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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1895)
-4 4-1 The Sioux County Journal, VOLUME VIII. HARKISOX, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, SEPT. 10, 1895. NUMBER 2. i Inland. When the blue dawn of lummrr morn ing chang e To brooding warmth of iimrlif, apread Ing bright; A ad long, iwwl ahadowa down the level range. And all the crag and upland laugh iu lifht. I long then for the music of the sea Breaking against ll shore, with aoDgi for nie. When the tired glory of the drowy noon Shut Inward half the light that thrill my heart; And brlnga to dreamy eye the aleep too aoon That fold me, from the outward world apart. In that strange hour I hear the rhyth mic aweep Of strong inooming tide, ao cool, ao deep. Id rose-gray twilight, when the mint of dew Half veil the white star-blossom of the eky, And the Hear wind come, slowly breath ing through My curtain fold, with tuneleaa melody, I listen till I catch the tone divine Of sea aonga, far away, but alway mine. Madeline 8. Bridge. Ooldenrod. The spirit of the golden autumn tide I In thee, happy dancing golden rod! When I first aee thy yellow bloom heatde The hot-whit doty road, or see the kid Thy plamy flower where hawthorn bead and nod, I seen to feel the glad September air. To aee the haae o'erhang the distant hill, To bear the cricket from It leafy lair, T taste the purple grape nd ripened pear. And a great gladness all my spirit Alls. Herald of gorgeous flowery host. The aster and the flaming cardinal flower, Of all th autumn blooms thou sesmest most To call me from the ranlty and boast Of men, to seek a glorious pulsing hour Where reddening foliage la overhead, And fragrant winds sing of a bounte ous God, Where brown lea res rustle to the rabbit's tresd; O swaying autumn flower, well is it ssld, A nation's blossom I the yellow golden rod! Karl Buhle. Rarth-Hound. Reek who will for tarry lore, Myterie of the milky way, O'er the secret spectrum pose. Gathered from the distant ray. Heedless I Of the sky, Olve me what the grasses say Whispering down the summer day. Search who lists the unfathomed deep Far below the laughing ware, Wistful what the ages keep 4 Safely id In ocean caves. - Naught care I What they bear. Tell me whnt the bubbles hymn ' Dancing on the billow's brim. Turn who longs the dusty scroll, Record of a vanished age. Beck what fired the hero's soul, Nerved his arm or dulled bis rage. What I prlie Never lies, Give me but the faithful chart Of my comrade's loving heart. Samuel Minturn Peck, in Boston Tran script Love's Ilirth-lf oar. What wss the day when, sweet, I loved thee first? The day when my heart trembled at thy tone Almost as much as would my lips have done Could they have slaked at thine their new-born thirst? When did this passion Into flower burnt, As a bud into a rose, beneath the sun? When felt I first my body and soul as one? Life with thee bless'd, without thee, emp ty, and rurs'd? Who notes Love's birth-hour then? In sooth, not I; Though love, like all things, hath its birth and growth, And love at tint sight Is a short-lived thing; Not shall I know the hour when Ixive must die. For that will be my death-hour, too. and both Will pass to where Is no remembering. Philip Bonrke Marston. The Legend of Whit Violets. Twin violet grew together In a wood. Each told the other secrets of th skies; On each shone down the light of angel f ye, : ' ' ' - Dyeing their potato la a purple flood. ..-...,. i Asd the, socn ruthless band tort them apart; ' - 7 ' ' Took om and left tbe otto there alone. Paid r sway thaw who Might Aa vm wba lie a haart to lngi to tho arowstr. TALM AGE'S SERMON. TALKS ON THE MOST CONSPIC UOUS FIGURE IN HISTORY. A fVrsson that Most Be Fnll of Insplr allot to Christiana Everywhere Christ the Object of Faith and Love and Hope-Treasures in Heaven. Christ Is the Chief. For hi sermon for Sunday afternoon, Hev. Dr. Talinage selected a Upic which must prove full of inspiration to Christian everywhere. The title of hi disburse til "The Chieftain." and the text, "The chiefet among ten thousand," Canticle v 10. The most couspicuou character of his tory tep out upon the platform. The finger which, diamonded with light, point ed down to him from Bethlehem sky wa only a ratification of the nnger of prophecy, the linger of genealogy, the finger of chronology, tire tinner of events all five finger pointing in one direction. Christ is the overtopping figure of all time. He is the "vox lijiiiana" in all music, the