The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, September 12, 1895, Image 1
The Sioux County Journal VOLUME VIII. HAKKISOX, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY,. SEPT. 12, 1895. NUMBER 1, V. I The clinging arm, full, w hite nnd nwwt, Beneath the white lid closing; The checks Hushed faint with rosy sleep,. The dimpled hands revising Thr wwt red lip held hnlf apart Smile coming uud retreating; Clod bliss mid keep the little heart. Within the white breast heating, As hahy aliM pK. The tiny, restless, busy feet Lie still in crudlc nestling The clinging ami, full, w hite and sweet, 1'pon the iillow resting; ("lose out the lnirxt of noise ami glare Harsh Hounds, anil harsher seeming And let the soft, sweet amnmer air Float gently through hi dreaming, Ah hahy aleepa. And life and time k hurrying on. Their varied meshes weaving; And hea ren i lost, and heaven is won, And joy given place to grieving: The Mil mriu r cornea, the auuitner flics, And hringa the autumn' glory While atill my darling's violet eyea Ucpcnt the mi nic old story That Imliy aleepa. I ait and mum, while yet apace The future years are w inging. And think what gifla of love and grace Their hidden hand" ure bringing: What paths the little feet may tread, What works the linnd be molding; What crown await my darling" head, When heart and aoul, unfolding. No longer Bleep. Ah! Hoe h n h many a fairy theme, I-'roro her sweet lipa unfylding. And life hna many a golden dream, That aome fond heart ia holding: Hut none ai glnd a those that riac, In light and henuty blending, To ahine before n mother' eyes, Alwive the cradle bending. While bnhy aleepa. A Hon u of I.ovc. The love 'lump thoughta far swifter fly Than sea-bird through the aprny: The love that craven with alillcd sigh A dear voice far away: Whose longing nieinoriea at rive to truce Each ttmilc of vanished glee; And nour aiiblime through time and space That ia my love for tin e. The wistful love that cling ami clings Like aome forsaken child; The trustful love that sings and sings Willi ei hoes weird and wild; That whispers in the lonely night I tf what can never be. From eyea a gleam with tearful light, That ia my love for thee. The love that hath no part of bliss And only breathe in pain. And yet whoso ):ing J would not nils For all the star contain: That broke my heart in day gone by. And wrecked my life for me, The hopelina love that ne'er can die That ia my love for thee. Samuel Mintnru Peek, in Boston Trans cript. Ponx. There i always aotne song to sing, my dear. Always some song that has not la-en Hung; A aong that the broken heart may hear . From the long-lost hope they tread among. , The song of the robin ia old, we know. And the cricket's chirrup ia everywhere; And the maiden' song on the earth be low Is echoed back by the blue up there. Hut, iuto the depth of the far-away. There arc broken fragments all un known. Which turned to genu of thought, to-day Make sweetest songs, and all our own. Yes, there is always some song that we may sing; Alwaya some song that is yet unsung; A song that will cheer the sorrowing Like the whispered words of a lover's tongue. T,ew Whilton, In Cincinnati Commercial (laactle. The Dear Little I'nth. There's a dear little path at the end ol I In road, And where do you think it goes? It wander away at ltd own sweet will. Off through the woods and over the hill, And down where the river (lows. The prime old road lies paved and curbed. While the lamp it either side March out In linn by night nnd day To the noisy town far away, Where never a flower can hide Two at the end stand quite ammcd At the little path' careless ways; But, waiting heyoud Is the marguerite, The bluebird' neat and the springing wheat. And it never atop nor May. Oh, the dear little pathl I like it best, Rprtnftlme, eummer and fall, Though It run through the bramble or Into the swamp, It I dearer to me thaa the stater pomp Of the road with Its sMtioais tall. Q. P. Da Boia, la Chicago RtwonL TALMAOE'S SEItilO.V WORDS FOR THE BEREAVED AND FA NT HEARTED. He Glowingly Picture the Attrac tion of the World Beyond The Health, the Hplendorn, the Heuuion and the Hong- of Heaven. Glories of Heaven. For the bereaved and faint-hearted there could be u word of stronger con solation or encouragement than those, of the sermon prepared by Kev. Dr. Tal mage for last Sunday. His subject was "Surpassing Splendors." With inimit able touch, he has pictured the glories and attractions of the world beyond the skies in a way to bring joy to believing souls and to fascinate even the thoughtless and Indifferent. The text chosen was, "Kye hath not seen nor ear heard." 