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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1895)
i ft. it'. A. TtoEcux County Journal. SuWripUon Price, $VM L. J. Mi LaUwwt at tin- llamaon )Mt o!tic a-catl claaa aKUr. THUKbDAV, KkITEIIBKI! 19. I". KrpuhlU-an Ju.lit ial Ticket. For judges, 13th district, M. P. Kiskaip, Alfkep Bartow. County Ticket. For county clerk, AV. S. NtTHOLSCW. Far county treasurer, Hesby Covtv. For slieriff, Davu Babtlbtt. For su(K;rintendent of public instruction, W. II. Davis. For county judge, W. O. Patterson. District Ticket. For coiuiuisaiooer, 3d district, B. F. JOHNSON. The long and short of the republican judicial convention at Valeutine on Tuesday was Kinkaid and Bartow, At 'he polls in November their opponents will be short on votes, Tie Seward Reporter began its twenty -ixth year last week. The fact that the vriter was for many years counected with the Reporter makes him feel more han an ordinary interest in it and it -eetus to improve with age and bids fair io live to be a century old. An earthauake lastinz four days oc- urred ia Vetapan, Honduras, last week Tlie houses of the town rocked like cradles and the loss of life aud property was simply awful. Flames in the moun tains shot up hundreds of feet and rumblings like the heaviest thunder ac companied the earthquake. In the second race between the Arueri c an and English yachts tlie latter won on a foul. The former protested and the t ommittee gave the race to the Ameri tan boat. The captain very properly declined to accept it so that ttie race mi flit be sailed over attain. It is noi cj - simply to win by technical rules but t determine which nation can build the best vessels that the races are arranged The jury in the Morrison murder trial which was beard in the district court at Cliudron last week brought in a verdict of murder in the first degree and fixed the penalty of death. It was a surprise to a great many. The evidence seemed to have been strongly against the de fendant and the feeling of the public seemed to be that he should pay the pen alty of bis crime. Of course his attor neys will endeavor to get a new trial and resort to all the methods known to delay or defeat the law. It was announced a few days ago that Senator John M. Thurston was very sick and later the report came that be was dead. The senator denied tlie report however, and the rxinulist papers whicl were so quick to announce that Gov Holuomb would have the appointing ol his successor ought to hide themselves. The death of John M. Thurston would be a great loss to the state, but some peo- iilecansee nolhinir but the siioils ol 1 office. During tlie past ten years the one aim of Attorney W. H. Westover has beeo to see how many murderers and thieves he could get acquitted and turn loose on nn outraged nuhlic. Personally Mr. Westover is a good fellow, but as (lis trict judge the class of people referred to would be absolutely free from annoy jtnce of prosecution, and that Is hy the W will not support him. Alliance The fall term of the supreme court oned on Tuesday and the decision in the Omaha fire and police commission rase was handed down. It was endorsed by all of tlie judges and commissioners and sustained the law and the acts of the majority of the board on every poiot. That demonstrates tliat the governor mid his advisor wus wrong and from tliat it is but fair to presume that lie is no imnr right la tlie otlter cases where he and his appointees have set the laws Ht defiance. Home of the eastern papers are advo- ''ating Oeoeral Manderson as good presi ilentktl timber for the party to take up in 19M. den, Manderson lias a great tuany friends all over his own state and in fact, throughout the entire nation Me ia well fitted for the place and is in iKMiUoa to make a good fight He tbarottghly floated on matters of public Import, la a fluent speaker and his ex perisnos la Um United States senate for twelve ymn gar