fill n V If '! " "'.f "Pfe3 Sioux County JournalJrIi O " "Subscription Trk-e, tCW I.'Ktor. Hurrnn !W. Eltr . : ; r;;" Riitrmt lit t" -ud el matter. 1 -.t--:-,,-: -(.life o.. I rvmeTuVr boiv tha fathers Var lias Imi tbs -la1-! on tt.r1 -y r.n-1 -i,, t u,d:ii: tVir l-ro pipes: tle-ir 'native operations will I;-.,' n at uo.n f.i -,-111.-1 very vr'i an .! deain tii n today. i but as I hmU hack I think 1 can Mr the t iii'u !e in their eve1 as tl-v wati !n-ii 'The Crawford Vwn la chs-sred (1 1 mnrr ., t!--r.-at e.-iit of the VamU and is nwr controlled t. a cm- ' ,i.-y. t; j .t;rt p irt of it f..r us nany with S. M. P.. Siewsirt a nKinro'-r. t t.,, ,..UIH. ;t,-;.,. t;lt. a,l ,.,,f. "Mr. Stenrt wa formerly connate. f t,i( s.rv ,jf t.a,hiy ith tliertat'!? at lli-it jiU-e. i w.-ro Lr.j.iht in, :m 1 it w;w pirtofi! " 1 -erciiioiiy to tos thfiii ar mi;iJ a;:t! Last wwk ? 1 al u ki. V at til- I. n- throw t it-m at Y.nj tan cola Jonntnl for rivinz -r.l;t t an'-tlwr i,-.,;ne how e 1 m-ramM-nl: w 'najier for what it er.f-t-l from our ".-; Ml of!" our , -, i;rs an.l r.iwi,ij un l-r 'umno awl io the lat of th? Clvl- ti,;,! in our frantic t-jfort to p--t w ' ron ilw rlr we fiml the wnie art !!; ,,t .,!,,.. Tn cl.mpr a! ivs tnlt.l repnblisl-wl to which rvf--roiw wa m.ole j -re.,t j i!oic -it ion. ( liri-tui'ii niii "hefore, but that pifr no ivVt to nw I0 !,-:,tI ars l tin (.''' w:r 'any on?. The f irmer was t!w rf-'iit --f li--tn!.iito.l. Icm rvui.'ii-lr Iio.v nrlMim. hut that cannot Us i't-ai!.-il ' e cinLIr-u tr-ftuh! -1 h.-u Si. Nichr' -by the latter. i apj? I helivrJ in him i:n;.'ic.tiv " I until I i). it til on ( hristmas that lie Some of the Omaha p-ifn f ho-ii- J W,IS ws.trifl;, ,!lo ,.,)(,ji-!t sliaw, ,.,vw nir to Imom Bra"h an a oandi.l'ito f'"-Vtn tn oiy i !,n-tn.av-s, but non havr tgovernor next fa!!. II wiw recently ' evr i.,,' .,., tl tlVe ,t,V(, e,r elected mayor of tlw Wwhs hv a j stwi, (1 s " .ls til( ul ,y olJ 'very flatterma vote and t!iat i- : im,e 111 nolietma. Tiie day haj Very 'foundation far tlw 1oor.i. It woul 1 iui(j (f Vm ,rUtf Chni-tmas soint fo'r 'seem to be hett-r ! wait a little. Many j ,, unti 1 t yir, when my m;,...t rrom a C.kjJ man his h il r ditiml avula- j n,,, ., JS vi5it,u- . ar,in-.d ' hi lity ruined hy his fool friend "'-'"-;! a tr--?, a.i l we had a real old country lllim for advancement at too rajtid a gait. eii.-Ulma. the h-tpinest uttixjuh mem The third annual convention of the "Nebraska state irric-a'ion association 'will b held at Kidney, Neh., on I-ecerrt-'her ISth and 19th. Arrangements are 'tieing mad-) for t:ood spe-ikisrs ar.d every -"thinsf poscible will tie done to niak it Mnterefitins and profitable. Delnates 'will be appointed to represent nil irri 'gatioo organizations and reduced rates ' on the railraods will be made for t'.je occasion. The investigation of the returns in ' Cliadron of the recent vote on district . J udre sustained the report of the enn " vasKir.jj lioard and gives V.'estover the Election by a plurality 06 eleven. That nothing to toast-of but it means that "Westover will be one of the j uices for 1 thin district for the next four years and no matter how much nny one may have opposed him all will admit that he has -sufficient ability, if properly d:re"t)y, to fmake a good judo. Judfre Bartow's friends very much regret his defeat, nnd -sortie hold that 11 contest would five th tplace to him but a controversy of that kind is hardly probable unless d.shon-st - , 1 . i...A l..,. ri tlid I " " M'OWU I" M.v V.I " interest of a candidate who on the face of the returns was successful. An editor who died of starvation v as beinff escorted to henvn by an anuel "who ti.'wl lieen sent out for that purpose. 'May I look at. the other pHce Ufore we - ascend to eternal happiness?"' said the editor. "Eisily," rrihe-l the nn;I. So 'they went Mow and skirmished around takinsinth3 sigh's. After awhile the "angel lost track of th editor and hunted "all over hades lookinir for him. U finally found him si'tinir by a furmce f I'anuiaz hiinslT and fazing with raotore 'upon a lot of in t'n Hre. T!ier- "was a sin over the furnace which !rid "Deiinv'snt Sabscrihers." "f'orne" said the anxl, most lie coin." "Yoilgoon." said the ed-tor, "I'm nol coming. This is heaven enough for ' me." Exchange. An attorney at Beatrice a f-w days 'affo made application for a chan'e of "venue in the district court, and st t'p ''therein that the pre"idins judire was 11 ' populist and opposed to corporations and T1hHt tlie defendant's attorney was a cor tjwration lawyer and therefore could not ?jret justice in that court. K was in formed by the judre that he was in n 'tempt of court and 1 iter he was finl. TJIe took the case to the supreme court 'where a bearinijr will h had. It is true 'that it in a little out of the rule to make " such reason ground for a change of " venue, but m some cases the populist . . judges owe the election to voles secure! hy a cainpaiirn of conden(nation of cor porations and promises that their w-firk 'on the bench would be dilferent from that of tle judges who lieloned to other political parties, and in thus play fin upon the prejudices of the people they accuse their opponents of ruling contrary to law, and if such men (jet on th district bench is it any more than lr to presume that they will do an they 'promised durinjr the cnmpaic-ii? That ' being tle case would not an attorney repre ntieg corporations be justilied in " the belief that hi client could not get junta io u;h a court? We do not , 1 know that xiich factii exist in the case in (point, but there, no doubt, are cases , ALJ CU wwM an Old Time j I1rltu. , Z'Jk. -laoauacltek, the Famous Tragc ?:":3t, Baeails Cijrltniatiiiw During rL v '4- E Childhood in Buhemia. : ' f-m-M In Innk fnr over the ncriiri nnd , ,t m iit-ar Prague, in li i!i-m.a, and the cbi.l- ren there were s,x of -r,e,'!,-J i t-tW in on Jarpj l-d i3r-umii) awav i tlie flight Is-fow Christmas. We iaw in jiuCie land of Nil j.lly St. NhIi.I,i vit!i a irrvut lillel wit'i to i '' ! !tl- p-sj.'e. an ! the tree gluten ' uud t inkjii! it!i a thousand lights I.