The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, November 07, 1895, Image 1

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    The Sioux County Journal,
Tba Christian and Comaoa-RtiiM
lew of Trials of Speed by Ike Mora
-Mb Bestlne with Betting-The Wty
to Drive a florae.
ace Course Evlla.
1b hit sermon fur laat Sunday, Iter. Dr.
Tannage diacuased a topic which for
Month past haa been a familiar one In
the daily press vis., 'The Dissipation
of the Kace Course." Ills text waa Job
mil., 10, 21. 20: "Hst thou given th
horae strength? Haat thou clot I.e.! hl
nark with thunder lie psweth In tli
valley and rejolceth; he goeth on to meet
the armed men. He aalth among (lie
' trumpets, ha, hal and he smellelh the bat
tle afar off, the thuuder of the captain,
and the shouting."
We have recently had long coin nine of
hitsillgence from the rare course mid mul
titudes nocked to the watering place to
witness equine competition, and there l
lively dlacuaaion in all household about
the right and wrong of inch exhibition of
mettle and speed, and when there le a her
esy abroad that the cultivation of a hone'
neatness it an Iniquity instead of a com
mendable virtue at euch a time a avrinon
la demanded of every minister who would
Hke to defend public moral on the one
band and who is not willing to aee an un
righteoui abridgment of innocent amuae
meat on the other. In tbia discussion 1
hall follow no aermonic precedent, but
will give independently what 1 consider
the Christian and common aenae view of
thla potent, all absorbing and agitating
question of the turf.
A Noble BeeeU
There need to be a redietribuUon of
coronet among the brute creation. For
agea the lion haa been called the king of
beasts. I knock oft it coronet and pot
the crown upon the horae, in every way
nobler, whether in ihape or pirit or sa
gacity or Intelligence or affection or nse
fulne. He ia seinihuman, and knowa
now to reason on a amall scale. The cen
' omen tunes, part none and part
nan, aeeuia to be a auggestion of the fact
that the home ia something more than a
heart. Job in my text sets forth hi
trength, hia beauty, bia majesty, the
panting of hia noatril, the pawing of hi
nooi ana til entiiuaiaam for the battle.
What Itoaa Bonheur did for the cattle
and what landaeer did for the dog, Job
WHO mtgntler pencil doe for the horse.
Eighty-eight times doe the Bible apeak of
him. He comes into every kingly procea-
Kn anu into every great occaaion and
Into every triumph. It ia very evident
mat Job and David and Isa ah and Exe-
klel and Jeremiah and John were fond of
the borne. He conic into much of their
imagery. A red horse that meant war.
A black horae that meant famine. A
pale borae that meant death. A white
bnrae that meant victory, Good Mor
decai mount him while Haman hold the
bit The church' advance in the Bible i
compared to a company of horses of
I'haraoh'a chariot. Jeremiah cries out,
"How canst tbou contend with horae T'
laaiah say, "The horse' hoof ahall be
eonnted aa flint." Miriam clap her cym
bal and lings, "The horae and the rider
hath he thrown into the aea." Ht John,
describing Christ a coining forth from
conquest to conquest, represent him na
aeated on a white horae. In the parade
of heaven the Bible make n hear the
clicking of hoof on the golden pavement
aa It aay, "The armie which were In
heaven followed him on white horses." I
should not wonder If the horae, so banged
and brtiied and beaten and outraged on
earth, should have some other place where
his wrongs shall be righted. I do not
aert it, but I say I hould not be sur
prised If, after all, St. John's description
of the horse in heaven turned out not
altogether to be figurative, but somewhat
Honored of God.
As the Bible make a favorite of 'the
horae, the patriarch, and the prophet, and
tbo evangeliat, and the apostle atroking
hi leek hide and patting hi rounded
neck and tenderly lifting hi exquisitely
formed hoof and listening with a thrill to
the champ of hi bit, so all greut nature
in alt ages have spoken of him in eneoini
aatic term. Virgil in hi Georgia- almost
seem to plagiarize from this description
in the text, so much are the descriptions
alike the description of Virgil and the
description of Job. The Duke of Welling
ton would not allow any one irreverently
to touch hi old war bora Copenhagen, on
whom he had ridden fifteen hour without
dismounting at Waterloo, and when old
Copenhagen died, hi master ordered a
military salute fired over hi grave, John
Howard showed that he did not exhaut
all his sympathies in pitying the humun
race, for when aick he write home, "Ha
my old chaie horse become aick or spoil
ed'" There Is hardly any passage of
French literature more pathetic than the
lamentation over the death of the war
charger, Marchegay. Walter Scott has so
much admiration for this divinely honored
creature of God that in "St. ltonan'
Well he orders the girth slackened and
the blanket thrown over the amoking
flank. Edmund Burke, walking in the
park at Beaconafield, musing over the
past, throw hi arm around the worn
out horse of bin dead aim Richard, and
weep upon the horae' neck, the horae
seeming to sympathise in the memories.
