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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1895)
TOPICS OF THE TIMES. CHOICE SELECTION OF INTER ESTING ITEMS. (nuBtnltind Criticisms Baaed L'poa ihe Happening of the Day Hie orical and Newe Notes. it appears that Holmes murdered bU victims ami made no bones aliout it lawyers have been known to tell the Iniii. They will do anything to win a ease. A German chemist has discovered lmw to make artificial musk cheaply. li-m'i let that man get away. IT Filzsimmons Is debarred from the l-:ze r'.iw because of his Syracuse expe-rieni-c he ought to be able to tiud a uew sphere of usefulness in Congress. A dispatch from Deckertowu, N. J nays that a pilot snake at that place killed a cow. a $100 dog and a $1 pig the other day. How the 5o-eent liar escaped Is uot explained. Whether or not the Cuban rebels are making any progress, the fact that Gen. Campos has ordered 1,300 pounds of quinine for his soldiers Is evidence I'.l Spain" haughty power has begun to tremble. l Japan is nuietly adouting many Arner- ' lean Inventions for its own use without the formality of purchasing them, and iu time w ill learn how to make shoddy goods ami adulterate all its food pro- j ducts. Japan is a promising country. ... . The Houston Post says: The best way to get rid of grass In the streets is to have them paved with asphalt or tooe." True; the St Louis plan of trusting to cows and goats to keep the business streets clear of grass is n,ever J entl-ely successful. A Frenchman proposes a tax on cor nets, tie maintains tbat the corset is a luxury and its use a harmful defer ence to an antiquated dictum of fashion. -X In France alone about 9,000,000 cor--HMmare worn out annually, even a very -light (tax would appreciably benefit the evenyawning exchequer. The French :ina.B' iaea is on par wltb the Italian's, who lam yr proposed to levy a tax on ThAre 1s a growing conviction In En gland that rudeness Is a distinctive characteristic of what are known as well-bred crowds. The London World points out tbat the scenes in the ante rooms at the Queen's reception would disgrace a mass meeting of bricklay ers, and ca!l attention to the fact that -san IrlaA nivnp ni vnot4a tVia a ti rt I snso Is always disturbed by well-dressed . A .!. . l . 1. 1. . . Woman no longer brings with ber Into . public places a silent demand for cour ' tesy. Sh,? repudiates It aa a conces sion t weakness. ' If Mayor Holland, of Dallas, Tex., is a fair specimen of Texas Mayors they most be a set of blooming idiots. Mayor Holland wants the Corbett-Fitxsim-tuons fight to come off there because "It will attract the leading men of the world and will give these men of cap ital who attend such an Insight into the advantages of Texas as they never could under other circumstances ob tain." It would hardly seem necessary to inform this Texas ignoramus that tbe gamblers, toughs, thugs and brutes who will attend the fight are not the leading men of the world and tbat tlie j Investments they will make will be con- j fined strictly to the price of admission j and to whatever whisky they may con- same. If this Is the kind of visitors aad investing the Mayor of Dallas wants It Is a pity that Chicago alone could not accommodate him with sev eral thousand. After England's vacillating policy In respect to "tbe unspeakable Turk" and the Armenian question, Mr. Gladstone's direct, vigorous words on the subject are refreshing With till the force and vigor which he ever displayed When In bis prime the ex -premier In his speech at Chester denounced tbe Turkish Gov ernment for "its horrible, infernal work" with the Armenians and called upon her majesty's government to take such action as will forever prevent a repetition of the outrages. The entire nation, he thinks, is ready, Irrespective of party, to support tbe government In whatever steps of this kind It may take, lie would have England refuse to ac--ept any more of tbe Turk's promises. The way to accept the sultan's promise of reform Is to make It impossible for bin to break the promise. The rest of Christian civilization echoes Mr. Glad stone's words. England, wltb ber nu merous international complications, has been strangely timid to take harsh saeasares with Turkey. It Is time for another line of action and it is emln atly fitting that the Inspiring force In this movement should come from Glad atone. It England sets the Inltatlve It H hardly convelvable that tbe rest of 'arkrtian Europe should fall to lend ber 'te support The death of George F. Boot will awaken reminiscences In nearly every In the north Even where bis was not Identified wltb tbe songs be wrote, the songs themselves bare