The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, December 05, 1895, Image 4
Jfc . 5 1 hi ff v, $taoux County Journal. ,8lmTiitioo rrice, 12.00 tJ. J. Simmgii, Editor. IT.stere'l at ti Harrison pot uili4'e as i :aii clmu uialU-r. ,fh9 dintrut irriantion lw Ins ln !W to l conntitutional ly t!ie Mipreme tvurt. - - rwid crop fur northwest (-hr.ilia pkxI ?s aon. THS JOfRXAl. tii) tlwt f'T tnnnv var but Has Cnie i nun . A vit crop lireJictins ttflr l.urtet in .future. AUianre h:ts romnipm etl tiw "f n f-amii.'n for Ih removal if the C"im y?tof Box Uote tvmntr in 1h;it 'trwn from Ileminsrfonl. A runnty tvM .t'S'lt i not a plensint thin but mot of .'Hemingfortl linn to Alliance so tv sat of governuietit ir likely to fol low. Etch term of rmirt enip:-i;?.i'S tUe n a chsnsre in the mlet of tht? rourt in 'rpct to.the ri-'its of h piW'lintr 'jijhlsre. The c-oiii-t slicmlil h:ive th rii-'ht wlwn he knows thnt an nttornof is nr? entin(r a lleatlinr ortif"tl toby Imn oIf. th stateriifnts in tvhi'-h ar not . ... nif for the rm rp "f l"lvmff r '-j featinsr the law. ntvl hv cortiryinsf thoro 'lo is guilty of perjury, to. immmliiitflr uvll such Bttorncy to a-fniint an l juinih him. With web po'ver vestwl in the 'fonrt a pmit dal f th" iVlnr n pr- vpint, wntiltl he oiwrniii nn1 the l-tral nrofesiion would be elevatcJ to a higher plane. A Taste of 01J Tsnri. .Senator II. G. Stewart bun "ai-eefted .in invitation to do elitoril work on th ''Crawford) Bwr.n'' and the following .id one of hix elitorial: "We wish to corr-t a stntmnt m-de last week by the little chap Hint run lhe concentrated lie factory nt Harriwn. not on our own accotin but in behalf of 'trie pood people of Sioux and Pawe, counties. lie savs"ne worked them"1 we wish to say thaf. the n"""1" of th ' "Northwest nre not, the kind to lie worked and n proof of the same, let me remird ".him that dnrimr the ht five year., we ,have held three political meeiinrs in ,Sioiix Co. and that all the tim his little lie factory was running full blast ncr-ii"' is at the same lime we have c-irried tSioux countv in each election. Y m it is not necessary for 11s to do any polit ical work in territorr where -r s'iot 'circulates yon should ttnoT by this th "the people of tin: Nortb'vest c:mt be "worked"' w m enini to stay in -Dawes county. Holt county (lnoi not . 1 l-b'nty of 'kxI I fl'eI tis, there are -traight Populists there to see to it that 'Vhe thieving old prtv trn'.' fl-nin tret its hands onto 1 i public fund'-. ,Th lioodle pantr of billot liox thi"s of ttawes count y need 4 mi attention.' Tlte above is iiuite refreshing and r mindsoneof tlie times when Harrison t)iad a paper of the same strine as that on which Senator .'Stewnrt. has "iicenieil n .invitation to do editorial work " The