The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, September 12, 1895, Image 7

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    )rakl ittm I Mi Air. t.
I lie Itrclui, the lr'rHirh geographer
who wssnlbd for lb fnrt di took tn
the tdininuD, will oon go t Kug.arid
to cHi.
M. Kdwards, director of Matin
the mint prominent and enterprising
of the Parisian journals, has retired
from j jurnsliisni.
i-o well informed a man as James
l'nyne wri'e in the London UluHrau
Newt about "tbestat. of Albany" Hi.d
iti proposed ! t i-lal :on.
VVbrn Dr. K. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y..
pubiii-hed the firs editiun of his work, The
People1 Common Sense Medical Adviser,
be announced that after 6x0,000 copies had
been sold at the regular price, $1 50 per
copy, the profit on which would repay him
lor the great amount of labor and money
expended in producing it, be would dis
tribute the next half million free. As this
number of copies has already been sold, he
is now distributing, absolutely t ee, 5.0,000
copies of this . most com
plete, interest- COUPON I inif and val
uable common I No. 112 I ne tned-
icil work ever published
the recipient only being required to mail
to him, at the above address, this little
corpus with twenty-one (ji) cents in one
cent stamp to pay fur pot;ige and pack
ing only, and the book will be sent by mail.
It is a veritable medical library, complete
in one volume. It contains over n pages
and more than yo illn trillions. The I tee
hdilion is precisely the same as those sold
at $1 v except only that the books are
bound in strong manilla paper covers in
stead of cloth Send NOW before all are
given away. They are going off rapidly.
Beecham's pills are for bil
iousness, sick headache, diz
ziness, dyspepsia, bad taste
in the mouth, heartburn, tor-
pid liver, foul breath, sallow
I r v
skin, coated tongue, pimples.
loss of appetite, etc., when
caused by constipation; and
constipation is the most fre
quent cause of all of thm.
, . .
One of the most important thine foe
ere ry body to learn in that constipation I'f (be tnlnnvo users who I know are le
causes more than half the sickness in the i "roying (heir lives and vitality by the
vorld.esoeciall v of women anrt iii-.n n
be prevented. Go by the look , free at your
dru (gist's, or write B.F.AllenCo.,i65Canal
St-, New York, l'llln.lo and jj a bo.
ABniiiiiii., m-r thin t."i rrc h 1
I lie Greatest Medical Discovery
o the Age.
Has discovered in one of our common
pasture weeds a remedy that cures every
kind of Humor, from the worst bcrofula
down to a common r'imple.
He h.istnc'1 it In over eleven hundred
cases, and never fatlej except In two cases
(both thunder humor). He has now In his
possession over two hundred certificates
of its value, all within twenty miles of
Bosk m. Send postal card for biAk.
A benefit Is always experienced from
the first bottle, and a'perfect cure is war
ranted when the right quantity is taken.
When the lungs are affected it causes
shooting pains, like needles passing
through them; the same with the Liver or ,
Bowels. This is caused by the ducts being
stopped, and always disappears in a week
after taking it. Read the label.
If the stomach Is foul or bilious it wilt
cause squeamish feelings at first.
No change of diet ever necessary. Eat
the best you tan get, and enough of it.
Dose, one tab'espoonful (n water at bed
tnr Sold bv all Druggists.
it ajn. iock I'Kutiuiai r-UK 1r
The best
Nursing MothersJnfants
fHf aTlTlV
A MkMmJ lViil"
J. FRANCIS. Gen'l Pais'r Agent, OMAHA. NEB.
Can only be accomplished "Itu (tie very ho
of tools and . . appliances
WlUiaDavs. Wf Creaia hr
raioroDtlMi tfT - farm you an
ure ot more S W-J eUe
butter, wlilla J tnesklmm
mllklsavsl- I uar"e feed
Fanners will V f make no mil
UketoKeta V V-v Davis. Neal
Illustrate J ""'
mailed ma Agents want
Csf. UssSsIs a PssrWrs tls.. Cs'cssa.
o .it s "UU "si"st
WHU It It Tsaior-i On K
Veara of slavery and How tie Vm
laixd - Health la J ui proving Nk
Gained rifleen I'ouniU in WeiKht
Talfcs A In. ut His I1.I1 trrer Daily.