tjssa familiar' for a period of nearly thirty years. Mr. Boot's life, which waa eminently that of generous and ftevaMe maa, was almost entirely de viated to mule. During I be middle years of the century be, with other welt fcaosra nyaatclane Ilka Dr. Lowell Ma ss and William B. Bradbury, rotated ttt Met of whatever popabtr tmt CJ fawliBBUt tha country had. Hfci 'zZM M aa ndocator 4M not deprlvs . .' j a owObCSm far rompcamf, tad itvWtms7jaMiu "Baas! V ET2 tXS wkta few who I recall the early 'fSJ's will rememoer for Its extraordinary popinirity. The ar. however, gave hltn his Wit Inspiration and under the forve of that but bracing Inspiration be wrote the none which were to be beard iu every home ami at every' camprire. The list of i names of these remarkable instance of popular sous making. uie of theu still of daily familiarity, is Itself ig gestive of the man and his work. It comprises: "The Battle Cry of Free dom," "The Vacant Chair.' "Tramp. Tramp." "Just Before the Battle," "Old Folks Are (lone," "Staud I'p for I'ncle Sam" and many more breathing the pat riotic spirit. It was a wholesome, cheering Influence w hich the s ong writ er contributed In the gloomy days of the war. How much his work counted in stimulating the people of the north and In making their trials lighter It would be hard to say. His songs were made to strike the popular heart, and the way iu w hich they reached their ob ject is remarkable. The regret at the death of this high-tnluded and estima ble man Is softened by the memory of a life full of years and helpful deeds. He Owned that Fly. It was on the west-lwuind express over the Michigan Central the other afternoon. A fat man, who had been complaining of the heat, dust, rate of progress and many other things finally decided to take a nap. Before getting settled down and clotting his eyes he w-as seen by those nearest him to take an artificial fly from his vest pocket and place It on his none, but it was a quarter of an hour before It attracted attention. Then a woman looked back and noticed It and said to ber hus band. 'Samuel, do you see that? You had better go and brush that fly off that poor man s nose. It s a wonder be can sleep with It, but I s'pose he's tired out. "Ves, I guess I'll do that much for him," replied the (nan, and be rose up and went back. The fly was quiet, and he advanced his thumb and finger and carefully picked It off and dropped It on the floor. "Wha-what Is it?" asked the bald headed man as he roused up. "A fly on your nose, sir." "A fly, eh! Where Is It? Ah! I see." He picked It up and replaced It on his nose and said: "Sir, I would thank you to mind your own business! This Is my fly. I bought him for ten cents. Attend to your own fly and I will to miner He leaned back for another nap. and after looking at hi in In a bewildered way for half a minute the fanner re turned to bis wife. "What Is it, Samuel?" she asked. "Nuthln' nuthln', 'cept if I had that feller down tn our tamarack swamp I'd maul him till be couldn't breath fur tuakin' a fool of me!" Free Press. Demoralised the System. "What time will tbat train be in. do you think?" asked the Impatient man. "It is purty hard to tell," answered the agent of the little Southern branch line. "Sence Bill's tree was cut down by a pack of dura fool niggers after a coon he finds It a heap of trouble tuak in' jest the right time." "Bill's freer .. "Yas. Bill, he is the conductor, yon know. The tree I was speakln' of stood alongside the track, about thirty miles up from here, an' when the train come along and the shadder of the tree laid acrost the middle of the top rail of Buck Johnson's fence Bill knowed he was on time, and could gauge her about right to git here on schedule time. Now them fool niggers has cut It down, and . all BUI has to go by is his own guess. Company was talklu' some of puttlu' up a pole In the place whar the tree uster be, but they bain t done it J it." Climbing Mont Blanc. It is an expensive as well as a very tiresome undertaking to ascend Mont Blanc. It costs at least $50 a person, for by tbe law of tbe commune of Cha mouni each stranger Is obliged to have two guides and a porter. So far aa the danger Is concerned, it Is now re duced to a minimum, but almost every year the mountain claims a victim. Bad weather Is the chief thing to be feared by the guides, and so swiftly does It come that a cloudless sky may In fif teen minutes turn to a blinding snow storm which beats you to tbe ground. Thus It was some years ago a party of eleven persons perished. Five were found frozen stiff In tbe snow; the other six still He burled In the Glacier des Boissons. Forty years Is the time al lowed for the glacier to