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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1895)
T'ja'TIi , WHH I J., i: .litor mikI IVon, T. F.. V. V It. li. Tim !.!... (.olnic W'rt. Gull, h t. UO , Hit .!. 10 40 .No. , iiijjfrl (.4,, (JRANT fiUTMUIE, Attorney-at-Law. Prompt nutrition given to all l,.-a matter in Justice. County ami I it ri 1 Courts, and before the United K tales I-aml OlRc. Fire li) written in relmU com panic. ITTl'Tg! IIrs carefully drawn. 1URIUSON. - NlEIUsKA. Ii. U SHUCK. ; Fashionable Barber & Hair Dres:er. OPEN SUNDAY FrtOM 8 TO 12. IUZ'iHS AX1 ttl-MlK'i PIT IN (iKIiKlt. Clv inn I n Cull. J. Ii PIIINNCY. M. J. 1' and Surgeon. All call Rlrnr, prompt ntl.-iitiuii. Oltln in I'm lorc. HAIllllSliN. NIT.HAKi; . -ti::; RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE mas just n:-: t::vi: a;;i: in. ViJlcK OF V.' OLOlil, INVIX'DI.Vi Overcoats, Coats, Vests, and Pants mid vUtn you nml anvil, inj in tlmt 1 nu you tlioiiSJ HHily o lo flv ala turn si dm? nntortmrnt of win-t-.r iindrr. iclov.s, iiiiH.min, Imin. IkhU, i '. ar, t.c. .'tf , 1 1m t,M k of and f.mry rr'" "l lf s in (ill! and oiiid..'t and 011 nil j,o,;J he "ill make you ltiici .11 Civ; ; .;V;: 11(7,-1'';'! ' r, . -V' 1 1 'lUf-' RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE. I AM TO TO UET A I.O.V!MK CHRISTMAS T0Y1, CANKIRS, NUTH, KHUITS, WAX CAN; US, I'E .'OKA TIONS, LTV.. ETC. A fine stock of Tobacco, Pipes and Cigars al ways on hand. J. W. SCOTT, ;liavilMM.y. There is a Iarf:). amount j'li Us on sn!,s, r.,,.,n and our creditors "-MowMiewi we must ..ill on those ii.l,..!.!,, to lls , f,.iy We have sour. W,f, )mv s:ni,,y n,.-0,.tj to ii iif n ii n T.'i;', Joi ns. i. si i tt I so,,. ho do not have ready :h, and tleri tu-re are some w, J,, , serllJ to w dined to settle .t Tje J :lttr , 1;, need not lM surpr,.,) if steps are taken to collect w,,a ls,i,l8 ,ls WJ j, nol intend t row,) any wm are ,.,, iy trying to nit what they owe but we luve earn-I !,:,t is oin to' us on su!i- nption in,,) t,,e (..ln ().y Ul), lvi,, not Kill Iijvb lo take (lie consequences. The I'vni.i-iihit. This is tiw day to Iju lhanUful. -cnas. Xiuas, rionwr I'i'ar uiafv. -lor ttm lli'liHst (asll l,ri,-, fur "hi al (Jrant (iulhrii-. laM-r tiajikiiit for Kile at JoU:naI. ollice. TlIK - ( o to V on, t'nt for ir I'liarniacy for jires- - I'ti-j nN f,,r ,, .,t (li-ujr stf,rt,, Kn-sii lidi and oyIt.i always on hand at It diwer's Toilet s.-ts, fancy roods and toys at dnir Moik. - I'iv,!i ojslirs, New York counts, 50 cents a can at Unhwer.';. ''all in and our fancy goods, to, :tc, at r.oiifer rharin.icy. - Fine tin., of j.-welry and chn ks at i'lor.eer I'li.iniricy. - llor. hound 1 1111 ou nil .'oiiirh Kyrii)) the creat r-iuelv for coughs and colds at tlie I'loiieer I'liarniacy. - It is rep.irtd that a wedding is lo occur in our villain within a fuw days. Wonder w ho it i? - If you wan! farm paper get one pnt.h-.liMl in Nel r.i-ka. TlIK JontS.M. eiil w it h t n .V hfixk 1 Furiivr. ('all and s. e a copy of it. - KriR-t l!uiv.-. and Mitt Lillie Vfost were married at tin- ivs.ilenc,) of E. A. I'fo-t, on Nov. lillh, hy ll;v. I . J. -The cha U'tlcf which in tlio w,'allir for the oci'iirivd Monday made t'io-i.! from thi unlrv who wen; de- tinned at court oil much more at case. The old scttl Ms say that tlu w inter is setting very much as it did in lMl and if it proves the Kline all through feed and fin I ill h goo.) tilings to have. To all parties wm come from Harri son tn Crawford to have dental work done hv me ! will malo' a reduction of ten M'r cent from regular prices. T. J. (oH JiN. Dentist, The et!ertainiiient, given hy the Junioii Iviwoi lli Iiaiau at Hie churcli last evening was well attend"d and was .piitu iiiteresling as tuterUiumuuts by the li'tle folks alwavs lire. ' !on't for-et that. TlIK JornK.U, has a lait; cluhhinu' list and when Kelt. otitic adii.e 111.1I t'T for the coining year cull t;ive us your oid.jr. We can save you money. All those know ing tliemsel vpr tn to ine will picas call as soon as pusihle and M'ltle their accounts as I expect to go out of hiisiness. IIi."