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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1895)
V 4 fir', Tb Sioux County Journal. f HJTABUnKD 1 SH. Subscription Price, $2.0(1 L. i. Sm . Editor. Enterwt at the. Harruou poat orEce wood elaa luatler. Thursday. Seitembek 26, 195. Ui'ltiililWuii Judiciul Ticket. Forjudges, l"th district, M. P. Klmlaid, ALFRED B-tRTOW. County Tk-ket. For county clerk, W. S. NKtirjiux. For county treasurer, Hexhy Covey. For sheriff, David Barttjett. For superintendent of public instruction, Y. II. Davis. For county judge, W. O. Pattersoh. District Tk-ket. For commissioner, 3d district, B. F. Johnson. The republican state convention will meet at Lincoln next Tuesday to name the man who will be elected in Novem ber to sit on the supreme bench for the next six years and his name will I Theopilis L. Norval. C. J. Smythe, chairman of the Bryan wing of the democratic part- lias re signed. T. J. Mahony, the nominee of the other faction for supreme j udg is his business partner. Mr. Smythe saw s chance to get out and tnok advuiitac thereof. It is reported that KJ.mi R - a uei will noon retire lioin the iu:u;.i: m -nt of the Beeaod the iv-j. n;;l.iliiy w'tii i transferred to his ;d, Victor. .to such a change it is quite, i.fcl.i Ua: many of the animosities enguiidc.eii o, the senior and by hitu made so proaii nentin the policy of the paier, woulu disappear. Judge Maxwell has agreed to run for supreme judge, but not one word ai pears in his letter of acceptance that in dicates that lie has climbed onto the Omaha platform or that lie contem plates attempting such a thing at his time of life. The spectacle of the middle-of-the-road pops running a re publican at the head of their ticket ha a ludicrous appearance. Secretary of Suite Piper has decided that the tickets put up by both wings ol the democratic party will be put on tin ballots designated simply as democrat. The Bryan wing objected to the adminis tration candidates being designated in that way, but they deferred filing such objection too long. It w ill take a demo crat who is onto his job to know just w ho to vote for at the coming election. H. O. Stewart, who misrepresented this district in the last staw senate has had himself nominated for treasurer by the pops of Dawes county. He worked that party in Sioux county until the got onto him so that lie could do no more and then, about a year and a hall ago he moved acros the line into Dawes county. He got the pops of that coun ty to support him last fall for the senaK arnl now he has worked them to nomin ate him for the best office in the county. It is hardly likely that he will get neai the vote of hi own party at the polls. The vigilantes of Holt county are again coming to the front. The success ful evasion of the law by the murderer of Barrett Scott nesniod to hava given the gang a notion that they can repeat Much outrages with impunity. There is but one result that can be looked for ward to and that is punishment. A man or gang of men may violate the lnw for a time bttt sooner or later justice cer tain to overtake them. People for a while may shut their eyes to the petty crimes but when it comes to drawing hm line, between law-abiding citin and thoe who do not respect the law . - .I . . . . ine masses or we peepie in every com munity ore to be found on the side of the lawv The report from Sheridan county are that from thirty to fifty per cent of the population will move out of that coun ty this fall From Box Butte county the