The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 31, 1895, Image 1

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    The Sioux County Journal,
MTk Latah of God Who Takes Aw
the Bias of the World" A Remark
ably Powerful and Clear Bible Story
Abrahaa aad Isaac
Leaaoa of a Beacae.
la bis sermon last Sunday Rev. Dr.
TaJniage choae for hia subject Abraham
supreme trial of faith and the angelic res
cue of laaac from being offered by b
lamer aa a sacrince. "ine text waa
Genesis nil., 7, "Behold the fire and the
wood, but where ia the lamb?"
Here arc Abraham and laaac, the one
a kind, old, gracious, affectionate father,
the other a bra re, obedient, religious son
From hia bronted appearance you ran tell
that tbia aon baa been much in the 6eld
and from hia shaggy dreaa you know that
he baa been watching the herda. Th
mountain air haa painted hia check rubi
rand. He la 20 or 25, or, aa some sup
pose, S3 jeara of age, nevertheless a boy,
considering the length of life to whi
people lived in thoae times and the fact
that a bod never ia anything but a boy to
a father. I remember that my father iiHd
to come Into the houae when the children
were borne on some featal occasion and
aay, "Where are the boysT although "the
boys" were 25 and 30 and 35 year of age.
Ho tbia Isaac ia only a boy to Abraham,
and tbia father'a heart ia in him. It i
laaac here and Isaac there. If there is any
festivity around the father'a tent, Isaac
muat enjoy it It ia Isaac's walk an
Isaac a apparel and Isaac'a manners an
laaac'a prospects and Isaac'a prosperity
The father'a heartstrings are all wrapped
around that boy, and wrapped again, un
til nine-tenths of the old man's life is in
Isaac. I can Just imagine how loringly
and proudly be looked at hia only aon.
A Burnt Offerln.
Well, the dear old man had borne
great deal of trouble, and it bad left it
mark upon him. In biemglyphira of
wrinkle the story waa written from fore
head to chin. But now hia trouble eeems
all gone, and we are glad that he ia very
soon to rest forever. If the old man shall
get decrepit, Isaac is strong enough to
wait on him. If the father gets dim of
eyesight. Isaac will lead him by the hand,
If the father Income destitute, Isaac will
earn him bread. How glad we are that
the ahip that has been in such a stormy
sea is coming at last Into the harbor. Are
you not rejoiced that glorious old Abra
ham la through with hia troubles? No, nol
A thunderbolt! From that clear eastern
sky there drops into that father's tent
voice with an announcement enough to
turn black hair white and to stun the
patriarch into instant annihiliation. God
said, "Abraham!" The old man an
awered, "Here I am." God said to him
" my son, tny only aon Jsaao, wnom
thou lovest, and get thee into the land
of Moriah and offer him there aa a burnt
offering." In other words, slay him. cu
hia body Into fragments, put the frag
roents on the wood, set fire to the wood
and let Isaac's body be consumed to ashes,
i .snninsjism; Murderr said some
one. "Not so, said Abraham. I hear
him soliloquize: "Here is the hoy on
whom I have depended. Oh, how I loved
him! II was given In answer to prayer,
and now must I surrender him? O Isaac,
my aon! Isaac, how shall I part with
you? But, then, it la always safer to do
as God asks me to. I have been in dark
places before, and God got me out I
will implicitly do aa God has told me, al
though it Is very dark. I can't see my
way, but I know God makes no mistakes.
and to him I commit myself and my dar
ling son.
r.nny in the morning there is a stir
around Abraham's tent. A beaut of bur
den is fed and saddled. Abraham makes
no disclosure of the awful secret. At the
break of day be says: "Come, comi;
Isaac, get up! We are going off on a two
or three days journey." I hear the a
hewing and splitting amid the wood until
the sticks are made the right length and
ine ngni micgness, and tnen they are
fastened on the beast of burden. They
pass onthere are four of them Abra
ham, the father; Isaac, the son, and two
servants. Going along the road, I see
Isaac looking up Into his father's face
and saying: "Father, what is the matter?