gracefulest lim in all sculp ture, the most exquisite mingling of lights and shadea in all painting, the acme of all climaxes, the dome of all eatbedraled grandeur and the peroration of all language. The Greek alphatiet is made up of t wen ty-four letters, and when Christ compared himself to the first letter and the last let ter, the Alpha and the Omega, he appro priated to himself all the splendors that you can spell out either with those two letters or all the letters between them, "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the be ginning and the end. The Chieftain. What doe that Scripture mean which says of Christ, "He that coineth from above i above all?" It mean after you have piled up all Alpine and Himalayan altitude the glory of Christ would have to spread its wings and descend a thou sand league to touch those summits I'elion, a high mountain of Theasaly; Oaaa, a high mountain, and Olympus, a high mountain, but mythology telle ua when tbe gianta warred against the goda they piled up these three mountains, and from the top of them proposed to rcale the heavens, but the height was not great enough, and there was a complete failure. And after all the giants Isaiah and Paul, prophetic and apostolic giants; Uaphael and Michael Angelo, artistic giants; cher ubim and seraphim and archangel, celestial gianta have failed to climb to the top of Christ's glory they might sll well unite in the words of l'sul and cry out, "Above all!" 'Above all!" But Solomon in my text prefer to call Christ "The Chief tain," and so to-day I hail him. First, Christ must be chief in our preaching. There are so many book on homiletics scattered through the country that all laymen, as well as all clergymen, have made up their minds what sermons ought to be. That sermon is the most effectual which most pointedly puts forth Christ as the pardon of all sin and the correction of all evil individual, social, political, national. There is no reason why we should ring the endless changes on a few phrases. There are those who think that if an exhortation or a discourse have frequent mention of justification, snnctification, covenant of works and covenant of grace, therefore it must be profoundly evangelical, while they are suspicious of a discourse which presents the name truth, but under different phrase ology. Now, 1 say there is nothing in ail the opulent realm of Anglo-Knxnnisni, of all the word treasures that we inherited from the Latin and the Greek and the Indo-Kiiropean, but we have a right to marshal it in religious discussion. Christ sets the example. His (lustrations were from the grass, the flowers, the barnyard fowl, the crystals of salt, as well as from the seas and the stars, and we do not propose In our Sunday school teaching and in our pulpit address to be put on the limits. Words and Their Power. I know that there is a great deal aiiid in our day against words, as though they were nothing. They may he misused, but they have an imperinl power. They are the bridge between soul and soul, be tween Almighty God and the hum an race. What did Christ write upon the table of stone? Words. What (lid Christ utter on .Mount Olivet? Words. Out of what did Christ strike the spark for the illum ination of the universe? Out of words. "Let there be light," aud light was.. Of course, thought is the cargo, and words are only the ship; but how fast would your cargo get on without the ship? What you need, my friends, in all your work, in your Sabbath Behoof class, in your re formatory institutions and what we need Is to enlarge our vocabulary when we come to speak alwuit God and Christ mid heaven. We ride a few old words to death, when there is such illimitable re-' source. Shakspeare employed l.l.UM) dif ferent words for dramatic piirjHiscs; Mil ton employed N.fXH) different words for poetic purposes; Kufu Choute employed over 11,4NJ dilTereut word for legal pur poses, but the most of us have less than j l.'HMl words that we can manage, and that makes u so stupid. When we come to set forth the love of Christ we urc going to take the tctidvrest phraseology wherever we find it, ami if it lias never been used In that direction be fore all the more shall we use it. When we come to speak of the glory of Christ the conqueror we are going to draw our similes from triumphal arch and oratorio snd everything grand and stupendous. The French nary have eighteen flags by which they give signal, but those eighteen flags tkey can put Into 68,000 different combinations. And I hare to toll you