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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1895)
TEE S0U1X COUNTY JOURNAL I. J. BaVtlfOMa. Proprietor. BABBI-OX, NEBRASKA. If It hadn't been ft the hot wind Sow might hare had euro to burn this talL If every person who la niualeal were only a musician as well what a deal of Buffering we would be spared! If General Campos had only bad the aaalstance of Mr. Holmes, of Chicago, It would hare been a sort of offset to the yellow fever. A Boston man advertises for 10,000 Id hens. The restaurants which serve "spring chickens" ought to be able to furnish thetn without any difficulty. If the Atlanta Humane Society will Just continue to hold that bull by the horns, the fellow with the darning needle and red scarf will have a great sap. Gov. Tillman is disappointed that South Carolina's profits in the saloon business only amounts to fiMJ,iK). A little more foam and smaller schooners wjll solve the difficulty, Mr. Tillman. "Have we too much gold?" asks the Boston Transcript- Probably not, brother, probably not; but if you have any doubt on that score we stand ready at any time to relieve you of all you caa spare. The report that beer Is going up will be grateful news to the temperance re formers, who have seen it go down in aucb large quantities for so long that they had almost despaired of stemming the tide. A rapid milking machine has been Invented by a man over at Toronto which can clean out twenty-five cows In twenty minutes. This 1b a little ahead of the Chicago Council, which thinks It is doing pretty well if it milks one corporation each night The street car lines of Toronto pay the city $81)0 a year for each mile of track besides 8 per cent of gross re ceipts and 20 per cent on all receipts above three millions. Their fare is only four cents for grown persons, and they give a half rate to all who attend school, Irrespective of age. This looks like the millennial reform which will come In some other cittos when they get honest politics and common sense administration. The Novedades, the Spanish Govern ment organ, officially announces that Spain will have 150,272 soldiers under arms in Cuba by Kept 5. There will be 76,272 regulars and 80,000 volunteers. The regulars are classified as follows: 59,900 Infantry, 3,876 cavalry, 1,853 ar tillery, 1,415 engineers, 2,700 marine In fantry, 970 military police, 4,400 civil guards, and 1.152 guerrillas. As the permanent army of Spain is only 115, 735 it follows that considerably over one-half of it will soon be In Cuba and that the reserves, both first and second, have been called upon for service. Un less this comparatively immense force makes short work of the lusurgents the expense of the campaign will make short work of the national exchequer, which is already in a shaky condition, as the government has had to pass tbe Interest payments on Us debt A finan cial panic In Madrid Is not an improba ble event In the near future. The death of Thomas Hovenden. who will perhaps be best remembered In Chicago as the painter of that popular picture at the World's Fair, "Break ing Home Ties," shows that the man who can stir the hearts of other men through the methods of art must needs have a big heart of his own. The pro fessional critics, of course, scoffed at Hovenden's picture and called it liter ary. It was a picture that told a story, they said, and a picture should not tell a story, but should only be beautiful, should be artistic, for art's sake alone. But the great body of the people shrug ged their shoulders at the dictum of the professional critics and stood! in crowds from morning till night about Hovenden's picture. It stirred every parent and every man who remembered his parents, and that the tens of thou sands, perhaps hundreds of thousands, of World's Fair visitors who recollect this picture will feel no surprise at learning that Its painter, seeing a child on the railway track in Imminent dan ger of losing her life, sprang to save her and lost his own life in tbe at- tempt The word "dago" Is not an Italian word, nor a legitimate word In any language. It Is derived from the Span ish proper name Diego, pronounced Djrago, which Is tbe most common Christian name of men In Spain. St Diego, or Bt James, belnj( the tutelary saint of that country. All Spanish naotfters name one son after the saint, and the result Is that Diego Is the Chris tian name one oftenest bears among the Spaniards