him a knowledge of I he eosdact of the affairs of the nation . wtUi rttU pro re of great ad van tags ULo.' Ce'J be OMide to go into the r: Jt'-TT kl M fet&t tit Itkraeka 'i t (C'J:jiC5Vfer k4. (omen tion. The republican judicial convention lor leaving no sore spots to lieal a the resul of disapsiiuted ambitions. Several tlie couutiea had given thir delegation to favorite sons tliat in caae opportu nity offered could enter tlie content but r none of them were ardently pushing! their laims. It was generally admitted ; that Judge Alfred Bartow dunnj; his present term on the bench had made a reiwd fur fairness, impartiality nod 1 strict adiierence to the law in all of his ! ork which entitled him to an endorse-: nicnt at the hands of his party for a second term and a majority of the dele gates went tljere prepared to carry out iat view. For tlu candidate for the east end of tlie district tlie re was no op position to Judge Kinkaid from any part of the district and no aspirant cared to ooutest him at tlie hands of the ple. Voder such conditions all other aspi-, rants decided to keep out. except J. i Wesley Tucker who liad tlie Cherry; county delegation instructed lor lum j a oil he insisted that the delegation t-ast ts vote for him. The work of organiz- j mg passed oil quickly and smoothly and on motion an informal ballot for two( candidates was taken by calling the roll j of counties. Every county as repre-j sented and fifty -eight votes were cast. Kinkaid and Bartow got the solid vote of each county until Clierrv was called and tlie chairman of that delegation an- nounced six votes for Kinkaid nod six for Tucker. The roll call proceeded and 11 of the other counties went solidly for Bartow and Kinkaid, and at the close, fore the result was announced. Cherry county changed rts six votes from Tucker to Bartow, and moved that the informal ballot be declared formal nd that the rules be suspended and that Alfred Bartow and M. P. Kinkaid be de- lared the nominees of the convention. unanimously by acclamation. The mo- ion passed amid much enthusiasm. Speebe were made by the nominees and representatives of different parts of the district which indicated that the most cordial support will be given to the nominees in all parts of the district. The convention closed its session with the best of feeling prevailing and every uember determined to make every ef fort to secure the election of tlie can didates at the polls. Tho TU-ket. At tlie head of our columns appears the nominees of tha republican county convention with the exception of two. i'be nominee of that gathering for coro ner is not a candidate for office and Ins uauie will not appear on the ballot so il is omitted from tlie ticket, and the name of tlie nominee for surveyor in omitted for reasons too well known to tlie read- rs of The Journal to need repeating Here. To the personnel of the rest of the ticket tlie re can be no objection. Tliey are men of good repute and if elected will perform the duties of tlieir respect ive offices in such a manner as to give satisfaction to tlieir constituents. W. S. Nicholson, the nominee for count v clerk is a resident ot Whistle Jreek precinct wliere he has a small liuiich of cattle ami he is popular with his neighbors. Henry Covey, the nominee for county treasurer, is a resident of Highland pre cinct, having come here from Seward two years ago last spring and opened up the farm ou which lie reside. Uavid Bartletl, the candidate for sher iff has been a resident of Bowen precinct lor so long that he is considered one ol the old timers and he is known to most of the people who visit Harrison. VV. H. Davis, the nominys for superin tendent of public instruction, has grown up here in Harrison and the vote lie re ceived two years ago demonstrated that ne was known and popular all over the county, and his work of the past two years as um superintendent 01 vue hools of the county has made hi in more generally