I ri.aiia, iiliiu, Kt-it. !t, 1SX. (Special.
'1 ins tnnn 1 iu iiuie a Uul ol exeile
uimt niij.e the fails about the improve
p;.. .i il of many of our leailui)
i-ituu ir..H'HH ,i..,un. Anilrr.ii A
I'rsim-r, tlje w hull-sale ami retail ilm
Kista. tt.-re caiieij oil ami mm! admit
ted lLat 1 hey were tiie tirt tu start thi
(.ml Work, i Mr. Aiiiirson termed it
'e. Hi ililPMlured .Mi-l'uHai- nil.i thii
('nil aUitit Ihree jearn agi, 1 he ill mam
t the start Mas Very lie. it, the folk ha
!' fault in it, hut Me suli to a tew ienile
and In our (creat asioii t him nl every ou
reisirled a cure. Siin-e (lull lime we luiv.
sold iiuiiilreils of lioes. aud every one uu
der a guarantee to ure or reluiid thi
limiiey, anil fttniuge as it nr.iy Hem, w
have never hud a .nil to refund money
'J Ins is imleeil a jri-at rceord of merit,
and it is beeuuse of this merit t tin t tin
'is sa'e has resulted. As every euri
brines in at least twi nty-hve customers
we know Ihal Xo-To- line can be relied
upmi in every respeet, and Nii-Tii Hue 1101
only relieves the nervuus irritation aud
makes the use of tolmiri, entirely iinnee
pssury, but at the same time builds tip aud
furtilies the general physical condition.
I just sum two of uur prmniiieiit mer
chuuts pHSs down (he opposite side of
the mi reel ; they w ere cured by No-To-Kac
t year him. and they have tint used tobacco
since and have been greatly im
proved ill health. We hare a (treat
many customers, men who ar well
advanced in years, who have been
cured of the tobacco habit by the
use of Xi.-To-I.ai1. and who continue
taking it right along for its tunic effects.
As a natural invigorator and stimulant
we believe there is 110 prcparat ion in
America to eipial it."
"V011 kuntv K. I'. Wilkins, our sheriff,
don't you r"
"Vi s, of course, I do."
"Well, you want to interview him."
Mr. Wilkills una .-hMi.iI iii.itii mul laljt-
UY,B; N(iv'-Ilil" r '"'. i bought my
first onl nf n- I ii- Itm. ft...... A ...I.. ....... jk.
("miner. I hud little faith, and lo my
great surprise, after using purl of the
third box. I was completely cured and did
not have the least desire for tobacco. 1
had been a perfect slave tn tobacco for
liver twenty live years: I smoked Irum
twelve to fifteen cigars a day; lo-d.iy I
feel better, 1 sleep better, think better,
nd I have gained fifteen tumuils in
I -.!. .1.1 .....I 1. ...... 1.. ..... .. .!.. l
1 " 'S'o. in in. -1 1- is inn it u;i v passes mat
:i du nut ri.e,,n.m..ii Vn.Tn.ti
use of the weed.
Further investigation revealed the fact
that there are WHl people living in this
town and the surrounding country who
Save been cured by No-To-Hnc. If the
tires go on at this rale it will not be very
'ong before the tobacco industry is going
'.n be seriously affected. The sale of No-ro-Mac
has been phenomenal.
The public should be warned, however,
igainst the purchase of any of the tunny
mitalinns on the market, as the success
f No-To-lbic has brought forth a host
f counterfeiters and imitators. The gen
jitie No-To-Hue is sold under a guarantee
to cure by all druggists, and every Inblet
Sas the word No-To-Hac plainly stamped
hereon, and in the purchase of the gen
line article you run no physical or finan
:ial risk.
Hriffttre of Mil Kinds.