and on the borders of the Mediterranean. From this came the habit of the sailors of all nationalities la the Mediterranean of calling every man employed on vessels whose name was unknown to them Diego, or Dago, that being the name they most fre quently heard among such employes. J net as mate and center. on our lake and rivers call the generality of facte roestabonU "Joan," bat being ttw mm most aanally beard among o rw tkla CwaftM. of the sailors tbe tr:S was easy m this country to fJX 0 fwfcaaw Dagos that cam Cri' Ci KaCtartMsaa sbarss, and Lr;j C mum "a ttei Mlaartai- nately to Italians, Greeks, Sicilians, I and (Spaniards. It is a tnere nickname but It Is so deeply rooted In popular speech that It always will endure. It la like the word Yankee, which among foreigners In considered to be the name of the whole American people, though among ourselves we discriminate large ly as to Its applicability. Tbe statement was made a year or two ago that a prominent scientific In vestigator had taken the firefly as a hint that it might be possible to effect a great Improvement In onr modes of obtaining artificial light The Cuban firefly is the most perfect example known of the production of the maxi mum quantity of light with the mini mum of heat The light emitted Is es timated at W) per cent of the total en ergy. Nearly at the other end of the scale are the candle and ordinary gas jet which give only 2 per cent of light to 08 per cent of heat for the unit of energy at work In the prwea of com bustion. The sun's rays give 30 per cent of light to 70 per cent of heat and the arc lamp 10 jmt cent of light to 1st pet cent of heat It Is not improbable that the use of acetylene will effect a vast Improvement In this respect, the gas giving a large amount of light in propor tion to the heat evolved. In this con nection It may be noted that the latest estimates of beat in the sun's interior place It at a little more than 70.1) degrees of the Fahrenheit scale, while the temerature at what appears to us to be the solar surface probably Is somewhat less than 20.000 degrees. Chicago Tribune: Interviews with several prominent members of the Methodist Church in this city indicate the growth of a feeling that the long standing "time limit" ought to be abol ished Probably the time limit would have been discarded long ere this but for the conservatism which renders many unwilling to part with some thing that undoubtedly was a promi nent feature among tbe people who first were called "Methodists." But conditions have changed since the days of the Wesley and of Whitfield. Then the great majority of those who "spoke In meeting" were nnoducnted men. fer vent In spirit and devoted to the work, but destitute of the wide range of In formation and Ideas which often are found associated with extensive read ing, to say nothing of sp-cial study for the work of the ministry- It was ea-y enough for such men to "preach themselves out" In the course of a few months of talking to people who sub stantially formed the same audience time after time. So It was desirable to keep them on the move, to prevent any one of them from talking to the same set of hearers so long that they would come to regard him as telling the sume old story over and over again, and finally lose luterewt In hearing bim talk at alL Very many of those preachers did not even possess the va riety of material at the command of a Church of England vicar di-scribed iu Hill's Village Dialogues, who had a collection of fifty-two sermons, every one of which had been heafd twenty two times by a farmer who attended his church that number of years. Hut now the times have changed. The average Methodist minister 1 as well educated as his Baptist, Congregation al or Episcopal brother, and is just as much entitled as they are to stay sev eral years in one place If the people to whom he ministers desire him to do so. Prolably It would be for the best In terests of tbe Methodist churches to rescind the time limit rule, with reap pointment each year as a condition of being allowed to remain. Chicago Times-Herald: It seems that the German, French and Belgian con suls, resident In Chicago, have Just dis covered that a very large horse can ning establishment has flourished In this city for some time. It U also a revelation to them that r".ie product of the concern is shipped to their coun tries instead of being consumed in Chi cago, but it is certainly a revelation to no