yield tbem up in tbe valley below. A flacky Woman. On the eve of Decoration Day a Brooklyn teacher, shortly after she had stepped on a Fulton ferryboat, felt some animal running up ber stocking, stiH tsklnir refiiirA tmAar tha voir a nf her skirt She grasped ber dress, thus tightly Imprisoning tbe creature, and. though shuddering with horror, she absolutely refrained from making any outcry. She maintained this self-control until the boat bad touched the dock and she had reached the waiting-room, when she liberated a great wharf-rat. alaawlar Caae of Blladaesa. Mrs. Jonathan Rowe. of South Atkin son, Maine, who bas been totally blind for twenty years, experienced an odd partial recovery of her sight a few days ago. She suddenly became able to see qalte distinctly one afternoon about 2 o'clock, bat ber vision was to tally obscured again In two houra. Since then aba has been able to aee rr ery day between about 2 and 4 o'clock la the afternoon, bat during the) rent of the twenty-four boars Is aa blind aa formerly. TlMrw la aa aiacfe talk of men lmpoa- i t H K management of husbands Is I a topic not uew. but of never failing interest to the mass of women w ho find their matrimonial path not completely obscured from view by rose leaves. A clever writer when aked her views on the subject said: The wisest women usually know the least about managing a man. If you wl-h to gain ideas of value ask a little woman with a retrousse nose, and a weakness for bonnets aud changing fashions. The sensible woman wouldn't be like her for the world, aud yet teu to one that little woman has the more sense of the two 1. e., more sense about the vital questlous of life relative to doiuestic happiness. She won't tell you ber secret of making a devoted slave out of a selfish every da kind of a man, but you may depend upon It she doesn't worry about the butcher aud the baker aud other bill collectors who call on the first of the mouth. She buys silk stocking? and wears ribbon bows on her underwear, and sews sachet power Into her gowns aud never lets hltn know she can wash dishes or make beds or do commonplace work that you can hire done for three dollars a week. He, in the meantime, plunges ahead to get the money to meet obligations aud keeps np a stiff life Insurance besides to take rare of ber after he la gone. He has no time to flirt. It Isn't a good thing for a man to have too much time on bis hands. The best of them are Inclined to flirt This Is what the pug-nosed wom an would tell you If she told the truth. She won't tell you, though. She Is far too smart to do tbat. Every one has her business In life. The business of a married woman Is to make a good man a model man out of the mail she mar ries. This Is not simple of achieve ment. It often requires both courage and genius. A man scorns the Idea of being "managed." The mule, who only went because a turnip was swinging Just ahead of bis nose didn't know that the turnip was there to make him go. Now They Chisel Leather. Every woman, nowadays, must have a bit of work "fancy work," by cour tesyto occupy a stray moment or two. Embroidery, painting china tea cups, wood carving, hammering brass each has bad Iu turn. The present fancy Is chiseled leather work. The accom panying Illustration will give the read er a very good Idea of what chiseled cut leather la The leather used Is of the finest and softest and quite cost ly. For instance, a piece about tbe size of a photograph costs $4. Tbe beautiful scroll work designs of the Italian ren aissance are best adapted for this art leather work. Tbe pattern Is first traced upon the leather, and then, with vari ous sharp little knives like a surgeon's lancet, the work Is cut In relief the 13 ft S. MP 8 0 BXOTTKB MAPS FHOM I.KATHKR. bolder the better. The veneering of leaves, etc., is done wltb small Ivory modeling tools, while undulating direc tion Is given by tbe lobes of tbe fingers or by tools that will produce the same effect Motbers-ia-Law, Attention. It would be a good Idea for mothers-in-law to let their daughters In-lsw alone where domestic matters are con cerned, unless their advice Is asked. This sounds harsh, but It Is meant to be sensible. The husband's mother, as a rule, Is too fussy about ber son. Of course It Is difficult for ber to realize that another woman and a comparative stranger, can know as much about "my boy" aa bis mother does, bnt It's very often true. So tbat cheery and wide-awake motber-ln-law, who comes tn smiling, makes no suggestions, offers 1 D0 ' criticisms. everything splen- I m ,be, dnd f ' ' ' m'n "T? 1 " ,b ""J .i" " .JT"l.r.ZZ position. Uses of Old Oar stents. Never throw away old hats, no mat., ter bow dusty or forlorn they may look. Heuovate them. It Is not nearly so Im possible as It seems. For Instance, take an old straw or felt hat It Is dusty and misshapen. Whlsk It tu-.