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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1895)
THE RT0U5 COLTXTY J" O TJ IR, IST A. Xj. I., .1. NimiauiiM, IMiloruinl I'rop, r.K. K.Vll. R.TWi.1,1... (oiiiK W'fil. i.otii KaL ' fa. i, iiiiisl IB (i No. (1, miTi-l .r, V Kor (Ira liiglwut -ih jiricw for illicit mm (irant (intlirie. Ilorelionn 1 iotiiHiun-l louli nyruj the rent reiitmly for wiuIih and cold at tlw; Pioneer pliarmocv. M. K. (Iiiircli Sunday (.)., i:itl iii Iiiiu at li Mlarv at 10i!0. at Harri son at T rflO. County Treasurer Wooilrnir lias iiiovttl lock to his farm in Niigur Loaf precinct to look after In interests there. Prayer meeting awry Thursday v viini at the church at 7 ::!'. tlw iastor urgently iviiiiest every onti that jms.ii. lily ran to be present T. V. Uohl.Ti, itujix-ndunt onnijnlatu forjudge of this district, wil ms in Jlais vison on nnxt Saturday M ndlress. tha jwople. The liour lias not linen fjiven. W.'It Smith has rented a livery Wn in Craft-ford and U moving to that plat. in an experienced livery man and ought to do. a good holiness. The fiiistor (lucres to meet all the children and, young xjple. of the town and Mirroutidin country next 8iind.iv evening ut 6:HQ in the church to talU about and organize a Junior lA-iguo. Word has len received that the state llsh car i w here about the (ith o that thoso who have sent Application for fish for this fall' delivery bhotild ke prejared to r-ieive tlu-n. It is (jnite hKely that each applicant mil lie noli! ed of the ex.v t date, on which it will lit he re, At the meeting of thu lioard u( ion) nusioiicrs last week somo tHiti (im for change in prm im Is and tiio wivt'tion. ot new ones came up for consideration. They could not lie acted tiKn fop the lason that it was so near the general lection and the changes asked lor would nave changed the lines of the connors- sinner districts, and the. law would not allow Hat ftt this time of the. year. It is (piit! likely tluit a numlier of clumges will be, made early in tlie year m that if any oilier localities want anything in that linn Ihvy should get their petitions in. The consolidation of Sheep Creek and Kunniug Water precincts will make H'tilo a saving to tho county and will can- no iuixmvenience to the people. ICVAHZ. At the residence of his mother in Highland precinct, Sioux county, Jb.,on Tues-Uy, October t. If'.J.i, ot catarrhal fever, Uil-stav N.hvvar., aeu 'Jt year Tito deceased wm a young man wlio. a few ilays sigo seemed to have every as- .MUi'aiice of health and life, lie was. tak wi sick about two weeks agoaiul medical kill was unavailing and on Tuesday ift;runoti he breathed bU last. Tlve funeral will occur this (Thursday) after noon, at tiio M. E,.cliurclt, conducted by Uev. U. J. Clark. Tho relative: of the diseased liavo tlm sympathy of all in theu- leroaveiUent. (lvlng Awaj A t'iaua t'lm; Imily State Jouriud gives every kuljscrilicr wniUng (fl ci suliwriptiou a guess in a piauo coatext, TImj person guessiu tlie correct or nearest to the vorrict numlier of voles that will be east for miprenie juilge tliis fall will get this $4riO piiiiMj free. Thu contest i loses October Stl. Seiul for a free Rinnplo copy ul The Jouricil with tlds oiler. The Journal Is cheap in price now, 5il cents uumth without Sunday or C. cents ith Suiulay. Addres.4 SUt Jottrual, Lincoln, Neb. rnxiuct Caucus TUu republican electors of lkweii pfe-um-tare liurvby reipiesled to iiieet at Hub court ou Kit unity, October ID, I!."