Rowland Hill, the great English preacher,
waa caricatured becanse In hi family
prayer he supplicated for the recovery of
a tick horse, but when the horse got well,
contrary to all the prophecies of the far
rier, the prayer did not aeem quite so
much of an absurdity.
Tba Abuse of tbe Horse,
lint what ahall I aay of the maltreat
ment of thl beautiful and wonderful erea
tare of God T If Tboma Chalmers In his
day felt called upon to preach a termon
against cruelty to animals, bow much
Mora to tbia day la then a need of repre
hend va discourse. All honor to tba matt
ery of Prof. Bergh, tbo chief apoatk for
tba brat creation, ror ta mercy no de
oaades aad achieved for thla king of
A mi waa owae ,0W beraaa,
and euine aay 40,000, wrote in the Bible,
A righteous man regardeth the life of h
beaet." Hir Henry Lawrence' care of th
uorae wa beautifully Christian. Me aay
1 expect we ahall lose Conrad, though
have taken so much rare of him that be
may come In cooL I always walk him the
laat tour or five miles, and aa I walk my
self the first hour, it Is only in the middle
of the journey we get over the ground
The Ettrick Shepherd in hi matchless
"Ambrosial NIglite" speak of the mal
treatment of the horse as a practical bins
pliemy. I do not believe In the tranauii
gration of souls, but I cannot very severe
ly denounce the idea, for when I aee men
who cut and bruise and whack and welt
and strike and maul and outrage and In
ult the horse, that beautiful aervant of
the human race, who carries our burden
and pulls our plow aud turn our thrash
era and our mill and ruu for our doctor
when I aee men thu beating and abua
lug and outraging that creature, It Beeiua
to me that It would be only fair that the
doctrine of tranamlgratloa of aoula should
prove true, and that for their puulahmuiit
liiey should pa over Into some poor
miserable brute snd be beaten and whack
ed and cruelly treated and froaen and
heated aud overdriveu into an everlast-
lug stags horse, an eternal traveler on a
towpath, or tied to an eternal post, in nu
eternal winter, smitten with eternal epi
Oh, ia It not a shame that the brute
creation, which had the flrst possession of
our world, should lie o maltreated by the
race that came In laat the fowl aud the
fish created on the fifth day, the horse and
the cattle created on the morning of the
aixth day, and the human race not created
until the evening of the aixth day? it
ought to be that if any man overdrive a
horse, or feed him when he i hot, or reck-
Itssly drives a nail into the quick of hi
hoof, or rowel him to ee him prance, or
o hoe him that hi fetlock drop blood,
or puts a collar on a raw neck, or unneces
sarily clutches hia tongue with a twisted
bit, or cuta off hia hair until he ha no de
fense against the cold, or unmercifully ab
breviate the natural defense against in
sectiie annoyance that auch a man ns
that himself ought to be made to pull and
let hia horae ride!
A Question of Speed.