Are you not well? Has anything hap
peneof jre you vmi t iean on my
arm." Then, turning around to the ser
vants, the son says, "Ah, father is getting
old, and he hns had trouble enough in
other days to kill him!"
The nay of the Tragedy.
The third morning has come, and it is
the day of the tragedy. The two servants
are left the beast of burden, while Abra
ham and his son Isaac, as wss the custom
of good icople in those times, went up on
the hill to sacrifice to the Lord. The wood
is tnken off (lie beast's back and put on
I urine's l,nk. Abraham haa In one hand
u pan of coal or a lamp, and in the other
a sharp, keen knife. Here are nil the ap
plirance for siicriliee, you say. No, there
is one thing wanting there is no victim
no pigeon, or heifer or lamb. Isaac, not'
knowing that he is to be the victim, looks
up Info his father's face and asks a ques
tion which must have cut the old man to
the tme".My father!" The father said,
"My son, Isaac, here I am." The son
said, "Behold the fire and the wood, hut
where is the lamb?" The father's Hp
quivered, and his heart fuintcd, and hia
knees knocked together, and his entire, mind and soul shiver in sickening
anguish us he struggles to gain equipoise,
fr he does not want to break down. And
then he looks Into bis son's face, with a
thousand rushing tendernesses, and saya,
"My son. God will provide himself a
The twain are now at the foot of the
hill, the place which is to be famous for a
most transcendent occurrence. They
gather some stones out of the field and
build ap altar three or four feet high.
Then they take this wood off Isaac's back
and sprinkle it over the stones, so as to
help and Invite the Bams. The altar Is
done it Is all done. Isaac baa helped to
'MM R. With kla taktr be has die-
cussed whether the top of the table is
even and whether the wood ia properly
prepared. Then there ia a pause. Tim
son looks around to aee if there is not
some living animal that can be caught and
butchered for the offering. Abraham
tries to choke down his fatherly feelings
and suppress his grief, in order that be
may break to bis son the terrific news
that he is to be the victim.
Ah! Isaac never looked more beautiful
than on that day to his father. As the old
man ran bis emaciated fingers through his
son hair he said to himself : "How shall
I give him up? What will his mother aay
when I come back without my boy? I
thought be would hsve been the comfort
of my declining days. I thought he would
have been the hope of ages to come.
Beautiful and loving and yet to die un
der my own band. O God, ia there not
some other sacrifice that will do? Take
my life and spare his! Tour out my
blood and save Isaac for his mother and
the world!" But this was sn Inward
struggle. The father controla his feel
Ings and looks Into his son's face and
says, "Isaac, must I tell you all?" His
son said: "Yes, father. I thought you
had something on your mind. Tell it."
The father said, "My aon Isaac, thou art
the Iamb!" "Oh," you say. "why didn't
that young man, if he was 20 or 30 years
of age, smite into the dust his infirm
father? He could have done It." Ah!
Isaac knew by this time that the scene
was typical of a Messiah who was to
come, and ao he made no atruggle. They
fell on each other's necks and wailed out
the parting. Awful and matchless scene
of the wilderness. The rocks echo back
the breaking of their hearts. The cry:
"My son! My aon!" The answer: "My
father! My father!"
The Arm of God.
Do not compare this, as some people
have, to Agamemnon, willing to offer tip
his daughter, Iphigcniu, to plase the god
There is nothing comparable to this won
derful obedience to the true God. You
know that victims for sacrifice were al
ways bound, so that they might not strug
gle away. Itawlings, the martyr, when
he was dying for Christ's sake, said to
the blacksmith who held the manacles,
"Fastens those chains tight now, for my
flesh may struggle mightily." Ho Isaac's
arms sre fastened, his feet sre tied.' The
old man, rallying all bis strength, lifts
him on a pile of wood. Fastening a thong
on one side of the altar, he makes it span
the body of Isaac, and fastens the thong
at the other side the altar, and another
thong, and another thong. There la the
lamp flickering in the wind, ready to be
put under the brushwood of the altar.