one else. If there were no de mand for horse meat in those countries the Chicago concern would certainly find the business unprofitable. More over, the palatable virtues of horse meat were first discovered In the coun tries represented by these gentlemen, and there Is no reason why the epicures across the water should have any pre judices against the American horse flesh, provided It is healthful and prop erly preserved. As to horseflesh, it all depends on the horse. No man wants to eat a porter-house cut from one of Yerkes' street car animals, neither does the appetite crave an equine fillet from the shanks of the faithful animal that pulls the truck wagon. A nice Juicy hamburger made from the round or the loin of a frisky young colt, bowtver. Is said to be far more edible and lus cious than bear steak, and in point of healthfulness and fieedom from bac teria and bacilli Dr. Kellly places It far ahead of much of tbe beef that finds its way Into our market So far as horse tall soup Is concerned. It can be said to the credit of the packers of horse meat that it Is made from horse's tails, while there Is no certainty that the commercial ox tall soup Is not made from the ears and shanks of a sickly bovine. If the horse canning Industry la discouraged what Is to become of the great crops of corn and oats in tbe West? The horse Is the only animal that eats corn and oats Jo any great ex tent If the bicycle and motorcycle deprive him of his occupation be should still be raised for canning purposes, and If raised for this purpose he would continue to make a market for the great crops of the West The Best Wood tor Palp. Experiments that bar been made la Michigan show that In converting wood Into palp 125 pounds mora palp to the cord can be mad oat of Jack ptaa than from aay other wood. (M DEATH IS KEPOKIED. The Brooklyn Catastrophe Results in fatalities. THE DURRAHT TRIAL PROCEEDS. Brtretir; Cirllilt l to rua for 1 Bv sailua of lrelleo eu thm lemo crmt Ticket Brooklyn, X. Y., pt. 5. On, man died yesterday and thirty-four men and women lie in Brook 'yn hos pitals suffering from injuries caused by the runaway locomotive crashing Into the Coney IsUni bund exclusion train on the New York & Sea ilearb railway at Woodlawn station, Mity sixth street and Owenty-st-cond avenue, Tuesday afternoon. Of this number tMrtv-one are now in the Norwegian dracouness home and hospital, some of whom will have to lose their limbs and be othetwise maimed for life; two are in the Seney hospital and two In M. John's hospital. One of the patients in tbe Seney hos pital, William II. Pointer, of No. 67 Thomas street, Newark, N. J died at 4 o'clock Wednesday morning. He ws taken from the wrck suffering compound fractures of both legs. Concerning tbeseven or eight patients whose limbs It may be necessary to amputate and whose deaths may result from the shock consequent upon the surgical operation, Dr. Delatour aaid he preferred not to give their names at present, as there Is a possibility that the operation of amputation may not be necessary, and he does not care to needlessly alarm the relatives of the in jured ones. Engineer Jensen and Fireman Boss, who jumped from engine No. 6 before it came Into collision with the makeup train at Hay Kidge, as well as Engineer David Hummel! and Conductor Joseph Hllyer of that train, were arraigned be foie Judge Khodes in the New Utrecht police court Wednesday Superintendent Illchard Larke of the Sea Beach road said that no one was to blame for the catastrophe. When En gineer Jensen saw tbe incoming train of empty cars It was too late to avoid a collision. He reversed his lever and told bis fireman to jump. Tbe collision b i k i the engineer's cab and a part of the wreekage fell ou the throttle wide open. There was nothing to preveut tbe engine from shooting foaward. Now that one of the victim bss died there will be an official investigation of the accident to fix the responsibility. Tue fonr men who were arrsigtied be fore Judge Khodes were held to await jhe result of the injuries of the victims. Taking Teatlmnuy In Durrani' Coe. Sas Fkaxusto. ivt. 4.