1. Corin thians ii. y. "I am going to heaven! I am going to leaven! Heaven! Heaven! Heaven!" These were the last words uttered a few day ago by my precious wife as she as cended to be with iod forever, and is it not natural as well as (,'hristianly appro priate that our thoughta be much direct ed toward the glorious residence of which St. Paul speaks in the text I have chosen? Corinth. The rity of Corinth has been called the Paris of antiquity. Indeed, for splendor the world holds no such wonder to-day. It stood on an intimitis washed by two seas, the one sea bringing the commerce of Kurojie, the other th'f co iUnerce of Asia. From her wharves, in -he con st ruction of which whole kingdom: had been absorbed, war galleys with three hnnks of oars pushed out anil eonfoiinilel the navy yards of nil the world. Huge handed machinery, su h as modern inven tion cannot equal, lifted Kliips from the sea on one side and transported them i on trucks n cross the isthmus and set tin i-. down in the sea on the oilier side. The revenue ollicers of the city went down through the olive grove that lined the beach to collect a tariff fnun all na tions. The mirth of all people, sported in In-r Isthmian games, and the beauty rif all lands sat in her theater, walked her porticoes, anil threw itself on the altar of her stupendous dissipations. Column and statue nnd temple bewildered the behold er. There were white marble fountains. Into which, from apertures from the side, tin-re rushed waters everywhere known fur heallh-giv'mg qualities. Around these basins, twisted into wreaths of utolie, there were all the beauties of sculp ture and architecture, while standing, as if to guard the costly display, was n statue of Hercules of burnished Corinth Ian brass. Vases of terra cotta adorned the cemeteries of the dead vases so cost ly that Julius Caesar was not satisfied until he had captured them for Koine. Armed oflicials, the "Corinthiarii," paced u i and dow n to see that no statue was de faced, no pedcslal overthrown, no bas-relief touched. From the edge of the city a hill arose, with its magnificent burden of column and towers and temples I.ikki slaves awaiting at one shrine and a cit adel so thoroughly impregnable that Cib raltar is a heap of sand compared with it. Amid all that strength and magnificence Corinth stood and defied the, world. , Paul's Teat. Oh, it was not to rustics who had never seen anything grand that St. Paul uttered this text. They had heard the best music that had come from the best instrument in nil the world, they had heard songs limiting from morning porticoes and melt ing in evening groves, they had passed their whole lives away among pictures and sculpture and architecture nnd Cor inthian brass, which hud been molded and shapi d, until there was no chariot wheel in which it had not sped, and no tower in which it had nut glittered and no gateway that it hud not adorned. Ah, it was a hold thing for St. Paul to stand there amid all that and any, "All this is nothing. These sounds that come from the temple of Neptune are not music compared with the harmony of which I speak. These waters rushing In the basin of Pyrene are not pure. These atatues of Bacchus and Mercury are not exquisite. Yo 11 citadel of Acrocorinthu is not strong compared with that which I offer to the poorest slave that puts down his burden at that brazen gate. Yon, Corinthians, think this is a beautiful city; you think you hare heard all sweet sounila nnd seen all beautiful sights; but I tell you 'eye hath not seen nor ear heard, neither have, entered into the heart of man the thing which God hut li prepared for bim that love him.' " You ee my text set forth the idea that however exalted our Idea may be of heaven, they come far abort of the reality. Some wise men have been calculating how many furlong long and wide heaven la, and they have calculated how many inhabitants there are on the earth, how long the earth will probably stand, and then they come to this estimate that after all the nations have been gathered to hj-aven, there will be room for each soul, a room 1i feet long and V feet wide. It w mid not be large enough for me. I am glad to know that no huinpii estimate is miflicicnt to take the dimensions. "Kye hafh not seen, nor ear heard," nor arith metic calculated. Health In Heaven, I first remark that we can In this world get no idea of the health of heaven. When you were a child, and you went out lu the morning, how you Isitinded along the road or tr?t you had never felt sorrow or icknessj Perhaps Inter -rhap In these Tory summer day you felt a glow in your cheek, and a spring In your