''mm Tto Sioux County Journal TAiii"ia-l 1 . 1 fculr ri ti.m I'tut, fj.00 ( J. Simmons. I'd i l or. fcitr'-.t at l Harrison Jl-t olMee . ae.MMl rl:io mailer. Till ttSPAV, NoVEMBEH If, l-tt-l. The List hue of Uie .V Oratk l Editoi wa th best one of iU existence. It i making itself iadispensible to tte fra ternitv- T.vu weeks from to-day is the day set apart for giving thanks and no is th time to look up wliut you Iiave, to bt thankful for. Whw a man starts in to do up every one whom he cannot compel to do lit bidding bu is apt to find that his busines in that line increases the longer h. works at it and in the eod he will b buried. IL G. Stewart met his Waterloo ii Dkwaa county on election day. Hi worked the voters of Sioux county unti. tliey got onto him and then he move, into Dawes. Last year he worked th voters of that county but this year tlte let him down. He will oovf most likeh move to Sheridan county. He would U more at home, however, should he tak. up his residence in Holt county. The investigation of the gold fields re oeutly discovered near Mdford in Sewar. county has resulted in their beintf pr. no u need as immensely valuable. It is . singular fact that the find is located 01 the old trail across Nebraska to tin i,'old-fields of the west and that thous ands of gold-hunters have passed over r without dreaming of the existence ol the precious metal there. Tlio later returns from the eleelim confirm what was said in TlE Jocssai last week with the exception of the re suit in the case of Jude Dartow, w h. was defeated by Weslover by elevet votes. The republicans elected supreim judge and regents and made a gain of number of district judges. The dtfea of Bartow cannot lie claimed as a vie tori for the populists, but tlie result of dis ippointed litigants who saw a chance h get even to the extent of voting againsi the judge who presided. The West Union (Custer county) Ga irtte, a populist paper edited by Jiio Woods, calls on O. M. Kem to n .t.fn tin office of congressman, and urges the peo pie of the distric t w ho elected him t circulate a petition requesticg him to let go of his t-5,000 a year job. It would U a good thing if such an object could 1 accomplished, as a vacancy is preferable to a vacuum, but is would be hard to ind enough men who would plead guilt.t to having voted for Kem to make much of a siiowing. Our neighboring counties of Box Hiitte and Dawes furnish some very good illustrations of how little party ties hld in county matters at election. In the former the republican candidal Sforwonty judge was elected by 235. while the democratic nominee for super intendent received a plurality of 183. Xhns making a difference of 420 votes. In Dawes county the republican candi date for clerk was eb-ctwl by a maj'M-ity of 390 and the populist nominee for Uk "erintendent had a majority cf 24&, mak iog a difference of 685 votes. The Australian law makes it o that