The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 10, 1895, Image 7

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    Om of the latest fade Id gloves ii
Imr neatly hidden la Um palm.
Mw ii to finding Increasing fTor
with fashionable dressmakers and tail
on aa iklrt lining.
Nearly all the mat a no bats ara over
laden with trimming, ruing their tw
in a top heavy appaaraoca.
Jewelry will ba vary much mora Id
evidence than for a long tima past.
Dog collar of rhinestones and fancy
pin ara the whim for tha moment.
It Will Pay
To make Mint provision for yoar phynie
al health at this season, because a cold
or cough, an attack of pneumonia or ty
phoid fever now may make yon an invalid
all winter. Pint of all b tare that your
Mood ia pure, lor health depends upon
pare blood. A few bottles of Hood 8er
aaparilU will be a paying investment now.
It will give yon pnre. rich blood and in
vigorate your whole yetem.
Ie the One True Blood PoritW.
Hood's Pilla taMelees, mild, Bret-
PUHK. MIQM fillnl
Oa as fuln innMt
Industrial and Food
anlfc W ibiUar
tmmt Mr pHfi ml Mnktln
Mr. Bterrheater, Slaea.
solo at oaoctat cvcavwrttsL
MLTll UUI a CO. LTD. OOtCwttTlt, UML
Bcccham s pills are for bil
iousness, sick headache, di
riness, dyspepsia, bad taste
in the mouth, heartburn, tor
pid liver, foul breath, sallow
kin, coated tongue, pimples,
loss of appetite, etc., when
Caused by constipation; and
Constipation is the most fre
quent cause of all of thm.
One of the m out important thlngt for
everybody to learn ii that constipation
. " w.KUKMW ,U Ul
world, rrx-nlly ol weairn; and it can all
be prevented. Go by the book .free at yonr
druggist 'a.or write B P AllrnCo.,i65Cnal
wuii; iiibu uii mc BicKnems in me
Di.,rfw vcir. rnu.ioe ana 2 a bos.
4aaoiiiiffl' rLhial rt mo bf.!H
The Greatest Medical Discovery
of the Age.
Has discovered In one of our common
pasture weeds a remedy that cures t vrry
kind of llumor, from the wort Vrofula
dswn tu a common Pimple.
He his tried it In over eleven hui.drrd
cases, and never failed except In two CJses
(both thunder humor). He has now In his
possession over two hundred certificates
of Its value, all within twenty mile of
Boston. Send postal card for book.
A benefit Is always experienced from
the first bottle, and a 'perfect cure is war
ranted when the right quantity is taken.
When the lungs are affected it causes
shooting pains, like needles passing;
through them; the same with the Liver or
Bowels. 1 his Is caused by the ducts being
stopped, and always disappears in a week
after taking it. Read the label.
If the stomach Is foul or bilious It will
cause squeamish feelings at first.
No change of diet ever necessary. Eat
the best you wn get, and enough of it.
Dose, one tablespoonful In water at bed
time. Sold by all I innjeiMs.
t World t air I HKirthM AWAKI).
1 M lJJt;Kl am
I Try it when the digestion :
:is WEAK and no FOODS
seems to nourish. TryitJ
nfn seems impossible to
(keep FOOD, he stomach !j
) Sold by DWOllST5 CVrVWHI:KIM ;
? John Larla Son. Stw nrk. J
600 SONGS rrJn'.'r",';.!
in 11 ir ritiri i.'u( mtf tmn tu h wiiJna ..iik
i i. ,v.i riat
i ii rr-ni'-r iiuM,
N. t. . 3 51 -41. rk Nfb
itrilKN M ltlTIM) TO A III I HI
pl a..r la aortl-iurnl
In f lils jaor.
-". ev
1 f
: I ii
m m m
m m
Hi i
Highest Awards
Cherry Pectoral
At the World' FIr.
Tbe DleMegalaltlaf Mark.
Miss Castiqoe- -v you are engaged to
lhal Mr. Atkinson, are you not, How,
toll me honaaUy, what can you aaa In
Mm tbat dirtlaguiahea him from ail tha
oi ber men io the world whom you have
evar mat ?
Half aaa Malt
First Little Girl-Did yon know,
U irie, that we ara to half mourning at
our house? "
Second Llttla Girl-Indeed! Who ia
It that'a half dead.
t Makaa Saama Ma Tlrad.