report is that many are leaving and that some district will be ulmost de populated. - The mime is true f other wewtem counties. Sioux county has Km a large par cent of her population ta Uto post but a census on January J, IBM, would show a loss of nearly, if not quite fifteen per cent of its people dur ing the year 1S03. Such a condition is not at aH encouraging from a btitiness ataadyoiet but there m no use in trying to hasp people here vheti they do not HHdn a Uric. It is a fact, however, tiMt ttoae who tela! to remain will b, fca abMatewry caaa, quite) comfortably tzii - tk fat arc of wirtira Nabratka htSEHK&of a problem now at it 0i A V .ter Day for Neliru lltr lull ' iiij; aj-url in tue Lincoln J,iu f last Sunday ami la woilliy id the i uii.! ration of al' : fiie l-..urr of erot a at M.ite for ! .i ... . . 1 1 , ... i- atal.niiitv of aulliiient tuvmtude to attrui t pu'.ihc attention to any feasible Ik-iiik for tlie amelioration of climatic conditions and to induce Urn ieojile lo take u tiited action for relief, providing any sin h -abeine is present rat Another year su. h as the preaent or tue pa ft and NVura-ka's rural population will abandon it en ilia., and the projierty of its towns will not sell under the ham mer for enough to ay the annual taxe. It is now the hope of every one that a suliicient amount of niu will (all liefore tlie ground freezes to till it with mois ture. It is only the realization of this hope that will make a crop certain next year, and yet, a little reflection will con vince any thiukiug man that the hope is Very unlikely to I realized. With each succeeding vear of drouth the ground has lit-coioe dried to a :ri.MK-r di-pth A- !le tfi- -iiii-l ir r n p-.r i mu i ! -. . -X i .i j o i ' i '1 i .i i. d,lliU.l-l-d. Uliie-. 1 1 it-re 1 s-'lllt- out MiJe source from which a supply ol uioi t ure can come it wou Id seem that we may ho-e in vain for the greatly m-i-reased amo iiit of rauJ fall we ne--d to insure a crop lor next year. But i there any cudi oilt.iide source? No. The region south, wet and north of us have .utl'en-d in the past three years to al iiuvt as gleat an extent as we have and there is no rtM-rve of moisture to Ije found in any of them tliat gij'e us rea s;iialjle hoj for wliat we neeil and iuu-.t have to injure our agricultural and coiu meri ial salvation. It is true that some sjiecial act of providence may take place-general rains may come from we know not where, caused by we know not what and save us from initialing rum. But ibis is not likely. According to my oh v rvation providence works through the iji-iii-y of certain general laws arid it is in- duty of men to learn what those i sure and use such powers as they uave to luring them into ojeration. 1 have devoted a large amount of tune o this hubject of drouth and hot w inds, ing as a farmer deeply interested in it. Some years ago w hen the (Tops of Kan is were being destroyed by hot winds, t made a long trip into the southwestern part of that state and some distance into ilie territory to investigile. Without joiiig much into the details, 1 will give my general conclusions. The great mis take in relatioo to hot winds is that they come from some arid district remote iroin where they ure fell. The fact is ihat the hot winds originate exactly or uear where they are felt. If air that ijurns as though it came from the mouth ot a furnace is felt on the corner of Ilth .r.ul 0 streets, it rises Irom the pavement Wil.iiiu one hundred rods of that corner. vV'lien in southwestern