tin Voters do very much as they (lea.st he thev make oat ttieir balloi. Ever since Sioox county has been or lniied it has had a reputation for it political tactics but be it said to the "everlasting shame of the creatures who resorted to it that the campaign 4st closed tton'titined work of n lower, wore despicable character thnn any of its predecessors. There is no oi-casion o mention names or go into details but set thone who cngagetl in the ghonlisl, 'methods read their condemnation in the VeHict of the voters, and let them rel ethat ttieir dirty work was repmliated iy decent fpeo)le and when they niee1 those against whom their heH-lxrn iac Mcn mre dfrected let therf faces crimsot. the f oncieo'ene "that the work o! Which they are gnHty 'btafids them a. b4g too ew k6 be wofthy to he caHel The Pnbrishers df The Votrth's Com IpMnVia are tending f re to the sabscrib tm to the pper, ft handsome four-page IMrnktor, 7 x 10 In., Vitbographed in nine cxrtors. It -in made up of four charming fpiotCrCB, K;h pleasing in design, under HNWh df Which Bra the monthly calenders "fOt the yew 1HM. The Yelail price ol Uiis'tiBlMd- is V) cents. Ntlr im own bent to Tlie Compaoion 'rill TMtlv this beaoHflI calender free 'ttfld bwlflen, Tha Companion free every ' tefk tttftll OUry 1, im. Also Uw aStSrHriiw, CTiristmas, and New ' -zn AttW. nuber free, and Tlra putiam LtjrHwo wiu. full year tj Toctta'a CompMtoa, .tt2 OSvMrImmi Assjih. flodCoft, T reuiber l llcrai'j News. A complete and itiinediate rtt .lutiott of transportation methods, into! niii a reduction of freight chircv in "ram from the vt Ui Xeit V .J I rum to 00 pel' iKUt, is nredii Ud iU lb J Xwifiu f her loiuiiMditau. The pl.iii pn.- Usui;,' lijfht and inexpetisite u.-rru.;atel iron lunler, hun0r ou a slight rail u im puted on pole from a i ros arm Uu wli.ne si U:ii involving an t.xiieuse of not mole tlian lilteetl hundred dollars a mile for cotistruitiou. Tlie rolhc;.' stock is equally simple anJ comparatively in expensive. 'oniiooun hues of c tinders, moving with no interval to speak of, ould carry more grain m a d.y than a quadruple tr.uk railway. This would jon-tilute a sort of j4raiii-pi(ie line. The osini.MihUn also points out Uie prnb ihle abohliou of street-cars before the ominK horseless carriage, which can be ijierated by a boy ou asptialt paVeuieiit.s on a total expense fur labor, oil, and in terest, of not more Uiau ouu dollar a lay. Kui','jU ut the Mi;-cabeps. Tlie si t commander writes u lr..u uiiiv-ohi. Neb., as follofc: "After tiy ug other meditiiies f r what seemed to a very obUuaie cough iu our lo hildren we tried Dr. King' New uiscov ry und at the end of two days tlie cough utirely left tln-iu. We Will not be without ll hereafter, as our eXJierieilce ..roves that it curr where all other reui dles fail S aned F. W. Slevens, otate am. Why not g.ve tins great in -ilu-u.e i trial, as it is g i..r uitee.1 ai.il iml Uit lesarelreeat the i i nicer Puiruac. .