THKKIODX OUNTY I 1. Simmon, IMitnr un I Prop. r. r.i X. V 11. 11. Tim tMc ijuln-t Wort. ;iti( Kant. J. ilin.MI. IB u v,. It, fnn.1 6.t(i " T'ie new Ijo'jv of If. F. N'eei is n.irit! i'ini)lf lion. W. B. M.irsteller In linked into i iw- imube wiiiii 01 uie 31. i. i i.rstiii.ij'-e. Fur t!i liij;lni,t i ati price for ei (J rant i i u tl irie. Iloretiound coiiiimunil i-oukIi xyrup tlie frrat remedy fur cou;,'lis and fold. t tli Pioneer l'liurniaey. i Ir. Pliinni'V reiHirts tlm arrival of a John I. Itavison last Friday. Martha XomNt li, the girl lio n4 it'videiitally shot a few weeks ;i(fo Itan' nearly recovered from the wound. J. W. Smith and Mic 1,'iura. Am brose were qn l..iy married at tlie home of the itride on Sdtunl.iv evening lv Rev. I). J. Chirk. Charles Bielde, f rank Nutlo, John Slierrill and (lustu v Noreihtli went to Maryland to mill the tirst of the week. The relative of the lata (iustav Kvhwarz tit-sire to rettiro Kincere tltanl to all who extended sympathy and assist, auce at the time of their U;re,uemerit. The club dances organize for Ihe season Saturday ni-iit, Oct. 1!). All are invited to join. Music by IK Itarl Iv'.l ami Mrs. (iulhrie. W. Ii. Wan. nr. I'reMdrut. In sj eak i lit; of the citizens' ticket last we k an error was made in regard to lr. I'hiuney beiiiLr the only prat lii inj.' physician in the county. Dr. Mhafer is also a regular physician and the state tnent was an oversight. ii. A. Jiriuuy and lanniy relurneii from their hunting trip on Friday. They had K"t hut a nhort distance when Mrs, I'riddy war taken nick and as she ureiv worse it wait imperative that they re turn for medical attendance. Two unte Iom; were secured on the trip. It is expected that Judges Kirikaid mid Hartow will lie here lietween l.-ains on Saturday to meet tho people inform ally. Both have many friends in this county who will l.e glad to meet them under sucli circumstances. Guthrie has been paying thirty-live cents a bushel for wheat and thirty-three is all that is being paid for that cereal in the eastern part of the state. Instance from market seems to lie an lulv-mtue to our jieoplo. Wilnier Phillips had oats out on the table in Highland precinct which yielded by weight, over lifty bushels ier acre. We do not see that he has any anise, for complaint. He lias sold his team, har ness and wagon and will go back to Hcwnrd county to spend tho winter. I). Ii. Jenckes was up from Chadron on Monday to look after the case in the county court which Involves tho Hour which was sliiped to Lewis Oerlach from Chadron some time ngo, of which mention was made in TltK JovhN.U. at the time. The cae is not yet endeil so Mr. Gerlach docs not know who to pay for the flour. The case, is in his tntnie, but he has no interest in It. -County Treasurer Woodruff came tip from the east part of the county on Monday and brought with him a petition lor A. R. Ivw to lie a candidate for county Irensurer, simi! by more than the num Iter of Mimes required to have bis name placed upon the olllcial ballots. That makes four candidates lor treasurer. It seem to lie going to lie a free for all in rtiolix comity this fall so that, none need I") at nil iiatkward nlxnit coming for ward and asking for rvhit Kiev want. Lust Saturday was the date to which tho pop-llxzh convention adjourned, and ns Kaum, V.'eltei and Knoll and a b-w nf their lieutenants were notice.) m tounj on that day It is ipiite Idelt. al they j cere Ifxing up some w heim t no j minutes of convention hue Ir-. ti Puid- j si in for publication it mut l- that lln-y either held no isitnenti tit fir else tire i ashaim.