TIIE SIOUX Kfl'NTY JOUR IT A. Xj. o I . J. Simmon. Fditur and Proprietor. V. t.t M. V K. II. Tlm taldf. iioiittf mi. i.iuiik Knt. Xo. &, lliunl 12:10) Nil. , lulled 11:40 FuK HaI.k m Hkxt Tlie Harrison House. I W. ft. Kmitli lias moved into tlw liousu sou til of the parsonaKe. For the hik'hest casn pric for wheat mti Grant Outline. J rA light front nipped tli viu- various localities on last Friday nifht. Horehound compound cough syrup (he grwat remedy for coughs ami cold: . at the Pioneer Pharmacy. Lost UK Stkayku A brown guiding 2 years old, branded circlo ou left thigh, A. MeOlM-EV. J County Clerk Dlewett is fitting up tlieConley house and will occupy with his bride in a short time. If all the rumors of approaching weddings come true Hirrison will goon lie almost devoid of single ole. j The reports in regard to the otuto crop are not very encomaging. The yield will not be nearly as large as last year. A special rate to Hot Springs und return will be made on Sept. 20th Round trip ticket, good returning for thirty days, fUO. A car loaded with oil from the well at Cusper, Wyoming, went east Monday evening. The oil will be on exhibition at the state fair next week. E. E. Livermore had the misfortune to lose one of bis mules by death a few days ago. He was apparently all right out a ve.iy snort time before lie was found dead. T. II. Knyder came in last night will Mr. Eaton, of Rawhide, who was pretty liadly used up by a horw having fallen with him. His shoulder was broken and be came here for treatment. J Jim Nolan's thresher is in this local ity and the grain is surprising all Wheat is yielding from IN to 27 bushels er acre, and oats from to 111) bushels er acre; which is not very lul for this country. Another chapter was added to the history of the West Hat Creek trouble yesterday by (', 1), I'lympton being lined fj.'i and costs on the charge of carrying concealed weapons. The case will bo taken to the district court. Ayers Hair Vigor tonos up the weak hair-roots, stimulates the vessels and tissues which supply the hair with nutrition, strengthens the hair itself, and adds the oil which keeps the shafts soft, lustrous, and silky. The most pop ular and valuable toilet preparation in the world, i It would 13 a good plan for the vil lage authorities to see that the marshal attends more closely to his duties so that the disgraceful scenes enacted on the streets on Saturday and Sunday are not related, it tins is a civilized com niunity it is about time some things were stopped. There is nothing to prevent anyone ;nnvocting a mixture and calling it "sarsaparilla," and there is nothing to prevent anyone sending good money testing the stuff; but prudent xjople, who wish to lie sure of their remedy, '.ike only Ayer s Sarsaparilla. and so get i ureo. -We have a sample of Egyptian Hour corn which was grown by M. Oay- I urt which certainly indicates that, it. u worth iavestigution by the fanners. It stands drouth Is-tt.-r than uny other variety and yields 'well, ll, "is very mien like the iaw corn except that it .s soft, C. K. Kalstrinii. section foi-i-nmn pist this side of Fort Robinson, lunl 1 lie misfortune to gel his arm broken one i!uy last week as the result of a contro versy with a broncho. A team belong ing to A. Rowland ran away und Mr. Kalstrom mounted a pony which was standing near and started to head the team oil', but the drone evidently stood ill with the runaways for he went alter ins rider and the broken arm was the result. A peculiar incident occurred yester day. After unloading