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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1895)
T - 1 -' Ml t 1 !o use scjii couarr .amv ITIBRAJXA, Chicago water etealen should be credited with the bacilli diverted from tbe dtjr'e drinking Tha aost Orud Army WMpawt b who bold at fc ftnla-d about that Onta tha towa will take a bow otaaua. tvarrthtag ccaee to bla who walla. af the ported wffl bm bicycle aad Tha fatal raaaH af a eatn- hoaetta abawa that tha travel together la safety. thief wo picked Oatoaai Bab , packet of fan baa aot baaa aaagbt aad than la bo due. Tbla la a eaaa when Ooloasl Bob's faaKnga and his fhaory af futura punishment jicob ably doat hairaooJae. .- Japaa baa Joraed tba anted 'peace htvHherheod, having derided to spend 91,000,000 for saw batda-ablpa to ba at Glaagow. Thlo la tba nro way to cultivate frataraal feel- tag, and ft baa baaa ulta sueoasefttl during tba Uat twenty yean Tba German Emperor win aooa re vtewta tbe Berthas-tern part of tbe am ain aa army of So, 000 men, with 800 Bteeea of artillery aad 10.000 horeee. Tba Kalaar aaama to think that the beat faaraatea of peace Is a raat arm? ready te march at the touch of a bat- Mln Guraee, a railway atatlon agent, aaved a train by slipping off her red petticoat and uerng it aa a danger atg anl Tbla la a point for Mrs. Booth. Of conns If Mlaa Gurnee had been a aw woman with bloomer on, this he roic act could not hare been accom ptUbed. England will bold the advanced poal- ttoa It haa occupied .t Chltral with the aid of lire or . natly. reglmcnU. It la Impossible not to admire the grit of handful of British soldiers In under taking such military operations sup ported only by native troops. Nothing backs up the Muff but the invisible power of England, which sarage tribes hare learned to dread. The Danes are making the best bacon as well as the best butter In the world, and their export of both articles, at ex ceptionally high prlws, is Increanlng rapidly. This result Is not acddentaL Danish farmers are now carefully edu cated in their work, and even the milk maids of the country are scientific. Peo ple who learn their trade the most thor oughly are sure of the highest remu neration. The late Lieut Got. Charles Ander aon, of Ohio, who received 101.000 majority on the Republican ticket In 1863, served as Governor for neveral months after Brough's death In AugUKt, 1865. Over fifty years ago Anderson, who was a brother of the commander at Fort Sumter, was in hia prime an an orator, and he did more to establish free schools In Ohio than any other man. Yet he has been a forgotten figure In politics for twenty-five years. One Lade, a Chicago veterinary sur geon, has ben arrested and fined for cruelly beating, pounding and kicking his horse. Fortunately some bystand ers found him at his brutal work and gave him a tante of the same kind of punishment he was'lufllctlng upon his horse, and then he was arretel, under the auspices of the Humane Society, and fined. The punishment was mere ly nominal for such Infernal cruelty. 'It Is a pity that he could not have been disbarred from ever again practicing upon horses for their ailments. A man vr mis Kina cannot ie trusted with i dumb anlmalx.- In the history of the last twenty-five years, printed in Serlbnerg Magazine, President Andrews of Brown L'niver aity has nyre than once made historical mlstaie.( "Holland," the well Inform ed correspondent of the Philadelphia Press, has now notified him of another, due to misinformation. Writing of the convention of 1S80 aad the third term attempt, President Andrews saya that tba convention, being desirous to pla cate Senator Conkling, nominnted Gen. Arthur for Vice President. On the con tour. "Holland" the Senator counseled Arthur 'm' run and was inuch.displeased When he failed to fol low his advice. This is undoubtedly a correct statement of the affair, as "Holland" says that Gen. Arthur after tba convention told Mm "that Senator Conkling was clearly oppw to his accepting the nomination5 iflfoat he himself said to the Senator rwrft was rery high honor, one not likely to come a second time to any man; that It waa to be tendered In cordiality and that for that reaaon