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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1895)
The Sioux County ournal. VOLUME VUL HARKISON, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, OCT. 10, 1805. NUMBER 5. THE SAIL IN A STORM. REV. OR. TALMAQrS LESSON ON ' THE SEA OF GALILEE. Cfcriet aehlaa tke Tiaml-Kmr Sty far Cfcrtet a th Boa Voyage of Uf-Notala ta Be Prlaatoaad Aeaa-T World Ktw. , NMMity of Pejtb, la hi esrnwa Bandar Ho. Dr. TJ- dlaeuarBed oa dramatic Incident Barter Ufa easoag the om- rma aad draws trmm lt atrik. M laoa far the ma sad waste of the uYr wes alto with him otharlit- tla ships, sad there arose tt Stores af WvWT - ;f it--.?.!? ") '. TAbertas, QeliU and Qsaassarrt am tara nse for (be aa lake. It ly i, a aceae of great luariaapa. The far rsaading hill tsrraced. sloping, Mff'Nra ajttr'fjaagfa ftrdea an iaji,' in Msmi-rambled a tfcmaa tasks ( saw sad raAJtataatj valley, headland aa rMgss wara cot- mui)armiumi;!tr great was the variety f MflMsatt that the pah seat ta torrid sad th fiM trm ai W.t'fJ bj AlB, rM aan. mea la vineyards and olive gar. ash wsrwgsanrtiefrth' rich fata ewprsas. The hnls 'aad 'vay' staared and rriaaanaii with anrm, tram Mch ChfMt (oak kla teit, end Ua dis- ipwa learned immu of n.tlo-e aj trat It eeecoed u If God lad dashed war. of batata oa ad tha sees aaa? It aaag dripping from the rocks, aha hills, wa rteeadere. Ua tlta back of tha Leb anon raage the glory of tha earthly ww waa earned up aa If la aet It range with tha hilla of heaven. ' Bo othar gem aver had a exquisite sattlag aa beautiful Uenneaaret Tha water wart dear aad sweet, and thickly inoamira, tempting innumerable net and a a-owing a livelihood for treat popule MoneT' Brthaalda, Cborasla and Caper mm stood on tha bank,' roaring with was ad frame and flashing with antra fid eaalpegea, and ahaobbtc thak vessels crow tha Inks, bringing merchandise fat Damascus and passing great cargoes of wearcay produce f leaser boata of Ro man geatleraea aad flaking smack af tha ouatry people who bad coane dowa to cart a art ttara naaaad aach other with aod and about of welcome, or aJda by awnaff Idlr at tha moorina. Palaca and iBioriant bath and rtneard, tower and aoaoowr artior, loofead off apoa tha calm awart acmM aa tha evening ahadowa baga to drop, and Hermoo, with Ito head cot ared with perpetual anow, In the flow of tha aettlng aua looked like a white bearded prophet read ta aeeend In a chariot of Are. I think we ahall har a quiet night! not a leu winka In the ahr or a ripple dieturbe tha eurface of Oenneaaret. The abadowa of the great headland (talk lear acroaa the water. The Toicea of vveningtlda, how drowallf they strike the ear ue epiaah of the boatman'a oar and the thumping of the captured Bah oo the boat' bottom, nd thoae iadeacribabta aonna wnicb oil the air at nightfall. Ton Meten to tha beach of the lake a little way, and there you And an excitement aa of an embarkation. A flrtlUa!e peaking out from the weatern hereof the lake not a aquadron with deadly araaameat, not a clipper to ply with valuable mer ehandlee, not piratic veaael with grapr pnng nooi to nug to deatb whatever they eould aaiaa, but a BotUla laden with mee aenger of light aad mercy and peace. Jeaoa la la the front ahlp; hi friend and admirer are In the small boat following after. Christ, by the rocking of the boat and tha fattguea of the preaching egerrlaea oi taa day, la Induced to afaaber, aad I aee aim la tfee at era of tha boat, wtth pUlow perhapa extemporised eat of a a.