-u h-f.MV th sun was i.p we would tun,: !- m.t f it-J and ga t!.rou:i tie houe u."'Ki-wo.r ? i s coi-.ios wii.i ala cams i'i see us on t :,r;ri is. rti: morna..; Ui a wrv un-rrv oi'f 1 tan as- ory j,MVa it a tiiijf- of mmi: 1 i-;ft my h'jitie years .10 to try to make a name for myself in the world. from '.'hi isinias Ifcivs of Lon;r A'o,"' 111 i,tuiuri.-sl's Ma'azian for Lc-vvi:i!ir. Kn'lil of the .Maccabees. T!ie state coniniaiidi-r w r:t'-s us frt in Lincoln, Neb., as loilons: "Aftur try ing other iiu-dic.'iie-i fur what scemid lo l a vory ohtniRte cou-li in our two children we tried l;r. Iviii'ii New iAscv try anil at the end of 10 ilays I he eolith entirely k-lt them. We will not iie whhou. it heiel!tr, ns our exju-ru nre privs that il cures where ail otlif-r rein ela.slail "--Siii d 1". V, Stevens, slute com. Why not j;ive thi gn-at medicine a trial, as it is o:ir anteed ai.t trial tjot tles are Iri-e at the 1'i'ir.eer riiarmacy. It;uiar w.T.n rOu and ? 1.00. Final 1'riHif M of tecs. All persrais hnv'air Um;I prKf not!cs In t'a: i). -.t wiu r- i'i ve a uutrkfl 'opy of lii jKi'r uii'l ure rtiti-.i1Ml t., . tjiiuiiH- tin-ir aiM! it nny etii.iH t-,b r'iKrt tli .une to tain ullluK at .n'l e fur I'liUhiiitiiju. J-auiI lUttceut Ailianc. Nrb., 'iv. n, !"'. NotW ! hercttv srlven tii;U tuc I na)ii-l rs'tl.ier hiis I.ini miti-r ol In- ilttvd- t-'" to itiaku liT'K! i'i fUpiHirt i-I llti j ,.!.,!,. , (ftllt K:l,li V""l iH IM l.l.l'lf l- j lorM. J. r.lewett, et.-rit t niitrict luari. . iO' iiltitr, Vti.. iKl !I li. K. No. "il-'j fur tit , S". , r,. , . ;, . -Js fcA. SA . ;4 MW. ;t si'C. t ji. M li., r. i.7 n ilu itaiut's t'.ii' tol'iiw '.iiif witac-.'-i-'i to prove hiS Clil 1 UOH.Il !--!. li-UO,: UJII,I Uli'l cilitivu t.o.i -.o'l tuil'l. viz. .viiniii.! nil jr. 11. . Story, Whhur f-lu-ji luTti.r. swi.y, ..It av si.m V, Ni-1. ill -11. i J. , r.n . .Ik., Ile-flster. Xjtire fur l'uliiii'utinit. l-ai;il 0tl.;: Kl AliiiUH-e, N(.-!ir., I .Nov. C:, 1.C i Kotiee : herwhy uriveii tnat Hi" follnuin-; u-.ium'I ll.t. Ilii'ii liotice of liu lltU-u-l.uH Ut ink.! IiiiiiI proof ia siijtiMii't of in. ct.oiii, uao t ii.i -.10 jictiiif i 1:1 0.' m;'li! ),n- lO' I.i. writ, IH'K Ki-tlHt I ourt ul ii.ilTliKlil, Sii.,o:i ili-i?. Is'.,:. V12: .. iaaii'-la-. Iin!ii!t 1. of ilarriMia. Sfh., M ho ina'li II. K. o. iT'.'i fur tii i e. w", 1;, -.w. si'.j -ii.'. ill loci 11V. . '4. 11, Ip. II., Y. .'" W. lie n.ifin'.-i tin- fdllifatri wltnrn-'i to prov ti.. i-oati!Huni4 l-iaii.icc iii.jii dud vuiuva t.oii of s mi i-oi'l, v iz : Vl'Uit'T il. V IM-l l,Ti S-UllUI't M. TllO'llM", J. 'I'. i It.g.-l .,'1, Jol,it: Mill. .11, Lu ol llufri !J.l, i.t lV. iiO r'amnel Jl. Tliom-iii. nf Il irriiiin, r wlio imi'I If. I'.. No. i'-TTlor the Uit 3, s. ! nw. li A m. ,t i-w s-iv ... tp. i.u., r. o7 w. iie H.'