!, at 4 o'clock, p. in., for tlie i f noiui'Miling cauihdntes for Uit: varinus prvciiu ts olltces. H A. Hji.tljav. Cuuiiiiiireiiiuiiu Tlie riublicau ebiclols of Wni-ooiuiet .ir;ciiict uro hereby requested In aiwl ul ilui residence of ti. J. Wilcos ou s.ilui' Jay, Octolx-r l'J, l"'J."i, at I u'cUu, p. in. lor tli) purpose of L'ouuu.UiJit; ciLuiiUiitcs toe tlw? various precinct o liken. J HIS IXT.NKKTr. Couiuutteiu.iii. UlOs WaatvtL VJ will be received ut my otlitt up to ti o'clock p. III. , OU Saturday, October UL IMlfc'i, to lurnjsh 10 tons ot OLeii Hocii coal, lo bu delivered at tlx: school Ml tbu'tisoii ou or birtui-e November 1, X W. Scurr. larector. iJi'U UautTUJs. H: Semi-Weekly SUitu JouruaL will ta scut to any luliliesa from now until January I. 1"J7, for ouu dulUr. Itjin will giv you llial great twicw-ti-waek (yaiitc very Tuesday and 1'ritlay all our wig Uw fall campaign, mid tlitougll the vouillig great prusnU-iilial caiupaigu' , January, 1?U7, i a long way oil auo you will be getting a great lot ol raU uig matter for your uolUr. llw Jour nal 1st always itneutl ot tiio oocu-a-wek 1atn.Ts anil is really wottl twa-o n uiuch. It is llw laruier'a dally. Us louikel reports ar coiopleto and you Uet thoiu twiiMj a ek. it w Uileil will" hoico family reading in widiiion to all the hljila mill national tvleirraiihiu nuwit. triiit iUutnUetl Kionui ny too Kitatisitt author, 'llw Joner you iieuu a dollar Urn morn papers you will gt lor juur liuKiey, AiiurvHi iSiirakrt OUto lUrmil, l.fni oln, U. B. Smith is visiting relatives io this county. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. C-..i eiv in liar risou Jet-r jay. a. IL K-imdy was up from t'rawfoid the lust of th Week. Elliott Hrown, tha gheep man, is in Ilarr'so'i today. L Joe Shmlevant ivik up from Shwip creek y'tenly, William IouarJ wan up from Run. mi(g Water on Monday. Kleiu and Henry Kreeman were l.p from (ilep on Monday, J. W. Scott went to Crawford Monday pfiniri l-.'l tirn'iiT Ti v W J. M. Smiley retui uetl Satunlay from tlie eastern part of the state. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kroning were over from Indian creek Saturday. Mrs. C, l Jameson, of Cliadron, i yiniting her inreiils on liiinnini: Water. k ()'lave Harris wum up from Iiiinning Water Saturday and clb'd for a vhort chat. W. H. Jnhuson, of Olen, nan tioin bii.siniis at the county seat the last of tlt week. yMrs. Oscar Ward came down from laisk last livening to attend the funeral of. her brother. johu Ihuit was down from his Wyom ing sheep ranch the last of the week pur chasing supplies. James II. Cook was up from Agate Springs Momlcy aiv' made an agreeable call at tliis ollloe. A. McGinley made a trip to Casper the last of thu week to buy entile, but re turned without any, Mrs. Uev. S. R. Moore, of Jacksonville, 111., nid her brollvr, John S. Thomas, of (Vllins, and county treasurer of iiuio Co., c'olo., nre here visiting their mother, now in her HHtii year, and their bruthor, 11 F. Thomas. Tin Muss C'in utlon. TIk niasa converst ion last week was 'plito well attended