-il of what they did that they do not want the people of Sioux ounty t' know of tl ir odious. It, is pn tty ivrtain that the three dictator of i be poji party named alxve bd not get together unless they had some si heme n foot. T. V. Golden, pop lawyer of O'Xuill, who thinks he is running' against Kinkaid for district judtf ns iilso in lon llml day Llsl of Junn'st Tlie following is ft list nf lhone Who have linen drawn to terve as jurors at Mm November, 105., term of the district -olrli Nnls Faig;brelni V, !. igelow4 FtAnklin Foi. e, Hamnel Ip-hng Waller Woodiull, vloseph Parsons, I). II. Phillips, 1 'harien Max ton, U S. HH, Andrew Korenson, Vngflut Meter, Patrick Lacy, James Wilvm II. T. SWUs J. t. Rodgers-, Henry Zimmerman, W. I). LafTerty, J. It. Warner, Joseph Ollrright, Henry Pieketibwk, Charles W. Percy, Andrew Knori, Peter Henry. t mtsONAI.. J. '5 inr., the sheep nian, is iiere liMik ing alter his interest. Miws F.Nie MerriHiu ran down fi'oiu .. i 1'ie ..( ..... L fVV. II. H.osell arrived from tlie easl .Monday and visited fr.eudu for a couple ofdayn. Mrs. K F. P..ntius ai.d Mr W. ii. ihvi returned TunrJay from tlieir visit to Ohio. Viuuty t'b rk Hlewctt tx U a broth er to mnve front Hie e;it tlie 1 ist of the week to visit him. Phil Umtt arrived on Tuesday to arrange for flopping a train lo.ul of gram und cattle to Seward. T. V. 'ioldt-n, accompanied by bis brother, J. A. (iulduu, mailu a pleasant call at this ollice while in town last Sat urd.iv. and Mrs. J. R. Robinson exect to leave this evening for northeastern Kansas where they expect to make their home la future. 'Ti. I-elmg i auie out from Iowa last nick to visit his brothers, Sam and lei:i. an 1 called at this ollice while in low n Sit urday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Garner, of Whitney, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. R Wi igbl last week and ret ii rued to their home Monday evening. CoiTesponJeBce. BoDAi7, NKII., Oct. 1). IS',).). (b-o. Sl.n k and f.nmly and his son. Frank uud laioil,who arrived lately i loin Idaho, have settled at Five Points. Mrs. ( '. Reynolds and children who have Im!H visiting with Tom Unify, w ill leave today for their hotuo in South Dakota. Mis. Mary Stab! and son, Frank, and a granddaughter, of Elgin, Iowa, are visiting with her daughter, Mrs. M. C. iJoaue, Win. Schleyer went to Crawford to mill. Wood hauling and going to mill seem to Isj the order of the day. Mis Amanda Hill, of Chadron. is vis iting her parents, Mr. ami Mrs. S. Hill. Sunday school will be at 'i o'clock in the afternoon ami preaching at S o'clock, and prayer meeting on Saturday evening at the Itoilarc Presbyterian church. lliickleu's Arnica Sahe. Tlie best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, It rheum, lever sores, teller, chapped bauds, chilblains, corns, and nil nkm eruption and positive ly cures piles, or no ay required. It is guaranteed to give peifml aulinf action or money reluiidisl. i'rice i-l cents per box. For sale by Pioneer Pharmuoy. Precinct Caiirm. The republican electors of Bowen pre cinct are hereby requested to meet at the court house on .Saturday, Octolier ID, llUo, at 4 o'clock, p. m., lor thu purjiose of nominating