The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, December 12, 1895, Image 4

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    Vjipux County Journal.
. o
.Subscription Price, fi.W
JL. f. Mm in ohm.
' Kntnwd tlw Uarrisoa post olUi
Jpiail flaws U'tUT.
Thursday, Lkl'EXBek 12,
The case against ex-State Treasurer
jHill and his bondsmen to m over the
iiad belongine to the state which were
st by the failure of the Capital Nati.m
jj Bank was rn-ard last week in the ku
(prero court to a jury. Tliat was the
taecoiM) trial and resulted in a verdict for
,1 he defendants. It does lift seem just
,rilit Uiat the state should lose tlie sum
jiitolved but if Hill and his londsm-ii
sre not responsible the law ouht to be
amended to prevent a ifpeti'Jon.
E. C. Outcalt was tried in the federal
t(iiart lit Oriiaha last week for complicity
tit tlie wrecking of the Capital National
JLmk and was acquitted. Some sensa
. Clonal diaries were published in regard
. some of the jurors who heard the case
siud Judge Dundy ordered an invest t
,1 i.m by the yraud jury. The failure of
ttliat bank and the resultant litigation
.and loss, coupled with tlie litflit punish
ment of Moslier has culled forth much
unfavorable comment and if there was
.any crooked work in the trial the guilty
ones should be punished.
H. O. Stewart is uot tue lirst broken
dowo political harletjuin who has enter-j
d tlie newspaper Held in an eff ji l to re
cuperate. H. G. is nn lon.irer the idol of
4his party in this section, as tlie figures
.will show: Paul lieat bim 101 votes for
treasurer of Dawes county, wltile on the
jjop ticket, running with Stewart, Clark
carried tlw county by 24.1; Maxwell by
.i07; Riclter by M; Westover by 51; and
Carly by 40. If be holds do n the ed
itorial chair two months he will lie so
distrusted with himself that he couldn't
even get his own vote for any jiosi
.tion. Crawford TrPtne.
Nebraska is to be congratulated upon
jhaving the nerve to so far put aside the
prejudice against corporation lawyers as
fto choose tlie ablest public man in the
.state for the senate, and such, beyond
controversy, Mr. Thurston really is.
-When Chicago was leveled to ashes he
,wa a drayman, or dray boy, more prop
erly speaking. This is, indeed, a splen
did country, where rail splitters, canal
dri vert and dray men can come to the
jhigbest honors. Mr. Thurston did not
get his seat by purchase. . He is not a
'ffnan of wealth. Brains and ideas won
the senatorial prize. Chicago Inter
Frank Hilton's attorneys thought they
ahad played a'trump wheu they demanded
that the cliurges against Hilton should
jbe made specifically, by items. To do
h;it it would be necessary to have the
Jhooksof the late oil inspector, which he
ahaa never turned over to his successor,
put the court easily 'squashed" thai
proposition. When an official embezzles
,his books, as well as the cash that otij;ht
be accounted lor in them, almost any
tort of indictment will be 5eci lie enough
for the ends of jus'ice. Lincoln Journal.
Editor Bottenburg, formerly of Eush
ville, has decided to start a paper at
,Belle Pourche, S. Dal!., and will move
Jiis plant from Rushville to tliat place.
The opportunities for establishing new
papers in Nebraska are rare. Every
(Held is occupied and many are overdone,
jSo that every month a number of sus
pensions and consolidations ari rejorted
lo liaVe occurred and numerous publish
er would like to improve their location.
.Tlie law making it necessa-y for a papyr
fo be published for a whole year before
jt can publish legal notices makes it so
i.hat in the places where new paper are
established they have to depend on soiue
JJiing other than that, and business men
jas A ruje have learned that it is poor
Jjuaioess policy to encourage new papers
jln times like the present. A newspaper
j a business enterprise just as much as
.a bank or any other institution and it
(cuat.s money to run one.
Late Literary Sew.
Two rery important important facts
Jn connection with the new era of maira
ines are illustrated in the Decern tier
lOMnopolitan. Its fiction is bv Hteven-
soa, the last story written Iwfore his
death, "Ouida," Ha rah Grand, Zangwjll
JUld the bejrinniog of James Iine Allen's
new Kentucky realistic story, "Butter
Jliea," Probably no stronger array of
liction has ever been presented in any
mturskibe mouev could not buy better.