Kansas at the tune referred to I found hot winds pre vailing and the earth scorched and opened in graat cracks everywhere, fhey r.pparently came from the south west. I went southwest until 1 came to a sandy region w here the grounil was not cracked, and whre a Miorl distance below the surface there was plenty oi moisture. I was out of the region ol not but the hot winds in tue Kansas regions 1 had just lft still pre vailed. Not many years ago southern uakola was being devastated by hot winds, coin ing uparently from the south, liutul that very tune there wus no hot wiud lu .Nebraska. The hot w md is the effect of drouth, urolith i caused by aUseuce of moisture which may he evaiorated aud precipi tated m the form of ram. This may seem like a platitude, so obviously is it true yet it is on important Ktatemeul, providing it can lead to a remedy. Large arvas of land in regions compara- i lively destitute of lakes ami rivers, tie come snperlieated by long continued ex posure to the direct rays ol the sun at a temperature of KKI degrees and upward i and the still air resting Unm this lauu ! becomes also superheated. A gentle north wind now springs up, in fact is in j duced by these conditions. This supr- i heated air rises and more is Issing con-! tinually hea tod. The wind increases in! velocity and we have the western simoon j or hot wind. Its continuance dejwiidn upon the dryness and extent of the pi-! ceding heat. But it will not extend (ai j or do any apre(.-iab!e damage iwyoiiu ' the area wliere the ground was so super heated, Hot winds jai only be felt when the winds are from the south or southwest. Wind from any other quarter soon cools the superheated air. I have known the hot wind to lie felt for a few hours with a southeast wind, but the southeast wind being cool and moist soon over comes the influence of the heated air. In the south and southwest wind the hot air continually rises, but the earth sup plies its place with more healed air, but in a somewhat less degree, the mere mo tion of the atmosphere tending to cool ness; This process goes on until a uni form temperature is established, either by gradual process or a storm. We are now witnessing the unusual spectacle ol hot winds in the middle of September. With all moisture sucked from tlie earth with a rarifled air, vegetation al most dead and the burning rays of the sun heating lha dry and ps relied earth, tnts nay o on antii the sun i so far ash, L- ... ' --, ' - (jood ri's furnish oil short notice. Behable drivers and cjuiet saddle hordes always on hand, (rood atvoiiimiMjations for lrans ient cutoni'Ts. Horses Ixiarded. TERMS REASONABLE. GIVE ME A CALL. GEORGE OLINGER. I'Uol'KIKTOH. THE COMMERCIAL BANK. ESTABLISHED 1888. Harrison, E. BftKWSTtR, President. IJ. It ORISWOLI. Cashier. AUTIIOHIZEl) CAPITAL S0 000. . ansacts a General CO R K KS PC) N 1 ) K 'IS: Aur.RM an ExniAXiiF. N.TKiX, Vk. New York, Omaha National IUxk, Omaha, IifjsT National Hank. Cltulroi!. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. t"LUAlT3 H)U) ON ALL PARTS OF El' HOPE. -4 PFR naV ftnro 5salamftrrrtmm!irm Jl" v" "nor- n:-iil t'-rr y:ir tO'inA, at tf.iMl ae. t ysjur otit .iiwicie ijrii.e li.t aud pirutiiUi. ne AMERICAN TEA declined to the north that its rays will no longei lit-at the ground. Long con tinued :ihsein4i of dew is a condition ire ceileut of hot winds. With a certain de gree of moisture in the atmosphere nightly falling in refreshing dews the earth, evi-n where ijuite bare of vegeta tion, could not liecome so intensely hi fited a to heat the air to the extent I have descrilwd. Hot winds under much conditions, or at any time when the 'at mosphere was saturated with moisture, havii never Ix-rn known. Philosophy and science will ronftrni tlw truth of t!w above th-Hirv as to hot wiuds. TUB I.'KMliTiy. Is there an ell' reaiwJv which can ixf. gt-m-mily anil easily upph.