and was a very g'od nalurcd afl'air. The results in home instances woro tjuilo imexiex:ted. It looked us if M. tiayhart would he tlie nominee for treasurtr but wluin the tiun! caiic? Ins name was nut nioiitioni.d, SherilV iJew did not desire- a runoiniua tiou for the oUire be now holds but lie would lave been pleased to Lave boeo chosen as tint nominee for troasuror, but he did not have the needed strength. Treasurer Wuodruir tleciiled a few days lufore to make ai effort for reuomiua tioii but uol soon euuugii to secure help enough, diaries Hiehle, tha nominee, has been a resident of this county for many years uud is well known and his selection is concealed to 1 a strong one. There is no doubt that the main thing which prevented the naming of Mr. Woodi ulV for a second term wan the con troversy which occurred nearly two years ago in regard to. bis having. Siier il Dew perform clerical work in the treasurer's o!IU:e, and what applied to hiui applied alsa to Mr. Dew to. a great extent. It is admitted, by all tlwit M. J. Clew ett has made a good county clerk, and no kick bus been made by any one who lias laid bu.Hiue. v illi Uim and bo was selected as tlie candidate for a second term by acclanuition without an oppos ing vole. For sheriir a frieially contest was uuide by N. D. Hamlin and K. L. Keel which resulted in the former developing the iiuH't streuglh and lie was maile the nominee. For superintendent it was reecssni and that no one would utaud any sliow' in a against W. 1L Ll tvbisohie was de- lared the choice of tlie couventioii. The olf'u'e of county judge does, not pay eiwjugli so that any one can afford to move to the county jieat if elected and as Judge Wilsou lives so near towo that he can attend to it, tlus cixiveutiou made him its nominee. For surveyor S. L. Eills 'ut ununi-mou-sly cluiseti to be bis ov u success)!', lieutg, au eugineer hi work during the past two years lias given satisfaction lo the people and lie lias a wide acquain tance all over the county. Dr. I'huuiey being tlie tdy ptiysiciiiD in the county wa very properly untied as the caudidate for coroner, anil be will without doubt be elected. Taken as a w lioie lliu result ol tlie cou veutlou bluiws tliat tlie men who galu ered tbere acted ou purely uou puiluhiu hns ami used tlieir oet ellorW to pru par Ui uiku a hglil. it wa.s controlled eutirely by the outsiuli precincts, very few meu ob e.uleiiL of this precuicl liaviug piirlieiuateil. No one was. turned down lor j-pite and uo man s persouiil ambiluum were allowed lo dic tate the actual Uikeiu The uarn named ure all feood uieu, w lu are pretty ge'ier ally kuowu llivougvut tlie couly. it us mote than likely Unit tlie action of tlie conveulion will tii&ke koine ditteruuee m the program ol llm indeperukut con winch will meet on Saturday, lluckleu'i, Anilcn MiUe. 'J'lw list Rulva in Ui uorW for cuti, lruint, wires, ukrs, milt rlieuuif luvtir sores, tetter, tluipii ImiiUs, cliilhliuns, oorrm, ihkI all vliiu uruotwii ami iomIivk ly cuix'h iiles, or no juiy reiuiwU II h gn iranleeil to kivu H;rfi;t hiiUhfut'liou or luoiHiy nf uwlwJ, JtVic iW cuirts mt Oox. For tula by Pioneer P(rmBy, roimssioxE.:' re( on. H.u:ia.N', Neb , Oct. 1, 105. lioard of county oinmiKsioner m-t in regular ses-iou. Fiesii.t: CiHoinissieuors a.... TmUhaiii and Weber, mid clerk. MiuuU-s of last met ting read and p proved. On mutatu tUe county treasurer lie and he hereby oru?red and aothori-d to refund to C. S, llr.iftil a.Oil; to A. S. Leonard lf."i.3J, and to C. I'. Jloiigluss f'i.fiH. Also lo remit It A. S. IjeoiianJ (2. IS anJ ti Win. lyeonard 6d cents, the cinie lieiug M'liool tax (it erroneously levied in si hool district No. 