-Kor has any maamiine evr had a larger
niinbef of really distinguislied artists
Mfgri upon the illustration of a single
.number. Tlie reader might he puzh-d
lo know how such a number can lie
load at the price of ten cents. But the
ynajAUiM itself affords the solution. It
tains 199 patres of advertising, which
tne nuniistiers announce, is irom
to KO00 more net cash advertising
waa ever before printed in a ra
tine, or any kind, and in any conn.
li breaks the world's record in the
iwMWiiafr business. Moreover, the cost
M lfc arUsts aod authors wlio appear in
ftunbaris divided amongst 400.0(10
WiiawSflr Tow. The Cosmopolitan
niBL dtuikibk uh rosfc ner oov uro-
I S thl liM in nmnt mniritxiiift. hrl nc
U, m H torn, tlie bit in art and litera-
' 3 MM Ml cla I an educational
jww ss1 aaeoad in imnortanca onlv to
A Little VitaUoa.
On Wtdnesiljy of last week tlie editor
and hn wife left on tlw evening tram for
a tthort vacation. Taking the B. & M.
at Crawford for Alliance, arriving there
about luidiiight. After a g od sef tlie
day Wiiss-nt in renewing old acquaint
ances and forming new ones and seeing
tlie town, winch showed t;reat changes
since a visit over six years ago. We
aere entertained at te at tiie hospitable
home of Myor It: 00111.S, by timt gentle
man and his esteemable l.iily and a few
congenial friends and later in tlw even
ing tlie party passed some time very
pleasantly at tile rKuis of St. Matthews
Clun, the siHial heiulquarters of tlie
plai-e. ll is out of th- qiK-stmn to tell
of all we met and saw bat Alliance has a
lot of people in it w ho are alive and all
stand up for Allian. e. Next morning
we took the train to Ileuiingford and
were escorted to the home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. M. Iodence, liolh old acquaint
ances, and took brvuklast and sjet.t
some pleasant hours in their conipaiiy.
For dinner in conqiany with Mr. and!
Mrs. Imlence anj KdV. an 1 M:-s. J. W.
Ksiidall, '-ve went to the home of Judge
and Mrs. I). K. Spacbt, alsj aiij'iaint
ances of many tear. Timse who have
bid tlie pleasure of meeting friends
after a separation of a n:iiiib-r of years
know how quit kly the tiuii ptsseil. T'.H
night wasspfiit with Mr. and Mr. K-n-d-a!l
and after an early breakfast we tm:k
the tram for Mainland. O.l our arrival
there we were driven to U13 home of
Mr. an 1 Mrs. I T. I'oob", the iaten led
visit liaving been kept s-h ret from them,
a brother having met us at tiie train.
After removing snow-covered wraps a
rush was nitule for their room and the
Mirjirisn was complete. That day and
the next pass-d in pleasant p,istiiue and
Sunday evening we attended i linn h nt
Marslau I, that being mw of Mr. Ksn
dalfs apiHjiutnients, and listened to him
and noticed that he had a large nudien. e
the best evidence th it his eirorts are
appreciated. Monday morning a short
nde by rail brought us to Crawford
w h-re a brief visit was made lietween
trains with Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Kennedy,
w ho seem to lie prospering and well sat
islied, and alKut niin we arrived home
to again take up the work where we left
oil, refreshed and invigorated by the
pleasure of the trip and rest from busi
ness cares.
"I irehoiiri I compound cough syrup
the treat remedy for coughs and colds
at tiie Pioneer Pharmacy.
Final Proof 'olire.
All pnsvms having final prKf nfitiren in
tills iwiht will ricjve a itinrku uo.y of the
ttMlMT alMl are request! U extuuliiH tlM-ir
notice TOid if any .-rror .xlt rcxirl the
saute to lliijtolnce atonee.
.Voib-r for rulilirn'luB.
IjuiiI OJJice t Alllniirn. Sel (
Nov . m, IHI6. i
Sotlce l Iwrehy (flven that Un' followinj
naiiti-i! 'Mrltir hi Ht(l rtotUMt of his ttiU'tt
tion to uiuke titl jiriMjf in MUiiort of hu
i-lHilll, Uti't tnit ssltl jrrool will ( lunnV Ih-lori-
M. J. lid-sett. eliTk .llkl. cwirt, ul llr
ri.9jii, Mrl., mi Jan. li, lsi, viz:
lh-nry Wns.crliiiri r. of (iil" !ii,.it, Neb ,
who mmle II. K. No. IKHi for tin- w. 't wc. 1,
V. U a., r. 6 i .
lit- n:tiiM tiie foItowiTiK wltni-w!'w to prive
his coiiliiiuoti., nI'li-lK't; llMll uul cuititi
tion, of iitii. vtx:
Anton I h'lM, llrijry I'li'lo-iilirock, M. J.
