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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1895)
I AN HONORABLE PRECEDENT Bi;T don't you tlilnl to Mlns Hewitt, "tli justifies the means? t I"T don't vou think." said I "that the end ?' She shook ber head. "Oh, no," sue aid; "that's Jesuitical." "Well, now, here's an example," 1 suggested. "You are anxious to sell the coutents of this stall, aren't you?" "Oh, yes," responded MIhk Hewitt "And you would be delighted If Home one were to come and buy It all up? It would be of such line to the churi- y" "Certainly," said Miss Hewitt, promptly. "And would vex MIms Chudlelgh over the way ?" I added. MIks Hewitt looked at me with sus picion, but I'm sure I was very de mure. "Oh, It would be nice, of course, to be successful," she assented. "It would mean 50." "May I trouble you for another Ice?" aid I, fee I In if that I was bound to do something after that "Thank you strawberry. Well, as I was saying, If you could And a means of getting rid of all this, and thereby benefiting the charity by so much, you would feel dis posed to take It, eren If It wasn't quite well quite., you know?' "I wouldn't do anything dishonest," pot In Mis Hewitt quickly. "Oh, I wasn't talking of anything dis honest," I protested. "I was only thinking that there might be other means, not dishonest, you know, but just a little well, not quite convention al, you know." "What sort of means?" asked Miss Hewitt, curiously. "Why, now," said I, "you have sold very little all the day, haven't you?" Hiss Hewitt bit her lips, and a dis consolate look came Into her face. "While I've been here," I said, "you have only disposed of. two pairs of stockings, one woolen comforter for the hot weather, and a sort of a kind of I didn't quite see, but I thought It looked like a " "I know I haven't sold much," broke In Miss Hewitt hastily, and with a flight accession of color. "You have only bought a few Ices." I looked meditative. "So I have," I said, feeling thut another call was made upon mo. "I wonder If I might do; perhaps better not I suppose you haven't such a thing as a baby's perambulator, Miss Hewitt?" Miss Hewitt was not amused; she had only an eye to a bargain. "No," she said, eagerly, "I'm afraid I haven't; but I've got a very nicely dressed cradle, and some rattles and "Ah," said I, shaking my head, "I'm afraid It's not old enough for those things." She sighed and glanced across the way, where Miss Chudlelgh was en gaged In a roaring trade. "I think I might have one more Ice," I said, very bravely. It was not so very hard, after all; the heat was very great and they soon melted. Miss Hewitt was very nice about It "Are you sure you ought to?" she asked, doubtfully. "Miss Hewitt," I said, "you are much too scrupulous. That is the reason of your failure. And yet you would have sold me a cradle and rattles with perfect equanimity, knowing that I am a bachelor. The Inconsistency of your ex Is a puzzle," I remarked, shaking my bead. "Oh, but I didn't think about that" aid she, with a blush. "I only thought you wanted " "Come, then, I said, "what would you do to get rid of all your articles of commerce?" Miss Hewitt's eyes opened. "Oh, If I could only do that," she exclaimed. "Well, bow far would you be pre pared to go for It?" suld I, Insinu atingly. Hhe paused. "I'd I'd give up the ball to-night," she exclaimed, Impul sively. I shook my bead. "I have no means of gauging the value of that renuncia tion," I said, thoughtfully, "but possi bly It Is greater than the one I know which would enable you to sell your stall." "Oh, do you knew a way?" cried she, breathlessly. "Why, certainly," I said, still reflec tively. "Mr. Randall, tell me," she pleaded, clasping her hands and putting ber elbows on the Ull. She looked eager ly lato my face. I really bad no notion until that moment, bat somehow ber actios pat It Into my bond. "Hara yea ever heard of the beauti ful Duchess oc Devoaabin, Mian Hw tttr I asked. Miss Hewitt leaned, staring at mo for a moment, and then a look of Intel ligence came Into her face. Her color started and she moved away. "I dou't think you should make that kind of jests," she remarked, disdainfully. "It's not a Jest," I answered, reas suringly. "Then you're all the horrlder," she returned, feigning to be busy with her commerce. "Hut," I