TKX MOTJX UNTY j-outhstjlil. U. .7. Simmon. K,lit(f ami Jrop, V. F..4 M.Vtt.K.TimtM. .otn 'et. luting Nil. S, niilfal,.....10 W Sa. 6, :1e4 S: - Yut i)m higl-il 4 asti price for v le'at nae Grunt (iutlirie. llorehound compound couh. syrup ;.'riit remedy for iou;li tod colds .it tli 1'ioneer Iliarnuwy. - W. A. Bij,'eluw ti . ts to ship two :ir ioaJs of uiUle, U Omaha next Sunday. -All nominations are now in that -.ijjj;o on the oflieml hallut but tliere is -till a ltttlu time for withdrawals. iir. aoa Mrs. it. r, ;seece cams up Uiulahtof the week and moved the ,-irlii into the new house, which was juot iimpleted. - The arrival of a tie' daughter of regulation weight occurred, at the home I Mr. and Mrs. W. T- Jones on last Sunday. -It is -ortcd that R. S. Van Ml from a loud of hay at Cheyenne a I. r days a,'o and seriously if not fatally injured hiniwiif. C. F. Coffee- returned! Sunday from the 7 box L ranch ou Rawhide. He ban h veil hundred steeri gathered for mar ket and will ship from Andrews next 'iniiay. -Rev. I), J. (."lark is making an effort ( rait money to pav olf the debt ou the M. E. ( 'hurch. It would ho a very nino thing to accomplish the object "lUuht. -An epidemic of chicken-pox Mtruck Harrison la.-t week and most of the clni ilri'i) of the town li ive been having a fi'-ne with it. Sm have ben sick to amount to any thine;. Wilbur F. Hncpherd sold two car loads of caul-; a lew days iiko. He in- tended to ship them but offered Jair price for the) at hom and decided i take it and lot samn one chit take the Th platform of the Elkhoru depot U.w at hint been cleared of the numerous itoxes of fosailn which were deposited i hero by Prof. Barbour twene months ago for shipment to the state university. It i. needless to say that Htatioa Agent I'onliux appreciated the clearing made. T. J. Gibson, the Crawford dentist " ill be in Harrison Kovemler 11th ami v ill remain to fill all engagements mud 'luring the llrst three days he is here Ho will be prepared to do all work in tin one of dentistry and extracts teeth ab sdutely without pain or danger of un pleasant results. J. M. Smiley was in Tuesday' and in formed us that he expects to leave will nis personal effects in a few weeks. H will go to Seward county where hit futu ily have been for some months, but i fjotcertuin that he will remaiu there llu says it is necessary for him to mow on account of Mrs. Smiley's health, Ou last Ionday three cars were loaded here with cattle by Pratt & Fer ris, and at Andrews Phil Unitt loiuleo nix cars, Geo. II. Turner two find K. J Wilcox one, all cattle. Mr. Unitt ship- tssltwoeur loads of wheat to Seward oil Saturday and his entile k ll,er to Is; corn-fed during the winter, Tl other cattle went to Omaha. -John li, Kay nod J. U. Htirke were in town the first of the week und called Cit this office. Uol h were plaitnl on th (Kip ticket by the rereut convention ami they were ijuilo indignant at the coursi tuirsiitxl bv the umiiuwer-t. They know i - that the columns of TUB JtK'KNAl. am open to m in u tea of all public e;athennK free und no one can blame them fur feel iijk hurl at tho wieukinjt Ret reiy piac ticed by the party mumitjcru, Antony the premiums won at the slate fair by tho products from JSiou.i coliuty was mie of twenty live dollar for the greatest variety ( tiutm grasses, pretty Km) collections law lieen made hy "A. II. Green und Lb .Smith, und I- llfoik und Jerry Wih wch had a few. The conmiitltsj mneu the case U ami saw thai if each mad n entry the premium would k w talis They decided to bunch Uie un .ire ct'llection und enter It in the uaitit vif the socretary of the county society. Tltat was done and , the premium was won by one variety. Hioux county nhowed up pih) hundred und eiRht varie