The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, September 26, 1895, Image 6

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    TTIi really pitiful to a thoroughly
I seasoned vaaua of the world to
see how very much In earnest the
society do vice takes all the pleasant
or unpleasant things that are said to
her. Such a novice la not the girl who
baa been brought up with the knowl
edge that an noon aa achool day are
over ahe la to take her place at her
Bother' aide and be formally present
d to the gay world. No, Indeed, that
young woman i well versed In society's
ways before the haa an opportunity to
Judge them from personal experience,
and when her time doea come she is
quit abla to cope with all the varied
types of men and women who range
themselves before her.
The novice of which we speak Is gen
rally a young married woman, who
haa been having a cramped, unevent
fnl life, until someone discovers that
ahe la pretty and that they would like
to do something to make her days pass
pleasantly. Little by little she
i Into the swim, but it is a long time
fitefore ahe learns that society ways
an largely artificial and that she must
-not take everything au serieuse.
' Many a woman discontented with
the narrowness of her own lot has glad
ly welcomed any change that would
make it less monotonous, but many a
heart ache haa been the accompaniment
of thla new existence. Men in society
aay all aorta of little flattering things
that they do not mean at all; women
are equally insincere, but only through
the influence of their training, that has
taught them to be diplomatic and gra
ciously well-bred always. Having seen
one woman and known of dozens of
"Others who accepted all these speeches
aaoepel truth, it behooves a kind
Jbeaxted sister to raise a warning fin
ger, as domestic trouble will surely fol
low if the Innocent novice has an idea
iui sue uag nimerio oeen unappre
ciated, and has at last found sympathy
and a recognition of her true merit
Much unhapplness has been caused
thrnilfrh fnltttalron vtnfl'lona In moan.
lqgless compliments and the woman Is
wery foolish who attaches any real val
ue to the frothy conversation of the av
erage man of the world. Philadelphia
Times. 1 '
j' Women la Politic
Wherever opportunities have been
given them women have demonstrated
their abilities for the Intelligent dis
charge of the duties of public office.
During the past
fifteen years in
Kansas women
have repeatedly
held the office of
superintendent of
public Instruction
in various coun
ties of the State,
and now one of
tbem, Miss Grace
King, recently
carried off the
was. ir. c. stewabt. nomination ior
register of deeds In Dickinson County.
At present there are nineteen women
In the State who hold the ositfou of
county superintendent of public in
struction. In Colorado the Legislature contains
three women members In the lower
branch, while the State superintendent
of public Instruction is a woman, Mrs.
A. J. Peavey. The commissioner of
dairy inspection, an officer whom the
Governor appoints, Is also a woman,
Mrs. Anna Clemmer, while the secre
tary of the Board of Horticulture is a
woman, Mrs. Martha A. Shute.
In North Dakota Kdna F. Bates fills
the office of Stale superintendent of
public Instruction and in Wyoming,
where women have the full right of suf
frage. Miss Kstelle Keel la State superintendent-of
education. Miss Keel la
a young lady of the pure American type
and one of fhe new women -ah but the
-bloomers, which she abhors, though she
rides a wheel. "Singularly" Miss Reed
haa appointed young men to all the po
sitions under her.
Another woman who has met with
success in politics la Mrs. Helen C.
Stewart, of Greene County, Mo. Her
husband was sheriff of that county and
ha acted as depoty sheriff. When ha
414 she assumed charge of the work
ad bow she has been officially appoint
ed sheriff. She Is the first woman to
ecp7 that office In America.
at the
ot the
aa abeart
i -- JL re
beat of all
aad woaaaa who aider
, tbe Ladles' Boose
C rwrie m wsUap
Zi Zmt fKt ttamv. aad Oe
IstuwSTJ msaBea to
3 bac
nere, Sir Walter Scott said, "The bish
ops and the lawyers talked better than
the wits," that la, the wits talked for
the sake of talking, and the church and
the law had something to talk about
Yet specialties and hobbies are not
admissible at a dinner-table, and a wom
an who can only talk on her own fad
haa no business In society. She ought
to write a pamphlet or go to the lec
ture platform, for any conversation at
the dinner-table that is a strain on the
attention or the patience soon becomes
a bore; Indeed, one of the chief elements
of pleasant company is a readiness to
talk, or to be talked to, on any rational
Mre. Cleveland' Clothe.
