0 i V r)' Tto !rjx Couniy Journal. SubacripUuii Price, fi.irt I 4. Kiuitiiuu., l-lflilftr. Itntemd Bt Ut- lUrrim jost orrh-e I urtntWir. THtTteilJAT, IXTuI'BR 2 t, 1-Vj. ll-utlicaii tsluU Ticket. For judge of lite supreme court. T. L. NiV.L. For regent of tlie state university, ti. IL Mi mix, H. L. Cwl LD. Judicial Ticket, For judges, 15tU district, M. P. KrssATu, Axi'tfia Bahtow. County Tii kvt. For xunty clerk, W. a NlCHLOS. For county trva-surer, Hbky Covet- For sheriff, David Batlttt. Foriuerintendent of public instruction W. 11. Davis. for county judge, W. 0. Pattkihox. District Ticket. For commissioner, 3d district, B. F. JtjHssos. the oeet sugar crop tins veur iu Nebraska amounts to 83,(KK) tons. It i 'lie most profitable crop that a farme an raise, making him all the way from MO to $60 per acre. Atkinson Graphic. A pop paper down the road nays Max well has declared himself in sympathy with all of the "criminal" principles ol lie populist party. The testimony ol tlte witness is not rebutted. O Neil ft ontkr. The Cludron Ikcurder intimates Hint the home of H. G. Stew ait in still iu Sioux county, although he is running for office in Danes county. Siaux couo ty had bud aoout her share of bad repu tatioo to bear ucd if the Rearrdur pel sists iu its attempt to shove Stewar hack onto Sioux county there may b need lor c hadrou's soldiers to be callet out. There are some things that evei Sioux county cannot stand. Alfred Bartow, one of the judges o this, the 15th district, ami a candidate oi tlte republican ticket for re-election stopped in Nordeo last Wednesday nih- on his way from Spriogview to Valen tine to finish the term of court at th latter place. Judge Bartow has showi himself to be among the foremost judge- of the stale in his knowledge of the law iind the impartial manner which char ticteriaes his rulings, and we believe the voters in this district will declare in favor of such a man, 'as against one whose competency is unknown. Narden JowiAs, Ubadron is still after r stigur factor nod now has a iiMiu on the string wh wayi he has autlieient money at his cou tiiau.l to tiund and operate u suar la. lory, and now . hnurou has to hustl- l. Ihe bonus. The iiikd visited sluuim Mnie time ago and mw ttie beets gtm. lug in Hie fields aud talked wilh the m. growing tn.im and he then went ullt tlie money arid lie pri'x"i u pi, - nougti money in Ue Chadron banks i eltte the nuestion of capital as soon 4, ihe people come ui to their agreemein U is tioped that this aUempt will resui 'etter than the one lust year. On last Friday fudges Barb' am 'uakatd were in Harrison und met 1 lumber of the people ami the formei '1 here on Saturday also. Ry reasoi A the letters sent here announcing tue.i steaded visit having been woHe.i ditfei tly than they intended they lliougb bat either Fnday or Saturday ws n,, immgenieni. Judge Kinkaid had ai ppoialoent for Saturday eveinng at Hay Springs so he could not remain over itoth are so well Iraown that there 1. uttle seed of campaigning, and the sizi "f the Histrict is sc that it forbid? more than a short visit at the numerous towaa which can be reached by rail. The 9tti judicial dratrict k about 350 mileh long aaa a mimber of the counties have raitroadBaod when thnl is considered Vope cm rsalie that hut little time s-am be pent ie each place. The recordh Malt faf these two judges during the yean that they have been on the bench ' tan tca that the people