ties of native grasses, while the next in Uie rucw had one hundred and seven. A warrant was received by the secretary a fuw days atfo "d the money is now in the Commercial Bank to be divided utitoiig those who had an interest in the vxhihil as soon as he is instructed how it ts in be divided. Cor rMpondr nets UoiiAitc, Nkb., Oct. 82, 1 80S. )l is Miss Lucy Hill, instead of Miss Amanda, who w up from Chadron. She n balding down Iter homestead. L. Prost bus gone to Iatcs county, Missouri, on a visit. Krr.esl Bunge has relumed from VAgn tnont lo spend lite winter. C. Orewell has purchased Uie reliti Uishmont to the A. II. Mitchell home--tad ami hat put a filiraj thereon. PEKftOXAL. W. 8. Johonon was up from Glen on Tuesday, Adam Lindeman came tip from Craw ford last week. Franklin Force was up from Andrew! on Saturday. I Mis IJzzie Gerlacb re turn-J to Craw-' ford Thursday evening. Thou.a Rvidy returned to Omalta tlie last of the week, Iirw is pfost atarted Thursday eveuing for a visit in MiMOUri. Mrs. Leslie Crane returned yeterday from her visit to Iowa. Cliarles Grewell returned Monday from the northern ranges. W. I. Hoyt returned last week from a visit to his parents near Chicago. Mrs. J. H. Rartell returned Wednes day from her visit to Iowa. L. I Wilson returned from Iowa the last of the week to send the winter. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. , Smith were op from Five Points the first of the week. K. S. Van Tasse . of Cheyenne. w;u doing business iu Harrison last Thurs day. J. L. S'tiedes expects to leave in a few days for Texas where he has a job rail roading. A. K. Minium is in town representing the Iowa Life Insurance Co., and ex- pec tH to snd some time here. Postmaster Marsteller accompanied by his wile and mother went to Head wood the last of the week and returned today. M. T. Blewett, brother of County Clerk Blewett, arrived from the east on Saturday and remained until Monday. He desired to stay longer but his busi uess demanded his return. W. S. Nicholson was in town the first of the week or, his war to tho valley to look after In political fences. As he had done no canvassing he could tell much us to the situation. not So Wouder They Wanted to Keep it quieU Km...; the last isuo of TllB Jot hnal the editor has boen at some trouble to flud out what the pops did on October 12th, tho date to which they adjourned their pop-ll.zle convention early in the season. They organized by electing F. vV. Knott chairman and Dnn Klein, sec retary. They then proceeded to put up the following innocents for slaughter: County treasurer Claus Chrixtensen. County clerk M. J. Weber. County judge Robert Wilson, County superintendent J. B. Burke. County sbentf John L. Kay. County serveyor Mike Hulling, Coroner G. J. Sliafer. A wild-eyed financial resolution is re jHirtcd to have been pnssed but it was put out of reach of any one we could llnd. After the affair was over T. V. Golden talked to about it dozen people fur some time and tried to make them ieve that the present district judges ire not fit for the place and ought to be 'urnt-d down and ho nnd Westover put .ii to their places, but it in safe to wiy that he accomplished little by the course he took. The chairman and secretary quietly Med the certificate of nomination with the county clerk and hied themselves to their respective homes. Verily, the product of the gathering is fearfully nnd wonderfully made, and the actions of those who managed it is good evidence that they were heartily tshamed of t e;ir work and desired that il he kept asutet us possible, and none w ho know anything of the nitwit ion can blaiiKfhenl for thuir sh ime. They lil mil put up a man whom they hojie 'sb-ct. A little history may explain .ime things