- eraaa a coat, sound aaleao. Tha bra of tha Ink ran their finger through tha lock of the wornout sleeper, and on )ta eurface there rlaeth and fallath tha light esip, me a cvna on tn aoeoa or rt sleep ing Bjotner. uaim aigbt Btarrr alxht Beautiful night. Run up all tha aalla aad ply an the oar and let the boata, tha tag at tad tha email boata, go gliding over until nsiiiii lit " t " " "' ' Calaalaa; the ft. Tna sailor prophesy a change In the weather. Cleada hegta to travel ap the esy ana eangregato. After awhile, eve the Mangsrs hew the maao of tha atom, which coeaee on with rapid strtdaa ana wttn all the terror of hurricane aad darkness. The boat, caught In tha ud eVa fury, tmnMeu Ilk a deer at bay, aw ue wiM Clangor or the hound, tlreet patch of foam are flung through tha air, The loosened sails, flapping In the wind, crack like plstdU. The am all boata poised on the whit cliff of the driven sea t rem We like ocean nrtrels. and then plunge Into the trough with terriflc swoop until a arar strikes them with thunder crack, and overboard go tha cord age, the tackling, and the maata, and the drenched disciple rash into the atern of the boat and shout amid the hnrrlrane, "Marter, carest thou not that we perish V That great Person age lifted his head from the fisherman's coat and walked bat to the prow of the vessel and looked upon the storm. On all aidea were the small boata tossing In helplessness and from them came the cries of drowning num. By the flash of lightning I see the calmness of t he uncovered brow ef Jesus and the apray of tha sea dripping from hi beard. He has two words of command on for the wind, the other for the sea. He look Into the tempestuous heavens and ha crlaa, "I'eacel" and then ha look down Into tha Infurtata water aad heeava, "B etflll", The thunder beat rewaat-, The wave fall flat oa their faces. Th eittagBlahed melts. The storW ta dead, ill the crew mp aataagimf tha cwdAga mad lb eabia a4 baslmgaajt ahe Wets frrta the held f the akp, Mb Madpiaa aaaatd waMag atno.vear fpal- ktto.tM jMm sky, now gasiag lata the calm aea, now gating into the calm face of Jean whispering one to another. "What ner of maa i this, that even the winds and the aea obey hlmf ' ' Christ ea tha ahlp. I learn, first from this subject that whea you are geteg to take a voyage of any Bind you ought to have Cortrt ia the hh The fact ie. that than boat would all have goo to the bottom If Christ had not been there. Now, yon are about to voyage out Into aoaae new enterprise Into some new buameea rela tion. Yoa are going to pun aoaae great amrter of aeoet. I bee It I ee. If you are content to go along hi the treadmill eura M plUi aething new, yep not rumning your mission. What yoa can do by the ataaest, tension of body, mrnff gad soul, fnaf yea aft bound to do. Ton have no right to he elasl of -a regi- saswt aj uod eaia yoa to raaimi army. Toa have no right te to ta ateaaer M (end coawaada yoa to b admiral ef the navy. You, have do right to engineer a ferryboat from river bAk to river teak If 64 cc4aaands you1 t engineer a Uunarwer froai Hew York Liverpool. But whatever enterpriae yoa andattahe, and uaea wherever voyage yhu atart, ha ar to ink .Ctrl ta thw ajstp. Hat ye ma tofgely, prsayassd, ;TJt lwd ot a avvl tarprtoe grew Into, aa accumulatag and overshadowing laeces. their cup 'of prosprtfty ia..ruub(ag of. Bvery amy baas chataMrrml ' a ehaaital til I a, Yrt rhey ar aajflad i, They ackaewlsdge the Oed who grew the harvests, aod gives thesj au their prosperity. Whn disaster tht destroy others, they are-only hal Into higher riper! en ces. ' The edl wind rhst ever 1lw down frem nw capped Herman and hail tlennaaaret lata foam and agoay could net hart Let the wwdg Mow until they oraek their cnaek. IM the breakers boom all i well, Christ Is In the ship. Here are Other men; the prey Of uncertainties. When they succeed, they strut- through