-At the Durrant trial yesterday the talking of , testimony was begun. The first wit- j ness was Dr. Barrett, who performed , the autopsy on Blanche Lament. He ( gave iu retail a description ot the numerous wounds and bruises npon j the body of the dead girl. His testi- j mony was listened to with the closest ; attention by the crowd which packed, the court room. Ttie prisoner main- J taineu a cool aemeanor uirougn mo trying ordeal ot the doctor's testimony. After Charles G. Noble, uncle ol Blanche Lmont, bad concluded his testimony. Dr. J. S. Barrett was called to the stand. His testimony did tot materially differ far from that given by btm at the preliminary examination, of tbe abdominal organs showed a cruel rumor circulated at the time ot the murder as to the dead girl's condition to be unfounded, as n" evidence of as sault accompanying the murder was found. District Attorney Barnes made a motion that a model of tbe tower of the Emmanuel Baptist church, show ing tbe frame work from the basement floor to the ribbon, which is the upper most part of the tower, be admitted in evidence and marked as exhibit A. No objection being made the motion was accepted. A map of block 136, bounded by Bartlett, Mission, Twenty, second aud Twenty-third street was also offered in evidence, red tracings and dots designating tbe curbstones and lamp poaa. In the centre of the block, on the l.artlett street side, was represented the ground plan of the Emmonnel church. At 4 o'clock Judge Murphy ordered au adjournment until this morning. Voder railing Walla. Chicago, 111., Sept. S. - While a gang of men were tearing down a frame house at 12 Hixbr Place yesterday evening : Mrs. Sarah Cariin, fearing her children were playing under the structure,! started to see if they were In a danger ous place. She rushed under the build ing, when It collapsed and she was covered with the debris. She will die. A srIUIe Boom. Nashvillk, Tenn, Sept. 5. A special from Clarksvllle says Mrs. Car lisle has written to a friend in Chris tian county, Kentucky, that Secretary Carlisle is a candidate for the demo cratic presidential nomination and will have his name placed before tb party as tbe present administration' favorite. The Peary r.ipculiloo. 8T. Johns N. F. Sept. 5.-Captaln McKenzie, of the Gloucester fishing ecbooner John F. McKenzie, makes an Important correction of tbe statement respecting the Peaay steamer Kit giv en out by hit mate. Tbe Kite did not reach Holatetnborg till July 27, Instead ef tbe 1Mb. Hl.e met with stormy weather, overran HolsUinburg sixty miles and had to engage and Esqui mau pilot to take them back. AU Fear? partf ere In splendid health. K k.o a r l r llurraut I rial la Now ea la eert. San Fkas.i-mk.. Npt. 4. Tb Dur rant trial began ... earliest yesterday. The defendant entered the court room, accompanied by bis paren'S and an elderly lady friend. He was the same self-possessed individual be hat been suire hi arrest aud be seemed less concerned yesterday than hereto fore, if such a tiling I possible. "We would ask, your honor," said Mr. Deiiprey soon after court opened, "that au or r be n ade directing lb reporter to furuisti the defense with a Copy of the testimony taken day by Barnes joined in the request and the order was made. Mr. Dei p-ey had another gun to fire. He wisned the witnesses excluded. The court thought the motion rather pr mature. I think not, yo'ir honor," reap d-d Mr. Iteuprey. "i understand ibe district attorr.ey intends to touch on the evl denre in his opening address." "All witneses in this case, with the exception of oflieers who have made the arrests, will please retite," ordered Judge Murphy. Those whom the mandate of tlw court affected reluctantly rose and walked out. Tbe bailiff took them in charge and conducted them to Judge Murphy chambers. Dmrict Attorney Barnes arose and in a clear voice and convincing stvle made the opening statement to the jtny. At one point In the address Mr. tames alluded to the finding of the mutilated body of Minnie Williams, but it was met wUh an objection from Deuprey for th de fense. 'I will permit you to proceed," re plied Judge Murphy, "but I do not say that I will allow you to prove it, as that is a matter which rill have to be decided later en." Judging by the district attorney's statement it is rvident that be will at tempt to connect tbe two crimes by the intriduction of testimony connect ing the defendant with the murder of Miss Williams. A recess was taken till 2 o'clock and when the court recon vened, the jury accompanied by the de fendant and the a'torn"VB, prwe-ried to tbe scene of the crimes. Durrant was guarded by three deputy sheriffs and a squad of polleemeu kept order at tbe church. About the return court was adjourned unlil 10 o'clock today. That Telephone