step, ml an exuberance of spirit and a clear ness of eye, that made, you thank (lod you were permitted to live. The nerves were harp striugs, and the sunlight was a doxology, and the rustling leave were the matting of the robes of a great crowd rising ap to praise the Lord, Yon thought that you knew what it was to he well, but there Is no perfect health on earth. The disease of paat genera tion com down to us. The aira that float now on the earth are nollke those which floated a dot paradise. They are charged with iuipuritie; and distempers. Theimost elastic and robust health of earth, com- j pared with that which those experience before whom the gates have been opened, is nothing but sickness and emaciation. IOok at that soul standing before the throne. On earth aim was a lifelong in valid. See in-r step now and hear her voice now. Catch if you can one breath of that celestial air. Health in all the pulses! Health of vision; heallh of spir its; in. mortal heallh. No racking cough, no sharp pleurisies, no consuming fevers, no exhausting pains, no hospitals ' of wounded men. Health swinging in the air; health flowing in all the streams; heallh blooming on the banks. No head aches, no siib-aches, no backache. That child that died in the agonies of croup, hear her voice now ringing in the anthem. That old man that went bowed down with infirmities of age, ee him walk now with the step of an immortal athlete forever young again! That night when the needlewoman fainted away in the garret a wave of the heavenly air resuscitated her forever for everlasting year to have neither ache nor pain nor weakness nor fatigue "Kye hath not seen it; ear hath not heard it." eplendors of Heaven. I remark further that we can in this work get ho just idea of the splendor of heaven. St. John trie to describe it. He says, "The 1'J gates are 11! pearls," and t fin t "the foundations of the wall are gar nished with all manner of precious stones." As we stand looking through the telescope of St. John we see a hluze of amethyst and pearl and emerald and sar donyx and chrysoprasus and sapphire a mountain of light, a cataract of color, a sea of glass and a city like the Bun. St. John bids us look again, and we see thrones thrones of the prophets, thrones of the patriarchs, thrones of the angel, threes of the anostleB, thrones of the niai'.rs, throne of Jesus, throne of God. And we turn round to see the glory, and it is- rim-oca! TtiMnes! Thrones! St. Ji ' ilda us look again, and we ee the gr, irocession of the redeemed passing. ' J cm in, on a white horse, lends the march, and all the armies of salvation follo-.i ring on white horses. Infinite caval cade .Hissing, passing; emptres pressing into line, ages following ages. Dispensa tion trumping on after dispensation. Glory in the track of glory. Europe, Asia, Africa, and North and South Am erica pressing into line. Islands of the sea shoulder to shoulder. Generation before the flood following generation after the flood, and ns Jesus rises at the head of that great host and waves hi sword in signal of victory all crowns are lifted, and all ensigns flung out, and all chimes rung, and all haif.-ltijah chanted, and some cry, "Glory to Gixl most high," and some, "I losauna to the Son ofDavid." and some. "Worthy is the I.amb that was slain" till all exclamations of eudeurij ment and homage in the vocabulary of heaven are exhausted, nnd there come up surge after st.rge of "Amen! Amen!" Amen!" "Kye hath not seen It; ear hath not heard it." Skim from the summer waters the brightest sparkles, and you will get no idea of the sheen of the pverlustinc sen. Pile up the splendors of earthly cities, and they would not make a stepping stone by which you might mount to the city of (tod. Kvery house is a palace. Kvery step a triumph. Kvery covering of the bead a coronation. Kvery meal is n btuqiiet, Kvery stroke from the tower Is a wedding hell. Kvery day is a jubilee, every hour a rapture, and every moment an ecstasy. "Kye hath not seen it; ear hath not heard it." Reunions In Heaven. I remark further, we can get no idea on earth of the reunions of heaven. If you have ever been across the sea and met a friend or even an acquaintance in some strange city, you remember how your blood thrilled, and how glad you were to see him. What, then, will be our joy, after we have passed the sens of death. Id meet in the bright city of the sun those from whom we have long been sep arated! After we have been away from our friends ten or fifteen years, and we come upon them, we see how differently they look. The hair has turned, and wrinkles have come in their faces, and we suy, "How you