the stull from bis wagon into the car I., i . Hoi k drove his team to a vacant lot and turned them to tbt wagon and fed thorn and went back to work. Some time after some children not iced lire in the wagon and gave the alarm. If. A. I'riddy and Dave Hart lett rushed to it with buckets t water find soon put it out. Home damage was done to the wagon and it coat and tarpaulin de stroyed. The lire must have originated from a spark from a cigar or piie. After tlie county convention last Saturday the delegates from the pre cincts in this caiiimissioner district got together and renominated II. F. Johnson for county commissioner. There may be a iiuestiori ns to tbo regularity of the proceeding as no notice of such action was given to the primaries at which the delegates were uleeted that the nomina tion of a commissioner would m a part of their tlutiex, but that is not likely to nuik any difference. Mr. Johnson's eoiirw; as an ollicial ha lieen such that tlier Is a general demand that b con timifl U serve the people ami it is iutr likely that h will have no oppositioti, its tltere is not a man in tlie district who would stand a glt of a ehaiuu of being; elected over him. It Is very iretierally uuiu-edtxl that the board of county com missioner as at reviit constitute'! is Me best tliat Um county has ever liad, tlM opk of tlte 1 ditri t do not lro lilrly t change. HV.T 1 15I.IC.VN COt' NT Y ( 'ON'. VKXTION. Hmigh H-U lip tin- J'ins, Makes u Slate, ami Puts It up. How It Was Don. The republican county convention met at the court bouse on Saturday. The delegated were called to order by H. nry 'ovey, chairman of the county central committee. On motion be was elected temporary chairman and M. J. O'Couuell, secretary. Coiniiiiltees were npointed on cre dentials ui ! perm iueiit organization und onler of uosiness and a recess taken for dinner. (in re-assembling after dinner the fol loning report was submitted: our isminttttcc on pi-rimiiii-iit o;-faiii.a-tioa aii'l onler of )itiincs tn- to submit the fullnM fliK r'eolniiieiitl:ttloils: t'nr pi-riiiuM-ut (-halt-mini Henry Co cy. tor pcrnmneiit secretary '. li, IIoIHuuh- ortli. Hie onler of lninm-i.-,: 1 K.lection of ili-lcg.ilc-, fto tnti coiivrn lloll. 2- Klcction of ili-lt-Katcs to Jinllcliil eon veiitlon. 3 - Notithi:iUon of Citrehilsite for Mherflf. 4 - Nomination of cHiidl'lutc for clerk. 5 Nomination of ciwMlMate for treasurer. G-Nonihoition of ciindhlHte. lor superln temlent ot put, lie Inxlrnctlon. 7 Notiiirottion ol ('Hii'liilate for wiirvcytir. s- Noinlmitioi'i of cuttill'late for coroner. II Nomlnittlon ol cuiellilate for Ju'ltrc U. A. I'HilJliY, j rKA'K TlSKlUM. ConilnlUei'. J. W. Hi.M KK. S On mot ion the above rejiort was ac cepted and the committee discharged. The committee on credentials made the following report: W e, tin-committee ii)ohitcii on creilen tinlx ttml t In- following ili-lcitntea enlitleil to mt4 fn tliU convention : Howell lu-cclnct-ll. A. I'rl'l.ty, I). llHl tlelt, li. V. JobiiFuiu, K. (j. IIoukIi. Antoloiie s, K. Story. Hoilnrc- J. W. Hunter, John C. Klsr MM'CllT. Andrew -II. Smoke, ('. II. t'nltt. IliKhlHint Menrj- Covey, J. M. Smiley. WliHi'ltUer V. K. r.ntes, W . s. Johnon, Thoimts licvenport. Snnr uf -M. J. (I'Conneil. Hve I'olnN-J. W. nutli, Krsnk Tillk- hum. lint Creek - M. '. Iioaii, C. It. Moiling- worth. HrlHiniiel - John I'lankett, K.J. Wilcox. We Unit tlist Kit Smith ws duly elected i third ddi-Hutc from lllre precinct, tlmt prerlnet tietiiK entitled to three dele gate liiit'-nd of two. yVe reeoinmend llmt