rhe world In great vanity and wtpe their fleet en tha sensitiveness of others. Di aster mane and they are utterly dawn. They are good sailors ea a fair day, trhaa u any la clear and the sen la smooth. but they cannot outride a storm. After awhile the packet Is tossed abeam' end, aad ft seems as if she am it go down with all the cargo. Push eat (mm the sheas with Ufa-boat, longboat shallop aad pta nace. Yoa cannot eate the crew. The Storm twists off th maata. The aea rUa up to take down th veaacL ; Down ahe goea! No Christ In that hrp. I apeak to young people whoa voyag in life will be a mingling of aunahin and of darkness, r arctic Mart aad ef tropical tornado, xou will bar many a long, bright day of prosperity. The skJea clear, the aea smooth. The crew exhllaranL The boat stanch, wOl bound merrily over tna Miiowa. urowd oa all th Heigh, ho!. Land ahead! Bnt auppeee that sickness puts Its bitter cup to your Una; suppose that death overshadows your heart; suppose misfortune with aome quick turn of th wheel hurl you back ward; auppose that the wave of trial strikes you athwart shrns. and bowanrtt shivered, and halliards sweot late 'the aea, and gangway crowded with piratical disasters, and the wave beneath, and tha sky above and the darkness around are Ailed with the clamor of the voices of de struction. Oh, then you will want Christ In the shin. ' ' torss Will Coase. I learn. In the nest place, that oeoole whe follow Christ must net always eipeet Mneoui sailing. When these disciples got Into the small boata, they saJd: "What a delightful thing this Ut Who would not be a follower of Christ when be can rid In one of these small boats after the shin In which Jeeu I ailing" But when th storm came down thee disciple found out that following Jeeu did not alwaye make smooth sailing. Ho you have found oat and so I have found out If thr any people who you would think ought to have a good time In getting out of thla world, the aposUea of Jeeu Christ ouafet to have been th men. - Have you ever no ticed hew they got out of the world T 8t James tort his bead. t Philip was h una to oeatn against a piuar. 'HL Matthew wee (track, to death far a halberd. tL Harh was dragged to death threugh the street. St James tha La sad hi brain dashed out with a fuller' crab. 8L Vfat- thlaa was stoned to death.' (rt ' Thorn waa truck through wtttr a Deer.1; aehn Hoe to the Bra, the Albigenaea. the Wal den ess, the Scotch Vvnaatnw-dhl they Jway find smooth aaillag Why t ao rarr There la a young man In a rtor la New York who ha a hard time to maintain hi Christian character. All the clerk laugh at hfm, th employers In that rtor lanarh at him, and when he loses Ma patience they -eay, "i are a pretty Christ Ian. Not ae easy la it for that young maa -to follow Christ If the Lord did not Ui him hour by hour, he would fall. There are score of young men to-day who would be willing to testify that in following Christ one doe not always And smooth sailing. There is a Christ Un girl. In her home they do not like Christ. Mb ha hard work to get a client place In which to any her prayer. Father opposed to religion. Mother opposed to religion. Brother and later opposed to religion. The Christian girl doe not always And it smooth sailing when she tries to follow Jesus, list be of good heart As seafarer, when wind are dead ahead, by setting- the ship on starboard tack and bracing the yarda. make the winds that oppose the course propel the ship forward, so opposlnfe- t roubles, through Christ, veering around the bowsprit of faith, will waft you to heaven, when, If the wind had been abaft, they might have rocked and sung you to sleep, and while dreaming of the Sitined port of heaven you could