Mi ' li 111 I l lMg t " " Tlw n i. v I ii drink in n li- diana dt mthi mutt tiefjceftrtli tnkr Hun ground floor without mimic and wiltl uoiurtanu bHwrn-ii him and the ful gUra of Hi pubiio gme. It mail's wila or small ou or tiia b loved pastor desirtt to look od while h imbibes a whisky-sour, t litre can be nut td a Otaspap t to hi(l him. Ibis l the U-rrlti.e part Of the lit w tempt-ratice law in Indiana. Nauouul T-rnp-rHriv Advocate. KNOWLEDGE Brinps comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly uwd. The many who live bet ter than others and enjoy life more, with lea expemliture, by nuire promptly adapting the world's Ix-nt product to thc'nwiln of physical Wing, will attest the value Ui h'ulth of tie pure liquid laxative principle embraced in ths remedy, Hvrup of Fig. Iu exrx'lleiice is due to il presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taxte, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax ative ; effectually cleaiuinj the KYutcm, iiapelling coldit, headachi-s and fevers ana permanently curing constipation. It baa pi Teii anliitfaction to millions and net with tho approval of the medical profeaxion, becau-e it acta on the Kid neys, Liver and liowcla without weak ening them and It U perfectly free fruia very objectionable nulwtance. Byrup of Kir i for sale by all drug gists in 60c anil 1 bottles, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Hyrup Co. only, wlione name is printed on every package, also the name, Byrup of Fijrn, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if ollured. S;mpt3ms el ?Jhij:u tnm I f Ltntotn, fithr 1-m t. Nebr., Maf a, uea Dr W Ilianu' Mr11ta- , H-Iirtdv. S. V. Ortniax - Ihlt i to certify that 1 am I ret drut l Ixh glu, u Cunut , NVbr., aul am eiiitity fn ul a.'. I have bwa aa alumri cou.aul tufter r uarl' all mf hie dilate Tears f iiav bai tats In n.y bark and llmba, i b nutnt.unia nd rtcliiis italious in the -xireuiiile wtiieh sm hr aieutit p o -ouueed ym, b.ii.suf paralysis. LmH fail. liavl-iK tirartj Itiroiittti fit- lidi of the virtu. of It. illiMii.s I'ilA I'd t tor rla rVoilr. 1 pun haned a l.ail duU'ii b"e dirw-l from you and began taMaf theia accurd.ug m direetlona At lb u time the anion ol tnj heart was gtr ism ma great anxiety. Its ulliuua er eak and nnrertain, ailh palpi allon and vry alani.ing yrapurus tii-on the leaal excite ment o- over eiertlun. I Uiinesa aud head aelie were of freijue .t occurrence. In a very li.rt time alter beirlniilof treat ment wiin ibe pllii I becau h irefleru The nuiu uea beeame ltifre.juefit and leas vera, when locomotion waa eaier. Tr ubie Intra palpl ation dwreaaed and i eiierieoed a belter eolidillnn of Ketier.l health ao that I felt twenty jean younger. 1 felt ao much belter when the tlx boxea we'e Kn that 1 ilWon titineil tie tnieni aittttfether. tin the advent of xpnna and warm weather I beiian to l.l a return I the old ym U)in, Ui aim.a extern. o purrhaaed another ix boxe of your t II ii from Mi-r. :. E. Cla k A Co., of fyraeme, Nthr., whli h, no d. ulit, will have the mm, good t fleet the Hut lot did Ilekpeetfillly, Mm. K. M. wb Dr. Wllliaina' fink Pll' for I'ale People are onw iclven to the piihlle as an utifmlinit blood bnilner and nerve relnrer, rurlnit all fo m of weaknesa ailMna from a watery co dill n of the blood or unaltered r.erves. The pill are id by all ilealera, or will lie aent .t paid on leeeipt of price (ruent a IkiX, or ix noses lor U.-'ift "hey are never mid In bulk or by the Vt) by aibl ewittiK Jr. Willlaina' Medicine Com pany, wbenei.'taiiy, N. Y. HIS WITS SAVED HIM Car Th Pt. Jos-ph and Gr-nd Ialand R. R. SHORTEST and QUICKEST LINE TO ALL rolMTS NORTH WEST HAST SOUTH tion".e Union Pacific Syntem IHHI rVIIIIIIK. HOCTK fo California. Urt noli and all Wentern I'olnu. For tnlorma'lon reuardmi; rule-, etc , call on r aiblreM any ajent or H M. Aiwit, M. I'. H.isiiwiN. Ja , li-n. I'aaa At. iien'l MnK r, ft. Jwph, lo. from One F.vil to a IVlirMi. Opium Btiiiiking in China, according to I tie, Chipese histories of the matter, hai Us origin in an attempt of a Mum emperor, who reigned from lfr.JH lo Ifi-H, to suppress tobacco smoking, lie failed to get rid of tobacco, but he es tablished the practice of opium smok ing. When the Kant India Co. look the opium trade Into lis hands the drug had been a leiral Import for up ward of three hundred years.