arguments produced by I1101 and the rea on therefor are The fn;t thnt tile editor of the "sheet" at ILirrisnn is a little chap" certainly calls for con demnation at the hitnds ft "aatorStewnrt. shades of s4iie dpart Ms-en'iill ! If 'irm editor of the "sheet"' nt Harrison was as Mar. physically and mentally, a 3Ir. Stewart he nii;ht have hoivlood the jysople into eleetinc; him to the state son ate aod got his whiskers pulled by the 'sfM-jjeant-at-arms for defy inp the presid 'jdj; ofOcer, and finally have ln "in cited to do etlitorul work'' on a great paper like tlie Bexuxm. ' Senator fkewart further says 1 he people of the northwest "cant" worked and us prvif of his as Hertioo cites the fact, that he has carried "jt three times in the last live years. It itiay have slipped the scholarly senator's, memory but he first wor'.ed the people on the alliance racket and his first d-e- 4fation from fllioux county was chosen by :1liat organization liehind doors piiard d V the grip and pass-word. Two year ' ater his delegation was namd in con- veouon anu iai year 111c sen;t,ori:ii uei were opposed to him, but ha . ittttw that the people were onto him and , Jud moved into L-awes county, leaving two yenni' taxes unpaid, and at the polls w twrrieiJ the cottnty by ONlfi At liome be lnys the role of farmer nt ' Jiw4n lie has the reputation ef being a ' higfc-roHer.' Hekts been charged in th pren and oh rhe st-ainp with net of nature not creditable and bus Riven no 'sWufsotory 4jpliiation. lie yery niod etJjr (Sawktor Ktewart is always wot! est, WH U CMrtwt tiMtWtr) notifies kte rend t tWtt Dwe county needs Lira, tiot wittoUadiMiC the fact that the votera at ' 'I'm mNi mU liferent. Senator Suw- mm rrawt man anl a profjMnd ttiink- V ("St'wtre'fnct tkst he Hm tmitted ', 4 " sj t batterleeon the-tbeei'at mk wight to be MifDcieot to cauw '5iS ahkp" wtoTHM it to glr up " ;"T? N-yo at going t7 press l Filial I'louf Nutlet. All persons having tlnal proof notice in thi )uptr w iii receive a tu.uke! ropy ol li-r aid me re,j 'tc-tsl to examine tlicir notice aii'l il any rrroia exist njajrt tlie same U lain oil.:!' at lliie. .Nulitv f.r I'ulilii-aMou. Laud USSce nt Aili.inre, Neb.. I ov . .A I ;... I I Notice I hf-ivl'V glvca l!itt lii lollowlnf 1 rHinot srtt.-r tut Uiei nuiioe ttf hi iHtt-it l:ou lu iiu.'..e pil Iti upart ot in t.tllll, Hlll that .111.1 nst wilt ie uiaue I i t.ire .'.i. J. Iitca ttt. i-icrk tli-t. court, il il.r- i NcI., 00 Jul.. 1 1, .tt.-C, viz Hi Hi.v V s.