They wars from aotna locality np
north and oo thalr wedding tour, la
taking in the sights of Dotrolt tbey
boarded a Woodward avenue ear for a
terminus and back. As they sat beaide
aacn otner, bar band in hla hand and
bis straw hat fanning there both, a
grumpy old codger on tha text aaat
naerlngly obaarrad:
" 'Not bar caaa of love's young dream,
I see!"
Tha newly wad dad looked around at
btm, but mad no roplr. and nrau
soon ha said:
There ought to ba a law againat
this spooning bus' d see! It Just makaa
ma tlradt"
" daaat" retorted tLe young
maoas kls cheeks bse-an to raddan.
"Msbbe you never spoon ad when yon
waa a young man r,
"If 1 did it was not la aueh nubile
"What's tha placs to do with It f
Can't everybody Ull rlrht off tha
handle that me'n Jen Die are just mar
"1 should say they could."
"And that wo ara on our bridle
4 And that we are Just honey and
"J bat's what Urea me."
"It does, eh? Well, It don't tire us.
She doses on ma and I'd die for her,
and we ara going to kiss and hug and
squeeze handa and eat gum-drops as
long as our 17 holds out, and you and
and all the rest of the old moasbaeks
In this town ean lick your chops and go
to grass I'
And be sat down and put one arm
Around hit tur'le dove hugged ber
tljl the grumpy old man came to big
corner and dropped oS wilb a grunt of
I.eaioa Julra aa Hollab,
Lemon juice applied to cast Iron ar
tides gives an excellent finish to the
tnetal. It turns tbe portion of polished
cast iron to which It is applied to a
brone black, and when touched over
with sbellack varnish will absorb a suf
tielent amount of the varnlsb to pre
serve it. To many, lemon juice would
seem to be a weak and Ineffective acid
for metal, but every one knows bow
quickly a knife blade of steel will
blacken when used to cut 1 lenfon, and
tbe darkening of polished iron by the
acid Is very beautiful.
If the hair Is railing out and turning
Kray. the Rlandiofthc skin need stimulat
ing ami color-fixwl. and the best remedy
urul -titimlant 11 Hall's Hair Kenewrr.
iuer Affair In Louisiana
That la a queer state of things down
In Louisiana wheie a colored inurderet
condemned to be hanged, has secured
b stay of proceedings from the highest
court on the ground that no negro if
b) law allowed to serve on a Jury ic
New Orleans, and ks there was a negro
on the jury that convicted him it Ii
held that lis did not have a trial by a
j;iry of his peers. It is a reinarkablt
state of things when a negro juryman
is held not to be the peer of a uegrc
Hall's Catarrh Cure
l a rwisiilutional care, l'nce 7S cents.
A t.iitm Hint
It was 1I:J p. m., and the clock
marked the half hour with a sharp
hung.. The young man looked around
liii.stily the Kirl wearily.
"Oh," he said, with ft short laugh, "it
tlmost startled me,-'
-l tx-e yo'ir pHrdon," said the girl.
"It almost startled me," he repeated,
h, excuse me," she apologized;-''I
thought you H-tirl ItHlmostslartedyou."
He got out during the next ten min
utes. Weitiink I'i-o's (Jure for C'onsnniption
i tli ntil.v iiic ti. iiie I'nr t'ooehs. J ism it
I'll KKIl, '.-prnn-lh l'l, llli , i-t. 1, 1HM.
Atchison (ilot)e: When the weather
is good tor corn it limit good for mucn
The latest Information from tli9
mutn is that, VflM'A craters have bee i
counted on Its surface, all dead.
Mr. Wlnlm' finmHiKo f rnur for rhlld.
.!, lerthir j. nolirin Ihr iini, rrJ'u:r Infltm
maiion, '') iiaiii.i'iirm wlni folic. 2,'H! biittlo
Ten .lews were e acted to tha Italian
parliament at tlm lirt 'rliil in thh litHt
eleciluu, the most prominent, being Hie
minister of linimce, Sotininti.
The remedy
for coughs
and colds.
Its record:
fifty years
of cures.
A Tatartaarlaa'a Practical Maaaa of
Fravaatiauc Tabarcal ta aVrraaa'
aarat (or Trias Calarr for Ska Mar
ket -Wag aa for HaaUacCors Foddar
To Ptwvoat Tabarcaloala.