-H;ctful!v, J. W. Smith, In (.peaking nf the report that he would contest tie' election of Blewett. Mr. WeW iiifonned tlw writer when last in twn thai he had no intention of such a proceeding and it is no more than just that he U set right in the multiir. The election hall last Friday night was not very largely attended owing to the stormy weather. People will go out in worse weather to attend ft llano, than almost anything else hul that night was too bad for many of them. An nxlo hroke under a car on the eastlxiund train Monday evening when near Andrews and considerahle damage done Is fore t lie train was stopped. No one was hurt hut the work of repairing the track delayed Tuesday's passenger for several hours. It, would Ik; well for those who furn ished lienor to a minor and got him in n condition which warranted hi arrest mid punishment, to look up the law on the sulject. When a crson cannot liny liipior at a saloon oilier people are tak ing considerahle risk in furnishing it to him. : dipt. W. II. Corhin returned Mon day (roni Omaha where ho had marketed Jf,0 head of steers from hit ranch on Snake creek, lie came this way to pay hit taxes and while he said he struck a poor market he had enough left to make hims. If right Willi tnitfllice to January 1 1-".I7. Header, go thou und do like wise. Judge Kinkaid appreciates fully tlio hi-h (ooinlinient paid him hy the ieopie of this district at the recent flection, bill !,,. ktill wear the sanm sized lint mid treats all w ith tlio same cordiality that he did Irefore election. I here are Rome men who recognize tint when elected lo ollice they belong ti) the people and not thopjoplu tothem, and Judge K nkaid is one of that ( last. It matters not how a man it dressed Kinkaid recognize tlio mn, not the clothes, and when on the bench ho knows neither rich or poor, and in all of hit work the interest of the taxpayers are guarded by linn. rt !: A!.. T. I!. SnyiU'r was in town Monday. ". T. Col!', tdarttd list Thursday for Sioux City. Attorney Outline returned from Chad rnn Friday, j Bartlett was up fr.xu ChaJ-! run Monday. j J)r. Miller, of Alli.ince, was attending court Monday. j Fd. O'i'onnor Ins cnine to town to at- tend school, j Mrs. John Anderson evening from Casper. returned Monday Charles New man had his smiling coun tenance in town yesterday. M. fiavhart cnine up from Montrnne yesterday and took the evening train for the cast. Smiley Seward J. M. Sinilev nnd Mrs. II. J. started Monday evening for cou nty. Mrs. liiester was over from the north west part of the county l ist Sat unlay and made proof on a homestead and tim- ls. r claim. John Corhin writes 11s to sri.l Till! JdI IINAI. to him at Stanton. He expects to return here in the spring. II. C. Hunter was up frim the past part of the county Thursday and made an agreeable call at this ollice. L. flagged and son, Jimmie, formerly of County Clerk Jllew.