The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, December 05, 1895, Image 1
o The Sioux . County Journal, VOLUME VIII. HAKKISON, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, DEC. 5, 1895. NUMBER 13. A Meeancliuaette View. According to estimate there are over a mlllloD bicycle riders la the United Bute to-day and the majority of them are voters. All are Interested Id the Improvement of our roada and thl object la faat becoming a political Is ue. Before the Introduction of the bicycle, when It didn't matter ao much, people who could afford to own horse and carriage were willing to pay a little higher price for their team, pro Tided it had the lateat thing In sprlug attached, and then. If the road waa merely passable. It made no difference. No apeclal thought waa taken of the torse which drew them. He would get long all right Now, alnce fashion and fad and the low price of machine have made bi cycling ao popular, there rises a cry for good roada. When a man la propelling blmaelf along by hla own bone and muscle be thinks the same roada over which be used to drive hla hard work ing horse are execrable and unltea blmaelf with the highway reformer. The new State highway law la doing a great deal toward the Improvement of the leading thoroughfares: between cities and towns. The cross and con necting streets are the ones which now need attention. There is no reason why a taxpayer living on one of these streets Is not Just aa much entitled to a respectable street In front of his house ui the man who Uvea on Uie main ave nue. He demands It and be should have It. Englishmen visiting this country are surprised at the condition of our roads. Some of them even go so far to say that there is not a decent road in the country. Compared with English roads their assertion Is In a great measure true. Every street there, country or city, long or short, which comes under the control of the authorities, is either paved, asphalted or maeada misted. Smoothness, hardness, neatness and durability are Its characteristics. Driv ing along through an English country town an American Is surprised to see gangs of men at work repairing what In America would be looked upon as an elegant piece of road. The least hol low is quickly Oiled, the least hump leveled, the first stone Is carted away. This makes the country a cycler's para dise. We need this same reform in Ameri ca. Our people are fond of travel, on foot, on bicycles, by horse and by rail. We are on the eve of the abolition of grade crossings; the next thing to fol low Is the establishment of good roads. This cannot fall to be accomplished In our progressive nation. Taunton, Mass., Gazette. The Hapreme Wish of the East. To keep up the house and not let the family name be extinguished la the supreme wish In Japan. Tills la the Immortality of the East The house live on; the Individuals are but frag ments of the house. If there be no natural heir, adoption readily supplies the deficiency. The magnificent scale on which adoption Is practiced shows a foreigner at once that the words "father," "won," can hardly have the same depth of meaning they have In the English language. "Why did Washington let his bouse die out?" waa once asked me by a Jap anese gentleman, who couldn't con ceive any reason fr such neglect He thought our great general might have adopted some one to keep his bouse and name from perishing. "How long has he lived there?" I asked once concerning a certain per son. As "he" was one of the pronouns that had to be translated into the mental contents of my pupil's brain, he took It to mean "house," and replied: "Oh, he lias been there two hundred and Ofty years!" "How long have you lived here?" 1 asked a merchant. "Three buudrcd years," was the prompt reply, with a look of satisfac tion at the thought of his house having passed through ten generations. Hpool Making. Here, for Instance, are huge stacks of timber, and our ears are greeted with the bum and birr so certainly as sociated with a saw mill. This long range of buildings Is entirely devoted to the making of spools. The machines employed are various. Here the wood It being cut Into short lengths; there a bolt la being punched through the small round place; while yonder, a machlna shape the rough wood Into a smooth pool la on awlft stroke, i It Is by maani of tha wood required U snaka thee spools that w get soma a capMBB) of tha Mormons output of tMt factory. Each day then la aa much thread finished here as would wind round