the UelexuUi Irom Hut ( reck precinct lie ullowed to east the full vote of the deli'Kittloii In the iib-unc'" of the other. We find the. credcnlhil-, of WhMle. ( ri to Is-la such kliuie Unit uc deem It advlsa ble to Hiihmlt It to Hie will ot the enliven Hon und niild cri'dentliilK are utt-iched to tills report. I!. Y. JoHhON, i J. W. ssnii, ( ominltief A, K. I.atks. ) lbhlaiii). Henry t , vev. White Ruer. A. E. li H- Sugar Ix-al, .. I'. R-viiln-r. l ive Poict. r. M. Kiii tb. Hat Creek. M. C. Ik win. Wdi-bnnnet. Jubti Plunketi, Whistle f;red;. Iiwi. jirs iu. On motion the county central com mittee was authorized to fill vacancies on county ticket. H. Hl'U.INllxwiiKTII. Si-cntiiry. r -J i ;t-4 etibel siMttr "firs. Give Hough the glory. Hough did it w ith his l it le toiigu. Asa packed convention it was a great success, 4 Everything hearing Hough' (K went. Nome of the delegates who ikid not wear Hough's bnmd gut disgusted ami left the ball mid others said that bad they known that Hough had 1 1 1 thing ' all cut and dried they would not have; gone near. For particulars as to some of Hough's! eciiliar political methods cull on June' Smith and August lUssehjoiht. i The only point where Hough could' not control his crowd was on the super-! iliteudeut. He prevented the minima-j lion of Will Unvis for clerk and had another for superintendent, Imt the con-' vention w ould not .stand and Hough's j gauzy show of magnanimity toward i Will deceived no one. ! If Hough nets ns many votes ticket ns he did lor huuvdl tw ago, will the game lie worth the The little pleasantry of Hough and bis convent ion in noiional nig the editor of TlIK JofKNAI, for coroner may, upon reflection, have more point to it Hum js apparent at lirst blush. During his resi dence in Sioux county the editor o TlIK Jl'KNAI. h ,s had occasion to sif ou a good many political corpses. The Hough brand ol tickets Ims never proven popular at the polls. A history of how the convention was worked up entitled "A Play L'pon Prejudices," by ( luef Player Hough, would make mighty ir.leresliu' readui'. FcL! II 't ! i mi,. ... i. .r- i i '. 1 l.li' I'M '...it ... i , . i r i. . 't 'is It it 'if the ii al 11 H C'. I. II. . 1 . II '.el.e.i -It . .'. ' : !.y A" . . I -4 : in . for his i ears candle': a i iJ eti!t, -U -i-. -. ,. J. ,ii?itt 4," ' -' 'iie; '. 'F I S 'HI"lli llll- I"'. . ll.,', 1. -"I'll-I jtl'eu i- I.) . " ''IW s ,11 ' " Ol ll.'-!l U ll -'I 'M ' i.e. 1 1 'n'.- hu I'll . , , ''. 1 it f I I . a i i (' in. . ! i. .i-i I ' e co:: e .t tj t'.'J i I ' tneiil lit ' . ...I! 1 I !) ' iltlT lei'! O; oi O' O! f i c. ! i um a Oj . um. . i ii1 if t JJj 03 o: o: Oi o; o: Oi Oi 01 t. i I IHi'lilie.' lu i ' t i i;,.. Jr te'o'iii.Ir.l. r l :tie- ! t i " I" K'.lri.e i l V 'il!.". -aim - li v "i 1 I II, Ik. ri e l f..- . In,-: oi oi oj SSai'saparilla j ArtTilUm! for Exhibition OS I'KHSON A I,. Coll'ee went to Chad run from the rang And- On motion the above report was ac cepted. On motion Mr. Hhrevcs was allowed a seat in the convention as a delegate from Whistle Creek precinct and was authorized to cast the full vote of the delegation. J. M. Smiley and John C. Eberspecher were elected delegates to the slate con vention by declamation. i... n. iioiiuigsworlli vvas elected a delegate to the judicial convention by acclamation. A motion was made tli.it the second delegate to the judicial convention lie hosen by ballot and the motion pre- ailed. un motion it n inlormal ballot was taken with the following result: I J. .Simmons ., 8 M. F. Johnson 13 JI. J. OVoimell . 