-fil nr-j. r. fiii'.irit. cl. bo iiii.'ls- If. Y.. No. loll, fur tin' r. wv. SI, lj. .wl ii. t r. .V. w. le u.i.nt's tii' foliou in n itnesss to prove hi-co'ilt.itlo,!:, r.sileiK-,j UjMjli unit eu.liva lioii. o s..:l t.,ui. t il : .tutuii Mici.i. Iicniy Piik.'iitiroi It. M. J. t.i. it li t, t fuk MitUi. nil ol l.u In i.1. Nell. ',13 till J. A . V cilN, J., Niri.f fur I'ulilii a'i.ui. Ijlllti Ortlce lit Alliance Ni t)., t ...v. Is.A. I N'tli"i' U biTcliy tfivi'ii thiit in' tilit"!titf nititiiil 4-ttii'i tii.' ii.i-U iiitir lii iiiU'ti t . U lii.lkn Dual iluil in u;.pol t i t U.l'l tllrtt Ml'i H". I HI l- HI.HI III : nut .n. j. i.i . lu tnaili' II. K. N. 21 -U fur tu- m: t : ', w. 4. :. I J. u., r. -". ii. u.tiiir- tin- folloH-iiiw it:u"i-' to tirovtr III C'OlltllllloU?. tOJ.lliti:U UjHIit Mill! CilltlV.A llOU ul , .inl liiii-i. vi.: A'U.ikl ti.i.i. i. story, 'Vilbur lui lnTu,. tl. Un-y. uli of Moiv.N-t. ;il-li,j J. V. A i.H.,Jii., UcUUT. Xutirfr for i'lililii-ntinii. tml Ofilci-at Allikiici. Ni lir., Nov. I'. , In. '4 t Notici-ih heri-liy uvhh ttiut Uif to!loniK-itHiiii-.l w-tt.i-r iiu't iiii-ii no.ii-i- of in inti-ii- tloll to ill-k,- (lil;.l prottf ill flljlliol t of lilt, l-iilliii, itil.i til U .In JiriMlf 'ill In- III.hIk Ikv toit-:.J. bit'Hctt, ill-Ik 1'itiiv-t murt vl lirr.iii. .V-u.,00 icr. ii: N. Itii.-I i lliimli", of HjrrioH. cb ho uimli" M. K. No. for tlnr e. , w. l . 'l rt.-C.iO anil nw. n . -4. m-c. ii, l. i 11., r. -ii u. In- ii.tiu-i ttit- following ItilcHiH to iiro' hi.- ri-i.liiiicc iio.i tun cuitiva 1,0.1 Ji H lilt ih nil , 1.: sv' ii.l'-r ii. w 1,01 rtiiT, SiiiiiMi-l M. Thotiin, .1 -r :t ,...-.. 1,1 .i.i.... , mi t,l ,11.111 ' i?iiiiui i li. Tlmmini. nf Iliirri-im. Sri who itnulc II. K. No. S'TT for tlir lot i, . '2 nvr. i .i in. w l -i- i. tp. 1.11.. r. 67 . Hi- ii.iin" t!i' lollow tiij? itii-. ti provi. hi coiitiuuoiij rt-ni'li'iic uikiu uotl CUltlVu' tion of. .iil liiii'i. vix: N. li. ilitiiiliii. aiii-r H. Wooilnifr, X. I.. Kni., Jaiuil .Vol;!. 1, till of jl-rri.-o.i, Ni-li. Mi-il Wnifi-r B. Wo-idriiV. f lliirritoii. w lio iitt-ili' H. K. No. 'ZZ ftr tin- . 1i w. J4 t , . l4 -. It. tp. .14 n,, r. ! lit- ihr looowiii wiiio--iMii to pr'i' )li (-OlltlllllOtll rt'LllilMCC UjMJtl dill cii.lit.i- lion o( , -i.ii'l iiiinl, vis : Miiiiii'l l. 1 1111.1111-, N. 1. II11111II11, J. T. r'itzcr-lil, Jioi.t'ri Nol-iii, rtli of il,.ru?o.i, Ncli. j I! lijj J W. Veii, Jit. j;-Kiu-r. Noiiie tor I't.lit.ratinn. Ijiuu Oftice tit AlHanre, Neb., f x-pl. M. IksS. t Notice 1 hiTcOy it! veil tn,.t tlie tollowln- 11 Mit.lln rliu. tili-l li, , tic,, ot lit. iiiL'i,- ! tioti U) inaWfi Du.-il iroif iii nuppiirt of his t'lailll, Mlllt tllHt K'llll pi'lMJl H ill l' IIIHIIP W- loie it. J. Blfuctt. t,n-rk IH-trii-t t ouit ut llarrl-ou, Ncliru?.kii, 011 iii'c. il, 15, viz: IJriirf V. (ii'imiii. of I'mmIhic. Nrr, lio mailt- II. V.. No. S4'tT for the . 'i bw. 1, wc.2Niiiii 11. !, n. '4. . t, t p. .Tt 11., r. . 