-gul.ir iz- OIK and 1 (M Lion't furxet that Tfl JJ hnaL Ii.is j . lr; ctuhhiiig list ami when m Its-ting I .-inhiig tit.it tt r lor the coining unr mil j iid KiVe us your order. We can Siiei , ou monev. I Fiual Proof Noltccs. AM iH-rwin bavUiK dual prtKif iiotiifn in J -III- iaNT III rei'CIVf a iiutrkcil copy of Hie ! i(n-r nicl are reuuctttsJ to examine IIhmt J loliee anil ii tiny erroin cm,i ri-jtort Hie j WllllC to 111 II- iftli.-e ut oncti. j Vi-'irc lur I'lilillialinii. Laial I ffid- al MUanri', N.-b., i jct. , "''). i SntliT i Ic rctiy (riven U.-U tlie folio mir- Cl'lli-'t scltirr ll.i- flint hotli'C of U. Illlc.i- I .ion lo liirtke nnui prtjot l:l tlfIol"t of It it , :lilii. mi'1 lh.it n.11'1 iroof H ill le. iii .iJi Im-.-, ore M. J. lH'elt, clerk ol tin; 'tllu-l -ourl, ut il.trrton, eOr., oil lit-c. , Ir'.ift, Iz; I'lihlfi ! uii. on.ilthi 1st. Neli.. lie niiiile 11. K. No. IM' for the . nw. i. ;t lie. ' istc. S ami . ' nw. M-c. it, t . M j . 1'. .'A . lie tiMincs tin fo!lo inir wlti;tts to prove iu voutiiiiioiis ri-si'leiice upon uini cultiva tion of ..in mini vir. : Jsnie W. Misv;rtnii. Jfiniri WINoii, lioth of Jlk-hrl.l, Neb., .nj-iiii MoiitgoiiH-r-, J. C r'aiMttm, bolU of llo-iaic, Nei) ;m ij j, . his, JR., KctfisU r. .Niiiirf fur l'Blilii'-ion. Laod Ottlce ut Alllanrn, Neb., I IK t. . f-". 6. t Noln-o i tn-n by srivi-o tbit III- folio inff aaim-ij si-ttier l,.i- an-il nonce of tin lntic .ion to tioike fl'i.,i nntijf bi support of lilw .-litiui. ami tii.it itAiii jriMtf will Oi- iii.iilf b- ore -M. J Iiieeti, cserk ilit. court, ut tlr nson, .et).,on ov. Iti, is-.,, vil!.- ida Ix-isti-r, of M.iij, .sdi., liiuw of llcary Dt-isti'T, d WJO-ed, wtio unctr II K. .V. stSA, for Ui- l-H I nr J ix. i s ml lot i ml 4 U, Ut. . a , r 6J w. He liaiiies tile f'iiwi:iK witiier.ti' to nntve iiin contiiiuoMa reiii-nee M4oa ,iii c.uitiva- tlotl, Of 1-iHJ I ill1!, vis; ov-ar W . Miirv. stMo.iina K. More, both of story, S:!i., ilbar s. fnent, veoriK ti. i'uruer. liotli of ilaei i-cit, .neb. II i J. W , W tMN, Jit., KfKlntcr. Notico for ltili!iCRlon. IjibiI Ofllce ut Alli'titce, Neb., ( ctctotx-r J, i.A. 1 Notfe Is bcrebv uiven iu.it i.ic lol.ob.ir iihiiiciI immiIct H im-iJi uotu-e of In niti-u' turn U make final lirottf l.i Mlp.ioit ol tils L'inilll. Hull lH.it SAIU lirottf wilt oti iiiutlf tie- forM ii. J. tfieett, clerk of itifttriet ctart it Harrison, tH. oil yf. ii, is--5, vise: JosepH H. UobinsttH, of itarrioli, .i-b., lKt in,n H. Vy. No. i4l fr the s. H lie mil e. V, uw. U w e. .A, n, si u, r. 5u . lie miiiii-s the ioiioiiii,i itue!stes lo rrov ills coutiuiioil rerttilence Kott nuil eaiMva tloit oi, f.itd iHiui. viz: ll. A. i'riiKly, laixris tierlaclv, Iatt4 II. iiiirlli-tu, k.ii rii 1'. JlAine, an i lirr.o.i, en. t id. 3. vv. Wins Jr., KcKiswr. Notice for Piibllralitin. anfl CtSUm- ut AHiniicc. Nebr, I ticiobcr ti, iW. a i Notice i hereby