the world several titles, and In order to produce spools for the thread. It Is calculated that an extent of forest planted with birch trees cover ing five hundred and fifty acres has to be cot down every year while, on an average, twelve ships of large-carry lug capacity ar employed each season In carrying the wood across to England from America and Canada. A HUMAN BOMB. Qmear Actios of a Wonld-Be Bnlctae In the French Capital. The Parisian police are now In charg of an unexploded bomb which la a source of much speculation and won derment among the members of tba force. It walked Into one of the police stations the other day, and Is In the form of a man. Thla bnman bomb bear the name of Balthazar, Is a chem ist by trade, and, being anxious to de stroy himself on original and scientific lines, and, remembering that chloride of potash and brimstone on coming In to collision explode, swallowed first the one Ingredient and then the other, In large quantities. He then waited for the explosion that was to take place In bis stomach, and to blow him Into very little pieces. Indeed. This did not, bow ever, take place aa ho had anticipated, and with a view of compelling the two recalcitrant drugs to recognize one an other, be drank a quantity of water. Still there was no explosion, and, re garding himself In his unexploded state as a menace to public safety and to the life of his fellow citizens, he walked over to the police station and asked the authorities to take charge of him. They are now waiting for him to "go off" with as much patience as they cau mus ter under such particularly trying cir cumstances. Transformation of Motion. Let us suppose a stretched cord ot wire fixed at both ends, and let a sharp blow be given to It The hand or other Instrument which Imparted the blow was set In motion in order to do so and Its motion was one of translation; but the cord which has received the blow, and to which some of the motion has consequently been transferred, cannot change Its place, for It Is fixed. We know well enough what will happen. It win commence vibrating, more or less strongly, and rapidly according to the strength of the blow It has receiv ed.- We have, therefore, here seen mo tion of translation changed into m tlon of vibration; but a similar and quite as famlilnr transformation takes place which Is Invisible. Let us take a coin, or any small piece of metal, and rub It well with a cloth or handkerchief; In a short time it will become warm, and If the friction be still continued, even unpleasantly hot The visible motion of the hand has been transformed Into the Invisible intermo lecular vibration Which we call heat That heat Is a form of motion has now become a scientific truism, but K was not so at the commencement of the present century, when It was still sup posed by many to tie some intangible kind of sulwtanee named "caloric," proofs to the contrary lielug almost simultaneously given by Davy and Hum ford at the end of the last century, that of the former consisting In melting two pieces of ice, carefully Insulated from external heat, by rubbing them together; that of the latter In causing water to boll by the sole means of keep ing it In continual motion. "It is hardly necessary to add," says Rumford, "that anything which any in sulated body, or system of bodies, can continue to furnish without limitation, cannot possibly be a material substance; and It appears to me exceedingly diffi cult, If not quite impossible, to form any distinct Idea of anything capabl of being excited and communicated, In the manner heat was excited and com municated In these experiments, except It be motion." Persia's Small Navy. Tersla does not occupy a very prom inent position among the naval power of the world. In fact. It will be new to most people that h possesses a navy at all. She has, however, a fleet, which constats of one solitary ship, called the Persepolls, and Is now lying at anchor In the port of Bombay, proudly flying the Hag of the Rhah. For many year the rersepoll was a tramp steamer famed for the extraordinary number of mlshniis which It had encountered. But since the Persian Government baa acquired It and fitted It with guns aud with a ram, which, being only Inse curely fixed to Its bow, has a knack of slipping Its moorings and diving down ward, It has become a very powerful and magnificent man-of-war that la to say, In the eyes of patriotic Persians. New York Tribune. Will Bny Rabbit Wholesale. Report some time ago bad It that