11' iiMiiti-i the tollotv iiiit iruiif--" to prov hi coiilniiloit rc-iitifiice Uhiu tvitU cultiva tion of. aii 1 inil, vix: Knichl linns , AnlilM'l Ortin. WUll.itn llli-U-anl, Jo-trpii i ar..on-, u II ol I', Nrti. hImj AVjilium Uirkurd, of iliMlnrr. S'-h.. who iniitlu II. K. No. for tin; ne. ' ec. 79, tji. 11., r. "m w. lie iiuniii th' fo'lowiitir Une'0 to privi iii continuous reilcnct; uikiii mu.I cuitiv t on of. sji1 l-oiil, viz: i.coriffi' tv . i.riiiiiii, I'liwrlen lin-wel, Jir.ii'h I'.il -oj,, Kr.icot ISUnge, all ol IUm1.ii-, .NcIj. J. W. rt' JR. I 10-1 j I Iti'EliUT. Niiifce tnr I'lihliri'tioti. 1-itmJ t llii c l Alli.ince, Ni'li., I lift. 2".', ".ft. Notice Is licn'tiy (Th en that the toiSowlnit imuii'il I'ttliT li..s fli-l notice ol li:- iiilcn- t.oii to oiiiki HiihI pi-iKil 111 iitiwirt of his ,.i,, ttnil til it mid proof will r- In- fot- M. J. UK-wen, ctt-ik ol IU 'I'tiric court, nt ilivrrinoit, ct.r.. 011 l-c. ',, lrf.., viz: 11:1 " i p Mi l mil. ofCllcliiM. N h.. wlin liimlo II. K. No. !!'. for the . ' iiw. '4. . u'. 't hoc. b ttatl w. l4 ow. 4 '(:. tj. 11 . r. "iS w. It lirttiics the following wttoi'-tes to prove tu. i-iiitiiiiioiin ri-ii'ncc ujmiii uuil ciiilivit tion of itl'l hinil vlx: .Ii ii"i Me ' ii, Jiimic Wilson, both of lillcliri-t, Ni-li., Jo-s-pti Votittfoiititr) , J. f. I'lUMIllH, IXJtll Uf I'O-llil'. Nl 14 iS J. '. W tii.s, Jn., Uc-iiistcr. I'.i fore t. ubcr!b;r g for a JI.itf izhie See the Ui'st Deoiorest's AX UXPARALLED OtTEU. Iornori;tM Cnt I'Hp:T PtEr'i nr' lUc rnrt r U'Ucl 01 tmr itiitrk-i-t. 'I h urt f nny n.z. a im-mbsT of lb-' lMisM-hold fMHihl rr f-Mlr. In Mrttli f(py if tin jUitirrizim priitt'J it fotipon ttutiliitiK th- hiiIiimtHht. or purfii tprr, tt ii p tUfii (worih mini rC11' I rly nnfi for 4-"-:) or nuy nunttfrof i ttti n for hur cent- enrh to rovi-r p u'kK Ht MMti'.iC'. W'Urn Xhv Vnloof iUr ltTn.i i:J eoiigiflt'ml tim tM-rilMr iwtaally g"t LE110HESTS MAGAZINE FllEE Anil wh it x vii'e '7.itte It It! r"or It will in more t.r.libiut tliitii ever I'cfort!. New itiii:!i'fiii'iitf ni'W ini-tiiols, nf Men. K.ii-11 etipy eittit.ilns an e-nmixlte ri'prixlHf tion in color- of siiii celeUr it-t picture by f nu.oti. 8rti"t, w in thy to it'lorn tlie wttlN of tlo; inot r'niil hotiie. It U Mfllriiicil tlmt I M' JUKsTM ii the tuily ewtuplele Ktitnlly M iifjauie coiiillnliif U' tf the mont excel lent iolttt4 of Its cofitcinwHr rit", lci!'lt' II tvlii-; iluiit title ftntnrei nf ititw it. 1KM-ilKKi-T'S isctii!iliy a Ihl.KS SI At, A .INKS In one. It i a Ulitcstcf I'arrent Kvertts rml Ile.i for thf bu'-y niMit or AiTmii, r Kcview tin) n storehol!4n of InterCf I Ifrt lilt. W ve, lnoth- e n, iit niutil il iuuhtcr fin Bad exactly wiltit tlicy neel UtHiiitt-te stttl ItiMtritct them, ulxo prnctlc I h'lv in every riepiirtcwiit i lo nestle mxl lit-. In. In Unit lh f irru-S-h litr null tiriciiiie-itliiif of the Uortie. ein hroiilery, ttrie-n-lir ic, iirtiMtic hhiI ftincy work ifMli koi'ls, etc., cU:., mill ittif-ft-stlo'iiii Mini Hit vice retfardlnf; tlie well lie, ii and drewi tiiir of their twti ihuwohs. 