-d by the projjle l Ih.imm-1 virs, without report to law and without any considerable aniJiiut ol money capital ? 1 aiiswrf yes, unhesitatingly, and I will describe it. it is this: Supply artiliciallv what nature has tailed to give us, viz.: I'oiid and small lakes all over the state, winch will be tilled with water by the fall and spring r.nus and from which evapora tion villi take place, uf)- plying iiioipture to the air, wht-h will won Oe returned 111 tiie form ol ram. twl up by artificial process nature s own system lor purifying the air, irrigating Uie s:jiI and promoting Vegetation thus masicig a wiioeruesH lu Ulossoiu us llie rose. iliisis stated in general terms, and uay al lirt glauca seem impracticable. Out as a uiatucr ol fact nothing is easier. Over nearly all of Nebr.i-.ka, Kansas, eastern Colorado and all of ixitli iakotas tue surlace is geuiiy roiling, with many maws, which as we go westward he coun caituus. Tliere is coiiinarati vel V nvv.v V'u nil , IC.ei lIHlb HUll'UllI ,,,, . . .1 pouus ot Irom one to ten acres carnot be uiaile ou nearly every ijuarter sei;tion. I ue iaoor of constructing these ponds is very latfe. it is entirely unskilled ia uor. U is d n with plow and scraper aioue. it nevils tlie sanction of no law Hie division of the state into nn irriga tion districts the iiavment of salaries vi no ligation .10 gas, , cAjtueu mi me ciuuus or Mie legislative; wooy, s uecessary. A lew days labor with team, plow and scraper, 110, Lm lorw tlirf (aft 1, mis begin oil every land ,11 the su.e, is all tnal is reipiire.l. iiul tlio iast-naiued comliUou is nulls- peusiUe, Aim muveiiteiit to e vamaole must be general. The application ol . this plan to oiie county like Lancaster ; niigni erhaM have some value but It 1 "ouici oe very Utile. Uul its uppnca- tion to the state al large could not fail 1 u Is! of inestimable value. If these dams are constructed the fall and spring rain would lill them with wAter ready for evaHration during tlie ne I summer. Hie uiowture thus raised would be rede po siUsl in showers or dews within tue mil Hence 0 this system. An iulor- change of such showers and dews would go forward, and drouths in all the great area that might adopt the nysteiu would oe impossible. Then indeed trie Oeneius liortrayed by some er.Umsinsti': editors 10 result from Major Powell's mountain reservoii-s minht he realiXedt "An d dilion of 100,000,0(10 licres of rich but now arid land Would be made to the till able area of the west." In behalf of all tlie (wopte-'-ln behalf of increasMt production in oetiall 01 those Htruggling farmers who are lieiug brnyed in the winter of destitution 1 auk thi press of the state to lake up the subject and secure an immediate und concerted movement to put the plan into fore. JT. Ri'Mtowa, Ltneoln, KeH. Feed and Sale Stable Nebraska. C. F. f'orFEB, Vice-President. Banking- Busine cc own home or to Iravrl? If v, fcfinl '1 fur lurr.ii.a uc&l of iiaiiic rrfercm.e. CO., Detroit, Michigan. Free Pills. Send your address to H. 1'. Ruckled & Co., C'hicaga. and get a freu sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you hf their menu.