3 (in motion It. F. Johnson was declared elected as the second delegate to the judicial convention. An informal ballot for a candidate for herilf resulted as follows: W. Smith ... .1 Dave liartlett ID . R. Hew a On motion !uve Hartlett was declared the nominee by acclamation. An informal ballot was taken lor lerk with the following result; W. S. Nicholson . 19 W. II. Davis 1 W. Smith 1 On motion V. S. Nicholson was de- lured the nominee lv acclamation. An informal ballot for a candidate for candidate for treasurer resulted as follows: A. R. i)ew. 4 B. F, Johnson 1 Tiukham. 'A Henry Covey 12 On motion Henry Covey was declared the nominee of the convention for treas urer by acclamation. Ou motion W. II. IXivis was given the I unanimous votn of Ibtt convention for the candidate or superintendent, of pub lic instruction. On motion J. W. Hunter was made the nominee for surveyor. On motion L. J. Simmons was ile- lared the nominee for coroner. On motion W. O. Patterson wasuiaile the nominee of the convention for i-oho-ty judge. II. A. Priddy was elected chairman of the county n'rat on in no lie for Um ensuing year unit I). U.irtlett, secretary. The following precinct committeemen were appointed: Ho wen, K. A. Itigelow, Antelope, !. H. Story, His hire, John kjerspectrt-r, A 'i ,rews, If. Mmokei, Mrs. C. F day evening. S. I Clery refurned last week. Mrs. (', ( liristcnsen was up from rews Tuesday. J. S. Bunnell was down Irom I.usk the first of the w eek. Mrs. Oscar Ward came down from Lusk Saturday to visit relatives. (Ilenu .eihe went to ('liadrmi Monday evening lo attend the academy. Mr, and Mrs. Hon M. Weir retuiiied Friday from their visit to Missouri, A. li. Kennedy came up from Craw font yesterday to look alter bis inter ests. Chris RiilHng started Tuesday evening for Richfield, Wis., on business and pleasure. Miss ljzxie (n-rlach came op from J I In the daily '...raw ford the last of the week to remain for some time. J. B. Bradley was op from Itodarc yesterday uml renieniliered to call on the printer. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ihver.mrt were the guests of County Treasurer Wood rull' last Saturday. Misslluisy Ruth Hollingsu orth nml her grandma, Mrs. M. C. Doan calkd at this ofllce Ttiesilay. L. Ijirson returned yesterday from Chndron whpre be was called as a wit ness in the Morrison trial. Mrs. Elizabeth Oerlnch and Mis. Win. Oerlach arrived this morning from Iowa to visit I Oerlach and family. C. F. tJoll'ee i-elurneil from the 7 Imix L on Monday. lie whs acconuianied hv Mrs. J. T. Coll'ee who will visit for ,i time at bis home. M. J. OVonnell was over from Mont rose Saturday and made a pleasant call at this office, lie has disposed ol his in terest in rhe storejal Adeliu to his part ner, M. I). Jordan. OPEN 3JNDAY FROM 9 TO 12. KA.iilis ami srissons i-i r IN uliiiKt:. (live I me 1 n 1 Cull. K I'HINNKY, M. I. Physiclau uml Surgeon. All culls Kiven )iniiiit ii 1 1 i-ii I ion . Ofllce In Drill! store. IIAHWSON. - - VKIIIt SK . IT IS , Horrible Sight TO WATCH GERLACH perforiiiacce of original tr.idegy iu ival lil'o Hi his grenl, SLAUGHTER OF THE STAMPED UPON THE DULLEST BRAIN Is the name and fame of the 'OM Reliable" store of MARSTELLE e BROTHERS, where you .ran al ways find bargains iu every thiii;; to be found in a GENERALS TOKIC. Now is the time select your SPRING T: WORLD'S FA!Rg o" P,2.'i!.J;!.S20.e'i'?9e'Sc2"'f'j n. L. sMi; k. Fashionable Barber & H. ir Dreswr. :UMMER 0001 IS Highest market price paid for produce of all kinds. M A RST K LL K K 13 ROS. "The Old Reliable." J-r.'ll si-ll llil.i i' i llioie II- slitlt.i :i.,fl, iiil Iiiiiimi- i-, I ils j r o ,,ii-,,i . e ell Mm .;, ii ,.!.