known. W, O. Patterson, tlie nominee for county judge is also a resident of Harri son and has long been a resident ol diouii county. Last year he was a can didate for the office of county attorney against the present incumbent so that the people of the county know some thing of him. Nmicf for Pnellratloo. Irtiild Offlif st Alllniicp, Sell, I June llii ISM. I Snlli-p U ln-ivliy Hivm, that the follow inn nniutsl wtili-r hits me,! notice of his IiiWmi- tion to iimkc Himl proof In support of Ills claim, and that naf'l pnmf will be made be fore M. J. Hlt-wetl, tk-rk of the dlxtrict court, at lUrrtwm, Neb., wn Oct. l, Isvft, vis; Jsnib Ht-nry, nf Oilrbrlat, NVb. sho nisile II, K. Kii,tM lor the nw. see. . tp. M Ii.. r. Mw, He nHnimt tint following wltnemt-t to prnvu Ills continaous rcsiofiit upon ainluumva tion of old Isnd. vis t llt'iirr riekenbrork, llenrr WamH-rbureer, Anton Kheln, Frank Untto, all ol Itilchrint, Neb, also Henry Wsmerburfer ef (illrbrUl, Neb. who made II. K. No. gMvtor the ne, V see, tl tn. 4 u M w. He nainm tbe following witnesses to prove His roiiMmiaiiM reaiueiiM! upon ana ruin VMtion of said land, vlsi Anton Hhrln, Henry rii'ki'iiliriok, M, J. Uayhart, rrank Nulto, all of tillehrtst, Hl, also llmrr Plrkrabrork of (iltVkrtsl, Xb. who made H, R, Mo. for the sc. U . id. Ma.r. lam. He names Uk following wltm'saei to prove bis continuous rcsrarnor apon aoe reiiira IWi aaw iana, v AaVaa MMni Uearv WaaarrberaWf , M. J Vrwmrt. WUitam .Hanuflard, ai) vf .Ull' Judicial It u fir iu ; y VMS 1 ruiomou. manner. I ft I (ioodVigs f urniiied on sliort notice. Heliable dnvers and quiet saddle Itoraes alay on haml. (iood atvoinmodatioiis for transciriit ciiMom. r. Horse boarded. TERMS REASONABLE. GIVE ME A CALL. GEORGE OLINGER, Pl tl'RIKToit. -THE- COMMERCIAL BANK, ESTABLISHED 1888. Harrison, Nebraska. E. Bp.Kwsnjt, Fretident. D. H. (iBfSWOLM, Cashier. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. 650 000. Transacts a General Banking Business CORRESPOXDKXTS: Amkkkan ExriiAXiiK National JUxk. New York, Omaha National Hank, Omaha, First National Hank, C'hndron. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. VDRAFTS SOU) ON ALL PARTS OF EUROPE All Free. Those who liave used Dr. King's New Discovery know its value, and those w ho have now the opportunity to try it free. Call on tlie advertised druggist and get a trial bottle, free. Send your name and address to IL E. Uucklen & Co., Chicago, aud get a sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills Free, as well as a copy of Guide to Health and House hold Instructor, free. All of which is guaranteed to do you good and cost you nothing, atPioneer Pharmacy. Notice to Delinquent Tax Payers. I wish to call your attention to the fact that the County Treasurers have been very lenient with you during the several crop failures and as nearly all school districts are in need of money and the prospects are good for line crops. this year, I shall insist UKn the pay ment of your personal taxes. Gentle men they have stood long enough. Verv HeiticUully, iL 8. Woodkikk. County Treasurer. FIhI Proof Notices. .. i r ...i , this paper will receive marked copy of the paper and sre rtHjiu-nUti t oitiiiiii their iioiu-eanuii miy erroi n rit i'T"i t"v nine to tills oitlc-e ut olive. Notice tor I'ulillratMin. Iind Office Mt Alllunrt, Nell., I Aui. H, isW. I Notice i hereby glvnn tunt th- followluir ........1 ..Ml... I,U Hl.l tl.lli.'t. ttt t,iH lltU't. -i n,.n ui iiiiikw tliuil irir liisuniMirt of bis claim, and that said pr.s.f M lurtr ,.1.. ,itrwt,t,, ........... llHrriMiii, Nebraska, on sepl. 1, Ismj, viz: Williniii Slilh-r, ..f Bmlnrr. Neli. who iimite II. K. No. W for the lie. '4 wr. l tp. :a u., r. 16 w. He. liuillei, lliu IOIIOW iiik wmit-wtt'ii ui ,iot hi eon tin nous reitlileniss uism Mini vnlliva lioii ot, wii'l land, via: I.C. IMmu, f. K. otTee, Henry .iminer riiun, Alanwn Southworlli, all of Huditre, Nt-b. alo AlaiiHOil Hniiltianrlll. nf