'I he scope of Ihe itrticles for t tS hiiiI will cover tnp whole cimntry anfl 1U Tnl Infere-its. Kiid the iii'ticles Will lie Profusely ,liittr, with the finest enitr.iviBif j, mid, in ttddlt loii, tt will iul)llh the liest slid loir rt fiction. It trentw at lenatli Oet.-of l'sir soorts. Home Aiiititeiie:itf Mini r.nfertslti mnrits-; It, ivett k Kreut ileal if Mtteiitwtiil to the I BiKlrt'irs I'eoirtiiieiit, aiul "(Mr l.lrls. ami Uitna Monthly fyiiiposmin by Otehru tl feiml'. In wnicn nre n-eiiseti tiituorisiit (uca:lnif the aourttf interest to tku uldir r'iiers. Irlm Itiifii ynor nbwerlvtln-i at ancn Von ifl morn ralae fur r money thnti It In mioi em-err in any omcr iiiKtzinv Mte Mafcar.lne one year fr 0 , flrtdt iiiou th for - t oo. naer " tHlfereut icurineiits are nhnwi eielt rear, p.utems f ail of wbtrli ate -ole Tainaote y v jserrner aic. tca. shiiijiic cpy ;wiit ittteru miubmhiv sent ier iw. LKhOMT l'l'Ht.lMIS I ie nt tit Aviiuj, Xtv Vorjr. a tiauiti.orrr. o it faro THE SIOUX (XJUNTY JOURNAL . ml IIKMOiiKsr.4 rMtlX MACiATIIIK. ' Arnl 4irfcilw r ; tlom tultiifiOc. t.u. . . V . t ti. - ...... .'.!.' Good rics ftiniisbd on short notice. Reliable driver :nl cjiiiet Kiddie horses always on bunil. (ioini nctt.ioniisljti.iiifi for tniiM.;i.-i.t t'UBt.iiiiers. llorrs's iKiardtjJ. TERMS REASONABLE. GIVE WE A CALL N. 0. HAMLIN, IMIOHUKTOR. the COMMERCIAL BANK. C3TA0LISHZD 1C23. Ilarrison, B. E. BrjtwsTt, 1'Ki.UcQt. D. TL GE:SV0LD, Caslu'er. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. SOOOO. Transacts a General con:?F.sroNr)KTS: AMttElCAJi T.?ltiv. N'jt-niiS-il. niiN'K. New York, Ok.viia Natiaxai. Ti-."K. O'tlitba. FtjtiT NAlONAb I!ane, Chatlron. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. GrDSAFTS SOLD ON ALL PARTS OF EUHOPE. $4. PEH DAY.Cure. Salary or commission. '7:;;: r -nt tm r-r r"- . i it" e, ' y-r o i b'tnw: or ut irv.-? If , it, iu naut. la tiur wuwk.itt pit.c 4i atl n-r ut-wi.i. Vfc AMERICAN TEA YOU WILL FIX! OLD SfAND wits: bargains fob GEO. DT AMI? T? D 1 Drugs, Medicines, Paints & Oils. ALSO A FULL LINE OF HOLIDAY GOODS, JEWELBY, CLOCKS AND FA1STO-5T GOOIDS. CALL AND SEE. SO TROUBLE TO SHOW OOO'j, ). E, PIIINNEY, PROPRIETOR BAESMIX, ...... . . Feed and Sale table Nebraska. C. F. fcrrrw., Vice-rre-iident. Banking Business. Uimn wi ut rUiuv.. -CO., Detroit, Michigan. SIE AT THE H. TURNER. ) IT A D AT A P V 'Ur.AHYA. ' . 