have changed!" Hut, oli, when you stand before the throne, all cares gone from the face, all marks of sorrow disappeared, and feeling the joy of that blessed land, methinks we will say to each other, with an exultation we can not now imagine, "How you have changed!" In this world we only meet to part. It is good-by, good-b.v, farewells floating in the air. We bear it at the rail car window, and at the steamboat wharf good-by. Children lisp it, and old age answers it. Sometimes we say it in a light way "good-by" and sometimes with anguhh in which the soul breaks down. Good-by! Ah! That is the word that ends the thanksgiving b-inqiict; that, is the word that come in to clnse the Christmas chant. Good-by ! good by! tut not so in heaven. Welcome In the air, welcomes at the gate, welcomes at ie house of miiiiy mansions but no good-by. That group is constantly being augment ed. They are going up from our circles of earth to join it little voices lo join the anthem, little hands to take hold of it lu the great home circle, little feet to dunce in the elerunl glee, little crowns .to be cast dowu before the feet of Jesus. Our friends are in two group a group this side of the river and a group on the other ide of the river. Now ,hore goes one from thisto that, and another from thi to that, and noon we will all be gone over. How many of your loved one hnve al ready entered upon that blessed place! If I should take paper and pencil, do you think I could put them all down? Ah, my friends, the wave of Jordan ronr so hoarsely we cannot hear the joy on the other side where their group I augment ed. It i grave here and coffin and hearse there. A Dying Negro Boy. A little child' mother had died, and they comforted her. They ald,: "Your mother has gone to heaven. Don't cry." And the nest day they went to the grave yard, and they laid the body of the mother down Into tha ground, and tht little girl cam ap to the Terge of the grave, and looking down at tha body of her mother said, "I thi heaven?" Oh, we hare no idea what heaven ia! It it the grave here, it is darknes here, but there i merry making yonder. Metuiuk when a soul arrive some angel takes it around to show it the wonder of that blessed place. The usher angel wiy to the newly arrived: "These are the martyr that perished at Piedmont. These were torn to piece at the Inquisition. This is the throne of the great Jehovah. This is Jesus!" "I am going to see Jesus," said a dying negro Isiy. "1 aiu going to see Jesus." And the missionary said, "You are ure you will see him?" "Oh, yes; that' what I want to go to heaven for." "But," said the missionary- "suppose that Jesus should go away from heaven what then?" "I should follow him," said the dying negro boy. "IJut if Jesus went down to hell what then?" The dying boy thought for a moment and then he said, "Massa; where Jesus is there can be no hell!" Oh, to fctitud in his presence! That will be h pa ren! Oh, to put our hand in that hand which wag wounded for us on the cross, to go around amid till the groups of the redeemed and shake hands with proph et and apostles and martyrs and with our own dear, beloved one that will be the greut reunion. We cannot imagine it now, our loved ones seem so far away. When we are in trouble and lonesome, they don't seem to come to us. We go on the bank of the Jordan and call across to them, but they don't seem to hear. We say, "Is it well with the child, is it well with the loved ones'" and we listen to heartif any voice comes back over the waters., None! None! Unbe lief ays, "They are dead and extinct for ever," but, blessed be God. we have a Hible that tells us different. We open it and find that they are neither dead nor extinct; that they were never so much alive as now; that they are only waiting for our coming, and that we shall join them on the other side of the river. Oh, glorious reunion! we cannot grasp it now. "Kye hath not seen, nor ear heard nneitlier have entered into the heart of mail the things which God hath prepared for them thut love him." The Honi( of Heaven. I remark again, we can in this world get no idea of the song of heaven. You know there is nothing more inspiriting than music. In the battle of Waterloo the Highlanders were giving way, nnd Wellington found out that the bauds of musie had censed playing. He sent a quick dispatch, telling them to play with the utmost spirit a buttle march. The music started, the Highlanders were ral lied, and they dashed on till the day was won. We appreciate the power of secu lar music, but do we appreciate t he-power of sacred song? There is nothing more inspiring to me than n whole congregation lifted