said. In perplexity, "I don't see I only asked you if you remem bered the Duchess of Devonshire the one that what's-hls-name painted, you know?" Miss newltt was much embarrassed; her face took on many expressions. "But you " she began and stopped. "Do you remember her?" I asked. "Of course," said Miss Hewitt, snap pishly. "Well, then," I said, "why am I hor rid?" She paid me no attention, but began shifting the things upon the stand In a reckless way. "Oh," I exclaimed suddenly. "I see what you were thinking of you thought I meant I see now. You thought I was advising you to sell Miss Hewitt got redder than ever. "I didn't think anything of the sort," she exclaimed hurriedly, and dusting away at nothing, "and I wish you'd go away If you're not going to buy anything." "I should like another ice, please," said I. Miss Hewitt was somewhat taken aback, and looked as If she would like to speak, but she only frowned and dumped another Ice upon the counter. "But now you have suggested It" I went on, considering, "It's not at all a bad Idea." Miss Hewitt moved to the other end of the stall, and sold an other pair of stockings. "It's quite worth thinking of," I said, when she was within hearing again. "I'm glad you mentioned It" "I never mentioned anything," she retorted, hotly. "No, of course you didn't mention It" I agreed, "but I don't see why you should be angry, because we are dis cussing calmly " "I'm not discussing anything," she observed, tartly. "No," said I, "but if the Duchess of Devonshire thought it a good deed to purchase what she considered the wel fare of her country by allowing voters to kiss her, I don't think you should be offended If for the sake of an excel lent charity " "I'm not the Duchess of Devonshire," said Miss Hewitt shortly. "I don't suppose," said I, "that It was was much of a kiss." Miss Hewitt's nostrils curled with scorn. "Good people are always so particu lar," I said philosophically. Miss Hewitt's Indignation broke forth. "Do you suppose, Mr. Randall," said he, sarcastically, "that one would al low any one that wished to" "Oh, I never said any one," I Inter rupted, hastily. "No, certainly not any one." She looked at me with undisguised bauteur. I glanced about the stall "I should like to have a lot of those things," I said. "I could send them to a children's hospital, you know." Miss Hewitt's face relaxed slightly. "They would be very useful," she aid. "It would be 50 wouldn't It?" I ask ed, as If entering on a calculation. "Yes," said Mlsa Hewitt, with a lit tle show of excitement, "forty-five if one took the lot" I fingered my poeketbook and hesi tated. "I am afraid " said I. "ou see 1 forgot I had promised to buy a quan tity of flowers for the Infirmary," I remarked, glancing at Miss Chudlelgb's stall. Miss Hewitt's face fell, but she said nothing. I took out my pocket book and extracted some notes, divid ing my looks between the two stalls In a hesitating way. "I think the children In the hospital would like the toys very much," said Miss Hewitt, nervously. "Yes, they could play with the stock ing nicely, couldn't they?" said I. Hhe paid no heed to this remark. "I woider If Mlsa Chudlelgh would do wfckt the Duchess did," I observed peaces) tly. "Perhaps you bad better ask ber," aid kiss Hewitt, arcastlcally, "Oh, m." I said, hurriedly, "I was only wondering. For tha aako of the poor, poop) do nak acrtaosa, I nup- "I don't believe she did let them -l-t them kiss her," remarked Miss Hewitt after a pause, and contemplating a wooden horse. "Don't you?" I asked, looking up. "What did they do, do you think?" Miss Hewitt examined the toy care fully. "Oh," she said Indifferently, "I should think she merely pretended." j "Pretended?" I echoed. j Yjb, they only kitwed Just not quite I mean they didn't really touch her," she explained with more Interest In the horse. I considered this. "But some of them," I objected, "would not have been content to be put off in that way. They must have really " "Oh, If any one liked to be rude and take advantage like that" she said, disdainfully, "she couldn't help It, poor thing." "No." I assented, "I suppose she couldn't and she must have bated It all the time." "Of course she did," said Miss Hew itt, now inspecting a doll. "But she did it out of a sense of duty to benefit her country," I concluded. "A man would