The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, September 12, 1895, Image 4

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    Tta Scax County Journal.
Subscription Price, f-J OO
Kntared at the Harnsoa part o!Bce as
seeesMl class Bkitor.
TbTBsday, Sot-ember 12, W.
Seven Cioin' ou Eight.
With this issue The Jocks al begins
its eighth year, having completed its
seventh volume with the issue of last
week. During its existence it has ad
vocated what it believed to be right and
for the best interests of the town and
county Mil it proposes to continue io
the same course in the the future. As
it has been under the present manage
ment for more than six years the people
know pretty near what to expect- It
has made mistakes in the past, but it
has never advocated anything that it
knew to be wrong nor lias it upheld any
person whom it did not believe to be en
titled to the confidence of the people.
It has no apologies to make fur its
course in the past and no special prom
ises to make fer the future. Sometimes
its path has been pleasant and prosper
ous and at other times its way has been
rocky and tempestuous and its future
looked dark and uncertain, but that is
true of every business enterprise. The
Jotilval thanks its patrons for support
given in the past and hopes to merit and
receive a continuance thereof.
Four candidates have been named for
the supreme bench but the winner will
be named on October 2d.
The action of the pops in nominating
a man who was known to adhere to the
principles of the republican party for
the supreme bench is construed to mean
that there is not enough left of the
foundation of the pop party to amount
to anything.
It is reported that the supreme court
has made up its decision in the Omaha
Tire and police commission case and that
the new law is tie Id to be good. The
opinion has been prepared by all the
judges after consultation with the court
commissi oners so that when it is handed
down it will represent the views of the
entire court. That means a black eye
for Holwater-Ronecomb.
Although some of the .decisions of
Judge Kinkaid have not met with the
approval of parties living in his district,
yet the greater part of them have, and
he is in high favor with the supreme
court of the state. The Judge is now
serving his third term, so the people of
his district must have confidence in his
integrity as a judge. Boyd County
The administration or straight demo
crats held their convention at Lincoln
on last Friday. When Euclid Martin
called the convention to order 631 dele
gates greeted him. The interest and en
thusiasm demonstrated that the strength
of the party had not gone after Bryan.
T. J. Mahoney was nominated for su
preme judge, and W. H. Asbby and
James B. Ames for regents. An even
ing session was held and was addressed
by Congressman Harter of Ohio.
la the first of the international yacht
races at Xew york tlie American boat,
Mender, defeated tlie English boat,
Valkyrie TIL For tlie first hour the
Eoglisb vessel led the race and Iter peo
ple hoped for victory but Yankee skill
ana ingenuity had built a boat of alum
iaum and bronze which overhauled and
passed ber opponent and won tlie race by
several minutes. Tlie race was wit
nessed by more than twenty thousand
A few days ago the state board of
public lands and buildings opened bids
for the convict labor as provided for by
the last legislature and toe contract was
awarded to ex-Warden Beemer. A few
days after the award was made Mr.
Beemer weat to the penitentiary bnt
Warden Letdig to refused to admit him.
It seems to have been arranged between
tin fawner and the warden that they
awatd resist the putting into effect of
tike contract between the state hoard
awl JSr. Beemer. There may be an in-
2a to the anal but to a person on the
i it looks as if Qevereor Hoi comb
trying to see just bow much trou-
kja M) om make between the various
i of the state government. The
I of tae penitentiary claims that
OMtnot with Beemer Is not euthor
fcxi ky law. As the action of the state
trrf fan been bitterly opposed by
C:rtt It fc jr to see why the gov
"JiCi wri barn oeaied Beemsi
C-e . Ilolwater-Roetooiab
along tbe 1
Missouri valley
in 1895 are to be exhibited this year in
Proper encouragement by a large
representation from every town and
county should be on hand to explain
localities to visitors.
One Fare for the Round Trip
State Fair "New White City" Grounds.
Tlw best exhibit,
Finent horses and racing,
Prettiest fair grounds,
New race track.
Bicycle races a feature.