up on the wave of holy melody. When we syig some of those dear old psalms and tunes, they rouse all the mem ories' of the past. Why, some of them were cradle songs in our father's house. They are all sparkling with the morning dew of n thousand Christian Sabbath. They were sung by brothers and siHtcrs gone now, by voices that wore aged mid broken in the musicvoices none the less Mtrcet been use they did tremble and break. When I hear these old songs sung, it seem us if t lie old country Inceling houses joined in the chorus, and Scotch kirk and sailors' bethel and west ern cabins until the whole continent lifts flic doxology, and the scepters of eternity beat time to the music. Away, then, with your starveling tunes that chill the devotions of the sanctuary and make the people sit silent when Jesus is coming to hoKiiuna. Hut. my friends, if music on earth is so sweet, what will it be ill heaven? They all know the tune there. Mi-thinks the tune of heaven will be made up partly "from the song of earth, the best parts of all our hy-uus and tunes going to add to tin? song of Muse and trie I.amb. All the best singers of all (lie ages will join It choirs of white-robed children, choirs of put rin rchs, choirs of apostle, morning stars clapping their cymbals, harpers with their harps. Great anthems of God roll on. roll on, other empires joining the the harmony, till the thrones ure full of it anil the nations all saved. Anthem shall touch anthem, chorus join chorus, nnd all the sweet sounds of earth and heaven be poured into the ear of Christ. I avid of the hnrp will be there. Gabriel of the trumpet will lie there. Germany, redeemed, will pour its deep base voice into the song, and Africa will add to the music with her matchless voices. I wish we could anticipate that song. I wish in the closing hymns of the churches to-dny we might catch an echo that slip from the gales. Who knows but that when the heavenly door open to-duy to let some soul through there may come forth the strain of the jubilant voices until we catch it? Oh, that as the song drops down from henven it might meet half way a song coming up from the earth! Tolstoi's Hypocrisy, lu Mine. Seuron' forthcoming book of Tolstoi anecdotes M fne. Seuron lived for ten year us governess lu the count's house there appear the fol lowing Htory concerning Tolstoi' veg etarianism: "The old count demands that veg etarian (IImIicn are always brought to bible for him, whllo IiIh wife and the rest of tlic family eat lieefsteakn and oilier lli'sh food. It often linpis'iis that the countess furtively puis a little chicken meat or a little goose on her liUHband' jiliite, but ho with indignant looks, pushes back the plate, murmur ing: 'No, I will not eat meat, absolute ly, I will not' "Hut," ikUIh Mm. Setiron, "I hnve often Hurprlxed him going to the side board for a piece of ronstbif, which the evening before, at table, hc'hnd sol emnly refused. The carnlvoroti In stinct was reawakened, and the enor mous piece of meat was swallowed In one bite by this apostle of vegetarian Ism." Boston Journal ' ' Color bllndneaa or tha slightest defi ciency In hearing la aofflcient to ax el ude a man from th army. GOWNS AND GOWNING. WOMEN GIVE MUCH ATTENTION TO WHAT THEY WEAR. Brief Glance at Fanele Feminine, Frivo lous, Mayhap, sad Yet Offered In the Hope that the Bcsdlng Hay Prove Keetfnl to Wearied Womankind. Ooastp from Gar Gotham. New York correspondence: r course the tre mendous inflations women have been wearing about shoulders and arms are not to lie luc o n 1 1 n e n 1 1 y pricked nil at once, for It would be dreadful to be blown off the earth by the escape of a higii wind from one's own sleeves, but fall brings an end to the increase of dimensions, and downward drop will be essential. The sleeve now popular that forms a puff to the elbow longer on the out side of the nnn than on the Inside will hold Its own. and this same sleeve with a long, close-flttlug fore-sleeve will be all right If it ends In a flaring turn back cuff nt the wrist. Lace isn't affected, apparently, by the change of season, nnd is still to be used very freely. So when the pretty dresses that are so soon to be old style are thrown or given away make sure to rip all the lace off first. Few of the devices for employing laces are entire ly "out," and new places have been found for putting It on gowns. The ONE WAY TO TRIM BI.EEVKS. embellishment of seams Is a feature of some of the models, and skirts of the umbrella pattern have their many scams masked by narrow satin ribbons of color to contrast with the material of the gown, such ribbon being finished at the edges with