The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, September 05, 1895, Image 7

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    r4t ssw iHHtnr-n,
SpirtU of turpentine li the thinf
with which to cleanse and brighten
patent leather.
Mod rata! y strong salt and water
Ukar. by tbe teaspoon fill at intervals 1
a cum (or catarrhal eulil.
A level teaspooiiful of boracic arid
dissolved In a pint of freshly boiled
water and applied cool la the beat wash
for Inflamed sore eyes or granulated
lids, and an excellent garg'e for in
flamrd sore throat.
The Onward March
of Consumption is
stopped short bj Ir.
Pierce's Golden Mri
ical IHscovery. If
you haven't waited
beyond rriton,
there's campUte re
covery and cure.
Although by many
believed to be incur
able, there in the
evidence of hundred
of living witnesses to
the fact that, in all
its earlier MaKes, con
sumption is a cutable
Hij3 V..
Y--' v..'. i . '
i oui a large per
centaur of cates, and
'e believe, lully OH
, n-nii are curra
by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery,
even after the disease has pn pressed so
fcr as to induce repatcd blctdinjrs fioirt
the lunits, severe IinKtriiiK cough with
copious expectoration (including tuliercu--lar
matter), great loss of flesh and extreme
emaciation aud weakness.
Brings comfort and improvement and
toad to personal enjoyment when
rightly used. lh Many who live bet-i
tar tkan other and to io v life more, with
laaa expenditure, by more promptly
adapting the world's beat products to
the1 aards of physical being, will attest
the value to health of the pure liquid
laxative principle! embraced in the
mnedy, Syrup of Figs.
It excellence la due to its presenting,
la the form most acceptable and pleas
ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly
beneficial properties of a perfect lax
ative; effectually cleansing the system,
daapelliag colds, headaehea and feyers
aad permanently coring constipation.'
It has given satisfaction to millions and!
mat with the approval of the medical
profession, because it acts on the Kid
Mrs, Liver and Bowels without weak
asaf them aad it b perfectly free from
every objectionable substance.
lyrup of Fks bt for sale by all drug
gas In 00c ansftl settles, but it is man
ufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Oa. eoly, whose name is printed on every
paokags, also the name, Syrup of Figs,
and being well ioformedyou will not
accept any substitute if ottered. -
Bcecham's pills are for bil
iousness, sick headache, diz
ziness, dyspepsia, bad taste
in the mouth, heartburn, tor
pid liver, foul breath, sallow
kin, coated tongue, pimples,
loss of appetite, etc., when
caused by constipation; and
constipation is the most fre
quent cause of all of them.
Oae of the most important things fas
atari body to learn is that cooatiaatioa
aa h more than half the sick a ess in the
m add, especially of woascn ; aad itcaaall
be prevented. Go by the book, free atyewi
AfWfgiat's.or write B.P.AUeeCo.,36sCsaal
St., New York. Pills, lot aad aj a box.
assusl ! mars lass .flao sw bossa.
iTaiier Biker & Co. Limited,
TM LvtmC atissawtsnn
Oft Ihia umml. bin nttiti
Venn Iks sTTMl
Industrial and Food
.,11, Is ltw of Uw
caution. ,, imiusooi
... .. I.kl. .all rlOtTI on 9WT
kal or pbtt of inooiijrt"'.
tmm'lt. .resle, mmmm.
U pttoUd us el
1 l 14 tu
J. rMNCIS.8Ml rata'r Aasnl. OMKNA, Hf P
M. m. V. Mo. SSI -St.
fork Nab.
esoawsakv saw tka aertaasnl
in ISM pawl
The Awful HHsTeriasTs of a hrboolgirL
From (Ve Jumrual, Drtruxt, ilirk.
Kvery nut, ia the rii-mity oi ilcl.lru'iu
aeuue aud (liaiuplsin street, Detroit,
kuows Mrs. MrUuuald, aud many a ueifc-h-hur
has rraauu to feel grateful to her lor
the kui J aud frieudly iutereot she has
manifested in esses of illaess.
S"he is a Lind liesrled friend, a natui-al
nurse, aud aa iuteiiigeut aud refined lady.
To a reporter sue recently talked at
some letigih about lr. Williams' Tink
fills, giving soiue very iulerestiug iu-
stu -s iu .ieron imuiedjale kuwu-lcdsel
of marvelous cures, aud the universal t
beneticeuce t rtie remedy to those who
bad uw-il it.