candidates for the various precincts offices. K. A. BiiiBlow, Commilteeiuan. The republican electors of Warbonnct precinct are hereby requested to meet ut the residence of li. J. Wilcox on Satur day, Octols'r 11), lSt).), at 4 o'clock, p, in. lor the purpose ol nominating candidates lor the. various precinct ollli.t-s. Jons Pl.TNKKrr, Committeeman. You II Want This. The Semi-Weekly State Journal Will lie sent to any address from now until January I, iy7, for one dollar. This will give you that grea- twice-a-Week pner every Tuesday and Friday all dur ing the fall campaign, and through the I'oiniiK great presidential ciiiiipnixir J.muaiy, I W7, is a long ways oil and you will Is? getting a great Jot of read ing mutter fur your dollar. The Jour nal is always ahead of tlie once-a-WBvk papers nnd is really worth t'.viisj ns mii'li. It is the fafuier's duly. Its mailPt reports are completo and you net tlietn trtice a week. It is tilled with choice family rending m iiiMition to nil the state and national telei'nphic news. Prints illuslif.tiil stones by the world's greatest authors. The smiaer you send a dollar the mole papers yon will y,t for your moni.-v. Address .els-aska Slave Journal, Lincoln, Neb. Niitlcc ti bund OwniT. 't il at I to s liom U lM.iy concern ; 1 he commissioner himm, idled to stilldlnh h tiiml iiiiuiieiiciiiff id the county line l,e- ttvccfl Jiasi-s stet sioax eonnllcs, met t,c- tsicn speltolis I nd Ii, li ai, rKiifc AH, mil lioilf lllence si'si on cclion line two hum sewn elKhtll-, inlles, tlleuce noiallW'et. to h Miint HlMint. one hum otle-li.ilf utiles, thence irn-KUliil'ly thr4tiK! the had IhihIh to 11 H)int iilsdll luenly lt'l snutl, ol Iheniulti. ea-,1 imrurr M ih'i'IioiI 1, touusiill, ;ia, lilllKe M, lllence lrre(illli,V UllsiHlfll ;lie bd lands 111 U ofnt oil M4M-1IOII hue tn-tseeit scclions 'i nnd II, towiedop xt, rriiie A4, llience In ii nenerHlly not lit nisi direct ion to tlie hsll HCeMoil tsMier IdW'SOl Keclions U slid .1, low ii"Mlj I'anffe M ; ulso co.mum'iic inff lit h silit ntsMil w rod tsiatll ( the liU'.i"l corner r secllun I, losie Khl :!. rmiKO At, crtnelntf ttieiice son Hi wiioiil HO 1-ikIs, thencn mm ( n west soost i.k roili, h-nci to township H"'S Itii'ioS-south on low nsliiji line to Oie no ill, etcd c-iier of sts-tum 1.1, low iistiip IW, rsnKe M, lliciiee we-l on wctfim tine one tlsif Mi41e; also i-ointiieiictiiK si h rsttnt hImsh sixty t-ivin nmdti ot tiie hslf sectlos corner le-twis-n mi tWns 4 nnd (, (osnMltfl IU, 1'iiiLife .VI, itti-neu mill tnlte maitli, Icrmiu.itlug at (tie usnrtet- se'tttn corner Is-tweeu sections H Ms township , iiiiiko iH, hss re-iis4 iu isvor of the f slahltshinml thiri-oi wlih the 1llo Ink ehiiUKes, to It : liom s point WI rods esst ol the HOrtUlwct (SH iier vti ms; lion H, tow nhi 1, r.ine III, It rnn ts s noiitlim-slei lv illMS'ttwi fo a point twelve rists iNmiti l the (itiMru-r turner on sotiUi iite ol sei lion 4, theiice in s nmthwosMs ly HIiiN-ttoM to s fwiihl s iivis wosl ni s..ld cor net. Vltcircc IrreKtilHi'ly llireuifti toad Isuds us pray'il for in pclilton; itiwo, to nun 111111 st n point twelve fists south of the ilimrti-r (sinter on Hie soul h side ol vccthirt 4, towiislitp ;:t, rallies s ninitliiK Iheinsi son til to tpiuicr isiuier on mini It side Ml sis'llon !, tow nht H.I, ruiiK " and there Icriinioitc, mid nil oliection thereto or claims . lor riiumts'cH imml Is Hied