One thing which makes Mrs. Cleve
land' greatly liked is her simplicity.
But In nothing does she show her un
pretending nature more than In her
dress. Her attire in these days Is very
simple, writes a correspondent from
Buzzard's Bay, and consists of a tailor
made gown of very light brown, of an
unfigured cheviot firmly and closely
woven. It is cut rather short and loose
ly fitting, except across the shoulders,
and the sleeves are not noticeably large.
At the throat is a plain knot that Is fre
quently utilized by Mrs. Cleveland
In her personal adornment and which
is very becoming to her.
The deep line of black brings out the
delicate white of the throat and gives
a finish which few women who wear
simple black at the neck succeed in
obtaining. Mrs. Cleveland Is said to
be well by those who know her actual
Mrs. Cleveland shows her real self In
her selection of a hat Gown and gown
decoration may be the decree of her
dressmaker and her maid, but her hats
are of her own selection, and she al
ways Indulges a taste for individual
'effects" In these. Her first choice for
summer wear at Buzzard's Bay for nine
years, or since she began coming to
these shores, has always been a sailor
hat of white, usually Canton, or a fine
white or yellow straw braid with a
white ribbon band. This year she has
well-nigh discarded the favorite sailor.
This week, on her evening drives over
to the village, she has been wearing a
new hat It is of black, coarse straw,
the crown of medium height wide and
rather flat, the rim somewhat wide and
silt and bent In places uptilted and
again gently drooping. The under side
of the rim Is trimmed with Nile green
silk and a bit of a feather and silk trim
ming on the crowu's side in the same
shade. It Is exceedingly becoming.
Bedroom Sets.
The ambitious chatelaine has taken
to embroidering ledroom nets. Thcso
may consist if her courage holds out,
of a formidable array of pieces, includ
ing. If the whole set Is desired, bed
spread and canopy, a table cover, cur
tains for every window and usually
two portieres. The art linens are the
popular materials. A woman who has
taken away materials for such a set
to be evolved from the leisure of the
summer piazza Is putting on a cream
white, soft-finished sateen a lovely de
sign of large grape leaves. The leaves
are done in shaded greens In flax, which
haa the double merit of working effec
tively and of wearing Indefinitely. A
few straying tendrils connect the
leaves. The design was copied from a
pair of old Ei0iisli curtains worked
over a hundred years ago. Another
pretty design Is loosely strewn bunches
of clover. The all-over designs of thesj
bedroom sets are not to be commended,
as at a little distance they too much re
semble the printed cloth, an effect much
to be regretted by the Industrious
needle woman who has spent days of
labor In their execution.
Mias Hear at Chautaaqna.
Mwer Lfttoa amanr giuyoaii a
tarl ta aboert ttt anfbn
Wonderfal Effect of Foreign Pollen
on Plaate Home-Made Device fur
Keeping Milk Cool-Advantages of
a Low-Hung Farm Wagon.
F. fleet a of Arti6cial Pollination.
The most Important plants showing
the effects of foreign pollen are the
pea, kidney bean, American corn and
possibly the orange. W. N. Munsun,
of the Maine experiment station
states that sweet corn shows the
effects of foreign pollen more fre
quently than other varieties, but
plants In the cucumber, potato and
rose families frequently show the ef
fects of foreign pollen to a wonderful
extent The most Important examples
of agamic development of fruits result
in the egg plant and the English forc
ing cucumber. The latter Is usually
deformed by the production of seeds
aud the consequent enlargement of the
apex, though the amount of pollen does
not usually determine the extent of the
deformity. The amount of fruit pro
duced by certain varieties of strawber
ries appears to vary in some Instances
with the amount of pollen supplied by
the variety used as fertilizer. The form
and size of tomatoes are directly de
IH'iident on the amount of pollen fur
nished, as shown In the Illustration.