-r-oughly and get a hot Iron ready. Ls.y the bat on an Ironing table, plac a damp cloth over the brim, press It thor oughly wltb the hot Iron, and do the ante with the crown, and yon will find a crisp, bright, brand new hat or aa good. To renovate silk waists, rip the ilk from tha lining, put it In a plat of apbtfrfi and rob It thoroughly. Thaw taka it oat, lay It on a doth aad rub it vw vary quickly with a placa of flaa Mt mattl qnlta dry. Tbe silk will then joiid repair, get a five-cent package of borax and dissolve It lu a pall of tepid w ater. Let the goods soak iu the water and next morning rub them a little on the baud, squeezing rather than wring ing them out of the water. Before they are quite dry press them ou the wrong side with a hot Iron. Lady Drummer on a Wheel. St, Louis Is the first city to put a lady drummer on the road, aud on a bicycle at that Miss Ella M. Henley bears the distinction of being the pioneer f'llsl-druuimer and a vinegar com pany that of lelug enterprising enough to try the experiment, which has prov ed successful. IMss Henley has been on the road for two years, and makes all towns within riding distance oh her bicycle. She travels through the North west and thus far has been very suc cessful In business. A few days be fore she enters a town she sends a card bearing the following words to every vinegar merchant: "Iear Sir: I shall wheel Into your city on or about , and trust you will save your orders for me." The card also bears a picture of Miss Henley, clad In bloomers and sitting on her bicycle. Tbe card usually attracts so much attention that the merchants MISS Kl.t.A M. HEff LET. eagerly await the coming of tbe sweet girl who sells the sour stuff. When she arrives she commands attention at once and often secures an audience with merchants when tbe masculine drum mer would not be beard. And she us ually goes out with an order, too. Her income Is quite good, for besides her salary she Is allowed a commission on sales over a certain amount Her ex penses run higher than those of her brother travelers, but ber firm willing ly allows tils on account of the large amount of business sbe does. This unique commercial traveler Is about 25 years of age, and Is trimly built She rides gracefully, and does not mind a good stiff run of thirty or forty miles. She wears the latest style of tailor-made bloomers, and always looks neat snd fresh, even after a long ride. The Ancellc Husband. There are husbands who are pretty. There are husbands who are witty, There are husbands who In public are as smiling as tbe morn; There are husbands who are healthy, There are famous ones and wetltby, But the real angelic husband well, he's never yet been Ijorn. Some for strength of love ire noted. Who are reully so devoted That whene'er their wives are absent they are lonesome and forlorn; And while now and then you'll find One who's really good and kind. Yet tbe real angelic husband on, he's never yet been born. So tbe woman who Is mated To the man who may be rated As "pretty fair" should cherish him for ever and a day, For the real angelic creature, Perfect, quite, in every feature, He has never been discovered, and ha won't be, so tbey say. Woman and Her Fada. The energetic and ambitious womali of wealth and leisure Is an Interesting study as regards ber time-destroying pursuits. If sbe bas brains above tbe trifling details of suits and trappings and forms and ceremonies, she goes into the arena as a philanthropist among penniless and progressive women. This step establishes ber In tbe world of mind. Later on she takes up charity on a large scale, and she steps Into so ciety on Its shoulder. Her tact energy, unwearied powers for directing, plan ning, organizing and upholding are In dispensable to her. Back of It all, how ever, la ' enterprise. She la at heart commercial In ber Instincts. When Kasbrolderlna Pa nates. It Is best when working small panslew, not to employ too many colors on one flower. For working the two back petals use dark rich purple shades, and the three lower ones a light yellow, with dark velnlngs of tbe purple shades; a rich deep maroon or copper color can bo substituted for the purple Id another one, which will girt an entirely differ ent effect to the flower. Ladles' Bom JonmaL Wa wish we were a girt aid had nothing wore to worry us than lbs debt of a q muter wa owe oar HELPFUL FARM HINTS SUGGESTIONS FOR THE AGRI CULTURIST AND STOCKMAN. New Fyntem cf Burn Hui'dintf Farm era SlmulJ Fertilize Tl.cir llrain How to Kilieve