(t,h.irt, t'raas X'utUi, alloi lott-hriM, Vi'li.
i l.i ibi J. w . rt tiis, Jm., iti wu-r.
Xnth e for I'ublli ation.
IjiiiiI ontce nt AIIImik i-. Neb., (
Nm. in,
Nottoo Is lliTeby (Sivon Hint tlie lot lowing
naui-il m'i tier tiu Uli notii-e of his inten
tion to make n mil priKif in Miipoort ol hl
chtilli, uil(i that said prtMlf WiJI tMf liiHile t,i
tore M. J. Klewelt, cli-rk of lt-trl-t ourt,
at ilarriaon. Neb., on twc. 2a, 113, vijs :
Julia II. if Stury, Neb.,
lio inu'le II. K. No.2l.i .or tb! . e. i,
w. H, e. i, tw.'t, !i w. t ai c. ii, t. 34
ii., r. i7 .
lie milium the following witnr!r to trov?
ins continuous reHidfitce ujioii uiul cultiva
tion ot,witnl luiiU. ty.:
Anust Itiiut, . W. Story, Wlihur Hu p
hi'nl. s. It. Min v, all of Moi v, Net.
Ill l "J. W. W f.iin.Jk., Itt-gisHT.
Xotirr fur I'lililli-Ktidii.
Land Office at AlUiou'i', Nohr., I
Nov. I'.i. isu.'V i
Notice is hcrrliy fiveu tint tlni following
iiiiMi settler li.ts nii-'l notice of his inU-u-ViOll
to UMke fltiwl ijroof in rlliM,rt of llN
claiai, utlU thut s liU Jiroo( will ti- luHfiit Im
foreM.J. lin Ketl, I icrk HUtrirt Court ut
llarrisou, eb., on iJce. lrt.1, vi. :
X. liunrrlai llaiiillii, of Harriwui, .h..
who iiiade H. li. No. I7'x for the . h . '
hw. . w. , M-..C. 10 uri-.! nw. ju s. sc. 11,
lp. 1st n., r. n7 r.
lie nn.ues tlie tonowiii wuuessu t nrove
hU coiitiuuoiu riwiiience ujioa mi l cultiva
tiou of g.ti'l iuii't, vik:
WHlti-r B. Woixli HIT, Saimicl M. Thoiiuif,
J. T. Mtxffcntld, Jauiiis Nuluii.ali ot jlarri
ain, eb. Also
Kaiiiia-I M. Tlinmss, of Ilarrlxm, Nrb.,
who m ule H. K. Xo. v" for the lot :!, m. nw.
4 k ne. lj sw J4 4, t). ;tl, n., r. .i w.
ll fLout'it the follort iiiir witm?S!ii to nrovi
hin i',m tiuuoUH r'HiUinx ujioii mid uuititii'
llOll Ol, K'tl'l l,ilUl. l.l
N. 11. l.aiiilln, alter B. Wooilraff, S. I..
Kill, JaiiitMi iolaii, all uf llarrisoa, jivU.
Walter B, Wo', of Harrison. Xeli.,
who made II. K. ' i. IX A for the s. ; sc. t A
s. sw. i m'. 14, to, ;m n. r. .17 w .
lie mourn the IoIIowIiik wttiti-si'S to pr,ve
hii contiiiuous riwuliMce npou anil cultiva
tion of, .ii'l laiwl, vlx :
Shiuui-1 M.TlmiiiHs, S. I). Hamlin, J. T.
Ki-ZKiTil hi, James Nolan, nil uf Hamsun,
ll-IBj J W. WEHX, JK.
Xotlre iiir riihllrntlon.