the effort to exterminate tha rabbit plague In Australia through an epidemic Intro duced by inoculation with a deadly ser um promised success. But H may be just aa wall If It' a partial failure. A London firm propose to take annually not lew than ISO tons of dried rabbit at a reasonable price. By and by dried rabbit may ba aa common aa dried flat. It lan't tha working for a llrtef that prorok aa; H la tha kind of liv ing wa fat for oar work. FACTS FOR FARMERS. HELPFUL SUGGESTIONS FOR THE AGRICULTURISTS. Plan for n Frame Farmhouse Which la a Model ia Polotaof Convenience Tha strawberry Onave The Houaa Cellar. Modern Farmhonae Plan. The cost of this frame farmhouse will range anywhere from $1,500 to 13,000, according to location, the kind of Inte rior decoration or finish, and the amount of work the farmer can per sonally perform in It construction. In this case all the lime, stone for cellar wall, and some of the lumber, were procured on the farm. The excavating for cellar, building of wall and chlm- EXTERIOR Or MODEBX VABIf HOUSE. neys, all the plumbing, laying of sewer and water pipes, roofing, painting and laying of stone walks, were all done by myself and sons, hiring skilled labor to frame and Inclose the building and to plaster the Interior. The house stands on a knoll about 800 yards from the river; the natural drainage is per fect, the ground sloping away from the front and both sides, the rear be ing nearly level. It Is not necessary tc rely on natural drainage, as there is a Bystem of underground sewerage which takes all the waste from the roof, laun dry, kitchen, bath tub, water closet and washstauds to a safe distance from the house, where It Is carried away by a small water course. The kitchen, laundry, bath room and lavatory in the lobby at foot of back stairs are all sup plied with hot and cold water. The kitchen range Is set in a recess of the chimney, the smoke pipe going into one due, while a second acts as a ventilator for the vegetable cellar. " A third central flue Is directly over the range, and serves as ventilator to the kitchen, carrying all the cooking odors, Pots 1 Dinim TJoom ifnf I 3 j i LI9RAKV ft IS' FIRST FI.OOB PLAN. steam, and In summer the heat from the house away above the roof. In cold weather this flue can be closed by a sheet iron trap door, controlled by means of a small brass chain and pul ley. The sink is supplied with an abun dance of hot and cold water, perfect drainage and traps. The door leading from the kitchen to the pantry is hung on a double hinge, which allows It to swing either way. The pantry Is fitted with shelves which are closed In with light panel doors, thus keeping canned fruits, etc., in a cool, dark place. Be low are bins and drawers for flour and groceries." The parlor Is connected with the hall by large, folding doors, which can be thrown open, thus form ing a large or double parlor. The win dows throughout are fitted with weights and pulleys. The parlor and library have slate, mantels, the dining room hardwood mantel. The bath room Is pToTTTESr"-' CM If if "Roof ' CHAMBER ii'IS' Hail CHAM W I SI It' CJ CHanacn r'r it' Roor SECOND FI.OOB PLA. furnished with bath tub, inside water eloaat and stationary waabstand, prop erly trapped and drained. Tha entir honae la baa ted by a hot water beater, mm TCHlN 10' II' located In the cellar, with radiator in all rooms, but open grates are used is the library and dining room, on ac count of the cheerfulness. The reser voir which supplies the house, barn and garden with water Is situated on a bill about 1,000 feet to the rear, giving a fail of 60 feet, and Is fed by two springs, water being carried to the house In two-inch iron pipes. Orang Judd Farmer. The Bouse Cellar. Whether you conclude to build a large or small cellar, the advice of a contrib utor to the Country Gentleman la to dig it shallow, and then make the depth by filling up to the walls. If I were building a bouse, now, on level land, where It would take a long drain to take the water from the cellar, I would only dig two or three feet deep, and would then plow and scrape and fill up to the wall until I had a uniform grade from a point not more than 100 feet dis tant, which I would make low enough for an outlet to a drain, up to the house. I doubt If this would cost any more probably not as much on many soils than to dig a deep cellar, and It would give the house and yard a much better appearance. It would be best not to fill to the top of the wall, but have two or