his own Judgment waa that he should accept It" Tto electric currents which pass trolley wirea are reported to Ke ta tha wmtar lofOsaarn, BoathOsaa- taewtnarBBwa. Saatbaa ban iaatfrat (i fag b naarary af 929Q0O gaaa r3, a4 m Imjasagtlaa la aafcaa far to f a tea aaaj1ftiBr 1 of tta aytem J O-CZrl b ba BsetioilaaT the 1 tt ei to tha A 1 r"T writer eajrs H la better fit Htm ta rea-da nuMnM. Da BaSftth) battar far the who attar wtae would ba asptaatnt the for ban ta ehoaw betwasa tta earaat tern aaed a d crlba the action com plained of. Tbe electric currant aeeka the metal water pipe for tba reran portion of IB dreott aad daeompoaea the aaatal principally at tha point wtere It laaree aba pipe. Bona moatha ago mere waa a ttecuaatoa by eiperta la ratrard to the ertl aad the beat meaaa to ba naed for prevention. Bat It would aeem that thoae maaaa bare aot baaa employed la Ornate, or If need I bey bare proven iBadouate. Parhape It win ba foaad that the trolley avast ba dlaeoatlanad or that tertal t-aa troa must be need for water ptpea. hi tba latter caaa aba praaaare might hare to ba takea off tba bortaoa- tai pipsa, or moat af Ta Dearer tbafltory Oaeef caaoally aad be tba discovery which baa paaaled leaned maa aU their Urea aad haunted them after death. He baa dtecorered the miaatBf 11 a k. He baa It la a bat and It la what la commonly known aa tba wfci to-faced capoebla monkey. The pteftaw aanoancea that It la the remalaa of tba Bret maa, tba ertfm of tba bnmaa race. aat tba public doaaat Mka a boat the Daarar prafeaaar la hi claim aad bold aeaar aace. Wby daaa ba laalat that tba drled-vp moakey U tba tret maa? It mlfht easily be tbeaacoed or bla eoaala; the mammy bean ao tag taatirytBC that It m tba aore eaowfb-eaa-aad-only, bat the profeeeer wfll aot ba btaffed ont of bla erifual atatamaat He alaa baa tha remalaa af the tret beree, but na turally be daaa sot think aa mneh of a Uttla thtag Ilka tbat ' While be la about It he might remember that people would be mtereated In a mammy of the Bret klaa, or tba premier paid tailor! MO. or the original ancestor of a Chi cago alderman. It la a matter of regret tbat tbla profeoaor doea sot aeem ta fully graep bla opportunities or rise to the occasion. " Considerable opernlatlon awakened lately by the has been t Bouncement of some British allenlats that ao far aa concerns the people of Great Britain Insanity la Increasing. The recently published report of the commissioners In lunacy for tha Brit ish kingdom shows a marked lncraaa In the number of the insane. The sta tistics indicate that twsnty-flre yesrs ago the proportion of Insane In the kingdom was 471 to 1,000,000 of popula T"" 1 . , Z . r.tto of to W00.000. Were tion. The figures for the year 1804 this Increase to be carried on at the same rate it Is easy to figure ont an alarming number of Insane jieople and a startling deterioration of the human race a couple of centuries hence. It is to be remembered, however, that much of this apparent Increase is superficial. In the first place, the advance of the alienist's science has caused the quick er apprehension of cases which a few years ago would have been Ignored as Instances of mere eccentricity. The In creased accommodations of theasylums. also, have resulted In a more general resort to their use than heretofore. Cases which some years ago would have been set down tut merely the result of senility are now classified among cer tain forms of mental diseane and count ed as such. Individuals who would formerly have been kept at home and obscured from the public statistician are now gent to the asylum and counted among the serious cases of aemetitla. Above all, the advance in the methods of collating and recording statistics has resulted In the counting of many cases which formerly would have escaped no tice. Wplghlng these considerations nt their full value, It will lie seen that the apparent growth of insanity in Great Britain may in fact be no growth at all. And as for insanity in this country, there is np reason to suppose that It Is becoming any more prevalent than in the eider land. The 'talk about the nervous temperament of Americans and the high tension under which they live and work has