But not only doe our humanity and our
Christian principle and the dictates of God
demand that we kindly treat the brute
creation and especially the horse, but I go
farther and say that whatever can be dime
fortbedeveloptnent of his fleetneaa and his
trength and hi majesty ought to be
done. We need to study hi anatomy and
hi adaptation. I am glad that large
hook have been written to show how he
can be best managed and how bia ailment
can be cured and what hi asefuine Is
and what hi capacities are. It would be
a shame if in this age of the world, when
the florist ha turned the thin flower of
the wood into a gorgeous rose and the
nomologist has changed the acrid and
gnarled fruit of the ancient into the very
poetry of pear and peach and plum aud
grape and apple and the anarling cur of
the orient haa become the great mastiff,
and the miserable creature of the olden
times barnyard ha become the Devon
shire, and tbe Alderney, and the Short
horn, that the horse, grander than them
all, ehould get no advantage from our sci
ence or our civilization or our Christian
ity. Groomed to the last (mint of soft bril
liance, hi flowing mane a billow of beau
ty, hi arched neck in utmost rhythm of
curve, let him be harnessed in graceful
trapping and then driven to the farthest
goal of excellence and then fed at luxuri
ant oat bin and blanketed in comfortable
stall. The long tried and faithful servant
of the human race deserves all kindliest,
all care, all reward, all succulent forage
and soft litter and parndiuical pasturu
field. Those farms In Kentucky and in
different pnrta of the North, where the
horae 1 trained to perfection in fleetnen
and in beauty and in majesty, are well set
apart. There is no more virtue in driving
slow than in driving fast, any more thiri
n freight train going ten miles the hour is
better than an express train going fifty.
There I a delusion abroad in the world
that a thing must be necessarily good and
Christian if it i alow aud dull and plod
ding. There are very few good (teople
who seem to imagine it is humbly pious to
drive a spavined, galled, ghmdered, spring
halted, blind ataggered jade. There ia not
so much virtue in a Hosinante a In a Hu
cephaln. We want swifter horae and
wifter men and swifter enterprises, and
tbe church of God need to get off its jog
trot. Quick tempest, quick lightnings,
quick streams; why not quick horses? In
the time of war the cavalry service doe
the most execution, and a tbe battles of
the world are probably not all past, our
Christian patriotism demand that we le
interested in equinul velocity. We might
aa well have oorcr guns in our arsenals
and clumsier ship in our navy yard than
other nations, a to have under our caval
ry suddlr and before our park of artil
lery slower home, from the battle ot
Granicu, where the Persian horse drove
the Macedonian infantry Into the river,
clear down to the horses on which Philip
Sheridan and Stonewall Jackson rode into
the fray, this ami of the military service
has been recognized. Hamilcur, Hanni
bal, Gustuvu Adolphus, Marshal Key,
were cavalrymen. In thl arm of the ser
vice Charles Martel at the battle of Pol
tiers beat back the Arab invasion. The
Carthaginian cavalry, with the loss of
only 700 men, overthrew the Roman army
with the los of 70,000. In the same way
the Spanish chivalry drove back the Moor
ish horde. Tbe best way to keep ieaee
in thl country and in ail countries Is to
be prepared for war, and there is no sue
ces In auch a contest unless there be
plenty of light footed charger. Our
Christian patriotism and our instruction
from the Word of God demand that flrst
of all we kindly treat the horse, and then
after that, that we develop hia fleet ness.
and hia grandeur, and hi majesty, and hia
An Atrocious P.vll.
But what ahall I aay of the effort ko
ine made in tbia day on large aeala to
make thla splendid creature of God, tbia
dlvlnaly honored being, an Inatrument of
atrocious stilt I maka no Indiscriminate
assault against tba turf. I believe In tba
turf if It cm bo conducted on right prin
ciple, an with no batting. There la no
abort ham la offering a prla for tbo
wtftaat ram thaa that ia hana at aa
Perpetual Tontb.
If from the mud, and rut, and joH
The road waa alwaya free,
Each horse would still remain a colt
A young aa he uaed to be.
The joy of good market la clouded
by the grief of a poor road.
Isn't there a road nuisance In your vi
cinity that should be abolished?
It'a Just too bad, the condition In
which many a road la permitted to remain.
The bad roads habit that haa so long
afflicted this land must and shall be
A good road enables tbe laay farmer
to loaf longer at the Tillage store, and
it makea it possible for the thrifty
farmer to go back and gat another load.
agricultural fair In offering a prize to tbe
frauier who haa tbe best wheat, or to the
fruit grower who ha the largest pear, or
to tite machinist who presents tbe best
corn thrasher, or in a school offering a
prise of a copy of Shakspeare to the beat
reader, or in a household giving a lump of
ugar to the beat behaved youngster.
1'riae by ail uieaua, rewards by all
mean. That is the way Uod develop
the race. Reward for all kinda of well
doing. Heaven itself is called a pries,
"The prize of the high calling of God in
Christ Jesus." Bo what 1 right In on
direction ia right In another direction.
