i ISP A 1RUE LrHOST STORY. T OT many years ago people nwd I J to sneer at ghosts and ghost ' stories much more than they do sow, and one would constantly bear people whisper to one another while onto Individual was relating bis or her experience: "Ah! It Is very odd that these ghost stories should always be re lated at second or third hand. Now, I want to see a person who personally has seen the ghost, and then, I will believe!" Yea. People are more accustomed to bearing about ghosts now; and yet, even now, should It be a wife, daugh ter, or sister who ventures to narrate some supernatural experience, she 1 pooh-poohed or laughed at or told to -take a plH." Now, I have seen a ghost, and am pre pared to attest most solemnly to the fact, as well as to the truth of every word here set down. I have, of course, avoided names, but nothing else; so, without further preamble, I will state my cue. Some years ago I became the object of the infatuated adoration of a person of my own age and sex, and I use the word "infatuated" advisedly, because I feel now, as I did at the time, th.it neither I nor any mortal that ever lived could possibly be worthy of the over whelming affection which my poor friend lavished upon me. I, on my side, was not ungrateful toward her, for I loved ber In return very dearly, but when I explain that I wan a wife ami the mother of young children, and that she was unmarried. It will easily be understood that our devotion to each other must of necessity be rather one sided, and this fact caused some dis peace between us at times. For many years my friend held a post at court, which she resigned soon after he began to know me; and although ber royal mistress in her gracious kind ness assigned two houses to her, she gave them both up to be free to live near me In B ; indeed, she gave up relatives, old servants and comforts lu order that she might come and lie (and die, alas!) In lodgings over a shop near me. But she was not happy. She "gloomed" over the inevitable fact that Id consequence of the difference in her circumstances and mine, I could not be with her every day and all day Ions. 1 think she was natuiv.Ily of an un happy disposition, being deeply, pas sionately and unjustifiably Jealous, and also painfully Incapable of taking things and people as they were. All this gave me often much annoyance; but we were, all the same, sometimes very cheerful and happy together, and sometimes the reverse. Later on, she, poor soul, was taken 111, and during months of fluctuating health I nursed her sometimes In hope, sometimes without and at moments during ber illness she found strange comfort In foretelling to me, after the most "uncanny" fashion, things which she declared would happen to me after her death. They were mostly triviali ties little episodes concerning people and things over whom we had talked and laughed together, for she was gift ed with a keen sense of the ridiculous. Among other things, she said to rue one afternoon: This bazaar for which we are work ing (she bad been helping me for weeks for a charity bazaar, and I can now see ber dainty little bands as she ma nipulated the delicate muslin and lace. Poor, poor L !) I shall be dead be fore It lakes place; and I shall see you at yonr stall, and on one of the days of the baauar an old lady will come up to yon and say: 'Have yon any of poor Mies L 's work? mentioning nie. And yon will answer: 'Yes, here Is someT and you will show her this which I am working; and she'll say, Yes, again; and she'll carry It all off it say she buys it for poor Miss L s sake.' And I shall know and see It iir I remember repeating, wonderinglv What In dy?" Kite answered, dreamily, "Oh! I don't know but some old lady! You'll see!" And ! am bound to say that this Is o taally what occurred at the bazaar Boaths after ber death; an old lady with whom I was not acquainted did tar all her work, having asked for It tsi carried K away "for ber sake!" Au CU lady, too, whom I had never seen. other carious circumstance which tasWi her death was that, after took TJ forward with more than usual f to ay coming birthday, which ttl Would be a more than com-t-tZZtr adversary that was I Cat sm of tbe sharpest re vr II ewer experienced la my :J ki te fact that I was not with my dearest friend at the mo ment that she passed away. She bad made me promise that I would be with her at that time, and God knows I had the fullest intention of fulfilling her wish, but on that very evening, of all others, I was called away, and she died In my absence. I had been sitting by her bedside all the afternoon, and ail that evening I had held her dear hand and had kept whispering comforting words in ber ear; but latterly she had made no response and was seemingly unconscious. Suddenly a message came from mv house (not a hundred yards It was away) saying my husband wanted me at once, as one of my children was 1IL I looked at the nurse, who