-tt's home town in Wisconsin, arrived last week to look over ti e country. The attorneys from outside the county w ho were nt court here this week were Messrs. Wood, of Ilushville, Agee, of Aurora. Fislir r and ("rites, of Chudrnn, Fanning, of Craw ford, and Noleinan, of Alliance. Traveling Freight Agent Evl'-r, of Omaha, Train Lispntclier Marvin, Train Master ISirusell, Conductors ( 'otant and Dodge, all of Alliance, Station Agent Livvh, of Sieariish, S. 1)., Hoad Master l)unl;ii and Section Foreman Mccarty, of Edgemont, havo been here since M in- 1 dav as witnesses in the case of Tinnin against the litirllngton railroad by which they are employed. They are a gent le manly net of fellow whom il is pleasant to meet. District Court I'rocecdiiigs. The regular fall term of the district court opened on Monday with Judge Kinkaid on tlio bench, and Reporter King on hand with his ieu ready lo put the record in hint k and white. The reg ulation number of oases were passed and continued and the following is the cases on which action was taken: The case against James Farnam re mains on the docket hut he is out of the country nnd there seems lo be no way of having it dismissed. Slate vs. Patrick Slattery, dismissed by county attorney. State vs. J. II. Brown, bond to appear at next term. The two cases against C. 1. I'lympton were appeals from the justice court and paid up and dropped. Nutting vs. Cobh, Kale confirmed. Richards vs. Sioux County, transfer red to lJuwes county by agreement of attorneys. Crepiti vs. Uaiighenbaugh, sale con tinned. Buckingham vs. Miller, Kilo con fl lined. Commercial Investment Co., vs. Beck er, decree of foreclosure. J. L. Moore, trustee, vs. Coak, sale confirmed. I,ocke vs. Ik'sper, sale confirmed. Snyder vs. Cook, slricked from the docket. Cook vs. Snyder, stricken from tha docket. Sarah Gould vs. John Gould, decree of divorce granted. The work of selecting a jury began Monday afternoon and was completed liel'ore night for hearing the case of Tin nin against the Burlington railroad and the trial is not yet completed. All the other jurors were excused and most the w itnesses have gone home and this being thanksgiving court adjourned last even ing until Friday morning and most of jurors will eat dinner at home. (.'Ivlng Awiiy A Piano The Daily State Journal gives every subscrilier sending $1 011 subscription u guess in n liano contest, The person guessing the correct or nearest lo the correct number of votes that will lie cast for supreme judge this fall will get this $la0 piano free. The contest clones Octolier 81. Send for a free sample copy of The Journal with this oiler. The Journal is cheap in price now, fit) cent per month without Sunday or 65 cents with Sunday. Address Slalo Journal, Lincoln, Neb. At n Hundred Jiuiillnii Points in Nebraska, connections are made with Burlington Koule trains for Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City, SI, Joseph, Omaha, Lincoln, Itenver, Cheyenne and beyond. Our maps nnd time-tnbles allowing where, when and how our train run and w herein they excel the trains of other lines in many important resecl, are sent on reipiest free. AlwayH glad to ipioLe rateH nnd give information. J. Fiianch, O. 1 & T, A. Omaha, Nubrot,l.a. Tlie I'jtar of .J-;iao. H th the Jap in an 1 t'u I iians npar to have taken it for graii'ed the recent war only cleared tha sta the real antagonists to take the field. Kus-ia is sjid to I straining every nerve t,i reinfirn e her army in Vl.idivo stock: artillery and munitions of war are being hurried eastward; and, when the time comes for Irving conclusions ith the J tpunese liie liasians h i;ie to have an army of 'J 1,0 I I in -a on l is s;i .t. I i.e j ap i'iew) on iiit! olunr Ii 111 1, ar j tensely in iigniil at the! intervention j n,.sj.,. whom thev recognize as the principal in this matter. Taey are .re liaring lo spend t!i) indeini ity they have extorted from China in strength their fleet. f!ie electorate will, it is said, en increasing the standing armv, and in j. short, for going into training f.,r the f imendiug conllict. They ha ve as yet j show n no iudication of any h-'pOMt ion to j evu uate the Liaotung pnimula, mil Iiu.