And without the prizea the horae'a fleet-
Inn. . n.l I - - 1 i ,,,
uui; nuu sireugiu win never
be fully developed. If it cost 1,000 or
$5,000 or 10,000, and the result ha
achieved, it is cheap. But the iu begin
where the betting begin, for that I gam
bling, or the effort to get that for which
you give no equivalent, and gambling,
whether on a large acale or a amall scale,
ought to be denounced of men aa It will
be accursed of God. If you have won 60
cents or $5,000 a n wager, you had better
gut rid of It. Get rid of It right away.
Give it to some one who lost In a bet, or
give it to some great reformatory Institu
tion, or If you do not like that ao down
to the river and pitch It off the docks.
You cannot afford to keep it. It will burn
a hole in your purae, it will burn a hole iu
your estate, and you will lose all that, pr
hup 10,000 times more perhaps you will
lose all. Gambling blaata a man or it
blasts hi children. Generally both and
An intimate friend, a journalist, who
In the lino of hi profession investigated
thl evil, tell me that there are three dif
ferent kind of betting at horse race, and
they are about equally leprous, by "auc
tion pool," by "French mutual," by
what i called "bookmaklnir" all aam-
tllng, all bad, all rotten with Iniquity.
There ia one word that need to be writ
ten on the brow of every poolseller as be
sits deducting his 3 or fi per cent, and
lyly "ringing up" more ticket than were
aold on the winning horae a word to be
written also on the brow of every book-
keeer who at extra inducement scratch
a horae off of the nice and on the brow of
every jockey who slackens pace that, ac
cordng to agreement, another may win,
and written over everv indues' tand and
written on every board of the surround
ing fence. That word is "windle!" Yet
thousand bet. Lawyer bet. Judge of
court bet. Member of the Igilatur
bet Member of Congrea bet. Profes
ons of religion bet. Teachers and super
intendents of Sunday school, I am told,
bet Ladies bet, not directly, but through
agent. Yesterday, and every day they
bet, they gain, they loe, and thin summer,
while the parasol awing and the hand
clap and the huzzas deafen, there will be
a multitude of people cajoled and deceived
and cheated, who will at the race go neck
and neck, neck and neck to perdition.
Cultivate the horae. by all mean, dr re
him a fat a you desire, provided you do
not Injure him or endanger youraelf or
other, but be careful and do not harness
the horae to the chariot of siu. Do not
throw your Jewel of morality under the
flying hoof. Do not under the pretext of
improving the horae destroy the man. Do
not have your name put down in the ever
increaaing catalogue of those who are
ruined for both world by the dissipation
of the American race course. They my
that an honest race course is a "straight"
rack, and that a dishonest race course ia
crooked" track that I the parlance
abroad but I tell you that every race
track surrounded by betting men und bet
ting women and betting customs, is a
straight track I mean straight down!
Christ asked in one of hia gospels, "Is not
a man better than a sheep?" I aay yes.
nnd he is better than all the steeds that
with lathered flanks ever shot around the
ring at a race couree. That I a very sior
job by which a man in order to get a horse
to come out a full length ahead of onio
other racer o lame hi own morals t'utt
he comes out a whole lenirth behind ',n the
race set before him. 1 The Snow Blanket.
Kquine Him -niy. he value of a mantle of snow In pro-
Do you not realize the fact that there is tectlng vegetation In the flplds in win
a mighty effort on alt sides to-duy to get ter li fully understood In farming dla
motiey without earning it? That is thu ! trtcts. and the cause of the protective
curse of all the cille; it is the curse of effect of the snow 1 a most Interesting
Amcrica-the effort to get money without subject of scientific Inquiry.
earning it-ami as other form, of stenUn Ib 0ennany wherei the YouWm
lire not respectable, they go into these , .
gambling practices. I preach this sermon ComPanlon " subject Is
on square old fashioned honesty. I huvo ever allowed to escape Investigation,
aald nothing against the horse, I have aid Df- Ablels has recently made some Un-
nothing against the turf, I have said ev porta nt observations on the thermal
erything against their prostitution. Yoi ng ' properties of snow. He has found that
men, you go into straightforward Indus- I the looser the snow the greater Its
trie, and you will have better livelihood, t0 protect the I(, Wnm
end you will have larger permanent kmc- , , lt. ... , ... , . :
cess than you can ever et by a wager but from thn effecU of ternl chnngos of
you get in with aoino of the whisky, rum mr't'ftture.