"I have reamm to know," said Mrs.
McOouald, "soiueihing of the worth of
this medicine, f.,r it lias b-eu deriiouxtrat
ed iu my owu immediate family, ily
daughter Kittie is atteiiiliuif high school,
and has never been very tniix since she
began. I iii)iie sue studies hard, aud
she has uite a diHtance to go every day.
When The smallpox bruke out all of the
si'bool fhililreti lisd to be vacciii:it-d. I
trk lier over to lr. Jami-suii aud he vac
cinated lu-r. 1 never .av such an arm iu
my life, and the doctor xii.d he never did.
She wax broken out on, her shoulders aud
back sin! as j nr. "t as sick as she could be.
To add to it all. ueunlgiu set in, aud the
poor child wits in misery. She is naturally
of a nervous temperament and idle suf
fered uioiti awfully. Kven after she re
covered the ueiiralgiu did uot leave her.
Storjny days or days that were dump or
preceded a storm, slie could not go out at
an. Mne was pale unl tDiu, anil find no
"I hsve forgotten just who told me
about the I'ink Tills, but 1 got soiiip for
her ami they cured her right up. She
has a nice color in her face, euts ami
sleeps well, goes to school every day, and
is well and strong in every particular. I
have never heard of anything to build tip
Hie blood to compare with l'ink Tills. I
ah h II always keep them iu the house and
eecoiumend them to my neighbors."
Ir. Williams' fink fills for Tale Teo
ple are considered au unfailiug specific in
uch diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial
paralysis, St. Vitus' dnnce, sciatica, neu
ralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the
ifter-effects of la grippe, palpitation of the
heart, pale ami sullow couiplexious, that
tired feeling resulting from nervous pros
tration; all diseases resulting from vitiat
ed humors In the blood, sm4i as scrofula,
rhronle erysipelas, etc. They are also a
pecific for troubles peculiar to females,
luch as suppressions, irregularities, and
all forms of weakness. In men they effect
I radical curs in all cases arising from
tnental worry, overwork or excesses o'
whatever nature. Dr. Williams' Pink
fills are sold by all dealers, or will be sent
ost psld on receipt of price (50 cents a
kx or six boxes for 'l.U) they are never
old Id bulk or by the KK)), by addressiug
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.. Schenectady,
n. y.
I.aaghoU an the Day of Ills Birth.
There are several recorded accounts
if children who are able to walk or
alk on the very day of their birth, or
who were provided with from two to
n teeth, but mention is made of but
ne which latiahed aloud on the II rat
lay of its earthly existence Zoroaster,
:ne great philosopher. Of him Pliny
ays: "lie was heard to laugh on the
very day of hid birtb; hla brain, also, Is
aid to have throbbed so violently that
do hand could be laid on his bead."
La Than Hair Kates to Loalsvllla, Ej.
Are offered by the Burlington Route,
Sept. 8, 9 and 10, from stations in Ne
braska aad Kansas on account of the
National Encampment of the ti. A. It.
Sept. 0, 7 and 8, from stations in Col
orado, Wyoming, South Dakota and
The Nebraska O. A. R. Official Train,
carrying the Department Commander,
will leave Lincoln at 1.20 p. m., Monday
Sept. 9. Members of the W. K. C. and
the G. A. R. as well as the general pub
lic, will find this train by far the most
desirable means of reaching tbe encamp
ment as it goes through to Louisville
w itbout chauge of cars.
Ticket, sleeping car reservations and
full information on application to any
agent of the B. A M. R. R. or to J,
Francis, U. P. A T. A., Omaha, Neb.
A London restaurant serves its food
on electrically heated plates.
Mrs. Wlnslnw's BoovNiMO Svscr lor chili
no teething, rollem tbs gmns, rsUuees Intlsm
mstlon.allsyspsln. cures wind colte. 2:c txnila
Sixteen women In New York City
derive large incomes by inventing de
signs for ladies' bonnets.
Tired Women
Nervous, weak and all worn out will
find in purilled blood, made rich and
healthy by Hood's Suraiiparilla, permanent
reliel and strength. (Jet Hood's because
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is the Only
True Blood Purifier
Prominently in the public eye today. It is
sold bv all druggists. $1 : six for $.".