-Chicago Evening l ost. "If you have anything to say, why don't you say It, and be done with it?" '1 never cast my peur8 before swine." "Well, I don't know as 1 can blame you; It would bean insult to the swine." lii ston Transcript. Mr. Wlnalow's emnHiNn HTKflr for chili... ren teething, Milieus the tuns, re.niee liillnu mation. am J pani,ciire wind colic, ooitls. Realization. Nephew Do you ki""' u cle, I dreamt h.st night thai jou lent me 8lo! I'nc'e (generously) is that so? Ah! well, you may keep them. Otto. -Lal'erriKpiet. Th nervous syatem is weakened by the Neuralgia Torture. Vfr-, i Every nerve is trenihned In the cureolltbjr Put Your i ! Foot In It ! when you buy inferior soap instead of the genuine SahtaClausSoap The favorite of every woman who ever used it either in the laundry or for all around the house rUanintr. Sold everywhere. Made only by THE H. K. FA1RBANK COMPANY, Chicago. Highest Of ail m LeavewiAg fuwer. Latcs U. S. Gov't iUpoft Am luclden la a Ueftr1! trxat Won Uk "A man who has hie wiu about him," remarked a learned Judi. "is greater than he who conquer a city, or word to that effect, for he la always sure of gettlug there." "In respect of what IT waa the In quiry, made with the ulterior purpoae of drawing the Judge out, for he knew a good many things worth the telling. "In many," be went on. "but In thU particular case I refer to an experience I had when I was pracUcing for two or three years, and had an Idea that Coke. Biackstone et al. were scarcely In it with ma In the ordinary busiueaa of the courts. There were a lot of young fellows at our bar, and I am free t confess that we did not always maintain the dignity of the law which is one of its strongest poluts. Some times we even exceeded the limits, and now and then somebody bad a flue to pay for contempt We had fun at times with vlslt'ng lawyers, aud the best practical Joker In the lot was always held In great respect by the rest of us. "One day an old lawyer from the neighboring county s.-at was defending a prisoner for stealing a cow, I believe, and I had the other side and was quite sure of making my case. The old fel low had been la our court mauy times, and he was the slowest aud longest talker I think I ever listened to. He didn't seem to know when to let up. Well, on this occasion he had been talk ing until the young fellows were worn out, and they thought they would teach him a lesson and at the same time help me in downing hlra. Ko they quietly went out to the telegraph oftVe, got a blank and an envelope and Hxed up a telegram which read: "Great Caesar, Governor, won't you ever stop talkinu?' "Then they got a boy to bring the message Into the court room, and they sat around the bar to see the old man fall dead when he read the dispatch. The boy came In all right aud the sher iff promptly delivered the message. Of course, everything became quiet when the point was reached and the lawyer asked permission of the court to read his messaire: he tore It open amid breathless silence, everybody watching him, and those who were In the Joke expecting an explosion as soon as the end had been reached. Hut there was nothing of the kind. lie read It over slowly once, then more slowly again, and then he loeked up at the Judge and over to the Jury. " 'M.iy It please the court,' he said In tremulous tones, 'I have Just received a message announcing the death of a very near and dear relative, one who,' and his l!p quivered, 'was more to me than I can tell, and I must imk to be excused from speaking further.' "This was an entirely unexpected turn to the affair, and of course the Jokers wero powerless to change the current They simply sat dumfound ed, while the old fellow was aked to finish his speech. He finished very briefly, but It was to the point, and when my turn came to end the business I was not In It with the grief stricken