There is the knife, sharp and keen. Abra
ham struggling with hia mortal feelings
on the one aide and the commands of God
on the other takes that knife, rubs the
flat of It on the palm of his hand, cries to
God for help, comes up to the side of the
altar, puts a parting kiss on the brow of
his boy, takes a message from him for
mother and borne, and then, lifting the
glittering weapon for the plunge of the
death stroke his muscles knitting for the
work the hand begins to descend. It
falls! Not on the heart of Isaac, but on
the arm of God, who arrests the stroke.
making the wilderness quake with the
cry: 'Abraham! Abraham! I,ay not
thy hand upon the lad nor do him any
What is this sound hack in the woods!
It Is a crackling as of tree branches, a
bleating and a struggle. Go, Abraham,
and see what it is. Oh, it was a rain that
going through the woods, has its crooked
horns fastened and entangled In the
brushwood and could not get loose, and
Abraham seizes it gladly and quickly un
loosens Isaac from the altar, puts the rum
on in his place, acts the lamp under the
omsnwooa or ine aitar, ami as tne dense
smoke of the sacrifice liegina to rise the
blood rools down the sides of the altar and
drops hissing into the fire, and I hear the
words, "Behold the I.atnb of God who
takes away the sins of the world."
Vi ell, what are you going to get out
this? There is au aged minister of the
gospel, lie says: "I should get out of it
that when God tells you to do a thing,
wnemer ir seems reasonable to you or
not, go ahead and do it. Here Abraham
couldn't have been mistaken. God didn't
speak so Indistinctly that it was not cer
tain whether he called Sarah or Ahime
lech or somebody else, but with divine
articulation, divine intonation, divine em
phasis, be said, 'Abraham!' Abraham
rushed blindly ahead to do his duty, know
ing that things would come out right.
Likewise do so yourselves. There is a
mystery of your life. There Is some bur
den you have to carry. You don't know
why God has put it on you. There is
some persecution, some trial, and you
don't know why God allows it. There is
work for you to do, and you have not
enough grace, you think, to do it. Do ns
Abraham did. Advance, and do your
whole duty. Be willing to give up Isaac,
and perhaps you will not have to give up
anything. Mehovah-jireh' the Ixird will
provide." A capital lesson this old min
ster gives us.
Ood Will Provide.
Out yonder in his house is au age. I
woman. I he light of heaven In her face,
he Is half way through the door; she has
her hand on the pearl of the gate. .Mother,
what would you get out of this subject?
'Oh, she says. "I would learn (hut it is
ti the last pinch that God conies to the ).
lief. You see, the altar was ready, and
Isaac was fastened on it, and the" knife
was lifted, and Just at the last moment
Jod broke in and stopped proceedings,
Ho it has been in my life of seventy years.
V ny, sir, mere was n nine wnen the Hour
waa all out of the house, and I set the
table at noon and bad nothing to put on
it, but five minutes of 1 o'clock a loaf of
bread came. The Lord will provide. My
son was very sick, and I said: 'Dear
xird, you don't mean to take him away
from me, do you? I'lease, Intnl. don't
ake him away. Why, there are neigh
bors who have three and four sons. This
s my only son, this Is my Isaac. Ixird,
yon won't take him swsy from me, will
you? But I saw be was getting worse
nd worse all the time, and I turned
round and prayed, until after awhile 1
felt submissive, and I could say, Thy
will, O Lord, be done!' The doctors gave
him op, and we all gave him np. And,
aa waa the custom in those times, we bad
made the grave clothes, and ws were
whispering atxmt the last exercises when
I looked, and I saw some perspiration on
his brow, showing that the fever had
broken, and be spoke to ua so naturally
that I knew he was going to get well.
