The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, September 05, 1895, Image 5

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L. i. Klaww, Editor aud Proprietor.
F.F.ill.VR. E. Time tatilr.
WIbk WrL (ioijig Ka.sU
Htt. i, mtiwl, 1J:W Ho. , inixed
kr pah lira a County Con rent ion.
Th rt-,,ul,li;.in onclor of Mom county,
rhraka, r? rTitl Ui wrul ili-U- it-,
(ruin thvtr wvral precinct, lo uiwl in -o,
vrntion at Harrison, Ni-b., ou hit lord .y, m-.p
u-fnlf , law, at 11 o'clock, a. in., for tli
purpoafuf lnrting two rt .!; iU-4 to th
Mat convention to b lwlil ut l.i icolu on
ln Uilvtl; JHi'l('Kil'l to Hi con
vpuima lo !) hclil jI Viilc it:inMui set mtx r
Ktb : placing In noiuliiHliQU c nidid ,h-a (oi
tav .afferent foutiiy ortt, n, anl tli transac
tin'i of sueb oib r buniiifM a nuy li-; pron
f My r"enu-d to tl convention.
1 be N'Vcral pr,eliu-U are e.ilillt-i to n-Ji-re-"'iilatiou
a fi.lloa . ti i:i4 IvimsI iihiii tin,
vote cant for Moor- lor IjU: hii li
tor In lM, tenia oafl l,-li ila it l.irit for
Sii-H priM'lin't dud oiw uVU-g l j for e u li tea
vot ami m.ijor tiu tiiAi-of ;
Precinct. !! '-las.
A n '1 rewg ... . .... ... ...
A ;i tciopo . .... . .
IUI ire . . . i
HOAl-ll . .
( AltlO 1 UO I ...... .
1 I v r I'm u L, . . . .
Il:.l riVK
II : tii iihJ
Mootroc . ...
Uiimiiiix tvtc-r. . ...
.... i
sun ir lo.if... . ..........
Mio'p ( n-.-k
Mikp t rik. ...... . ..
White Klvnr ,
W hurtle CretH
. II. IUrm,
iUNkr i.'ovky,
For flour, feed or meet cull on E.
For the liidiest cash price for
wheat see Grant Cutline. "
A second-hand wnpon for wile or ilwap. A. T. Hrimsox.
Tom Swan has a thousand head of
rattle at Andrews waiting for lipiiifttt.
Horeliound compound cough sj rup
the real remedy for coughs and olds
nt the Pioneer Pliarmaiy.
Lost or Stbavkf A brown pddinif
i! years old, branded circle on left thil
A. Mcfil.NI.EY.
C. I). Plyrnpton went down to Slit ri
dan county and returned on Wednes
day with two car loads of young kUh k
J he pump at the waterworks gave
out the last of the wet-It and the repairi
were not completed until yesterday.
li you want a larni paper get one
published in Nebraska. The JiMRSaL
dubs with the yj)rika Farwr. Call
and see a copy of it.
A ittiniulant In often needed to nour
ish unu strengthen the root"nndto keep
the hair a natural color, flall'it Hair
Htnewer iH the best tonic for the hair:
B. F. eece ban rented rooms in the
Andrews building for his family lo oi
copy that th children may attend
-The pikint ang came here the lirsl
of the week and changed the culor of the
depot, miction houmi and other ruilroud
budding to a deep red.
I .
J At the primary for Andrew, pre'
cin't Hiram Hnioke and C. H. Unilt
were elected delegates to the republirun
county convention which ii to meat on
John Corbin and family und K. P.
Jndrtey aud family expect to tart in a
few days for the eunleru part of th
utate. Mm. Uorbin i.h in very poor
health und wanlH to go there. Mr. t'or
biii exni tB to return in a few immlhH to
look after his interenlH here.
-Which is worw, imprisonment for
life or a life-long disease, lik scrofula,
for example? The formeri certainly,
would I preferable were it iiol that
Aytr' Kirnaparilla can alwa s conm to
the rewrue and i(ive the foor suH'eiei
Jieulth, Htrutigthi und lmppiiics.
4 I lie republican primary on vki tlnes
day paused olf very iuietly. There wuh
tt fair ntteiidance but no contest. Thr
delegates elected to the republican coun
y convention to lie held next ISttunJa
ure II, A. Priddy, H. V. John-on, K. (J.
Hough and llave Darllett, W, II, Ifuvio
wus chairman and H' II. Iloiiijh, secre
tiiry, The city of Ouiaha i making gicat
pleiartitioMs for the coming state fair.
Whether or not the fair itself will lie
bttU-r than in the past is a ijues
tion, but the attractions offered by the
city will excel anything ever known in
the history of (he sta(. On Recount ol
the short-sighkd policy adopted by ; the
fair managers the railroads have taken
lip the work of advertising it at their
own expense as will be seen by our col
limns this wetk.
The Craw ford Clawlte take excep
tion to what Tub JocKNAf, hud to say in
l-Hgard to the Illegal und outlawed vit
lege warrants which it Crawford attor
ney is attempting to collect by suit In n
court that I Very Inconvenient for h
representative nf the village to reach.
Had Bro. Wingllelil taken the pains to
look up the law und the records in tla
use it Is iinrtily likely that he would
have expressed himself rts he did. IK
M'iilently gol his information from h
attorney who is attempting In make tin
taxpayers of the village pay some of iu
tlebts twice. It is a poor lawyer, in J Ji tl,
111 MA4 u..l... l... . .t-.. m. .
ov win nut imun irra nest snowing or
1 side of the
James Mu' ann was up from Gilchrist
Tuewluj ,
Kb Smith represent'-.! Podarc on our
itrwet 'fuelay.