Milk which bus stood over ten mln
its in a sickroom should never be
A liouse well built nf the beat brick,
t Is laid, will outlast one constructed
)f granite.
It Is estimated that the thinnest part
)f a soap bubble is only l-i5fi,000th of
it inch in thickness.
When a snake has gorged liseif with
large meal, its skin is so stretched
hat the scales are some distance apart.
fl Karw Ills lluln.ns.
She Don't you .think my new bat Is
ts pretty as a picture?
He Oh, no; the hat is a pretty frame
for the more beautiful picture that
joes with It. N. Y. Tribune.
Hall's Catarrh Cure
la a constitutional cure. Price 75 rents.
Friend Don't you belong to a club?
liusiness Man No; can't afford It.
Takes all I can spare to pay dues at,
the clubs my wife belongs to. Y.
I I can recommend Pisu's Cure for Con
uuiition tosnfl'erers from Asthma. E. I).
Towshenu, Ft. Howard, Wis., May 4, 18M.
He I would love to go abroad on
-..Hdlnir trln. dearest but the
thought of seasickness unmans me.
j Khe Don't lei it disturb you m bit,
darling. 1 am never seasick. llrook
lyn Life.
Mrs. WUislow's heoTHiNO HYROr for ehllif.
ren teslhlnjr, softens the srnitu, ruluces lnfltm
instlon.sllsyspsln.curMWlnd colic, tie bottle.
The emerald is now one of the rarest
of precious stones.
The Foundation
of Good Health is
Pure, Rich Blood
And the surest, bast way to
purity your blood Is to take
llood's Pills ".Si.
fhs St. Joieph and Qlrand Island" K. T: I
TO ALl flints
Union Pacific System
nt tsb rsraaita aauts
Talalllarals, Orsgoa ana all Wsstsra folnti
Far ralarssstlsa rsf araiag saws, aw..
tt nm saf aaBt or vX I'.i
aa'l ataaaiat. M Ja-fc. Ma.
fi.H.V. Ma. Slt--3t.
York Nsb
' siuM sar m saw ba advartlaasjisn
.. r -
Daviea for Uulnailiuu and Htacblnu
Uar, Straw and Fodder A Tetupo
rr r-hula for Tr.ok I'uaturea
Fatten Via turljr OcuutmI Nutus.
Slrrrila Mat-kin? Kevire.
riace a atuut pole i.r mast :i, S ftft
Umg, six or eghl luetic in the ;riiuiil
wilblu four feet of tin- end of the In
ti'Uib'd alack aud two fiwt frmii the side.
Ii'juiiijr over the atai-k In a sluntiug po
sition, as bliawii lu the Illustraiiou. Tlio
loud t is oq tbo oppobku siilo of the
. - scv
stack. There are stroug guy ropes to
hold the must lu position, and of sm-li
leufjth mat when In the position Illus
trated the two ropes d aud g are tljfbt,
while the rope b Is loom. The fork Is
pulled down aud luserted la the load
of hay and the horse attached at u,
the load Is lifted, aud when It reaches'
the top a, a lino of drart will pull the
pole towards an upright piwltlou, al,
Ihe rope b becoming tight and the rope
d loose. Iu this manner It la possible
to swing the forkful of hay up over the
slack, and if the ropes ure properly ar
ranged, to drop It anywhere along the
center of the mack. An soon as the
forkful of hay falls off, the must Is
pulled buck by the man who loads the
hay fork. Of course, these guy ropes
must be arranged so as to allow tin;
niflfrt to move lu any dinired position.
This can be easily accomplished by any
one who has average Ingenuity. A pul
ley Is needed at mast bend for fork rope
to run through. Also set a abort pot
In the ground about two feet from the
mast, parallel with the stuck; put a
pulley 011 this, run the fork rope through
It, and hitch the horse to the end. With
this simple device, twenty or thirty
largo linls of hay may be put iu a
single stack with very little maiiual la
bor. A nierlca n A grim 1 1 urlst.
At Milking Time.