know that with ImM1 lodge catch litigant will get jnlattoe acoortiat f the law and they aW ateo that M owe, no matter what A ftttWi,, aothiH anwal, flnaacial or fciciorik wiN atatta any better or worse trtu over which they preside - hawthar. The 4oMoaa tnaoe by i'.X t KPmA wtfl the TOprem court, JtZmbptocK the hupar 'TjxiUltitlHrtt. TfcateptfKs from -'l rrCJOaWet are that they will be tlW imSkMum are that - 'tCy Mt share hi TZX Cat vBMttoa of Bartow " 'ItrSUhJ C Mmat and It t sported tliat the light Ute,n O.irtvtt and Fitz-tmiiiion !u iieen de- clared off. The overnor of rkanHi declared tliat the fiht should not take place uliin tl boni- r .-t tliat state. and the general aentimeul of tit opi,. throughout the country, outside tile touh element, 1 U-iDj; expressed as opposed to the fiht. It u lwj(ti tlKit pn lil.tiUi,' will be prohibited in ti L uited .State. It i reported tliat the death raw at tlie penitentiary ttan greatly increased since the iireaeut uarden lias U-eu in charge, and tliat of ail tlie applicanU for the position of superintendent of the liJi liatcberie not one has ever studied or prepared hi nine If iu any way for the position. Such things emphasize wkit THE JiAKX.Vt suggested last veek that all such institutions should be under the control of a cjvil service com miasiou. There is entirely too much politics in our state institutions. A clumge is made, perforce, in tlie head of an insti tution, and at mce the new head bepns a cleaning out of jieople who ure partic ularly useful through exf)eriene, and i begins to cripple the institution by put- J ting in political favorites regardless of experience or fitness. That is what tlie new superintendent of the blind insti tute at Nebraska City is doing. It is an evil that ought to be remedied. Kear- nev Hub. The supreme court declined to erant the petition of the Bryan w ing of the democratic party which sought to ob tain an order restraining the secretary of state from placing tlie names of the nominees of the administration wing of the party on the otHeial ballots followed by the designation of "democrat". Tlie reult is th.it tlie nominees of both demo- .-ratic conventions will go on tlie official oallots vi ith the nine designation. The ourt lield that it could not go back of llie conventions under the present law. It seems generally admitted tliat the fact that the democratic judicial conven tiou nt ( liadron dechued to endorse Westover and Golden is indicative that the democrats w ill throw their votes to Bartow ami Kinkaid. The democrats do not seem to have much use for the politi cal jumping j.icks who desert their party iiid go around denouncing it and telling iow rot leu and corrupt it has become, ud theu when lley have secured the iiiuiiuatiou lor some nuoortant oflice iiey coiue to tlieir old party and tell nat tliey believe the saute as they al- ays did auU seek to get an eiidiirse leiiU it is too much like Maxwell ex acting luiddle-oI-Uie-road pops to Vote linn when he Oecliuvs to even al- cinpl to climb onto the pop platform, u the vain hope that by such a course re w ill get tile support of both the re- ublicans and pops. No Better Ufa. Ainewnrtd Star Journal. The people of the 15th judicial district ppreciale Hon. M. P. Kinkaid and Hon. Alfred Bartow for their ability, fairness and line sense of honor by renominating them for judges. No two men in the district can develop the strength at the imlls tliat