! nnrl'c Plllc " lasteless, m lid, cltee
r OOU ! rlllS ,i,e. All druggists. a'e.
lowu'e1 si fl I'erfumetf.
(rTn n )
Tl'e trongtKt anil fturfM rands
Unlike iher I .ye 11 bring a tine
powdnr iii packed In s csn with
ret. vsble lie, the contents ats
ulnars reaily for use nlllmssa
tht taut iieriiineS Hsd Hoap lu
10 miautes wtikeut boiling- it is
the best tor clssnnlug wist
pipes, dlsloltctlng lUks. closets,
usshing bsttls, bslnts. trees, etc.
fLMMA. SALf MFO. 00.
i 'i As's i'Iiiu., r.
Pan only be accomplished with tlio very best
Cream Heps
farm you are
and better
the skimmed
lia"e feaa
make no mis
Davis. Moat,
Agents wauled
Csv . asaeslea a Dssrbsra Its.. Chlsase.
r, slmssna. w ssnmgtoa
ililil rsisat no
'Iterators On mm.
o( tool and rival
With a Davis jfj
rator on the
sure of more Vl
butter, while 1 J
milk la a vnl- I J
Farmers will 1 f
take to gets V TZt
Illustrated J
maiiod raaa
Kducation Factor ia Promotina
Industrial Power-Tbe United States
and Karope Contracted College
Training Ia a Check to Matrimony.
Kducation and Advancement.
In the North American Hevlew Mr.
Mulball has a valuable article compar
ing the relative industrial power of the
people of the United States with that
of Europeans. Ills points are not en
tirely new, but derive new force from
being put lu new form. Our great
source of ponitlve as well as relative In
crease in Industrial power has taken
the three forma of hand power, horse
power and ttteam power, which he
states in foot tons, a foot-ton being the
power to lift a ton a foot Tbe working
power of an able bodied male adult la
300 foot ions daily, that of a horse
3,(XM, and that of steam horse power
According to Mr. Mulball, the aver
age Industrial power of an American
worklug with the means then eiistiug
was, lu lS'.U, 44d foot-tons dally; lu
1S40, 1,0'JO foot-totia daily; In 1WX),
1,240; In SIMS, 1,545, and lu 18Xj, MV.
In the present year the average Ameri
can's physical prowess or productive
energy, m-nsured In connection with
all the resources of mechanical aud
chemical power he controls, Is nearly
five times as great as that of the aver
age American In 1820. Our productive
power for each Inhabitant has doubled
since 1814, and our aggregate working
power as a whole nation has tripled
since 1810. Of this Increase in work
ing power 1-123 is due to Increased
numbers, r5-12.'l to horse power and
07-123 to steam power.
More than three-fourths of the steam
power of the Union Is employed In
transportation, the United States hav
ing double the "amount" (In weight,
we presume) of all the other nations of
the earth collectively. In working en
erev. measured In foot-tons for each
Inhabitant a day, the United States
measures 1.040: Great Britain, 1,470;
Germany, 002; France, 010; Austria,
5ti0: Italy, 380, and Spain, 1590.
The close correspondence between In
dustrial power per capita and the pop
ular conception of the military power
and political Influence of these nations
win occur to every person, notwitn
standing some of these nations main
tain large military establishments and
othera almost none. The relative num
ber of hands employed In agriculture
in these various countries will surprise
many In the fact that Germany employs
about as many persons as the United
States and Austria many more. They
Product for
each hand.
Grain, Meat,
United States.
Great Britain.
Austria .
Italy ...
.... 6,400,000
"A farm band In the United States,"
aays Mr. Mulball, "raises as much
grain as three In England, four In
France, five In Germany or six In Aus
tria, which shows what an enormous
waste of labor occurs In Europe, be
cause farmers are not supplied with tbe
same mechanical appliances as in tbe
United States."
Reducing all farm products to a com
mon denominator, wheat, tbe account of
grain In bushels for each band would
stand thus:
United States.. .475
Germany 118
Italy 115
Austria 97
Great Britain.. .228
France 188
The census of 1800 showed that 87
per cent of the total population of
America could read aud write. Mr.
Mulhall says: "It may be rearlessly as
serted that In the history of the human
race no nation ever before possessed
41,000.000 Instructed citizens." The
expenditure for education Is $2.40 for
each Inhabitant in America, $1.30 In
Great Britain, 80 cents In France, 50
cents In Germany, 30 cents In Austria
and 25 cents In Italy.