'i't. On motion tlie order heretofore made annexing the territory ini lujcd in Sheep Creek ptecim t to Wbislle Creek pre cinct lie and the same is hereby re in, iuded. The jictilioii of li diei t Harrison and others praying for the annexation of certain territory to Sugar Loaf precinct, was presented, uud on motion, laid over until the next regular meeting. The petition of Henry K. Iteed and others praying for the crm-liou of a new precinct was presented and, on motion, laid over until the next regular meeting, lor the reason that it makesji change in tlie ;kl commissioner district. The resignation of Charles J. poddy as justice of the jieace fur White Uiver precinct was presented and on motion accepted. Tlie Ixiard then proceeded to obtain the information necessary in order to se lect the names of sixty persons from w hich to draw a pet it jury to wrve at the November, lWla, term of the district caurt. The names of all persons who have Ins u drawn as jurors within the past two were first olitained. The ale siract of votes cast at tlie last gem-ral election was examined and the total iiumlu r of voti-s polled in the county was found to lie -110, but Sheep Creek and Running Water precincts were found not to have held an election in lVjl. The assessors Iwioks for Slieep reek and Running Water products for the year l'-'.tt wero consulted to lind the nuniliii' il persons eligible to serve from said pi ecuicts. Nine such persons were found to reside in Running Water precinct and ten Mich persons were found to reside in Sheep Creek precinct, which added to Hie -1 10 makes 4'.".l, which num ber dividul by i0, the number of persons to be listed for jury purposes, it was found that one person could he listed for each seventy ami three-tweii!:-t!:? electors found in each precinct. The following list of persons eligible to serve as jurors was then selected from the various precinct: Antelope Oscar W. Story, Ferdinand lilt tin r. Andrew--Franklin Force, II. H. Lori ruer, ( '. II. Unitt. liowen 1. li. Kigelow, A. J. Hogart, John I. Davis, Andrew Knori, 1'iitrick Liicv, llenrv Warnuke, N. L. Tipton. liou,.rc- ll. T. Zelis.-, W. D. Lall'erlV, Joseph J. Kipp. Cutlouwiiod J. H. Warner, O. C. Tally , John '. Speas, Win. J. A. Haum, Charles W. I'ercv, Jnlian IjM'er. Five Points John W. Tidd, Samuel Tehliel. S. P.. Colt'ee. F. M. Smith. flat Creek Henry Zimmerman, James Wilsou, Joseph Parsons. Highland .Neis l-.nglebretson, k,lvr Pitt, Montrose- (jasper Wilteling, Peter Wiedenfeld. Ibmry Waserbtirgcr, Heury Pieketihrm k, John Messing. Au gust Meier, J. W. Ostraudcr. Peter Henry. Uiiuning Water Andrew McOinloy. Sugar i,oaf Cliarles Saxton, Nelson Rosenberg, Amos Jacobey, Jotui Hix son. Snake Creek L E. Dickinson, C. S. Hall. Slieep (eekT. B. Snyder. While River Andrew Soretison, Alusr ka Iioland, J. J. Itodgers, C. A. 1'inMy, Joseiih Olbricht, Daniel