A large delegation from each town and county to explain to visitors about
our good crops is especially desired.
SEPTEMBER 13th to 20th.
Omaha streets will be brilliantly il
luminated each evening by electricity
and the parade by the great
K - SA -
secret society in
eclipse theMardi
leans, the Veiled Prophets at St. Louis
or the Priests of Pallas at Kansas
City. This parade alone is worth go
ing 1,000 miles to see.
Lack at This List
of western cities:
St Louis
, Kansas City
St. Joseph
It does'nt matter which you intamd
viMting. The Burlington Route ia the
beet line to all ae it is to aay one of
Advtrtisiag matter and full informa
tion nhoBt trains and rates on applioa-
tirss. J. PtAJKXH, O. P. Jk T. A.
Qmaw. Nek
1 u of tli
full uniform will
Gras at New Or
Prompt atteatioa (ieee to all lexal
matters in Justice, Coeoty ami District
Coarta, ami hef ore the United SUtee
Land OTfh.
Fire Insures written la reliable
Legal paper oarefolly drawa.
IiAttaW. - . H
(lood rigs furnished on short notice. . - .
Reliable drivers and quiet saddle hordes always on hand.
Good accommodations for transient customers.
Horses boarded.
B. E. Brkwbtir,
I H. ORIS WOLD, Cashier.
Transacts a General
AtnrJr.'A.t ExalASOB Natiosai. Bank, Nrw York.
United States Natural Bask. Omalis,
rlMT National Bajie, fluid roe.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
All Free,
Thoiw who have uwxl Dr. Kind's New
Discovery know its value, and Ukiw
who liave nnw the opportunity tti try i
fri'e. t.4tll uii tlia utivrti-il tl. ti
und get a trial buttle, fre. tj-nd Jour
Mime and addrehs to II. E. Bticklen &
Co., Chicago, and gel a s.iiuiile box of
ur. King's New L;fo Pill FVee, as well
as a copy ol tiuule to lieiiun una iiiuw-
holJ Iiitriit;tor, free. All of which is
guaraiueeu io uo you kooo anu cobv juu
uolliiog, atrioneer Pliarinai y.
Final Proof Notices.
All pernotm hsvtng IIukI proof notice In
luiii pfwr will re:ive umrkeil copy ot tlw
p.lMT untl ai-ii ri uMVd to -Ki.iniu thvir
noliiu ua ii itny ei-rois wl reort tlie
saiuc tt Uiiit oIUci t uitc-e.
Notice tor I'ulillrittiou.
Lod OlUre Ht Allimier, Scb., 1
Auk. 14, liM, )
Notice Id hcriby irlvt-n tut the
naiurU w-ttirr b oil nutice ot Uu i.iWii
tluu to inuKe ttuui piuol luniiprKii t ol Out
cikiiu, ntl lli-l aiit piuul win o ni.alu Ixv
fur H. J. hiewil,l ierK Kinlrit'i tuurl at
llnrnou, -Ullukal, Oil Be It. SI, lrt6, Vliti
Wuliaui Aliirr, of ihMlurc .Mil.
who mnUu II. K. o. fU6 lor tlie ne. 't :c.
tt tp. U ii., r. u6 w.
ii tiauim lii IoIIdwIiik wltucMeii to prove
his coiiUiiyou n'Mtiieuuti ujkiu nudvuiUvr
tittit ul, nwiil laud, vis:
M. I,, liu.111, i.'. t". tofft. Henry .itiimer
uimii, aUiimjii feoulhoortu, nil of itutinrc.
Neb. ttlu
Auums Soutliuortli. or'Bodsri', Srii.,
who tuude II. K. No. l for the lou I und
ami e. y im, ' . , (p. u., r. at m.
lie u.iihm llu: to.iuwius- wuutiMMi u prove
bi uouttiiuouit r.-.nleiiue upuu uml cuitlvw
t.ou in, inl l.nnl, vix:
W iliUui Miller, Henry 7.1 ui merman, hU-pll
en Kirn, wil of lturc, et., ueurife t.wiit,
o( liarrinou, t-b.