Here again we find an absolute pro
portion between the rate expended for
education and the productive power,
almost Identical with the rates existing
between foot-tons of productive power
or machinery) and product In short,
edticnt'on and machine power advance
concurrently, and the productive power,
or wage rate, advances with them.
Check to Matrimony.
In the Nineteenth Ceutury the prac
tical results of giving the higher edu
cation to woiik.u are discussed by Sirs.
A. M. Gordon from au Interesting point
of view, lays the New York .Sun.
Women In Kngland have for some time
had ac.vss 10 university training, which
Is tlio substance, aud of course the de
gree, which Is the shadow, will be
soou attainable, since to deny it Is now
Illogical and unjust. What good have
the new opportunities of education
done the women who have turned them
to account? Mrs. Gordou has collected
a quautlty of statistics upon the sub
ject, and from these she deduces the
conclusion that a college training has
not opened for women to any appreci
able extent modes of earning a liveli
hood beyond the old-fashioned meth
ods of teaching, companionship and
needlework; and that, moreover, It op
erates as a decided check to matri
mony. There Is, no doubt, one good result
of the higher education that Is not ca
pablo of measurement by statistics.
Wo lefer to the wider Interests, the
larger outlook upon llfe.nnd tho trained
Intelligence which are procurable at
universities, buf only by the minority
of students, who strenuously avail
themselves of tbe facilities at hand,
The women, like the men, who take a
mere paaa courae. might better have
stayed at home. Let us turn, however,
to those positive and practical gains
which are susceptible of mensuration.
Mrs. Gordou shows that out of 720
feminine students who have passed
through Newnham college no fewer than
274 are engaged In teaching. Of the
rest. 230 are living in their own homes,
supported, lnfereutlally, by their male
relatives. Just Ave are doctors, two
are missionaries, one Is a market gar
dener, one a bookbinder, three are
worklrg In charity organizations, six
teen have died, thirty-seven have left
tbe United Kingdom, and most of the
remainder are engaged In some sort of
secretarial work for which some pro
ficiency In typewriting would probably
have proved an adequate equipment
From Girton college comes concurrent
testimony. Of 335 students who have
there obtained degree certificates 123
are teaching, two are missionaries, six
are lu Government employment, four
are engaged lu medical duties, six are
dead, and the rest live at their owu
homes. Iu a word, the evidence dem
onstrates that thus far a college edu
catlou has done next to nothiug lu the
way of giving women additioual menus
of self-support.
Passing to the effect of university
training upon a woman's chance of en
tering the holy Btate of matrimony.
Mrs. (iordon first takes In the case of
Girton, whose young women most prof
ited by their opportunities. Of the 79
Girton girls who have obtained the cer
tificate for the mathematical tripos, or
who, lu American terms, have taken
honors in mathematics, only six have
married; of the 07 who have passed the
classical tripos, ten have become wives;
of the 47 who have gone through the
honor course, known as the natural
science tripos, seven have married.
On the other band, the feminine stu
dents who have contented themselves
with a simple pass degree that Is to
say, who have thrown away their ex
ceptional privileges furnish a larger
proportion of wives. The figures se
cured from Newnham furnish similar
results. To sum up, about one In nine
or ten of those girls who take honors
at Newnham or Girton, marries; while
about two In every five marry of those
who take a certificate equivalent to an
ordinary degree.
Tbe deduction drawn from these facts
Is that If a mother sends her daughter
to one of the English universities, the
latter Is far more likely to become a
teacher than a wife. Is this true, also,
of the Harvard and Columbia annexes?
We may expect to see that question an
swered ten or fifteen years hence, when
sufficiently demonstrative statistics
shall have been complied.
The Punctuation Points.
Six little marks from school are we,
Very important all agree,
Filled to the brim with mystery,
Six little marks from school.
One little mark is round and small.
But where it stundg the voice must fall;
At the close of a sentence, all
Dace this little mark from school.
One little mark with a gown a-trailing,
Holds up the voice, never failing,
Tells you not long to pause when hailing
This little mark from school.
If out of breath you chance to meet.
Two little dots, both round and neat,
Pause, and these tiny guardsmen greet
These little marks from school.
When shorter pauses are your pleasure.
One trails his sword takes half the
Then speeds you on to seek new treasure.
This little mark from school.
One little mark, ear-shaped, Implies
"Keep up the voice await replies,"
To gather information tries,
This little mark from school.