In Din oniee ot eouiity clerk u or before iiihiiioI theliil day ol I leeem Iter, A. II. Iss.'i, or Mild rosd will be eslahllntiud wittusit reference thereto. M. J. Bi.kwi;TT, r-9 1 iomily iXertr. Judg Jfof Spwrh. The follow log are the word-i Used by Judge Norv&l at the repulilican htate loiiveiitiou, a"ceptmi; the noinimtion for a second term which bad ' - o i tendered him amid great eutltusiukiii, J and V) carry mil the pledges hi made be will have but to continue in the mrsu w hu h lie Iris Hivr pursued siie e Iw h.ik Is-ell oil tiki Itencbt 'TI d'tp intret already taken by tlie republicans of Nebraska iu tlie ap proaching election and the amount of enthusiasm manifested here today are quite significant. They are indicative of a united, harmonious arty and that a signal victory w ill crow n your efforts in Novemls-r. It is indeed a high honor to Is) nominated for the position of judge of the supreme court of this state, but it is a double honor w hen a renomiu-1 ation to that ollice comes from such ai representative body as this in the inagni-l ficent manner in w hu h it has lieen ten-! deivd to me. The compliment is fully ii.nreciated and I most sincerely thank applet laitu ami i most hinteieiy inana eairh of you for it. "1 accept the nomination us a republi can ami if elected my olllcial oath, the constitution and the law of the land, shall lie my platform and chart. "!t shall tie mv endeavor to discharge the duties of my high trust impartially, faithfully and fearlessly. "To administer. justice withou. regard to who may Is- the litigants, their posi s tioii, business, wealth or standing shall he my constant purpose. "I shall not at tempt a seecli, mm h less a discussion of either statu or na tional politics. It would 1 indeed ipiite inappropriate to do so. "Again I thank you for the honor con f erred." Citll Service Ueform. The year ll-l indeed was the starting point, of civil service reform, both in England and in India. In that year an act was passed which provided that the power of the Court of liirectors to ap point wham they chose as students for the Indian civil service should cease, and that all natural -horn subjects of Iler Majesty should he admit led to lie ex amined. Macuiilay and Lord Ashburtoii wert; the leading men on the committee apiointed to draw up the regulations. Tlie report of the committee made in the following year, in favor of open compe tition as the sole passport to admission into the Indian civil service, was ap proved, und thereupon, says Mr. Ilorman B. Faiton, the standard authority on the subject ol civil service in the United Stales, "the merit system, based on open competition, was lor the (list time put into actual practice on a large scale. The merit system has now for so long Is'en an estaul shed pu-tof I he civil ser vice system ol (rrent Britain and India, and people there are so accustomed to see it in operation, that they seldom realize that there was a time when the civil service was largely filled by a set of incompetent barnacles, who had man aged to get themselves squeezed in by an abuse of patronage, and who, once in held on with a deadly gup resembling that of the old man of the sea on the unfortunate Siubad, and who regarded the civil service as I he old man of the sea did his victim, as their legitimate prey, it is now just forty years since uicketis took part, in one of tho mass meetings held iu