He did get well, and my son Isaac, whom
I thought was going to be slain and con
aumed of disease, waa loosened from that
altar. And, bless your souls, that's been
so for seventy years, and If my voice were
not so weak, and if I could see better, I
could preach to you younger people a
sermou, for though I can't see much I
can see this: Whenever you get into a
tough place, and your heart is breaking,
if you will look a little farther into the
woods you will see, caught in the
branches, a substitute snd s deliverance.
'My aon, God will provide himself a
lamb.' " ,
Typical of Jeaaa,
Now, that aged minister has made a
suggestion and this sged woman has
made a suggestion. I will make a sug
gestion Isaac going up the bill makes
me think of the great sacrifice. Issac,
the only son of Abraham. Jesus, the only
son of (Sod. On those two "onlys" I
build a tearful emphasis. O Isaac! O
Jesus! But this last sacrifice was a more
tremendous one. When the knife was
lifted over Calvary, there was no voice
that cried "Stop!" and no hand arrested
It. Sharp, keen and tremendous, it cut
down through nerve and artery until the
blood sprayed the faces of the execu
tioners and the midday sun dropped a veil
of cloud over its face because it could not
endure the spectacle. O Isaac of Mount
Moriah! O Jesus of Mount Calvary!
Better could God have thrown away into
nmhilation a thousand worlds than to
have sacrificed his only Hon. It was not
one of ten sons it was his only Hon. If
he had not given up him, you and I would
have perished. "God RO loved the world
that he gave his only" I stop there, not
because I have forgotten the quotation,
but because I want to think. "God so
loved the world that he gave bis only be
gotten Hon, that whosoever believetb In
him should not perish, but have everlast
ing life." Great God, break my heart at
the thought of that sacrifice. Isaac the
only, typical of Jesus the only.
You see Isuac going up the bill and
carrying the wood. O Abraham, why not
take the loud off the boy? If he Is going
to die so soon, why not make his last
hours easy? Abraham knew that in cur
rying that wood up Mount Moriah Isaac
was to be a symbol of Christ carrying his
own cross up Calvary. I do not know
how heavy that cross was whether It
was made of oak or acacia or Lebanon
cedar. 1 suppose it may have weighed
100 or 200 or 300 pounds. That was the
lightest part of the burden. All the sins
and sorrows of the world were wound
around that cross. The heft of one, the
heft of two, worlds earth and hell were
on his shoulders. O Isaac, carrying the
wood of sacrifice up Mount Moriah. O
Jesus, carrying the wood of sacrifice uo
Mount Calvary, the agonies of earth and
hell wrapped nronnd that cross. I shall
never see the heavy load on Isaac's back
that I shall not think of the crushing load
on Christ s back. For whom that load?
For you. For you. For me. For me.
Yon say: "If this young man was 20 or I
30 years of age, why did not he resist?
Why was it not Isaac binding Abraham
instead of Abraham binding Isaac? The
muscle in Isaac's ami was stronger thun
the muscle in Abroham's withered arm.
No young man 25 years of age would
submit to have his father fasten him to a
pile of wood with Intention of burning."
Isaac was a willing sacrifice, and so a
type of Christ who willingly came to save
the world. If all the armies of heaven
hud resolved to force Christ out from the
gate, they could not have done it. Chriit
was equal with God. If all the battal
ions of glory had armed themselves and
resolved to put Christ forth aud make him
come out and save this world, they could
not have succeeded in it. With one
stroke he would have toppled over angelic
and archangelic dominion.