three steps to get down from the level of the house to the ground, except at the rear, where the coal, wood and water are to be carried in, and here the fill could be made higher, so as to have but one step. I am quite sure that by thus digging shallow and grading a cellar could be secured against water entering possibly without a drain at all, and If a drain was required, a short and inexpensive one would answer. The Strawberry Guars. This fruit is one of the best of the guavas and Is readily cultivated In Florida, Arizona, New Merlco and California. The tree or shrub at tains a maximum growth of 15 to 20 feet, Is of com pact form, with dense, glossy, ev ergreen foliage, which makes It a very ornamental tree, especially when loaded with euAvx fruit. Jlg rich-colored fruit Produces early, bearing when a year old and an abundance at 2 to 3 years. It Is considered hardy In Eng land, but requires protection In the northern United States, where It is gaining In favor as an ornamental greenhouse plant. The fruit Is of a dark red or purplish ruby red color In the common variety, one to two inches in diameter, of firm texture, will stand transportation well aud Always meets with a ready saie as a fresh fruit or for jelly making. Protect! ob Roaebnahea. While the hardy perpetual roses us ually endure our winters pretty well, they do not always do so, especially when the wood 1s not ripened. It Is a good plan, says the Philadelphia Press, to prune the new wood rather severe ly at this time of the year, and to shelter the bushes by sticking evergreen boughs into the ground around them, so as to shelter them from the wind and sun; this Is better than trying to cover with earth, which Is not easily done when the bushes are stiff. The same sort of covering is also well adapted to rhodondendrons and other half hardy shrubs that are sometimes In jured by our winters. Hlnta on Stock FerdinK. Buckwheat should not be fed alone to hogs, but nxed with other foods. Bean vines are rich in nitrogenous substances, says the Massachusetts Ploughman. They are especially val uable for a4ieep. There Is no better way to economize food than to make the quarters of the farm animals com fortable. Don't get discouraged, and quit raising stock or grain because they sometimes get low. Profits come to those who stick. It requires just as much care and more feed to make the same weight with comb stock that It does with pure-lireds. and the price Is never n high for the first as for the last. The Hnfl" Leghorn. The buff Icghorn Is a comparatively new breed, so uew, indeed, that a really good specimen is a rara avis. But you Just wait a few years until the breed becomes accustomed to Its character istics, and It will be one of the most profitable, and, consequently, popular fowls named in the standard. Buff Leghorn breeders, like others of the fraternity, claim untold excellence for the new buffs. We rather like them. Lettuce Under Oluaa. As briefly stated by Prof. L. H. Bai ley, the requisites for growing celery under glass are a low temperature, solid beds, or at least, no bottom heat a soil free of silt and clay, but liberally supplied with sand, and careful atten tion to watering. Hot and leaf burn are prevented by a proper soli and temperature and care In watering and ventilation. Feed More Oat. Prof. Plumb, of tba Indiana experi ment station, baa Issued a bulletin In which be advise farmer to feed nvtre oats, rather than sell tbem at a Uw price and buy bran at 70 cent per 100 pound. EDUCATIONALCOLUMN NOTES ABOUT SCHOOLS AND THEIR MANAGEMENT. A System of Physical Education Nec essaryThe fcboolma'am la Acquir ing Ground Erery where Waaea of Teachers in Scotland. What Ia DelearteT Before answering this question, let us consider for a moment who was Delsarte. He was a Frenchman, born la Paris in 1811, in extreme poverty. Bambini, discovering hla genius as a musician, took him and gave blm les son. He soon became the first singer of Paris. His early association with children was one of the causes which led him In later life to study Jhera and humanity In general, to understand the philosophy of expression. His greatest discovery was that the soul, in its cov ering of flesh, called the body, moves to universal law; that It Is restricted by three conditions, viz., space, time, and motion; i. e.r to have expression we must have motion; that we must have space In which to produce that motion, and time in which to produce it; that the motive power is the psychic, or