assured me there was nothing Immediate Impend lng, so, stooping over my poor friend. I whispered. at rhe same time pressing a kiss on her forehead that half nn hour should see me at ber side again. But she took no notice, and much against my will I hastily and noiseless ly left the room. Throwing a shawl over my head. 1 hurried across the square, and as I passed the church the clock struck 12, and 1 suddenly rememlered that to-day was my birthday. I got back in less that half an hour and on my return beard, to my ever lasting sorrow, that I had not been gone ten minutes before my dear L became restless and uneasy, then look ed hastily round the room, gave a cry, then there came a rush of blood to her mouth, and after a few painful strug gles she sank back, gasped once or twice and never moved again. Of course I thought then, and do to this day, that she was looking round the room for nie and that she died feel ing that I bad broken my faith with her. A bitter, never-falling regret! I have given this light sketch of the feelings which existed between me and my poor friend (before narrating the circumstances of her supernatural visit to me) just to emphasize the facts of the alluring fascination, the intense af fection, which existed between us dur ing her lifetime, and which, I firmly believe, have lasted beyond her grave. Quite a year and a half after her death my poor L , with what motive I know not unless It may have been, as I sometimes fondly hope, to assure me that she understood and sympa thized with my sorrow at having failed her at the moment of her extremity -appeared to me. She came once, out never again. It occurred thus: I had been suffering all day from brow ague and had gone early to bed, but not to sleep. All the evening I had been kept painfully awake by that same church clock which I have men tioned above. It seemed to me to strike oftener, louder and more slowly than any clock I had ever had the misfortune to come across. Of course my ailment of the moment caused the clock's vagaries to appear peculiarly painful, and I bore the annoyance very restlessly, with my face turned pettishly to the wall, but when the midnight hour began to chime I felt as though I could bear it no longer. Muttering an impatient ex clamation, I turned in my bed so as to face the room, and looking across It I- saw iny poor L standing close' to a screen between me and the door, look ing at me. Site was in her usual dress, wearing what was then called a "cross-over," which was tied behind, while her bon net, which she was always In the habit of taking off as she came upstairs, was, as usual, hanging by the ribbon on her arm. She had a smile on her face, and I distinctly noticed her lovely little white ears, which were always my ad miration and which were only half cov ered by her soft brown hair. She stood a minute It seemed look ing at me, then she glided toward nie, and I, half apprehensive that she was about to throw herself on my bed, ex claimed, jumping up In a sitting pos ture: "Dearest! What brings yon here so later With deep reverence be It spoken; but as soon as these words were out of my mouth I was Irresistibly reminded of those spoken, holy writ tells us, by rit. Peter at the awful moment of the trans figuration! Awed and dazed at the sight of the spiritual visitants, we are told he uttered words "not knowing what he aid." These words of mine also seem ed to leap to my lips, with but little meaning lo them. If any. I As aeon, however, as my voice had ceased tbe apparition disappeared and I remained some momenta motionless. Owe ef the moat curious features, of the caaa Is that al thong h I was very es pecially restless Sod awake st tbe mo ment of the appearaaea, I recognised my friend so completely that 1 forgot also to recognise tbe fact that she had died, or rstber It happened too quickly for me to bring that fact to mind. In deed, It all took place In such a flash. In such a moment of time so much quicker than I can tell it and she look ed so exactly like her well known self that till she bad disappeared I really be lieved I was seeing ber la tbe flesh I Of course as soon as 1 had time to reflect I remembered and realised what it was I had seen! I was not frightened, but I felt colder than I bad felt in my life, and I have never felt so cold since, but tbe moU ture seemed to pour off my body. I called no one to my assistance. All I realized was that God had permitted me to see her once more, snd that per haps he might send her to me again. But be has not done so, and probably now he never wIlL I lay awake all the night afterward. hoping for and, I think, almost expect ing her again, and after the day dawn ed I fell asleep. nerore teiiing my story to anyone and dreading unspeakably all tbe doubting and sarcastic speeches which such a narration would inevitably call forth, I sent for my doctor, an old and trusted friend, and after making blm talk