-i. These pills are easy in action und anj pariw u larly elfective in the cure of tti v (ra tion arid sick headache, per Mal.nta and Liver troubles they have been prov ed invaluable. They are guaranteed ti be perfectly free Irom every deh teriou -substance and to be pmeh veeliibl. . They do not weaken by tleir action but by giving (.in- to sto. 11.11 li ami h .. -els greatly invigorate the system. IU ui.irsiz.j per box. S lid by Ploi.cei Piiainuuv. All Fret;. Thos? who have used ur. King's Ne iJisuovery know Us value, and thow who have 11 jw the opportunity to try n free. JulI do the advertised drugi;.. and get a trial bottle, tree. Send youi iiaiuu and uddrens U Jl. E. Ruckleti & vyo., .hicagu, and gel a sample, iox t-i ur. King's New Lilc Pills Free, as wen us a copy ol Uuidy to Health anil House hold instructor, free. All of which i.- guaranteed to do voil irid and cost vou uotlung, ati'loiieer i'liarmai V . Notice to lcli im iit-nt Tax Payers. 1 wisli Uj call your ulteuliou to Uk. (act that the county 1 reasurers hav. lx;eti very lenient witu you Ouiiiig tin several crop failures ami as ueariy ai. sclimil Oi.tlricls are in lieeU ol uionev ami the proects are good lor Unu cropn tins year, j shall msi.-t upjn tlie p.i . ... I. i T lueiit ol Vour taxes. Gentle . . ..,,.,..'.,, . . men they have stood long enough. Very Itesjiecllully, H. S. WOOUHLI-F. County Treasurer. Riu kieii- Arnica .salve. The best salve in the world for tuts, i.r,. H..r... ul.-ei-. n...,i,.. fevei !"""" -....,i, ...v..v..,, umxuni, corris, alio ull skin eruption ami (slivc- j ly cures plies, or no pay required, it is 'wuaranUed to kiv- ik...u, t si.l.niaclioi. '""" k-.u,.,. t !., isjuus pe, box. For sale iiy Pioneer Phariiincy. - ' """ "" 1 ' (JRANT GUTHRIE, Altorney-at-Law. Prompt ittteiiliou given to all lc.. matters in Justit), t ounty uud i isli iii Ixmrts, and lfore lltu Unitetl tlalt Land OtlU e, Fire Insurance written in rt-huble companies. jr-aLcgnl papers .-arefolly draw n. llAltlii'-KlS, - NtHliASKA. T II K North-Western LINE V. K. R. P., V, & M. V, K. It i th ts-st to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELDS OF NORTH KtMMKKA, Sioux County, THE UND OF THE HOME STEADER. Free Homes for More Than 5,000 Men. A new county with schools, churches, railroads, etc., AND 800,000 ACRES YET OPEN TO HOMESTEAD ENTRY. Contains over forty-five miles of rail oad and has no county bonds. SO KOSIIS. SO DEBTS, LOW TAXES. Furl, l'osls. Log ami I.uiubi r I lu-aprr Than at uu v Other I'liico in i-hraska. Sioux l ouiily in tlie nortlnvesl t oiiuty of Nebraska It is ulsmt thirty miles c;tst ami west tiy about M-veiity miles north nnl south :uul contains OVER 1,300,000 ACRES of l.i ml There ma more bright, sjiark- lini;. stiiiill streams in the "uiity tlmn ean s found ill the same lireil els: here in the state. It has more (line timVr in it than all the. rest of the state combined Its frni-ses are th rii In st ami most nu tritions known so that for sVu L-'ro" iur it is unexcelled. The soil varies from a heavy i lay to a light mtndy loam nnd is cHpabl of pro ducing excellent crops. The principal crops uiv Mimll t;rain and vegetables, although good corn is grown in the valleys. The vvlraat, oats rye and barley are all of unusually floe quality and command thfc highest mar ket prices. The water is pure and refreshing mid is found in abundance in all parts of the county. The county is practically out of debt md bus over forty-live miles ol railnmi tvitlmi its bonJers, has a good brick court muse and tlso lieces-iiry llxtuitrs lor ruii ,.ii