.lliis III' f'lliT.VniU I itlnM'p In prove lr ciintii icm.-.'li'iu',' r.jiuii viiiti-tu' tu;u ol, naiil 1 01!. 1 U: .N. 1). ilninilit. mjut !!. Womlruff, S. I.. tlHi-i, U....ii-i ouoi, aii of ilarri.-siii, i-ii. Hl.-rtl tt nltrr B. V"(m!n,tr. r.f JfarrU- n. U,h., who inu'le H. K. No. for tin s. !f e. A s. , -w. !4 w. l-i. ti. 11., r. v. He li;OIM' tile loilowin-4 wi fic to pr, v his (.-(aitiiiao'is ri-witc.uHj u.i;a ml cu.Liva tiua ol, s.iid I i:nl, v.ic: smiiiii'l M. TMo iiun, .V. I. IfaniHii, J. T. Kltzt r..lii, Jhu.i;. .sol.t.i, ull 01 Un noa, Nell. lli-iC, J W. Weiiv.JK. UcKi-.t-1'r. nfl!-r ler Piililiration. Jaiud Offlce nt Alilunre, .Veb., r-fpt. .), ( Notice t hercliv arlviai taut tin ('il!oviit-r- i iirtiMil M.,tl,'i- li fliiil mitl.'i. fit I114 lut.'fi. ; tlon to inke. pr.wif iii siiiK.rl ot Iiii Ciititn, ilM'l tint s il'l piiHif will be limiUl l- I forr Al. J. IW"elt. Clerk lllt-tficl I unit ut ilnm.soii, NHbr.o-k.i, ini lee. "ii, i?.f..'i, viz : (ieorge V. I ; rl oi-n. of BiMlmr, Xi c, ho iruwli- 1. V.. No, Mtf for till" k. ij w. h' H.M'. 'a itait 11. ; iin,-. , -.i','. 5:;, tp. lit 11., r. ft.i s . He litai--'i tau tollot ijijt; w It iH-e to prove tiiit cohtn,i!oii-i rii'iilt'iii:e 111011 unit tiort ol . -.:iii:iiii, via: Kri.e-o il'imr , A'h'M'l tlrtoM. William tick iml, Joejui 1'n.i Mia', nil o( liii.iiv, io Wilii.un Kii'Uril. nf li-ulurr, Nell., who niuitn II. K. So. for tile nc. !4 ec. J5, tp. 113, 11., r. fii v. He nrtiiici the fo'los hiij wltneimes to provu hU coiiliioimirt ri'!!-trMtuu utMju auiii L'U.liva t oa of. HdUl lninl, vU: i-eurife W . i.i imm, ( 'liarlm Grevrcl, Joseph IVriioiiii, Knu-ot Uui.i'.iiil of Ko-t.ii 1-, .Neb. J. W. Wtus, JB. llOI'd Iti-xinter. .Nitih c mr I nl. Ural Inn. 1-uiiU ( flkc ut AlllKiice, Neb., I ict. an. .'i. i Notice ) hereby (riven that the tollowinK' niunivl si-ttti-r bus nleil notii-o of hin InK n tiuu U iimke Until proof in mipiiort of Ilia elitini, hiiiI Hist'l priHif will lie uiHiIe lie fore M. J. Hirwett, cleric of tlw li'sirlct cimrt, st Jlui-nnoii, Jeljr., ou liec. J, K-f.4, viz: Plililp li'cf utiti. nf (iilrhi lt, Xeli.. whe tiiR1e U. K. No. M.Wfor tlie e. nw. . t. ', lie. i, DOC. H UlllJ DW. It iiw. 1, kc. i, tp. lit 11 , r. lift w. He imiiK-ti the fnllnvrlnft witnesses to prove hit eontliiuous retii'litiiue upon bud cultiva tion Of Sill'l iHllll VlKl In mi". Me tin 11, Jiuneni Wilson, both of iri.i un. -.'ii,, ,iiiMjh MiHilxoaicry, J. 1 IVr-iiKie, uctli of llo'liui-, Neh f -1 OiknJ r:i.' f-irnishe 1 mo short notice. Ildidi.ii! dnvtm and j!iit k.di"r. hurw i als:irs on band. tiwxl ainiiiioiiKlati.ins fur tiaui-iit t. ustomtrs. lli-rsi- hoanie-J. TERMS REASONABLE. GIVE ME A CALL. N. D. HAMLIN, r;iorft:ETon. TIIE COMMERCIAL BANK. C3TADLIGHED 1CC3.J IZarrisori, ITcbrasko, 1. E. B.-iK'.rrr, n, llu.-JcQt. a IL GRISWOLD, Cashier. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. S0 000. i razracts a General CORKF.SI'ONriKN'TS: Asinur'AS- f.sff K-.r. Nat''xi. rU'K. N'e- York, OMilll N'ATTiC'At. Pan-. O.oaha. 'i:tv;T Natioxat. li.i.NK, fhndron. Interest Paid on Tims Deposits. rzrbSAFTS SfJLD ON" ALL PARTS OK EUKOrE. . n n i it ii ... .ii iii... r C firv I,,.- 7 iUni s.rtrtnml.otsri 1 v 1 y ' w -r ,-r- l ti'i, ri-.i wr,i,oais, ucuijui wuiiiiiiiiisiJii. rt,,n.t...r ALSErwICAN TEA YOU WILL FIND ME AT TIIE AI n i VAJJl Ul WITH 3A.G-JLIJNTS FOB PIONEER Drugs, Medicines, Paints & Oils. ALSO A FULL LINE OK HOLIDAY JEWELRY, CLOCKS JLlSTJD jLisrcir o-ooids. CALL AND SEE, J. E. PIIINNEV, Bar::!)!', LIYEBY, Feed and Sale n C. F. r-cTFF-n, Vito-rrestdent Banking Business iC 1.1 fc4Mi-, (ut CO., Detroit, Michigan, PHARMACY T GOODS, NO TKOUDLE TO SHOW (JOOLS. PROPRIETOR. urn i.yiK. t 0 Kl iQ Sioux County, THE LAND OF THE HOME STEADER. Frea Homes for Frs Than 5,000 Hen. j A iigv7 county with schools, churches, railroads, etc., AND Goo.oco ACRE3 YET OPEN TO HOMESTEAD ENTRY. Conhirss over forty-five miles cf'' rail oad and h5 no ccunty bonds. SioiiT county is ths nr.rlhi-st county ! of Nebraska, It is a'cait thirty in hs east and wit d.y n'mitt sevenly liiili'sj north and s.iulU uud i-oiiluifi ! oven i,cco,cco .rm: of laud. Th"." nre moit l.rstlit. rt-nrk-hiliT, r.a 'I hlreaion la ttie roitutji' than can lie found in the nine- a-a .! her, ill the Mute. H has nmre pate luti' -.r in it th-ir. till the test ol the stale con.! .1 i ! t t;rassi s writ th richv' und 'iiixt hm- tritiniiH know n vt that fur hV.i. k loW tlip it is uneci.lie!. Tlie so l viri s from a bi avv clay to t ! 'ijht sandy Inaiu uml it apal le i f ro- i ilui ;iig ex. -client i r' a s. Tlie principal rrmn urn' mm!! t'lM'. l l w ve eU.H.-s ailitoiun'i 'H il i.t n m gt-iiwn in the valley. Ton vvo..mI, oaisj r e and Uu ley ar ail of urii-uivliy fun-1 quality and lomuiai.d the h hsst &j.r-; ket prices. j Hi..1 Hater is pure nnd refrc?li!n(,- at tl , is found aimii. taum in it -.u '. , o( th i i-ouuly, Tuu county is practically out of ''via j l and hasovv.r foity-livo nnlt-s ol r.uii.M.l j j uilhiii its Utiilcii-, has a koik! ; j Iioiihu and tiie net e-,,siry tixluiv lot- it.n j 111114 the i uial litviu has netvr one doliar of comity Irnuiis luuts'ii j and hein-u taxt s will is; low. I The 1-iviiion! , Eiklioru A Missom-i J Valley - r.t.u-oad n.jss. .Smux tt.iiiii , I r.iin t.isl lo . si mill toe i. it i. lias alxiut IllUreu i ii i l.-i of lis line in U,c not thi ast Jiarl of loo county. '1 he t liiu.ile is iiior pl..u.uit than that of tlie eastern jiorlioii of NclrasK. Them is slui OVCR CC0, COO ACF.EG of land in Sioux county jet ojien to homestead entry. It i U.-Ui.r land mid mora loi.ali-d.,.tliaii thai ha Allien UK li riisin s am loatie on llie o tu- x in,; of a reservation. 'Ihvie is no rail-j road laud in the county and for that! reason its w.