ttquetible. Boston, Mass Sept. 4. The United States Tin si ay afternoon took an ap peal in the Hell telephone case regard ing the Berliner patent. In the United States court of appeals. Judges Colt, Put man and Nelson sitting. Counsel J. J. Storrow for the appellant in the case of the American Bell Telephone Com pany vs. the United Slates made a motion for a mandate dismissing the bill brought by the United States in ac cordance with the decision of this court on the appeal of tbe Hell company. The court forthwith ordered the man date to issue, whereupon Counsel C. Austin Brown for the government took an appeal in open court and the appeal was allowed. The appeal takes the case before the I nited States supreme court and has the effect of superseding the mandate, leaving the mandate in statu quo to be renewed by tbe court at Washington. Trillaf Armor. Washington, D. C, ept. 4. Today at the naval ordnance proving grounds, Indian Head, Md., a ballastic plate representing the side armor of tbe new battleship Iowa was subjected to a trial of its durabiiity in such a manner to show bow it would fare if actually in position with the vessel. To attain this end a structure representing a sec tion of the side of the Iowa was con structed, acd to this tbe plate has been attached. The naval ordnance bereau has a purpose in gaining knowledge of the experiment as to whether or not re sistance is given to a plate through its attachment to the flexible structure, representing, as it does, the flexibility of a ships side. With one exception in England there is no record of any similar test by any country. The (est will probably last two days. Art-r lb Ball right Colo it auo .-pkixos, Colo., Sept. 4. In the district court yesterday after noon tbe case of cruelty to animals against Jose Marrero, Carlos Garcia and Antonio Hortrea, the Mexican bull fighters, was called and Senor Barela, tbe Mexican consul at Trinidad, Colo., was present and was sworn as Inter preter. Tbe senor made an eloquent appeal on behalf of the prisoners and tbe prosecuting attorney also for leni ency. Ma.rero pleaded guilty on four counts and the other two prisoners on seven count. They were flned 915 and costs on each count and stand com mitted until psld. Up to the present tbe fines have not been paid. Senot Barela expressed the opinion that sufficient money would be rsised to re lease the men from custody. Marloo C. Dead. LorisvnxK, Ky.,Sept. 4. A special to tbe Poat from Bardstown, Kv., says Marlon C, the flu race mare and ex queen of the turf, belonging to Mr. 8. P. Lancaster, is dead. Mach Indig aailaa. 8t. Johns, N, F., Sept. 4. Alarm Ing news was received in this city from Labrador. It was that a Canadian cruiser, armed with eight Catling gnns and other weapons, bad seized a num ber of Newfoundland schooners, fishing In tbe waters of Canadian Labrador and conveyed tbem to Bradorn on tb charge of violating tbe Canadian Ash riot law. Tbe Information I Incom prehensible here and has caused much indignation. STRUCK Willi A CRASH A Wild Engine Crashes Iato a Passen ger Train. MANY PEOPLE KILLED OUTRIGHT. t omr Cars Telraeoped mmd a Lnog- Llat of I Persons Serlouiljr Inji'ird hf the Awful lal;kiaf. Prookltn, J. Y, Sept. 3. A rail road Hccuieiit occurred at 3:40 yester dar a ternoon near tbe Woodlawn sta tion of the Sea lies eh ralroid. While train No. 3, drawing ve teen rars, which were crowded almost to suffoca tion by excursionists, was standidg at i the Woodlawn station a "wild ca " en gine came thunderii g along tbe tracki in its wake and crasLed into the rear car, telescoping it. The car was filled with passengers, most of whom came from York. Msi.y of ti e people ssw the engine come tearing along and jumped and thus saved their lives. The grest ma jority of the passengers were on board at the time, among tbem a number of women and children. A colored porter on tbe platform, who saw the engine coming along without a fireman or en gineer, yelled to Ibe passengers to make their escape. Engine No. 61, th "wildcat" smashed into tbe rear car, smashing it into kindling wood and burying men, woman and children un der it. There was a mad rush of surg ing humanity from the doomed train. The groans of the injured filled the air and the snorting and puffing of tbe im prisoned engine made a deafening noise. Scarcely half a dozen people kept their beads or were able to render assistance to the injured. Patrolman Kelly, who was on duty