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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1895)
THKHIOl'X ttifNTY J,. J. Mmiilo.ii, I) Kti) i:n I Prop. I", r.. M. VU.;el,K letiug !. !" ht. '., .!!. !(. 10 J 'i. t, uiir. (.HAN'T (.L'TlllUIl, fetiornay-at-Lav. Prompt attriti..n ;.-iven to all li-al matter in Juli e. County and Li -tri. t ''mills aiiJ tlie United Stat.- Ii.J Olth-e. Insurance written in relialk- CO'IlJiaili.'. fl'I'ptl p;rr carefully drawn. 11. L. SilUiK. Fashioaab'e Barber & H:ir Dresser, OPCN SUNDAY FHOM 9 TO 12. iZutw AMI HfcisoKs 1'l T L'" t;iv t mi- a i Cn'.l. J. K. PH'NNLY.M. ). I'll) i;-iasi and Surgeon. All enil veil jmimrit i! teuiio!i. iillic.i in In lift "-tore. i(..::;siv. . . nkpi; ka. -TIKI- RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE h as jvkt Ri-: i;: vi: a i yu?je is-v.):- r. )i' v;mf.u pa mum 5LU 0 KUTiS, lN.:u:j)iN(i Overcoats, Coats, Vests, and Pant Jllkl I .10 when von need nnyUiin .mi shnuliHKurily f o to that I !t -i!s Iih a fine artiii(-i!t of win r uh l-rwr. ejnvs, mittens, hats, ij... h ints, sll.)' n, etc., etc. II vl.i. :, of staple iniil fiinv ins-cri.-. .lull and complete and xil all uis! j n,ll make otl lit:tiiiik V 1 mf. 6 mm SUPPLY HOUSE. I am rur.Nt; To J. W. SCOTT, to ;i:t a loam of CHRISTMAS KlYS. CAN.'IF.S NL'TS. FRUITS, WAX CANIIdvS, I K ORA TIONS. F.TJ., KTJ. A fine stock of Tobacco, Pipes and Cigars al ways on hand. BERLAGH'S IJrtrjf. Hrafjr, IIrry! The lime ha come when we must av nionev. Tin re i a larire amount due uh on nulwrij.tii.iii and cur crl,tori want u to settle so e mutt call on indebted to us to twy uji. We have mmiv who have simply neglected to settle wllli TiliJ Jtn aAi. ttiiti some w lm do not have ready cah, mill then there hiv sume who do not seem to lir 111 cl.nel to settle at nil. The lattt-r clasH iiecl not Iw surprised if steps are taken I o collect w hat is due us. XVa dj not inttdid to crowd any w ho are honestly trying to meet what tliey oe hut we Imve earned is owing to us on suli m ription unil those who can pay and will not ill have to lake the consepiern-ts. TllK PuK( t-.;iKJl. Xinas, Xuias, Pioneer Pharmacy. For the highest cash price for w heat see (inint Outline. Par ti:iikius for Kile at Thk J;fli.N"Al. utY.cte. (Into P'oneiT Pharmacy for jn-es-ents for Pivsfciils lor .ill at drug store. Friith mid oyster always on hand at pohner's Toilet sets, fancy ioods and toys ut druj; stole. ''nil in nnd Me our fancy ffoixl.-;, Vi, etc., at Pioneer Pharmacy. Fine linn of jewelry and clock at Pioneer Phnriii lcy. I ' I). M. Sutton and H. A. Priddy went hunting list Thursday and hakjed a deer. llorehoiind compound coiih syrup the irreat r uieilv for coughs and colus at the Pioneer Piiariinu y. If you WHnt a fiUm paiet jret fine piihlisln-d in NehrHska. TllK JiH iiNAhj cliihi with tin) ,V7.r.7:,Aii Yarwr. t all and seu a copy of it. To nil ptirticft ho come from llarri iii to l'ra ford to have dental w in k lone hy me I w ill niaki? a reduel on of ti n h:i- eel, t from regular prices. ' T. J. (JllWiN, Ientist. I Atl'irncy flntliriii feels iretty (.'ikkI over the fact, that ho was successful in every case lie had in the district court. That is pretty ood evidence that he is . iirefiil of thti interest entrusted to him. j !Wt foivet that TllK JorRKM. has i larire chililiin list and when selecting rinding matti'r for the coining year call and ; i vi; us your oiilor. We can save you money. All tliosH knnwin tliemselve in ih littid to mn will pleas-.i-all as soon us pnttvihlo and settle their account u 1 uxjivct to Jjo out of husiness, HcsM'Ctfullv, J. W, Kilrm. Stnt inn Ai-e-it Pontius informed us !ht on I eremlK-r t n rule went into edict on the railroad line under which hicycks and Uihy cairnies will lie ( hurled for nt the :imo rate n exi'cus h!ii.E.i'(j. T'lii has liei ome necesary hy reason of the larye uuiiilier of convey uncus of those kinds Unit lecplu who 1 ravel take with th -m. Tin: J;n;NAr. wnuld like to know for what, reason county cases ur' transferred to I) lives iininly. S u it iirrarirenients have not proven mtisf.ictory in the juist rfni I the cases to wl ich the county is a pirty can (--jrhiinly lie ai tende I to with less expense riirhl here tlmn is possible at any other place, ft niieht le well for the commissioners to loak the mutter up u little. Tin; pmlli! hiwze wafted down froiM Harrison the very inform ation that nil th hoy from Alliance who went in attendance ut court exier ienced a (Ifliyhtful time and w rs very pleasant ly entertaine.l and hospitiihly feil hy MVs. Wright, also that the turkey and cninliorrv s:uice tickled the ( alate (if Hal Marvin to kiicIi an extent that the waitress had to remove his plate (full of lHines)nnd furnish him an additional one to enable him to complete his repast. Well, verily, llnl is n growing yniini; man mid enjoys u good meal. Alliance (J rip. The jury in tin? ense of Tinnin vs. 0. I! & (j railroa I wa dis.JiarKed Sat urday morning;, having iiKive.l on a ver diet of ?:!,(( in favor of the plaintiff late the niulit U'fore. Court iiiiniediate y ndjoiirned anil sill tlioso from other towns departed homo Saturday. It is IiomI that tl r. tse uhova nieiitioned has heen heard for the last time in Sioux county. It in liromrlit here hy the attoni".VH for the plaintiff w ith the evi dent ohji-'t of usin' the prejudices of the peojlo in the interest of their client. The caw lia cost Sioux county soma huiidie.! of dollars and the jieople who have to pay it liud no interest in the case whatever. The first trial was lontf nnd cost, a lot of money hut the one Inst week wis still worse. In the latter the jury alone cost $210 find mileage, and of thin th defeated party will pay T and tho coiinly will Imve to pay the rest, as well us Uio running exienseH of the court. It would Ikj a tax-savine; plan for tin poopU of tlu county if they would make the hrin),'ilig of such suits hy outside irties decidedly unpopular hi future. Tho verdict or the jury In lis) (Irst trial was for $2,000 uml the last raised the amount a thousand dollars, so that the plainliir Ims reason to feel yood over the result. Jt would he well lor tho' pcotilo to iiir iti mind every cjih" in the distt ict court adds to tlie taxes of the county, no mutter whether it be a civil or criminal ense. riKsosti.. W. S. Johnson wan uji from Glen last ' Thursday K. i. Iloiiefi left for tlie east Tuesday evenirg. II. II. UuHseJl was p f,,, A.!new s Tuesdav. , . Jhss Main I Low ry -nme down from T . . . , ' Lusk tlie lirst of the week. F. W. Knott was in town Saturday d called at this olli.-e Marion Pfost is at home from Sheridan anil dropd in to see us on Tuesday. W. S. Nicholson was up from Wlcstle creek on Tuesdiy and called at this oil ion. J N. I. Hamlin is preparing to conie to town l live. lie will occupy rooms in the Smith building. Mr. and Mrs. i. T. Colfee 1. ft last levelling forTcxus, where they will make their home in future. J P. N. Kirkpatrick will n.ove in the house on Postmaster Marsteller's place north of town in a few days. J. J. IioJ;;ers served his county us a juror last week and liefore leaving for home made an agreeable call at this Ipllicu. jj A. W. Mohr sends us a draft to lie placed to hi credit and says that times are harJer in Ion a than he ever saw them i:j Sioux omit v. w E. U. Salterlee. the nomihir lanilloid of the Hotel Itlaine, came up from Child ren Friday, returning on a stock train in the afternoon. That was the second time he has visited Harrison since his removal to chadron. The northwest Nebraska teachers' as s datum held it annual meeting at Crawford on last Friday. The educators ofSii.ux county were represented hy County Siiieiintendeiit liavis, Principal Fisher, J. W, Oiah.m:, Franklin Force, and Misses Cora Wurts' May Force, Kiidie lievenpoi I nnd Elsie Meri iam, A pleasant and instructive meeting is re ported. The olilcers