had the effect of securing an eauy credence for the stories of dangerous tendencies among the people. That there are tendencies Injurious to nerve and mind no one will deny. lint, taking all things Into con sideration and comparing the two coun tries off-setting one peculiarity with another there Is no renson to believe that the growth of insanity here is any more a matter for alarm than It is In Great Rrihiin. Csele Torpedo floats. They have two big white elephants at the New York navy yard Just now. it seems that the Navy Department des not know what to do with the torpedo boats built for the battle-ships Tpju and Maine. Thcw boats have failed to make the time required for torpedo service, and those designed for the Tex as will not lw lined, and It Is probable that those made for the Maine will not go with that ship. These boat cannot make more than eleven or twelve knots anbour.and, in the opinion of naval ex perts, that speed will be useless In bat tle. One of the torpedo boats of the Texas will be on exhibition at the At lanta Exposition. It Is probable that all of these torpedo boats will be used at the Annapolis naval academy by the cadets. The Tobacco Habit Growing;. There Is a steady increase In the nuro ber of cigars and cigarettes smoked in this country, and notably in the con sumption of cigarettes, according to a tofcaeco trade Journal. During the fis cal year Just closed there were sold In tM United States s.833.845,660 cigar f ttea aad 4.130,440,370 cigars. The In crease 1b the consumption of cigars orer tha prevloua year was 63,622,8B8. "Did yon hare any trouble with our French when yon ware la Parte r "Ho, I understood my French wall enough, bat thoee maaaly PaHsjaaa aldB't They aa aU taW trasjBea. A HarWta maa asda ala wlfa mteerj Las Bcfauoarr M rack Dclcth, Oct 2. A special la tba News-Tribune from Baalt 8te, Maria, M ich, saya: Tba steamer Shaek.whlab arrived Monday, reports tbat while lay lng to for abaiter la Copper harbor, tba City of Paris came lu than aad want aahore on Flat Rock. Hta la aa boand. light. Tba ateamcr barga Blrkbeed, towing the aeboouan Curs tar B. Jooa aad Klma, lumber laden, to Ogdeaa- burg, loat bar eonoorta off WMta- aaebar three milea weat of WkltaOah Point. Tha Elna a naattad aa fi daring with all baada loat ta Maaaatag bay. It carried a crew of eight waaawaadba Warn af Tor Tba oaly aajaea of tba eraw obtalaaaia an Captala Jabs TharsUe, win and child. Tba Birkbaad la aa ta anaer Graad Isiaad. Tba other eaoaart, tba Commodon, la walUag ban for bar. Tba tag BoTBton baa goaa ta Wblta- Asb ta try aad raaeoe tba Joaaa. Her crew hare probably baaa taken off by tba Yarmillioa Patai Ufa aartag eraw,' wbleh waat ta bar yaatarday asoralng.' Tba eaptata af tba Badger mate, ar-' rlrlag at tba Saolt sava tha Joaaa la abawa WhltaAaa Point aad Will go ta Kkw Tobk. Oat. 1 It kaown that Jaba Clark, tha aoa of a Toraata millionaire who waa aMrrted ta Ada Oantbooy, aa aetraea, la tba etty ball oa Baptaabar 14, triad ta eosa. alt aalaiaa at tba Hatlaad baa. a laat Friday. He took a large deaa of polaoa aad hit Ufa was saved after taa aoon at wark at Beilevae boaaitaU Ha da elarad Uat ba was drlraa to tba daad Bieania ba oouid sot aaka a 11 ring for ala wlte and aba would ba aompellad ta gabaafc aa tba ataga. Jaba Clark aad Ada Oaatboay, battar known aa Nallta at ta Toronto, . whan youag Xtark waa prominatit amoag tha yon embers af tba bar, ahlla the Boaert Urau oampaoy, of wblab Mlaa Oae tboay waa a sea bar, waa ptayiag than. Jaaaa Otark, tba fat bar. la a prominent capttallat, and waa tba Ufa long friend of tba lata prsmiar, 81r John hi ac Donald. Ha la very waatby, and It It tuppoaad ba waa aot pleased son's alliance aad oaaaed tupylylng bin with money. Tea feaaau Bala i a. Waskimoton, Oot, 2. A report waa received by Captala Kboe maker of the revenue service from Captala S. L. Hooper, In command of tha patrol fleet in Bering sea, aa to tba aetxura of the two sealing Teasels for violation of the Paris award. Tba first vessel Belted waa the British schooner K. B. Marvin, taken by the Hush on Septem ber 2 wiuin tna sixiy-taiie zona on a charge of using firearms. In charge of a prize crew she waa teat to