at the station, turned In several ambulance calls, and five ambulances from the surround hos pitals promptly responded. In the meantime the woodwork of tbe wrecked carriage caught fire and was rapidly in a blaze. Fou rears ere completely destroyed before the tra:n bands were able to uncouple the cur. At soon as It was detached the engine quickly drew the other cars out of (lun ger. Hy this time all the passengers had disembarked and there was the wildest kind of excitement. NONE KILLED OLTUtOIIT. It was thought that at least ten per sons were killed ou; right. The groans of injured rent tbe air and could be beard almost a mile. People rushed from near by houses and the telephone and telegraph wires in every direction were put in motion to redder aid. Four cars were telescoped by the force of the collision. Tiie engine, which caused all the mischief, was used for shunting trains at the Sixty-fifth street and Third avenue departed of tbe Sea Beach railroad. It became unmanage able and dashed forward, throwing the engineer and fireman from the cab. There was no obstacle for the wildcat e giue. It dashed along the track at a fearful rate of speed. Engine No. 3 was in charge of Engineer William, and Fireman Harry Hansen. They were on their way to Coney island. Charles Petit was the conductor. All the cars were badly smashed. More Perlon Than Supposed. San Fkancisco, Sept, 3. Advices from Salvador by the steamer Acapulco from Acapulco, indicate that the sit ua tlon there is more serious than is gener ally supposed. The agents of tbe Pacific Mall write that the country i practically under martial law and tin t General liivas Is threatening to des cend upon San :-alvador city aud cap ture the ruling president. At La l.ibertad, where the Acapulco topped, a big seizure of arms has been mad and it was alleged by the govern merit authorities that Antonio Ezeta'a sympathizers gathered the arms. The rifles were Winchesters and Reming tons and were secreted In a house in tbe outskirts or the town. When tbe police made tbe seizure the place was deserted aud no arrests were made. On the 14ib of July, a startling dis covery was made at tbe palace at San Salvador city. Gutierrez bad a num ber of special officers on guard, four ot whom were trusted servants. Tbe four men were found stabbed to death on tbe morning of the 14th, and the city was thrown into a great stats of excitement when tbe news was given out. Tbe polio are constantly under arms and tbe strictest kind of a press censorship has been established. Even the government official, has little to ay concermug tbe trouble and prints only a few words about the murders and the contraband arms. The presi dent baa issued an order that no person shall be allowed on tbe street after, 8 o'clock at night. Oflieers of tbe army suspected of disloyalty are arrested ar discovered. Ooly Ike Kruat Umnm to be Cloeed Kansas City, Sept. 3. Chief of Police Irwin has received Instructions from the board of police commissioners to allow saloon keepers to open their side aud back doors. This ends a months' attempt at Hutiday closing aud saloon men are jubilant. A Conein of Lee Head. San Fit A NCIMX), Sent 3. Joseph A. Ford, of tbe firm of Murphy. Gr,nt A Co., and a cousin of Gen. Hubert E. Lee, died from fatty degeneration of tbe heart at tb Palace hotel Monday. He was a native f Baltimore, fifty two years of age, and served in the con federate army during the civil war. Keoort of a lota Denied. London, Sept. 3. A dispatch has Lean reealvarf here from Arehri Alt nri . Wolfe, at Foo Cbow, denying tb ru mors that riots have taken plae there. Carried their Keener Corered. Chioaoo, Sept, 1-Ti.e knight of red flag carried tbelr banner through the streets of Chicago notwithstanding tb order of the mayor, but It redness was concealed by a covering of black. They held a celebration yesterday a! ter noon in the back yard of a aa o n on Cly bourn avenue, at which 0ctr Ne- be and Michael Schwab, two of the an archists pardoned by Governor Altgld and Lucy Parsona were present. The day was made tbe occasion for the pre sentation to the "socialist labor party" of Chicago of a handsome red flag by the wives and daughters of socialist. At the grounds it was unfurled amid great cheers, but It was not waved, ac cording to orders. The gathering of, socialists, some of whom declared tbemselvea to be anarchists and others who would be Insulted at tbe name, was not so large or enthusi