Lmid Oflice t Alliniic", Xeb., I
sepi. Si, Iswv. (
Notice l lierrhy if 1 veil thnt the following
iiaiiied tmttler hns Ill-1 mil Ice ol histuU'ii
t ion to uinko final nroof in joiuiHirt of his
claim, and tliat snid prinn" will lie iiuulu lx'-
forn 31. J. isieweii, c lerK lllncl ( ouit ut
HnrriKOii, NebruHkH, on Dec. 11, liiiii, viz:
(JcorEC W. tirimiu. of HmUre, Xrr.,
who innfln M. K. So. Miti for tlie s. '4 kit. !
mhc. mid li. H nw. , m-e..1X, tp.8n.,r.JViw.
He inline tlm following wltnem to prove
1 1 1 n con tlnnoim reniileuue njion anil cultWs
Hon of, mi'l Und, viz:
Kni.l. linn-, Aahoel (lron. Willinni lllck
aril, Joncph I htkouk, nil of IWcUrc, Nch. hIdo
V.'illiam Diekard, of li.Mlarr, Ncl,..
wbo iimlu 11. V.. Ho. for the ne. t wo. V,
tp. .18, n., r. Th w.
He naini't tb followliig wltnnMs to prove
hli con tl minim resilience opou and cultiva
tion of, mIU IsimI, viz :
(George W. lirlnim, Charhn Crrwel, Joseph
faraun, Kml IIuoh, hII of Hoflurc, Keb.
J. W, Weiix, Ja.
l!il UvKisf'
Good riiis furnihed on liort notice.
Rc-Iia'ule driver an.1 ijuiet saddle In-rse always on Ir.iml.
(iood icconuioUtionii for tiai.wicct customers.
l!ore boarded.
R. E. BRKvrTT.!t,
P. IL GRISWOLD, Cashier.
Transacts a General
AlinniOAN El!AM:r Xatkixai. Unk, New York,
Omaha N'Ano.tAI. Bask, Omaha.
FlIWT NATIONAL Bank, Chadron.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
Drugs, Medicines, Paints & Oils.
ALSO a full line of
Feed and Sale
C. F. rorrEK,
Banking Business.
Sioux County,
Free Homes for MoretA
Than 5,000 Wen.
A new county vath ;
schools, churches,
railroads, etc.,
; i i if (,ci i.i li I ii,i-r
Contains over forty-five m:!cs cfj
..... M l(il, u: m LI!-:
rail oad and has no county ! j ,v V.(,M i.irii-t.r
, , ! li. 1.. m.i.k :: ..I. rior
DOnCS. Id. u . lii-.ui ltuiur
Sioux rminlv i tin- nr.rll.Pt rout.fv
of Ni-bni!k.'i. It in almiit thirty ftulet. ,
enst mid licit bv nlmiit M-vviilv liili'.l
..' , . i
- - .
nurili mm Miiuii mm rmuaiii.
OVER 1,300,000 ACRES
of land. Then nt uiore bH:iit, ;i:irlr-
linir, fsnmll xlrfiiiiin in thf 'nt t
can le fomul in thu m uri'in-Uf" In-rc
, ...
in Hie KUttw. ilinn murv iiiim iiiiiix r in
it Hum all thu rest of the Mule t-ombiiii d
Il itii rt tl rii ht-t and moM -
tritioim known ko tlml fr Mix k-grow ,np
it is unexcelled.
The frl vnrie from heaiy lur to u
1" I I , 1 : t t (1l
Il)ll iwiinij i.-n.ip i '.) - i-
duciiig exrcllcut i rni-.
Tho iriu'iinl iiiii nro nmull t-'rain
uihI Vi-gct.'iWIfs, although gmnl corn ir
grown in tha valUys. Thu wln-at, mt'
rye and barU-y am nl! of iinii-iiiilly fln
quality and tommuiid tlie Inchest mai
ket pricc-s.
The wat?r i ure anil r)fre-hin; ami
i found iu abiimliiucM in all -;irts of the
Tho county ii ptticl'i ally out of ill lit
ami hat ovt-r forty-llii! miles ot r.iilnniil
within iU lxinki, has a goml bru h court
house and tho necessary lixluies lor ruu
niny: the county uiul llii.-rw ha never
licuii one dollar of ounty bumls nvsustil
Hliil heiicL- taxis will lie low.
The I' ruiiiont, Kikimrn & Mixinuri
Valley railroad crosses Kioux tounly
Irom east to ivrst and the 15. &. Jl. ha
about iiflvvu liiilen of its huu ill the
nortUwist part of tho county.
Tlw cluiialu is luol'e ieusant tliao tlmt
of llw eastern portiou ul Nel.iasKa.