that these standards of the cross may he liftod Into combinations Infinite and varie ties everlasting. And lot toe say to the rtMmg tew who const fresh tno tasekHlcaJ mlaHo mto oo ssrvlssay and an, aftffkBrtle,aateproaafeOM Yon will have the largest liberty and un limited resource. You only have to pre sent Christ in jonrowu way. Christ's Power. Brighter than the light, fresher than tbe fountains, deeper than the seas, are all these gospel themes. Song has no melody, flower no sweetness, sunset sky no color compared with these glorious themes. These harvests of grace spring up quicker than we can sickle them. Kin dling pulpits with their fire and producing revolutions with their power, lighting up dying beds with their glory, they are the weetet thought for the poet, and they are the uumt thrilling illustration for the orator, and they offer the mot intense scene for the artist, and they are to the etnhaiador of the sky all enthusiasm. Complete pardon for direst guilt. Sweet est comfort for ghastliest agony. Bright est hoie for grimmest death. Grandest resurrection for darkest sepnlcher. . Oh, what a gosel to preach! Christ the chief. His birth, his suffering, his miracles, hi parables, his sweat, his tears, his blood, his atonement, his inten-essiou what glorious themes! Io we exercise faith? Christ is its object. Do we have love? It fastens on Jesus. Hsvt we s fondness for the church? It is ltecause Christ died for it. Have we a hope of heaven? It is because Jesus went there, the herald and the forerunner. Tbe royal robe of Demetrius wss so costly, lo beautiful, that after be had put it off no one ever dared to put it on, but this robe of Christ, richer than that, the poorest and the weakest and the worst may wear. "Where sin abounded grace may much more abound." "Oh, my sins, my sins," said Martin Luther to Staupits, "my sins, my sins!" The fsct Is thst tbe brawny German stu dent hsd found s Lstin Bible thst made him quake, and nothing else ever did make him quake, and when he found how, through Christ, he was pardoned and saved, he wrote to a friend, saying: "Come over and join us great and awful ainners saved by the grace of God. You seem to be only a slender sinner, sad yoa don't much extol the mercy of God; but we thst have been auch very awful sin ners praise his grsce the more now thst we have been redeemed." Can it be thst yon are so desperately egotistical that yoa feel yourself in first-rate spiritual trim, and that from the root of th hair to the tip of the toe you are scarleaa and im maculate? What you need is a looking glass, and here it is in the Bible. Foor and wretched and miserable and blind and naked from the crown of the head to the sole of the foot, full of wounds and putrefying sores. No health in us. And then take the fact that Christ gathered up all the notea against us and paid them, and then offered us the receipt! And how much we need him in our sorrow! We are independent of circumstances if we have his grace. Why, he made Paul sing in the dungeon, and under that grace St, John from desolate Patmos heard the blast of the apocalyptic trumpets. After all other candle have been snuffed out, this is the light that gets brighter and brighter unto the perfect day; and after, under the hard hoofs of calamity, all the pools of worldly enjoyment have been trampled Into deep mire, at the foot of the eternal rock the Christian, from cups of granite lily rimmed, put out the thirst of his soul. Consolation for the Dying. Again, I remark that Christ is chief in dying alleviations. I have not any sym pthy with the morbidity abroad about our demise. The emperor of Constantinople arranged that on the day of his coronation the stonemason should come and consult him about the tombstone that after awhile he would need. And there are men who are mouomanincal on the subject of de parture from this life by death, and the more they think of it the less they are prepared to go. This is an utimanliness not worthy of you, not Worthy of me. Suladin, the greatest conqueror of his day, while dying, ordered that the tunic ho had on him be curried after his death on his spenr at the head of his army, and that then the soldier, ever nml nnon, should stop and say; "Behold all that is left of Suladin. the emperor and conquer or! Of all the states he conquered, of all tlx wealth he accumulated, nothing did he retain but this shroud." 