Klein. Whistle I 'reek C H. Philips., Jaue Young, V. I Ashbrook. Warbonuet Walter Woodrull', Jerry Will, Samuel Leehug, John I Kay, John Anderson. On motion lioard adjourned until Oc tober ii, IMUo, at 8 o'clock, a. in. M. J. Hlewktt, l.'ouuty Clerk. Hajihw.'H, Neb., Oct. 5, l9o. Jimrd of county coinitiitisioners met pursuatit to adjournment. rre.senl; l 'oiuiiiissioiierH Joli.ti.son, TinUli.iiu anil Welter anil clerk. On motion meilrieU Nelson ami Oaniel Klein were mniomted justices of tlie puaee to llll vacancies m Wlut itiver ilecinct. C A. i'mlily liuvinff made tlm most sutislactory Ud for tlie retilaciu"; of the county Itrula iu ross llat i'reek,li; was aivunleil tlw contract to replace nuii.1 bi'iilu ami liomt accouipiifiyiue; his Ind was unproved. On milium tlto territory included in slieuji Creek precinct Iw ami tin; suuie is hereby consolidated witli Uuuuitii? VVuter jiret iiu t and is liereafler to tie kuowu uh ltuuniuy; Water precinct with voting place, ut the resilience of Atulrew Met Jliiley. Tho lollowim; claitii' u:uut Sioux county Were iiuiiitcd uiul ul lowed ami wurrauls orili-reU ou the bruise tunil ol lMla Um' same; Lt. J. iSituinoies publisJiiric; notn-e- to biiUlnrs, . 00 !i lieekly, Uulu pLink .1 VI tlie claim ot is. tl. Kiuilos lor lor appraising duunu ou county mail was prertuuliHl alio uliowed unit warriinL or- avrvil drawu ou road luu.i ol ltU tor hiii tie, 'ilia claim of T. Y. (ioltk-u for l.OO for appraisuJe; ilatuaj;es ou county roiul vas preseuled and. uilo-v-ed ;imt warraul oi- di'red draw n ou counly imut luud ol tNlil tor vuinie. Tlie claim of Van Vorlw.-e &. iloNair lot' !fi.."i(l lor lurni.slieil lor county road was piewtiled uml ul- lowed mul warrant ordered, drawn ou county road fund ol for suuie. Hie lollowtu claims uauust Sioux county were audited and allowed und warrants orilerwil draw n oa tlui c:Biu;ral lund of IHU." (or siuii W. 11. flavin, services an co sopt L J. HiiiiniOUH, pruuiiii? mul puUuduni,' . M. J. Hliiwetl. KuUiry us clerk ol IKMlld !l l IT UlUl 4!Xpl!riM3 Stut'i Journal, statioiuiry A. II. I'iuiioo, ussessmur, cliumeil fH;l.0(l, nllowif.1 Fruuk TiilklMlllf w:rvices us co. $L!l IHI i . Si :U I IDS 0.- 1" HO . :.-i oo Sd .vi 15 .".a . , 5 11.1 14 r. com ... , A. &. A. & U. I'lekenbrock, supplies tor pauper. .. II t'leKeiibrock. miiiulies lor pauper 1L H. Woodrull. (ivstugu Kel'VlctW MS I'll commissioner . ... . 1t"i Ainu f. Clark, s-rvicn as to attorney . Z't On iiiotioii board adjotirm-d without lay. M. J. P.i.KivKrr. ,iiiiitv 4 'b-rk. Old People. ( OiJ eople who require medicine to' regulate the bowels and kidneys will find tliw true remedy in E'ectnc Hitters, j This medicine does not tiniuliite and; contains no uhishy nor other inloKiciinl. : but acts as a tome and alterative. It' act mildly on too stomach and Uiwels, adding strength and giving tone lo tlie ; organs, thereby a. ding nature in the per-! formaiu e of the loiictmiis. Electric ( Hitters is an excellent and aids , digestion. Old people lind it just exact ly w hat they need. Price fifty cents per Ixittle at Pioneer Pharmacy. Final Proof Notices. j All imtimhih having Haul proof notice., in i till!