astic aa other similar assemblages have been. The speakers of tbe day were M. V. liritzeus and Michael Schwab. After the presentation of tbe flag Mr. Url'zeus scored Mayor Swift for inter fering with the liberty of American citizens by refusing 'bem the right to march through the streets with a red flaf, the "symbol of socialism." Mr. Schwab disappointed those who asked biro to ray much regarding bis being put In prison. The gentleman did say that himself and others would succeed if a hundred thousand of them were thrown In prison, but be failed to make any personal remarks. He urged thosii present not to go home and sleep, but to go to work and ral. their peo ple and teach their children to fight against oppression. XF.IR HA11DIK MAKES A SrEFCII. J. Kelr Hard ie delivered a brief ad dress st the fortnightly meeting or the Chicago labor congress yesterday after noon. Tbe relatlon'.of the independent labor party to anarchism, he declared, was one of open hostility. Anarchy represents no government, but the laber advocates bellrve in making use of the existing forces of their govern ment, both national and local, to ac complish the betterment of their con dition. He was apposed to revolution, because men who would r.ot take tbe trouble to vote could not be counted npon to fight, but even If they fought and were successful they would not be capable of carrying out the new organ ization of industrial enterprise and there would be a return to the old con ditions. Tbe prospects for socialism appeared more favorable in this couttry than In Europe because there Is a larger suffrage, no hereditary aristocracy and a better system of electing the national government. The first step must be In the organization of trades unions, and If workingmen were unable to do this they could not. hop to carry out tbe greater reforms which if cialism would bring about. Mr. Hard e and John Swlnton will speak at the the Audi, torlum. A radeuiy of Moelo Hamad, Bcfpalo, N. YM Sept. 2.-The Acad amy of Music, Buffalo's historic p ay house, was gutted by a fierce fire early Sunday morning. Besides the Acad emy proper the liquor store of P. C. Millet, the saloon of Jacou Fried, tbe bat store of G. W. Comatock and the variety store of tbe William Vaughn company, ali in the Academy of Vtuslo block, ar damaged. The fire started in tbe variety store of the William Vaughn company at 2 a. m. At about 3 o'clock one of the floors of the acad emy building fell with a crash and the flying glass and timbers injured several firemen. A rough estimate of the damage to contents aud building li placed at 250,000 sod $300,000. Tbe Academy of Music was originally erected in 1852 by Henry T. Meecb, who died In 1870. On his death he was succeeded by bis sons, Henry L. and John HM both natives of Albany. They brought out several successful cele brities, among tbem Joe Emmet, in 1875.6 tbe house was leased to Abbey A Scboeffel of New York, who did not succeed, however, and tbe management of the theater was again resumed by tbe Meech brothers. On Friday October 5, 1894, tbe academy was sold under foreclosure for 1202,000. Th property was bought by a syndicate which Included the Bank of Commerce, th German-American bank and the Bank of Syracuse, Syracuse, N, Y. Mlaer Not get Keeened. ' Dknter, Colo, Sept. 3 No sotlon by representative of foreign countries has been taken In relation to the miners drowned in the Sleepy Hollow mine at Central City, nor will anything be dona. Tbe mine companies can do nothing at present towards rescuing tbe bodies of tbeir unfortunate employes. Th state Inspector and the mine managers ware in conference but tbe, task appeared so hopeless that they could arrive at no conclusion. It will coat fully $10, 000 to unwater the property and tbe companies need time to do this. An Investigation may find tbe cause of the disaster to hays been the Illegal working of ground by the Flak people beyond their property lines and nearer to the Meepy Hollow and Amerlcut than waa generally understood. To Promt Lfnchiog. Marlboro, Md., Sept. 3. Sheriff Dove and his deputies are guarding the county jail here to prevent an attempt to lynch John Davldge, a nintn-yar old colored boy, who la locked up, charged with attempting a felonious assault on the person Emma Stewart, ight years old. Th attempted crlms was made while Mr. and Mrs. Stewart were away from their home in Kent district. Prince OextVi county. Da vldg made m attempt t mmpi.