1 have no sympathy with such behavior, or such ab surd demonstration, or with much that we hear uttered iu regard to departure from this life to the next. There is a common sensii al idea on this subject that you need to consider there are only two styles of departure. A thousand feet un derground, by light of torch, toiling in a minor's shaft, a ledge of rock may full upou us, and we may die a minor's death. Far out at sea, falling from the slippery ratlines and broken on the halliards, we may die a sailor's death. On mission of mercy in hospital, amid broken Jmnes and reeking leprosies and raging vers, wc may die a philanthropist's death. On the field of battle, serving God and our coun try, slugs through the heart, the gun car riage may roll over ua, and we may die a patriot's death. But, after all, there are only two styles of departure the death of the rightiius and the death of the wicked and we all want to die the former. God grant that when that hour comes you may be at home. You want the hand of your kindred in your hand. You want your children to surround you. Yon want the light on your pillow from eyes that have long reflected your love. You want your room still. You do not want any cu rious strangers standing around watch- ing you. You want your kindred from afar to hear your last prayer. I think that Is the wish of all of us. But is that all? Can earthly friends hold us up when the billows of death come up to the girdle? Can human voice charm open heaven' gate? Can human hand pilot us through the narrows of death into heaven's har bor? Can any earthly friendship shield ns from the arrows of death, Snd In the dour when antan shall practice upon ns hJs Infernal archery No, no, no, not AUa, poor soul. If that Is all. Bettor dlo In tfea wilderness, far from tree shadow and front fountain, alone, vulture circling throttfb ta tW trailing for oar tody, an known to ,' to feat ho InM, If snWyU Cfetstik?aji to r' she -aMi-twdoa, "I WU1 aevor km ;tao, I will Mrs forsake then." From that pillow of toue a ladder would soar heaven want, angels coming and going, aud across the solitude and the barrenness would come the sweet note of heavenly minstrelsy. Their Last Word. Gordon Hall, far from home, dying in door of a heathen temple, said, "Glory to thee, O God!" What did dying Wilber force say to his wife? "Come and sit be side me, aud let us talk of heaven. I never knew what happiness was until I fouud Christ." What did dying Hannah More say? "To go to heaven, think what that is! To t to Christ, who died that I might live! Oh, glorious grave! Oh. what a glorioua thing it is to die! Oh, the love of Christ, tbe love of Chrhrt!" What did Mr. Toplady, the great hymn maker, say iu his last hour? "Who can measure the depth of the third heaven? Oh, the sunshine that fills my soul! I shall soon be gone, for surely no one can live in this world after such glories as God has manifested to my soul." What did the dying Janeway say? "I can as easily die as close my eyes or turn my head iu sleep. Before a few hour have passed I shall stand on Mount Ziou with the one hundred and forty and four thousand, and with the just men madt perfect, and we shall ascribe riches aud honor and glory and majesty and domin ion unto tiod and the I,amb." Dr. Tay lor, condemned to burn at the stake, on his way thither broke away from the guradsmen and went hounding and leap ing and jumping toward the fire, glad to go to Jesus and to die for him. Sir Charles Hare, in his last moment s.had such rapturous vision that he cried, "Upward, upward, upward!" And so great was th peace of one of Christ's disciples that he put hi finger uxn the pulse iu bis wrist and counted it and observed it, and so great was his placidity thst after awhile he said, "Stopped!" and hi life hail end ed here to begin in heaven. But grander than that was the testimony of the worn nut first missionary, when in the Manier tine dungeon he cried: "I am ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith; henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lird, the righteous Judge, will give me in thai day, and not to me only, hut to all them that love his appearing!" Do you not se that Christ is chief in dying alleviations': Mope for the Bedeented. Toward the last hour of our earthly resi dence we are speeding. When I see the sunset I nay, "One day less to live." When I see the spring blossoms scattered, I ssy, "Anohtre season gone forever." When I close the Bible on Sabbath night I say, "Another season gone forever." When I bury a friend I say, "Another earthly attraction gone forever. What nimble feet the year have! The roe bucks and the lightnings