they are certain to receive the Hh of November. We moft hertilv miorse the nomimUions, and with our iresmbed version, there are no tieltcr ten in the district, Haif tlir roiifldewe of the PiiHlir. oiik I'ine Jpunml, uon. M. P. Kinkaid, vf O'Neill, and liml Bartow, of Ohudroti, liave been nmiiatetl for judges of the 13th district. liese honorable gentlemen twve a great ninilierof warm friends in the district, ud are undoubtedly the strongest nien tat could Ice nominated by the party d ill therefore be elected. Tlwy can Miunand a follow mg that no other two ten in the district cohld hoi to do. hey have the conlWence of the people ause tlrey have never betrayed tlieir n(idefwe. They are nren t( a pure liamcter and a clean Isditk-al rei.-ord. ii joint of ntness and aoHity Uieir ser vices on the bench have already shown heir qtialiCcatians for tlie positions. lie "Twin Papers" tun mipport them ith tire sre ea! tl'A" have liere- ofors t'lvlngr Away A Ifam Tlte Dally State Journal givies -ery subscriber sending fl on mibscriptioa a ness in a piaao ntipst. The iwrnon guessing the correct or nearest to the corrw aunilx of vote that will be cast for supreme judge this fall w ill get this piano free. The contest clones Jctober 81. Head for a free i-ample copy ,if The ifawntat witti tni offer. The Journal fs cheap In price now, 9 ceU per month witfeont Sanday or 5 cents with Smday. Address usp iloitraal Lincota, Net). At a HafldhnA MVrtlea. ISitiill in Nebnmka, cotwectons are made with Bnrlrngtofi Roote ttarm for .!roagy, St. Lonitt, Kansas Oily, St. iomqfo, Ontarav, LincoTo lenver, Oeyenne and tteycnA. Our maris tire-aMes show rog where, whew aaa how tmt tr&tns run nrxl wierera they xcel the trarns of otVier tinea ra many 4mprtawt reitvsHs, mM on reeaeWt f rcw. AlirkjtfMltotwrte vaton mtt give rtrforttaVlloa. . 4 t. X. H)raa, i ; Jdrigs furtiitlied on short notice. Reliable drivers and uiet Siiiklle lur-es alav n h.nj.1. iood accommoilutHiiis fur tr.m i--nt i .i.u iu. 1 Horses Uards. TERMS REASONABLE. GIVE ME A CALL. GEORGE OLINGER, PHoi'KICToi: -THE COMMERCIAL BANK (ESTABLISHED 1888. Harrison, President P. H. GR1HWOLU, Cashier. AUTIIOKIZKD CAPITAL m 000. Vansacts a General Banking- Business CORHESI'OXIiFATS: Aykkican Eviuw.k Xatidnai. M.lnk. New York, nji uu Nationai. Hank, Omaha, FiirsT National Hank, ch: Interest Paid on. Time Deposits. OTDBAFTS SOLD ON ALL PARTS OF EL ROPE. O PPD HA V ftllM ftllMtAIIIllula meat tHc ycr round, ! god waffet, ftt your our wLolcuic price Uktao4 parucuUrt. W UOAN TEA From scandal's name we stand aloft, And honor not its propagator, We sell you goods, w ill make you laugh And go and tell your neighbor The cheapest town, Yes, that's in THE SIOUX JOURNAL, ESTABLISHED 1888. Always carries in stock a good line of statiogery consisting of Letter heads, Statements. Legal blanks, Book stock, Cords, Etc, Etc, Etc. When in need oi such things do not fexget to calL LIVERY, Feed and Sale Stable. Nebraska. C. F. 'OFPEE, Vice-President. Iron. IX) J'fu jnl lio:ir- " ! WWISMW VVIIllllltaiWII. able. n.idv trntlun. own home or to travel If o, tend 4c i;i rAntj (or fsruuli kit of buk rcfcccatc. CO., Detroit, Michigan. place to trade the name Just hoxjo-h: & son". COUNTY Note heads, Envelopes, Bill heads. Poster stock, Invitations, Sioux County, THE LAND OF THE HOMESTEADER. Free Homes for More Than 5,000 Men. A new county with schools, churches, railroads, etc., AND 8oo,ooo ACRES YET OPEN TO HOMESTEAD ENTRY. Contains over forty-five miles rail oad and has no county bonds. of Sioux ciiiinty is the ii-u'diwest i mnity of Nebni-ka. It i-, yhmt thirty uiil'-s, envi and west by about m -vi-nty luih-s nurtli and xuth and iin,l;iiiis OVER 1,300.000 ACRES of laud. Tlii-iv .lie nmi-e bright p:ill:- lin.