rationally to me for some time, I asked him whether he considered me in an exalted state or whether I had ever betrayed any hysterical tenden cies. He reassured me heartily on these points, and then asked my reasons for such questions. I thereupon opened my heart to hfra. and be neither ridiculed nor disltellev ed, but, on the contrary, told me an other case of the same kind which had lately happened to a friend of his, but he strongly advised me to keep my ow n counsel at present, which I did for some time, and kindly added that he not only did not look upon me as a lunatic, but simply as a woman for whom one cor ner of the curtain which guarded the unseen had leen lifted. In conclusion. I repeat I am ready t vouch for the truth of every word here set down, and also, should It be requir ed, to give names In private to satis fy those who doubt Strand Magazine. Hugar and Muscle. The subject of sugar as a food pro ducing muscular power has been dis cussed by Ir. Vaughan Harely. From a brief summary of his paper we make the following extracts. During a twenty-four hours' fast on one day water alone was drunk; on another five hun dred grammes of sugar were taken In! an equal Quantity of water. It has! thus found that the sugar not onlv pro-' ' longeC the time to-fore fatigue occur red. but caused an Increase of sixty-one to seventy-six per cent In the muscular work done. In the next place the effect of sugar added to the meals was In vestigated. Tbe muscle energy producing effect of sugar was found to be so great that 200 grammes added to a small meal In creased the total amount of work done from 6 to 39 per cent. Sugar 1250 grammes atwiut eight ounces) was now added to a large mixed meal, when It was found not only to Increase the amount of work done from 8 to Id per cent, but Increased the resistance against fatigue. As a concluding exper iment, 2.VI grammes of sugar were add ed to the meals of a full diet day, caus ing the work done during the period of eight hours to be Increased T2 to ,'le er cent. Imdon Public Opinio!. H r Charles' Idea. Miss Frances Power CoMie once dis cussed evolution with Sir Charles I.y. ell, when some of the party had lt ray ed the Idea that "survival of the fittest" meant of rhe best. Sir Charles left ;he room (continues Miss ("oldie, In her re cently published memoirs) and went down stairs, but suddenly rushed back Into the drawing-room, and said to me1 all in a breath, standing on the rug "I'll explain It to you In a minute! Sup pose you had loen living In Spain three hundred years ago. and had had a sis'r who was a perfectly commonplace per son, and believed everything she was told. Well, your sister would have been happily married and had a nu merous progeny, and that would have been the survival of the fittest; but you would have been burnt at au auto-da-fe, and there would have been an end of you. You would have been m suited to your environment. There! That's evolution! Good bv!" On w. ut his hat and we beard the hall door ciose arter nun nerore we had done laughing. Houses in Canton. The buildings on each side of the street rarely exceeded twenty feet In' height. They were one-storied struc-, t tires, as a rule. Sometimes there was a distinct upier story, but there the ground floor bad but a low headway. Frequently balconies ran around Inside the open stalls which served as shops, and a half upjter floor or loft stretched behind. In fact, when the shops were open, the whole front of the house was taken away. Generally from the eaves of the building light bamboo structures were carried across t lie streets and hung with grass matting. Sometimes, however, they were more elaborately covered with a substitute for glazing. His Kye Picked Oat by a Crsne. Charles Draper, a boy of near F.ngle glde, Queen Anne's County, Md., was peering Into a box In which was con fined a crane, when the bird pecked at him, striking hlin In the eye with Its bill. The sight of the eye was entirely destroyed. A Lawealt Aboat a Dog. A Connecticut man la about to begin a lawsuit against a yonng man of bis town for selling him a dog that wag deaf In both ear. AGRICULTURAL NEWS THINGS PERTAINING TO FARM ANO HOME. THE Care Should Be Taken la the Relectioa ef Heed Cora-White Clover Fed to Cowa Greatly lacreaeee the Yield of Milk aad Baiter. Catherine Heed Cora. I am m tit fled, from several years' ex perience, that the best seed corn Is that grown upon tbe farm when proper pains are taken In Its selection. ur au the general crops grown upon the farm, there are few, if any, that show or feel tbe effects of a change I the conditions of growth more readily than corn. It Is often tbe case that when a new variety Is brought on the farm one year's test Is not sufficient to determine Its value, largely on accoun that tbe change in conditions in growth Is so great that the effect is felt, and 1 a majority of cases tbe longer a va rlety Is grown on the