nnd the figures herewith gum are Just as they upHsar of record in the nlllce of the county clerk: Iu 1HU1 Claus ChnsU tiurt, whom they nominated for treasurer, wtis the nomi nee of tlie same party for the same nlllce nd made a thorough canvass of the en ure i-ounty unit received a total I'M votes when there was moce than 410 votes cast: he received it plurality hut two precim-fs, Ctittonwooil und While River, and tlmt was l-cuse ol those prenimtts Iwving lan thoroughly orgaiiirinl by the farmers alliance and ,s Mr. ChrisUmsen ntlilliiited w ith that or ganization he got the solid support of its members; m his own precinct out of ti total of 01 votes ho received but 0, so il evident that his neighltors do not con sider him a suitable person for the plnie. The pop managers knew that nnd knew they could elwt no one, so they put his name on tho ticket just for !lllin M. J. Welier, whom they put up for clera came into me nrena lour years ago and wits the alliance candidate for com missioner. Ho was elected and lust ytsir bis succesnor was to have been elected. In convention his party turned him down and nominated U A. Pnhlow, Mr. Weber did not take kindly to that and camo out by petition, and us lliern wo no dinnco to elect a memlKir of any other fairly lift tolicy of politnw was followedto help tho kicker nd Mr. Weber was elected. Thomi he defeated saw a chancu to lay Mr. Welter on the shelf, get him out tho way and gctevou at tho same time so they nominated him. They knew that the arbitrary ft'"1 un warranli?d attack made hy him un the present treasurer and sheriff is not forgotten and that the people would not eatruitmch & would-be dictator tfc so imjxH-tant an off! -e as clerk; that lite west ern! poM wouU not support him, and that tlie w inner bad boen named. It was a great si -heme. For tdieriff they put up John lie did not seek the place aud li-.cU ij t ret tliera to einIors N. U. Hamlin. The middle-of-tlie-riuJ play was made aud an endorsement was refused unless Mr. Hamlin would appear and show that he wore the pop brand. As he was not in the room the exposition demanded waa pot made and the dose wag given to Mr. Kav. It is his first experience in jiohtics and he did not understand the fine plays of tlie mauagers. For sujierintendent J. B. Burke was named. His was a candidate before the mass convention and has never been known as anything but a democrat, but no demand was niadu for him to show tlie pop brand. Four years ago he tan for county clerk ou the democratic tick et, made a canva of the county and re ceived a total of 60 votes, nearly 4r)0 votes having been cast. Ho got a plu rality of 1 in each of two precincts. People have not forgotten that he was one of the officials whom they had to gather with their Winchesters to pry loose on the pth of January, 1H1I0, and as they want nothin more of that kind j they will let him remain in private life. Roliert Wilson had lieen named for county judge at the mass convention so he was given the same place. Mike Rolling was named for surveyor. He has Is-en given the place in the past but never qualified. Dr. G. J. Sliafer, a democrat was put tip for coroner without showing his brand. ! any one at all acquainted with the political situation in Sioux count wonder that, the pop managers are ashamed of w hat they did or blame them for trying to keep it quiet ? Ihit Uli ii's imii a Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, lever son s, tetter, chapped liana, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruption and positive ly cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satislaotioii or money refunded. Price 2.i cents per box. For sale by Pioneer Pharmaey. -rPaper napkins for sale at Thk JofltNAL otlice. Set lee to