J. W. Winn, Js.
148 $1 Hltr.
hhrrttTi tale.
By virtue of an ortler of al -u-d by the
elerK ol lue Oiatrivl court t lu eounly of
nioux wuil IhI ul lirki. upon a ile ree
reuaereU by ulit eourt In ts.ur of liorwtlo
Uitke wiul uKwiut llunU-l Klein, Auielw
Kleiu, JoM-ph it. AriutronK, W. W. WcnmI
wikI n. u buMtt, I will, ou ibe "IU day ol
tMrtouer, A. I. !!, at Uw Hour of l
o t-l4 , . ui., t tlw eat ironl door of tlie
court liouw, lu iirrl,ii. lit mili county,
ufft-r wikI eU tUe toilowiiiif (leM-rllml rl
ewtwte; town: 'Ibe iiorllu;wnl tUwrt-r ol
Mei tion Hurt)- tbrw- lu lownebip thirty
one Hi I, uorth ol rHni- Oily lur.- (), w-t
,I like (lltti I'. M, In I tie V ol ftous
wihI ute ut Melinmk, at public action, Ui
tlie biir'tet outlier, tor caM, tu awtlmy mint
urilerof Mile, In tlie wiin nl wiwl hi
tcrrat. wli wii'I accruing euwl.
lil l A. K. Itw.
W. II. rssnin. AUy. for I'lslntlf.
Xotk (e VrliBtiDrel Tai Payers.
I wish to call your attention to the
fact that the County Treasurers huve
been very lenient with you during lite,
several crop failures and as nearly all
school dirt ru ts are in need of money
aod the proHpecta are good for line crops
this year, I shall insist upou tlie pJ-
meat of your personal laiee. fietilie -
men they have stood king enough.
Verv Respectfully,
lU vVuowtt rr.
County Treasurer.
If yon want a farm pei get one j
publUhed in Nebraska. THE JotKHAL
clubs with the Sdmuka f'nnivr. Call
and are a ropy of it.
People with hair that is continually
fallieg out, or those thul am bul I, cao
stop tlw fatliug, and get a knJ ,towth
of hair by using Hall's li.r Uaaswer.
Feed and Sale
C V. farm,
Banking Business.
j liee PilN.
j Send your address to II. E. Buck Ion &
Co., ChiciiKai find get a free mmplti box
. ' of Dr. Kinif's New Lif Pills. A trinl
v ...
will convince vou lif llieir inerins. Thtw
pills are eusy in action and are particu
larly elfective in the cure of Constipa
tion and hit k hendui he. I-'or Mal.tnu
and Liver troubles they have been prov
ed invaluable. They are guaranteed to
be perfectly free Iroui every deleterious
substance and to be purely vegetable.
They do not weaken by their action,
but by giving ton? to stonutch and bow
els greatly invigorate Hie system. Reg
ular size 25c. per box. Huld by Pionet-r
Largest Circulation la Nebrsaka,
It inn I much wooder tliut the Stale
Journal now lias tlw largest circulation
in Nebraska. 11 lias reduced its price to
ft-ri cents a uionlli with Sunday, or BO
ceuts without buiKlay; it lias been
npeuding more mouey lor Nebraska. Itiun
any other iper; it lnu on its stall such
nieo as Bixb , Wall Miison and Annul.
The Journal is being pushed at every
point and is climbing steadily and surely
away abend of tlw oilier slate dailies.
Peopls liw a Lincoln paper. Especially
wlien it is as good us the Journal.
Bucklea't irlr Mlu.
The best salve io the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, suit rlieuni, fever
sores, tetter, chapped lutnds, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruption aod positive'
ly cures piles, or no pay required. It is
guaranteed to givs perfect satisfaction
or money refunded. Price 29 cents per
box. For sale by Pioneer Pharmacy.
iast frmm the Press.