But not alone In garden vegetables
are the effects of artificial or of cross
fertilization apparent Prof. Walte, of
the L". R. Department of Agriculture, a
few years ago clearly demonstrated
that certain varieties of pears and ap
ples were unprofitable to plant unless
grafted with some fertile variety or
planted among trees whose pollen was
fertile. The same rule applies to many
of our best strawberries, notably the
Crescent, and flowers partake of the
same peculiarity In nature to a remark
able degree. Farm and Home. -
An Effective Well Creamery.
Over a well of etnA water I erected
a suitable covering to protect It from
the hot sun, and the dairy operator and
his appliances from inclement weather
as well. A three-block fall and tackle
Is fastened In the roof over the center
of the well. Two pieces of wood 2x(i
Inches, are nailed one end to the well
curb and the other end to the roof
frame; these are set parallel feet
apart and have holes of, suitable size
Into which are inserted the ends of an
iron pipe 2'4 Inches In diameter and
three feet in length. To one end of the
pipe is attached an old cutting lox bal
ance wheel with handle. The rope
from the pulley block Is secured to the
Iron pipe. and. turning the wheel, very
easily lowers or raises the cage, which
Is fastened to one of the pulleys.
The cage or elevator is constructed
of wood 'galvanized iron would be let
ter), as follows: To a 4x1 timber, four
feet long, are attached two circular
platforms three feet in diameter; these
platforms are twenty-two Inches apart.
On the lower one the cans containing
milk and cream are placed, ou the up
per one crocks of butter or other ar
ticles that one desires to keep cool. The
cans are made of heaviest tin Wl4 Inches
In diameter and 20 In height To them
are secured handles five Inches from
the top; on these handles set the can
covers, which are nine Inches In dlam-
eter at the closed end, flaring to ten
Inches at the other end. These covers
are six inches deep, and when In prop
er place ou the cans there Is consider
able air space over and around the top
of the cans, allowing the gas and odors
to escape, but preventing the water
from entering when all are submerged
in the welL Milk' Is set for twenty
four hours. Each morning and even
ing the cage Is raised, new milk Is put
on, and that wblcb has been on for
twenty-four hours is skimmed. This
skimmed milk Is always sweet J. 8.
Fowler, In American Agriculturist
Ornbe at Btre wbarry Boot.
Alexander MacLellan, In the Florists'
Exchange, says: "1 have found nitrate
of soda a sure rare, or, rather, a pre
ventive of destruction to strawberry
plants by the larvae ef the May beetle.
My piaa la to aire a light application,
owing just before rata. Of coarse, It
Maid be applied la aotatloa. I hare alee
aoda ea asters where the grabs
wrk witk like gaed
effect. Of course, tbls could be used
ou any garden crop, but dou't give to
much at time; rather reeai the doe
In the course of three or four weeks.
As the soda induces a rank vegetable
growth. It will be well to use It sparing
ly where flowers are wanted, such
sweet peas."
Economy la Weed Deetractton.
There are some fanners bo still
think that there Is nothing lost in si '
lowing weeds to gr w on land that has
no crop, provided the weeds are cut
down before going to seed. It is true
that the weed contains all the mineral
and nitrogenous plant food that it has
taken from the soil. When it decays,
as it lies, most of this is returned to the
soli. But there Is always some waste,
and If It were otherwise the plant food
In the weed Is not available fertility as
that which It took from the soli dur
ing Its growth. The time when a weed
can be destroyed with greatest bene
fit to the soil Is immediately after It
has germinated. This Is also the easl
est time to kill It The worst weeds,
like the perennial Canada thistle, foi
example, are, when first germinated,
as easily killed as are any of the an
nual weeds. The slightest brush with
a hoe will destroy tbem. Leave them a
few weeks, and these perennial weedi
begin to form their underground sys
tem of roots, and it takes a long time
to accomplish what could so easily
have been done at first
Bllpahod Poultry.
Fanners, as a rule, pay but little at
tention to poultry. Most of them, how
ever, have a few running about the
barnyard, but give them little or no
care, says the New England Farmer.