run not so fast. From decade to decade, from sky to sky, they go at a bound. There is a place for us, whether marked or not, where you and I will sleep the last sleep, and the men are now living who will, with solemn tread, carry us to our resting place. Aye, it is known in heaven whether our departure will he a coronation or a banishment. Brighter than a banqueting hall through which the light feet of the dancers go up and down to the sound of trumpeters will be the sepnlcher through whose rifts the holy light of heaven Btreemeth. God will watch you. He will send his angels to guard your slumbering dust, until, at Christ's behest, they shall roll away the stone. So also Christ is chief in heaven. The Bible distinctly says that Christ is the chief theme of the celestial ascription, all the thrones facing his throne, all the palms waved before his face, all the crowns down at his feet. Cherubim to cherubim, seraphim to seraphim, re deemed spirit to redeemed spirit, shall re cite the Savior's earthly sacrifice. Stand on some high hill of heaven, and in nil the radiant sweep the most glorious object will be Jesus. Myriads gazing on the scars of his suffering, in silence first, afterward breaking forth into acclama tion. The martyrs, all the purer for the flume through which they passed, will say, "This is the Jesus for whom we died." The apostles, all the happier for the shipwreck and the scourging through which they went, will say, "This is the Jesus whom we preached at Corinth, and at Cappadocin, and at Antioeh, and at Jerusalem." Little children clad In white will aay, "This is the Jesus who took ns in his arms and blessed us, and, when the storms of the world were too cold and loud, brought us into this beautiful nlsce." I The multitude of the bereft will suy, "This is the Jesus who comforted us when our hearts broke." Many who wan dered clear off from God and plunged into vagabondism, but were saved by grace, will say: "This is the Jesus who par doned us. We were lost on the moun tains, and he brought us home. We were guilty, aud he has made us white as snow." Mercy boundless, grace unpar alleled. And then, after each one has re cited his peculiar deliverances and pecu liar mercies, recited them as by solo, nil the voice will come together into a greut chorus, which will make the arches echo and re-echo with the eternal reverberation of triumph. Kdward I. was so anxious to go to the Holy Land that when he wus about to ex pire he bequeathed $ IIKI.OtM) to have his heart, after his decease, taken to the Holy Land in Asia Minor, and his request was complied with. But there are hundreds to-day whose hearts are already in the Holy Land of heaven. Where your treas ures ore, there are your hearts also. Quaint John Bunyan caught a glimpse of that place, and in his quaint way he said, "And I heard In my dream, and, lot the bells of the city rang again for Joy, and as they opened the gates to let In the men I looked In after them, and, lot the city shone like the sun, and there were streets of gold, and men walked on them, harps In their bands, to ring praise withal, and after that they shut an the gates, which when I had seen I wished myself among them!" ' ' " t . . After an Boaulrog . Is burled no member of flw nunlly rUtta tbo grir ft to floiMMcfsjQ DulUvky to Ao no V0IL BY THE WOMEN SOME OF THE VERY LATEST IDEAS IN DRESS. Frivolity Is to Belgn ln the Makenp of Fall Fashions Taffetas and Chancsabls Bilks, Dresden and Stripe Will Be as popular as Ever. Styles for September, tiew fork Oorrespoo dance: LENTIFUL 1 . gj gaaw the s u p p 1 y o f g lOJ handsome wool t " l" en goods to be JfjL Ifo found In the tores, and these materia la have ao much to rec ommend them tbatthey are sure to be much worn. Soft wool ln new weave that give exqul lte grace of fold with the becom ing surface of wool unimpaired are shown In all sorts of delicate shades, and It is to be hoped that there will be a little rest from the glare and crackle of silk. Cer tain It Is that silk has been so much worn for the past few years that any es pecially artistic significance that it should have been loL At the same time taffetas aud changeable silks, dresden and stripes, opal and sunset taffetas will be as popular as ever. Whole gowns of the petticoat fashion will be made of these materials and the A SA FK DEGREE OF KLAHORATIOX. gleam of a satin petticoat all be-frilled with lace and a-flutter with ends of rib bon will offer no rest to the eye. Friv olity Is to reign, and the young woman who has made