But there was one thing that the om
nipotent Christ could not stand. Our
sorrows mastered him. He could not bear
to see the world die without an offer of
pardon and help, and if all heaven had
armed itself to keep him back, if the gates
of life had been bolted and double barred,
Christ would have flung the everlasting
doors from their hinges and would have
sprung forth, scattering the hindering
hosts of heaven like chaff before the ,
whirlwind, as he cried: "Ix, I come to
suffer! IO, I come to die!" Christ a ,
willing sacrifice. Willing to take BethU.-
hem humiliation and snuhedrin out nice
and whipping post maltreatment and Gol
gotha butchery. Willing to suffer. Will- 1
ing to die. Willing to save. I
How does this affect you? Do not your
very best impulses bound out toward this 1
painstaking Christ? Get down at his j
feet. O ye people. I'ut your lips iigaiiMl j
the wound on his right foot ami help kiss
a way the pang. Wie the foam from his I
dying lip. Get under the cross until you !
feci tlu baptism of his rushing tears. Take
him into your heurt, with wannest love
and undying enthusiasm. By your resist
ances you have abused him long enough.
Christ is willing to save you. Are you
willing to be saved? It seems to me as if
this moment were throbbing with the in
vitations of an all compassionata (Jod.
I have been told that the cathedral of
St. Mark stands in a quarter in the cen
ter of the city of Venice, and tlmt when
the cluck strikes 12 at noon all the birds
from the city and the regions round about
the city fly to the square and settle down.
It cnnie in this wise: A large hearted
woman passing one noonday across the
square saw some birds shivering in the
cold, and she sen tiered some crumbs of
bread among them. The next day at the
same hour she scu tiered more crumbs of
bread among them, and so on from year
to year until the day of her death. In her
will she bequeathed a certain amount of
money to keep up the same practice, and
now, at the first stroke of the bell at noon,
the birds begin to come there, and when
the clock has struck 12 the square la cov
ered with them. How beautifully sugges
tive. Christ comes out to feed thy soul
to-day. The more hungry you feel your
selves to lie the better It is. It Is noon,
and the gospel clock strikes 12. Come In
flocks! Come In droves to the window!
All the air is filled with the liquid ehlniei
Cornel Corns I Comal
Brief OlsssM at Vaawlee 'oas'sklma,
Vrlveleae, Mayhap, aad Tot Offered
la the Heps that Uo adlaa Prove
ateetfal to Wearied WeaasutfcUa.
Oooaip frosa Oay Oalkuh
Raw Xsrk correspond aaosi
dearly what the
distinctive features
of last-year's jack
ets ware, th
amlnar of the pre-
ant supply will for
a time taluk that
the current stock la
In all essential par.
Oculars the same,
ana be pitssaed or
disappointed, a C
cording as her purse
la scant or full But
possessors of the
latter style of pock-
etDook were never
yet denied the opportunity to wear gar
ments that from their appearance prove
their newness, and ao closer examina
tion shows that lent year's garment will
Dot be much better able to masquerade
aa this year's than la usually the case.
Btlll there Is comfort for thoae who must
rely on last season's Jackets, for they
will not be ao devoid of stylishness aa
to be hopelessly unfaahlonable. The
new one will differ from them chiefly
In length and tsize of sleeves, the former
being shorter and the hitter larger.
When the garment deurt from the
simple sort, the difference become
more apparent, for the present schemes
of ornamentation are quite new. Furs
and braid are the chief trimmings, afld
Jet garnitures are also employed. As
to colors of the Jackets, oyster shades
are atlU worn, putty color, a little dark
er than oyster, is newer, and there are
all sorts of effects In green aud brown
and dull reds. Black will have a dis
tinct air of its own, because of the mini
ber of velvet Jackets that will be worn
of that shade, and because these gar-
I menu run to originality In their de-
signs. The artist puts one of these be
I side the Initial letter, and adds a iniilT
because dealers are already trying to
dispose of muffs and Jackets to go to
gether. As the former are of no use at
proseut, this may be only n device of
the seller to dispose of -two Items of
his stock instead of one, but it is a suc
cessful trick. The loose fronts of this
garment wldeu toward the bottom, and
Its seamless buck Is sewed to a square
'yoke, with very little fullness, and
shows a watteau pleat about an Inch
j wide at .the top. It is lined with quilted
satin. The yoke Is finished with Jet
galloon and a black faille ruffle, and
the front Is ornamented with four
pleats of the sumo silk, weighted at the
bottom with Jot ornaments. The sleeves
have fitted cuffs and Jet garniture.