blotched crew that I aee going down on Snow generally offers about four
the boulevards; though I never bet, I will ' times as much resistance to such
risk this wager, $r,(HKl,oKI to limning, changes as a sheet of Ice of the same
you will be debauched mid damned. thickness offers. When snow becomes
Cultivate the home, own him if you can cm9y imoked, therefore, It Is less ef-
HTlAl Z"J i"'; !'.! as a protection to pbutt life thsn
careful which way you drive. You cannot whon U Ilwi loOHply "l""1 the ""Tare,
always tell what direction a man i driv- 1 otner experiments show that while a
ing in by the way hi horse head. In my , blanket of snow protects the ground be
boyhood, we rode three mile every S-ib- neath from the chilling effects of the
bath morning to the country church. We I winter atmosphere, yet the surface of
were drawn by two fine horae. My futher the snow Itself, esneclallv In cler
He knew them, and they knew j we.ther. Is colder than the lr ht
Farmers and Good Boada.
It la the "old county paper" that the
farmers read moat carefully. A trans
lation of some learned European scien
tist's essay, republished in the Upper
crust Review, never touches them.
Tbey never aee It Not that the fann
ers of the country are not extensive
readers, but their reading, like charity,
begins at home.
If BUI Jinking, their local newspaper
man, says they should have better
roada In their vicinity, It carries with
It tea times the force it does when Prof.
Noah Heap Whiskers, of Yarvard Col
lege, says the same thing In the Hum
ming Bird Critic.
The rural preas Is In touch with the
people, and It Is through the country
newspaper that the gospel of good
roads Is now being preached to the
farmers of the land.
To the farmers, who, when the sub
ject of good roads Is under discussion,
declare "we will not submit to addi
tional taxation to Improve our roads,"
the rural press responds: "You are sub
mitting to taxation every day, the most
burdensome taxation, by your failure
to tax yourselves to Improve your
roads. The wear and tear of your ve
hicles, your losses In time on account
of poor roads, your losses by reason of
the small amount of freight you are
able to transport, and above all the
heavy lotwes that poor roads give to the
reputation of the State constitute an
annual burden of taxation ten times
greater than the amount you would be
compelled to bear to give you Improved
highways." With the local newspapers
In every vicinity working for Improved
highways, and the agricultural press
paying especial attention to the sub
ject, the farmers will soon be aa enthu
siastic as their brother wheelmen.
leather satchel. Lincoln waa the flint
President to employ him a a barber
at the executive mansion, and for some
reason he baa always been able to get
the same privilege by every sucoeasive
When President Grant returned from
bis Inauguration, the door of the White
House waa opened for him by this bar-
bar, whom be questioned aa to what po
sition he field In the White House.
Sometuing in the fellow's speech or
manner pleased Grant, and he told
him he was to consider himself In
stalled uuring bis term. During the
early daya of shaving the Presidents
tba barber took bia meals with the
other serranta in toe White House
kitchen. Whether or not. In addition to
this, he waa paid a regular sum or tlp-
Jd each morning he has never been
known to state. In all matters he Is
close mouthed and rarely speaks of any
occurrence In the White House. Ch.
eago Tribune.
Too Ixng About It.
The Hoxbury Gasette Is responsible
for an amu.lng story of a falling out
between a Boston grocer and a lady.
The lady was one of the f usay and long
winded customers fortunately not
very numerous who try the patience
of shopkeepers, and the grocer on this
particular occasion was perhaps suffer
ing from an attack of dyspepsia. As
every one knows, grocers In general
are models of patience and politeness.
Are those eggs fresh?" the lady
asked, In a provoklngly suspicious tone.
"Yes, ma'am," replied the grocer.
"Are you quite sure?"
"No doubt about It, ma'am."
"Now, If there Is any doubt about It
I shouldn't care to buy any."
You can depend upon It, ma'am, I
wouldn't say they were fresh If they
There were three bad ones In those
I bought the other day."
'You won't find none of these that
The lady took time to consider. Then
she began again:
'Now, you say you are poaltlTe there
are perfectly fresh?"
"That's what I said, ma'am."
"You'll take back the bad ones If I
find any, won't you?"
"You must take them Juat aa they
"You'll warant that there are no bad
ones among them, won't you?"