given tn.,t ta - folliminp nailleM settHf b.4.i Uleti inttlif of him lnl,;u tioti to iri.,ke fln.vi proof l.i iiUiort of ht .:iaini. ami th.it n.tiit firitttf tt ill n,. ui.iUe LH.V lore M. J. tvieeft, tH4l llHtiicf, court it liuiTint, Neb., on .Nov. lo. 11,0, viz: Wilitnm hi-o.mril, of diu i .eb who mafte H. K. Sit. KWt tor b . Vj w. j-int it. e. seij. ait. i.t. iej ii., r. 64 w. ne H.meji tae folio witneien to jirove Din eoittliitlotli i'i'itie..ce upon ttinl vuiuva tioii wf N.iMt mini, vu; Henry iitfe uu t-Urevc, Bolu-rt F. Atieee, miiui ) iTusi-r all ol oeoe-, .n-n. ( iu; a ". w t, JK. 4teK.tr. Alias Notice. C . Lksi Office, i Al.LlAM.fc, Kt.u. 1 Oet. 2. IW5. OHipl.tint bavin; tMeii cufen J .t liiih olllee oy J.uiicm ouii.-mjii .i..ist n;l t illlNlll lor litMiiHOIIitrtf bl4 k 10 .1Cti-..ll All- try Ao. 4iU, e:.tea feoia.,ty il, c.wi, ujto.i ill. i e.', tte. i rt.-e. 114 ana , - i. sejfeion iowitH.ft :i ,i , r.ti,tf.; ut, w,, in ioaK com , y , .teitr-xMiin, with a v.ew i uie ctoel..ion of iwtid entry, tlie h,tia prrn-s re boieby bii.ii uto.iett to ..ii.',.riMi ut nu oiln on tne uth uy oi .wv., 1,4m, ,.t i u t-KM-a, im. ui (o re tnaiia miH I ai'un -teiitiniwiij co,ni.r,iiiiK lt aMeffisi ndiiloiiitit;n4. H he ev.le,ii;e to oe tttbirt.lel iti, tue te.AMir of ttiia c.df will lieCkl-n Ih-ioii- J Kiewett, Clerk ttf tue diiitrrict cttitrt of woux svtantY, Aeor., oa Aoveiutttji- Kft, isKi, ut 10 o'exx-k, a. in., ut I ttai-roHu, pettr. w , w kH, jn,, i KejfiwHtr. Sberiff't Sale. Ity s lrttif of in Ordnr tn" f;Blf lesiiod hy the ulcrtctif til; tbmriot eourt of tlie i onic tv ol Fsiutlx, and ttlutfc'ef Keitrrfska, upon a rtecree re,.ii rl bv hm1 ttirl in fuvor 'of t he WCMleni securlrj- v,,i,p,oiy null vnmt .lolin w.iianKT, .n.jr?;.tri'L k, lntr mikI A . J. H rouKhtou A i-Unip.uv, I will n tlie sth ilirj of AOvemtier, A. it. nA, l the hour of one o'eUK'k, p. m t the earn front door of the. court noitw in llnrrixm, in unnl comity, offer mul netl thr foliowlnv ! w-nlietl real cut Ui, u H : The .Ht bif of Hie MWMteaitt qu.trter of heclion Three (), mnl the not t be..t iiirU-r of "till' liorlb eaut qaxrter n" tortion Ten (Kl, null ti nortliwent (Unrt-rof lite nor Uitretil uiiKrWr of section Kieven (ll),i In titwrntliip Tlur ly-wi() north, K.nittf rlfty-nveife.) West of thr. otto ', M., In the omity nf stontf, ui't Stitle of Nenrm.k.1, at public notion, -ta the lliftK-Ni blilder for nwti, Ut m4l,ly mit lnlcrM Sale In the Mini til OMIW, uml ternst, routs and accruing eots. a. K. Dew, AhinT.1r1t, Ally fiw plnlirt Iff, - ' Good ritfs funiinlieil ou hort nottc. Reliable diler and quiet saddle Ir.rves always ou hand. (iood accnii.riiixiati nis for tra'isiient cihIiotit. Hot Km bnaruVJ. TERMS REASONABLE. GIVE ME A CALL GEORGE O LINGER, I'RwPUiKTDH -THE- COMMERCIAL BANK. (ESTABLISHED 1888.J Harrison, Nebraska. E. BpjcwpTT.n, Pre nideo i. I), n. GRWOLD, CasbUr. AUTIIOlvIZED CAPITAL. SS0 000. . ansacts a General C0IRF.M'0l)hTS: American Kncmanvie Xat!oui, ask. New Voi-k. OMUIl NaTI)NL Pavk, Oniiha, FlKST Xatton.u, Baxi, Chadron. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. tJTLiIUrTS SUUJ ON ALL PAItT.S OF EL" HOPE. $4. PER DAY, Sure. Salary or commission. iiTr;,! AL1EEICAN TEA YOU WILL FJ'U ME AT THE OLD WITH BA.E.C3-IlSrS FOE, GEO. THE SIOUX COUNTY ESTABLISHED 1888. Always carries in stock a good line oi stationery consisting of Letter heads, Statements, Legal blanks, Book stock. Cords, Etc Eta Etc. When in need isuch things do not if orxrot to call Feed and Sale C. F. '"OFm, Vice-President Banking Businec CO., Detroit, Michigan. H. TURNER Kote heads, Envelopes Bill heads, Poster stock. Invitations, STUD SJHL Sioux County. THE LAND OF THE HOME STEADER. Free Homes for More Than 5,000 Men. A. new county with schools, churches, railroads, etc., AND 800,000 ACRES YET OPEN TO HOMESTEAD ENTRY. yontams over forty-five miles rail Oid and has no county bonds. of Sioux county in the nurlliwrnt niiiil f NVhr.ikn It is uliout tinny miles ist ami west by itUmt seventy uii.- rth HM.I Koulh and lontains OVER 1,300,000 ACRES fl.-iml. There ai mure bright, ffxiik-j n, sniull ulreiinis in llie? county tlmn an m fniitiil in the same areii ! here j i Id Mute,. It linn tiiore pine timber in ' th:in all tlit reKt of the slate -.n.Miu il J is jcni'sf ar the rirhe't ami most nil-1 rilimis known w that fur slKM-k-rmiii:.-1 t is iiiu-Kccllwl. ' Tlie nail vnrU' frmn u Imivy lny to a iglit sandy loam and i uuil.le of .-o-lut ing exiellerit t-rops. The principal -rops nr Miial! p-aiu mil vegetable"!, altlnm;li .;ikI coni is ;ron in tlie valleys. The u-iet, oat ye and barley are al! of unusually fine uality and command the lii(,-liet niar ;et ri-s. The wat'.r is pure ami refresiiiiiK arid found in a!mndani;-i iu all jmrU of lite ounty, Thecouuly i ra tn ally outofk-bt nd has over forty-live miles of railroad itliiii iu borders, lias a good bru kwiurt mse and the uecvssary lixluies for ruli ng tlie county and there liau never .til oJle dollar of coutily liolids issuseil ud lietx.-e laXiH will l low. l'lie Freiuout, Elkhurn &. Missouri .'alley railroad crosses .Sioux cxaiuiy oiii east, to west uud tlie U. & M. lias .tout lifteeu miles of Uu line n Uie . .lUieast (iiUt ol lUe cuuuty. The clinialc s iijofe pleasant Uiau Uial I Uie eastern jxirUou of Nebiasiva. 1'liere is still OVER 800,000 ACRES i laud in S.ixix ounly yet opi-H " i nesteiul entry. .1 4 lielUr land at. . .re UesiraUy locatud tlu.n Lti.it Jot i nicll Ui o ruslies aru niuUe ou Uie .J:l.