-sia and France are sai l to lie taking steps for the purpose of expediting their movement. Theactionof (jerm my is not yet certain. Affair in Cure.i are the reverse of reassuring. The Coreans are likely to give the Japines'j much more trouble than did the Chinese, and every day it seems mora certain Unit here also we are but at the beginning of anew epoch; uor can any one foresee what the end will lie. There was a troublesome little revolution on foot in Corea- as this number of the Review went to press, and it promises to involve Japan very unpleasantly and inoppor tunely. From "The Progress of the World," in the November Review of Reviews. The Toledo Weekly rln! and Cam paign cf IS'.M;. With a great presidential campaign coming next year, every thoughtful citizen will ii'"d, bisi l..s his local paper, a great national weekly. The greatest and most wid dy kn wu of those is the Toledo Weekly Blade. For thirty years it has been a regular visitor in every part of the Union, and is well known at almost every one of the 70, (V) ) post ollices 111 the country. It is edited with reference to a national circulation. It is a republican paper, hul men of all poli tics lake it because os its honesty and fairness in the discussion of all public vuestions. It is the favorite family paper, with something for everp of the h.)usehod. SlM-iI stories, poetry, wit and humor; the household department (best in the world), Young Folks, Sun day School Lissons, Tj.1 mage's Sermons, the Farmstead, the leslion Bureau (which answers questions for subscrib ers), the News of the Week in complete form, and other special feat ures. Speci men copies gladly sent on application, nnd if you will send us a list of address es, we will mail a copy to each. Only '1 a year. If you wish lo raise a club, write (or terms. Address The Blade. Toledo, Ohio. ( liming Out Sale. As I wish to go out of busiucis I will sell all goods at cost. Harness, whips, etc. , at unheard-of prices. Respectfully, J. W. Smith. To Each of You. If you owe Geo. II. Turner or Hough & Sou either hy note or account it will lie to your interest to call at once and settle. - GEO. II. Tl.-K.NEK. It 'day do us Jliich for You. Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving, III., writes tlmt he had a severe kidney trouble for many years, w ith severe pains in his hack and alto that his bladder wia af fected. He tried many so-called kidney cures but without any good result. About a year ago ho began use of Elec tric BiUers and found relief at once. Electric Bitten, is especially adapted to cure all kidney and liver troubles and of len gives utmost instant relief. One trial will prove our statement. Price only 5()c lor large bottle at Pioneor lnarniacy. lliicklru's Arnica Mnlrp. The liet salve in the world for cut bruin, nortiii, ulcem, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped liatidn, chilblains, corns, and all nkin eruption and positive ly cures piles, or no pay required. It is ifimranteed to give perfect satisraction or money refunded. Price 25 oentu per Ikix. for wile by Pioneer 1 hanniisy. mli u Li a i t.M i .... J rl When ynu rtr r1o:it ttuty Si-'-'im: Mchr. do not !; decent 0 l.v ili.itir.y n iv- ..? nn-M md be !! in thn:k yuu c-j ti. bvf.t aiadt finest litiishcU end Most Po;:u!ar for a men rnrf. J-Vt? to it tlmt , ( " you bay (mm rcltaij.i' ni tu-t.