not re heard th cry of warning and would hkv gone crashing Into th breaker. The World M ovaav t Agaia, my aahjett teaches bm that good people aomrtlm get very much fright ened. rVmtbtM1andtoaaoftnaM eertpvMM they raesad into hstaaaf tha vessel aad woks Christ aa. row haaw that they ar f arfulty axani Aatm ft I T.7 iTT .f, . . " i77 1 T!ww 1 -7 1 1 1 n- wtldly agitated, "Oh!" any some Chris- Uaa maa, "ta iafidel augasjnea, tha bad aewips pars, "the' siftrrraallTfic aodetiea. the Importation of ao maa foreign errors. ute enures or Uod la going to be lost, the aaip is going to founder I The sup s go- eovar- waat are roe about!, Ajb old Uaa goes wto his cavera ta - yi mm mm umm UUVD UBUJ ai ahaggy aaao cover hi paw. MearhO ahe'spsde otbUt begia -to aaia-wahs ewer the atouth af has oarara aad Bag, That lloa cannot break eat threugh thit 0, gad they heap oa agsaniag the gna, earner thread uatU they get the awt ef I... A Lm.M k. M M i kj me cavern covered aver. "Wow," they say, me nea t ooea, Be bob' tsr white aha Uaa eweaaaend awa, aevar ajtowiag thet were a saenocs ei taia day go weak, abtaatei : ThJr taaarieaj epiaeling them aw aet C aa whoa fJkriat saaaa to aaalaa any: 'TChrirt aaaj aevar agahi wart . deaa. He can. aevar art plnningr Thenar wfli enaM whea. ttl TXmi of JudahS frfWhlH ftraaa bfnmsrf .was we taw-frn aahaaa 'aalghajriha aw .Want r ,,, ,r aehiavg he Tenspeet. ' :""i I Wart from thhf subfccV'vhit flhrtat caa nu ta tanat ' Berne df roei a tm havaa heavy toad of wahaa. it ra have wtaaalyea Perhane Oed teak the senates eAIld out of your boa, the on that aaksd W most eurieu queatioaa, th one .that Bttng around ytw wlth-gtatrt foadaekt The gravsdfarger ' apird '"eat" down threugh year bleedtarheart Ovaerhaph k waa tne eaty one that yea had. and gear oul haa aver since hem Uhe a deo latad castle, where tha birds of tha nleht hoot amid the tailing tower aad Joogths cTuauMmg stairway, or pernap It was n aged mother that waa cafled awn. Yen need to send far her when Vow had any kind ef trouble. Sh was to your ham to welcome your children into life, and whea they died she waa there to pity yew. You know that the old hand will never do any mora kindness for roe. and tha lock of white hair that you keep so wen in tM casket of th iorket deaf not took ao well aa It did ea the day when hb aaeved it back from the wrinkled forehead under th old-f aahloned boaart la church In the country. . Or perhaps your property naa gone, xou aaM, mere, 1 have to much la bank stock, ao much I have In house, ao much I have In land. so mnch I have la securities.'' Suddeary It Mall gone. Alaa! for the the maa who once had plenty of money, but who haa hardly enough now for th morning mar keting. Wo storm ever swept over Gen n ess ret like that which haa gone tramp ling It thunder over your quaking soul. But you awoke Christ In the back part of the ship, crying, "Master, carest thou not that I perish? " Aad Christ rose up and quieted you. Jesus hushing the temp- There I on storm Into which we must all run. Whan a man let go thla life to take bold of th nest. I do not ear how much grace he baa, he will want It all What la that out wonder 1 That I a dy Ing Christian rocked ea the surges of death. Winds that wrecked magnificent flotillas of pomp and worldly power com down on that Christian soul. All the spirit of darkness seem to be let loo, for It U their last chance. The walling of kindred seems to mingle with the swirl of th waters, and th scream of the wind, and the thunder of the sky; Deep to deep, billow to billow. let ne tremor, no gloom, no terror, no sighing for the dying Chris tian. Th fact Is that from the back part of the boat a voice sing out, "When thou paaaest