-tlleinti,t h,n Uon flow f,,r i no sKx-,al cllort to get soltleis was! iiiady, as was doiio in the early days ol the ht-tliviucnt of the eastern j.i.i'1 of li.o bUite. Good deedvd land can he purchased at rc-asonahle rats wtUi govu nii.tnt laud atjoiniug so that u (Hjisoii Who wants iiioi-e than onu quarter ruction Cuiiol.Ui.n II if ho has a JiUie uataiis. Thvro are ulsjut 2,.jiK) c-o)le in the county and them is mow lor ibuubuiid more. llarri xm is the county si.-at and is sit uated on too F. E. & Jl. V. raiiroiu), and is as .i.hI a ton u as the lliuily btltUd uiuntry demand. School houses and churches ore. pro vided in almost every Kutlleiueut are kept up with the tunes. All who desire to )4et a homestead or buy land cheap are invited lo come and we the country for then, selves and jude of its luer.l. Homesteads will not Is? obtainable iMtich longer and if ou waul I to use your ri'ht and et 150 aca-siu land from Urn Ie Sam I tee it is lime ou vere about it. Look at Tlil.-i 1.1,1 of western cities: , t'liicnno St. Josppli Oiiiahu Lincolii St. lyiuis J-iivi-r Kansas City Leiidw-oood Ildoes'nt matter which you Intend vUiiintf. The Ilurlington Itouta is the Iwsl hue lo all us tl is lo an one of them. Advertising liiatter find full iriforuia llon alxiut trnins nnd rites on applica tion. ,J, Fiu.nct, 0. p. & T. A. Omaha, Nub. ornciAL'DinccTCRy, i:m . Jl'.W-mnb , Uvriir tt It.. inttr 1 jiJl-iwt 0(V flitter J. A l'iir i Ixi y l i.t hUifvn W"Krt'... Aattitr jiwin fi. lurti-)-. Vrir . 1 lnir hii AHoruT u-t.tM H . l('i-H jttd oitirtiiHwWmrr ii- U. I vl kU. Mipl. i ubJn lnvi(ri4 iiou ni;hk"monal vv.i.rji xrius : f. T. Hunter n V. -nniir. onmha v. in. Ai.hii i . ?. lr, tnltt.M . J. hi ., .t.n l i luru U. it. irr. " -'i M m ! K. J- itjiifi, 4 tl ' AifiM4 '. A. 't'kle'han, tlU Ki i-n-t I. ii. KUit " " i'i I4r T I . nrval ' Ji'. r4 A. . I M.t WVi- Ul Jlli, ff-, t 'tj UU T. . . i,ii rii'i A t ) . , i.r-i:i i.!-,ii4 (. A. lt.J'Jt i HU'i i.:k! Iff, .H iKTKfXTll J( i).i I IK I!TV.:(T: M. P. Kink ( J'l 'r1!l Ail rl ! r!.i ii. J. i;;tu ( J i k , j.i i UM'ii j roVNTY n.TIC'.'li: P!irrt W ;,n Itunty Jwrl JA .1. t-U II s V'ii Irti.f W. ll Ha - A. P.. I J. K. I'luan. J..-. -i i k , f is ...ii nr i uii, ir i m. ir n unit .rl Ijf I no,.er . I.. M. ,i. oif.'-lt ' iia i-f i'ilrirl I vsrl .uviu i. U.rt uunlj Atlutuy r.on! iK ( ;.VM:s-Hi!sr K: rrsnk Tr.kliAiii.. ll IHsirlct U. .1. fii-i ' i II. t. Juli-ou lcn...r..iM - 14 ' I fi.l-1. VTIV K : ft. ;. sawrrt-."i MUir, lll-t !i H,('rif'ir4 Vt . iiCIll'.' J... i.i.., I lt. o. .ill, ),iul..tff uiii vii. l. orririn: W. J. (tlivf Trntra K. r.ili.r ,1. Vl . M Ii II " .'. li. im -'.vii-.r . ' I.. .1 eiiiiii.o.. I ll l i , 1 . .1 , i ir.i.ier S 'IK nil. i'H KKt: ! J. W. 'run llret.r j i'., i . via' t olixf,.r I,. U . Hr.L:i . iicunr rr.i'.'i'j or (i i i:T: Iiitrl'-t C'iurr,--At IKrr,":i, itoinmem-i-fl . pi !. -1 h a. 'I Nin r nLr trail ' i ji ,C i , ..i . . xili, 1-oMimuMttes i.i aI -l.oi l. i.l r....u i.i'i ,1.1. ! CiiT 111 !!! AH SOt'lITIVs. I Metllii'll.l i- it,'', iv St U-e.l Xintt4 ttvi'l jf ntl ' .1.