ll.sliiri-. .Sell.. who made II. fc. No. WIS for the lots 1 and S anrl e. nw. u sw. '. "-. ri lit. imiinw lli toiloa lug wltuew it. prove bi i-oiitiiiutiua renldenvM usu and euilivu nun ol, siiltl isiid, vix: V llliaiu Miller, Henry Zimmerman, su-pli en Serre. hiI hi IKsiiire, Nell., 4,eorue ,ui ol Um -riauu, Nell, 4. w . w BUS, JH. 14(11, lu-g utter Slii-rir Kul. sailed by the Hv vlrtuci of an m der of shI clerk ot the illatrift eourt ol the county I sloux and aUtle of Nebraska, umii a decree rendertsl by anid court iu lavor ol lloruliu M-K ttiiu agsinal imiiiei niein, .iiiienit K lelii, Jit-ih i.. Armstrong, v. W. Wots I and n. V. Ilaaaelt, I will, on mi) . tli iliiy ol ix-UiIht, A. I', isuft, l tlie tiour ol l o clock, a. in,, at tlie eal iroul mair oi mi court hiHise, in llurrlstm, in ld eounty, offer and sell the following duserllsid real eitmie; ran n i i im iiuiuiram i"i - . wt-tlon lliirly inree i, in lownaiup viuriy- one (SI), north ol range fll'ty-tlirveasi, weal . o the aistb I'. M., In th conutv of slou , and aUte of Nebraska, at public iwlloii, it. th blgbeat bidder, lor eaab, to sallaly aald order ol sale, In Hie atim of mtt.W, and In U-reat, roata ami aeeriilug costs. li i .. H. uw. : sheriff, II, Kniinliitf, Atty, for I'hiintiir. GRANT OUT1JRIE, ttlornsy-ct-Uw. Prompt attention given to all legal ; matters in Justice, County a ml District j Courts, unil before the United Slates j Und OHIce. j Fir Insuntm- written in relloble' ooinuaaht. t7tiCfl paptrs curtfully drawn. HiMUOD. Nmaasra. Feed and Sale Stable. C. F. ('orm, Vice-President. Fice Pills. Send your address to II. K. Bucklen & Co., Chicnga, and get a free simple box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you hf their merins. These pills are easy in action and are particu larly effective in the cure of ' on.t! tui tion, and sick headache. For Mal.ria and Liver troubles they have Is-en pro ed invaluable. They are guaranteed to lie lKTfectlv free from every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by thuir action, but by giving tone to stomach and bow els greatly invigorate the system. Reg ular size 25c. per box. Sold by Pioneer Pharmacy. Largest Circulation in Nebraska. It isn't much wonder that the State Journal now has tlie largest circulation in Nebraska. It has reduced its price to 6- cents a month with Sunday, or 50 cents without Sunday; il has been ss;uding more money for Nebraska than any other paier: it lias on its stall' such men as Hixbv, Walt Mason and Anuin. I The Jourual is being pushed at everv j point and Is climbing steadily and surely uwav ahead of the other slate dallies , k I.inco n iKiwr. Esiiei.-ia v ! when it is as good as the Journal. I lliii klcu's Arnica Sahc. The l:st salve in the world for ; I'hu l.-t WA ve in the wor d for cut i bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rlieum, Wsvr j UUf,,. c.wIwa hands, chilblains sores, tetter, chapped corns, and all skin eruption and positive ly cures piles, or no pay required. Il is guaranteed to give jsjifoct satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents ssr Ikix. For sale hv Pioneer Pharmacy Jus I From the Press, A very attractive publication bus jus , ( iw,uel bv the pasMinuer deiinrliiient . j ol the uurlingloii itoiile. It lurs the l, title "The Newer NorthwetM and de- j scribes in a most interesting unil read i able fashion those portions of northern Wyoming and the Black Hills of South ' Dnkota which are reached bv this com- jiany's lines. I'be st-encry, towns, mines, ciplo mid industries of these two remarkable sec tions of country ure treutcd of with ali- 9IKI I... ,r,. u illl ill,ili-.. .' . ' " j lions, sent on receipt of 10 cents in I t'n.v.iu ri I, jl T i "i'i" .".i - . A. Omaha, Neluuska North-Western LINE II. V. It. II is the to ii ml from tha jF., K. & lasl SUGAR BEET FIELDS OF. NORTH NEAR ASK A. Sioux County, THE LAND OF THE HOMESTEADER. Free Homes lor Uore!H-" Than 5,000 Men. A