A very attractive publication has just
beeu issued by tlw passenger department
of Uw Burlington Koute. It bears the
title "The Newer Nortlt-wesl" and de
scribes in a ntost interesting aotl read
able fashion those portions of uortbern
W'voroing and the Ulack Hills of Houtb
Uiaota which are ruactied by this com-
pany's lines.
Tlie etwnery, towns, mines, people ami
industries of these two remarkable aec -
tHMts of country are treated of with ab
solute Odelety. 200 paes with illustra
tions, sent on receipt of 10 cents in
umps. J Fkascim, O.P.&T. A.
Ouieiat, Nebraaka
; F.,
a M. V, B. R.
M the beat
to and from the
orriciAL oinccTORY.
M .11 K ir'Ht
M i. A. II..K-OH.I. ..,-in..r.
K f Moore IJellleilanl l.ovrriiir
J Wiitr - MTiiirjr t Male
J,-,,H m. Hartley 1 reaasrer
A. s. i tail . ..Attorney
H C fUM'll i.lj,BtH'ouiiiilr
H. K Cornell .Sn- t-Wtc ln.lro-iiofl
I ilM.I'.MMi'SA I. IN .
r. Mamler-on ' . Heastor, UMtaSa
wm. V Allen l-.t. wnnaior. MivIImjk
W .1 lirvMU, ton Kr -iimn I ! , IJuooiu
. M Mer.-rr. " " " ,'u"Um
(.. it.Miiileit " ' " ui"-
V J limner 4tb " Aorara
w A McKW-Ktmn, " 5111 " Utit
U. M Bern. " " " " Broken Ko
Jt lilCJAKV:
Tl Sorval fhlef JuU-e. dcwmmI
a' M'l'iwt .'"...Aa--mle.ludte. tularin"
t'u. lutrlaon .. Aa'tJit'lK. rati'! latand
II. A. aitiiWell.. H-rk miU Reporter,. Mnroie
r lrTr hNTll Jl iALIil-1'UW.T:
M. I'. Klukai.t Jar; 2il
Alfretl Harlow - "
M. J. lileaett Clerk, lUrrl-...
Koliert Wilaon County Jl
M.J. Ulcwrtt 1 .
II. K Wo.KlrutT ----1
W II lvi nuU I'ulillc lntroctii
A. R. law...: v''"'1"
J. R. 1' y (rur
w i lin,, urTi
M. J. BlrWett.'. Clrrkor Dl.trtrt i-mrl
Alvin T. Clsrk t uuoiy Altii-'
IKIAIUJ or ( t)MHIl)tll-:
Frank TH.klmm I.t Uiwrirl
M. J. WbImt
II. K. Ju'imwu '.clmlrumn; ' "
I t.ilM.Ai n fc:
II it Uwurl ,s-iiiiUir, lii.t No. II. 1 r loi J
. I;mpiy . . Kfi.. Iit. Il-miii("l'l
M. J. Ilpeit ( t liiruiii i Ttvtiw
K. KuIiot
J. W. Scott "
li. II. 1,1-IbwihI '
W. 1. Mnr-U-lU r
I.. J. hiiiilnon - lw
trt-rlMi li Tr'-r
J. , Miiitti Mrlil
j M II'Sil. (iFKll KH"'
! J. W. N'dlt Intn t.ii-
It. I.. nnii k M'lrMir
! ,. W, llrt-r 1mtmr
t I'M! Us i it H'l :
IllHtrlct t'lliirt, -At lliirri-ili, itim Uirnw,
i April nth ami SuM-iitlnT2.Mli.
4nittty timt.-At H:irriiti. titniuriiri'.
first .Mm'luv ot iti-h inmitn.
( Ill Ul'llt. ASH XH'lt.'l lt.
' W. tiurch l't-i-:uiiin M-ti n.ttii'uiittf
j Mlllily V Ht l :JU it. in.. jiikI r'- i-rv -iinl'iV t-M-n
' tint Ht J :i. Kkv .i t.. fnM.i IVotur.
i Mi-lhMllil -uu.(ny -4-imiI iih-c!. t-M-ry um'
. tlav ii oriiinu tit 1 1 .'m.
