The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, September 26, 1895, Image 5

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. I'M' J ; , .4
Mil Convention.
L. J. MImmm. Editor s4 Proprietor.
P. E. M. V R. R.TtmK.liK
t,inf W'stt. olng Kt.
Ho. 1, lirfl-l,..U:K No. 6, inixml ..Jl:4d
For the higheat ranh priea for
wheat e Grant Outline.
Tlie board of county cofiimiMionerti
will meet in regular kimoo on next
Tuesday. Tliere will be conuiderable
important bumneM to attend to.
HoreliounJ compound cough Kyrup
the great remedy for coughs and colds
at tlie Piooeer Pliarmacy.
ItST OR 8TRAVED A brown KeUIin,
2 years old, branded circle on left thigh.
A. McGiklkt.
If you want a farm paper get one
published in Nebraska. Tub Jixukal
clubs with the Subratka Farmer. Call
and see a copy of it
Paper napkins for sale at Thk
Journal ofli.
Serrea Brothers with their thresher
are at work in the (settlement north went
of town.
Nearly all women have . good, hair
inougii many are gray, and lew are
bald. Kail's Hair Kenewer restores the
natural color, and thickens the growth
of the hair.
,1 . .
I K. U Keel reports that when lit
home he can hold a pair of queens that
is hard to bent, a second daughter hav
ing arrived there on the 15th.
R. F. Neece intends building a kiiiuM
house for his family to occupy while his
daughters attend school. (J. Guthrie
will be superintendent of construction.
Geo. II. Turner was in town Mon
day and informed us that work on bis
new house ou his Grammerry ranch
would begin the first of the week.
Iave Bartlett will lie boss earienler.
Rev. IJ. J. Clark the new niethodist
minister for this charge will preach at the
llouarc church next bund iv morning at
10:30 and at the church at Harrison at
i :.iu in the evening. Allure invited to
nome samples oi corn nave been
left at this olfice within a few days by
H. Wasserlmrger, Claus Cliristensen am
i-eier nerny winch prove that corn is
not altogether a failure in that part of
the county.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla is not a secret
preparation. Any physician mav have
the formula on application. The secret
of its success as a medicine lies in its ex
traordinary power to cleanse the blood
oi impurities ana cure the most deep-
rented cases of blood disease.
"For years," says Cupt. C. Mueller,
'I have relied more upon Ayer's Pills
than anything else in the medicine chest
to regulate my bowels and those of the
whip's crew. These pills are not severe
in their action, but do their work thor-
i oughly."
Too recent Methodist conference al
alentine sent Rev. U J. Clurk to look
nfter the interests of the church here for
the ensuing year and he and his family
urn veu lire una oi me ween una nave
taken up their residence in the parson
age. C. E. Connell has the circuit out
side of Chadron for the ensuing year.
Commissioner Tmkham had a close
cull last Thursday. Lightning struck a
straw stttcU near his stable and the
shock knocked Mr. Tmkham down and
"ijueered" him for a little time. Tlie
bolt set the straw on lire anil that and
the stable were consumed. Maybe that
Frank will be free from rheumatism in
future as electricity is said to lie an
antidote for that disease.
The committee who had charge of
the exhibit, at the state fair returned a
few days ago. No couoty premium was
won but twelve or fifteen individual
premiums were awarded t Sioux coun
ty products. Some of the stufl" sent got
heated in the car und spoiled. The ex
dibits from some of the counlics were
grand, hundreds of dollars having len
exiended in their collection and prepa
ration, so that a collection like that
from tin's county could not be expected
to win.