-u tnrtrsi tlmt luvv i f,'ni:!rd n, reput-lion by hontv.t rini sq nrn dcsiliiivr, vnil vti'.l t'- t ti pi t H Kewirn? Muchma t'!,.t iJ i."tid tha world over IVr lu tltirn biiitv. You vnrt lit- on laat i U ca'aiceL to aud is Lighi Thc.-o ', r'ri"- In tne world that ........ I tn nip, hmiirn I fnn. ,)l'-T' '"! -j.i ri ruction. l"rabihir of workinn V .", a TKirtt, lin, nui.ii ol iiimi, m-niiijr hrsfri 1 " i'iie:r:irirp, or 1ms us lUhuy New FIome tt hr, Aiilemnlic Trnflon, Double Peed, alike jn I, .lit !u ot lie, ul ( urmr.),n" "tlicr has it ; .NV.v.Stm.l i ,W fcn'i.iinviii wheel hiiiRed hi a,i,it.,llcvdUir4,tt.bu reducing friction to ibu iiiii.iiniini. V 11 IT E FOR C1RCU LAR8. THS KEW HOKE 'aEVIEG HACHI1E CO. Csuju. Kt. n.irf. . tirK.sarmt,.T VO-cei-i, n . hi. I..,-l, M... li.b.Trxu. LaJI fUkJtffw (,. C4U ATT.ATA, 0. FOH BALE tY ma IFEO UPON m- i ft "X oflrir Is the name and fame of the "Old Reliable" store of MAR3TELLER BROTHERS, vhera you can al ways find bargains in everything to be found in a 'A 1 i 'I GENERAL STORE. Now is the time select your FALL 1 Mil Highest market price paid for produce of all Marsteller Bros. "The Old Reliable." DEALERS IN Lumber, Coal and Sash, Doors, Lath and Windmill and HARRISON DEALER IInT Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. AGENT FOR Pabst's Celebrated BEER. HARRISON, i ;i ?5 ' " ; 5 r1 r" -r "ALL THE MACAZ;NXS IN Cr.lZ " EVIEW 2$ The rdtt-d bv 2g TOROTO TI: 1 ', ' 0fSer, T.' tw-'?. e name nr.p.a'S, jives 1:1 reulaWe form the bt that ipprni 3 in the other great magazines all over Vtv". Vt r.. 'Z . .j , ..iT.a cist of ture, are the subscription price. Aside from these departments, the editorial and contributed feature! of tha equal in extent to a magazine. an invaluable chronicle of the ,;, with pictures on every pne or" 5-J- women who have m:u'e the history 7w uttnty iVoild siiys: "We are deeply impressed from monlh to month with the value of the ' Prvaw or Rrvuws,' which is a sort of Eiffel Tower for the survey of the whole 1 6 K'. field of periodical literature. And yet it has a mind and voice of its own, and speaks out with decision and sense on all public topics of 1 -A '!. the hour. It is a smffular combination of the monthly matrajii-.e and "'- 1111 uuiry 01. , . 11 13 it..ejr JS- it is montUly In its iiK'tluvJ. ' 1, .111.. II li. A SI., 'fi. under a field class." So'.i on all New Stands. Elngl Copy, jj cents. REWEW''REY1EVB 13 Astor Place, New YorJt. JI' vTi ;C fC: . fT-: fff SF1 S !S" mm 6 s. kinds. Farm Implements, Blinds, Lime, Shingles. Pump Supplies. NEBRASKA. ichstein, NEBRASKA. ' rj5 -: r-' -: ; : : :r ' ' ; 1 v-'.-S ' :!.- ;. '.- " 'yV i'tf) "(.Hi 'vV 'i'.a '-V.(5 "'.- i.--.-s y.v - REVIEW5 ALTiCT SMAW. rnvinw cf PIVIEVS, as its rive MONTHS roi $1.00. 3 p rT the world, generally cm the sv.v.e title that they arc published. With the recent extraordinary incrcare of worthy periodicals, these careful revievs, rumnianes, a;ia quotations, hing the annuav subscription '' 'it '.'; '!; 'ii periodica! litera alone worth i.-O. pEvmv OF arc th:mselves -it. The Editor's "Progreis of the World" is of tiw thirty days jir.t past, -M the men and of the month. ... 1 ':,- 'iVtl 'At 'iiV r '7.- ', Sir u n THRCC fICCCNT AMPLCS 25 cents. u "Ir 1.. II. ..-.I v ;.t ifc 'A NV; iij ii iicooc..; U is the world Agents find It the Host ProflUb'Ic . ." (: ff: .f: ft: T-: S: - -0-9 u v IK ink itAiM fff i: ftp' f."