through the waters, I wifl be with m." By th flash of th storm th dy Ing Christian aeea that the harbor ta only Juet ahead. From heavenly cartles voices of welcome com ever the water. Peace drops oa the angry wave a th storm sobs Itself to rest like a' child falling asleep amid tear and trouble. Christ hath bbsbed the teapert. ' - 1 Rrp Yam Wlakto ta China. A Chinese Writer, Tcheog-KI-Tong. describee Chlnoee abeaa as a ammo of patience. ' It, la played with three baa. dred aad rtxty-ooe pawna, aad the player aetnetlane deliberate half aa boar before moving ne of them. Lit erary mea god ladle are aald to b fend of It, gad what aounde more likely, "people who have retired from busi ness." Thace are three sounds, the writer says, which help to turn one's thought toward what la pore and dell- eat; tha sound of falling water, the murmur of wind In the trees, and the rattle of chess pawna la the time of the Tchlng dynasty, a the story goea, a wood cotter who had gone to the top of a mountain for a day'a work, found two young mea there playing cheae. He atopped to look on, and presently became deeply Interested, and after a while one of the player gave htm a piece of candled fruit to cat. The game grew more and more ex citing. The wood cutter forgot hi work, and sat hour after hour with hi eye en the board. At last he happen ed to look at hi ax. The handle of It had rotted away. That frightened him. He Jumped up. and haatened down the mountain to the village. ' Alaa, among all the' people In the afreet ha recognised not one,' and he found on inquiry that aeveral cea tarlaa had pawed aince be started oat wtth Matx; !- m i. j.:h t.? V-;v.l . , i . la taa raw 18M there war drcnlat- ta la the Ualtod State tU7ftoa areay beM hi tha UMted States treasury ai tha same WV-W iMtraaga tha mlpal aam - svpv-fV.ywWw aad tarea m GOWNS AND GOWNING wXkMEN QlVf MUCH ATTENTION ' TO WHAT TMCV WEAR. Maf Oles s Faactee PeaUalsMe Irjrlreteae, Iteyhaftv'.aad Yt Offered la he Sep ' the BeedUg Prove ; Siaatfml ta Wearied yaaaals).. ajrOetarsm. - AtXslMpptaf hja jdrtowfaartaaV af'sf vacatlaa ALL i :' aaaaYltfat JSew aayoaaaaaal flaraaV Jt 'vff-,N( tJ"fli, J(afl tiTwil. 'r'warTev .lMrfi4rt-w-'Mir'-aia Hrfaf. L taa kood datf aarraanfa 'fla ar'aaak,nil the tewaVa-af ' 'airi'wetttiMaa teUafsaa' aan't- aaheY' to'flr'tfa vtolaaa aaagwt a jaat gv aartlaak. t aaayar ataai earn uiafti who ,or aa hniliaat aa ahe wlaaaw. m taHa aaoogfe to 4a alaata taa hut Mt of dhKoewat ovarra. aoaa dbbmt TaAraoTaonva. turning agaia to the urban rjosae, dart and bother. ' ' ' Cape of araooth eloth, cut rooad aod wttn the upper edge apparently turned down to form the wide round collar, are worn well apart In front, the edgea of the collar being held by A allp chain. by which the rape can alao be drawn elcae, when the turn-back collar will rise tn amaalng proportione about flha faea and back of the bead. TM ia a tyle of garmerjt that la well Inverted In J oat now, far probable naefnlaeaa N tn view for It wall Into tha winter. To day's tret picture presents another type of the round cape, and the sim ple garment waa vary pretty aa aketeb- d laataal gray doth lined with change able rtlk. The only trimming oonairtod of band of woolen braid, which edged the very full bottom aad gave the ma terial for the attap that hi plaaad at the boat and thai aerres aa faatenlng. Tha strap Is ornamented wtth doth- eaverad button, and the hlgM medlol collar remain plain. The wetter aaMra ufficleat protection for tha throat, nut for Vr wedthe thta rut of akp at about a cbeartaas a garment fay ra wearer as oould well be deatgaed, sb It eanaot be aahj to be serviceable for both otuma ahd winter. ' ' " For planner la eaaoray tna