tbukiug Cattle r-omctbing New in Feoctntf. The I'lank H -rn. A new system of barn building has been lu use in Central Ohio for a se ries of years, which Waldo F. lirowu describes as giving a barn a far great er strength Uinu the old plan of heavy timlM-rs mortised and tenoned together, with a saving of about half the frame timber aud more than three-fourths of the work of framing. This barn Is called "the plank barn," and the entire frame Is made of two by eight planks, except nails, tins and rafters, which are two by six. There Is, according to the New England Fanner, uot a mor tise or tenon in the building, but It Is put together with spikes and carriage boltH, and two men will form a large bam ready to raise In four days, such a one as It would take them four weeks to frame on the old plan. At ?2 per day for carpenters, the saving In wages would be $) lu framing the barn, and as a farmer must board his carpenter, counting the board of two men for twenty days at .Vl cents each per (lay, we have sa-ed J0 more, making the saving lu labor and board $100, be sides the saving of lumber. Brains Did It. To get out a lot of muck and dump It on tbe upland to drain while the drouth lasted, this was the question. IIOW THE MtTK WAS IIANDLKD. The swamp was too soft for a team and human muscle was too expensive to lift It Into a cart and wheel It ashore. But brains did It A tree growing la the woods near by was cut, and Its odd shape made to serve as a crane. This could be swung out fifteen feet over the muck, loaded and swung over the dry ground a like distance, dump ing In piles or on to carts. What more could be asked for? And It works as well as If It cost $5. The only black smith work required Is a ring at the top to fasten the stay wires to. 8. Eden In American Agriculturist A flood Ho II to Cultivate. R. S. Kingman, speaking of the bet ter education of agriculturists, well says: "Fertilize the brains of the far mers wltb good practical knowledge, then they would be better prepared to fertilize their farms Intelligently." Ev ery lawyer in the land must fertile his brain or be will fall. Every docotr, every banker, every merchant, every editor must do the same or they will fall. And yet Id the face of all this, and In face of the fact apparent on every hand that It Is tbe brainiest far mers who succeed beet, there can be fquud farmers In every neighborhood who really think that It does not pay to cultivate brains In farming. They think It Is money thrown away to buy books, papers or attend conventions or farm Institutes. If they thought these things paid, we would see them hard at It, for they want money bad enough. Good thinking lies under the succeMs of every man In all kinds of business. A man cannot do good thinking unless he feeds bis mind with good thoughts. A Portable Fence. It Is often more enocomlcal to pasture off a piece of rich fodder than to cut It nnd wheel it away to the sheep, or other stock. The lack of a fen often prevent this. A portable fence can be made after the suggestions given In the sketch, which Is from the Orange Judd Farmer. A few panels of this will Inclose sufficient feed for a day's cropping, and can be shifted to new ground the next day. If sheep are to be thus folded, an extra board will be needed In each panel. These panels may be 12 or 14 feet In length, well braced to keep the fence firm as to lengthwise motion. The crossplece at the bottom of the uptight Should be long enough rr SOMETIIIXff XKW IS rEMrina, to keep the fence firm the othr way, The construction Is plainly shown in the Illustration. Cora on Oatalde Rows. Many fanners plant two or three rows of potatoes on tbe outer edge of the cornfield, so that In cultivating the horse can turn on tbeae without tread ing down tbe corn, say the Connecticut Farmer. But the potatoes are worse Injured by this tramping than tbe corn Is, and scattered aa they are on these outside rows. It requires extra labor to harvest them. Wa have noticed also that whan tha corn waa planted out to tha and of tbe rows, tha oatalde hills, despite tha Injury by tramping, bad mora grain In proportion to their atalka. This la nadoabtedly been us tbe oatalde rows get mora sunlight It Is a mistake to plant oora thickly. Thras E3 grains tn a bill. I' all s."w as all should, are Iw-tter than more, for if four stalks ) e.n-t Iiave aa ear tile size ol ine ear I v ill be smaller, and it will make grent- .. . i . - .1. er work in imtKitig atm niiui;g mm crop, w ith Utile or no increase- of grain. To t jlch Chinch Hunt. M!s l.erofeiie ami sill one quart to the lm-i,el -and strew it In a row two to three iiieint wide around the field, III the liiitldle of a ae tell to fifteen