. U i.fii ml 1 1 . .-iii r
W 11 ...i.l l l.l. ill- tl.ll U.-l ...11
I a. 'it. Mi.-nir
; J. I-. I'hiiin. ' oimii-r
, . I.. I.i.... urMr
! M. .1. I.h . il ! i.-ifc ,f m-lin-l '
Am. i 1. t . -.'L. ium.l) Atluim-y
r.u::i ok mMvissiosf.its:
Fr-Jiil: Tlnkhain f- Iil-irii t
M. .1. hht .- 5' I
II. i . Ju!i..b4Jil , i-i. .:i u. .i , .
I.l (.I-I.A1I Y.:
II.C "-!- rt ,, l ll No 1 1. 1 r lor.
w . In in ji .. ii i'., ii. i. ;u. il n . i . " I
i i.i ai.i nu n n:-:
M.J. I'.irnrlt i i-li ill iii.ui ; TrtLlisi
K. Kuliw. r
.1. W. M-olt M
1. H. i.n..ii. I
W . il. M .i-l -iiiT
.. J. rni inn I l.-rlc
!. U on ...i-li ....'lii...ui'r
4'IIiMU. Ol I K KI!-:
J. V. -inn . IMri-Uir
II. I . .in.i. L . .eli-mliir
. w . litv.i.-i 'i iiftii(r
1 KI(M "I i;T:
l'Nr!rl t '.mi t.- A l. Il.rri-iiii, i-ointiMnns-a
A i . I II -lit i.i 1 N.iV. in In T
i.iilnl;. ioiii1,.At i.irri-uii, i-iiliiiiii'iiif
iir.,1 .iiiiiiI.i ol .'. t li n.ii..;it.
( iiriiciii.H ami -.(H-ir-mx
'i'IIi'mJiI Mlml.-V H-h.Hil wifi-l. i-H-rv snit.
lay . i if ..I II -ill.
J. ... r .i.l. hi, V. i;. Ihvii".
r ti .i'i-iiii"i'l.'ti I. s''r t.ii y.
woomiKN' in Til :: voi:i :.
Il trrj ,:i r-iii-p, .i. 5'., iiii'.-: on ihn Hr-I
mi'i l:i i.l "...tiii-.l y . u iiuij. o( r i-n i. .until.
J.l. l'illV-i.l, fc. t. l'ollL -.
u.-rl.. w.t. i .n.
V'i!i;.i; ivu iii.i;;v or a iKicn.'
Mim u ii i ii ult r it'ir.liy (ive.iinK
ul - ii . :.i- . ,v. ij,, ir.
J. w . h.u,Tii, I'icrk.
rnvoiM-,1 i i.aoi i:.
Iie iitln'i I itHfti.'if ..,-ry M.ii'l y I've-tin
lit l. . 11.1:1 l,,t' til (; ,ii 111 lll'l-Ml.
''. "I !... il. Illl all,
JlKK. H'. . IM1H, I'll ll.-llt.
r toy.
A. P.T. L.
TheAonericari Prcicctive Tariff Leagua
is a r.ationr.l or-inization advocating
" Protection to nienc?n Labor and)
l!idu::ry " as explained by its constitu.
t o:i. 3 follows :
TH-.' .-? rf II-t-wr'i I-a!I b lo prr
Ar.- i i 1 n fip -rti wh c lt I
,-.-i .-..-I ,i. An. ..-! mdu'tr.! prvCjcM
ftlin-t I. j tjii.pit. ,.::n for.f lat5P.
Thcio cie ro personal or privat
pro'its in connccticfi theoraniza
lionrnd iti5$jsta;n(,d by membershipt, s ard the distribution o ;l
TIHCT : C-M-tr.-ndfe. li toVc'tvi rmr4i
" i.;uiiiu.rii!.ip " ni otr.cift! CoTiionatftit."
fitCOr; O: W need and v.iccm4oanti-ibution.
wlittritff smull or tii'-g, 13 our ciuh.
THIPD: W tu&lih a lorj. lin. of dooumvnta
ov.rirg a!l pKavvi cf W. Tariff qution. Com
pint out wii! mild taany aoarfor CO etnta.
FOURTH . Sai'd poalal Cr4 raqvlMt for fr cny cf tha "Aericn Frnomia.
Adfir.. W''biir F. Wehsmm. Ganarai 8acrtaryt
lo6 Wut 23d St-Mt. Na York.
TRDa taail.
F' ln'rmtllo(i anil frwe HanillmoY nta lo
MU-My 4; CO. .M l!wil)r . Mtw YuM.
OUlit tmrfu f,ir aoiirlnit patt-n't In America.
Hrvrr rwifnt taken out hjr u. l I rounHt baf'ira
tii" puiaio bjr a outio gtvea I rue oi cltarv lai Uial
lArtrtt Crr-ilMln of anT .! tino papr In rha
world. liluttrauxl. 'l Ion lllarol
tnia ahwil l l -.lnmt It. Weekly. F3 Ma
ar;,. llri.l W CX,, aai Urwlwij, t,ur jork otf.
Tli SoHlhern Farm Al'llcy, I.ynrliStlrf ,V.
wilt run a one fure for th round inp dcimhi
ally conduued l.ind reLi-ra citumoA, leav.
lug OeUein Odjr Ka Ida llurlliiftor., Ol
liimwa lir. M ine, Co. HlurTi and inrw.
meiiiaic n ,mi Nonn.Ur lsih, IWtnibar
2nd and lllili. via St. Ixiuii.. ihenie Hif t'oar
K niie and t li-,j,r ?l and (b n Ry
iki-KlUndon trunl linaaofKail Roadahsaw
to market In.m S 00 an re upwarda. K
drouitlil, no blirrard. no f.iiltire of crop.
y ju mint h.ive a certifiralefronn lhc Soutnr.
crn I arm Aent-y tatmctitm ihe one fan rata,
whkh y i'i ran gl free by addrrinf
V.. II i'OI'K, W..l,rn riwnirr Afesl,
Cixtapuke & Oliu Ky. bt. Uuw. Ma.
F E. & Jf. V. II. R, is tlve Ut
to and from ilia
M UUllKk.