Possibly, a pailful of grain hi thrown
out to them once or, at most twice a
week. If you ask the general run of
farmers whether they give any of their
time to poultry, the answer usually Is,
"WeH, no; the woman folks gather
what eggs there are, and raise a few
young ones, but they don't pay." No,
of course they don't pay when not
looked after. Would their cattle, their
horses or their swine pay if they were
attended to in such a slipshod and
ridiculous fashion? Poultry will not
pay unless properly cared for and at
tended to.
Lime in the Food.
While we believe fowls should have
lime given them to eat at will It Is gen
erally better to give them food that Is
Itself rich In this mineral. Chopped
clover is an excellent feed to make hens
lay, as It contains both lime and nitro
genous matter. Peas are also rich In
lime and excellent for laying hens.
Whole or cracked wheat is also a lime
food, and can lie given freely, though It
should follow a feed of chopped clover,
so that the food may not be too con
centrated and fatten the fowls Instead
of making them lay. Ex.
Low-Hong Wagon.
iow-huiig farm wagons are a great
convenience and save lots of lifting.
A simple, home-made device of this
kind Is Illustrated. The rail about the
A 1.0W-ia.V WAflOX.
shies can le removed or nut into place
In a moment, or light chains can be used
in place of It. Several styles of low
down milk wagons, hay carts, etc., are
also manufactured and have a wide
sale and growing popularity.
Kcmcdr for I'ear-Illlght.
This disease Is most apt to nff'-ct the
Hurtiett. Seekel and winter varieties
trees that are strong, vigorous growers.
The disease Is uot very well under
stood, but It Is supposed to be produced
by an excess of sap. It always breaks
out during a hot. sultry and very dump
season, like we are having at the pres
ent time. Sometimes only a single
branch will be affected, ihen again sev
eral In different parts of the tree, and
at rare Instances the entire tree will
be scorched, as If by lightning. Tin
leaves will turn, at first a dark-brown,
then black, and. If the branch Is cut
Into, the wood will be found discolored.
Hurbed Wire with Hedgea.
The chief difficulty In making barbel
wire a safe and effective fence Is that
the wires strung on jiosls are not easily
seen. Animals running loose In pas
ture do not avoid the barbs until they
have been severely Injured. But when
the same wires are strung through a
hedge It Is different The animal puiii
es until It feels the sharp barbs and
then desists. Two or three barbed
wires put through a hedge and con
nected with It at Intervals of a few feet
will make an effective protection
against most animals.
Btormy Pave on the Farm.
If storms prevail, muster every hand
to a bee for cleaning the bums, car
riage bouse and sheds, and preparing
the stables for winter occupancy.
Sweep down all the dust and cobwebs,
take out the window sashes, wash ev
ery part clean, and after it lias dried
put In r.ew glass and putty wherever It
Is needed. Then palut each sash care
fully, and you will be surprised to see
how much more light a single pane will
Feed for Growing Hogs.
Millers, during tbe grain season, waut
all the room In their bins for grain and
will sell bran and middlings much
cheaper than later. There Is nothing
better than fine wheat middlings with
skim- Bilk to make pigs grow. Tbe
amount of feed can be greatly Increas
ed by cooking tbe wheat middlings with
small potatoes, refuse apples aad the
wast vegetables front tbe garden, an
ef which whea eeoked are eager! eat-
ea ay pig
Cramming aa an Educational Method
Old cat Li Ting Graduate of Vale
College The Mtndr of Children
Flrat bar Hints to Teacher a.
For want of a better name for an
educational method In common use,
I call It "Cramming." This Is usual
ly applied to packing the mind with
facts In order to pass an examina
tion. I would apply it more widely
so as to include all reception of
forma) statements of facta or prin
ciples without a clear perception of
their meaning and an understanding
of their relations.
This method assumes that the chief
end of education Is knowledge, and so
stores tbe mind with statements and
counts the one a scholar who can repro
duce them on demand. Judged by this
standard, the valedictorians of a dec
ade ago, who have since been busy
with other things, are failures; for
few of them could on demand pass ex
amination In algebra, chemistry, or
calculus. But the chief end of educa
tion Is not knowledge, but training
and power and character. Memory Is
only one faculty of the mind and needs
no more training than every other fac
ulty. Perceiving, Investigating, dis
covering, classifying, combining, reach
ing conclusions these should all enter
Into education, higher and lower, and
if they do not In proper proportion,
then tbe method must savor of cram
ming. Tbe man who Is taught to
think and keeps at It grows stronger
and stronger for any Intellectual work
with passing time, though he leaves
out of his thought the subjects of the
school curriculum. We find the mem
ory very receptive and retentive be
fore the other faculties have received
much training; bnt It was evidently
Intended that the power to think
should relieve the memory of much of
Its burden.