Cows, to make the most of their op
portunities, need lo be milked In quiet,
and a larger part of the hot mmi11is
some sort of soiling crop must be fed to
obtain the best results, which means
prolonging Ihe milk How, ami nowhere
can this be so well done, ami earn cow
rtH-eive her due proportion, as in the
stable. It lias been a matter of observa
tion with us, says the I'racthul Farmer,
that a cow Moon comes to have a home
plait; In the stable, and to be tied there
twice a day and have some provender,
grain or forage, on her arrival, give
her a matter to look forward to and
even long for, and In the afternoon the
cows have a home longing and start for
"the bars," and getting up the cows
with loy, horse and dog is an obsolete
custom on such a farm. In this summer
care of the cows their comfort should
be looked after In the lot. seeing that
there Is plenty of good water and shade
of some kind. '
A Fruit Tree I'est.
One of the insects which annoys the
fruit raiser and destroys many valua
ble trees Is the pear tree psylia. shown
In the accompanying Illustrations. It,
however, has an Inveterate enemy. The
psylia Is shadowed wherever he may
go by a tall, dark Insii-t, which skulks
behind stones and under rotten bits of
wood, breathing hard and only walt'.ig
for a chance lo fall upon his prey rihI
cry, "Ah, ha! At last!"
Weeds Klill in NUroucn.
Some kinds of weeds will only grow
011 very rich soil. Of this class Is the
common purslane known as chick woil
or pigweed, and usually found In gar
dens. It makes an excellent feed for
hog when coulliied In pens, and they
eat It greedily, These weeds contain
a large proportion of nitrogenous mat
ter and rot rapidly when entirely cov
ered by soil. Itut their roots catch so
easily on upturned soli that It Is safest
after uprooting them lu the garden to
throw them to the pigs. Another weed
tiiat Is rich lu nitrogen and potash
In firewood. It I a coarse-growing
Want with rough, prickly stem, which
m jiiis op arter flr.-s la Itie wood.
Ilorsi-s will t-ut It, but we ncter saw ll
wtu-ii by auy other lud of stock.
Hl.ri inar Ihe enirrece t-oib
FreijUi'iit stirring of surface soil, with
thorouli siibsoiling ihe previous fail to
form a storago tmslu fur water lu dry
anils, w.ll enable uiauy crojis to go
tlirtiugii serious drouth with compara
tively little damage. This, with the
posfcibiliiic of windmill power for
pumping wait r by Irrigation, aud too I
knowledge that a little nuier can be
utado lo irrigaie a laiu arru, says tbo .
AKricullurist, Is robbing the annum
drouth of much of Ha terrors. New
forage crops are being adapted to our
soils that will furnish feed during the
dryest times. It Is only recently that
we priulfd an uocouut of tvveuty-seveii
new forage crops at the Massachusetts
exierlmout station, many of which are
wholly uew to most farmers, but bo pro
ductive us to be well worthy of wide
spread trial. The farmer cuuuot con
trol temperature or rainfall, but physi
cal conditions of soil may be so altered ,
that au unusual season can be over
come. e ure Just beginning to under
stand the aoll and how to handle It to
conserve Its moisture. The drouth of
1WJ4 was a severe, but a thorough
Early FutUninyr of Pork.
There Is great advantage In begin
ning to fatten young pigs while the
weather Is still warm aud clover or
grass Is abundant It takes very little
grain to start young pigs to fattening
when they have a run at pasture. That
grain should, If possible, be something
other than corn, for a part of the ad.
vautagri of early fattening Is that the
fattening may begin when there Is
little danger of overfeeding with corn.
Yet the farmer who Is fortunate enough
to have a few thousand bushels of old
corn In his crib can feed It with milk
and wheat bran, so as to make It pro
duce twice as much pork as the same
value of new corn will make two or !
three months later In the season.
Shades for Trerleas Pastures.