never have been so unselfish," said Miss Hewitt "Never," I said emphatically. "But do you think that women are capable of such an act of self-sacrifice In these iiuys?" I asked. "Of course," said Miss Hewitt, watching some people go by with great interest, "if if they only only pre tended to." "But if there was an accident?" I ventured. Miss Hewitt apparently did not hear this. "Do you really think," I persisted, "that a woman a girl, would do a thing like that?" "She wouldn't she couldn't of course, the Duchess did not let It pre tend to be done In before any one else." "Not, for example, In a room like this," I said, looking around the bazar. "How then?" "Afterward," murmured Miss Hew itt, bending down to pick up a pin, I suppose. "Oh," I said, "she would only prom ise then?" Miss Hewitt said nothing. I rose. "Well, I am afraid I must be really going," I said, holding out my band. "I think If she were really honest she would have to keep her promise," said Miss Hewitt In a low voice. I looked at her, but she was not look ing at me. "I think you have given me two waltzes to-night," I observed. "It Isn't very generous usage." "I'm sure It's quite enough," said Miss Hewitt, firmly. "Well, at any rate, let us sit out the second," I suggested. Miss Hewitt looked at me In sur prise. "I thought you liked dancing?" she said, Innocently. "Oh, sometimes," I said. "But we might have a talk In the conservatory. It's sure to be very hot" "Do you think It Is?" said she. "Certain." "Oh, we'll sec," said she nonchal antly. I turned to go. "By the way," said I, leaning on the stall confidentially, "shall I leave you the 50 now? And then you can send the things to the hospital at once, you know." Miss Hewitt avoided my eyes. "I didn't know " she began, and broke off. "Perhaps It would be bet ter," she murmured. I offered my hand. "To-night then," I said. She did look at me at last, btrt It was quite by accident Just the sort of accident that happened In the conservatory. Black and White. Kxcellnnt Advice. A young man just starting upon his work In the ministry was one day talk ing to an aged minister In I.ondon, who had spent a lifetime In the service. The young man said: "You have had a great deal of experi ence; you know many things that I ought to learn. Can't you give me some ad floe to curry with me In my new du ties?" "Yes, I can," was the response. "I will give you a piece of advice. You know that In every town In England, no matter how small, In every village or hamlet, though It be hidden In thi folds of the mountain or wrapped round by the far-off sea, In every clump of farm houses, you can find a mad which, If you follow It will take you to Lon don. Just so every text which you shall choose to preach frum In the Bible will have a road that leads to Jesus. Be sure you find that road and follow It; be-careful not to miss it once. This Is my advice to you." Highly Honored Women. Two Illustrious English women who celebrated this year the seventy-fifth anniversary of their birth are Flor ence Nightingale and Jean Ingelow. The heroine of the Crimea Is a tall, gray-haired woman, with fine, open face that has a nun-like serenity. 8he Is Inclined to be stout, while Mlu Inge low, the poetees and novelist Is small er and less robust of physique. Each is the object of much attention, though from the nature of her career Miss Nightingale has been the recipient of more public honors. Perhaps the most remarkable event of her life, to regard It from a worldly point of view, was her refusal of tho testimonial of 50,000 offered her after the Crimea war. Adirondack Forests Disappearing. Tle Adirondack forests are being slaughtered for the raw maVrlal for producing wood pulp of spruce. About 1,250,000 cords of spruce wood, the equivalent of 125,000,000 feet of lum ber, will And their way Into th wood pulp mills of northern New York In the course of the current year. This la absorbing the forest growth of many thousand acrea each season. Whoa a ptayaictaa blta a rnaa'a tla ao oa tha third gueaa, tho people foal ht be la the tmutm dm allva. . j ia i a sr uk. er A7f-7,l4 111! m I Lw 1 CHAPTER XVII.