The evidences of thecrammlngmethod
are sometimes very Interesting. I once
found a class nearly prepared for col
lege who supposed that there was
some Inflexible necessity for the deci
mal system of notation. It had never
occurred to them that a system of
eights aud twelves would be In some
respects better. A young man natural
ly bright, who had completed arith
metic and algebra, cotid give no rea
son for the process of multiplying one
fraction by another, and was confound
ed when asked why In dividing one
fraction by another the terms of the
divisor are Inverted, though he could
repeat all rules and perform all exam
plea correctly. Of a large class In phy
sics, not one could tell what we mean
by fire, and all seemed greatly helped,
not by looking for a definition In tin
dictionary, but by Investigating and
discussing the subject until they agreed
that fire is uot a substance, but the phe
nomena which we call heat and light
attending UHn combustion. A dasa
in chemistry did not know why a light
ed lamp ceased smoking or where the
smoke went when the chimney was
put on, or that a rusty nail and a rot
ten apple result from the same cause.
A class In economics did not suppose
that It could even cost the Government
anything to make and Issue paper
money except the cost for papfrr and
printing; but this was not so strange;
for I heard Wendell Phillips say the
same thing to an audience of students
more than twenty years ago. I have
seen students so taught that they did
not think It possible to discover any
thing In Cicero or Virgil which could
not be explained according to the
statements of Andrews am! Stoddard's
Latin grammar. They felt, although
they never heard It expressed in this
absurd form, that the grammar aute
dated the text
The crude and half false statements
we sometimes hear from platform and
pulpit would indicate that many stu
dents of ethics, jMdltieal economy and
sociology do little more than accept
the statement of principles which they
can neither Interpret nor upply. Only
a few days ago 1 heard a prominent
speaker describing trusts as If they
were almighty, aud declaring that they
ought to le killed. It was a relief to
some of his hearers to feel that monop
olies have natural and necessary limi
tations, and that In tiiis country liiey
tend to correct themselves. The at
tempt to make systems has many times
forced men beyond their depth In the
ology, and It Is not strange that there
Is some tlotuidcrlug iu attempting to
apply the principles of sociology, widen
is still a new subject for American
Along all lines the real trouble Is
that many college graduates, so-called
educated men, always take their knowl
edge of any subject by the handle as
they would a Jug, and the handle Is,
as nearly a they can remember, the
exact form cf words in which the
knowledge came to them. No man has
made such attainment In his knowl
edge of anything, until be can state It
In language different from that In
which It came to him.
The effect li to put men who are so
educated out of joint wltb practical
life. An article In one of the popular
magazines says that Henry Clews will
not employ a college-bred man, and
that not one of tbe lieutenants of James
Cordon Bennett In his great newspaper
enterprise has had college training.
The aversion of bard-headed, practical
business men to college trained men la
dne to tbe fact that educated men are
often crammed with facta and scientific
statements, the meaning of which they
aerer understand, and so their judg
ment la weak through lack of exercise,
aad they are Inefficient In real life.
But there are some very en con rag
lag tendencies In educational methods.
The adoption of tbe laboratory atetbed
Is a real limplratlon to a tru student
a real teat of a teacher's sb.lliy slid a
rl victory for true education. Tbe
coosultatlou of every available source
of authority will tend to abolish cram
ming as an educational method. Prac
tical education In which the practice
of an art is learned in connection with
the knowledge of a science, as In chem
istry and eleciiictl ea'ieerlng. h
done much to correct the evil of cram
ming, because the student Is subjected
to tests of his practical knowledge at
every step. The purpose of teacher aud
student with reference to any subject
should be investigation, clear percep
tion of facts and relations, the forma
tion of Judgments. There is uothlng
unduly familiar or Irreverent In find
ing out what anything means, no mat
ter who wrote It A single teacher who
is an Investigator will sometimes fix
tbe standard, aud his spirit aud meth
od will spread to every department of
the Institution with which he Is con
nected. A student always likes to un
derstand what be studies and to see
vistas leading to wider truths beyond.