Land Owners. To all to whom It niuy concern : 'I commissioner iipiKjlated to est itillsh a roiut t-ommeiiclna- at the eoniity line be tween Dawes unit slonx counties, and on Inuen ecvtiona 1 suit i'i tp -, raii$e M, ran mug theni-e went on hciiou line two anil sevi-n-eitfhtlis miles, llienee northwest- to u poO't auotil one ami one-half miles, thence irrt'K'iiariy lurouKa inn unu ininis to n ooint iitKjut twuiiiy rous soalli ot thesonth r,.Nl corner of section 1, township SI, rantti' 01, Ihenee irri'KUi..riy ltirouii tin: tj..u lands to h point on section line b,aween sielioni) 2 and n, lownsllip ,U, r.oixi- hi, Ihenee in a Kenernliy northwesl direelioll U lue Hall Mta-iion coriitT u.-iween sefiioiis i and A. low.ishiii 'M. rantfe iA; also co.tiinene inif at a poni t aiHful M riids south ol the soutlii-anl corner ol wiciioii I, tow nhip .1.1, r.iiiKe at, iunniti)f tuiniei; aoiiln alKiul n rous, thence souliiwest alioui ixu rtKls, 'iience to township line, Uieuee souili on uiwimhip line to lliu norili east corner ot section ia, township itt, range M, tneii'e wtislua si.ctlun line otle htlif mill; iso i-oininencliitf at u point uboul siicly rods north ol me half seulion corner On t eon sections 4 and u, township 1, raiiKe !t.i, tlleuce one Ulilu south, teriniMalinK at the quarter section corner hetweeu sections S unu in, township S.), raiiK'! W, has reported In favor or the establishment ihereoi with the loilowinir cliahKus, lo wll: Irom u point 40 rods eatil ol the soulliwust eorimr ol sec tion a, township CI, rajK" Mi it run In a southwesterly duectloii to a point twelve rods south ol the quarter corner ou south side ut section 4, tiiencn iu a northwesterly direction to n point 's roils west of said cor ner, thence IrrcKUinrly through bad lands as prayed for in petition; also, to com incucc at tt point twelve rods smith of the quarter corner ou the south side ol lection 4, township ;, ranitu M, rminiiiK thence south to ipiarter comer on south side Ol section B, tow iiHhip iti, raiiK" il and there terminate, and nil objections thereto or claims lor dauniKi's must Is-, fllcu intUeolllce ol county cle.k on or Is-ioie noouol the 'lit day ol Imceuiber, A, l. IsM, or said will be established without rcferenci thereto. M. J. lil.BW KTT, JUBJ county Clerk. Notln-tn Nuii-Ki'sidoiil ll.-fcnilaiu. 1-wls M. liald), non resident defendaiit, Is hereby notified that on m-lober ii, ist'a, Samuel .soillli ortll, plain tl Tl , Hied in tint iilstnet oiu t ot moiix County, M-brask.., Ills petition, wherein lin seeks nKalust sanl delemiaiil, and others, an uecouuu.ifr ol the amount due upon nolo ol deleudaiit, oabb, to II. t'. I'ltmon A Co., dated Ueeem-biT-i, IssVi, with InU'iwl thnreon trom date, and lor it foreclosure ol the uiortK.e se uill'iuK p Cj lnent ol said iniln, conveyunf to the hotui rof said uotn the southwest Hilar ter of section 'M, township u nortn, ol ratiK' '' w est; mid which note and molt K'1K 'r Vaillu received were itssigmlt and iraiislei red to pUniUtl' on .lune, 1, i. ami is now- ownea by ilaiiitlir. You are re quirrd tu answer said pel ilion on or brlore .aiviiiulii'rti, l-J, or said petition wid be taken coalesed to be true nv you, and jurlKuient ai.-cordiuKiy rendnrisl. i'j ai.vis '1'. i i.-iHK, I'lainlllt's Attorney. rilterliTs ShIin Ity v irtue it an irdcr ol Sale issued by the Clerk of the District Court of the I null ly of f-ioiix, mid htaf-; of Nebraska, upon it d,s:ree rciidi rwl by add (stun In faor ul IheltchlMau !shv1iiks uud lentil Assoi-la-lion and against William K. .smith, srah .sin I 111, Jessni .-in till and John w . small, 1 will ou the llth (lav of Noveinls-r, Isltfi, at the hour of one o'clock, p. in., nl said day, ut the e.'