There is btill
OVER 000,000 ACRES
ot laud Hi Sioux county yet open to
homestead entry. It i.s belter laud anil
more desirably located than that lor
which hiii li rushes aro made on the ojieu
injj of a reservation. llieyu i.s no rail
road land in the county and for that
reason its settlement has been slow
no Kiecial elforl to j;et settlers was
made, us was done in the early days ol
the aettlement of the tanlern part of th
Good deeded land enn bo purchasiHi nt
reasonable, rats with Koveniment laud
adjoining so that a person who wauls
more than one quarter section can obtain
it if he has a lillie .lueans.
There lire ubout 2,500 people in the
county and there is room lor thousands
Harrison is the fjunty seat and is sit
uated on the . E. & Jl. V. railroad, und
is as good a town as the tbiuly settled
country demands.
School houses und jhurches are pro
vided in almost every settlement uutl are
kepi up with the times,
All who desire to gH a homestead or
buy land cheap are invited to come and
see the country for themselves and jiul;e
of its merits. Homesteads will nut Iw
obtainable much longer und if joi want
to use your right and get 180 acres of
land from (Tncle Sam free it is time you
were about it.
IaxiU at Tills l.ixt
of western cities:
Uiicugo St. Joseph
Oiiuiha Lincoln
Hi. Louis lenver
KiMitasCity Lcudwoood
It docs nt mutter which you intend
visiting. The Burlington Route is the
Uesl line to all its it is to un one of
Advcrtining matter and full informa-
j tion nbout trains und rules on implica
tion. J. riuNcrr, fi. p. 4, t. A.
( , Oauulin., Nth,
TT lillHIK':
nt. . Iloiioml.- .nvi-tnr
i f Minor iuleii,o.l .
J . riiirr wremy.rf xmw
kuip-nr W...rr Awlitor
J,. uli lUrtii-v Irrrrr
A .. I liurclllll .Attoliw '"" I
M I m1 ,untl"fcwr
11. k . t'olU-tl Bupt. I uUu In.llui UuK
OiNi.lir'-MON AI. Ill I KliATI'lS:
r V iitiilt-pin I . n. ,-iinU.r, IMih
n in. Ain u "t-.r, MmlMm
t J l'.r i)i, I i, l-l lo-t., I itiewlit
. U ii.rc.r. " -'I mh
i. ii w. iki. joliu " " ruli. rx.u
K J. ll.ii. -r. " " Aiir.w
Mi hlClill, Mh U.-M i.mi
. K. Kc.ii, " ' " t'lokru
Jt ll I I! T :
rvat I liii-l JU1U, x'WiM
uw .mm I .I"' J 1-lfcf, lll J1IMI4
I l f. il.irrl-i i f" "' ""
11. A. I mli:J.l.-t I- Ik ud lit'!"" W. I.M.iiMU
riUKTM II Jl I l. lITUin :
M I". M.ik-U.l J-vlv-e. M S, 111
Alln-il y rl..-.
II. J. iiii-nctt
I liielh.,11
V it 1 L, 11, .ri
,,ll ....... -i wnii
! ,- riipi. rnuii. iuNirHcu'ii
II - ,H IlliI - i ,...,. r
j V K. IH-K ....
j J. I., liino.i )
v I K.,i -
....l uiurfrr
.. i I k l.f l'1-ll il I fll
I i..(. I.; wcii
Amu i. ci.ik.
tililtl Ailmiay
I'tiAllli UK rilUlmNKI(:
I Tii.khJiu. - liirU
jl. J. i'i i ..
i;. r i.,ui
k u .ii iii.ii) i... i
!!.;. "tow jrt..-.ioil"r. I'l-t r i
j W. l.))) T... Ill i., ., ll-llliiiKKirit
VH.I.Ai.t: n'fi H 1'K":
'1. J. IIIcwci: ich in iiiioi )
K. Conner -
.1. t . cotl
11. II. l.r.o l "
iv . H M .ir.t -.1 -r "
I.. .1. -in mo. It
Tl- nt" nl'ItT:
I iitri."t l i.iirl. -At Urri-'iu, 1'oiMiiii'tn.i'B
j, (Otitic
uint,--M ii.nriMin, CintiiiM-iuMt
1..V ul Ii ii,ii.,lli.
ri:i Ui'lll. ami ILTIf..