-Continued.) Mrs. Ruthven was successful along tha whule line she had marked out for her self. If she was a little sur respecting the feelings Marsden so frankly avowed toward Ulu L'Estrange eh had the con solation of believing that she was Inflict ing the cruelest disappointment on that detected rival. Then, she had the man she loved so utterly at her mercy; and this, which would hsve been pain and humiliatlun to a woman of real heart and delicacy, gratified her crude love of power, while the certainty of accomplishing tha marriage on which she had set her soul, of falsifying Shirley's spiteful prophecies of defeat filled ber with exultation. There was a very ugly reverse to the medal, but, for the moment ahe was able to put it aside. If not to forget it With her wealth, aud Marsdeu's position aud popularity, the wurid was at her feet. As to his erase about Nora 1 Estrange, that would pass over. He would find that au experienced woman of the world must be a more suitable wife for him than a mere school girl like Nora. For several days after she had come to a distinct understanding with Marsden, Mrs. Ruthven denied herself to every one even to her faithful Hhirley, who was by no means pleased with the aspect of things. He had not been accustomed to be thus debarred admittance, and he sceuted mis chief. Though the day was gone when be hoped to rekindle Mrs. Ruthven's pass ing caprice for himself, ha objected vary strongly to her marrying Msraden, who had unconsciously wounded his smour propre, and Insulted him by his oppressive superiority. When, at last Mrs. Ruth ven, was at home to him, ha was in a very bad temper, Indeed, which was not Improved by tha careless triumph of bar manner. "I thought you were going to cut me completely," he said, when thay had exchanged greetings. "Why, It Is more than a week since I was admitted f "You have no right to complain I have not seen any one." "You have not been unwell, I hope?' "No; I have felt remarkably wall; bat I have been busy with these tiresome pa pers;" and she waved her left hand to ward them. Hhirley started, for on her finger spsrkled the doable-heart device, of rubles and diamonds, ha had seen ea Nora's. - "I can scarcely believe my eyes!" ha exclaimed. "Am I to conclude that Msra den has transferred his alliance, with tha betrothal ring, from Miss L'Estrange to yon ?" "He has," she returned, twirling tha ring round and round, and smiling softly. "And bow how did Marsden contrive to break off with Miss L'Estrange?' "That I do not know; but he has done so, and as I hare always found you capa ble of keeping silence when necessary, I do not mlud telling you, that Mr. Marsden has made some rather curious discoveries which, in short, render his marriage with Mis L'Kstrange iaiiiossible." "Discoveries, eh?" in a peculiar tone; "and will you not trust me completely?" "No, my good friend; I in short, I do not exactly know myself." "It Is all very mysterious, and dencedly hard for Miss L'Estrange." . "I don't Buppose she is In s very en viable state of mind," returned Mrs. Kuth ven, with an air of quiet enjoyment. Shirley looked at her curiously. "And have you given up all hopes of tracing your rubies?" he asked. "Yes," she said, sharply; "what suggest ed them to you?" "I don't know; perhaps an idea that Marsden haa not hitherto brought you luck." " "He will replace my rubies by the Mars den diamonds. Now, Captain Hhirley, you said you thought I was going to cut you completely; you are mistaken; I am not going to cut you, but I am going to drop you as an intimate friend. Mr. Marsden, for some reason or other, would not be pleased, I know, If I continued on the same terms with you, and ha is natur ally my first consideration. You have al ways been friendly and useful, and I may add, prudent; for yon hsvo wiaely agreed with me In letting by-gonea be by-gonaa. But before entering Into a new phase of my existence, I should like to look through s few acknowledgments ef yours, which you have given ma from time to time," and she drew from a Russian leather dis patch box several slips of paper neatly fastened together. "Mrs. Ruthven'" cried Shu-ley, coloring crimson, "if you mean that I am to clear up with you, previous to your entering on your "new phase," you Intend to reward my prudence by mining ma." She looked at him a moment in amused silence. "I am not quite so hard a creditor, Shir ley; partly, perhaps, because I do not for get by gones, quits. No; 1 Inaugurate this new phsse of my existence by return ing you all these promissory