J. K. ukii:i.i kh, W.ll.lmu.
j MiH-rlnti'ii'!t-iil
i UlMtll.MK.N tit IIIK
! Hnrrl-fin I'mtip. Sn. V, tiit--li, tin Hi llt'.l
i Hli'l tlllril Hiitiiriijit -t -:iIjik 'f Mn-li iitfHitli.
j. k. rntvsT.
K. t, I'tmtil ,
. I tun
MiWt.HVW Ki;iMt.N tit tMi.Hii'A
M''l i- w-ll tilliTimti' .it;ll l.ti ,vnlnr
lit o i lock,
J. W. I-Miril. Clrk.
A. II. ik . .
i.rwtiKTii l.t. tii I..
I let fitiuii:i! tii-i't iiill every iMnl;tV en inf
tit t;-i. t '.linnet nit-i-tiuu 'on C!Ul ol tr, t
dent Uii ir IIK-orr.H.
Mas. W, II, i,tvi, ITe.Hteiil
Given Away
Every Montli
to the person submlitinc ths
most Htcrltorlos lvtio
durlna tlie prectlltnf month,
FOK IN V KMTORS, and tbs
W object of this offer la to en
rouratre peron ol sa Invent
ive turn of mind, At the
same time we wlh U lainms
the fact that n il it
It's the Simple.
Trivial Inventions
That Yield Fortunes
such st T) tone's Hook
snd Kye. tht Hump,"
"8fety Pin." la Clo
ver," "Air Mrske." etc.
Almost every one roncelvet
A a bright Idea st wime tints or
other. Why not tint It In rrso
tlcal ilteT Vul'It UlenUtnay
lie In Ihla direction. May
make your fortune, Why nt
tryT a It tl ii U
OTWrit for further informauoo t Jil
nenlkin this seker,
Philip w, Avlrslt. Mf..
618 P Street. Northwest.
ttASHIMTON. 0. 6.
(oVTfat respt.tiiibttity of this emaiiaar
mmt be Itnlired by in. fact that its
stock it held by im tkouasiMl
el toe leailmf aasai-atwia la Ik
t OlUKI tstas
tlt'iMcr, ii.i.iMoia.
This Institution, chrtrrd July, 87ir u
conducted by tlie Sdkiof Sltlrrs of Kst
Daew, and provided with every req-.!lt
conducive to physical, Intellectual snd eiorel
The systrw of education effihr;r rverv
' useful nd omamcfilal anch of rf ar4
science suitable for young lad!, f'nr feta
io(Uf , address
j tt. Mary's hntitute, Qulnty, P,
tuwylily tailn uvh.,,, m Mttdene,.
SSIL i J -e"KMd (IUi-
BSMtng la Aiaerw a. GrarfaaRt nailtty Mean i
saean. Btawtiful Hlmlrat.a Caiaifniw IKU.
tunju ai u. v . .. .
? Co"fe,' Arlr' Kl. Art, MeeV,
Cefmaercial aod Model School tpeetmenle.
It U strictly first elasa, and fair trade, hat
ehetwaalymiideraicpriree. Ce-daratinn-aU
SpeelaJldlaMllall. KTKONO IN A LI.
IN ART and MUSIC. luatractlon be Kuroo
eao Artist tat priem within roach of wasuira
I tnnnflL -
1 atiiai, Military Company. t the U-t. iakaattvM
! WtinalWst. Itth. 4 taiaf mm M4taas. Caa,
ata aa an. Cut A. la a, ft, l. faa,
. P,I" V- " our AT MALI, tm atewe
eisa M-mn, tUrum tim Oraaaa.
la rita1Cabmfto'iiri,,rinro,rHiri,Fais4,,
Oraiarta aWtrty, Waotiliit Oiaul. mm ftiHtari
i Fin rearaa of I "turn an
iV.' '.vj .,, 4i'1' A..