Dutch Island harbor in Alaska, where on September 9, she was delivered to the British authorities. The second ves sel was the American sealer Louis Olsen, also taken by the Rush and seized od September 3 ard placed in charge of Lieutenant Dun wood v, who was dii acted to proceed with her to Aitoria, Ore, her home port, where the was delivered to toe United States marshal. It is charged that tha Oiscn is not duly licensed. Hard Coal Hlghar. New Tobk, Oct. 2. As a result of a consultation between the large coal producer, an advance was made In the line prices of anthracite coal. .There was no general agreement, but prices were put up from 15 to 25 cents a ton. The Fituiown advanced 25 cents. This advice, It is said, will maintain tha normal difference aa compared with tidewater figures. No advance will be made at this time, it is said, in freights on anthracite. The rate from the mine to tidewater ii fixed at 40 per cent of the selling price on tha bulk of the coal originated from independent operators. This, at the present price of coal, makes the rate from 11.40 on stove to f 1.30 on broken sizes. The fixed rate now is about 81.23. This rate is expected to be advanced m time, but in all probability cot until the market improves. Want Their Wages locraaaail. brmsurizaj. 111., Oct. 2. The miners of the Springfield district met. in convention Monday iu this city, btate President James O'Connor of the Miners' union presiding, and twenty one of the twenty-eight mines lu the district were presented. It was de cided br unanimous vote to demand ft J cents per ton gross weight after 0 :t -ber 5. The present price is 35 cent. It waa decided to discontinue work at all mines refusing to pay this rate, Ottcmwa, la., Oct. 2. The coal miners at Mystic hare refused to work at the present scale and it looks as if there might te another strike In tha Centerville district. Hteen bundrrd men are employed In the district. .Billed ily BaaNtiBfft. I exinoton, Ky., Oct. 8. Bea atung William May of KloyO county on the face and head. Blood poisoning set iu and be died. He once represented Floyd county In the Kentucky Legis lature and leaves a large family well provided for. He bad bald many pofltlona of truat In bla section of the atate. Appelate a Private Ws entry. WAaBtKOTON.Oct, t, Attorney Gen eral Harmon baa appointed Mr. Ghana cay Hoffman of Cincinnati as bla pri Tate seeretary. Mr. H off maa, who bat baaa la Jadga ' Bar Ban's Cincinnati aflce danaf tba past Urea yaan, la a gradaata af Kaayea aallaga aad waa datttad ta tba bar ta Uw aartaf af i-X B la ngardad aa yi j mam itahtiUf aad taa at tha f WILL NOT HCHT AT DALLAS. Oerbett aad Beb BtstixuDou Matt aat Tifkl Than. j 4 WATERWAY CONVENTION CON VENES- it wm a Arrrnt. Tn Oct. & Corbart and fltBtaaaoaa Btt dad aaotbar plaoe than Texaa to pnU of their Sght for tba proposed championship of tba world. The strlalatare yaatarday, by a rata tbat waa practically unanimous In tba tenate aad oaly a little lose ta tba hoeia, pasted tba Mil prohibiting prlaa Ifhtlag aad thus accomplished tba pnrpaaa far which tba governor as temWad tba Brsaben la special asasloa Tba rota by wblab tba bUl waa carried fanlabtgtba ttrongeet proof of tba tnUaaot of taa ataU with refanoea ta prlaa-afbttog. Tba oaly nilying point of tba Bin etity waa tba appeaiUon to tba aater- gaaay alaaaa, wbtob carried taa bUl la ta laaadlaia sffeet. Nae af tba aaabars baaaatly regard tbla aa an In- JaaUaa ta aaab af tba eiUaens af Dallaa aa had apent large sams ta aatiajaa ttaa af tba fight, aad opposed It far that reaeea alaaa. Tbair argaaaata wan aot aONtlTa, however, aad tba rote la the boaee oa tba final paasaga f taa WU abbwad bat fin volte la af position, with 107 ta lu favor. la tba aaaata tba bill waa carried with oar? one negative vote 1a tba tweaty-aevea tbat wan cast. Tba aan ate Bade quick work of tba meaeare. It bad taken a nests nntll t a'eJoek this aftoraon la order tbat tha Dallaa people might ba given a fnU bearing by tba Judiciary committee. Within forty-five minutes aftar ra attimbiing tba blU had passtd. Tba work in tba bouae waa not so expeditious. Tba beose la tba larger body, and several members desired to ba beard npou tba