Introduce a consumptive cow Into a
herd, and the animal on each aide of
her la the common stanchions, shown
In Fig. 1, will be Infected from her
breath and apIL Put a board partition
on each aide of tbe diseased cow, ex
tending wall out la front, and It will
be long before aha contaminates her
neighbor, If aha ever does. Exhaus
tive tests In Denmark, extending over
two years, with 208 head, show tbat
"It la possible to rear a healthy herd on
a farm where there la an Infected
herd If the two are separated by a
wooden partition, and this will prove
successful, even when the calves from
diseased cows are raised." Q. N. Kin
nell, a Fittafield veterinarian, there
fore advocates Individual stalls for
each cow, by simply running a parti
tion between tbe stanchions, boarded
up In front, with a ventilating shaft
eighteen Inches square over each cow's
head, four or alx of them to Join In a
common shaft running through tbe
roof. (Fig. 2 shows sucb partition not
boarded up in front, the advisability
of which we question.) He mentions
a herd tbat escaped Infection from two
badly diseased cows because the sick
cows were kept In stanchions boarded
up In front, with a tlt;ht partition be
tween each stanchion. Dr. K In nell
wisely conHldera gome such method of
separating cows the most Important,
simplest and cheapest means of avoid
ing Infection. The germ of tuberculosis
dies In sunlight, hence a stable cannot
be too light and airy. Orange Judd
In every long-settled locality where
the soil is sandy, farmers quickly learn,
after the original foret Is cleared
away, to plant windbreaks to protect
their soli from blowing away. Such
windbreaks do good which more than
offsets the wrmte of the In ml which they
occupy. Not only Is soil blown away
after being plowed, but during the sum
mer there are frequent violent sand
storms where tbe winds have full
sweep, which uncover weds and plants
or blow sand against the foliage of
Jauls, cutting and spoiling It. These
wlmlhrcaktt nerve another Important
purpose. In winter In keeping the snow
evenly spread over tin; fields. They
should be of evergreen wherever pos
sible, so as to make a protection for
winter as well as for the summer sea
Hon. A iiierieun Cultivator.
Tylnis Celery for Market,
Novices do uot always bunch celery
properly. An old grower of celery
near Buffalo, N. Y., bunches his crop
as follows: Two bricks arc set tip edge.
i:i.r,n ni-(TiEn.
wlso and two strings laid crosswise.
Two neatly trimmed stalks are squeez
ed In tightly betweeu the bricks, two
more squeezed In on those and two
more on top. making six heads in the
bunch. All are then tied tightly with
the strings.
Timothy vh. Clover.
We are uot wholly averse to a small
amount of timothy sown with clover,
but we arc aitaliist giving the timothy
the preference, for Wo sei- object les
sons continually nverse to the latter
practice. Farm are not Improved by
It. On the other band, says the New
Knirlnnd Former, when clover Is given
the preference, the farms are growing
better. The only pastures with us
that show green In quantity to delight
the eye of the farmer are those partly
or wholly clover, and the clover Is now
best that was not allowed to perfect a
growth early In the season.
One A era In lima,
it Is a progressive farmer who can
succeed In making one acre support
a cow, and be la then perfectly eatls
uea with a profit of 950 from her. I f
an acre of land can be made to yield
any kind of crop tbat will pay a profit
of ffiO, the success attending sucb a re
salt will be considered worthy of no
tice. Profit means, of course, all that
portion of tbe gross receipts which re
main after tha fall expenses are paid,
and a proSt of 60 aa acre la very
largo. It Is easy to figure oa paper
the possibilities of an acre of land, bat
there are facts abundant to demon
strate that B0 Is but a small aum to de
rive from one acre of land devoted to
poultry. It la rare to And a case where
a large flock of poultry baa been glvea
tha apace of one acre that tbe bene
did not pay well, although do credit
Is not always allowed for the "home"
market, which calls for poultry and
eggs, accounts not being kept with the
fsmlly table.