- mM-r w ill ree, iv, a market ropy ol the iiMT iticl Hie re(jie.r-le( to exiiiniiic tic r notice anil if Hf,y erroi s exUI iciort Iliei nl(li lo tins uilice at unci. Nitiltv i',ir 1 ' li "i ! i. :,l l,,u. I.llll(l Oltiee at Alliance, Nell., I U, toln'T 7, ISV.'l. .Notice U Uereby Rivt 11 Unit tlie liilloH inK' namel scl iI.t Ims llled notice of his inten tion Ui uitike Mmtl pniijf la siltMirt of nis eluiiii, itiiil licit s lid inool will lie iiimle lx' lore M. J. Iliewett, clerk of lii-tiiet Court, at Harrison, Neb., on Nov. ill, IK'fi, viit: Josi pli M. ltulihisiiii. of Hariisi.ii, Ned.. ho nil,. e II. II, No. ;V II (or tlie s. . lie. aiel e. 1 , nw. 'i Mi-c. tp, :t-J it., r. r(i w . lie Mimics the lollOM ln witue-se !r, nrovi Ills eoiitniii,iis resilience mMia ana cultiva lion ut, HaiU liitiil. : II. A. I', I.CWM l.erlaeli. D-.uld It. Ilm tlcit. l.iUiuil I". .HI .lilt,-, : 11 ol Harrison, Nell. .' Ill, J. W. W i ns, Jit., Ki-kIsIit. Niitirr fur I'lililii-atioii. I.ioiil liltice at Alliance, Nebr., i lli'lolier S. IS'.r.l tlie lollottiiiK llilhleil et t icr li.c. II led liollce of his illten- tion to itiiikc liniii priMif in sunmirt ot his elullii, iticl that said proof w ill lit luuile 1m lore.M.J. lilctteit. Clerk Histiiet Court at H:irrir-Uil, Neb., oil Nov. Ill, s;iri, vli: i iliiani beoiiiiril. lit sioiiv t ii.. Nell.. uho lii.elc: II. K. No. I'lil tor the s. , . i., aid s. ' , ,e. i, sec, tp. -Hi n., r. .M w. He mi i lie t lie lollow iiik wit n to pro vi lli continuous rc-alcncc upon anil ruillVtt t ion of said Ik in E , vl. : Hei:v ll.Vde, Mtx l't Selirieve, llolM-rt Y. Neei c, I'm I'u-k. Prossel , nil ol lielle, Nell li Id .1 W . IV I. lis., I II. lietfi-ter. Nut in- tor I'litilli iilniii. I.aml Uttice at Alllani-e, Neb., Sept. .id. Is'.l.'i. Notbsi i Uereoy ulven tnut the lollowiiifc iiiiinc'l set tier has lih-u notice ol his Inten tion to make itnul proof in support of his citiini, anil Hint said proof will ne iiiit'le is fore M. .). Ille i ll, I lerk District Court at Hm rrli-oii, Nelirii-ka, on No . '.!, s'.i, vi. : lli-nii'in (.iH-ilile. nf A id ui' . re. S, ll who inaile II. 1.. No. iin.i lor tile lols a ami 4. sec. ;m, lp. ;-l tt., r. il ; .. ainl e. . se. i,, sec. , I p. a , ii., r. a.i w. He unities the follow oil; m to tirove his eonliiiuous resiili-tiee upon and cultn a lion of, stud land, viz: I'etcr ii'denleld, Wililuiii, John (Klnunler. I'cfer Hanson, nil m Ard more, s. 1, ul-o Wiiiiain Ostrniuii r. nf Aniai -ri', S. li.. ho made II. K. No. -II:;: loi llicii.'s; sw. i, and it. ' . se. i , . see. n, tp. .Ci r. f, I w . He loiines the follliu iiii n.i -mi-s to prove liis continuous residence uio.i and cultivti t ion ol , -aid land, vi. : I'eter V ii'denli'ld. Auuusl Meier, lleviliall (ioeddc. Inn ac Hay. nil ol .Vrdiuorc, S. 1). 1. W. Wens, Jit. Iteirt-ter. Soiii-p fur I'll 11 icu t j in. Ijuid OUlce ut Allinin c. Ni l,, i June in, is'.ii. Notice is tierctiv iU en tlnit the tidlowiiiif tltillied seftiel' filed lluUce ut kis llilen tioa to nnike llimf piuof Iti sunH)i'l of UIh i i.iiiii, huh i inn kiO'I jirooi win lie mane lie Hue M. J. lllcwetl, . lerk of the district ciiiut, at llurrisiui, Neb., on Ocl. i, Is',i5, v i. : Jacob HfUiy, ol tilli ljrist, .Ni-li. m. iiiniie ii. 1.. mi. a.ui lor tlie uw. -e. ', tp. .11 ii., r. o-i . lit? UHiiie the folloivlnit witnesses to prove his i.'ciiiliHUuiis re-alienee untm nnj