- j ol h ivsei valaiu. jhue isorBii I m1 land iu the ooouty od ttr lum : .isou Its settieioiMil lias been slow l.i i sjKXial fcliixl Ut gel skslllers aiie. as wasUouc M Uie -eaj ly liayit.. ( .a sell.Ji-ii.irul ol Uhs easloru piu I ol Uu .uile, (iiwd deedefj land can lie iuiv;h,-ieu at j;iouaUu rates with overuuiejit iauu Jjoiiiinjr so that (,'erstio who wants iure than oue uuaJ'ler sts t ui;au olitaii, i . if tie has- a huJe. inuaiis. i'liere ar alx.ul U,.illl) oeople in tin. luuty and Um-jm is room 4or Uiousaiuii. jure. llarri:xm i llm rvnuly at and hi it-uU-d on the F. E. X H. V, railroad, auu , as (,'.i kJ a owu as Uie Mnuly MetUi-n luulry ((uiuauds. iScMool liousen ;uiI :hui'i-he w-e pio .-,dwd ih lUinosl very aeLUenwail aial tut ept UU Wllii the tunes. All w Mi desire to gift .u iiiuuoffie.ail.oi uy lanJ t lie.iji ui e uiVJletl tv owiue anu Urn ctiu.iU-y for llafuisel v and Juili 1 its merits. Jioiuesleaibi wiU uol U tilaitiable mia h luii'nr uihI il ou wun, o use our riht uud K"l- J'W u;l'e ol and Irwin Cncle ham w 4t is luuo yyu ere (lIxiHt it. Uxik M TUI 4 1,1m! if ertrn -oitiBs.: (JhinaKo (linalia St, Lomm Kuiiwi Ciu- t. 3sHl iLiui-iilii iMipver IJtldwO'lll4l Jt ilima'Ht mattni Arhinb you wmi visiting. The Burlmtflon lioule is tin s-sl loif l all n it .m to nny .one .ol Hem. AJverlimiijf iiiiitlur uml lull mini run ion almul train unci T vles on iipplii a. mm. .A. i ltAVi iH, fl. J". Ji T. A . "(ftlllMlll.Vlll i official Directory sTATtOKKtt IKS: M,w v oit- u k Hour. . J wavruuiil to.vrvi- J Hyer f 'Kr'W iloote i . ,,h - hnrlit l iwurvUtrt' ol stain . AU lili.I Trwa.Mi.t , . lUareml. iiu.rwi wn.1.: ,1 r ttueol lBaiwu.u.Uloel it a lvtol m. 'atai lu.iiucl'.oi. .N..I.l lONAi. ULtKoAlH'Jl .-I nalvr, iiuaIu r. r il m l M iu. N i . . fen.ior, UBiiiiwi W . J. Ill ) an. "i.r ie"ua ' l. (I. Meji. t. '' " . u. IL MelkicLoliu " ' i iuwiii I Iu. II L.. lierluu fc.. J. Hauler. '. A. k;KiKliau. O. M. , Uel lluuil ii ' J OKI Alii r I Niirml iitief Ju.Ii.t, ..in a' M I'usl liUU- JU'llie. 1 uliulil T (I C IUrrliii ..A.'U- Jmlife. irjii4 Uitnu I). A.l Biiliell..t H k soil fcrjrlr, Llfci mTKOril Jl IMS1KH. I M. P. Kliikul"! Jj.lse i yin Allmt r.ailnw - " t.i 'ii M.J. Uli-weil fl.-rk.ll.iMi... Kil .vrV orklt KU-: K..Url Omul) i..lic M J. Klewetl wk II.. w,.lroll Ii.j-mui w 11. H l Miiu j'aLJir lii:iu iii A. II. dew l 'n J. K. I'lilline) li" ' .-. I.. Kllin f.ir.ei.,.- M J. Mlewelt ( lerkul lli.lrlrlt 1 1 AiVlU I"!'' li'iulr All.wi.. HDAUO OV cuWMI'li.'kl:' Kritnk Tlnkhjin 1,1 " ' J. ttelx.r f'1 K. y. JoliUiwiu t bun LUIlU l II (I. stew Mrt-.-eiii't'ir, ' i i"i I l . lieuij.M )...lleji., Wli-U No.il. II'- i ! i I VII.I.Aiit: iH K KIt: j )l. J. Illemnit : vlmirumn ; . Ii ' - j h. Holiwer 1 .1. n . iM-i.ti ; II. II. iniKl U . II. Hht.u-iI. r I I.. J. Mimi.i... - ' li r. i I-ul i.i-rlueh ...1ii-.nri-r i lliwil, iitHi I II- J. W. S.-I nil ...... lllfi-elur I li. I.. Kiiiiii-k Minti-nniir ti. IV. lele) ' re.ill. . 1 1. It Ms oK t l Kt : IH.trtet (iiurt, Al llsmm, i. April Hl j ill Nveiut-r Will. I omity louit. At H.irriHii, m.in iiw...-. tlrnl Moudar iW r.it-U inoulli. ; Dlt'Ill llts AM) -is H i lt v Mi'ttirslUS suuilnT wljiril Mieet e -ry i -lis)' u.ur.ili.K nt II :JU. J. h. AIKTti.l t a, W. It i ivi, I stiis-rliiteiiileiti. . i. 1.