-, small hti'-anis in tbt- i-miuly tluui inn lie foiiiid in the Mime una el-wlH-iv in the Mute. It has more pm timlier m it than all the rest of the stnte miibim il Hs gnis-tes are the ri liest and must nu tritious known mj that br .sock-growiiig t is linexcelltnl. The soil varies from a Ih-iivv lny t- a light sandy loam ami is i iipabh-of pne lucing excellent crops. llie principal crops are hinali grain and vegetables, although good corn in grown in the valleys. The wheat, oats rye and liarley are all of unusually line (utility and command the highest mar Ket prices. The water is pure and refreshing and is found in abundance in all parts of the county. The county is practically out of debt md has over forty-five miles of railroad within ils borders, lias a good brick court house and the nec-essary fixtures for run ning the county and there has never been one dollar of county bonds issused and hence taxes w ill lie" low. The Fremont, Klkhorn & Missouri Valley railroad crohsesiSiou.x county from east to went and the li. & M. has ibout fifteen miles of its line in the lortheitst jiart of the county. The i innate is more pleasant than that wf the eastern portion of Nebraska. There is still OVER 800,000 ACRES of land m Sioux county yet o'ii to Homestead entry. It is belter land m.'i more desirably Im-ated , than that for hicli sued rushes are made ou the open ing of a reservation. There is no rail road land in the county nnd for Unit reason its settlement has l-en r-Iow ,r no upecial effort to jret settlers was made, ns was done Iu the curly day ol the s;ltl--iiieiit tif Uh eastern jtfu t of the stute. Good ilee-l tl hind cun lie Min liassi ut reasonable rates with government land j adjoining s,i that n pi-rson who want' more than uiit ipiartei- si-clitMi can obl.nn ! it if he has u little nn-uii.s. Tln-i-e iiiv ulmut .',.Vii pt-oplo in I he county and tiieiv is rm.iu for IIkhishuI), more. Il.irri m is tin; .--juntv Mmt autl 11, sit - t uated on tin- K 11 & M. V, railroad, atul ! , , , . 1 is ils KO.-I u I. .vii a, lb.; thinly settled country ilt-utamls. Seliool liiiiises utlfl -Iilm.fM-s lie l- vki in MI111.--1 ifiy tfti..iiM-iil uiuluf. beiil lilt with the t imvs , ,, ... ah u 1... . , . ; I . ; buy Imid clf-ap utv nil it.i J ituui- and 1.1. . r.-.l. ...1 1 :. 1 1 i.f llu t. j-.a II..,.,i...T...:il..t j to Uhi-umr Uglil vttti vX ii t t imwu ir.H uir -riii ire 11. i-uut vi i I I r I '.. .1 l d ...... 1 at Tkl Usl i"fw:'n,",N: Ji-- ll J l"tl ver I li lujatxit 4 Jniiha St. K.uis KXIIMIH ( 'it I It tlMsNt HUttter whrt h S. ItilnvJ viHiting. Tie Kurli.H, IW w,r, , line lonfla.it i i V U j lnrf tl 4t JldverlrHing ru.itt.-r nn.l 1MU hi1imw.ltaM4nt. 'JUi pa--, j, Uwal.Nritrw.iMl r. o. m , W VJITta OrTICIAL DIRCCTOf. -Titi m tm III; !,l'-'!'ll - - ' II .. - te IJ.-UU-U ."I .1 llr. '"' I U'Jtn: - t j-ili . Ilrtrti,-) - . i liiin-iml Alt.l 1' . II I Kii ll I"-""1 ' II I!. (i.n ll l'Lilt ' iv.i.i:i'wirtil l 1 1 ' V. ) . W.iii.l. rm . I - ' Win. . Vil.-M I ri" W . J lll'.M. .Ll.T!!!!!! U ' l. II. Meir. rt. " li. 1 1. H.!lK. 