farm, provided good care Is taken in tbe selection of the seed, the better the variety will be adapted to that particular farm. Neg lect or carelessness in selecting will soon show in tbe deterioration of the crop. But to get tbe best and have it In tbe best condition, care must be taken to select in good season. Tbe best plan I have ever seen tried is to go through the field as soon as the grains have be gun to harden well. Just before com mencing to cut for fodder is a good time, and then select the best ears from the most perfect stalks, leave the husk on ami spread out where It can dry thoroughly; then It can !e shocked and stored away in a dry place. When thl cannot Ik- done conveniently, anothe way Is to select the seed corn when the shucking out Is being done. The dls advantage with this is that there is not as good an opportunity for deter mining what the stalk was. I find that an lmjiortaut Item lu saving the seed corn Is to dry well before storing away, and to keep dry ail through the winter. Anotlier Item Is to select and store away before the corn has been frozen in the field. This Is necessary If the vitality is maintained, ami good seed Is an important Item in growing a good crop. Nebraska Farmer. White Clover for Cowa. One of the most valuable plants for pasture when sown with other kinds Is white clover. Its nutritive qualities are considerably better than those of red clover, and it is a hardy, persistent plant. It will grow under the shade of K'r," ss ami clover, making a linu f..t...i ...1.11 . I. t. ........ "'imiiii lout, wmic i IS IKK available for hay, yet affords a large ad (lltlou to the feed for pasturing ani mals. It Is beyond reproach for cows and sheep, but for horses has the effect In late summer of salivating them pro fusely, so much so as to make them quite thin. It has the same effect upon mules, and these animals should, there fore, be kept out of the fields In which It grows to any extent. It will be a useful occupation for a spare hour or two to scatter a pound of this wed over the pasture, especially wnerc the grass is thin. It will show next season, and once having jmjs.scs- slon of the ground, it will keep it for several years. It Is the best of all honey-produclng plants known, and having a long blooming season, the !, make more honey from It than any other source. Its effect upon the yield or milk and butter of the cows Is no ap parent as to draw from the butter maker the remark: "The cows are get ting the white clover now." And this is always the case when, at this time, the cows are turned Into the newlr- mowti meadows where this plant is wmindaut. Granular Hut tor. It Is Just at this granular stage of the B'"rk of makl 1u,l'' the Im I trtant nrcllinfiiflrv t.r,.,'ew.i i,,l il, ...... fore, the skill and the Judgment of the operator are first tested and shown. First-class butter Is not made, ami can not ! made, unless the granulation In the churn Is of the right standard, and this standard condition cannot be brought out lu perfection unless all the preliminary processes have been right ly conducted, and the proper condition secured at every stage of progress, de fects here cannot be corrected In any subsequent process. While, then, It may require no great skill to make r,,uu,ar regardless of quality, yH a Perfp, granulation Is only se, ur- ed by the application of the highest knowledge known to the business. So long as this Is the case, It seems a proper thing to do Jo Invite butter mak ers to compare their skill at securing re- H""" at '"i way station of their pro- gress, as well as on the finished pro. duct. With a competent maker for a Judge, exhibitors will find that securing the highest award will not Ik a "very easy" thing to do. Maine Farmer. Teats of Potatoes. In a large number of experiments at twelve different station comparisons have been made of methods of cultivat ing potatoes. Seasons vary so much that the results of different methods are continually contradicting each other. One season potatoes mulched will yield two or three times as much as those grown In the ordinary way, and the next year the results wlil I al most the opposite. In trials where direct comparison were made, results from Alabama, Kansas and I'tah favor flat, while In diana favors ridge cultivation. Mary land, New York and Ohio ecporl prac tically no difference lu yield between flat and ridge culture. Vermont re ports that in one season's trial mulch ing when four Inches high gave better results than ridging. Result obtained at the stations In Colorado, Indiana, Michigan and New York are against mulching. The general tendency seem to be toward thorough preparation vl soil sod level culture. Comparisons of deep and shallow ml tlrstlon have been made at tbe Michi gan and Ptah stations, with very dif ferent results. In forty -five trials al the Michigan station the yield of mar ketable tubers was in forty cases Id favor of deep