"No, ma'am, I won't I'd 'a' warrant
ed them when you came In, but they've
grown old since then. You can't expect
eggs to last forever, ma'am, and another
thing "
But the lady waited to hear no more.
The door slammed, and the bargain
was off.
Ojretera In Dainty Vsusbiasw
Oysters cooked a la pooletta If aas)
of the most delicious ways they may
bo served. To prepare them put a boll
quart of oysters on the stove to boil la
their own liquor. As soon as tbey bagin
to boll, skim carefully and torn Into
a strainer and when they have been
well drained set them aside, Put half
a plntof tbe oyster liquor Into a aanee
pan and when It begins to boll stir Into
It one heaping teaspoonful of flour.
mixed with three tablespoonfuls of cold
water. Boll gently five minutes longer.
Put a pint of cream Into a double bolt
er, and when It begins to boll add tba
thlekened oyster liquor. Season wltb
salt, pepper, a slight grating of nut
meg and a grain of cayenne. Hart at
band the yolks of four eggs, well beat
en, and add to them half a cupful of
cold cream. Now add to the cooking
mixture the oysters, a tablespoonful of
butter and finally the egg mixture. Cook
for three minutes, stirring all the time.
Then remove from the fire Immediately
and serve with a border of puff paste
cakes. If you choose, add a tablesnoea.
ful of lemon juice just as tbe oysters
are taken from the lire.
Coat of Living In Parts.
An able statistician has been estl
mating the cost of living in Paris at
the present time and has compared
with that of forty years ago. He shows
that In the 'BO's an average middle class
family could do with a budget of 10,000
francs, or 400, annually. That did not
mean luxury, but It was sufficient for
comfort, and required no economical
engineering for the purpose of making
both ends meet. Nowadays the case Is
different, and an official with a wife
and three children dependent on 10,000
francs a year has to work miracles of
saving In order to avoid getting Into
debt. Accordingly, In leas than half a
century the conditions of life In Paris
have been completely modified. It Is
no exaggeration, In fact, to say that
prices have doubled, and with them has
Increased the desire for a more luxuri
ous mode of living than that led by the
average Parisian of the TjO's. The
statistician has revealed nothing new,
but his figures serve to emphasise the
fact that the French capital la the
most expensive place of residence In
Europe. London Dally Telegraph.
him. They were friends. Sometimes they
loved to go rapidly, and he did not inlcr
fere with their happiness. He had nil of
u in the wagon with him. He drove to
the country church. The fact is, that for
eighly two year hu drove In the same di
rection. The roan span that I speak of
was long ago unhitched, and the driver
put up hi whip in the wagon house never
again to take it down, hut in thoue ooil
old times I learned something that 1 never
forgot, that a man may admire a horse
and love a horse and be proud of s horse
snd not always be willing to take the dust
of the preceding vehicle, and yet b
Christian, an earnest Christian, a humble
Christian, a consecrated Christian, use
ful until the laat, so that at hia death the
chnrch of God cries out as Bliaha ex
claimed when Elijah went up with gal
loping horses of Are, "My fsther, my
father, the chariots of Israel and the
horsemen thereof!"
snow tends to lower the temperature
of the atmosphere, and where broad
areas of country of extensive mountain
slopes are covered by it, Important cli
matic conditions may be produced by
the Influence of the snow.
, He Shaves Presidents.
Presidents of the United States since
Lincoln nave been shaved dally dur
ing their occupancy of the White House
by the same barber, a colored ninn, who
at the present time, because of this
fact, enjoys a $1,400 clerkship In the
Treasury Department He Is a good
clerk and writes a fine hand. Notwith
standing all thla, be still pursues his
calling of presidential barber. Every
morning while tbe President Is In
Washington this clerk goes to the White
House, carrying a satchel, rasors.
At the lowest depth from which spe- soap, cups, brushes, and strops. This
clmens of the bottom have been brought 1 duty Is always promptly at o'clock,
up, 116 different sped) of Infusoria aad few of his fellow clerks know why
were fonai. he never appears without that black
Anarchists In European Countries.