Wrury Lane theatre for the purpose of lorcing on the govern ment the consideration of administration rt form, and lollowtd it up in the same year by publishing: the first, tiumlier of 'Little IJornt," in which he so scath ingly caricatured the civil service of his day. Hut while England has long since taken the lessons of her caricaturist to heart, some of the Australian colonies, particularly New South Wales, stand in as urgent need of reform, so far as the civil service if concerned, as England did when '-Little tsirrit" was born. From "The Civil Service Problem in Austra lasia,"' by Percy It. Meggy, in the Octo ber Review ol Keviews. Notii'c lo Nuu-UoMiipiit DpftMM.iint.. Iwl M. Buhh, iinirrciftdiMit (Itfnidnnt, MhtcIjV noUfli'if imi UiMoIici 14 lt-j, Siiinitrl -Mitilhwdi th, phiitiiitr, UUni It) tlx-. DHtnet i ourt ol Moux l.oiitily, NciHtviUn, hi jtit inn, wliriviti hi; nK i"t uil fMHlittit HIHl (i(h-'H, Htl HlMHllllllinK Ot ttif iiintHitit tin" Utm mL tl di'lcixliinl, litihh, In II. I. I'tdiion & I o., -liiU'ft ltcMii lcr A ls wUti iitIiiMl tlnri-oii (nun ilut unit lor it firt'clMnr1 I morlKiiw w- I'll riu p.iy rm-nt .ut n.tltl nuU run vtyj iijr to 1UU (MlliHT Ol PllM tUtU' till1 HlHlt II Wt'-nt tcr Ol M'Ctidil 24, ttWiinlli 'il IIOllll, Ol iniiK" WfHt; Hinl u hn-U iMflc Htwl uioi t jit.; fur vnitm rrv( v-i wcr' ti"iiw,i tnnl iraiihleiTiMl lo philiititf on .Jtitu 1, him) h iiow viHiii-il Ity )liiuiliir. Vcu ur! re (jiilr'(J to nMtw cr isai'l pHlmd o,i or Urffin iNovnntiiT )m ur n.iUi M(t1iwi wjil Imi tttkcii fix lOiiiiMfC'l lo Uv, trun bv jou ttii'l jii'ltf iiii'ii t u'oflntf(iy i',ilr-rft. ih M( AV IX T. t I.AHK, Jtaliitifl'n AUorncy. Mici-iifH ly virtft cuf uti nlT ShIo Undo I hy llHM'll'fkot thfl WUWll'Ul.'lH'l (rf tttv t iJint ly fl ?lotx, itntl M.ilu tl Mirik.i U4w.i u 'Itrrt'f tfiiU- rvtt by nn'l tour in f,(sor i-i lUi: Mit-blK"' ft4KiiKl kliil Im.lm AsmK'Ih tion tiit'l uKiliiflL VV uil.UM K. .iHiltt, ..r.ili Hmlili, Jrs,((- stnitii und .Jmii W . Mnitii, I will on iho nth iiny 4 Novnuiwr, til tho Hour of ti! o'rlirf k, p. hi., i hah (.l, ut tin' .at t rout fNH" tif tlui 4 ourt litMl-M' 111 H-lITC-t l, tH N.ii'l CO.lHi V Ml'( Ht.itt, oilff lor ,iA nl wil ll? fl loM iniC tit'ttn iit'd r'M ", Itiu U: Ia1 niimbir Hvc. Ut lilork iimnHht ni, liitln 'l ow u of IliirniMi, Nmi. ( omily, ijrKK4(,t, Hi publU Miction to tin tKli'"t bMib'r lor CilhIl, lo Hiumiy n.ihl Oiu-i' of HJl I i tbo Mitui of nix lltiiMlnxl Hlty Miif hm'I A UK) loHtlrs Hint inU'lf'Ht, -hi hiu! ut- Alvln T.davk, ALly for INalntlfT. xhti-fir shHv. i'h'ik ol t In-llM-rict Hiirtol Uh com hi, y f rMiilfiiMt hy MrtM miirt n 4a m- (IoihW.i lH'kt hihI iif(ttit IhiiIN KMMn AiMflm hHii, dtwph AvinM.iMitK, W . W. VVohI Hllt T. '-. IW-4f( Will OH thO IHIl 11,1V -ol Novombrr, A tK to nt lhhor ot 10 o'fbH'k, a, i ut thiwrtwt ironl 4mf ol lw wnrt hnn-Ms In Hi.rMm, Iu wmIM county, olt't-r Hiitt M'M tho Itillowiiig 1mfibrl Ti'ul imtutr; Nwit: Vhn oorthtNtHi quarter 'Ol wM-tlon thirty IhriM HUh In iownt4liii thirty o.m iMrth ol Tntim- Hlty tbrm (iiil, wt trt ito' lxih r. M., In ih ronulv ol Muux Kitl wltti' ol MiiHitHkn, Hi public fwllrm, to tli httfhOHt Mil'li'T, lor i'n, to luli-Hly hhI ordn of mlc, In th nttnt ol tMM, wnd In IVfOHtf rontH HClTUlllK Ciwt"4, IAI A. h. Dltw, Hhrrlff, M, runiHnc Altv. for PIMnillf. Old People. OiJ pi-sipie v. ho rc-ijuire uvdicioa to regulate tlie bowels and kidney