notes. I wish to bear no more of them Iqt us part friends. I wish you good luck In what ever way you would best like it" Shirley's dark face changed. "You are kind, and and most liberal," he said. "I wish our old let me say friendship was not to be ended." He took the papers she held out and twisting them up, thrust them Into his breast pocket. "I shall never meet your match sgaln; you have shown me what can be dared and done by a woman, blessed as you are with a heavy purse and a potent will," "And all's well that ends well," re turned Mrs. Ruthven. She gave him bar hand with a slight Inclination of the head, and he felt himself dismissed. e Tha days flew fast and that fixed for Winton's departure had dawned. Nora dared net hope that she sttll held tha same place la hi regard. Of course, she thought, her sudden change, her ap parent readiness I rat to accept Maredeo nd then to break whk hist, had lowered her la the aetlmaUoa of so high-minded a man as Mark Wlastoa. Be bad called a be promised, hut both lira. L'jSetrange and ber Map-daughter were oat "H WW not to without bidding m wea-or," mm the 2T xl he began to understand matters without questioning, and grew anxious that tha two she heartily loved should not spoil each other's lives for a punctilio. "I must write and ask him to luncheon or dinner." "No, no, dear Helen! Promise me, promise ma faithfully you will not" Im plored Nora, with such a distressed ex pression of countenance that Mrs. L'Es trange promised. This last day was bright and crisp, there had been a light fall of snow aud the grass In the park was prettily pow dered. No exterior brightness, however, could cheer Nora. She kept a brave face, but her heart felt as if It must break; for the moment life was to her like one of those wretched dreams, where tha dreamer, all burning to attain some joy almost with in touch, is kept back by luipapable bar riers, vague obstacles, gossamer to the eye, impregnable to the starving spirit. It was, she told herself, useless, un maideuly, to grieve so about a man who was evidently resolved not to renew his proposal to her. She had begged to join Bea and ber governesss in their early walk; anything was better than sitting still. Hhe talked kindly and cheerfully In German to the little frauleln about her home aud her people, every now aud then falling Into silence snd bitter thought, and then with the restlessness of pain, she wanted to go home and read, a tough book of some kind would drsw her out of herself. She complained of fatigue, and they returned to the house. Nora went listlessly upstairs, opened the drawing-room door and stopped for a moment. Helen was speaking to some one, another step, and she saw her step mother sested on a low chair looking up to Mr. Win ton, who stood on the hearth rug leaning his shoulder against the chim-uey-plaoe. She Instinctively turned her face frum the light, and assuming by an effort an air of composure, advanced to shake hands with him a charming figure, as the reflection of the fire played on her dark-green, close-fitting cloth coat edged with sable, and a pretty cap ef the same for crowning her golden brown curls. In spite of her will and firmly exerted self control, a vivid blush roee to her cheeks, which left color enough even when It had partially faded, "Where Is Bea?' asked Mrs. L'Es trange when the others had bid each other good -day, "Gone to take off her things." "I must bring her to see yon," said Mrs. L'Estrange, with rather a signifi cant look to Wlnton. "Ha Is going then," thought Nora, too much tsken up with the Idea to heed her step-mother leaving the room. "I thought yon ware to sail to-day?" she said, taking off her cap and parting the fringe on her brow; the room was quite too warm, after tha cold air, and she drew a chair forward, still keeping her back to the windows. "I have postponed my departure for a week or two," returned Wlnton; and there was an awkward pause, while Nora, with unsteady Augers, drew off her gloves and rubbed her hands gently together. "You seem tired of your holiday?" "No," said Wlnton, taking a step nearer to her, aud looking straight into her eyes. "I must tell you the truth, even though it may seem bad taste to do so, at least so soon. I am not tired of my holiday, but I wanted to throw myself into engrossing work, to deaden the