The question of color may not go far
toward proclaiming that a garment la
new, but dark green will, perhaps, do
as much as any shade, and some very
desirable models are offered In It One
that fully anawers all tbe lateat re-
i qnlrements somas next In the lllustra-
dona. It books beneath the fur trim
ming, which In this model la astrakaa,
though other furs may be used In Its
place. The turned back cuffs and wide
dlrectolre revere are of dark green Tel
ret, and dark green satin lines the
whole garment, but a bint Is worth giv
ing to those who strive to keep in the
advanced class of Dame Fashion's pu
pils la that there is now a faddish fancy
for plaided linings. To those who fol
low it, It means that the lining to a
cloak, no matter how cheap it may be
In price, at once becomes an elegance If
only It be in checked or plaid material.
This extends to other garments than
wraps, as the band about this aklrt
shows; Indeed, plaids and checks are In
a furore of popularity with the scholars
of the advanced class. The mere fact
that a silk is plaid or check or double
cross-barred gives It distinction. A
wide belt of silken ribbon, a common
enough thing for some seasons, be
comes a special novelty If It's of plaid
ribbon. Women are even Invited to
buy plaid silk stockings, and sl:e who
would rather die in her boots than ap
pear in low shoes and a contrasting
stocking of any other kind will expose
to the world a bit of plaided ankle and
feel Its consplcuousness more than ex
cused by Its correct style.
When It comes to putting braid on a
Jacket, It Is safe to use a lot of It The
earlier examples of this type seem at
first to be overdone In this respect, but
that is doubtless due to their being
viewed by eyes that are unaccustomed
to such garniture, and the fact that
careful dressers don models like that
In the third picture is all the proof that
Is needed of their correctness. It means,
too, that the Impression that the first
examples create will promptly wear
away. Soutache and spangles are used
here, and three ornamental buttons are
placed upon the center fold, the fasten
ing being beneath it
Such Jaskets are made with the aklrt
very short, Just barely below the hips,
and a little longer at the back. Some
times the back ripples, but there is no
trace of ripple at the side aud, of
course, absolutely nothing but severity
In front. These Jackets are sometimes
made of smooth cloth with skirt to
match, and In some cases the strapping
done in material of another color.
while In others braid Is used, the sim
pler the Jacket the more complete the
effect made by faultless cut and stylo.
Buttons weren't mentioned In the
foregoing list of mediums for ornamen
tation, but they deserve a place, for
when the Jacketed girl replies to the
query "Button, button, who's got Un
button?" she would answer In many
cases, If she answered truthfully. "I
have, and a lot of Vm!" In the case of
the fourth pictured Jacket she might
add, too, that they were of no service
as fasteners, but were purely orna
mental. Dark cloth was the material
here, the long revera were garnished
with bias folds of the stuff, and the
standing collar waa encircled wltb a
collarette of feather trimming, from
which depended a lace Jabot
Copyright IMS.
Chicago's rich people returned to
tbe assessors of last year $2,000 worth
of diamonds and 174 worth of silver
table ware.
Incident la a Lawyer's
that Won a Case,
"A man who has his wits about him,"
remarked a learned Judge, "Is greater
than he who conquers a city, or words
to that effect, for he Is always sure of
getting there."
"In respect of whatr was the In
quiry, made with the ulterior purpose
of drawing the Judge out, for be knew
a good many things worth tbe telling.