Where pastures contain no trees for
shade In the strong heat of summer, It
Is cruel not to afford some artificial
shade for the stiH'k. Such shelter
should be provided on humane grounds,
but there Is a question of dollars and
cents in It as well. Discomfort of any
kind lessens productiveness and
growth. A rough shed of boards, or
even a rough framework covered with
grci'ii houghs, will answer the purpose
very well, but where lumber Is expen
sive and groon boughs are not at hand,
cheap cotton cloth can be used very
effectively and economically. Such
cloth can be bought for five cents or
less a yard, and can lie stretched over
a framework set up against the pasture
Preserving: va. Canning Fruit.
The plan of canning fruit depending
on tlie exclusion of air for Its preserva
tion was a great Improvement In most
casi-s over the old plan of preserving It
by putting It up with equal quautltles
of silgar. At the time It was adopted
the canning process was also much less
costly. Sugar then was high priced,
and the saving of expense was a most
Important consideration. But sugar Is
much cheaper now, aud doing up some
part of the fruit after the old way Is
generally advisable. This Is especially
true of the very acid fruits, which re
quire a good deal of sweetening after
they are taken out of the can before be
ing eaten. The Improvement lu put
ting up with equal weights of sugar
Is almost as great with the sweeter
kinds of fruit These, when merely
canned, are very Insipid, and need a
great deal of sugar to give the fruit fi
decided flavor. As a change from can
ned fruit almoftt everybody will wel
come some that has been put up after
the old formula with equal weight of
white sugar made with Its own Juices
into a thick syrup.
Renovating; Old Pastures.
There are many old pastures which
can be much improved by harrowing
with a forty-tooth drag that will ad
mit the air to the places covered by
moss, says the American Cultivator,
and enable the grass to grow more vig
orously. Of course, some of the roots
of the grass will be destroyed; but the
stirring of the soil will make more
grow In their place. If there Is much
moss on the surface. It will require un
derdrainlng to remove surplus water
to make a permanent Improvement,
Uses of Timber Helta.
Timtier bolts, by breaking off the so
VPre wind In winter, often add one
third or more to the yield of a wheat
crop, and prevent the lodging of both,
wheat and coru during summer storms,
and In prairie counties It has been
proved that with one-sixth of the land
planted lu timber bells the remaining
live-sixths would produce as much
grain as the whole without the timber.
Cniiiiiioo 8111I11 for Hkim Milk.
Add a Utile common soda to the skim
milk before feeding 1 lie calves. It In
chiliiii'd that the soda atoim the foriiiiiFCI,aVC ana UlSaStTOUS. trial.
tion of .he rubber like curd in the ear Better stick to the first-made,
stomach, that Is so often round on wsshimy-rnmnrmnrl Parl
amlniitlon of calves that have died
the dreaded calf disease.
Loose, Hry Kirt Around C""'
Keep the ground loose arr"!'
corn. A blanket of loose, dry0"'
the evaporation of water fr.0'
flo through the corn with
after each hard rain if p1'
Highest of all b Leavening Tower. Latest U.S. GotH Report
ym and ruliit.
The United Zion's Children have 25
societies and 52- members.
The Wesleyan .Methodists have 5T5
societies and a membership of ir,4'.f2.
The Free Methodist bodies have 1,
102 societies and 22,113 communicants.
The U ited Presbyterian church has
aC6 orgsnizatious and 94,402 members.
The Old Amish Mennouites have 25
societies and ZflW members.
The African Union Methodist Protes
tant church has a membership of 3,415.
How he Worked a is)kry Ilore.
The subject under discussion was
balkey horses. John Miller, cashier of
the Citizens' Bank of Big run, had the
Moor. He said:
"When I was a chunk of a boy my
father had a balkey horse which it oc
casionally fell to my lot to drive. It
was a heartrending experience, and 1
often exausted my patience and inge
nuity in attempts to make him go. He
would jog aloug all right on the level or
down bill, but he would not go up hill.
He wonld just stand. If you would
lick him he would proceed to
Finally I hit on a scheme. When I
came to a hill I'd just turn the brute
around and whip hirn and he would
b ick up the bill. When he reached the
top I just turned around and he woujd
go down all right."