new county with ! schools, churches, railroads, etc., AND 800,000 ACRES YET OPEN TO HOMESTEAD ENTRY. Contains over forty-five miles of rail oad and lias no county bonds. NO BOMS. Ntl IIKUTS. LOW TAXKS. Fm l, Posts, Les aud Lumber ( lit-a pT , Than at any Other I'larc in Vbrakn. Sioux county is tlie norlhwest roiuity of Nebraska. It i.s ttUmt thirty iniU' it anil tvet-t hv about seventy iiiilt-s ! north anil south aiiJ '-ouUiiris OVER 1,300.000 ACRES of land. There aie more bright, sark- ing, small streams in the county than can be found in the same area elsewhere n the state. It has more pine timber in t than all the rest of the state combined Its grasses are tlie richest and most nu tritious known so tliat for stock-growing it is unexcelled. Tlie soil varies from a heavy lay to a light sandy loam and is caalle of pro ducing excellent crops. The principal crops are small grain and vegetables, although good corn is grown in tlie valleys. The wheat, oats rye and barley are all of unusually line quality and command the highest mar ket prices. The water is pure and refreshing and is found in abundance in all parts of the county. The county is practically out of debt and has over fortvllve miles of railruid within its borders, lias a good brick court house and tlie necessary llxlures for run ning tlie county and there has never been one dollar of county bonds issuaed and hence taxes will Vie low. The Fremont, Klkhorn 4. Missouri Valley railroad crosses Sioux county from east to west and the U. &. M. has about fifteen miles of its line in the uorthea t irt of the county. Tlie climate is more pleasant than that of the eastern orlioii of Nebraska. There is still OVER 800,000 ACRES of land in Sioux county yet open to homestead entry. It is better land and more desirably liK-aledtliai'i that lor which such rushes are made on the open intr of a reservation. There is no rail road land in the county and for that reason its settlement has been slow for no sss.-ial eliort lo get sc-tlk-is was made, us was done in the early da s of the settlement of the eastern part of the stute. OihkI deeded land cull 13 purchased ut reasonable rates with government land adjoining ho that u s-rsou who wants more thun one quarter section call obtain it if he ha.4 a little means. There are about 2,5iK) people iu tlie county and there is room fur thousand more. Hurri .Jin is the county sc-at and is sit uated on the I'. E. Jt M. V. railroad, und is us good a town as the thinly settled ! country demands. . School li.mse and .:hurches iii-ejiio-l vidtsJ in utmost every seltleiiieut and are j kept up with llic tiuies. All who il.jiire to get a lioiucMeail or j buy land cheup uru invited to i (Hue and t see the counli v fur themselves mill judge i of its merits. Homesteads will not la? obtainable milch longer and if tun want totisejoiir right and g'-'l 110 acres of land from Uncle Sum free it is time you Were about it. Is.k Ml This l.lst of western cities: Cliicugit St. JoM-ph Omaha l.inicili) Mt. Itouis lletiver Kansas City liciidwmicd It iMaiit matter which ton intend visiting. The Kurlingioii Route is the Is'st line to nil as il is to ultj one of them, Advertising luultcr mid lull mfd mil lion aisiul tntiiis and rates on iipplini- tioti. i. FKAXt'im tl. V. AT.A, OinalM, NU OFTICIAL DIRECTORY It. I.. Vw,rr - J 4 ttt,-li.iti 1 ' J i rii-r ft utft'ii. Vx.r - ------- jufin . Htui-y - - .. i unrHiUS AlM.u.rjr '.i. il' i lai . ... - ""' ' - a it t 'i ' ii -.uii. i !. H'-i tuV.t:' w-hiKsL (itl Ki illO v i ,l. ii.ti I r. m wh- i . J. In . mil. t " """ ' ' ' 11. Ii. iiiWI. I,. U. Mi-i;rtt " I'D Hi Mil " I III " lit?"' ' f.r. fc. Jl Ml I ISV T. I. Surv.l twi - M l't Au" iit JU'lK'-, T.'ti.f. Hrri-ou -A'ie J i"lm -.i-rjii'l i l. A. t'ainpU-ll. .( it-ik mi'l U-H.r1i-i-, i Hn KKMH Jl UK HI. I'1-M.H I M. I". KinkNld Iii-W-. 1 Allrtl littrlo.