aenate bill, which waa substituted for tba house bill than pending. Amid ap plause a number of amendments were affected. Several wan adopted, bat do not exchange tba tmaaure ta any material extant, except to make it atlll mora effective. At a result of these amendments tha blU will ba returned to the senate tomorrow, but its adop tion in amended form will be delayed no longer than la necessary to call tba roll. It will then be aent to the gov ernor and when bla signature shall have been attached it wUl become a law. Tha bill makes prize-fighting a felony and imposes a punishment upon the principala for every Infraction of tha law by imprisonment In the penlten tiary lor a term of not less that two! and not more than five years. Baa Got Mleely Started TOPEKA, Kan., Oct. 8.-Congressman Burton of Missouri called the deep-water convention to order Wed nesday morning. These officers wet a elected: Permanent chairman, G. O. Vest of Missouri; permanent secretary, Thomas Bicliardson of Texas; reading clerk Charles Martin of Kansas; vice president, one from each state re spectively. Seuator Vest, when conducted to tba cbair, briefly said; "Gentlemen of this convention: 1 return my thanks for this honor. It la expected that our action will be cantlous, conservative and sincere, and thus command the respect of the people, Tins conven tion it now open," x-Goveriior Ilnbbard of Texat spoke irom 11 o'clock until 2.40. His speech was lull of statistics covering the d ep-water agitation and its results and prospects. The following congrata- tory greeting was presented by Dele- gale is. . King of Kansaa City, Kanaas and addressed to Governor Culberson of Texas: We have assembled to pro mote your commercial greatness you to promote moral greatness: may botli subjects abundantly succeed." At the afternoon seMlon resolution! were adopted favoring a great national celebration at Gaivetton in honor of securing a deep water harbor there. Ex-Governor Fialiback of Arkansas delivered an address and adjournment was taken until tomorrow. Crenacea Alive. Cambbidqe, O., Oct. 3. Fire early yesterday morning destroyed a large portion of the business center of thit town. Assistance (from Zaursville, .Newark and Bariiesville prevented a wholesale conflagration. The losset Will aggregate rzOO.000, (he principal sufferers being: Lyndon hotel, !25,000 Joseph D. Taylor block. 18,000; J. W. Davis, 4,0U); Carlisle A Grimes, f 18- 000; George Pchairer, to.000; II. C. Ilornbrook, t5,000; Gilesple, A Mo- Cullougb, 13,000. 'Ice general offices of tbe Cleveland A Marietta railroad were burned, but most of the records wore saved, A man named Frank Laws waa burned to death to Davis' Uvarv stable. rallaa tm Hie Aeeavate. ' SEATTLE, Wash, Oct. L Because of their failure ta Ilia accounts and a bay tha order af bla court, Judge Haa ford refused ta accept tha raetgn Uob of Bacaivar Gekee, Payne aad Bowm of taa lertbcrn Baeiac railroad, bat naevBd than oflMala aad an notated Aadrew T. Barletgh, geaoral asaasal af tha Ongaa laprovoBoat ss-tpaay, as naalvar far' al Xarthara raotfta pwparty wtth-i tha J-rtedta. otaala a4 Iiairtssrt 1 BfcUa-a liiUf saw a W (be Wm as Btaka. . Fii itostt Mum Hmw Tiara. t IMA 14 A Kt.fOMLlC. Slut DaaUras Mane I f trmm ki SauUh Kale. Kbt West, Fla Oct. 4. -It was learned laat night upon the arrival of a steamer from Havana that the Cuban revolutionists have declared tblr in depeooecce and established a govern ment According to the information g loan ad from the passengers the pro vincial delegates met at Puerto Prin cipe September S3. A constitution was adopted, 'oatpeudenre declare', ls pr.ibJ Ui;.' were named to take charge of the gov ernment permanently. President Salvador Clsnerot of Puer to Principe. Vice-president BartoUme Maas of Mantanllo. Secretary of war Carlos Boloff. 