; Vcthi..!,-! -im.1. I..-:1 m .!. rv.-ry t n-
I ihy ii,iriti)jcr .III
.,,. W' 'u.'.v.
v, i,i;ii i s in t ll K tvuin.D.
It -rri- ii ( ii., v, w 1. 1 ! lin flr-l
t aid lliipl'll .1 , C W.illltf-if .tft luittll.
j j. f unni. K. . I'm i if -,
! ( li-l k. l MI. l IMM.
I M ol lis' inl..-i of ,'
M" t' iii lt ;r.i.iin i ml .y in. ilng
' ul ii i A. -i. i.' -V, I , i.'.
; j n , ...i.tii, i ;i rk.
I.i'WiiliTII l.l'.Aul kl.
In". ritluiiA! iiii.i in u i-v ry sii Hilar printing
) 'It '. t rtlltilcl ilif 'tll
mi I'-lll ul uruAi.
i-iil It ll I It LB.
iu. W, II. Ii n'l. I n nli.iit.
S'lT I TV.
Tlie nciicin F'rotcctivo Tariff teagua
is a r ational otanirat on ac'rcatii t
' Prctcctxn t j neuc-n Labcr ard
I Vc'uotry" 3S cpIl-nuJ bj lis const. tu-
0'.. rs Ijilovvs :
1, --y -mr rf v-'' t "'t Hirt fJl"
' w ll- -1 'line ' ' I
r,;n mflji'.). )t pi"vJCi
it .it
There ' e ro -ei:-ral fr p'iv3
va' M m connect cu w tn lb o g: ntza
t:on.:i'J iliiius-a-n- d by rr.ymDcrtritps,
conh ootici s a' J biJ diitfibuhofi cf
' l.Wi,.iiiri,i,ij " fcld Oi csl CoiIviviik '
SCC0ND Wnwtlnll wffiv-is c.r.tributi:Pi
lu.i. - air.ll: or krji, t3 oui tlit
THilD: VVs rubln a hr" Urrt' d-wjn .i"i
-.Vfl'.g H f llQli- tl th4 I i.f li ri)li". t. i.i
aUU i wtl. ie .'lso luao;. a'.crfii for CO ent.
rURTM Sud pnlil f.-J fq.i t ' f
.fnrli C'f rf tli ' lmicm fi- nom t "
Ar i--i W 'Ii ir f W i k-i in t- General 6cisiUr,
TRADB H&aara.
Fit Infofmatdm snif fnw llarulliucik v-riv to
lit' N.I CO.. Ml i;iiiAiirr, New Tusk.
0,iipt Mirrsu f'f CTuiBii fmii-nta In Am,.
Kvery riMUT.l takn out dy ua U lintuirtit bfnr
its iuUic Itj a Dotx Klvi-n lraio(tuuiieUi the
f ricuttfic tucticnu
IjatTiHt rtrmuili-n nt any unman pop" fs Hia
worm, tiilnvliillr HiuitntUfrl. luu-lllKrnt
man ibnul i In wlihuut It. wnhly, 3 (Ma
Ji-ari flM nix montlia. A'lira. l!;Vv t IX
Votutu-ua, aiii UfjaUfcaj, Suw if urn Cur.
Ti Ronihrrn Firm Ancy, rynMjurit.Va
wilt run a one fai f.,r tli luuinJ lnp mi-n
aily cnuUf tv I tr.d m-ct rcttrion kuv
in If (fctwriti ( - tLf Krf, ui lUirtintu; ,
lum i,lr Mutm , ( (i m tl I'infla Httd llilef
mt-'Hu'e y iutt Nintn lf iHth, emtif
?'iJ anJ ti. vta Sf Ijtin, (tiriitp lilg t out
K 'tire t jil t nt) i lb o Ky
I'trt'A 4nlo trunW tmr of Kail ko a tin,
to inarkti f r .10 (Ml an j- re opwaiiU. N9
drughf( ntt riUrrsfitu, 1 g fi i)urv of ciop.
u mu-t h ivm a from ,fh South
cm r trntvsi ttnry Utcctire I lie one far rif
wl.ish y i.f ff9 y ai(lrii'f
K U I1' )PK, Ws)r..B Kwcngrr Aenf,
Cl(vapk 4. OUij Ky, hi. loui, ilo
4 Eclentlfio American
F K. & M. V, U. It is tho lt
to and from the
v j -v. i, V