oul, within us. He noticed that the Infant was the embodiment of grace; but, as it grew older, It became more or less awkward, caused partly by con sciousness of self. As the body Is only the servant of the soul within the soul being spiritual and the body tangible the channels of communication, the muscles, must be free that the soul may have perfect freedom In express ing Itself through its medium, the body. These muscles must be strong and healthy to be fortified against disease. For these purposes, Delsarte arranged relaxing and freeing exercises. Delsarte, then, is a system of physi cal education by which the body may reach its highest development Many people suffer ill health because they allow themselves to stand Incor rectly and breathe incorrectly. How can you be healthy with some organs cramped, others stretched, with but half the lungs filled? With the body In correct equilibrium, the internal organs have their natural position; but with the chest lowered and hips forward, these organs have to adapt themselves accordingly. Your bad habits do not Improve nature. Man may assist na ture in many ways, but her wisdom sur passes his. When standing Incorrectly and breathing with the chest muscles and shoulders, only the upper part of the lungs can be supplied with oxygen, while the lower part has no room for Inflation, and consequently becomes diseased. The exterior can but affect the interior. Delsarte takes you back to nature. Your wanderings from nature's heart have led you into the wilderness of dis ease, where you may be lost, and may never see Canaan, even from Plsgah's top. Health and development should go hand in hand. Delsarte accomplishes this If taught correctly. Physical cul ture should be taken for health's sake and not for show or abnormal develop ment. There Is something more the Ameri can people especially need, and that is control. You may be able to take heavy gymnastic work and not have control. Control may lie best and most easily gained by the simplest exercises. What Is the secret of all control? Con trol of breath, which leads to control of nerves, which Is control of body. Every physical effort Is first a mental one; therefore, all correct physical de velopment must first be through the mental. Exercises for control lead to grace. Some people object to many Delsarte exercises leading to grace, be cause they see no need of them too ethereal; not practical enough. Awk wardness Is not practical, because It Is a needless expenditure of energy. The practical deals with economy; there fore, grace, being economical, is prac tical. The great trouble lies in not knowing what Delwarte really Is. Not the least of all the benefits to be j gained is learning power through re pose. We wish to rest, but frequently wake as tired as when we lay down. We wish to do the most things with the least amount of strength. As It is, we are rushing headlong to our graves, heedless of our duty to nature and to ourselves. Does it surprise you when I say yon use energy In sleeping and In sitting? You wonder why you are wakeful. If tired and abused nature conquers enough for you to lose con sciousness for awhile, you awaken as weary as when you lay down. Why? Notice to see If your muscles are not tense, you are not giving them a chance to rest Tenseness is a waste of energy. Keserve your energies! There are wom en who think it an unpardonable sin to sit when In the kitchen. Women of the nineteenth century, stop for a moment, and see what a slave you are incoming to yourself. It Is not selfish ness to consider your own health. Let u take pleasure in living; make life longer, mora happy for other, more pleasant for self. Weatern School Journal. Hints on Teaching; Geography. Among the so-called common braach ea no other on aaama to ba receiving ao much attention from person Inter ested In education as geography. is a widespread feeling that this ant ject is not generally taught 1b sank way as to be either interesting or frura f uL Now, we are thoroughly con vinced that no subject of school stud Is better calculated to awaken deep i terest In the pupils and to bear frulfj than this, if It be lightly taught One reason is that it deal with thing aa intimately connected with dally life? even from the earliest year. Anotbae is that It furnishes the mind with vivid pictures more readily than any other of the common studies. : 'Q He who teaches geography well moat never lose sight of the two thougbta just suggested. In any stage of tha study, whatever