elected for the en suing year were H. F. Fillmore, presi dent. Miss Anna Neeland, secretary, II. I,. Fisher, treasurer. Complaint has lieeti ninde to the au thorities of Uoys jumping on mid oil moving trains and getting in dargeroi places about the railroad yards and w hen Station Agent Pontius tells them to keep off he is insulted. Such matters ought to he taken in hand hy the parents. In the llr-t place tlie boys are liable to gel killed or crippled; in the second place the yards, tracks anil cars are the prop erty of the company and are under the ontrol ef the agent just as much as a store is under the cont roi of a business man, and in the third place some of tho 1) iys may get sent to thu reform school if they jiersist in such actions us are complained of. The representative of the railroad company cannot he expected Ij stand everything. Clmrcii Notes.' Service next Sunday at Harrison sit 10 :!D, and at Hodarc at 3 P.M. All are ol'dially invited. I). J. Clakk, Pastor. To Kadi of Yon. If you owe Geo, II. Turner or Hough & Sou either by note or account it will lie to your interest to call at once and ttle. ' Oko. H. Tl'KNKIt. Bnclilcir Ariilra Salve. Tim best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcer, suit rheum, lever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains. corns, and nil sum eruption anu isiki live ly cuius piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give peefect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale bv Pioner l'tmrmauy. Knights of the Jliircabi-o. The slate commander writes us from Lincoln, Neb., as follows: "After try ing other medicines for w hat seemed to Ikj a very obstinate cough in our two children we tried Dr. King's New Discov ery and ut the end of two duys the cough entirely left them. We will not Iw without it hereafter, uh our experience proves that it cures w here all other rem edies fail." Signed F. W. Stevens, state com. Why not give this great medicine a trial, in it is guaranteed and trial bot tles are free at the Pioneer I'lianiiacy. Regular size 50c and (1.00. At ft Hundred Junction Points in Nebraska, connections are made with Burlington Route trains for Chicago, St. Louis, Kailsiis City, St. Joseph, Omaha, Lincoln, Denver, Cheyenne and beyond. Our maps and time-table showing where, when and how our trains run and wherein they excel tho trains of other lines in many important respect, are sent on request free. Always glad to quote rales and give information. J. FiiAN-cw, U. P, & T. A. Omaha, Nebmsl.ii. North-Western LINE P., E. A M. V, II. K. i the bot to and from tho SUGAR BEET FIELDS OF NORTII NEBRASKA. Tlif Tu'.fdo VwLlr i:it and Ceiu- JlSli'B tlf ISIMi. Willi a ffreat presidential campaign roming next year, every thou;rhtful citizen will need, besides I, is xmI er. :l P1 iti"nal TIm5 Kte-t i and most widely kna of tlies.3 is the I Toledo Week I v Made. For thirty years . , , , . . ." ' " : it has tn a regular visitor in even i . part of the L. i.ioo, and Is well known at ! J,st everv one of tlw 70.03 i ofli.-es in tlie countrv. It is ed.ted it li rtfereuce to a national circul.ii ion. It is i a paer. hut m jn of all poli tics lake it Iiecatise os its honesty and fairness in the discussion of all public vuestiuus. It is the favorite family paiier, with something for everp of the houehod. Serial stories, ielry, wit and humor; the household department (liest in the world), Young Folks, Sun day School Lrssons, Tal mage's Srinous, the Farmstea 1, the lest ioa ISareau (whi'h answer (piestions for sulisi rile j ers), the News of the Week in complete lorin, anil other special le itures. ripe..i nien copies gladly sent oil upplicat ion, and if you w ill send us a list of address es, we will mail a copy to each. Only $1 a year. If you w ish to raise a club, w rite for terms. Address The Blade, Toledi. Ohio. ( losing Out Sale. As I wiih to go out of businets I will sell all good at cost. Harness, whips, etc., ut unheard-of prices. Iiesect fully, J. W. S.yrTH. It -May do as Much for You. Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving, 111., writes that he hud a severe kidney trouble for many years, w ith severe pains in his back and aUo that his bladder was af fected. He tried many so-called kidney cure but without any good result. AUmt a year ago he liegun use of Elec tric Hitters anil found relief at once. Electric Bitter is espec ially adapted to cure all kidney and liver trouble anil oftrn gives almost instant relief. One trial will prove our statement. Price only 5(lc for large bottle ut Pioneer Pharmacy. Remember ROHWER ALWAYS KEEPS ON HAND A Good Stock OF AND GET THE BE 87 When yoi urn hnn to huy a So 1ncXl-:cr.i:: do not lio I'lcceiviil l.v tlluntie mum. dJ b lit to thin V: you tan ft lu Licit uiuUe. finest iinUhnd. t.d Most Popular f or a tr ere nonT. Sc- to It t hat vou buy from reliable Manu facturer that h.ivo t'"lr:i) a re jai t-u ion by honcntMu! Miii'.ro (loliki;, you will Ilea (jet a Bewlntf Machine that i imted tho world over for It dura bility. You want thu one lbi.t U wuuect to uisuuKC and 1- Light Running There Is none In t!ia world that ran filial in niodiantcftl con- atruclion, durability o( working parta, rliiciH-. of J'nish, beauty in appearance, or tins a mauy kapruvuiue-uifc as tl.a New Home I. hn A.,nr....tliT Tension. Double Feed, alike oi) both rfi.les o needle no other ba ... Kimifli da.iil.dnviri'whe-lhinKea on d 1 n it :i bio center, tUuu ledXius friction to thu minimum. WHITE FOR CIRCULARS. THE HEW HOME SEIIHG MACHIIE CO. Oai.t. " Ikvito, . tst'ion tortaa, H.T viniiuo. 114. ST. Iim, Mo. ii,.Txa. aui tViaWCl, CL. ATl.AlfTA, OA. ron eauc by Flour, Meat 0. w w IMEore FOB Marsteller Bros. "The Old Reliable." DEALERS IN Lumber, Coal and Farm Implements, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Lime, Lath and Shingles. Windmill and HARRISON Isador Richstein, Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. AGENT FOR Pabst's Celebrated BEER. HARRISON, 5 Ji) .iU .I rio rj'.;; -' : rJ ;.T "ALL Tltt THtREVIE "ALL THE KACAZCTES IN Cf.'E " E.!!trd by , c,v;;r" , 1 raViEAS, as its . --r-.. s. -. imp.ies, iV !:1 readable form Vm Ivrl readable form !u Wrt Wc'Cf thatarr?ars in theother mk-:4 a great macaiun.'s all over ffif'r'j.. . V the world, trene:-ai!y cut t:ie ixv.c c.ute nut 1' V arerutilihed. Willi the recent cxtraord ?:' : reviev-'S, t' .v-T-f jprr. quoiauo::s, Kiwiig i.:s --"tfyj cist 0f rlcdlcal litera- ture, are the subscription price. ! Aside from th?:e dcrarlmcits, and contfilnu'.ed features of the Mint in rfnl- t.T a inai'ai-ine. The --rt -1- - " an iiiviluac'.e clironicie of t! 2' with pictures on every p;;: women who hive made the hutory Th LiUriv ll'cr'.S My:: S; Impressed from month to my.ilh 5i'2 of the 'P.evicw cf Fnviiv.s,' of Eiffel Tower for the survey field of periodical liUra'ure. And own, and speaks out with decision and sense on all public topics of the hour. It is a lingular combination of t-!;e monthly magazine and 3' the daily newrpaper. It is d.-ily in its fre:hness; it is monthly in its method. K is the world under a field class." jj! So:l on all New Stand. Single Copy, y3 cent. kRev!EWRV1EWS 1.1 Astor Place. New York. i YOUB Pump Supplies. NEBRASKA. NEBRASKA. :j; r?; : ' .-V r'r. 3; r;.: .-a pi r' r" : i-t OF 1 ALBKPT CHAV-'. .- 'i'-srll VJ. AIM. FIVE MONTHS FOn $1.00. n Hie a:v.c dale that Hi;y -y.., e careful tfs ramnnrits, and 1 WrJ NiMH ANNUAL euaecniPTioN ilor.e worth vp2 .50. tl:e editorial Review OF Rtvaws are theinselvw Editot's "Progress of the World'' is SJT iappe-.'.iitjrs of the thirty days just past, ;rV .... ... .7. 1 of the n:ea and of l.te mr.:;:!t 1. THRCE - RCCCNT , 8AMPLCB 25 cents. "We are d,vp!y with the value which is a sort of the whole yet it has a mind and voice cf Us y: i?l Agents find It the Host Profitable . riazazlne. . i j.. . 'x 1 .1- -v 1 -'Yvr- linn lp- i in ii Son, KEVIEWS