.sf front ibsir of the Court Hons. la ll.irilso,!, in said ruuniv and stale, oirer for sale aud sell the lol lowluK described real estate, towil; Lot number five, iu block number mix, (n the Tow ii of Harrison, ismu Count y, Nebraska at piiblte, unction, to the hlHisl blddei lor cash, lo sallsly ssid -Order of sl in the sum of M Hundrisl Ulty Nine and JB-too IKillars, and Interest, costs and ex: cinlnK costs. A. It. l)k, is-, 1 1 .sheriir. Alvlii T. Clark, Atty for IMalntltr. lierlirs ShK Itv virtue of sn order of sato tsancd hy the cli-i-k of tho district court of th isiimty irf Sioux and slate of Nebiaska, Hsu a de rsi rendered by said court In la.or of HofaUo Ixs'.kw ami miraiiisl Daniel hleim Aoo-lis Klein, .liiscph ti. Arinstinntt, W W, We-isi suit H. C. Il.oisetu I will, uu (he llth ta.v of NovemlMM', A I'. Is1, at Miotiour o( it) o'clock, a. ni, at thn east trout iloor rtt tle court house, In Harrison, in sain sinniy, otter and sell the (ollowing tescrlte4 real esluU:; to wit: Tho northeast uunrtcr f section thlrtv thism ($), In township thlrtv- one mil, north ul ranfe ni ty-Hirmi (aj), west of the sixth 1'. Si-In the nnlv of ltou and sluteof Nebraskn, at puls'k! Ketkin, to the highest bldU'T, tor cash, lo sntisiy said order ol In tan sum m ma.fa, mm is teTimt, costs nil sewaliuj eis. (J4JI A. . Uiw, ' sheriir. . II, fsnnlnt, Jktty.fer rilnU, Old People. Old people who require, medicitw to reulat the bowels and kidney will find tlie true remedy in Electric Bitteis. Thi in'-Uiciiii) does Hot stiinulate nd contains no whisky nor other intoxicant. I but ai ts as a twnic aud alterative. It acts mildly on the stomach and bowels, adding streugth and giving tone to the organs, thereby aiding nature iu tle (er formauce of the functions, EJctric Bitters is an excellent appetiser allCj tljt digestion. Old people (hid it just exact ly wliat they need. Price fifty cents K-r bottle at pioneer l'liarmacy. Fiual Proof yHce. All )M-roii tiavuil? limit proof notiei tu this HH-r u ill ree-tve a marked eopy of tht pHjM-r an'l ire req uustw! u emiitue tlii-ir uolice and ij any rrroi eiil repjrt Uie same to Ihi oftice at ouee. .Notice fur I'nblii-aliiiii. Ijiiel Ulliieat Alibi I Oct. I'., IHiil. , otii e l hi n lij' Kiven tli- tollouini; iooiil M'ttler tins lile'l notimi of ins inten tion to liitike d'lai il-(Hl' in sll)Mo''t ot his elaiiu, aii'i that nalf JtrtMif 4 ill lit- linete tM" fore.M.J. lileHett, eli-rk 1 it. court, at Har rison, Neh., on Nov. &J, ls'.i.',, viz: Ma bcNtJ r, f Miiry, .Ni b., wlduw of Henry lli-iti-r. di ceasi'il, bo miulH H. K. No. 'ii 'i, for the lots anil n-r. &i unit lots J and 4 M-e. 'lit tt. &') n , r 67 w. lie mimes the lollou itif; witm-sHi' lo nrovi- m" eouiinuous resnlenee upon itiul eultiva- Os-ar W . surv, olotmm U. Story, tMjtli ot Suny, Ni b., W llhur K. sheplieril, iieore il. Turner, Ixitli of llarrisfm, .i-b. (Sill J. W. W tns, JR., lti'tfistcr. Notice fur I'ulilicat ion. I-aud Oltice at Alliance, Neb., OetolH-r 7, ls'..t. , Notice Is hercbv Kiven thai tlie lollow injf named set tier lias died notice ol his inten tion to make dual proof in support ol his claim, and that said proof will lie made Is lore II. J. lliewctt, clerk of iM-drlel Court, at Harrison, Neb., ou Nov. pi, lrt'.)A, viz; Joseph M. Koliiu.em, nf Harrison, .el.. w bo uuuii; II. K. No. 41 for the s. !, lie. ',, aud e. ' nw. sec. M, tp, :M n., r. .'si w. He names tlie I olios iiiK w It uesnes l o pro Vi tus continuous residence upon ami cultiva lion of, said laud, viz; II. A. Priddy, Lewis Gerlach, David II. Kartlctl, fcdward 1'. .tlaiue, all of Harrison. Neb. i-I Ki; J. W. WKIIN, Jit., HeKisler. Notioc fur rubliriitloii. I.aud Oftice at Alliance, Nobr., i Octota-r s, iHii.i ( tin; foliowinj naineil settler has 11 led notice of his inten