culture, while In Itab shallow culture gave a greater vleld than deep. Results are so conflicting that no conclusions can as vet b drawn. The Good and Bad of In breeding. Inbreeding is the only possible way ol fixing a strong, prepotent type, capa Die or reproducing Itself every time. If proiierly done, says the New York World, it will not have. tendency to degenerate any line of blood, but It la essential for tbe breeder to understand the strong and weak points of bis ani mals and to be particular never to breed weakness to weakness. In fact, weak ness should never be bred at all. All such animals should be sent to the butcher, no matter bow promising the pedigree. While mediocrity bred to strength will give fair returua, yet the best only are obtained by breeding health and strength to health and strength. These are the first eonsid erations, but next to them I value In breeding, because of its concentration of the blood, and. If carefully prac ticed, there will be no decay or de generacy. A Point la Pruning-. Never prune to a crotch like that tree. Thus pruned, trees are very lia ble to split down with a heavy load or In a high wind, or under stress of both combined, and the time to shape the tree so as not to leave a crotch Is be fore or when they leave the nursery. I have, jxThaps, fifty trees tbui wrongly pruned, because I did not, twenty years ago, so fully understand ami feel the necessity of avoiding a crotch from the first, says W. I. Cham berlain in the Ohio Farmer. Trees often come from the nursery that divide Into two and sometimes three almost exactly equal branches, about four feet from the ground and at a pretty sharp angle. You dislike to remove either of the limbs. Still, It should be done, or you will have, as I now have, many large trees dividing In a crotch of two or three nearly equal limbs; well-shap ed and symmetrical trees, but almost sure to spilt down unless they are bolir ed, and the latter Injures the trees. Charcoal and Ita Valne. Charcoal Is most beneficial (o potted plants If broken In pieces the size of a small chestnut and added to the soli In the proportion of one part to twenty of earth. M. Sanssure has shown by his experiments, according to the I'hlladel phla ledger, that the application of carbonic acid to the roots gives luxuri ant growth above the soil. Charcoal, If kept moist, combines with oxygen. and emits carbonic acid. The best of drainage for the pots of the window gar den Is two Inches deep of these bits of charcoal. An excellent liquid food for plants In pots Is made of one tablespoonful of soot to one quart of water. Soot holds n Its component parts charcoal, salts of ammonia, potash ami soda, oxide of ron, silica, alumina, sulphate of lima and carbonate of magnesia. P-hipping Celery. In shipping celery there Is no advan tage In leaving earth on the roots; shake it off and park in boxes of moderate size, so that the roots shall not be more than two or three tiers deep, otherwise there Is danger of heating In warm weather.' Let the cover have open spaces between the boards for ventila tion In warm weather, but when there Is danger of severe frost It may be cov ered tightly. Manure for Krnlta. A food mixture approved by fruit growers Is KH) pounds kalnlt, aoo pounds acid phosphate or dissolved bone anil IS) pounds nitrate of soda. After being thoroughly mixed, this is broadcasted In the fall for orchards and vineyards. For small fruits it is used, one-third as top dressing late In he fall, one-third very early In the prlng, and one-third In the drill before planting. Precautious Auainst Hiunt. The spores of smut will live a long time In the ground, or In manure, and every care should be taken to destroy hem. Cut out every diseased stalk icfore It has time to ripen and resow tself. One preventive is to select the seed before husking time; taken from he crib, It will very likely have come n contact with infected corn. Feedlna Pnmlanr. The best way of getting rid of "purs. ley," or purslane. Is to feed it to the Igs. It Is difficult to destroy, and re sists heat and dry air for a while, even when the roots are turned un. When sed as food for pigs, and some one mployed to provide it, the crop of purs- ley soon begins to run short, like ativ titer desirable food. CuMuue Unharmed by Freezing. Cabbages are unharmed by freezing If of hardy varieties, but Early Win- egstadt, a tender sort. Is nearly spoil ed by freexlug. While luirvlnif rah. bage top down may have Its advan tages, mine are set In a cellar bottom ou their roots, and keep well Into spring. Pnre-Hred stock. The nearer you can get to full blood In breeding, do matter what purpose you have In view, the more certain you re or securing good results. If you doubt this, keep an eye on the most suc cessful stock farmers of your acquaint ance. You know this Is true. snd. In finding successful stockmen, always turn to breeders of high-grade and pure bred