will find the true remedy in Klectric Bitters. This med cine do -s tun st:iiiiilat Mid! ! contains no w hisky nor other intoxicant. but acts as a t une and alterative. It a t,i ui ldly on t!,e stoma. Ii and Isjwels, a.l. img strength ami giving tone to the orgiuis, llN iohy aiding nature iu the per formance of tiie f unctions. Klectric Bitter is an excellent apjt user and aids digestion. Old ople Bud it just exact ly w hat they nee, I. Prioe fifty cents er bottle at Pioneer Pharmacy. Pinal Proof Notice. All ixTsoiiK hMtii'x tin i! proof notice in this pafN-r will receive :t marked - jpy of tlie is-c hikI are reij to e.aiiiini- tlicir notice uu.t if any errol ,-nist rcUort liie same to Hum st!ici ut oio-e. Niilii e for I'liblii'iition. tjliet (ilttce at Alliance. Neii., it. H, I".. i V..H..,. 1 l.K.l..' ,1. ., , i ti ... j mimcl settler ln.s liicil noike of Ins lutcn ," '"'lk' '" -"l't'rt "I In cliiim, mi.t that ,ai,t proui ill he nuelc o.- ! tf M-J- w. rk ilist. conn, st llnr Ida lleisti r, uf siorv. .-!.. niilnty uf Mem Ii'iM,T. ilft'citsci! , ho mielii II. K. No. 1:1.1, for the lols I met i -cc. ii o o I lot , :i iiii-l 4 ci u, t p. n , r i7 u . I tits continuous resilience iiooii ami culiiva lion, ol N.ii'l land, vi : Oscar W. story, Solomon l. storv, tsdli of story. Sell., Wilbur r. xUcpiiei'U, i.eorjte it. Turner. Isilli of iliirrison, .Sel,. II I .1. W. WtaiN, JH., Iti-Kisler. Votifc fur I'lililicatiiin. Ijlil't Ollice nl Alliance, Neb., I (irtohi r 7, ls'.i. Notice is hereby elven that the lollon iug named settler Ion riled notice of hi inleti turn to make Una! proof in support f hi eliiiui, and Itml snid prisif will m made Iw lore M. J. Jiicwctt, clerk of District Court, at Harrison, Neb., on Nov. It:, Is'.ij, viz: I o-c M. I.'nl'iiivni. nflliiri i.iui, S1.. who made II. K. No. :l 41 for the s. ", no. and e. nw. 'i see. .4, t, n.f r. .Fi w . lie iianicn the lollowinK w:tiie-w,cs to prove tits ct:itiiiiiou-t residence t.nd cuiljvie lion of, said land, vi : H. A. riiddv, !.ewN Ccrlach, linvid II. Iiartleu, I'. M tine, all of Harrison, Neb. I"! J. W. Wkiin, Ju., Ki gisicr. Notice fur I'tililicitiuu. I.uiid Ollice st Alliance, Nebr., I Octolier H, 1 is'.tr, t Nolicti is hereby Kivcn tlie follou ni'j liained -td' icr lias illed inttice of his Inten tion lom.ikc Until proof tn support, ot his claim, and I hut said proof w ill be imtde be forc M..). lllcrtctt, clerk Olstriei court at Harrison, .Neb,, on Nov. hi, ltt.'j, vi.: Wiliiiiiii bi'iinaril, nf Mniix Co., Neb,, who tnade il. K. No. iuj:i ftir the t sw. and s. i.j sc. i.t sec. :i:'.. I p. r-' n., r. IA w. He names the follow intf witnesses lo prove his coiitiuintiiH resilience, upon und ruiliv lion ot said land, vi. : Henry Hyde, klbi it Sclirleve, Kobcrt K. Net:ce, 1'iitl lck I'rosser, nil of ilelie, Nt-b. 1 lUj J H . KJIN, JH. lieiilstcr. Nittlre tor l'lililiiatinii. J.iilid Odlce at Alliance, Nell., ( ,-cpl. il, IHtCl. j Notice is lieridiy xiveii the IoIIowIhk niiiiicd ni tllcl Ills lilt d notice ol hin intcu llou lo make llititl jil'ttof in stijtporl ol hi id.itnt, and tfial suld proof wilt be made bc lole A. J. P.lewctt, ( ierk idstriet Court at Harrison, Nebraska, tot No. . '.t, IMC, vi.: Herman (inedilr, of An mtire, S. I)., w ho made II. K. No. 