closely fulled narrow lace. Just stop, amateur dressmaker, and try computing how many yards of lace can be disposed of by that Idea. With that problem solved, turt) to the second Illustration and observe an other trick of seam ornamentation. In this dress beige crepon and striped bluet taffeta are employed, and Inser tions of the latter show below the knees at all of the skirt seams, which above each scam is outlined by a band of galloon. This method is at first con sideration less terrifying than the sug gested use of fulled lace, but it com plicates the making of the skirt till the home dressmaker need be wary. The bodice Is not much easier, being com posed of a plain crepon back and a front of alternate stripes of crepon and taffeta, the fastening being at the side. Pelt and collar are of crepon, the latter trimmed with bluet chiffon ro settes, nnd the taffeta sleeves have crepon cuffs nnd beige ribbon trimming. The skirts of to-day will do for the fall, and the wise girl who bought enough extra for a bodice can use these C- THE FKOIf T SKIRT FLABIt MSGUISKD. aklita with a freshly made short coat that opens In the front over' a fall of lace. The really new model of skirt la closely like the mora flaring examples worn during the past season, except that the cut la modified to give the ef fect of a down-pointing dip right In front Bo exaggerated la this effect Ii mil 6 "&&Zk -&r. - some imported dresses that It really would seem the skirt wa on wrong-slde-to with the deml-traln in from, except that there is a corresponding dip in the back. Of course, such skirt are stiffly lined to keep the front dip well forward and out from under the feet, the effect being something remi niscent of the late fenders attached to the electric cars. Both the skirts pic tured above show a slight degree of this flare, but iu some dresses it la carried to ungraceful extreme, and again, as in the third sketch, when the front flare is o great as to hint of awk wardness, it is disguised by carrying A, STYLIMI TKAVEI.ING RIG. the flare well around to the sides. This disguises its character, too, and it Is fully as well to have only a little flare and to have It right In front The bod ice of this dress is its chief novelty and Is fitted at sides and back, but is slash ed a few Inches from the front edges so that the tabs hang over the belt. In front there Is a box pleat of white mull set with small black buttons, and a large black satin bow whose ends are .held down by fancy buttons. The sleeves are shirred at the top and have turued back coat cuff. Black satin Is used for the belt, and I combined with the dress goods mauve pique for the collar. As summer ended traveling dresses took on quTte as great a degree of elab-' orateness us other gowns left behind. They became so elaborate In some cases quite fanciful that the design of their wearers to use them later as street dresses was plain. Meanwhile the exquisites distinguish themselves from the million by Insisting upon a different traveling gown for the return journey from that worn lu going away. By less extravagant women the last two pictures will be considered as sep arate possibilities, though it suggests luxury pleasantly to think of taking a Journey in one of them and returning ANOTHER SWELL JOl'RXKYER. In the other. The first is of navy blue alpaca, and Its skirt has strapped seams and Is dotted in front wit it live but tons on each side. The fitted bodice Is slashed iu front to show pleated in sertions of red and blue shot taffeta, and the latter are repented on the sleeves. Its sides are gathered and the front shows a big boxplent also trim med with buttons. The belt may be of leather or of the dress material, and a fancy collnrette of taffeta with guipure edging completes the ornamentation. The second traveling costume is even more ornate than this, being made princess of Scotch plaid with a rever of gray cloth at the right side of the skirt The bodice has a vest nud collar of the darker color seen lu the plaid, and large revers, of which the right one passes around the back to form a belt aud Is then fastened with a buckle at the upper part of the skirt revers, making It apiear a If the one were a contluance of the other. The plaid sleeve have fancy pointed cuff of the plain goods, with stitched edgea. Another good material for the gown for home coming la corduroy In gray. If the trip be not too long, let the seams be lapped with white pique banda. The collar of the coat, the pocket piece and the cuffs should be of whit pique, too, and the soft hat of gray ttlt In tourist ahape ahould hara ft plqtM band. Coorrlft-at, MM, Mh.'lWW Wff t ...