Tlie storm the last of the week was
tlie worst ever experienced in northwest
Nebraska at this season. On Friday
night rain fell and the water froze fast
lo wliat it struck. On Saturday it was
a mixture of rain and snow, und during
the night following snow fell to a depth
of full two inches, while from other
localities it was reported to have lieen
as much as six inches deep. When such
weatlier comes so early it makes the
growing season pretty Khort
All who went to tho state fair from
this locality got back Ute first of Uie
week. Tlie general verdict, was that it
was a great show and a great crowd to
c it. Those who went down on the
low rate excursion on the B. A. M. got
into Crawford just after the Elk horn
train pulled out. Soma who were an
xious to get here got a team and triod
to overhaul the train at Rnhinun. hut
again got left. They got a ride with n
farmer for a few miles, a hand car car
ried them a few miles further and they
"walked the rest of the distance. Others
Jiired conveyance and drove up, while
lite balance, not caring to venture out
im the storm, remained In Crawford un
til Mondiir.
J. ('. wh from lindane
K. W. Krott wu at the county seat
on Monday.
J. J. Rogers was up from HolJier
creek Monday,
Mr. anil Mrs. L. T. Poole, of Marsland,
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. J.
Simmons the first of tlie week.
W. H. lionsell was down from Lusk
some days during Uie pat week.
Mrs. F. D. Smith arrived from Dead
wood Tuesday to visit relatives and
Thomas Reidy came up from Omaha
the last of the week to visit for a couple
of weeks.
John L. Kay and Charles Will return
ed yesterday from the northern ranges
where they had spent the summer.
Mrs. W. G. Miller, sister of Mrs. J. E.
Phinney arrived from University Place
on Monday for a visit.
Lewis Gerlach has moved his
ily into the Cunningham house.
Most of the people have got through
with their haying.
The cool weather of late has caused
people to consider the size of their wood
The storm tlie lust of the week was
a little too cold for garden truck and us
a result tlie supply will be somewhat
'S'piire Sinuck thinks that if the
matrimonial business keeps up us it has
lieen of late he will be able to indulge in
a new suit of clothes.
Messrs. Hrovvn and Maynard loaded a
car with their personal ell'etts and ship
ped it to Iowa yesterday und with their
riuilies they will follow this evening.
A. T. Clark und Miss Anna Kulie
were married at the homo of -William
Phillips, by Sijuire Hiiiuck, yesterday.
They will go to housekeeping in the
Andrews block.
The supreme court rendered a deci
sion a few days ago which nullifies u
part of the irrigation law. The decision
does not seem to reach such streams as
e found in Sioux county.
Charles E. Blunt and Miss Alice
Thomas were married at the home ol
the bride's parents on Kept. 17th, by
Justice Smiick. They will go to tlie
stern part of the stale to reside.
County clerk M. J. Jilewelt and
Miss M.igie Lindeinun were (juietly
married a few days ago aud are at home
in the Contey property in the north part
of to An. Their many menus wish them
happiness and prosperity m their married
Attorney Grant Guthrie went down
to White river Tuesday evening to rep
resent the the village in the case jicid-
iriir before Justice 1'uddv in regard to
those old warrants. It is hoped that the
case was tried for it is a good deal of
expanse to the village to send an attor
ney down there every little while to
prevent a judgment being obtained on
outlawed and illegal warrants held by
an outside party.
From the reports the potato crop m
this part of the country is not going to
prove very profitable this year. The
yield is not going to be nearly so good
as wus anticiK!ted and no market can us
yet lie found to which the surplus can
i shipped and leave a reasonable price
to the grower. Some who have hogs
will convert the potatoes into pork, as
the latter usually brings a better price
in Harrison than it does in Omaha, and
in that way they may get a fair price
for their potatoes.
Tlie low prices which farm products
command nil over the country make it
hard for the producers. The fact that
many are out of work und many that
have employment are working for low
wages, and the further fact that those
in business have to curtail their expen
ditures, nil go to decrease the demand
for the products of the farm. Follow
ing in the same hue, the result is that
the farmer, get ting little for his pro
ducts cannot alford lo live us he did
when times were good und hence tlie
decreased demand for the goods of the
merchant depress? his business and
through him affects the manufacturers,
the carriers, mid others. Thus is the
hain of business made complete and
what will retard one portion checks all,
and what will assist tiny part in any
but a temporary way, is certain to help
the entire system. I
Bodabc, Neb., Sept. 24, 1S93.