man by my Bide, and the Jury gave the case to my opponent without leaving the room. "After It was all over the old lawyer called one of thn crowd aside and said sometliing to him with a mild sort of a smile that resulted In his taking up a collection among ns sufllclent to pay for a fine dinner for the entire bar." Wash ington Star. in.ei tirl (to ber niacin) What is -t Head letter, please) ? Msouiua Oue i hat ha been fHwmt to your father le poet. Household Word. . , Pre mature baldness may be preveuteil and the hair made to grow on heads al-rea-'y baM, by the a-e ol Hall's Vegetable fek-iiian Hair Kenewer. I'ncle "You only wrie every month I had to write Lustige Ulatter. me one twice," Ph Knows Her KairM-ea An ingenious bride, so the story coes, baa evolved a happy scheme for keep ing ber husband true to the protesta uons of bis wooing. The encatrement eras a long one, love letters exchanged eeinn. V 1 h these letters she has pre pared tier boudoir. No man could, in face of such evidence of eternal devo ;ion, object to the price of a new bon net, or to be stingy In the matter of pin money, ishe has him where the bair is ihort. "Yes," said the business man to the jlergywan, "I've lost a good deal of ;ime in my life." "Ily fritterine it way, I supposeT' "Xo by being punctual to my appointments." I5os kD Courier. Hazel I have one of the nicest dent als you ever saw. Kutte In what way? i azel Why, be pulled out the ivrong tooth the other day and wouldn't sharge me a cent for it. New York Herald. Mudge Another man called me a liar the other night 1 absley What lid you do ? Well, as he was three lizes biceer than I, I asked him whv he couldn't sty something original."- Indianapolis Journal. "Ah, but it's bis good record that Hands in bis way." "How?" "lie has foolishly always made it a point to pay ;ash for everything, and consequently he hasn't the least bit of credit." Chi cago Evening Post. "What was the most confusing case you ever had?"asked the doctor of the lawyer. "Case o'charnpagne," returned the lawyer. ''I hadn't got half through It before I was all muddled up Harp er's llazar. In lioston, of course: Illcks "But, really, what kind of a looking girl is this Miss lleekon ?" W icks- "Well, I can hardly Bay; you see, the didn't have her glassi-s on the day I Baw her." Boston Transcript. A-lOMf lauuu ul f i ait. After sound fruit of the riffht varie ties is obtained, the essei.tials for pres ervation are a temperature only a few degrees above the freezing point, even and nt subject to change, with pure air, not too dry. These conditions are to be had rarely outside of a house built lor the purpose. And one thing Is especially to be kept in mind: Fruits will not keep long in good condition after having been in such a room any considerable length of time. ' Miss Passe indulged in somewhat withering sarcasm when she was talk ing to you." "It is her privilege, poor thing. She is somewhat withering her self," Indianapolis Journal. Bow's Thlst We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for anv cane of Catarrh that cannot be cured hv I i all's Catarrh 'are. F. J. I'lIKNEY A CO., Props, Toledo, 0. We the iimlerHiened have known K. J, Cheney for the lant 15 years and believe him rerlei-tlv honorable in all liiisiness transactions and financially able to carry out anv obligation made bv their firm. WiktA' Tri-x. Wholesale Druggists, To ledo O. Waltincj. Kikkam & Mabvik Wholesale Drugg.sts, Toledo, O. Hull's Catarrh ('lire is taken internally, acting direetlv upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75c per Uui't Work Well lo-etnar. The secretary of the Bible society in Fayetteville, U., in a report says: Thirty-five years ago we had thirty distilleries in oar courty and no churches. No we have thirty churches and no distillery. The two institu tions do not work well together. Id fact, where the rum traffic is flourish ingas in Ireland, for instance -the most prominemt buildings are likely to be poor-houses, prisons, hospitals aud lunatic asylums. Mits Townsend "Do you find much difficulty in keeping help here?" Mrs. f-uourb