"In many," be went on, "but in tbia
particular case I refer to an experience
I bad when I waa practicing for two
or three years, and had an Ides, that
Coke, Blackstone et al. were scarcely;
In It wltb me In the ordinary business
of the courts. There were a lot of
young fellows at our bar, and I am
free to confess that we did not always
maintain the dignity of the law which
la one of Its strongest points. Some
times we even exceeded the limits, and
now and then somebody had a fine to
pay for contempt We had fun at times
wltb visiting lawyers, and tbe best
practical Joker in the lot waa alwaya
held In great respect by the rest of us.
"One day an old lawyer from the
neighboring county seat waa defending
a prisoner for stealing a cow, I believe,
and I had the other side and waa quite
sure of making my case. The old fel
low had been In our court many times,
and he was the slowest and longest
talker I think I ever listened to. He
didn't seem to know when to let up..
Well, on this occasion he had been talk
ing until tbe young fellows were worn
out, and they thought they would teach
him a lesson and at the same time belp
me In downing him. So they quietly
went out to the telegraph office, got' a
blank and an envelope and fixed up a
telegram which read: 'Great Caeaar,
Governor, won't you ever stop talking?
"Then they got a boy to bring the
message Into the court room, and they
sat around the bar to see the old man
fall dead when be read the dlapatcb.
The boy came In all right and the sher
iff promptly delivered the message. Of
course, everything became quiet when
the point was reached and the lawyer
asked permission of the court to read
bra message; he tore It open amid
breathless silence, everybody watching
him, and those who were In the Joke
expecting an explosion as soon as the
end had been reached. But there was
nothing of the kind. He read It over
slowly once, then more slowly again,
and then he looked up at the Judge and
over to the jury.
" 'May it please the court,' he said In
tremulous tones, 'I have Just received
a message announcing the death of a
very near and dear relative, one who,'
and his lip quivered, 'was more to me
than I can tell, and I must ask to be
excused from speaking further.'
"This was an eutlreiy unexpected
turn to the affair, and of course tbe
Jokers were powerless to change tbe
current. They simply sat dumfound
cd, while the old fellow was asked to
finish his speech. He finished very
briefly, but It was to the point, and
when my turn came to end the business
I was not In It with the grief-stricken
man by my side, and the Jury gave the
case to my opponent without leaving
the room.
"After it was all over the old lawyer
called one of the crowd aside and aald
something to him with a mild sort of a
smile that resulted In bis taking up a
collection among us sufficient to pay for
a fine dinner for the catire bar." Wash
ington Star.
A Veteran 011812.
A conspicuous figure at the celebra
tion of the Society of the War of 1812
In Baltimore recently was Capt James
Hooper. Captain Hooper waa born on
July 5, 1804, and when 10 years old
was a powder boy on the United Statea
schooner Comet In the Chesapeake bay,
on which his fatuer waa an officer. Ha
remembers the events of his early
years, and no one applauded more en
thusiastically than he the allusions to
them made by the speakers at the park
celebration. The appearance of Cap
tain Hooper does not Indicate his ex
treme age. He Is of tall and command
ing stature, agile In movement, and
looks many years younger than be Is.
The captain occupied a seat In the park
pavilion, together with members of the
society, Invited guests and thoae who
took part In the exercises.
Helta of the Danube.
An Anglo-Dutch syndicate la trying
to reclaim the land In the delta of the
Danube, between the St George's and
Sullna branches, by means of dikes.
The dredging of the bar now permit
vessels drawing twenty-one and one-
half feet to reach Sullna, and before
long it Is hoped the channel will be deep
enough for ships drawing twenty-four
An Epileptic Record.
All epileptic young woman, whom
case la reported In the Lancet, seems
to have broken the record for fits. She
had 3,205 distinct fits In twenty-one
daya, an average of 152 a day, and la
one day bad 830 of them. She waa
cured with chloral hydrate and bro
mide of potassium.
Ten a woman that ahe doesn't look '
well, and yon bare furnished a tspte e
conversation to last an bonr.
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