pain of disappoint ed hope hope that probably I bad no right to entertain, yet which I could not resist!" Nora was silent. "I may seem a tiresome, persevering blockhead but once more, Nora, I offer you my future life! And I promise, with all my soul, to be your truest friend, as well as your true lover! Shall I go, or stay?" And Nora the tears welling over and hanging on her lashes said softly, but most distinctly: "Stay!" Then she lost hold on herself and burst into a fit of weeping. "Good heavens, Nora!" cried Winton, dismayed, "you do not accept me against your will?" "No, no," she returned, recovering her self a little, "but I have been so miser able and so foolish." "Tell ma," said Wlnton, bending one knee on footstool beside her, and taking her hand gently in his, "why did you ac cept Marsden?" "Because 1 thought he loved me very much; and " with a quick glance from her sweet wet eyes, and a frank pressure m the band, "that no one else did." "How was that?' cried Wlnton, his heart beating fast "You must have felt how soon you grew dear to me! dearer than anything else on earth or In heaven, either." "Why did you not tell me so before?" asked Nora, smiling, though her lips still trembled. "Because, my love, my life, I was afraid! Do yon remember, one day, yon bid me good-by at the door, at Brookdale, and I dared to hold your hand closer and longer than I ought? The words, 'I love you,' were on my Hps at that moment, bnt It was no time or place to speak them; and ever after, In soma nameless way. yon put me from you, and virtually told me you would have nothing to do with me." "Yes, 1 remember It and 1 was told that that you hod been engaged to Helen, and were now hoping to marry her!" "Who told you this? Marsden?' be asked, sternly, catching her other hand and holding both tight "Yea," faltered Nora. "Then he Is an Infernal linrl Why did you believe him?" "Why should I doubt him?" "Then you should not have doubted me." "You would not have me so conceited as to fancy a man must be very, very fond of me when he never told me so?' "While I thought every one must see I was making a fool of myself." "Oh, If you wish to keep up a character for wisdom- " "I don't suppose you believe much In my wisdom! Bnt Nora, will yon really come with me to India? to a wild, remote sta tion? "I am not wise enough to refusal But I caa't start neat week!" "I shea hi think not Ten will believe ate, whoa I tell yea, I never loved any wotaaa bat yeareeM, and air sm a place la rear heart, la rotarar n wffi, Mark, aabl Nora, gravely. steadily, with tender solemnity. So when Mrs. L' Estrange was rafted back it was ail settled; a very happy party met at dinner that evening at which re past Miss Beatrice, to her greet delight, was allowed to be present and did good service by promoting general and very disi-uritive conversation. The swlety papers soon added to their nsual paragraphs mysterioe hints as to broken engugenieute, aud the false in formation disseminated by their contem poraries respecting the approaching nup tials of a certain popular member of so ciety, whose domains lay not a hundred miles from a well-known cathedral town in the Midlands, etc. Nora L'Estrange and Winton were too much strangers snd pilgrims in the world of London to share the attention be stowed on Mrs. Ruthven aud Marsden. The noise made by the extraordinary theft of her jewels had given the pretty widow a certain standing in the estimation of so ciety, and her marriage with so well known a man as Marsden made ber posi tion secure. Little remains to tell of this Ill-balanced tale, where, though virtue Is fairly rew arded, vice is by no means chastised as it ought to be. Justice, complete jus tice, is, however, rarely visible to the naked eye; let us believe there is a secret award which brings unerring punishment to the evil-doer, even though he "flourish es as a greeu bay tree" in the eyes of his neighbors. A couple of years after what Nora con sidered her great deliverance, Mrs. L'Es trange, in ber tranquil home at Brookdale, which it was arranged was to be ber resi dence so long as Mr. aud Mrs. Winton re mained In India, wrote as follows, in one of her monthly letters to her step-daughter: - "You will, I am sure, be sorry to hear that Clifford Marsden had a bad fall, out hunting, last week. They tell me he rides most