Indeed, yes. It is next to im possible to keep a girl more than a week." "Miss Townsend "Why is that too far from the city?" Mrs. Suburb "Oh, no. I think not; bat you see we have only one policeman in tows, and he's married. "Judge. "Papa, where are the most diamonds foupd ?" asked Willio. "In someboc'jr else's hand when they are trumps," growled papa, who'd been having hard luck at whisi. Ha-per's Btzar. bottle. Sold monials free. by all Druggists. Testi- I"asenger That fellow back there is raising a great row because he has to stand. Conductor Yes; he's riding on a pass! Chicago Record. JONEM IIE PATH THE Kl:lHT." j- Farm and Wagon m SCALES. Caltad staix staoUani. All Siiee and A" aln"' Hot mi by tr" w controlled by a rirabinotioo. ruf r'rra It. and Hnce Lil, addrrw jor or BIN till AMTO.V, Hlaskaaiun, N. ., V.!.A. J ASTHMA MPHAM'S ASTHMA SPECIFIC niTMrtll-'f In rit minute, fl -nd l.ir a rut. trial lia. ""'''J ' adr Ws. rtiriue. rsiurj. KIT. All fii.wiM-"llfJ''rUi' S,m Vi Nerve Rtftorer. N" tr 'taali-rth. tir .lav im vaknia u.a. 'I and f " ''" t'Hi-af -"- ' ' ''', '"" U M. ti. I. ho. 3S0-44. WIIKN WKITIXO TO AO laaae aay Ibe ad.rllam-"! la thla paper. "There's money in stocks.'' said the man who Is young and enthusiastic. "Yes," replied his seasoned friend, "I'm sure there Is. I bave been putting half my salary there for the last four years, and it's all there yet."Waslilng ington btar. "Ever have any trouble with your wheel?' "No yet," said the isweet Young Thing, "bo far whenever I have run over anyone I hatto been able to get away before he got up." In dianapolis Journal. fbollv Vaehtsman (). could 1 be ...... t - j your mainstay? bhe (looking at the clock ) You are. No one else Hays alter half past II. Syracuse Post. Blxby What lilluts are girls whi n they Imitate men! Marie flittered) -Do you think so? 1 bis proves how excel lent the Imitation is. Truth. Ncarinf- the Ae ol Olass. A North Carolina Inventor, C. W. McLean, has patented a numlK-r of curious devices. A lining them is a irln.su coffin which Is guaranteed proof agnlnst decay and rats. So long as no deliberate attempt In made to stimuli it, It ought to Inst forever. Another con trivance is a staircase made wholly of glass, steps, landings and newel posts being all of that material. Yet another is a Klass bnrrcl. But perhaps the mo:it remarkable Invention of Mr. McLean is a billiard table of glnss. Glass bricks are now being made nud the time will come perhaps when glass bouses will not bo much of a curiosity. Piso's Cure for Consumption is an especi ally good medicine for Croup. Mrs. M. R. A vent, Jouesboro, Texas, .May Oth, lH'Jl. Cheerup (to Tom liardup. v ho has a lot of bad debts and no money, but who is the only heir to a very old, very healthy and very wealthy aunt) ".Vow don't get discouraged, Tommy; there is your Aunt Maria." Tom liardup "Yes, there she is; that's the trouble Boston Trancript. Your Happiness Depends noon a heaithy body and a contented mill... Your Health is seriously in danger unless your blood is rich, red and pure. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the 0; e True Blood Purifier. Prominently in the Public Kye. Hood's iils '". all liver ills, bilious ness, hernial hes. 25c. A Clever Cat. William Gllcn, of New London, threw some lobster meat to his cat Cats are very fond of this delicacy, so what was William's surprise on seeing Grimalkin lug the meat around the corner. Fol lowing her, lie found that she had placed It carefully In front of a large rat hole as a bait Then she lay In wait behind a barrel until an unwary rat camo out and snapped the bait, when pussy pounced on him and broke his back with a single shake. Hart ford Courant. ; Ayer's Cherry Pectoral "Five yenrs ago my wife was sick with bronchitis. We tried different physicians, but ber caan was pronounced boiMilea. A Irlmid recom mended Ayi-r's Cherry P lo ral. Hha tried It, and, In a short time, she wna entirely cured." Kai-i ltoTmiiu, Ltvoriuore, Ky. It cured these two. ' My mother has been a great sulTurer from asthma for ten years, anil her recov ery Is Hluiost without