About 2,000 persons In France are
marked as anarchists, and are con
stantly watched by the police of the
various European countries, according
to La t Igaro, of whom 500 are French
and l.nflf) are foreigners, Italy leading
with 040, followed by Switzerland with
.500, Germany and Russia with 240
ench, Austria and Belgium with (10
each. As regards occupation, shoemak
ers, carpenters and day laborers of all
nations furnish Inrge proportions of the
anarchists, while the educated profes
sions hardly appear. German tailors
and printers, Swiss watchmakers nnd
farmers, Italian clerks and bakers, and
French waiters and persons without
avowed business tend more to anarchy
than those of other nationalities. The
Russlansdlfferfromalltheothersln that
30 per cent of the persons under sur
veillance are students, another 30 per
cent, profession a.l men, and hardly 1 per
cent have occupations requiring no
Pudding In Khrme.
Tbe following receipt, taken from aa
old book written In 1850, was found ex.
Into one pint of purest drink
Let one teacup of clean rice sink,
And boll till all the water's gone
No matter whera. Stir with a snoon.
And deftly add of milk one quart;
doii nil it thickens as it ought,
Stirring it with the aforesaid spoon
Till it is smooth and white and done.
Then add three egg yolks beaten light,
On lemon's rind all grated right,
And of white sugar welt refined
Eight spoons, by stirring thus combined.
New pour the mixture in a dish
Of any slse that you may wish,
Aad let it stand, while with a fork
Yon beat the whites as Haht aa cork
The whites of th three ears. I mean:
And when they're beaten stiff and clean
Add eight spoonfuls of sugar light,
And put the frothing, nice and white,
Upon your pndding like a cover
Be sure yon spread it nicely over.
In a cool oven let it brown
We think the pudding will go down.
How to Care for Wood Floors.
A housekeeper who Is noted for her
neatness says that a wood floor In the
house Is as much care aa a baby. This
Is no doubt true, and yet a little atten
tion systematically given the floor each
day Is productive of marvelously good
results. A flannel bag made to slip over
the bristles of a broom makes an ex
cellent and convenient polisher. The
wood floor should be swept each morn
ing with this flannel-covered broom,
and twice a week it should be carefully
oiled. If the floor Is of hard wood use
linseed oil, while If It Is stained or paint
ed the inexpensive crude oil will an
swer Just as well. It ehould be rubbed
upon the floor with cheese cloth rather
than flannel to avoid the lint scatter
ing over the floor. To deep-stained or
varnished floor light-wipe frequently
with a solution of milk and water.
Stuffed Peaches.
Mrs. Borer's receipt for stuffed
peaches calls for six or eight peaches
peeled, halved and the stones taken
out Chop fine six English walnuts and
six almonds. Fill the crevices from
which the stones were taken with chop
ped nuts. Stand the peaches in a
saucepan, so that they will not fall
apart; If there Is the slightest danger
spike them through with a wooden
toothpick. Sprinkle four tablespoon
fuls of sugar over the peaches; cover
the saucepan and let them stand where
they will steam for ten minutes. Lift
them carefully and serve cold wltb
The Life Plant.
There Is a plant In Jamaica called the
life plant, because It Is almost impossi
ble to kill it or any portion of It. When
a leaf Is cut off and bung up by a
string It sends out whits, thread-like
roots, gathers moisture from tbe air
and begins to grow new leaves. Even
when pressed and packed away in a
botanist's herbarium It has been
known to outgrow the leaves of the
book In which It was placed. The only
way to kill It Is by the heat of a ht
Iron or boiling water.
Chocolate Custard Pie.
Lovers of chocolate In any and every
form can make this addition to a com
mon custard pie. Beat one egg to a stiff
froth, then add pulverized sugar and
grated chocolate with one-half tea
spoon extract of vanilla; spread this
on top of the pie and let It harden for
moment In the oven. Or you may pre
pare It In still another way. Put tbe
chocolate In a basin on the back of tbe
stove and let It melt (do not put any
water with It); when melted beat one
egg and some sugar with It; In the lat
ter case It will be a regular chocolate
brown color and in the other a sort of
The White Elephant.
The Burmese "Lord White Elephant"
and the King of Burmah share all the
white umbrellas In that country be
tween them. Tbe king of men has nine,
the king of elephants has two, but bo
has also four golden ones. Not area
the heir-apparent, when there la one,
has a right to use tbe white nmbtaUav
He has only eight golden ones. The
net of eren an ordinary whlte-OTerod
umbrella wonld be regarded as a deo
laratlon of rebellion on bia part, Mf
wonld load to his Immediate ttetw&a.
. , i.