feel Wide, devoid of Vcgt tatioti by plowing and harrowing. At Intervals of three rods bore holes eight inches deep wit n a im! auger, trimming off the tops with a knife to make them smooth and funnel -shaped: fill half full of water and mr In a little coal oil. The strike thit alt track, turn aside to go by It, and roll Into these holes, whence they can be dipil out, more kerosene added ami the pile burned. Keep the holes smooth and fresh, pour a little kerosene on the salt once a day. with a bright boy watching every day to keep things In sltape. the bugs can le kept off. In this way I have saved a sixty five acre field of corn, although It was next to a wheat lot that was badly Infested. Clover snd I'otanh. Analysis of crimson clover shows that It has a large proportion of pot ash. Some of the failures to grow It esjKflally on sandy soil, are probahly due to a deficiency of potash. The common rod clover frequently falls from the same cause. A dressing of wood ashes, or, where this can not be had, of muriate of potash, will secure a seeding where without It there have betn reieflted failures of clover to catch. Heavy soils have usually a con siderable amount of potash, but even on these a potash dressing often gives beneficial results, for It presents ths mineral plant food In available form. Klpenlna; Karly Toraatoea. When the tomatoes commence to turn white and Just have a yellow tinge, tbey may be gathered and placed upon a table In the sun. In a day or two. after exposure to the sun, they will be ripe. Only the largest and whitest ones should be taken, the small or green ones will wilt If taken off too early. This Is the way the early toma toes are ripened, when thpy command 80 to 00 cents per peck. After the price falls to 00 cents per bushel, the fruit is allowed to rlpeu on the vine. Fnilt ripened on the vine has a firm feci and the meat Is solid and of better flavor than green-picked fruit Choklna Cattle. A correspondent of "I'ractlcal Far mer" gives the following method of relieving choked rattle: Take of fins cut chewing tobacco enough to make a bail the size of a hen's egg. Dampen with molasses so It adhe4vs closely. El evate the animal's head, pull out ths tongue and crowd the ball as far down the throat as possible. In fifteen min utes It will cause sickness and vomit ing, relaxing the muscles, so that what ever object may be In the throat will be thrown up. Protects the Little Chlcka. In feeding chickens, provide pen or netting like the illustration (or It may IlEVK'K TO rilOTBCT CHICKS. be made of slat) under which the little chicks may feed without being crowd ed away by the larger ones. It can be raised as the chickens grow, and It Is one of those clever little devices that help to secure the poulterer's profits. Microbes In Plant 1.1ft. Prof. Wiley says tliat "one of the grandest discoveries of modern sci ence" U the agency of the microbes In enabling plants to absorb from the air the nitrogen which Is the chief factor of their growth. The1 theory was first suggested by Pasteur, am! it Is thought to be fully confirmed by the researches of Independent Investigators. If It does not deceive exix-clatlon, It will completely revolutionize agriculture. To Increase the growth of plants It will only be necessary to feed their roots with water containing tbe proper mi crobes. Barvcat brink. The following is an English recipe for a favorite haymaking beverage: Put one pound of medium oatmeal In a milking pall, wltb tbe rind of two lemons cut as thin as possible; cut away all the white pith and remove the seeds, then slice the two lemons. Pour two gallons of quite boiling water over the meal, stirring well, and a pound of best sugar; stir until the sugar Is dissolved and strain off Into another pall. If made overnight It will be quite cold. In tbe hottest weather for use next day. Oil for a Dairy Floor, Occasional slight very slight dress ing with hot linseed oil will keep a wooden creamery floor absolutely Im pervious to water and milk, easily cleaned and quick to show any lack of proper attention, says Hoard's Dairy, man. We do not argue the question for or against any style of floor, but state tbe fact that It Is quite possible to have a floor of wood that will answer all possible requirements. Wstch the IMock Well. All the stock on a farm must be care fully observed. Each Individual should be kept under careful watch so as to guard against disease or a reduction of flesh or product Tbe losa of appetite by one animal may ha doe to some cause tbat can affect tha whole, and by attending to the matter In time there may be a great saving in pre venting ailments among tha ether i nora or ma aoc or aord. A