4. Sioux County, THE LAND OF THE HOME STEADER. Free Homsa for More Than 5,000 men. A new county with schools, churches, railroads, etc., AND ACRES YET OPEN TO HOMESTEAD ENTRY. Contains over foy-five m.!es rait oad and lias no county bond:. Cf: Sioux county is t!i nnrihvt i ft i ouoty tif Nchntska. It is aUmt Uni ty uulcs Cftsl and west by iil-iul seventy u.ilcs north and sou Ui and i ont:uii OVER 1,3C0,0C0 ACRES of hind. Thero ate morn bright . ''I 'll: linir, suinll streams in I be ccti'ilt than can l fiiluid in lite name :trt-a ebu-nbtre -in the state. It bus more pun t mil- r in it UiAII all tha r t of 'be -ttci t n I null Its nisses iiisj the richest and mit i u Iritioiia known o lUtl for nits L-iri mp it is tinexcelleil. The soil varies from a heavy 'l.iv to a liu'ht Siimly loiiiu iititl is of pr' din iiipr excelli'itl crops. Tlie principal crops nr. small .-rvitt j and vegetables, (s'""l '"' j row It ill the Valb't s. Tie! wile it, ::it j rye and Iwrley are all of unusually fir j ((tiality und command the tti! lu.ii- kut price. i I'heWiiUri pure and refreshing i.d in found ill PlLinukilicw iu ull (nils of liic . .i' foil 111 Y. The county is practically out .ind has iivi r buly-livu nnlcsiu r.nlu.i'i ttlllilll il-S b.ill'--rh, hitsa.snl blltk i olill iioiine and llie li.xtun-s lor u.u iiiiir the coiiiitv itiiii ibviv bin. ii.t r been one dollar of cotuity Ui,U im.m.u ! uiitl beliCM UiNt i will l lo . Tho I'remiuil, Kiklmru & Missouri Vr:illy railrimd ciosca ISioux i i.nlv i .isl to 44 est unit the 11. & A. bus .iiaiut lisu-eii nuics or us inn in u.t! i..... ,.r i .... . i.iii.i 111 t,OClS4 ill v ' lw i"iii'(l. I i ill'; iliiiiiile l.s uiore plciitstnl than lliitt 1 of the euntcru oi'lloii ol I Tlicro in nlill J over aoo.cco Acnes of land in Sioux county yet cjen to j )t is U-Ut-r liintlitiiil1 Immehlead entry more desirably located liiiiu lint lor vvhich sui h rushes are made on ibe i i --it-itiLT of a rs rvalii)U. There Is no r.t,i- roml kind ill the county and for thai reason its sAtlleiiHMit bii& bct-n slow for no bieciil clforl to jpjt sst.'tiltih ns iiiiulu, as a dime in the early thiya of the m-lUciiiuiil ot the t-unU-nj .at t cl Uiu j sUtte. Oood deed.'d land can be pun li,istii at i rcasoiiiiblo ralua with government bind adjoiiiini so that a ptrsou tt ho wants ' more than one iin.irlei' acn tion t;iu oblau, I il if ho has a little mean. Theru are ubotil I'.obt) ,-ople in tint ; county and Ulicte is room for ihuuiuudk I lUOtV. I lLim. i. IU county , at and is ait-! uated on the F. E. &. M. V. railroad, nnd j joti will I ,''tliii a "i;ret' .t i f r..ii.l l an gotad a tuwu its Hie lliiuiy acUUd j ins.' mat U r for your ibillur. 'I ho Jour-couuti-y deiiiaud. I "hl ' ' " aheutl t.f llm ou. t-a-.s I, ..,it i t i N.:hool lejuaea anil churche ore I ro- 1 i vi. led in almost every acllluiuciil ai,u sic j kept up u i Lit the timca. j All Hit,. 