an Impression of late for smooth locks and demure old-tluie gowns must doff all that and pretend herself a coquette, from the ruffle at the red-heeled foot to the nodding feath ers lu her curving locks. With woolen goods to start with as the basis of the new costume, It Is not easy to attain such a degree of airi ness, nor Is It desirable, but, on the other hand, these new wool weaves are not Intended for entirely plain designs. If It seems incongruous to adoru them with laces and ribbons, there Is still left an opiwrtunlty to express originali ty In a dou't-care-for-the-eost way, by slashing the dress goods here and there to show a richer stuff beneath. For her who desires that her fnll gown shall be distinguished by this characteristic, the costume shown beside the Initial letter presents a model of Interest. The cloth of this bodice is cut ln straps that fasten lu front with numerous peart buttons over a round vest of fancy silk that extends to the waist Its standing collar has a lace frill finish, and the wide elbow sleeves are gathered sev eral times at the shoulder. In the skirt there Is no outright change from the style of summer, btit Its front breadth takes unusual shape, and buttons to match those on the bodice are put at U C) BAT BVlTiao WITH CBIVrOsT top and bottom. Thar in wvmn who can ndrertls th chug of sooaon by Mt drssi that art Mrkodtr ttffsjroat ln Important Items from those they have but just discarded, but their num ber Is amall, aud tbe million are muck wiser to meet fashion's shift alswriy with such dresses air this. In to-day's second pictured model there is shown tbe extreme of elabora tion In a dress of woolen stuff that la likely to prove tasteful. It would cer tainly seem as If there was no need of more elaborateness to satisfy any one's SIMPLT MADE OF GRAY BRIIXI AH TIXE. taste, but there are always a-plenty of women who are forever overdoing in such matters. The dress material here is brown cheviot and the entire bodice Is covered with a cuirass of cream gui pure threaded with gold. Then belt, collar, bretelles and rosettes are of brown and white striped satin ribbon. With so much that is highly wrought about the bodice, an entirely plain skirt would hardly be ln keeping, bo It is fan pleated from its central boxpleat, and two pleats at tbe left side are set oft by showy steel buttons. To return to sleeves, examination of the next Illustration will show that do crease In their size is not apparent ln every dress, nor Is fit at the shoulder an essential. Indeed, tbe Indications are, now that tbe powers that be have granted permission for smaller sleeves, that there will be a flood of odd shapes, each one representing the attempt of some ambitious designer to control th change of style. These were probably made as big aa they are In the hope that they would be more readily ac cepted because of their being little changed ln respect to dimensions from the shapes that were passing. They had interlining of the dress goods and the four puffs were gray chiffon. The gray suiting of the bodice was entirely covered with embroidery of black silk, except for slashes in front through which accordion-pleated gray chiffon showed. Departure Is made In the concluding two pictures from costumes that are ln- JAUNTINKSft IN OUTING DRESS tended to be dressy, for one presents a dress for the garden, or to roam the fields in, and the last is a neat tailor rl for fall outing use. The first of these Is of gray brllllantlne, with full, uu trlmmed skirt. Its blouse waist hns a vest of blue satin covered with gui pure and n pointed satin yoke. On eith er side of the vest a pleat extends from waist to neck and la finished with a draped collar of the satin. The full sleeves are draped with green knots, and end ln lace-covered blue cuffs. The outing costume Is taken from gray-striped cheviot and includes a fit ted packet having a plain basque and coat revers with turned down collar, finished with stitching at the edges. A linen chemisette with tie of bright plaid and a tailor-made vest with shawl col lar and double row of button offers a pleasant change from tbe customary shirt waist or silk blouse, although eith er can be worn. If preferred. Th hat la a felt alpine with a jaunty feather at thealdo. Otsrrtctt lam A fortnight after Eaater the Engltot) formerly obaerred a festival called Hock TM. It waa customary for tbo woanoas to go oat Into tb vtrosta with ordjaj u4 btooV the ) whoa tiny mft mitfl th latter 9tttmt Omit leaao with snail mtrtbtftfeo of motto?.