At present tbe Gorman butoben pay
from S4S to ISO for horses; but already
the demand la beginning to Increase
me price. Mr. Tingle, la Farm News,
advlaea the American farmer to go late
tbe business of raising horses to supply
the German food market He ears they
ean be raised cheaper than cattle, and
ean be more easily shipped across tbe
water. As American beef and pork are
excluded from the German markets, he
recommends tbat tbe place of the two
products be filled with horse meat
Last fall horses sold at auction la
Nebraska at from 5 to $10 each. Tbe
abort crops bad something to do wtta
She low price; but the falling off In tbe
demand for horses, by reason of the In
troduction of electricity as a motor, the
bicycle and other causes, bad far more
to do with fixing the price. It Is doubt
ful if the prejudice against tbe use of
horseflesh as food In this country will
ever be wholly overcome, and tbe Ger
mans can eat our surplus horses while
we keep and consume our beef and
There Is no sanitary reason why
horseflesh should not be used for food,
as the boras eats the same things that
the ox does, and to. If any difference,
more dainty about what he eats. It Is
simply a prejudice, that is largely sen
timental,, and founded on tbe belief that
tbe horse Is Intended for better things
than to become food.
Care of Pica.
. Profitable swine breeding depends
upon the time at wblcb tbe hoga are
slaughtered In order to secure the high
est market prices. Thus, the time of
farrowing must almost of necessity be
so arranged that a part of them at least
be dropped In cold and frosty weather.
Tbat one has a moderately warm pen
Is not enough; the run for the sow must
be In a temperature which Is evenly
warm all of the time, and this, I mean,
controlled by animal heat enough to
1 ami re no frost.
Out of the forty pdgs which we have
bad the past winter, twenty of them
were dropped In January, and all did
well and to-day are the finest lot we
ever had, nays C. II. Whltcomb In The
Stockman. They are on heavy grass
pasture, and will remain so until our
peas are ready to turn Into. Having
pigs farrowed In this way gives us an
opportunity to take advantage of both
the. early markets. Tnen, too, we must
let nature have her way in the feed lug
of young pigs. While growing feed
wholly on bone and muscle making
foods, and the pigs will have no stop-
For Handling- Bulky For Hue.
In handling grain, hay or green corn
fodder, a low rack, similar to the one
shown In the Illustration, Is a great
saver of time and labor. One man
standing on the ground and simply
drawing the corn toward himself can
lay It upon the table of the cutting
machine without stopping, or raising
It up simply to lay It down ngaln. The
top of the rack Is 7x14 feet with six
foot standards. The stringers are
4x0 inches, U) to 20 feet long. They
are hung from tln from axle by means
of a lengthened king bolt provided
with a nut and washer. From the
hind axle they are suspended by
-lneh rods with nuts and washers
below and hooks above to go over the
axil'. The stringers should bo twenty
Inches apart In front and tuirty-two
Inches behind. A short wrench keeps
the hound from tipping up. I find this
rack very convenient. As short a turn
can be made with this as with a six
teen foot ruck. American Agricultu
rist. All-Hound Cattle.
The cry Is nowadays: "(Jive us- the
good all-round animal." Tho Country
Oentlemnn thinks there Is an element
of error In this. Carry out this Idea to
an extreme, and you blot out the dis
tinctive characteristics of every breed
of animals exisilng. .No one animal can
do everything best. As In the mechani
cal, so In the animal world there must
be a division of labor. Wo owe all the
Improvement of the present day In all
classen of domestic live slock to special
breeding for a definite puriise. Let
the breeder of the rsce horso try to
combine the slrcliyth of the Clydesdale
or Shire with Ihe speed of his thorough
bred, and the result. Is au Increase of
strength, but a reduction of speed.
('rape mill l.lcctrlclty.
French scientists are reported to be
farming by lightning. They found that
electricity quickens germination and
growth, so they set up poles armed at
the top with copper spikes to draw
electricity from Ihe air. A wire con
veys It to a net-work ofgalvanlr.ed Iron
wire four to six feet below the growing
crops, and grab's are said to grow fiO
per cent larger anil contain more of
what grnps are raised for.
Haw Kit a for Rconra,
Haw eggs, says the Orange Judd Far
mer, are a cure for scours In calves.
Prevention Is better than cure, and by
good Judgment and Intelligence the dis
ease may be prevented. But If tbe dis
ease develops give the calf one or two
raw eggs, shells and alt. Repeat If n
Bifbcst of all ia Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Govt Report
StasaJr VeUowlBg Iaaaraailaaa.
Ton any tbat I'm not altogether ob-
leetionable to yonr parents, " ha said
No," aba replied; "father and moth.
if both spook vsry highly of you."