a par nllel, on account of her Bdvnneed age over seventy. Klie. bss been cured by only a pnrt of a bottle of Ayore binrry Pectoral." -Inoli ISA, Tar lirook, N. 8. IT WILL CURE YOU TOO. Delta of the Danube. An Anglo-Dutch syndicate Is trying to reclaim thn land in the delta of the Danube, between the St George's and Sulln.t branches, by means of dikes. The dredging of the bar now permits vessels drawing twenty-one and one half foot to reach Sullna, and before long It Is hoped the channel will be deep enough for ships drawing tweuty-four feet. One Meaning. "Say, pop, what does the letters IV C. mean dat dey always put after Washington?" "Dey means daddy of his country, yo' fool chile, yo'. Why doan' yo' read hlsfry ?" "The baby did come mighty nigh los ing named Trilby," auld the lean man with the yellow vest, "but I manage! to save her." "How?" asked tho fnt man. "Told my wife that we would be liable for Infringement of tho copy right laws." Indlnnnpolls Journal. Tell a woman that she doesn't look well, and you have furnished a topic of conversation to laat an hour. w THE. , COAPAMION T Remarkable Offer! Free to Jan. i, 1896. Dew Subscribers who will cut out thn coupon and send it AT ONCB with name and address, and St.75, will receive FREE Our Handsome 4-page Calendar, litho (raphed in 14 colors. Retail price 50c. FREE The Youth's Companion every week till January 1, 1896. FREE The Thanksgiving, Christmas and Hew Tear's Double Numbers. And The Companion 3a Weeks, A Full Tear to January, 1897. " 5a Times a Year." HI:RE are few famous writers in Great Britain or the United States who have not already contributed to The Youth's Companion, but some illustrious recruits have been found, who, collaborating with the old favorites, will enable its editors to make the paper notably brilliant during the coming year. Statesmen, poets, famous scientists and travellers, eminent lawyers and deliKhtful story-writers will provide entertainment and instruction lo, our friends and subscribers in a richer measure than ever before. Our Distinguished Contributors. The Princess Louise. The Dean of Salisbury, 'i n 'arquis of Lome. Bishop Cleveland Coxe. T'dc Lord Chief Justice of England. Bishop Doane. Sir Beniamin Ward Richardson. Sir Edwin Arnold. The Secretary of the U. S. Navy. The Secretary of the Interior. The Secretary of Agriculture. Judge Oliver Wendell Holmes. W. H. Russell of The London Times. Admiral Elliot. Frank R. Stockton. Charles Dickens. W. Clark Russell. Archibald Forbes. General Nelson A. Miles. F. D. Millet. Hon. Thomas B. Reed. Andrew Carnegie. And More Than One Hundred Others. Camille. Flammarion. Justin McCarthy. Admiral Stevens. Admiral Markham. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, 201 Columbus Ave., Boston, Scad Ckeck, Pml-Oltlct or Eipress Order, or Registered Lelter, st Our Bisk. Mass. "A Handful of Dirt May Be a Houseful of Shame." Keep Your House Clean with SAPOLIO ('HEALTH SIGNAL a health signal. The baby's mission, its work in life, is growth. To that little bundle of love, half trick, half dream, every added ounce of flesh means added happiness and com fort. Fat is the sienal of perfect health, comfort, good-nature, baby-beauty. Scott's Emulsion is the best fat-food baby can iiave, in the easiest form. It supplies what he cannot get in his ordinary food, and helps him over the weak places to perfect growth, For the growing child it is growth. For the full grown, new life. Bi imrt yen fit Scell'i Kmuhttu mkn jwa Mr mni nil a tktmf nhtiluti. Scott & Bowne. New York. All Druruu. hoc and $1. Go to California in a Tourist Sleeper. It is the RIGHT way. Pay more and you are ex travagant. Fay less and you are uncomfortable. The newest, brightest, cleanest and easiest rid ing Tourist Sleepers are used for our Personally Conducted Excursions to California, which leave Omaha every Thursday morning reach , ing San Francisco Sunday evening, and Lou Angeles Monday noon. You can join them at any intermediate point. Ask nearest ticket agent for full information, or write to J. Francis, 0. P. A., Omaha, Neb. i ian - - . -''' ' '