One little mark with an exclamation,
Presents itself to your observation.
And leaves the voice at an elevation,
This little mark from school.
Six little marks! Be sure to heed us;
Carefully study, write, and read us;
For you can never cease to need us,
Six little marks from school.
St. Nicholas.
Admiaaion to Harvard.
The Popular Science Monthly says:
"The present scheme of requirements
for admission to Harvard College was
adopted In 1880. Since that time one
hundred and forty-eight persons have
entered Harvard without Greek; Thirty-live
of these have graduated, seven
teen of them with honors, two receiving
the A. B. and A. M. degrees simulta
neously. Of the ninety-one men who
have not graduated, but have been in
college long enough to make a record,
a little more than half have a record
above 'C President Eliot says In his
annual report, 'This record Is a very
creditable one, aud shows conclusively
that the persons who have thus far en
tered college without Greek are abun
dantly able to profit by their college
life, and to win n standing which Is,
011 the average, above that of those who
entered with Greek."
Children and Hooka.
The Xew York Post remarks: "A wise
anil bright young mother that I know
does uot approve of too many children's
books for children. 'They will often
reach up aud understand your book
when you think It necessary to stoop
by giving them your book lu a diluted
state,' she says. Bead to them and
with them, and then so many children's
books will not be necessary. They will
also learu how to use books by imita
tion, and In a home where the reading
Is discussed, where the dictionary and
atlas are In constant use, you will most
likely notice like habits even among
the small children of the family."
A Kansas Opinion.
School teaching Is a woman's pro
fession. Men .don't look any better
teaching school than tbey would cro
cheting. Atchison Globe.
A camp meeting is a picnic that Is
prolonged several days and night.
Highest of ail in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Govt Report
OatiAed lturtiig Lif. time.
In, the Museum of Natural History
in Dublin, is the skeleton of a man, a
native of the south of Ireland, who
was called the Ossified man. His body
became ossified dunnir his lifetime.
He lived in that condition for years.
Previous to the change he had been a
healthy young fellow of. superior
strength and agility. One night be
slept out in a lit 1q a tier a debauch, and
some time later ne ltlt the first symp
toms of the strange transformation.
The doctors couid do i:otliing to avert
the progress of his malady. His joints
stiffened. When be wanted to iie
down or rise up he required assistance,
lie could not bend his body, ai d when
placed upneht be resembled a statute
of Btotie. He could stand bus not
move in the least. His teeth were
joined and become an entire bone.
Tbe doctors in order to administer
nourishment, had to make a hole
through them, lie lost the use of his
tongue and his sight .elt him before be
Special Kales and Trains via tbe Burling
ton ttoute.
Kound trip tickets to Omaha at the
one way rate, plus 5'J cents (for admis
sion coupon to the State Fair), will be
on sale bept. 13th to 20th at Burlington
Koute stations in Nebraska and Kansas
on the Concordia, Oberliu and .St. rran
cis lines, and in Iowa and Missouri
within 100 miles of Omaha.
NebraskauB are assured that the '95
Bute Fair will be a vast improvement
on its predecessors. Larger more
brilliant better worth seeiug. Every
one who can do so should spend bitate
Fair week, the whole of it, in Omaha.
The outdoor celebrations will be par
ticularlv attractive, surpassing any
thing of tbe kind ever before under
taken by any western city. Every
evening, Omaha will be aliame with
electric lights and glittering pageants
will parade the streets, i ue program
for the evening ceremonies is:
Monday, Sept. 16th Grand Bicyc'e
Tuesday, Sept. 17th .Nebraska e
Wednesday, Sept. 18th Military and
Civic Parade.
Thursday, Sept. l!t h Kn i srhts of Ak-fiar-Ben
Parade, to be followed by the
"Feast of Mo.idamin" Ball.
Round trip tickets to Omaha at tbe
reduced rates above mentioned, as well
s full information about tbe Burling
ton Home's train service at the time of
State Fair, can be had on application to
the nearest B. & M. 11. R. agent.
Hieronymus Lorra, the famous poet,
philosopher and critic, of Germany, is
totally blind
Tonacco-Twiated Nerves.