"Than why doss that big dog assault
a very time I eome nar and chew a
pioes out of ay elothaar
"Oh, yon mustn't mind Brutos. ut
trained to do that. Aunt haa gottaa
almost enough samples from him to
macs a lovely patehwerk quilt."
A weighty eon pie were reesotly wad
td la Cbieago by Jostle Martin.
Thar are Georga Hayes and Lottie
KsUey. The groom weighs XX) pounds
and the brida CM pounds.
A remarkable apple tree flimrlsbsa
tha realdenoa of Oaear Walla at
Mount Olln, Ky. One half of every
apple that grows on tha tree la very
sow, while tho other half la vary sweet.
Tha Parisian draasmakara rublyoo-
podlum powder on tbair hands, and
thus prevents tha perspiration from
soiliag tha delicate ribbons and silk
fabrics that they ara constantly finger
Around trip of one of the ocean
teamen, like tbe St. Louis, entails an
sxpenss of about 170,000. The coal
consumed costs nearly 15,000, tbe pro
visions 12,000 and the breakage
000.- : '. t ... , , ,.
On no account keep the soiled linen
bag in the Bleeping department, for it
is very unhealthy and tends to taint
tbe air which is Inhaled during tbe
T Tl wTnTT-rvr V TTfg-rVr-
"The Best Is Aye the Cheapest.'
Avoid Imitations of and Sub
stitutes for
,.njui-nji-n.rin-iimJ'f "
Lesson JP
It's all right to let the
little girls have an early
introduction to
It will not only make their clothes clean but when in late years tha cares
of the household come they will know best how to meet them. There
are a great many women who have learned a lesson ef economy and
cleanliness by the aaa of Santa Claus. Sold everywhere. Made only by
The N. K. Fairbank Company, - Chicago.
" s is:
Oan only be accomplished with
tlie very Vwst
a pp Ilntices.
Cream Hepa
tarm ; ou gn
and hette
the nklirime
ef tools and
With a Davis
rstor on the
tire of more
butter, while
Bilk is aval
Fanners will
take to get a
mailed wan
uah'e feet
make do mi
Davis. Neal
Ageett waste)
buo. oo
Car . Wsaselak k Dsaraera Ws
Kaaw Where Ha Balaagi-d.
A Newfoundland doc appeared as an
ailmportaot witness in a case in a jus
tice's court in Cbieago tbe other day.
Tho dog waa in the possession of a
woman who waa e barged with stealing
it. She was directed to bring the ani
mal into court and when he saw the
plaintiff, bis real owner, he broke away
from tbe woman and made sucb a fuse
ever his master, that the justice Im
mediately decided the ease in favor of
tha plaintiff.
Red cannot be recommended on ac
count of ita washing qualities, aa it ia
very apt to fade. To prevent this add
a little borax to tbe washing water and
tha color will retain Ita u-ual bright
noes. To utilize ordinary dripping ia not
at all difficult in a well-regulated
household, but bacon fat ia often wast
ed. It should not be, ho waver, for It
is moat handy for basting poultry of
every description.
Tbe best view ara sometimes right
at tha and of the longest tunnels.
With that exhilarating sense of renewed (
health and strength and internal eiaanli
neas, which follows the use of Syrup of
Figs, is unknown to the few who have not
progressed beyond tbe old time medicines
and the cheap substitutes somettasss of
fered but nsver accepted by the well In
formed. If women's sleeves get much bigger
than they are now, it won't be neces
sary for them to wear anything else.
Somerville Journal.
The cleaning of carpets
without taking them up. That is a specialty
Pcarline. Alter a tiiorougn
i t- i
sweeping, you simply scruo uiem
with Pearline and water. Then you
wipe them off with clean (water, and
sit down and enjoy tneir new
ness and freshness.
You ousrht to be able to do a
good deal of sitting down, if in
all your washing and cleaning
you use Pearline, and so
save time and work. Use
it alone no soap with iL
The St. Joseph and Grand Island B. R.
A?ionwuhnthe" Union Faoifio System
To California, Orrron ana all Western Petals.
For IntorsMtion regarding ratea. etc., eall om
or add ran any stent or 8. at. AnatT,
at. P. KoSmMM, Ja., Oen. Faaa Agt.
Uen'l Manager, Bt Joseph, Mo.
r Or, Mat's
aleaacana. Treulnee4fa.aa trial kettle Sea
Hiram. 8aWwDf.Ea,(si Afckatratal