llie county ami there haniievtr .K-t-u one dollar of county bond issiineu lid hence taxes will lie low. The Fremont, Eiliiioru & Missouri alley railroad crosses Sioux cxiutity Irom east to west and the U. & M. has ibout lilleeii miles of its hue in Hit ioi tlim: t part of tlie county. Tue climate is more than that f the portion of Nebraka. There is still OVER 000,000 ACRES of laud in Sioux county yet oiu to Homestead entry. It is liclter land uuu more ilcmrably loi-ated than that foi hicli, such ru.slies are made on the ojh-ii-inol a rvservation. Tliere in no ruii road laud in Uie county and for thai rea-oil itn .settlement has been slow lor iio hpecittl ell'orl to j;ot settlers Was uade, :ix was done in the early days oi the HftUemeul of the eastern jirt ol Iht stale. Good deeded land can be purchased at reasoimble rates w ith pivernuieiit land oiljoiuing no tliat. a person vWio waul more than one (juarler seclioii caiiohtau. it if he liioi a little mean. . There are aliout li.olXJ peole in ti e county and there Is room for tliouuid, uiore. ilarri iu ih lliw county scut uud m mi'-d ou the I', li &. M. V, railroad, inn. s a xni .i liiiu an the Unuly wll in. country uViiiaud. .SciiiKil lioiine.i and ..liurWiex ure ic viiJed in almost every Hcltleiiietit and iw Kept up will) tie; tunes. All who desire to ;el u i.i buy laud clieap am invited to come twiil see Him country for tlictuwl'. en ami jlill. il Its im riU, lioic .-te.i.o v. Hi i. ilitrt iiihImc miH li i. n.' i -nix ' to use your riul uinl f,el Ion u land Irom Unci JSmui liec it i ino j were aliout it, Look at Thin I.I.t of wet?m i-iliee: illicJI'l Uuuilia Ht. Lou in KansitH City Hi. Jo ;,h ln.-'ln I i nvi r i vihvii.) : ll does'nt infUr thlcli you ml. , vikitinjr, Tim IhirlhixtiHi Routf i, i bmt line to nil us it is to ny m: i llwin. Advertising ii,. at. -r a. id full u.r..n. , lion bout trains nial rlc on apl'l c tkm, J, Flutxu, ti. V. Ir T. A Ouiniui, CrriCIAL DIRECTORY. rtn:itiiri.iii: situs A. lioleomh I .ne;noi. It. K. Moore t l "f-ell'Oil (,oTiiir . t.l'lMM -hs let I V "I m.. t iui Moor- Me hi.. 1 ,-m nli s. ii .tt.ev I i.niir t A. s. I uuivliili..'. Alloliiev l.eui li. I . Kll- II I -1 t I eiitiii leiier II. It. ( i'i: : : . kupt. I'lmi'i luliiiriiou!-.-llSAI. I ' I W.ATM.N- f. K. NaiiOei I'. s. senator, I'tiiunii W 111. i Al:. .. 1 . .-., Vwll-011 W.J. in van.' o' -ri-.iii-..ri l-l I'l-t., Lincoln l. II. JU reer. ti. 1, HeikU Jll'i h. J. Hninel , w . V. Mi Kiiyii.m, " II. X, kcin, " Sit " I illii-l loii 41 ll " tlrola ftdl " Ueii I lotlfl Mil " i.ioWi-ii him jrim iakv : 1'. L. Norval I !.. l J a .-, "r-l A. M. Vo-il Ai..M iiiie Juitire, 1 oiuiiil.ii. t. . I', llurri-ou A'te JmUe, i.r.iml Ui.iml it. A. ainiiU-ll.-t'lei k Mini l;i-Birl. 1, Llneom HrTO.SI'11 Jl Hirl AL I!-1 i!HT M. T. KtllUltHl J it' lire. I'Aelll Allied Colon " ll"' M. J. Ulenelt ! W.ilnl l Win nil STY of'r'H'r H": HolKTl WiImiii. .County Jii'U.. M, J. Illeweit - -- l'i s H. s. WtMslrull . .. lri..imi r V . II. Iln Ik I'lililic Lilrui ( A. It. lie -11. 1 lit .1. K. I'liliuiej -I innu-1- S. I.. KHlS Ml! WVOI M.J. I'.ies ett 1 lers ol ;iirnt I o.n i Aiilii T. 1 'lurk I'Miiiy .Mini .. J!OAIiJ UK nMMIs-liiNKII: I-rank 'l ink Imiii 1-1 1'i-iriei M. J. W el r.. II. K. Jo'iii-on i-liiO nn. in - .11 I Ki.l-I ATIVK: II. I i. -leu ml ..M-iniior, I'i-I Nn 11,1 i'si lor" I W . lieiiii- y...l:' ii., UNI. u..l, lleiiil;ir. j VILI.ACi: nil t "I. Us: i M . .1. r.l. uelt i ell: :riiuii ' Ti -- - I K. Iliiitw. r j ,1. V . scoll "t- v"rMenei-"V".":.'.''.'."