-.I . . j WirtIiiiK,V r TK W:'l ! Iliirrisoti ( Hiiip, No. IVi, iiif-t 4 on In Ur.t anil tlmil s.il ir'l e vuing. uf e.ii-li umntii. J, h. I'Misoitt, ' K. t. I" 1 1 1 ", Llerk. lull.tolii MiiULKS W;iS1KS OK AM Kltli'A. Mis-l. e ,eli niter. inle Sji.iril v i-wilii lit s nVlork. .1. IJ. JIK t, V. I . J. w. sairu.t lerk. U'WOUTil I.UAl.l'K. lieition.il iiieellt.K evnr' Sumliiy i-teulntf itl it.-.w. i.aliiuet ineelliitf mi e.ill ot pri ilellt. J.1L1K IIK.11I B, Mus. W. II. luvin, rr-.i.tiit nii r t .TT- $ Given Away Every Month to the rx-m-in culmittJaf tk mail moritorloMs lavantlas Jiiriii llm iftsiMlUiff moslh. VV K fK-LHH fATkMTfl ., KHl IM ENTOHH. and U t:.j.H;t i.f not offer U ta ei,jrni;e ienonii of aa Inireni. fve tti-n of tolnit. At the uinn li no we wlfh ta Uuprsu ttie fait lliat r It the Simple. Trivial Inventions That Yield Fortunes uch Pe !(' Honk Hud Kve. M' thai Mtunp," -Safety I'm." -piw la CW .-r." "Atr Urnke." ele Almost torf iifin ei.n nina a nngut Hi t al nam tin or oth.-l. Vi'by nut put It la ma nual UM-? Yi 'I k tnlenU if be I i (hit a.rvetlon. Mr make Jw fortune. WhriHit tr,if n Pir'Write forfiirtbrr Inforoietlon i4 un-um.j iaj, r p"-r. :TflE PRESS CLAIMS CO. Philip W. kvlretL Oca. Pucr. 1 618 F Street. Korthwest. JHSaiMCTOK. c. 0T"Tlre r. an- i:-miy ir? thn ooaiaaat mil cm i.iii,i-a t.( is, tad taai ita fJ aioeK i lieM iy jw u .t 1ll Hisdmll :atll la Mk A. biiwu eutie Tw 11 Watt Till. The Seiiki-VVwkly Hlati" Jtiurna! .-,, lie twin, t i nny nildi-s from now iu. January 1, ?H7, fir one dollar. till you thai j;reat ta a-.t-.a. piih.r-- i ry Ttiesdiiy uud Friday alj 'bx ,ux the , l tainpaiii. and throuU ciHiiui ,r-nt pr.-siiii..iit taj .aai. m. J iiiiiarv . I'i7, i u wj .tj t you i.. lie .'-Ituif? a iireat'lot d s.j niC in" t-for tour dollar. Tlai J.u' ilUl Is . pupris nun i ll!ITS-.1 aV ahead of Jbe 4iiu t-j-w.tt -al im mufly -M4rl.b twii i I i ll.e farmer's .datly.. Ju jinrls ar -ihhIiU'W umJ .i .et ll,.-,. u- a wee-k it. Hi (H M ttiV i-hoi.-i . .n.ily .i-.-iiin' m M.lthlioti a 1.IU Ibetlt ' .l.riiiitl.mu. teieflitphl.- ilM.v. lrmt iiiiisirati'il iijirieii-liy aliv ild' .rri.iiUs.; i nlboin. 'Jlie i.-iulitir t ..w .eiin! iMlollui i.k- t.iorep.kpeis-,u wtHA.nl tt.ir vnnr i.i.in.-v. Adilii- iC.'l,ra..a .Mtau Ji.iirnul. LtiiiMilu, eh. 4at I'ruw UlP ITrratw A ry tittrar.tiwa.pulilii-HtioU :ttm JtMi lwu isaund by the pansenyrr rlaportni'-irt of the Jjurlinrtiiu dioulx. Jt W.u the title "Tlwew,r Xdrth-ww" and li Honlien in ii iimwI .inte.wtinr nnd reiill alile fashion llmwi ..irlion of northern: Wyoniiuif and tin ilia. JIi of -Mont. Aikotii wluch niwirmtuhad by Una ,,ioo puny VI in is. Tb. .(!" -y,i '1ii,.niiiiwi,..i1i mj iiMliKi.i-tKre,., i o .rttumrkabl. ..' -ii I'o.i.Ti, . ,,. m.ni.i ,,( rVl,(l di.i.. l..i"h ty. 5ikj i .,,.,1 m I'm llliHlr.- lltlUh, .Mlllt Oiil ll !,,.! , f iiO 'ill iu staiius. .lliHl(.iiiua,.O.p,k!r. A itlinnlai, Hilbaasim