Birds Who Follou Slock.
Several kinds of birds are known to
follow cows, horses and other stock
about the pasture for the purpose of
feeding on the insects disturbed by the
feet 08 these animals.
Thought It Wns Hubby.
Police inspector It was very plucky
of you ma'am, to have set upon the
burglar and so able captured him, but
need you have injured him to the ex
tent of necessitating his removal to a
Lady How did I know it was a
burglar? J'd been waiting tin for three
riours for my huRband. I thought it
was him! Comic Cuts,
The CoTFtrd KfTect.
The Lady Cycler (Jeoree, how do I
look in my new bloomers?
Georee (promptly) Hideous.
The Lady Cycler (with joy) George,
iear, how good of you to say so! Chi
cago Record.
An uncut diamond looks very much
like a bit of the best gum arabc.
As One
To Anotfer:
clothes pure
have my
soap baa
"All women f
are beautiful (V
rapine reports." (N.
a is easy, quick and safe if you believe what the ped
Cetnd some irrocers tell vmi .nliont ertn;n u:
11 o - v win warning now-
a' Jow, you can test the ease and the quickness very
f. Hut the safety that is another thine. You ran't
Dve that to yourself without a Inner anr
washing-compound -Pearline.
Drove to you the safety of Pearline. And nothing that can
be, and has been, thus proved will do all your washing and
.cleaning so easily, so quickly, and
bend L rv kwi?". y au i. rooi M-
It T vl and if your rrocar M
W OaCK hMHMLvJufa.
The Almightr Dollar.
National Hanks National banks
were established in the United States
in 1816.
Legal Tender Notes The highest
denomination ot United .States legal
tender notes is ten thousand dollars.
Bills of exchange These were first
used by the Jews in IbX), and in En
gland iu 1307.
The first English Exchange This
was called the 'ihirse," aud was opened
at Louuon by Queen Elizabeth iu 1571.
The Value of Minutei.
A party of ladies and gentlemen
were visiting a large carpet factory,
and tlie manager took them over the
different floors of the establishment.
On ascending one of the staircasts
they came to a locked door, on which
the following inscription was painted
in white letters:
"Strangers not admitted under any
The curiosity of the ladies was ex
cited to a pitch, and they inquired al
most in one breath, "Whatever is to be
seen inside?"
"That is one of our workrooms, iit
which l.'XI women are employed in em
broidering carpets," answered the man
ager. "Ob, how we should just like to have
a peep at them exclaimed the ladies.
"I am sorry I cannot comply with
your wish," said the gentleman, with a
shrug of his shoulders, "but ourrulis
do not admit of the slightest exception.
Truth to say, and there is nothing
special to be seen, nor is there any
question of trade secrets. The reason
why admission is forbidden to strang
ers is simply because every woman
naturally looks up and her attention is
distracted from her work for from one
to five minutes. Supposing, now, each
woman wastes a couple of minutes in
this way, that will make in the case of
150 women a loss to the firm of 3fX)
minutes, or five hours and we cannot
allow that,"
Thrives on good food and sunshine, with
plenty of exernise in the open air. Her
form glows with health, and her face
blooms with its beanty. If her system
needs the clensing action of a laxative
remedy, she uses tnc gentle and pleasant
liquid laxitive, Syrup of Figs.
Maud Evans, a young lady of less
than twenty years of age, residing in
beaver Falls, Pa., is said to her
third set of natural teeth,
Every Monday morning vere Vve
SANTA CLAUS always makes the
and Tte w'thout hanl ntbbing-
washi - J"lu" 0 clocl-
u' lu cencate
lr siiM.. J
' ' o it must
t lrom an acids. I do wish yon
id send down to the Grocer
k.ud get a cake to try on vour
next washing-day. Yon will
and a perfect Laundry Soac
Sold everywhere. Made only by
N. K. Fair-bank
Y. Sun.) So all
washing and
never-chaneincr best-known
any woman can
so economically
- .
T "hinf i. DUc oT p'
1 James ptli, nw Va
la isa