stock. A new edition of Professor da Flllp pe's "Simplified and Practical Meth- j od." for acquiring In tbe shortest time) 'complete fluency of speech In the French and Spanish languages bee just been issued. In bis notes to tbe "Narrative of Arthur Gordon I'ym," Professor Geo. Kdward Woodberry says that much of the "Narrative" was taken from Cap tain Benjamin Morell's "Narrative of Four Voyages to the South Seas and Pacific." James Payn and Andrew Lang have both taken to giving lists of books they have "stuck In" and could not get through without an effort. Among them are "Oil Bias," "Don Quixote," "MarcelU." "Robert Elsmere," "Dom bey and Son," and "The Light That Failed." Although Jose Echegaray, tbe Span ish dramatist, baa written more than a hundred plays during tbe past twenty years, nearly all of them successful, he aspires to be famous as a mathemati cian rather than as a playwright lie writes plays In the Intervals of leisure from bis scientific studies, and none of them has cost him more than a -fortnight's labor. Echegaray Is a lively old man of seventy, and he has recently learned to ride the bicycle. He makes the curious boast that up to the age of fifty be bad read every novel published In England. Twenty thousand dollars, the price paid Mrs. Humphry Ward for the serial rights in her new novel. Is not the largest ever paid to a popular novelist According to Mr. R. H. Sherard, Le 1'etlt Journal pays Rlchebourg, Mary and Montepln from fifteen to twenty thousand dollars for the serial rights In their novels. Having become rather tired of paying such high prices for Its feullletons, the editor now offers a prlre of ten thousand dollars for a serial story. Mme. Marlnoul, a woman of the working class, reads all the fic tion manuscripts submitted to I.e Tetlt Journal, and she Is a. good Judge of the sort of story that appeals to the iissc. She likes plenty of sentiment and In sists upon decency. A Hard-Hnaded Farmer. "Miss Minnie Bertha Learned will now give us some very interesting ex periments In chemistry, showing the car boniferous character of many ordinary substances, after which she will enter tain us with a short treatise on astron omy, and an Illustration of the geolog ical formation of certain substances, and close with a brief essay entitle!, 'Philosophy vs. Rationalism.' Thus spoke the president of a young ladles' seminary on the class-show day. A hard-headed, old fashioned farmer happened to be among the examining board, and he electrified the faculty, and paralyzed Miss Minnie by asking: "Kin Miss Minnie tell me how much sixteen and three-fourths pounds of beef would come to at fifteen and a half cents a pound?" "Why, really, I-I " gasped Miss Minnie. "Kin you tell me who la the vice president of the United States f "Why-I-I-Mr. B , Isn't he? Or Is It " "Kin you tell me where the Missis sippi River rises and sets?" "I I don't Just know." "I reckoned ye didn't Gimme the good old days when gals and boys went to school to larn sense." fcmall In Comparison. When It comes to emoluments, au thors rank below lawyers. Rudyanl Kipling's seven words for one dolls said to be highest price paid any liter ary man of our times, reails very small in comparison with what was paid Judge I'axon for a literary article. I'ntll Mcleod came on the scene the Reading Railroad had used an old sign at the crossings, "Beware of the En gines and Cars," with a mass of fur ther Instructions in small print In some suits for damages It was claimed that the warnings were not clear. Mc- Leod went to Judge Paxon, who com posed this admirable notice: "Hall road Crossing -Stop, U)k and Listen!" For this little composition he received the modest sum of four thousand seven hundred and ninety-six dollars and six ty -six cents a word. A Question of Doctrine. A hardshell naptist minister, press ing In a siM'alled I'nlou church In a Vermont town, at the close of bis ser mon announced to the congregation that the pulpit would be occupied the following Sunday by a I'nlversalU "They believe," said he, with the sol emn air of a man whose convictions as to the hereafter are stronger ui sturdier than the oaks of the forest, "that al) men will be saved. But, brethren," he continued, Intoning the remark with a Itigubrlona expression, "we hope for better tMne." Royalty on Vacation. Kings and queens, like other people, are now enjoying their annual outing! The queen regent of Spain and tbe lit! tie king are at Mlramar, near Ran Se bastian; the king of Portugal Is at Casceas, King Leopold of Belgium is at Oitend. Queen Wllbelmlna of Hol land and her mother are at the chateau of Sandryth, near I trecbt; the cxar and csarina are at I'cterhof, Kink Oscar and his family are at the Palace of Tull garn, tbe queen of Italy Is at Oreasan. ey and King Humbert Is at his shoot ing lodge In tbe Vails d'Orooo, la the Oralaa Alps. When children have to "wait" at din Ber, they will hate tbe guests,