A son-in-law of fi. Slack with his fam-
ly and sister-in-luw came from Idaho
and ure stopping at Five Point.
Jack Kreislcrand Frank Tinkham had
the misfortune to lose their large straw
stack by lire it was struck by lightning
lust Thursday.
Ed Blunt was around in this neighltor-
hood introducing his brkie, formerly
Miss Alice Thomas.
It seems that it takes 7 days to go to
Marsland mill from liere, the reason it
takes so long tlie water is very low but
they are putting in a steam engine ho
they can run night and day.
Mrs. S. Tebbet is getting belt Jr.
' Several inches of snow fell lusl Satur
day night but did not seem to Injure
garden truck very milch.
To tin" Yiiler of Sianr omitty, ." '
Notice is hereby given to all . . . i
Sioux county that there will be a muss
convention of the sjople of Sioux coun
ty field at the court house in Harrison,
for the purpose of placing in nomination
a Citizens Ticket, to be composed of can
didates for the following ollices:
County treasurer,
County clerk,
County sheriff,
County suerintenderit,
County surveyor.
County judge,
County coroner,
All voters, of whatever creed, who
are interested in the administration of
the affairs of Sioux county are requested
to be in attendance.
By order of the Committee.
M ind Wheels.
A few fragmentary reports of occa
sional work done by wind wheels were
received, some of which I will mention
merely to show what they accomplish.
In Texas a wheel 13 feet in diameter
raised from 50,000 to 100,000 gallons per
month to a height of (50 feet. In Wis
consin a wheel 10 feet in diameter
raised 511 barrels of water per day to a
deight of 50 feet. In Iowa a 10-foot
wheel raised water -10 feet in suflicient
quantity for 300 cattle. A 16-foot
wheel in Missouri has ground 20 bushels
of corn in one hour. A 10-foat wheel in
Nebraska raises 1,000 gallons per day to
a height of 70 feet,
A ease deserving of more notice is one
reported by P. 11. James, of Cortland,
Neb. He used a wheel 10 feet in diam
eter for lumping water a distance of 1150
feet through a 2-inch pipe. Most of the
available wind was used. On one day
100 barrels were pumped in eleven
hours. The interesting feature is the
record kept of water pumped for over a
year, which is as tollows: January,
1,500 barrels; February, 1,500; March,
2,000; April, 2,500: May, 2,500; June,
2,500; July, 2 .'500; August, 2,500; Sep
tember, 2,500; October, 2,000; Novem
ber' 2,000; December, 1,500. How
much could have been pumped had all
the wind been utilized it is impossible to
say, but tlie pumping of 23,000 barrels
in a year's time is certainly a practical
demonstration of the usefulness of these
wheels. It is to be hoped that that
wished for experimental work will soon
he done, so that the amount of available
wind power, or rather, the work that
can be accomplished by using wind as a
motor, can lie determined for any region
of the United States for which we have
wind observations. From "The Wind as
a Motive Power in the United States,"
by Frank Waldo, Ph 1)., in the Septem
ber Review of Reviews,
IicniiwTiitic Judicial Convention,
The Iioniocrutsof the Ifttli Juilk'iiil ills
trict are respectfully rtMjucxteu to meet In
(leli-gutu convention lit
ClIAIlHON, Nell., OCT. 10, IHM.
for tin; purpose of pluetiiK In noiiilnulRm
two cumliclates for iilstrict Judge for uld
district, und such oilier biirdncs us may
properly come before huIiI convention. The
various counties will lie entitled to un eqiiul
ntpuber of delegate km were elected to the
sttite convpntlou.