'l.i " ' t. J. llwf, " ,"' " H . A. VoKl.'t'l" ". " ' ll. kim, " ,'' " ' JI'liliSAHT: I r. I . Siirval I'1"' A. . rust a-im- T. . V- llrri-sm .. 't-.lu lit". II. A. i.'MIUJitM'lI. -I l'l ll Mi lit J HITI f.NTII Jl UlCIAL HI - l. I'. kliikui.l J llr"t lUrinw !U. J. lllewvlt I' I'ol NTV OH i I Huliert i!i:i M.J. Illt-Helt H. s. W.Hlnif W . It. HmvI A It. Im-i j. i.. riiiTi--t -. I.. Kill M.J. Illi-m-ll l in I . ( l.ii I. ...( I i llOAIili IK t DM V I 1 l raiik TlnLlnui M. J. H.-Ib t.. ' ll. I . Ju'iii-uii , I'll ti rtn. iu ' I I . . I -1 1 1 1 M.i;itor, iii-l N . p.. 1 i -t . - i it. ! . I.. st url i, tn i ) .. j t t.i. M.t: im i t - j M.J. Illi-w etl i ch.ur.ii.ui ) ; . Kollt-r J. W . M ill I ' i. II. i.rtiHtt i u . II. Muritiflti-r ' I.. J. ilillliUU - - ; I 'H i lt l !nf !l - - , J. W . HlllHIl ... - IKMH. HH.I l.K- W . S-,iU. I.. Mum k . W . Il.-i.-r ri.nws mi- - t i: i Hitrlt I'tnir't. X I lt'rri-.,ii il s I, ;thl Nti, f--M:n r t'l. I utility litnt,-l il.tr t ,in, ii fir-1 Mott'l:lv ill r. n'li tu-li '.t- lit lit III s SI- H II III M-'tlltxIht snt.:iv S -1h,- ., . ,,i, l iv iiKir.itui; -il II j. .1. t. lte-1 1 i i.i k. i siijM-rtiitfii-li.i.i s. IVll 1-1-1 1 WiMUiMI 'il I III. W I. I. I It. ; lliirrtMin i .-itiiti, ( t ittttl tiiir-l s;,iti:.l.. ( I J- I.. I'll i s i i , 'n i I ti i u-ru. Mulil.lts: w INIUMKV 'I'r' Mit tt t-ieli all-T:i.iIi - ill til rtVliK li. .. ,( J. . stiiiii.l l-rk. KI'VMiltl II lit-t fitlun.t! iins-1 liitr c ill I aljtiK-t hum It ili-iil. Ultf. W. II. mvi, Nt-ri-t -ry i.i it.t $100,00 Given Away Every Month to tho pen'.n iitiroi t njt the tHe ti I ion rt Hi. i tl.e ititmt mcntirtiiHt tutenliun tiurtnj; tlto iri.fr-tlitif titoulli. w li rt r.t L It K filTti.NT x IOH JNVEMOKS, awl s onjeci or mi oner i 10 Hi- , rou miro pr-rauna of aa Invcni. ivtt mra ur inirta. jti Kamn titnfl we -.ih to lmp-i r 9, the fj.-t tlnl ;: 1: ;; M It's the Simple, Trivial Itiventtous That Yield Fortunes $ urh n Iio Imjr'f Hc-k li bikI Y.w. ". tiim iluintt.". .if.-i- I'm." -'ik m LKi-ii ti. .,(, ..ins,.. rt- f AlitKist 1 verf tine coti've 1 Q a bright Ittia 111 tyiuiv tiinti or 1 other, w tiy ntii put it In i niB M licaluiH? dt'lt talrmc n at- 1 inns n ay tt 111. M,.r II 'ty i,t jj M iu&kv yt.ui I-rtun . H r? ;: 8Pr r.te fur furliier Inforrruition Jt t uieiititm llut -i.m r. H S THE PRESS CLAIM CO. H Philip Ivirctt. ben. Mgr, it 618 F Street, Northwest. S WASHINGTON. O. C. Thr r-t- i,:liinly o' tlti inmi'ar. 1 ru o iinlirtii i.) trie lart tlmi u lid K in liel.l Of utel Hk UlollMlul ol I If k-riIimii uctpi.ticii in ttkr CaiitMj isuu il Two I.Uf-ti Sutnl. Mrs. I'ilot.-U; Tli-uims. of Jinii it,.., ,t,- j HI., was tnlJ ,y li. rd-M liMs she Ik 1 c .it. jsuiupli.i 1 and Ur.it Ui.-ie was no h.,- ,,r jher, Im: ' tKittfe f,r. Kintr'n N,. 1. 1 COVtl'V ,- liiirilet.'tv -.. 1 1.. . ... 1 ,...1, ,lr - ,. "' saj , it. - vtsl l-r hie. iir 7iw,s p.. .. ,;,y K, , " rlni .i Sari Fram i.-o. n,r).r,.l r ... . 1 - - .... , itnmt tlilt e 'suu.pfi,. uK v.,Umh rn.iH ,r.rf. tl, ... , 1 . in u.itle 44 l,- lH.tctiv.-ry Nl io I v... ... u y iiM.k!.i.. H-; l. ti'4turjf!v sils. ol w n, u 1 : ' saU.Il.t-. I(i;tl t..,,. ,..1; " """" " uui Mil. .. mi f ruin inr "rrh. A m,Hra,invi.,ii,l)11.-, . ... Wwu i,,.;,! by 11 t'-K.-tV,ri.t, ,A tiw Buriv-ln &,(,.. j, vr. fiyf I title -The New w N.Hlh es,- ... Utt.M I, fertUHj. j,,ul able fU4 tbose p.,rtjt ,., (Ii 1 -itira .'4tH , W jfvuuun "d tin- liU k Uiti ' lkoU dKli are t-.l 1,. Ivtnv'-s tu-s. tU.. 2 M vr ' v m,; t Jl - .r '