cultiva tion ol HitlU tiiiiil, viz : Henry I'iekeiiluock, Henry Wiisserliitwr, .Vnton Khchi, 1 riutlt, nil ot Lilclirist, .cli. alsn lieiiry Wasi'rbiuer ofliilrliilstNcb. wliti .Hindu 11. K. N0.35-HI tor the lie. tk see. 21, ip. ;n n., n.i w. lie iiiiines the follou inir witneso'sto prove his continuance rcsiilem:e uiion mul culti vation ul siiil lit. ul , viz: Anton lutein, Henry Pickett UriM'k, 51. J. (Inyliart, rratik Niilto,nll ol l -ilclili-t, .Neh. also Henry I'ii-Li-iibmi-k iifllili'lirisl, Xih. ho nuule II. K. So, 4U0 Id' the mi. i4 mis. al, tp. 34 11., r. j,i w. He inoiies the lollowlny witnesses to prove his eontinniiiis resilience upon anil eullivu tiun ot, sniil littul, vi. : Anton Uhein, lii-nry Vssl'l'bllrler. M. J. (.iivliurl, l illirtiu h.iuiuix.uil, an ot cUrisl. Set,. ii, J- W. V ehn, Jr., Ui-xister. Alius Xntiee. l .s. (.ami 01 i n K. Ai.1.1 am K, i. rsij.v I'oiuplaint having Im-cii entereil ul tuts tiliice ny Jtiuies .lohnstui naiitst I'eter nautili lor iitiiiniluiiiii his Hu.tiesleii'l ha iry No. U'.i'i, Uitleil Keiirtiury li, 1s'.i;i, upnn lite e.1 1 si.-. se'. ;H nail s. 1 , .t.t hi-c litili .lri. tiiwiinhlp :ia n., rane ;iii w., In slutix county, Nelirassit, u 11 ll 11 vteu lo l ue I'lineelliition ot -tuil en 1 ry, He sttiti imrt les tire herchy sion llltine'l to tipeill'ei at tills flltice on the autll ility tit .Nov., 1 -ii., at ill u'ciiH'k, a. in., lo re lollll ami luritisll IcHtinuiny eonceruiu stiitl iiUcjcil iotiiiiihiniiieii t. '1 Ue evidence 10 liesnlniiilli'i'l at tlie'tntf of this clisc wnl In- lilbU'il lj.-tol'c M..I. lllevvi'tt, clem 01 the ilisti'iet iriinrt ul Moilx counly, Nelir oa NoVl'iillK'L' -ii, isl.j, hi In o'clock, 11. ui., ul tlnritsoii, .Nenr. J.W. IV bus. Jit., 4 ill UeKiMli-r. Siiii'riiTs HAe. ! I'.y virttie irf an (Iriler ot Sul IsftHst liy . thet:ierkot the litsirict. ourl til' tne t oiiii-j l.y ol Mou v, tinil Mule of Neliniska, uptm'al iiei 1 en reinieieil h,y s.ii-1 l otirt in f'nor u j 1 he .ll iL-Utgnil .sui'lnjs Mnd Loan As-ociu I tUUl Hlltt iiK.ltllSt l lltlilin If. Mllilll, SutMll 1 snittll, Jes.-in jstJI i I Ll If oil Joint W . sniilh. I I u ill 011 lue nth it. 1, i,f Novetnln-r, Ik-j, ; ut tin luiin ol one o etijek, p. ui. ul st,al ' the imni iioor ul iiu- L ta,ii Hons,- In 1 liim-on. ui n.uiI foniiiv utel st.tte, olfi-r tor s,tle uiul sell tm- on lowing ili-M-iiiu-il i-t-til est.,ilc, ttiwit: 1,01 j iininii, r rive, in IIIim k nuitilH-i' six, la lUc luuuiil I ltu'rtst.Mi, Miitii: t 01111 ly. Nciit ask,t. ! nt ptiinii- iiiu-lioit, to liu ltiiut-st hltlitei' j tor ctsti. to .-IlLlsiy s.ltlt lll'itl'l- ol Sltle in , Hie mini ol mi itaii'lreil tltly .Mnii ami ; il ll-O ilotliirs. unit liiU'l'ent. eosl mul ue ' I'lilliiK costs. V. It. IM , ' ii.; suei'ilf. tivlu T-i'luvU, Vlty tor I'lnlnUtl. M111 111 Sub-- j l.y vl.'i.ue ot uu oriU-r of stile. iswiw-U tin cleikoi 1 nt ill-trtct cuiut ol the cnoiiy ol 1 siotl v utiil sliite of Ncliliiskil, u Mei L't-e rciiilci eu by said eauri In la.iu- 1,1 liov.iLn, ls-lic uiul iuruill Ihllilet KUHlt. Anielln ktcin. .Iieiil li. AriiislviMiit, VV. VV. Wood uiul s. t . Iiii-sctl, 1 wIII.imi me 11th ility 111 i Noieiiiher, .V. li. l'.t.'i, ill lU-hour of In. o clock. 11. 