SlierilTH Sale.
l'.y virtue of an order of sule. issued by tho
clerk of the district court of the county of
Sioux and sUtte of JSebrnskii, upon u ilecreo
rendered by suld court in In, or of Horatio
Locke and axnlnst lhiuiel Klein, Amelia
Klein, Joseph (i. Armstrong, W. W. Wood
and S. ('. Ilassett, 1 will, on thn 7th duy of
October, A. ft. IHM, at tin! hour of 1U
o'clock, a. in., Hi the east front door of the
court house, In ilurrisou, in mild county,
offer Bud sell the follolii( described real
estate; to wit: The northeast ijuurtcr of
section thirty three (:ci), in township thirty
one (31), north of ranire Bl ty-thrce (53), west
of the sixth J. M., in the comity of Sioux
und state of Nebraska, ut public action, to
the highest bidder, for cash, to luttlsfy said
order of tutlc, in the sum of i.'i2.'.i:i, und in
terest, cost und accruing costs.
' .1l 4) A. It. Df.w,
W. II. running, Alty. for l'luliitIO'.
Final Proof Sotier.
All rw-rsons having ftuu! proof notice In
this p,Ltcr will receive a marked oopy oi tlie
paper and r reijUCNb-d to exminuti their
notice und It liny erroi exist, report (Ue.
smile Lo this oltlee ut once.
.Nolle for Publication,
Ijiud )flle ut Allium-, Keb. I
June hi, IMiii. i
Notice. Is hereby riven that the f iillom lnix
nauitMl M'ttier huu Hied uotlcK ol his inten
tion lu uuikc fluitl proof lu support ol ills
claim, mid that mild proof u 111 be made li
fins' 1. J. lllewetl, leik ol the dlntriet
court, ut ilurrisou, icb ou Oct. Ism,
Jacob Henry, of (illciirUt, Neb.
wbuuiud II. K. Nu. 4i3 tor the inv. sec.
Xi, ti.;i4 ii., i. to .
lie mooes uie nil towing uriL'uvtscn to prove
bis continuous roideiu-u ujhju und cultiva
tion ol nld land, xn:
Henry rbrkeHbrock, Henri Wusserburuer.
Autou Rhelu, i-rank ulto, all ol (iilchrlst.
Neb. also
llenrj WKscrbnrKer of Gilchrist, Xi b.
who lniute il. K. No. 2M0 tor !u lie. J, w. il,
tp. 1(4 ., An w.
He iianies iIih f4jnowinr vlt imhmisi to prove
his coiiMiiuaucn renlileuc uou uud culti
Viition ill said laiKt, vltt:
AiiIoii lllieln. Henry I'iekenbrock, M. .1.
I.avliarl, I-rank .NiiMo, allot (-llelirlst, Neb.
Ih'iiry I'll ti iilmn k nT taii lnlst, Neb.
who miide il. K. So. 24W for the e. 14 ee. ,
tp. M 11.. r. M w.
He liniiies the lollowin- witnesses to prove
his contiuiioim resideuvu upon uud cull ivu
tkou ol, said land, vlr. :
Anton Mheln, Henry Wftuserbnrrer, M. .1.
(iayli ut, Wlllium JliiuuiKurd, nil of (,ll
cbrlst. Neb.
J. W; " mi V, J n.t rtrlfer.
Blood Poison
Driven Out of the System by
tho U3Q of
Ayer's Sarsapariila
"For five, years, I was n preiit
sufferer 1'roin a most nersistcnt
blood disease, none of the various
medicines I took being of any
help whatever. Hoping that
change (if climate' would lienelit
me, 1 went to (Julia, to Florida,
and then to Saratoga Springs,
where 1 remained some time
drinkisix the water:?. Hut nil wns
no use. At last, being advised
by several friends to try Ayer's
sitrsaparilla, 1 beg: in taking it,
ami very smm l'.ivonible results
were manifest. TimIiiv I em
sider myself ;t perfectly healthy
man, with a good appetite ai il
not Urn least trace of iny former
complaint: To all my friends,
ur.d especially young 'men like
myself, 1 reeoiniueiiil Ayer's
H;marill;tt if in need of u, perfect y
reliable llooil-pMri!icr.'i .ii si.