-., ill iui:, x ,., l:illh Ami o noil t- y.uir ueijiblsir INNOCENTS. It is in two nets. In the first act the principal ports are taken by Mr. Oerlach and representatives ol" eastern wholesale house, from whom the former purchases his goods. In this net he displays eivnt power iu Hie forcing down prices, nml eJitnionlumry ability in the seleclion nl goods to sint his customers. Hut 'it is I in the second act that he most truly; shines and nl, the points where wilh i ! Ilourish his jirices hid t The cheapest place to trade in town, Yes, that's the name, just HOUGH 3c SOJST. CUT IlsT TWO ('oi-r's nii Um ice, HohAfiC. Nkb., Sept. 10, lHil.". Asbury Hill had a slight stroke ol paralysis a week ago. Mrs. 'bus. C-ollVo was it l 'luiilroii visi tor lust week. i Johnny t oll'uu is unite, si k. (ileiiu Zerbe expects to start for ( hail- ron to att-;nd school al the acaileiov. A. Soiitluvorth moved his family loi liaoron so Ills children can hove the lienelit of the schools there. i Miss Haworth couiiuenced a six! months term of school nl. Hie Hislare! dislnct, , J Born to Mr. und Mrs. Orion on S.-pf. ? ! a Kin. 4 MissMyrtl .iiiiiuerman i., leaching : an eight months term of school nl. Htory. J. H. Itnulley lias srdd (jnite a fininlx-c - of his cattle lately. his classic ciuinleliinica benrs a look j that, is almost heavenly. Performances, every day from ," n. tit. lo Id p, in. Special low prices on nil goods j d.-i s in tlie week. Adm ssmii free, llou'l forget the place. RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE ester son. 7 Id'iM.Hlfs IN Lumber, Coal and Farm Implements, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Lime, Lath and Shing'ltB. Windmill and Pump Supplies. , llMrsn' - Mfltn !KV. GE t i !i'.,vi''v.; . tub Vhin - "f do not ho ', ..(,, j ftlkfHt Un.MJ i' . :ll Most Vo:zrAcx? for h mr' :jv - , ' ; 4 -i ,t VO'J tV : . I !- i. (uru-r fK.tt ' . ; (.; -i flcaJiii, y. u a ,t ', y .: t t .litv. Vmi n.mi t-a. i . i rw.w: tw am.; i..h WORLD -HERALD .. I, IT.1..S, GqvvAx Surveyor, W. J. BKYAN '1 U J I N !i""tnr-A lo do Mil kind- of St4rf. 1 '.'KV.'Vl ao-l HIT 'II I.KVKI"-.'!! IM ft ; (iroinpi ; i;,l i!;-(',i, i,,-v litfiitfii r, rfs O i r ' . i m i. d . I J . . . r,fc."e ii, -.- '.i - . K , Ji '' 1-- .se ...i -. 4 - : New IIomi; a U Ttm ear containing lie county ex I, bit for I ho slate fair starteil for Oruaba I last evening and tli committee tx look j aftr it w ill go toilay. As part of Uv; ' products w-i-e lo.t.lisl at iilen and nrt j at t 'rawfonl it is lurd to siiy how it u ill j site up, Imt froiu lt went iiitu lite our Uere. it is -rtain llwit the c,Us-tiou will l iur coiiipJet tb.tij Vrnr Ufoi. TUere MHais t Im mo rsni why ou of lh iiwimuni, s...uU ai k, u .,,1,1 i., 1 VfuJ m Isis . ,iiim,ll r , - "' vr ,v,.w,,.ll. Si lit.v. Pi. IIUJ4K TMM. Siou count v. t ht. AwHimQc Tm', 1r?cAm I'wil, ullli C ' tVKUl 4jf Ul-4 4).t' '.I 0B4l).SllJl4lMI-r iwiv .:t :. o.Mltuf ZiSkjil -n in; rbvl ;,.1;-U i, -i ... ceff.U:vt trktioo u i. i,i . . f - l-;r.;;.SiiwESfJiCHII8d Jm the yventttt nifnfj1 iff, of ' tlir MiMonri Jllmr It mlrocatA FHKK Mlf.VKU at tins prnHsiit r4t.U nl iui to orts ItK nr s,trvie( m tb tit U ! obU.iiu t:iiiy. fO M w W)cri1 : year . j W0f.'L.D r-tf-'VAu. ' ,'j,i w,,. llj Si t.v, no 4si rir '. ' X. ';(! I'. ' Photoi'aplior, .', Hilf.t. ,1. tff f":r..-t ft onfr f.vC im,1 nss,! rt,t ,rlMf. 11 " "!'(' ".M'ie ,X W itW4 i;sli ',u, Amw.