111 c..f. n li,oi..s(,el e I , tit ... . buy land cheap are invited to cou.e and Hen the country for lliemselvea and jud,o of ita liient. lloiuentcada will l,ot Isj ohlainable i,.ui:h longer und if ou wuul to use your right und el ltHJ acivs ol laud from Uncle Hum hee it i tune you were aboul it. IxKik at TliU I.i.t of western ciliei; I'hicano St. Joseph On i ha , Lincolu Hi. Louis Umver KiiliaaaCity Leiidwoood It. doea'nt matter whicli you iulend vU.tintf. Tlte Burlington Itoute la the beat line lo till u 1,1 is to uny one of them. , ' . ' " ' Advert iaiii' mailer and full iiiformtv tion about trainii and rite on nihca tion, J, ftkUCJf, (). P. A T. A. Omaha, NeU. ornciAL cir.ccTcnr. Cits A I!t.'e,. K. t.. l .!. j a l i:-r hutcue W.sne ... J.s .i s. itsrt.i y. A. I uitn i.1.1 .. . II ('. l:,i. II. U. lOtlA tl- . 4veittor I Kt.U-rMl LUtf f .-s letsiy rf Mile Ateotor 1 rwiiutir . A I trtey k.t-tef n I .!! I ii s.l.M'- ,.Ut. fUtii4 lU.tllM-tlOU ( Vi. i . r. i :: -i'N tl. UU l iiATHiN: l .s. -s-iim tor, i sim Ha 1,1. Ail... - I " I ! . Sh,tm- VI .1 I'.rval. t tij.,e.,, l-I l'l-t., I I.1.IH I . II. J ic r. ' "I "" ' .. 1. I.-I.H ...till " Z 1 llili. tt...! t J i:,.i. r M 4 1 N A.t.H. i . i. 'I h ir -'.ai. " ' !l " ' J tl. it. K j.. in :i4. i A !.. JI DIi I l! : .t 1,.. ( Justice, if. r- ' . ,1c .1. Itie.i ,llt MtelS ,'. ..I,- In l-x. nr.nJ tU -1 t i .1.11 i-,srt ks't, t.l,tf.n ' T. I- vorvsl ... i . M. i'i 1 ii rrii : It. A. 1 mtii'l- it UtTl.KNTl! .111. II ! VI- i'lsTHIIT: j V. I'. ! ! 'ti' 'i !:. J.. Ja t.e, ll-"lll " Ita'iSr'U . tt i , llt I .im.u rurxri I'M i'i ;'.,l-r1 ' i "in. I Nt J t:' ll ,( S 1 irf.ll 1 I . r. ii. i'.i . it. ! I J. I.. I !. " . I -. 1- !-' ' j ! .1 I'h r i-H - i A,.. I. .-.t'"- . . .4 ,ti ii t y J n.fn : i s u -r t ti. tc it. ii of ,,fJ ... .. i ot'oet r .... 'nrirV'f i-r I i.rl-l I 1 1 t i.uut) ittutsi y i-ii,:ii nK (Hi; :is)oNri:s: I Tli:i. i.; Ut ri. t M. .1. o i- i ' U. . -oin.'O. I' ll ! '.' " ' " I r-.l-l...nvi:: rt..s. mini, it-t Vu M I . s I, .r I y ... i:-',. !.'.. .'o. -. lisitii'-ii'ti'i'l j n. i; -i- j V. . Itt ;iij-. v II I A, f'i . M'T 1 "..J. li nt I I.. KoiC r ... ! .1 H . I . i ! II i.l..... i . H. i ji -(, I . .!. M -' r Ti it i .. .. . . . 'I' l it . i iui r M ii.iui. nrrii'fci:: .1 W. l;. ' '..uu .... ... t.. V . tl' a.. - . ii ):: ti; nil id . t!rtui(r islet tr 1 f rnut cf i I ij. r; I ' i 1 1 1 l II III On, flle 111' 14- . Il.tS't i.tjl h pi il -11 I 1. ,!,.!) lit .1 .-:! I N I ... VI ti..lli.ia,'Mi.i A e. li I. ... iii. I lit i II! s V I ft a I KTI ti'. V.-tlt-! l . t Mill I ,. 11 I . 1,1 .. !!!'iy III!., T I. IV. '111. t I ll ills 1 A I Il-irr i i.i. St. ,ml ft., I I it s-. ... iii. ' .'. I 1. . I II r vt u;:i i. , ,tii'-'l. o i IU first I " o, s ..-l ( I It . ..... To". 111'. I tl.t. t.t.n. in' i',.,:v. . l l I y ci .I iik i-H'': It il O II' J. 11 . . n i.l I .1.1, i n i it. !'