A. Fwo:ti:, proprietor l.
Victoria. K'ev 'est. Flu ; resi
dence, 3."-2,,V.lHlliSt., New York.
t'rr'o Tho "W
Tho Q rtrpf. 7 r v": i f
Admitted t jt Exhibition
Fashionable Barber& Hair Dresser,
(iive me l a 5 ('nil.
Physician and Surgeon.
All culls Riven prompt attention.
Office in DniK Store.
Horrible Sight
In the daily performance of his great,
original tradegy in real life the
It is in two acts. In the first act the
principal (-arts are taken by Mr. Gerliich
and representatives of eastern wholesale
house, from whom the former purchases
his goods. In this act he displays great
power in the forcing down prices, and
extraordinary ability in the selection of
K-oods to suit his customers. But it ih
in the second net that he most truly
shines and at the points where with a
flourish his prices are
his classic countenance bears a look
that is almost heavenly.
Performances every day from J a. ni.
to 10 p. in. Special low prices on all
goods 7 days in the week. Admission
free. lJon't forget the place.
"When y t-'
Io not fcc- ', v!r1'.
md bo le.l ; :
finest iiuibucd nni
Most Popular
for a mere (kiht. 1. i'
you tiuy from re . -nr.
1 1
facturern that 1'. . 0 f.
il'.'Mlin';, vciu w'il t cj -,-t :x
rV'wim Machine t'"'l it ii"'J
the world -r !i r m f1n.
tHtity. Vo win'.t th9 n-ic lint
i eilVilSKt to tU.ll.'ll' ilO ii
U;:".t Running
f ,v Tlirc it itouein tlie world that
J t'y" OurabiJity of workiBjf
u." ', iiin'ntts 01 miiMi, ufBuiy
!m r-.tmornfli'. i.r h rui an tit a n v
1 ' A
?Jew Home
, i. r --T!si; TirKion, Uill Feed, JiWc
,1. .. 1 ui 1 -clin iiAviifji.tioothw h
: : -I.- 1 ,-v..'1!'''. driving whoc! hinod
1 ,. ':t4iii.iii-s,Ui.'ruducirujXrictiotp
1.i.m. Maw. Mit'ff'WlllMUMLR.V
u. n.b'i'.B". Jio.iui,Im.
i ewo.i u.. . -1 (.,v.itt.
fi. sir sr
Is the name and fame of the "Old
Reliable" store of MARSTELLER
BROTHERS, where you can al
ways find bargains in everything
to be found in a
Now is the time select your
Highest market price paid for produce
of all kinds.
Marsteller Bros.
"The Old Reliable."
From scandal's name we stand aloft,
And honor not its propagator,
We sell you goods,-will make you laugh
And go and tell your neighbor
The cheapest place to trade
in town,
Yes, that's the name, just
hougkei & soisr.
H ester
Lumber, Coal and Farm Implements,
Sash, Doors, Blinds, Lime,
Lath and Shingles.
Windmill and Pump Supplies,
Jj tlu greaittt neustpaper vtttt
of the Miaouri Jtwer.
fttthe present ratio of sixtMD
to qua
Its nws service i tba bt (9
toe oljUiuei
Daily, 0 00 per yar ; 50 cut
jier inoBi,!; Weekly, U 00 per
Subscriptions for the
received qt tW offic
County Surveyor
1 jwepartxj (U) 4a aii (.inds f ftjlffr
prompt f.ui aii(-4fUry wianner,
U itrepwroA ito jj ntf Myfa ff w
j lllis line iby ike pysf, pyprt?i4
j li UJt specia ?njrtM f . pwkim
I rroipol wt-iid ,w n4 -pur.
rvl Ait twoi.