tion to niwke tiual proof in support ot bis cbiim, ami that said proof will be made be fore Jt.J. Itlewetl, Clerk District Court at Harrison, Neb., on ov. 1G, lsiiO, viz : William Leonard, uf Mmis I n., .Neb., who uisde Jl. K. No. lOi'I for the s. !f sw. and s. !i e. sec. S3, t p. S n., r. U w. He nuiiifls the following witnesses to prove nis cunuiiuous residence uiKin and cultiva tioti of said luiid, viz; Henry Hyde, Alva Shreeve, Uorart K Neece, Kiuery I'rosser, nil of ltd le, .Xcli. la-IOj J W . Wr.iis, JK. Kelfister. Notice tor rutillimllon. Land Oftice at Alliance, Neb., M-pt. :), IbSis. ( Kittleu Is hereby (riven mat the following uuuied statier has tli'-l notice ot his inten tion to make llual prouf in siiiipoi t ol his cluiui, ami Lhat sanl prool wio be in. ale be lore .d. J. Hiewett, t-ierk iMstnct Court at Harrison, Nnbrabka, on Nov.'.t, ioI'o, viz: Herman tiueddc. of Aruainre, M. U., who niadu II. K. No. 210.) for the lots 3 and 4, sec. tp. do n., r. .4 w., and e. n se. ;1( sec Ui, tp. i,i ii,, r. iu w. He names the ioilowin witnesses to prove his continuous resilience upon and cttitiva lion ot, sunt laud, viz: I'ulur t icdeiifelil, Wllliaiu u.-tr..;i ler, Jobu Ostrandcr, 1'eter Hausun, -ail ol Ard uioi'ts b. U, aio Williu.u Oslraiidcr, of Ariliiiore. S. I)., who made II. K. No. 4 137 for tlu; n. ?a w- 'i and n. ii sc. sec. in, tp. 'Ji n., r. .VI w. He names the lo. losing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon aud cuitiva t.oil Ol. said land, viz: 1'eler W ledenleld, Auiftist Meier, Hei uian l,oedde, lsa..u Hay, ail ol Arduiore, s. 1. J. W. WKIIN, JK. !UI ltiKiter, Xotlw) fur Publication. Land Oftice at Alliance, Neb. June Iti, IMS. 1 Notice I hereby nl von that the following named settler has filed notice ol his inten tion to make Until proof iu support of his claim, ami that said prool will be mude be fore M. J. Itlewetl, ierk of the district court, at Harrison, Neb., on Oct. iu, isita, viz: Jacob Ilciiry. f tiib lirisl, ,eb. who made (I. K. No. 'I. 0;( lor the nw. 4 sec. 4M, tp. 114 n., r. 65 w. iie names the following wit-ursses to prove his continuous residence uxm aud cuiiiva lion ol said (and, via : Henry I'lckenbroca, Henry Wasserburgvr, AnUjii itliein, f-rauk .Mitto, all ot UiKlii'isl, .selj. also Henry Vttsei-liiucr of tiili liilst, St 'u. w ho made II. K. No, .(SfO lor the he. H see. iii, t p. ;vi n ., rri w . He names I he follow lit tr witnesses to prove Ins continuance ic-mienee upon uud culti vation ot said land, vU; Anton lilieiu, lleuly I'ickcubriM-k, .M. J. i.ayliarl, frank Nutto, all of oncbrist, .Neij. also Henry ricki'iilii-uck uf (illrlirint, .Neb. who made II. K. N'o.aiW for the so. i, sec. 43, tp. M u., r. 5.1 w. He names the tnllnwimr witnesses U prove his cont inuous residence ujsm and cultiva tion ot, stud laud, vix: Anton t.'hein, Henry WiisserhiirKcr, Jl. J. lia.vhart, W lliiaui ll.iuttiKard, alt of till chilsl. Neb. 4, W, V KUN, JR., IK-Klster. Alias XoMcc. V. S. Umi ori'ica., f ALI.IAMJK, NKII. t t)et- 2, WIS. I 'intjditlnt halni heim entered at. rids oltice hy Jaities wohnson aa:nst J'fei llainni lor liltalHlonllitf his ilo.uisstiM'I Kll try Ao. 4ISJ1, daleii i-etiruai;v lA, ls:C iijion tlii' e.4 sc. t, sec. 