1 Assistant secretary of war Mario ManocaL Secrotary for foreign affairs Rafael Jose Port undo. Assistant aecntajy of foreign affairs For men DoBlnguet. Secretary of tba Treasury Bevre Pins. Assistant Secretary of tba Treasury Joaquin Caetllo. Secretary ot tba Interior Josa San tiago Sanlaarex. Assistant Secretary af tba Interior Carlos Dubois.. . General in Command of tba Cuban Army Maximo (lotaex. Freparlag a Sarteaa of latenlw, B-BTIAOO DC CUBA, Oct. 4. Tna Insurgents la this district bsva kept vary quiet tba laat few days, but than Is a rumor tbat they an preparing a series of encounters for next week. It la rumored here that an assistant doctor of tba military hospital of Soogo made b mistake In giving a medlcint to tome of tba tick soldiers, and nine have died from poison. This caused great ex citement among tba. Spanish element. Tba Monianlllo papers bring news that tba Spanish general, Goo tales Mnnex, with a strong column, attacted and captured tba camp -'La Cart mad" of leader Munzo aftar a several en counters. The rebels bad ninety men killed and wounded. On tba loth Inst, a Spanish column 600 ttroug, under Lieutenant-Colonel Ruiz, captured the rebel camp "La Pledra," In a very high mountain in Guantanamo. The rebels left seven kiUed on the field and three ware burled by the government troops. The 8panltb lost three men killed and wounded. The Spaniards captured seventeen guns, some powder and six teen cartridges of dynamite. Tbe rebels were l.COO strong and were com manded by tbe Dominican Brigadier Gil. lodlaa Territory Want It Paris. Tex., Oct. 4 It was stated last night that the Corbett-Fitzsim-mons fight will take place at lioebtick's lake, twenty miles north of here, In tbe Choctaw nation, on the ht. Louis & San Francisco railroad. It is four hours' run from Dallas, three from Ft. Smith, Ark., and forty minutes from this city. There will be no obstacle in tbe way there, as the Choctaw nation has no law against prize-fighting. The lake and grounds are leased and be long to the Koebuck rowing and fish ing club of this city, who freely gave tbe managers of the contest the use of tbem. Kanah City, Mo., Oct. 4. A spe cial from Perry, Okl., says that Dick Piunkett, one of the best known sports In the west, telegraphed Daniel Stuart yesrerday afternoon that Perry would give 125,000 for the Corbett Fitzsim mont fight. The law against prize fighting in Oklahoma maket it a mis demeanor, with a Que not to exceed $0X) or one day in the county jail. This town offered 150,000 for the Corbett- Mitchell tight. A meeting of the busi ness men was held last night to take active ttfcpt in the matter. - . A t'o.tlr I Ire, Pkovjdknce, R. I., Oct. 4. One of most destructive fires tbat has oc curred in this state for many years last evernlng destroyed the buildings constituting the mills of the Warren Manufacturing company, at Warren, making line sheets and shirtings, caus ing a loss of over l,0(X),0u0. Just how the fire started is not known yet, but an explosion is said to have occurred In the engine room, The fire broke out" about 7 o'clock before the Warreti lire department could get water enough the mill was well lighted and blazed fiercely. Aid was telephoned for to Fall Kiver and to thit city and from here two steamers were sent. The mill buildings, Includ ing warehouses, were totally destroy ed, and a lumber yard adjoining was badly scorched, as were the company's tenements. The disaster will throw about 1,(500 people out of employment. Insurance to far as known Is; On nulls and machinery, 8S50,000; tenements, i00,000; warhouse and contents not known. The town it practically des troyed by tbe (Ire. Wotnea Meet. Colorado SriiiNos, Oct. 4. Nearly 200 club representative were present at the meeting of the Colorado Federa tion of women's clubs at Colorado Springs. ' Tba Like Hint. Piioknix, Ariz., Oct. 4. The promo tion of General Miles baa caused gen oral rejoicing throughout Arizona. He is extremely popular throughout the territory as a result of his brilliant oampalgn against Geranlmo, which re salted 1b tna capture aad banishment of tbat notorious chieftain. Governor Hoghaa aad staff aad tba mlUta joined tha pablic la b general deaooatratloa la boaor of tha anat ' Hard coal tall la Columbus at PS pel ion, delivered. A colored divine of Omaha Is trying to evangelize Norfolk. John MeMenus of Crete got sixty dayt in jail lor stealing an overcoat. Conley Bros, of Dodge county ban eiRht acres of onions, and expect to gat 14,000 for tha crop. lite paper at Logde Pole it only la tued when tbe editor feds like