111 at the etiKt t roil t lloor ol the i-iinrl hotiM', in lltiiTison, In snlu county,; oiler mul sell tlie lollouluif itcseiilii-il re.,i! esh,c- tolAltl The Itol'llli'llsl (II 11 1'Li-1 lit section thirty three (SI), In Imvilsllip till PI A ' one (31 1, nun h ol ttiiiKe lit I y 'three (rf), west ol the sixlh I'. M., In the couutv of slimy innl slim- ol Nelirn-kii, nt ImliHi; uviluii, to tlie luKhest Ithlder, lor ensli, to satUly sulil order ol it.ile, In the sum ol .'!. ',., mul in lere-t, costn aiel iieei tiini; eosls. ii '.i, . A. II. Ill, Mierlft. W. II. V'niiiiliiK, ttty. for rinliittlt. STAMPED UPON Is the name and lame of the - Old Reliable" store of MARSTELLER BROTHERS, where you can al ways find bargains in everything to be found in a GENERAL STORE. Now is the time select your mm and ..."-:. iA --ju. . Highest market price paid for produce of all kinds. MARSTELLER BROS. "The Old Reliable vjjr ti- -i,rf.-v' sa -sa mi.l,EP.,S IX Lumber, Coal and Sash, Doors, Lath and Windmill and HARRISON GRANT GUTHRIE. Attorney-at-Law.' Prompt attention we to all leaki matters in Justice, County ami District I Courts, ,'iml before tlie United States-! I'inl Ollice. I 1 Fire Insurance written in reliable com pu rues, Jl5IxK.'il papfrs carefully lira ivn. Hakkisun, - Nebraska, K L. SMUCX, Fashionable Barber& Hair Dresser. OPEN SUNDAY FHQM 9 TO 12. RAZO-'iS AND StTSMHW Vl'T IS IWIK4S. Ut.- t ihr t u I nit. j. f: rniNNrw. u. Physician nnrf Stfrsrvoa. ATI f alls ifiiMi ),ru:ntt atl-'utl'.Mi. in DruK stur., BARKtsiiX. - . GET When y rio iiit I..' and be U j . Most i 5 Su m for n mr ro-. .. i vmt buy in-r-k ' . fiirtuTrr th.O tlsi-f.rin. you Vf, t it Light Running: ,jrV' Tlmrc- 's ,! -'.n tut voni rt-i v" tlii'i j 1 1.1 m .'.i-,ilis.Ml s.n. 1- - 1 f". .. : r r. c ' ... 1 1 v hit,, IThiR l atr.-.., ii.(msv -a in- itt, i-iiniiv NewHome 'v'.-r Antor'liV "wtri, n,al-le Fetil, ftlilos 1 '; .. ..' 1 . ; ; vs ll 11 .. I -.-.'rii. limiU'W hs t LKv-St ' n;' if- .1.1111. nhnel hinr;ii4 ,,u vi-.u i lonti'.ir-,! ."!" r(iltiu:ii Irivtiiw U the Mi iiirmMiftw Ou" K Mi". I', 'rev Meii. I rl"l BJ'i,lLT ll:lOO. fl I. IT lie. Mil. 1'IIMI.TOIt tit Istl;iri9i n,i ul, .llanvA. Ii4. mm THE DULLEST BRAIN s. -tsu .Aj-iuM-wM-mna in f-i ta stiTWe Farm Implements, Blinds, Lime, Shingles. Pump Supplies. X ERR ASK A. IT IS A Horrible Sight TO WATCH i In the. daily fierloniianct; of his si-eun, i uiriyiiwt iroiifcsgy in. rvil BR the- OF THE i It is in t lo ts. In h tirst unci tt H'incipul parts are taken liy Mr. (ierlackii , anil reprewatatnvMs n,f enstera whoWsul-s 1 liKiiiM-. Umn whojii tli)-' Cotruier purclnses, r (lis e;is,i , In this net b ilistilmvs. gmtt f jioer in: 8k- 1'vMrci.ns 1hvi; jtrivvs. a Wit xtwnr.iay altilitv in tln strU-fliuu. of S'tKiils t.'t. suit bis ftistomtr-irs. ttett nt i- in tin-s .-ml im t tlmtl l' wiaiisI tnftslv shi-Kfs l t(t". yHuK V. tn-l'v- islin , ; (Hom-Hi it.- jifo -sai.'; iOito? iisr ri?wo I: ' hi- fc-i.i.s-.i,- c, k' Mi.lvri:i il-i. i, E.i;hts is, Ei.wi!li tktt 1-. a.,.iue,t Usivvnly, Coi''iKiiu'v Hevry iliy fnt-Ti .. ' i V fk SpecMt low iriis-s 4,1-1 ull r e, ...jJ -v . tb-.VS- III t!f Vewl, .SllUt.S"U.lll i irv. 1 'on't to-i-et tliu Jiliiti i'. j 'RhNCH supply house. ii North-Western LINE 1.-. r. A M. Y. Tf.. It. im ti U4, to niw! frvitn Hv S(JG.R BEET' FIELDS wy -mi jtj n m GERLAGH SLAUGHTER INNOCENTS.