'M and s. l( iw.t sei-lion .0, lownshiiKW n., rsnKa'st '., in ioux eonntj-, .SchraskiN with a view u iu canceilai Um i said entry, the said jvii-Uca ai-e hereliy sti.n limned Hi nl")"'ared i.l l Ills olllce o.l the Mill d.tyol Ntv., isli.s at la ucinfk, , in-, to re siiond and laruish tsljuiony xneer.,inx said lUlearc-d aliandonnienU i he evideiire lo be snliniillisl at. the heariii.'; ot this e.,iisc Hill he taken hel'ore M.J lllewett, clclk ol I tie district court of Miu x coiinly, N-L,r.,on .Novenils'l- li. !Si. lit HI tVehw-k, u. ll., al Harrison, .dr, J. W, U'kNN, jk., ;flill fti-jjist-t, iherlir Sale Ity vlrtan f an rder u4 fa)-e Jsswed by this Clerk of the liislrici. t tmrtn( tUn l own tv l Mlon , and State f .Sclirnskn, unii a disT-ei. rendered hv said tairl In Javor el The Wesic.rti Mxinrtty iuanpiiuiy and lurajnst .Hihn v.Huiitnf, Margaret. I, llimlvi' mid . .). W iwMifhuin A lkin( a-iy, 1 Ul w the lsn da.v K .sovemher, A. I). ls(a at the nour ot oiH o'clock, i. ih., at, the flasl fisint. door ol the Ikmri IHs in Hiuiisnii, in said onuiiiy, -oiler nns, sell this ((illumlim d scrihed real -slatn, Ut lli The east halt d the sMiil-hcasl. iiHiM'ter stf NtcLiou 'i'hrisi (31. and the northeast, onarier of Win mirUi east iHiM-t"r of ists-tlim Ten Mh'-, and tl-if nor! huest umii ter ol the iiiTthesl nujirter of rei-non alevcn ( II ), all In tow nship 'J nli' t V to (IM) iHiHh, ItaiiKo I" H ty Hve (.Vi ) t is i ol the inh I', In the ( wiinly ol slouv, and Mat" of Nehraska, at fiiihlic action, to the hinhesl hldder for cash, to satisly ald order ol fiale In the sum ol (itMLMi, ansl In- teres I, costs uud aecrmni: s,hI-s. ill llll A. ,. IrKw, Slwrlff, Alv Ts Uurk, AOf lorTllnldT. STAMPED UPON Is the name and fame of the "Old Reliable" store of MARSTELLER BROTHERS, where you can al ways find bargains in everything to be found in a GENERAL STORK. Now is the time select your SPRING AND Highest market price paid for produce of all kinds, Marsteller Bros, "The Old Reliable." ' Hester DEALERS IN Lumber, Coal and Sash, Doors, Lath and Windmill and HAURISON s- GRANT GUTHRIE, Attorney-at-Law. Prompt attention ftiven to all legal matters in Justice, County and District Courts, and before the United Sttes Land Oltice. Fire Insurance written in reliable companies. J2?"Letfiil papers carefully drawn.1 Hahhison, - Nkohasiu. 15. L. SMUCK, Fashionable Barber & Hair Dresser. OPEN SUNDAY FROM 9 TO 12. It.VKOltS AND WJIKKOIt.S ITT IN OWER. iive f nm t a I Cull. J. E. 1MUNNKY, M. 1). I'lij-s-irhtn aiitl .Sttrg-ts;m. All calls iriven iromjil lUtention, office in Drug store. HAKIUSO.V. - - Vf-JtHASKA. GET THE BES 44 r When y- " ' do not be . - . v and be lru ' i uu, y finest tiuinih'.ii T, Most For. for o men son". 6 - ."'irj. ;i b'-'v.t-., f I t'ft s'JiI i'l- , s r ; f a . l.iU- TfUlltjJlitft tip Iw ,.- j...-.i. -a i.,;; ,- - .1 W. .1 I J, , fciUtf, Vm want tV-. i.-ifuit Jiifkf fHr'J win-i-ij. .JvAc1y;tsMi w-enmc Vbt v- '. frt.evi fa, mit iTni"MTirs4 r T,us .lis tnfillij "vi-etiivuUii!- ll.ft ; Nkw Home j '.tVM AvIsrreeiC- " .--"im,IViuti1eT,el. t,W ,-.-iiw F,.!v''' t .-ir.'- i .r','.iffilt'noithThK , , .Mi S s!.i'.4 I1-.., i.o.-ictuf whetkiSRt4 s' "( -tct-ira. .SliijijiiilucinR fTietlen to ' ij v ' lis-. " ff.T-wen tawn, Jtl , V",-a-. Jl tl. ixr ."- KM.! t rm t Running THE DULLEST BRAIN SHIER GOODS. Son, & Farm Implement Blinds, Lime, Shingles. Pump Supplies. NRBRARKA. IT IS A Horrible Sight TQ WATCH 6ERLAGH In the daily performance of Ilia s-int, original tradegy in real life tlie SLAUGHTER OF THE INNOCENTS. It is in two a t. In tho first net tho principal parts are takuu liy Mr. Ccrho , ami representatives: of eiiKlern wli.,leii" house, from tvliotii the fid'niet" piir-li.:. s IliM gH.DK. In tins net he ilinplayK ut power i i 'Jul for:-in tinivn prici s, ; inl exlnuit Jiiiary ability in tiui wli-c) inn ,.f goods I i suit his ctiKlAtncrt, Hut. il m in the s i act thai h moat. Intiv shines .t i l ul t.litt points A'litTt' !iii ii fltur.-t ;)s fn-ii't'si ait; out iisr TWO ins, t ! c.l- -.uii1i-i)itii,-e ls'iifv 4 ),,..) Ullit ! .(IllJOst leMV.'lllV. I to Id p.m. I ..( vi , (r:: ikm'i llWifvt ihf fijittt.. RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE. North-Western E. A XL It j; M.e I .j t a lid SUGAR BEET FIELDS 1