Millions of men ssep asking for stimulants
because the uarvana system Is eoostantly
Irritated by nicotine poison. Chawing or
(making destroys manhood and nerve power,
t'a not a habit, but a disease, and you will
lad a guaranteed cure In No-To-Bac, sold
by Dragglsts everywhere. Book free. Tlis
Urllng turned j Co., New York City or
Mr. Amos 8. Bracket t, of Saco, Me.,
has just started life afresh, when near
Ing the age of three score and ten. He
has been a night watchman for forty
four years and has just retired. The
world will look different to him.
Howard ed.
"What a charitable woman Mrs. Gab
berly is."
"Isn't she; why, when the Hinkley
failure came on, she sent lor Miss Hink
ley and gave ber all her sumner sew
ing to do, and paid her fifty cents a day
for it. It Wis very nice of her, I
"Very; she'll get her reward some
"Yes; she's bad some reward already.
She saved seventy-five cents a day on
all the work Miss Hinkley did." Har
per's Bazar.
"Cleanliness Is Nae Pride, Dirt's Nae
Honesty." Common Sense Dic
tates the Use of
makes wash-day as easy as any other day. Lessens
the labor, makes the clothes white, and does no dam
age. Thousands of women say so surely they are
not all mistaken. Sold everywhere. Made only by
Tbe N. K. Falrbink Company, - Chicago.
A Leading Physician at Last li
covera the Kemedr.
The majority of sufferers from asrT
tna aud kiudred complaints, after try
ing many doctors aud numberless at
vertised remedies without avail. bav
come to the conclusion that there is n.
cure for these most distressing dissfw.
and no doubt these same persons will
be the more in doubt and skeptical
when they learn through the column
of the press that Ir. Hudolph SchitT
111,11111. the recognized authority. who b:i
treated in. ire cases of these disease
than any living doctor, has achicvi-d
Sin-cess by perfecting a remedy which
not only gives immediate relief in the
worst cases, but has positively cuiiil
thousands of sufferers, who were con
sidered incurable. These were jusi as
skeptical as some of our readers. wbi
are thus atHlcted. now are. His remedy
no douht possesses the merit claimed
by the doctor or he would not be willing
to authorize this paper to announce
that he is not only willing to give free
to each person iu this, city suffering
from asthma, bay fever, phthisic or
bronchitis, one free liberal trial pack
age of his cure, but urgently requests
all sufferers to send him their name and
address and receive a package, abso
lutely free of charge, knowing that In
making r'.ie claim he does for his cure, a
strong doubt will arise m the minds of
many, aud that a personal test, as be
offers to all, will be more convincing
and prove its merits than the publish
ing of thousands of testimonials frona
others who have been permanently
cured by the use of his asthma cure.
"Dr. Schlffmann's Asthma Cti'-e,' as It
Is called, has been sold by all dru'st,
ever since It was first Introduced, al
though many persons have never beard,
of It. The doctor has certainly made a
most generous and fair offer, and alii
who are suffering from any of the above
complaints should write to him at once,
and avail themselves of his offer. Ad
dress Dr. R. Schiffmann, 314 Rosabel
St., St Paul, Minn. Write at once, aa
no free samples can be obtained after
Sept. 15.
Julia Ward Howe says that Longs
fellow was a good deal of a dandy - In
bis yontb. His linen was immaculate
and be paid particular attention to his,
collars. j' '
, )
Hall's Catarrh Curcr ' ?
Is taken internally. Price 75 cents.
A marriage license for a prospective
groom of siity-seven years and a bride
of fifty-nine was issued in Springfield.
C nn., a few days ago.
We have not been without Piso's Care
for Consumption for 20 years.--Lizzii Fi
brl, Camp St., Harrisburg, Pa., May 4,'9C
In the Russian government of Sa
mara, Laurenti Eflimoff died recently
at tbe Hge of one hundred and fifty.
Under Catherine II. he belonged to
Pongatcheffs band of brigands, was
captured and spent thirty years as a
prisoner in Sibera. A few years ago
be became blind.
A school teacher in Worth county,
Ga keeps his pupils in order by threat- .
eningly displaying a pistol.
A horseshoe hang over the door for
good luck fell from its nail into the)
head of an Atchison (Kan.) girl a few
days ago, injuring her seriously.
A traveling hypnotist has been sued
in Ohio by his confederate, who de
mands tbe sum of fifteen dollars for
pretending to be hypnotised when be
wasn't. His hypnotic influence was
merely arranged on a promissory basis,
the same as political influence.
A 8
Just as yours will be if
you continue using poor