-. , ' ' ;l M.J. lllt-t-tl 4 ' " ' tmt r HHIl I K-: ItolH-rt Vt'il-m.. M. J. .. II . A iKfclrui! . W. II. I'avls l'i I'lihilv li'i.t I A K. Iew. -. .1. K. I'luum-) -. i - I. Kiln.. j M.J. lilt .-u .. 1 hi I. ftiirlf i-4 k i.l IM-lrir ' i iiiH.ty A I IillA.HH " OiMMII"! Ii" r:iiik Tinklij'.pi ' M. J. i r '' I1., l Ju:u.iii i t'liitiriititu 'i I.KllsI.ATi 1. ' .x uiittir. In-t No. U.I r Ci i., I'il. Ilt-im . -lt-w ni l l-lliM- . Vll.l.Ai.l. il Hi Ki:- l J. ISIeut-lt ,.-li:ilrm in ; K. Uiihwt r J. . Mlltt I. II . w u. M:.r-i.-i Miiilnolta . . . I i.'.aeli r J. . smilli . ... , -i M'UISll. Ill KM l.lis- J. . N-oU . -1'-. 1 II. I., siiuii-k. " ' (.. W . lie. It r I I' I Tf llMsoKKd lll : i lli-trtet Court. - AI II irn-oii, iu.i,:.. April sill und Nim-iiila-i i.lli. Couiilv ourt,At ll.iiii-iiii. coii.., 1 ' tUal Moniluv ol riu-li tiitiiith. ( lll UrilKs AMI s'S'll I IK. ' M. i:. Church -I'reaclilng t-ur-ii mt- -Sunday al l:Jii b. in., unil i-w ry aund.i; I iiik ul ;::. IlKr. '. K. cos Ml. l . ft .Metlliatlal Mlliiliiy JM-htail iiieel- ever; ' flav inoriihig at II J. K. MUKa-rtLtKH, W.ll.lli.- siiM-riiiteiiileiit. Htt-rr " WOODMEN OK TIIK Uoltl.D. Iliirrison Ckthp. No. .VS, uieets on t!i ; H and ihlnl tiininy eveningaof ostch J. K. i'nissar, K. Y. Pos. ir. I h-rk. I on. ' n lii!KI!S"W(SIUMi; OK AMKHK Mt-ta eiu-li nltemale Satnnlny r ill a u t-llK-k. .1. w. smith. Clerk. A. It. lit, V . ivrwoimi i. KAi.i t. I it-volloniil meeting every siniilay ev at .:. Cubiiiet iiieotlng on eitll ot i llenl. Ixil'lk IIMTf r, Mils. W. II. I l, ITeaii'. retiiry. $100.00 r Given Away i Every Month o ! ii tn the person lubmllting tk H most aierllorloaa lavcatioi. s during lliu preceding month, t) WK HKI CUB fATKNTSf . FOK INVKNTOR8, and the . W object of thla otter ia to i-n- t courago penonii of an invent- t, lvo turn of mind. At ihi i same time we wih to lmpre i the fact thai :: :: It's the Simple, Trivial Inventions t; That Yield Fortune CS i, uoh n Do Lone' It- c' and I'.yc. "s.i.0 thai i'ur,.. ( -rtiif .-ty Pin." "Huts In v )- u vcr." "Air llrake," etc. o Almnwt every one eoscivt i, t a tirliflit idea at ' mr ts olhi:r. Why nut pill It In f IICT.I use? Vol It Intel, I- i. he ii i!i! rl-rtciiiin. ' maim j'.ir fortune. W ,; . try? :: :: M TfTVrit; fii" f irlln r Inrnrmut! M went ion tub lipi r. H TMC Pl?PCC Tl flIMs. f fill. I IVLtJO Ui.JliHiU Philip K. 4tlrctU ticii, Mr.' 618 F Street, cv;rttiwc'-!. h.;SltNUi0M. i "I'll' ISKia i.;lillll y tt' thl mn way is- iij'life.i ii in luct Ihi liK , ,el. l.y jtel .,l,t Ihot,1 ut w. llMilflil.' I OlleU .-lilU- .81 , alsji ' ST. 'MARTS IiiSTIT t. 5:vimv, ri.r.ixtijy. This it :t:tyt:.r.ri, thjit--re-l July, 1 ;.; ; . conduti I hy t!if F;! cnl '.-i-.u-'n a Dame, :-.;J priivUi-l v;',i f.t.-y r-. conduclv; to rhysicftl, latcllcctaal ar.J : ; developino:it. The of education c.'i.lira.'cs f. v:y useful naj ornanaual branch of art e. ' science suitable lor yotnin laJicii. For caU -loguc, nJJrcss MOTHER SUPLRIO:?, St. Mary's Institute,' Quincy, 111. CHORTHAi DT'f""""' ' U i"K aurf Wnmn.lip iho- r-i;tfiiiy taurfhi, 1 ,c .a u-a, ht-i run muilliu, chSD b .aril, ami the ftirt Cummcrkil Coilj, lluil'nng in AiltrriMi, (;rt.luitlc rnailily MCurc fc;l- Xitiuiii. Brauiiful flanrnird Cau!tzu iitLE. dJrrtlll. .. Ml.'SSKI.MAN, Pr.l,i.ilt. Oem City Buaisaaa Culieito, Uutncr , IU. ! hatCollere, Arademlc, Normal, Art, Music, i ommercial ami Mialel fachuul Uearlniuuis. Il la strictly flrslclun, and blh (Trade, bul charir cm I y n l nra t a pric n . Lio-ed ur t kin -I. Hpsrlalllle, HTUONO IN ALU UEI'AKTMKNTS. I.hAJ'S KVbUYBOUY IN ART and MUSIC. Instmctlim by Europ ean Artist sat prices within rearb of wesloro peoTile. Com aail tn our ART II AM- laiaudt Ira risva aiaa l'rrfrn, twi tlrf :mt Tim Organ, IA rianH,t'iliiiilort:tnt. f'ifit.ijf, iMtira.rcrarbandft, Oraiado btx l', bf luiilnl I l.atx-l, imw Aatltwriaa, I in coana of I ciui ana cunearit, timm O'aiai aluia, WIHnry Cuuiii y, l.t tin tnl. IkalrMt niat Sl. 1 1 K. 4 tirmi af mn Vackl aata. Cak aWa fraaj. R. Cart A. iiiia, rV D, FMa. fist