-1, n.i.r.ti' ;. :t n it. J J. L. i J. . , i.'.n, M . fi. In r is, ft. i(. rii, t'l .nl. ,-riA4f. WKillM J.N llt-rri-..n ( ;,iai. niK trouiji. ', ".ir.t oa Ills r.l Hii-i II: ;1'1 Sl.ll'l -V V , rf.titi. ol I'tN .ailMtll. J.. HI..OO, u. i . 'o i tt , 'Ut k. l.lltt. t um, ?i ij,;;: f tiiD, .-,t, e.i-h Altera r. AWC4!''A. ite St irj.jr on ting A. ,i., r. l. ' III 1 -HI I J. . au.Tll, ('irit. r.i".voin ii l EAiii r.. I'evotiti-..; iiif. li s riry s.l.itlsy vriiiny 't I tl.t.H'I u..'VtliJJ li:l Vrfll ol ir.i. "lt. I . . I A il tl I l. k . tikti. V. II It i I i. .ii.l. . r. l it. 8 uvory J.Ic:ith Ij t) I1. m Mil, mr t a- tit ) v - : ii-..,..taMAlttf t.: i ,-ircu,iiir itmnOi. m n: in I-, t .s t r i t i v k uu:'', ami a. l o o i.j i ! , o.'r is ui tu- tti tu- fft i nl- it t ii' - i 1. 1 1 ..lis i,l au lit 1 ; , . . tl t.f III it.l. It I - l:.v :.u . i-it Tj . ' ; - , M Trivir.l I ivonlloiifi -I'lth r V Itm'i HooV li -4 H c, " 3 ut fun. r.n" "!'.( m Iw-il . - -i,, i ,i, " -:r . r. Atr I. (nit-. It a t.rt'.'wt i !i a itt fc- mi m kiMiti or t ii'lK'f. Vi hy D ' t it tu run- f u :: U t'Wnt for f trTt-r rnrmlwd I 4 H THE PRESS CLAIMS CO. tf Tilllp . tvlrett. . Me'- !! 618 l: Street. .Northu'cr.r. J JiVlIt.V6T0N. u. C. jj it PTU. r-( ri.tiui tv o tht tnmesn, t You'll Mant 1 Lis. The Semi-Weekly Slate Journal will he sunt lo any address from now until January 1, ls'JT, for one dolUr. This will nivu you that (,-n-stI tw n e-a-werk pupi l- every Tuesduy mid l-'rid. y all dur iiik' Ihu fall campaign, mid thruiiKh this coining great president ml campaijru J.inuiiry, 1 -117. is a long ways utf uu I you will l uettui); n Kreat lot of rvud nur mailt r for your dollar. 'Mm Jour nal is always ahead of the om-e-a-wek mi)h rs and is i, ally worth twii us much. Jl is the larmei's daily. Its mariit t r hii in are complete and ju t them lwic u week. It Is tilled Willi i Itoi.-e family reading in Kiiihtioti to nil l he sUite ami national telen-t.luc news, l'ruits ilhislraletl stories I y the world' Vreitlest iiulhots. The sooner ton send a dollar Ihe more nwr tun will ki- fur Vmr 'd.lress Nvbntika Ktut Journal, L.ncolu, Neb. ni is. in.iKru i,i in. i.t mm u ff H i.k .. I.el'l tijr ..mi v.i. lhouu4 if If ol lis n .il.ns KCtjiiut, ui Uts if tf I f i.u il Jiixt I'rom (ho I'rMui. A very attractive publication hnn jul lieen issued by the passenger detriment of the llmlm-ton ltoute. It bcm the title "The Newer North-west" and dc-scnls-s in a most interesting nnd rt itd ttlile fashion those ptn-iinns of nor! Hern Wyoming ami k Hills of South Mnbuta which are miwhed, by this com pany's I.nes. The scenery, towns, niinos, (stople ami industries of llwsa two reiiiarkahlu sec tions of country urn treated of w iih le nolulu ll lelety. 00 pages v ith tHustne tions, stftit on retvipt t,f 10 n-nis in stumps. ) Kkav:m, (J.P.A T. A. Omaha, Nebraska