'lim.i lor tlie lots 3 au I 4 sec. Ut, tp. il5 It., I . t.4 W-, and e. !fc st;. '.t, sec il, I p. :ti u., r. to w, lit: Hitmen the lollowin ti, pi ovt. tlU eoiillnilous resideitt-tt npttu ttnd enlti etc lion ol, nanl land, vi.: Peter W lodenleltl, William iid, ,-i.itir, John Oslruiitler, I'eler Hanson, all o, Ard uitjrc, s. o. also W illlmii Utr,Mii:,T, nf ArtiinoiT. S. 1).. w ho matte H. K. No. li.'JT for tin: it. !3 sw-. a totd ii. trf ut. t;il sec. A, tp, n., r. .0-1 w. He iiuincH lltu lodotvtnK W'itncsrjtis to prove los couliiiuotis rcsitleitce uiton nod cuttivu t ttn ol, s.od land, vi. : I'eter W ledeiifold, Aiii;ust Meter, Hcriiian ciocdde, Isaac Huy, ull ol Ardmore, S, 1. J. . Wl'.HN, .IK. 14 HI Xolln for I'ublirari'Hi. I.amt UIIU'R ut Alliiiiicc, Sclt. ( .June I'i, 1HH3. i NotKo Im hiM'trby Kivcn thstt tho (ollow in ami-l wttbrr 1 1 .ih HUd notice ot IiIm inten tion to make lluitl proof in Huojiort ot his claim, himJ that sail iiivtl will be utinh bu- foro M. J. Iilcw4 tt( x.lvrk of th! district (;furtt ut UurriMon, N'b,, on Oct. vU: .Im nl) Hcmy, (il iiilclirist, Xvb. w ho tiwl! II. K. No. ior tbn nw. l ire. fJj, tp. ;t4 u. , r. 0 w . Ik itaiiOM tin followfittf wit'H'H-i Ui provr hin coiiliniioiiH residence upon uud cultiva tion ot Hiiid land, vi.: lii-nry Pu-kfubi'tck, llcnry WuKcrlmrncr. Antoit iilicin, trunk utto, iill ol OiJciu it, Neb. also ilciuy WiisrrWiirpTof o'ilrlirlsl, Xcb, who nuub1 IJ, K Ni, ;s.'n lor tin nc. .-wir.v'U tp. 'M n. .Vj w. lie IIIUIMM till! foiloWillK W'ltUOKH4 t' proVC It 14 cout in ii an co resale ncc u yon and ciil ti Vation ol itibl Uimt, viz: Anton Klieiit Jlenry I'lckcnbrock M. J. t.a Inu i, I rank Nutto' all ol tiiu liri-d, .cli, ! H-mh-.n rick.'iilirork nftaicUrisU Xc. who uiaile il. Iv. No. 242ft for the mc. '4 wr, , tp. M u., r, .Vi w . lie llano-- tlu 1 1 low In witnoM-' to prove bin ron tin a oils reUleitt:e upon ani uilti v Uoii ot Mitd.lmid., i ; Anton KlieJn, henry H fisMM-imrifr, M. .J tiayhttrt, Wiiliaui h.HiiuKiU ull ot dii , chilHt, .Neb. W, H i:iin,Jk., Ii winter. , Alius N'eUriv I". S. 1 .A Nil ()FM Ii, I ALkU.XCK, klk 1 J, la,.v ( Uiteiiig Item rntej'etl ui Mils ttlltlte ly Jrtltlfit .ttlitllr4iit ;i.t!..t ifti ll.itiiiti It.r ,.ta:.tlt.i K ll'A l!it.iiiv.U' lit.-lt- ti. 4i'.'- tl,. IimI l-eln l(.tt.y i. iKt.v, lljMt.t lite tt.'i im. 'i .him'. :(4 ttml n. t n A'.'i e.' low iil!iiM it., range .V. w., ht to.j. ctmult , .NfltrietAM, W lilt ( If ttl lite Ci.ltei' Itttl i.l w.tttl ettlry, lite hl j triit-x .ire lieivby hU.i. itittitetj ui .iptft.iriMi ,.i i ItU ttlllett en iltr :itilti tl.yttl .i( ., ili.i. nl .0 ttr'trL, iu It re tiiiiltl ttiel ItirttlU Ijenlltitiitiy (x-tiit'rr.iiuK .alii tillctriMl tiliAiitlolt itienl.. 'I'lti' eeeletiee lit In' twUniitli-tl ut Hie ltc.,rlnt t4' tint e.,ue III In- tKri( heKM'e M.J llirttl'll, elej k III IJlt. tliMlj'iet etH!'l it Niihk tttunl', elil'tn .NtlVfHiltel' !i 1H'.., 111, 10 reltK'k, ft. 4IU, ttl HHl Htttll, .Seltr. Js W, W t.H., JlU, IU lit-4IHlnr. Sherir NhJk i Hy virtue nt n Orier tf Snkt Ixmiftr) ly i Ihe '( lei lt f the liiul t ( l.tic ("otiii ; lv ol situ, nntl sittK'W NtiiriitbiL, u,pti(i a tleeree riHlttrtt4 4tv ttl I'wtti-l in .favor ol The W i-Mlerii S'CMi tly ( iii.pttiiy -M-rttd nfriUH tl. John W. Iluitler, Mn.iira.rt t ; ll-anler mill W . .K roHifUlon A 4)ouinaiiv I will "M the lsih liny ttf Sovejiibitr, A. I. IHWt, m the limir f one o'eloek, r. in.,allhn ohhI Irani iUxjI ol Ihe (kiurt. Iloanr. in lltiil lin, in b.iKI mniiK, otliT nl tell Ihn folloln(( (lt vrlOe'l real otttitte, It : hall of the notithni.!!. quarlftr t( MihMIoh Three (3), ami the not I'h'Mtl iHn.rh'r tf the tioi tli east (nai"r (tl ."hm-IIoii '1'ett ( I0, and the uovl.hwtiHl iiuarl.eT'ol' the iiorlhwtmt qtiarter el Nfu'Uon Klevfii illi, all In u.wm.hlii llur ly1wo IW) north, ItaiiK" Hl'ty Bve (.Vi) VVet. of the t.ih r. In thi (Viutity ol siim.v, Hinl Slant of Neliratk.t, Mt public itclltiiu, lo tn niKneKT niduer ior e.ntii, io Haiimy mini Order of Xtiln III tlitt Nnni ol .Mi,A0, nnd til terexl, eol mid ueeruliiK oohIh. iH IUJ A. It. HKW, SharlfT, Alvln T. (UiH'lf, i.W,vfnr.rlnrl'' STAMPED UPOn Is the name and fame of the "Old Reliable" store of MARSTELLER BROTHERS, where you can al ways find bargains in everything to be found in a GEN ERA Now is the time select your SPRING ARD mm Highest market price paid for produce of all kinds. Marsteller Bros. 'The Old Reliable." Hester DEALERS IX Lumber, Coal and Farm Implements, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Lime, Lath and Shingles. Windmill and Pump Supplies. ITAUU1SOX ( lit A NT GUT11K1E, Attorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to nil leynl matters in Justice, County and District (ViurN, and before the United Stiites Land Ollice. Fire Insurance written in reliable companies. d5"Leal pafiers carefully drawn. Hakuison, XtaiP.ASKA. B. L. SMUCK. Fashionable Barber & Hair Dresser. OPEN SUNDAY MOM 9 TO 1 2. RAZORS AND KaSSOllK PIT IN (lltDKIt. tilve 1 nut J n t (all. J. E. PI I IN NEY, M. I. riiysiciun mid SnrrtMiu Ml eiUi slveu jiroanit ultentWin. Oflice In Ir sioiM'. IHnillNOX, - - KKHASKA. GET THE BE S'V dorirtt'bf . t !v v i : vi i'!' -"tn?; w' )' i ATd -i-t 1c i ' -ilitllii -Lm It. i ., Most Pont;3ar for mere fi'j. i c Wi ?m frota r..v .- t. j.' actwvrt that & p3iE, v "Mr-i 13 l t a t?i i tt 1 CfewtftR wacnTrun i-.-ti t ri"-eti Ok world vir ihr i't tSnro WrltT. Vvo pa'l' 1 it te. V5i.t M1: Light Runninij Thrrt Titrrn: "11 wnrtd thdrt iphU n-rurJ Hji HxutJMmk'n) f.r.n U'B xt r, tiwliiUt. ttl work iitj: in nrpfnr:tia. tr hus,ii ttuuij New Home It Tib At-ft-nn-ll" Tirlnri . T.miMe Foad, nllkr vin UjIi iidn tnt' i.-f. l.'c (--.'itWi, mo-other hJ 4lj Ve tnnd 1 tatVift'), ti rwton whool MmM t. rvfl nw! aeoterB,tli-i."dcn( friotlo .he iuaihn8(n. VJmiZ TOn C1RCULAW1. THE 0 1T0SB SEff-G BSCHIW CI (r, Mn D-ytTf. Mtttt. !ilTvillKg.,.W ISii,",t.v f r IersMo, liM .Tai. jr A.ti, 'ti.. unmii. rtnu Ml THE DULLEST Oflllt) Iv STO R E. ER GOODS. & on, NEBRASKA. IT IS A Horrible Sight TO WATCH GERLAGH In the daily ierforinnnce of Ids yreiit, original tradev in real life the SLAUGHTER OF TIIE j It is in two act In !lit irst. net lite I prim-ipa! parts re lat;eii Ity Mr. fit rlaeli antl representative of easlern w litiK-xile litni''. from tvlmm (lie former pm-li.i liix In this act lie dinplnyn jjreul power ti the fori-in down piitn-. and extra. t iinarv aliiliiy 111 lli tudfrt uiii .f fiMtiU suit itjs (iMoilier". Bui II 1 in lUe'. -oittl .il l Unit Ik nioM. tmlv uliitiet -i 1 ai 1.1k point ti liele W illi i ll.MU'.i s lit J'd'X's ;im CUT iasr two hi iiv-.H- -.tiiH-ni(v- itn;j li'n.1 o iiKl jv-tly, Pen1..r.t(iitie' --rj" Any front ,1 3tr 110p. iu. HiviA (n ,m s.,U umU J ti i in iUw weilt, Ad.wi' ft f rue. i kK twijflel. iitv JiMii. RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE. North-Western LINE V.. K. . F. E. ii. Jl 'l-il (tw nnd 1'.r(,inn tlw SUGAR OEET FIELDS nostra sEB&kmk. INNOCENTS.