-"-'r I I.J. sininioiiK ' leri. i I.i hI- (.. rlneli I n-.i-ioei I J. H. MiOilt - .n--tii( m'Hihu. ukku i n-- !j. w.-.ou nire.ioi- li. I . -Hllll'K . . . I I.. V . Ile.ler . Mmli nilol- 1 It .i.nrei- ft- IOIS lir K (II 111': I llUtl'iet Colli"! .- - At I l:i ri-i .it. eieiiii.eiii i-t Apr i I sih unit Nov emu-r -i.M li. j ,lr.t ji,,,,,,,. ,',.,,,.,, ',, fill til IIKS AM) jh IK'I IK- l. K. i lillreil' - I'reiirlllH e;I(-ll ill ii-l llii I if suinl .-y al lu;,;u m. hi,, n.nj i vy -uml,i i-n-.i l n lit ::i. Itl.v. l . I .. l o s i l k. 1'u.l'ir. f .iillHsll.l -.nit'liiy Itisil liieel - I'M't y n . I j. j... mak-'h ,' i,, sui i ii.te.ei.1 my imirntnir hi ii . II tn if, 1 .1 ill v. ( MIIIIDMI-.N OK Tilt. HOUI.II. Hiirrlwin t 'ftinti. No. Y, nieet. on l!ie llrl j lltl'l I III l''l Mil l ri :i- ev enlntf ill e;e li iiiolll ll. J. K. I'lllNsl 1 . 1.. K. I'os i n. I li-l k. ( on. I oln. j MUlKltV'M'i;i'.KS "I,- WtKlill A. VleetH i-neli u! li'l-firtl v Nil unlay evening lit r o'eltn-k. . l(., . 1'. J. . Mill ll. li rk. t ru oiiTii i.k Mil i:. liewilioint! nii-etlni es ery simi.ty ei inilii wt lijl. 1 I'lllnl Inritlli-J on en II 'of pli".! ill-Ill. I.ol It 111 TI II, JlKS. M . II. !)VI. i,i-i'li lU. .virelelarv. ttttttittttttttttti $100.00 Given Away Every Month to the person uhmltlln the I most meritorious tnvcatioii I durini? the privv-dinir month. I WB SKCL'HB l'ATKSTSi FOIl INVKNTOH8, ami the ( object of this offer i to en courage Denonii of an Invent- lvo turn of mind. At the ( name time we wlnh to Imprest the taut that, :: :: i It's the Simple, Trivial Inventions That Yield Fortunes such s flo Ixinif'ii ftock unit K.) e, "S'0 thnl llunili," i Safety Pin." pi(M In t lo- vcr." "Air llrake," etc. i Almost every ooo cunceivrt j Q a lrl(lit Idea at so mi- time or i other. Why nut put It In (irar- i Ileal use? Jul It tnlcutx riniv al user 1 ol It t.iK'iiln run v m In thin . direction. Muy II ku j-our fortune. Why nut la ? :: r. :: t: IX lie mak try M tyiVrito for fiirlhr-r lnfonruition f 3d M uiauliun Ho puncr. 8THE PRESS GLfllMS GO.H Philip W. Avlrctt. Gen. Mgr., M 618 F Street, Northwest. S H ASHIN0T0N, O.C.H i pan H at I in M fWTh n-3 ik r.s: in I H y of thia comfiani may 1st ju.lio-0 tiy mc fact that I alocK i hel'l liy ovei uiie thoumnil ' 1 lit the leadllllt bcaainWuit In lili- LniU0 BUtles ST. MARY'S INSTITUTE, Ql'IKCV, II.I.IMOIH. This Institution, chartered July, 1873, is conducted by the School Sisters of Notre Dame, and provided with every requisite conducive to physical, intellectual and moral development. The system of education embraces every useful and ornamental branch of art and science suitable for young ladies. For cata logue, address MOTHER SUPtRIOR, St Mary's Institute, Quincy, 111. fouply taugtu. l.tlre trvhen, HUH nutrnl, neap bowd, and the tnesl CommcrtiaJ lollera aildmgu Anuinca. Orduaie nadily xcutt iu Moot. Beautiful TlliiMnitd Calalocu (RLk. 4U D. L. MUSSKI.MAN. PMd.i,7 j OamCltyBualn OolUra, (tulncy. 111. kaa Oall, Acwlnmie, Normal, Art, Mask, Oonmarotal ami Modal School UepsrtmetiU Itltitrtotly flntclM!, mn4hl-htid, but chrp ool r mod era te prk-a. evocation L . ftdtlldli Hall. HTKONO IN ALU DEPARTMENT). LEADS EVERYBODY IN ABTaoi MUSIC. Inatroction by Europ MArUata at pr loot within reac h of wm tan pwi vaaw aiMMaMrAKTHALL. fanatic PWrn, t. rWt ant Pkw Oraaaa, U rUaaijCablnct argant, Vinr of., tmm baaa. Oraiwla taewt, txauiiful Chapel, new Auditorlaak I Lartutra m4 cocn, Hrw t)m . Cflai ifaal. Ti ' l Wfaataa, Ca "0"7 wiwait acaaainat i? ' ' ' ' ' ,-4 t