work, which is a rare occurrence. A Norfolk lad, agad thirteen, was sent to tbe reform school aa a punish ment for playing hookey as a steady job. Dodge Is agitating tba question of pasting a fire-limit ordinance and lock ing tbe door, now tbat the bona bat been stolen. Hev. H L. Powers lately closed n vlval efforts at Otmond that were sna eeetful la causing forty sinners to quit their meanness. Tbe amateur ball club at Danbury will ba strengthened for a few gsmas by tha addition of "snapper" Kennedy and Archie Cola, A carload of soapjbilled from Chicago to Denver passed through Nebraska the other day. Somebody most be ar ranging to take a bath. . Warren L. Shearer of Kaaruey while riding his wheel at break aack speed la tba dark ran Into a buggy and disabled' blmeslf severely. He to In bed waittaf for a store to pateb him up. An attempt was made to burn dowa a house af shady reputation at Platte mouth, but the partial destruction af an outside door waa the only damage. Typhoid fsver catted tbe death of a daughter and an adopted son of Bur rail Bead of Norfolk. Other membert of the family are recovering from lha dread disease. Ernest Clark, about twenty-two years of age, waa discovered in the Union Pacific yards at Columbus walking around entirely nude. At the approach of watchmen be fWd. Tbe young man it thought to be demented and will be taken care of by friends for the present. Dr. C. K. Coffin who takes the place at astlslant superintendent of the Lin coln Insane hospital, made vacant by the ret I gnat ion of Dr. Greene, la one of the lesdlng physicians of tbe North Loup country, and though a young man, has made a reputation in his ehotm field. Heury bmallwood of Lincoln county who has lived alone for some years on a farm near North Platte, waa found dead in a sitting posture by a litter who called to see how he was gettlna along. Tbe ci use of his sud den taking oft was heat trouble- dropsy of the pericardium. Ikev Colin of Nebraska City waa l it on the head with a tmall brickbat, but went about bit business as though nothing bad happened. A few days afterward he complained of a severe pain in his head and tbe attending physician discovered that his skull was broken. It Is feared the boy will die. Jacob Brunia, who lives near Ltrmh. Boyd county, shot Atdrew J. Kichards wnom ne falsely tuHpected to Intent to steal a "feed" of corn, killing him In- lianily. lie it in jail at liutte and will probably hacg lor the crime. The murderer has a wife and seven chil dren, and the victim of his rage leaves only a motherless daughter wiree years or age. Two of the oldest buildings in Crete were burned Friday mimim? ahnm i o'clock, llotii of the bulldi owned by Mrt. (ilwde and were not In- lured. Their value waa about tim. One of the buildingt was occupied by A. M. JJeecher as a candy kitchen. His lost wat about 8'iOOon unpacked stock. The other was used by John Knboveei a shoemaker, whose loss was 8175, but fully covered y insurance. The' lire was undoubtedly of incendiary origin. Adolph Steinkemp tiled a suit in the district court for $10,000 damages against Henry Gabel. 1 he jflt,er js a well known and wealthy farmer of Louisville and the former a farm of him. The two iuwi became involved In a quarrel last July and GaW shot Steinkeinp in the hHck wUh a Q shot. The cum will be tried at the next term of court. The state's criminal eases asainat (label for shoot ing Ktelnkerr.p with intent to kill was continued until the next term of court, Frank Abel, one of tfe , who 0J. capedfrom thejul at l'laiismoutl. last week, haa been captured al heward Deputy Sheriff i,Bfer, ' that place and will again bring tht. pr wner to this city. Abel is charged with horse stealing, and u trlal occur at the present term of district stoTiM dBbr0tbr Albert each mn ,f T 001 nesr Wmwood last - nd rod. than, to Lincoln, whera they were turned loose. The officers gardlng tba wncreaboult of the other prltonert who escaped. nor .Yf iTelt' forn,er An by, and founder of the Chrnicle, has j!!""",f,"U4''the republican, or Boou . Biaft county or ini,rUT Tb. wpublleans of Lincoln count, w V11"' tha ttekat. . til. Dlllni Li. . . vrk i . " Biayoia from, "aa mavaatlon, auklBa tba