recklessly; indeed, he is much changed since his marriage. Mrs. Mars den, I must say, makes a capital lady of the manor, and is decidedly popular, though somewhat exacting; but Mr. Mars den is either silent and moody, or In fierce high spirits. He is very thin, and not nearly so handsome as he was. There is a curious, glased, staring look in his eyes, that distresses me, for I always liked him; and he always shows the ut most friendliness to Bea and to myself. I never heard that he drinks too much, but It is whispered that he eats opium. He Is often away, and when at home seems to take no interest in anything. Madame is master and mistress, and peo ple appear to consider her rather neglect ed by her husband. Mrs. Marsden shows me all proper civility, but I feel she does not like me; and I dare not encoarage Clifford to come here as often as he would like. It is reported that Mrs. Mars den Is trying to bribe Colonel Marsden, the next heir who is a bachelor, and rather out at elbows, to join her husband In breaking the entail, and then the estate is to be settled on her. This may be mere gossip; I cannot help feeling grieved for Clifford; he seems so broken and hopeless. "The mall has not come in yet, so I shall send this off. I cannot tell yon what pleasure yonr descriptions of your delight ful life up-country give me, and Bea, too, looks eagerly for your letters. My kind love to Mark, who, I am sure, is a pat tern husband. What a narrow escape you had of losing each other!" (The end.) BATTLE WITH A COLONY OF RATS It was a hard-earned victory that Walter Carter won over an army of rata In Camden, says the Baltimore American It was a case of fight or perluh, and Carter fought When tho fierce battle was finished he counted the heap of fallen enemies. There were 102 of them. Carter Is a member of the firm of Roberta & Carter, pro vision dealers, on Second street, above Pearl. For a long time the firm Buf fered severely from the depredation of rats, which seemed to grow in boldneaa as they Increased In numbers. They were into everything, climbing all over the store and gnawing Into boxes, bar rels and bins to such jn extent that tho owners were appalled. m It was the Junior partner's habit to open the store in, the morning, and ho Invariably heard a groat scampering over the place ae be entered by the dim light He concluded at last to have it out with the little beasts, and began an Investigation to locate tlieir rendez vous. ThU he had no difficulty In find ing. As he opened the door of a small brick smoke-house In the rear of tho store, now little used, he saw fully a doaen rats run Into holes In the floor and walla. They quickly recovered from their fright, however, and emerg ed to glare viciously at him out of their wicked little black eye. Carter walk ed out, got a short, thick club and a lantern, and re-entered the smoke house. This time he closed the door behind 1dm. The dim light of the lan tern served to half daze the rata, and Carter had no difficulty in killing three big fellowa. Aa they gave rent to dy ing squeaks, however, score of other rata emerged from seemingly nowhere, surrounding the young man with tha club on all sides. To show an lnatanta fear meant probable death for tho In vader of tho rats' domain. It most be a fight to a finish. Carter's retreat was cut off, and be started In to fight The rata leaped at bU hands and face, and crawled over his feet, all the while keeping up a horrible din of aquoallnf that nerved Carter to bio taak. Ona after another of tho aoft, ugly things struck him aa ha stood dealing blowi right and left, and felling a rat at al most every blow. BtlU tha numbora multiplied, and the courageous fighter began to fear that be would bar to fall before tho horrid foe. Ha bad been bitten several tlmoa on the band, bnt had managed to keep tbe fangs of the vlcloua beasts from hla baad aad face, Thna tho fight kopt on for fully fifteen tnlnutoa, and Carter wag grow ing weak from the rtolont exertion. At last, however, ha fait that tha rata were gradually thinning out, aad bo had laaa troubla la keeping off him. This gave him fraah and at length be nataad that ha had won. No Baafe) rat agapaarod. JJinottorajwoao by the oiortlnaaaad xotoemont, Oartar aanjaiii oat tat tha opaa air aad faaharal hhBaaf tsv and, pctaf as had kfflod UJl thalht