.I'VH! I II I. '". At, I K. I'ci nt i il o.-ii I i-.i nift-tl .ilii n t .. ev-.i-y s.t t.isy rve.iltti li i,f l 1 tfi i.,ll lt it, r r . l l. .le..t ' 1 '' ,. ,. , r,,v jj. . -j. " J f) 1 0 U 0 0 P J A nfjlVG'" flr t; tj II Every Month jj l.i ;' ' .-I ptibinir. n tha H t rt,..-.. taisiati.t f cu.-'C ( i. I i c-- tiny in. mill. v. i : i I.-, c a I k i s t rut i t V. tin'K, kii.I ihu j O j I f I oC-r is III lt-l r -., j t. r.ti ot iai I, i ti.t- ti i. - t I, t.f llil. t t .e If , -is mi wia Ii l.s.rnt ) l.,.- . i. : ;. i ) U '" "' - , Jf til's fjilliol 'f . " j j: irivir.1 i::vci:;ions ft ' Tliat Yi' Fcrttnicr ! at h t-i Tf Jt-n''. Ittvis Jl tl ) ai 1 lie, "' in tii..l"jj .f . I'm" "l'i: iu t - ( f yr." "Air l.tak-." iU 1) AI'fol ' .cryi'iiy cii ivrrtjj a Orii.t 1 1 a a. ... " i m.m ur titli. i. V. I, n..i iil I' is rio f iicjli ts? Y l it Mm!, a sy jf I. a I i tliK tl.r c-litn. lsy tj M:i':c - ul I.-null. . 13 ll ti n,? :: :: :i :: " J tlTWril... for frrer I .'r,rnu.t.eti Md J THE PRESS CLAIMS GO. ! U Pilo? W. Aslrett. ten. Iter., Il CIS V street. Ncrt.iwciit. JJ i A" tMNtiTOH, 13. C J 44 Pf7"Tlis ris f.r.Mbty t' this tomisiiii IT It a iii in I'l.'.t,'-.) ti) in, latt Ikat ii. tt Io. k I i '.i tijr ..t4 ,.14 ItlOUlMlilH t ot It., Ii'.iltna tos s.t aleti IU lilt- t t-toUa Malva t I Vuu'II Want TUN. The K'ii,i-Weekly S'ale J.uirrcil will i be sent to ntiy aiidi" sh frtuu n-.w uitlil i 1. 1 -'. 1 T I ,e in... . I , . 1 1 . e 'I I, ,4 will L"e vnu that treat tii4 ps r every Tm-Mlay iiitd I'ndny all thir- IUK HlM bill I'.llllp:!!!!, itlld tlililUll 111" V.,",.'! , l'rw-"l,"ylw' i-i hi iiit ti tt.itiiv ivttriii twice us ,.,',, i, i ,, , .i.i. liiilcti. It Is Hit! I. inner a daily, lis m.irkct r jsu Is uiv cumpletti ho. I ynii k t t hi in In k a v i-i k. His till dviilh i'blli e l.llllily IVillilllL' III m'lillli.ll to nil Mhe l:il iiud n.tltoinil et-''iiii.hic news, ,,,.,,, , ,,,,.,,,.,,,;. tt.,lU j;reiitest tiiitloirs. '1 he winner yoli scihI a dollar (lie more voti ill t l .r your nuiiii-y. Addrt-sa N,-hchl.a KlaU Jouniiil, L.ucotu, Neb. Jul From the I'rnn. A very attractive publiciiliun hint just Isteii issuetl by the p.iteiii,'cr di airl int'iit of the Burlington Iloutv. Jl Ui ra llm tit In "TIiij New er Not'tli-wi-ht' and il acrila a iu a most iiiU'reatius anil reiel alile f.isliiou thijse eirtiou .f iitiilhrru Vyoiuiuj; hiiiI the Hl,u k Hills nf Koulh lakobt bich are r. a.: Ind by Una cum i:uiy'a line. , Tbeacenery, towns, mines, ja-ople and industriuacf Iheae lo irmarldibln m-c. tion of country nru (rented nf with ,iU aolule lideluly. 200 atgi!ts willi iulrie tioim, sent oil rtrct ipl of 10 tenia ill Uimm, J FitAWflt, U.V.& T. A. Oiijjiu, yehiijai, tl 1 n, 4 j , s v. IJ- 1 I f