cape In the next picture has tha asm lack aa the one Just daaarlbad: that la, lovm- bar should sea It laid aatde far ao thinaT wdrmer. Bat H Is a vary stylhw garment and part of a aostam that A considerable degrae of nov BLAOa CLOTfJ PA lt run tim- j ... ... i kWD. 4. nut brown mohair. uur, ut lonsar Tiasa wfth bteel Mue and eheatdOt bot tti Mk tU nUos ' wttky rMloat 'taaa'a. frotr-tMt reman) 'aate 'lroal tt$i au.HawaWirB ntnmm ataf the Shoataafb. " W faWiaa ' Saaslpfbaai Am. T41 laaT si aratary dueefiv oae fa actaiur fairx' tor Ktd aavwaataa 1,1.' .. .. I tlOJIAi wtth brown satin ribbon, aid the eame ribton, bleated, appaara at the neck. iri not it He to eariy to atady ftlf latoofJy'; ffideaS, fW acdared a aa- eaaairjr B taa jrahr twakrw hlflMy faabloaabla' wtBaa.'Ti tU-aanimar time ahe aaTTaraamrm; cloak Imed aoftr wO fw. 'to wiflji abeut bat aaaatfh' twwV vrWa bag anas Hrtb the aoal eaC ball-roata, inn ll Hill 111 lift xXAtJlAXJIK BH woods. sad fba aaR eadU of tha air flab yacht patty telate. to the wlatar Osaeaae Hi of oaaa aaewathed with fuah aad la ta fail a Uttte eoDaraMs eg tiny eapa Is to baa part af bar street trjaa, torero tort her agamat tha freah enmg avaaCh of the aotama air. As to far wanmlnc. It wUl ha qalte aa plaatl fal aad abead p quite as naely aa It was laat winter, t Costumes are already avpaartnc that are tHmma with fur sdglaga aad of these appear la the third mastiatioa, gowa of black doth, a ahade that Is now la anueuaUy nigh favor. Tha far Is able and appear on tevara, haanaa and aklri Steal .buttons ia thras alaa ara pat on a akrrt, sleeves aad bosaaa aad tne Utter has a gather sd veat af white stlk and a black allk belt To OTfe Buaslan sable for trim mkag Is advice more easily given than foBewad. bat genuine lace and real sabls have the advantage of being al ways just right More hombts paltry will do, however, gad there are quan tkias of It In tha new trimming. ; Bpaaking generally, all-cloth gowns are in greater favor Uan are those that earn bine doth with alllu and velvet, but there are a plenty of the latter, af ter all, for. variety must be attained somehow. Cloth dratses with velvet for soat revere and wrist finish are often seao, and novel and pretty com binations of doth and allk are not in frequent It Is a bljbJy picturesque ex ample of the latter sort that Is to be in the next picture, nuel gray sraara, too, nxr avaaaar wasts. ototh Is the ehtef fabric, and It ta trim mad with dark irriy galloon. On the skirt facra ar aflk panels of gray silk, asova wsicn tn rront and back are cat Into tnbe art off by pearl burton. A rest of the aam allk la supplied to the bodice, who doth Is slashed and trimmed to harm on la with the skirt The sleeves have large puffs ending to overlapping straps, and long fitted silk Tbeee strap pieces aaem much more In keeping with tailor dree, and their use in the manner Indicated on (He Anal pictured gown I lew ab JecUonable, thouf b there la no denying that they eat up the drees goods. That Is, In this ease gray cloth and It lx trimmed at the skirt's hem and up the front with mohair braid, but the ar range ment of the strapa and their bnt tons Is, of course, the distinctive fea ture of the scheme of ornamentation. By a modification of thla general Idea trap eeama a re made to low much of their Intended effect They atill are a tailor-made characteristic and give a manly finish, bat when the straps arc permitted to fan Into vagaries and widen hare and there for she prlvllegv of being buttoned down again, the ef fast produced In soma cases Is too sag festive of feminine fancifalnes to ac cord wits telle styles. " fJepyrldht. laam. ' ' Pars white lookiag a though they .war taf alawst trans by Bagtlsa aer naraat waa, ar v,ilC) v. ITJI n.i.. Hit, f. TM aUOAOrOUdl TURTLt, r a !f ,5 h J Jeaa w u - : w y . S'frV nr ff! .tLiTCifl v n I t'StIw ' w aaat saake's AM Aartrt trim Al 1'1-Vil a sag-, nare n i raravdastt aafraaWtraia'tJ flaa of faa 'tirtU. 