is brought before tba pupil for his consideration and acquisi tion, must be set in it relation to mail, to his pleasure, bis comfort, hi prog ress, and the supplying of hi waabr As Prof. Guyot pointed out year ago,' geography Includes a knowledge of tha earth and man that la, In their relation to each other. Now, it is the easiest thing In the world to get a child, in hla early years, to see and to feel some of the most Important of these relation. He walks upon the earth from the first,1 be notes the features of land and water, he feels the effect of the weather and of the seasons, he sees th- develop mnt of plant life and animal life. He' is also born Into the political, economic, and social relations of which geography takes account Hence, from start to finish, if the right course be taken with him, the pupil is vividly conscious of a personal relation to the matter of hla study. Such a consciousness la sure to beget an abiding Interest, such as Her bart so persistently pleads for. --Educational News. Mighty Is the Schoolma'nm, Bishop Spalding's diversion against the employment of women teachers in the schools attracted so much attention that some recent statistics on the sub ject may not be uninteresting. ST A few weeks ago Harper's Weekly published a map showing the propor tion of men teachers in the public schools of all the States. In the follow ing table we have compared the Week ly's figures with the statistics on il literacy: . J 9 "Si w a O n fcTATES. ? S" 01 Alabama ..62.9 41.0: Nebraska . ..27.1 3.1 Arizona . . .3.8 2H.4 Nevada 16.3 12.8 ArkHiiHas . .08.5 20.6 N. H'pshire. 9.7 6.8 California ..21.4 4.5iNew Mexico. 03.3 44.5 Colorado ...20.2 4.8'New Jersey. 18.4 6.5 Con'ctl'ut ..13.4 S.llNew York.. 18.8 5.5 liela ware ..31.0 7.4! N. Carolina.. 56.8 85.7 Florida ....4H.1 11.3,' N. Dakota. .28.3 6.0 (Jeorifla . ...53.3 39.8;Ohlo 42.1 5.2 Idaho 33.4 5.l!Oregon 40.1 4.1 llllnol 28.7 5.2 P'nsylv'nla .32.8 6.8 Indiana ....51.1 0.3 lih.xle Isl'd.. 12.0 9.8 Iowa lit.5 3.6; S. Carolina. 47.2 45.0 Kansas 51.0 4.0'S. Dakota. . .29.0 4.2 Kentucky ..48.9 Louisiana ..41.4 Maine 10.0 Maryland . .20.6 Massch'stts 9.5 Michigan . .21.6 Minnesota .22.6 Mississippi .46.0 Missouri ...42.8 Montana ..19.1 21 .01 Tennessee . .61.5 28.6 45.81 Texas 58.1 19.7 5.5! Utah 47.4 5.6 15.7! Vermont ...12.2 6.7 6.2 Virtflula 39.2 30.2 5.U Washl'Kt'n .40.5 4.3 .0W. Virginia. 61.8 13.0 40.0 Wisconsin . .18.8 6.7 9.1; Wyoming ..21.5 8.4 5.5 J The nine States in which the per centage of men teachers Is over 50 have an average percentage of Illiteracy of 20.4. The twelve States In which the percentage of men teachers Is under. 20 show an Illiteracy of less than 7 per cent. ;"t,t- Of course this is not an Infallible ar. gument In favor of women as teacher. But It proves, generally, that in tha States of the Union where popular ed ucation has the firmest hold and where it Is most widely diffused women are held In the greatest esteem as educat ors. Still more remarkable are the Weekly's figures of the decrease of the number of men teachers between 1880 and 1890. The schoolma'am Is acquir ing ground everywhere. The doctor may lament and the bishops denounce, but she Is here to stay. Chicago Time Herald. -tl Borne Points Worth Noticing. Are the pupils getting the power of dong things? Have the pupils acquired the power, to think? . Does the teacher put the class in a questioning mood? ,.Jj How do you feel on entering a suc cessful teacher's school room? 2J0& Do you detect the teacher's manner? fuce, and voice in the pupils? Is tha1 teacher worthy of Imitation? -sajj Does the teacher correlate the child and the word? .4eJ Does the teacher unite and co-ordln-, ate allied subjects? "-jjj (Jood appreciation makes a good, school and maintains good Concentration and Induction are link and connections In the great chain of appreciation by which the mind is led to see. ,ta Interest Induction, and apperception develop v 111 power. Is your thought content too high for the pupil? If so, you will fall to reach the whole class. -"r Is the theme too high for the chil dren? If so, you will fall again. 9ajj Is the language too difficult for tha children? If so, another failure. Ssi When you are capable of holding at tention, you are capable of harlnf good discipline. Are you too slow In confirming the child' opinion when It la correct? X$ A gabbler tongue rum twaaty knot; en hnnp while hla twain nna M eJ Southern BducaUonal Journal. ;" EfP HI -.a 11 K & 1 i "4"' 'i ;