There are some evident tests of meth
ods of education.
First do our students gain power to
read Intelligently and rapidly, discov
ering and making their own tbe salient
points of a book? A man who cannot
think well cannot do this. Abraham
Lincoln had this power to a remark
able degree, but be knew how to think.
The most of his education was In this
direction, although be never saw tbe
Inside of a college. James A. Garfield
bad tbe same power, doubtless aa tbe
result of college training. This power
alone Is a large Intellectual capital In
any profession.
Secondly, do our students become
clear and strong writers? To do this
a man must think clearly and vigor
ously. Thirdly, do our students in fair num
bers make strong and progreslve teach
ers? No man who cannot think clearly
can guide and correct others In their
attempts to think. J. W. Ford.
Flrat I Jar Hints.
To a new teacher.
Be In the district a few days before
school opens.
Secure, If possible, the record of the
last teacher.
Acquaint yourself with a few of the
pupils In advance.
If pupils can write, give each a slip
of paper, upon which he la to write his
name, age, father's name aud resi
dence. Make your register out of school
from these slips.
Always speak respectfully of the for
mer teacher and her work.
Secure, tbe former teacher's program,
If possible, and use It at first
Announce no rules.
Get the children to work within ten
Do not take school time to "register"
tbe pupils.
Have a general exercise with the
whole school before a lssik Is taken
from the desk; it must be well han
dled. Give no child a chance to 1? Idle.
Have short prompt recitation the
first few days.
To an old teacher.
Be In the district a few days before
school opens.
Inquire sympathetically for any pu
pils whom you know to be ill, for In
valid parents, etc.
Go through the schoolhouse, visiting
every risim once or twice before school
opens., Isik well to the sauitary con
dition; see that the rooms are thorough
ly aired each day for several days be
fore the term lieglDH.
You should have made an appoint
ment before school closed for t lie boys
and girls to rendezvous for some gen
uine work at least one half day before
school opens.
Unless there Is a professional Janitor,
the yard will need cleaning, the weeds
cutting, and many tilings will need to
le done In and around the building.
Journal of Education.
Vale's Oldeat Graduate.
The oldest living graduate of Yale
College Is Hev. Samuel Blssdl, of
Twiusburg, a small village uear Akron,
Ohio. Itev. I!!s
scll is In his tr.H !i
year, but enjoys
c o m par atlvely
good heiiith Hud
will dollbtlos
reach tbe century
. mark. Althoii-lt
'.it la more llmn
three score yeara
inc he gnidua-
r- ,t.... i
n-n Hum mm iii-
t stltution of learu-
BEV. HAMl fcl, UISSKI.I.ugt Kev. lilssell
Is still Its loyal friend aud delights to
hear of the success of Yale studcuta Iu
sports or studies.
Iter. BUscll was born In Middleficld,
Mass., In 17U7. He went with his fath
er's family to Ohio In 1WH5, and attend
ed school at Intervals and helped his
father to make a home In the forests.
In 1SKJ, determining on a better educa
tion, ho made his way ou font and
olouo to Yale College. There, with but
a few dollars on which to commence
bis college life, be completed tbe full
course, with uo aid save his own bead
and hands. He graduated wltb honor
In 1S:U. Soon after returning to bis
home be took charge of the Congrega
tional Church at Twlnsburg, and, ex
cept for a few years spent as pastor of
other near by charges, Twlnsburg has
since been his home. Ills aged wife is
still living.
Blah achool Benlora Belnatated.
The llarrlsburg school board relent
ed and decided to reinstate Into Iu good
graces tbe six seniors of tbe high school
graduating class who acted In a disor
derly manner at the class farewell re
ception. There was a great clamor
from parents and friends, and allega
tions that Principal Landon had not
thoroughly laqalred lata tbe matter,
aa that tbe beard thought bast to reieat
aad give the reaag am their dlnloama