'rha naik" haad ybc tn. Bw otvm V.UXi bmlm satrt ogbtly togagh wad A nrlaaaer. WnViTv the sweat rWsoAaaadoffnTroad taa tsitto lthr aid thltbsr, ht' p tnrtU betd fast sndlths ina nmgf lee became weaker had than caaaed Wtoaather. Whan th bad htlii quiet a few moments ths i ef the turtle opened slightly aaeri bright, berflik eyes peered out Tbsa he turned arotrnd and looked at -fba saake's tell, bat even that caaead t move. Dropping th ncK of his sj tagonlst, the turtle then walked sriiaal his proatrato f oa with triumph ta ba very mottoa. An examination of taa snake showed that Its neck wad eoar plsariy flattonsd out where it aad bean abut between the turtle's ahefi. iV'(l dteaaiag Pla Liaoas. Very fine lac which has become quite aUsd may be daaaed by wahbg t carefully la benslae, writes Bv hfajrte Ksanedy In th Ladles' Borne Journal The lace should be put into a bowl sad covered with the beat aad purest haa siBe that can be procured, and be as lowed to soak' for a short time, eosae laaally receiving a gentte baking, bat It should never be rubbed wtth taa bands. If necessary, when th beaitrsn la ponred off it should be replaced by a freah supply and the lace allowed to soak again for a tima After It has be come perfectly dean It should ha pinned, while still quit wot, on flaanel -covered board to dry. It Is tav portaat that thla ebould be done wtth great ear. Plenty of small pins ahonM be used for the purpose; each point mast be fastened down securely with da re gard to the pattern of the lace, ao a to keep It evsn sad correct : t It the lace dries before th task has been quite completed It should be moist, saad again wtth a sponge wrung out of benatne, and than be exposed' to taw sun where th freah air may play upon rt, la order to diapel the dlsaaraeaM aaar arising from the ue of th benata. BeaMrtne Is most laflammable, so moat b hpt away from fir sad light. - Ta Wrt of WbtstlavT " Mr. Whlsder to the obartered UberUn among Istterwritors, Bt hte Mtai an' they das. , might perhaps Mat a aim that th thing Is ka to be little . moaotoaoaa. aa ais erttera atUJ are, they hava to carry a emtio. After Mr. Da Manrier comes Alma Tadema. Par bans th llkeaoss 'many people dis cover betweaa Alma Tadema had Mr. D MaariaT bag roused Mr. Watattara rttecavtlbBmas In tactur an krt lately fa painter of nralmte damd to aJraae te Mr. WhhwJarV drtyMatkaa had to erWcls a fhade of bw yatkrwa. you' nav tn iwawt ralatant "Sly Ahna! His Botaaa Dub t John' Wooden eye has 'aavwr' Iscaad open than, aad ahe fin jaunidica af lis fleah Is aea of fhe raaamar af m vat I Tadsma baM da syK. NW Budget .:! n-A I i'A tv.-Jix: Boyal Oolleaa of Phyaloiaaa. In the tanth year f th raia of Hsa. ry yxu MKa iut "Jonn Thomas Llnaare, Pardlnand da tona, Heaicoruas nortrerua, Rolaack. John Pranda. Babssrl ley," wars granted letters patent clvma them the privilege of admitting men to praence medicine in London and aavan miles rouao. . xnis was th foundation of th present Bant, lag of Physldan of Loadoa. , TV latbns patent having ajmaraatla 1 Inaaaqnato far the aonoasa mane m ta raarwanth year of statute was passed enacting that no pweon aava a Svadnat ef OdJavt ar uaasamg saosafl praetis kt a aad A HssM of aCMkagot saaL aad faom tat af ' faatj,f bj aavawtaW'ila- TTTfTfT Tr--ar-kn aaaaaagaaaiaaataroa. 1 v Urtaasbhi ffg,T r I feeffiffi 4 the snj'a.aadl rsakaV. atah aa I.... 4 .7m ill mnHnaa.B lfllJR, a,T.. 5 1 i J v K''" - lk.H . " - Hi i, J "t lj