T. II Snyder was up from Hlup Crutk
tl lirKt of Uiu week.
A. Mi-f nley w in town Monday und
llliule a bllNlllens call Ht this office,
Mr and Mr P. N. Krkiir:t ure
viitiiit; at tiie ecuuly wat lnlay.
I Mr. sunt Mra. Tebbet were visit
r to Hih county seat la.t 8.itiirday.
J W. ft S nit li aril wife drove in from
Rlemont today.
4 M x Rosa I cBim k was in tow n Tuex
l.i y and her sister, Miss Mary returned
hnuie with her.
jMiks Tricy Will came down from
Lusk the liit of last week and will re-'
main in Harrison for awhile.
James H. Cook, of Ar ite Springs was
in town jest rday mid let the light of
ti.s counli iiance tiliine in this office.
Mr. und Mrs. Phil Umtt and d.itighli-r
iiTivcd on Tues-lay to visit C. H. Ui.itt
l couple of weeks.
H v. ". l-J "onncll l'ft for Ooiilon lust
vcn:n- and will go from there to
vV.I.-ut.ue next week to atti nd ui.nual
Ivl. Smiley and Sol Wilson hhook the
dust of Sioux county oir their f .-et last,
week, stirtiiig 'for the eastern part of
Ihe state. Their families bad preceded
J. I '. Pal sins has rented the Linde
uiau property and moved into it the
lirst of the week to gie his children an
opportunity to attend school.
iienry vv urnexe lias leased rooms in
the Turner building which his family
win occupy mat ins uaitglilertt n)ily o
to school.
Stat Bank Examiner Cowdery was
here last Sat unlay looking at the con
lit ion of the Commercial Bank. He
aid that he h ,d found no lank whose
il. posiu were bulging lis they where
here. Tiiat does not indicate that this
locality is very badly poverty stricken.
The fall term of school began on
Monday with II. L. p'islmr and Miss Corn
Wurts us teachers. The enrollment, is
twenty-two in each room and not near
all children have started. The grammar
room has about all it will accommodate
and the question of what to do for room
presents itself to the board. It is a little
late to build a new school house und to
add to the olim hool building would !e
a waste of money and there is not a
suitable room in the town to be rented,
so t he question is a hard one.
The editor of TH'i JoCKSaI. returned
Tuesday from a business trip to the
'ttsirn part of the stale. The condi
tions there are milch better than existed
a year ago for many parts of the state
yielded good crops, but the cry of hard
times is heard ou 'every hand. No work
is to lie had by many; collodions are
.dow und all feel the ellect. The beet
( nip a rou nil Grand Island and Norfolk
is good so that those localities are more
prosperous. A great ninny people are
leaving Sheridan, Box Butte and other
western counties, Taken as a whole
the people in Sioux county seem have us
little cause for complaint as those ol
any part of the state.
Tke Car Starts Wednesday.
Th.; car containing the exhibit for the
utu fair must be loaded and ready to
leave Harrison on Wednesday evtnin
Sept. Ilth. All products to go into the
car must bo here in time to co then.
o not wait too long but got whatever
you liave to Harrison on or before that
day. II. H. Wixginm',
j President
Notice to IMiniiurnt Tax Payers.
I wish to call your attention to the
fact that the County Treasurers have
Isjen very lenient with you during the
several crop failures und us nearly ull
school districts are m need of uiolicv
md the prospects ure good for fine 'crops
ibis year, 1 shall Insist upon the pay
ment of your personal taxes. Gentle
men they have slood long enough,
Very Itespectfully,
H. S. WcxDnm
County Treasurer,
Dissolution of Piirliiorshlp.
Notice is hereby given that Km part
nership heretofore existing between 8.
Hough, W. H. Hough mid C. V.
Hough, of Harrison, Nebraska., uwIh
the firm name of H. K. Hough & Now
was dissolved by mutual consent on tin
1st day of August, 1HIJ0, W, H. Ilongl.
retiring, the business will bu coiituiuti.
hy M. li Hough und C, Y. Hough, lnn!..i
the linn mime of 3. E. Houirli & Hon
who will siy nil bills and collect all
iiccounls due said llrm,
8. K. HoniH,
W. II. Hoidii,
V, Y, liDl'iiH.
uO (Vnl to January 1, IKiifl.
That is an n w ful little hit of mom.;
or a twicu-a-weik xiper like the Seur,
Weekly Juilrnal, hut if yoil will send fit
villa you will receive that puiier unt
Janiiury 1, iMtrt. You will bud it tl,
liirmer's daily, Markets alonn hit won
more money than that. If yon take Ji
the rest of this year for l cents ym
will want to keep it nlwnys. If you g
up it club of live 50 con! uihsfriher yo
an have itcopy Iren lor your trouble
Addreaa, Nbrakit Rtal Journal, Lin'
The sincerity of President IMe in re
gard to the annexation of the isli nd over
which lie preside to the Uuittd Htates is
being ijiiestionet! and it is said n ''
iitteiiipt has been oia.le to imlu. i...-
IhiiiI to assume authority in that eouu
try. Uncle Sam should see that there is
no foolis'UHKS on tile pirt of (ireat
Judge Bivwer in a recent ndtlress lo
iIh--d legates of tlio Nutioual Bar asso
ciation urged the necessity for limitiug
ap-aU in litigation. It is the same as
in many other things. The provisions
w hich have lx;en made to procure jus
tice to the deserving oiio abused by the
unscrupulous to delay or defeat the ob
ject int-nd'sl. It would he found very
hard to decide where to draw the line.
At their state conven'iori last week
the indi pendents could find no member
of their ow n party to he a candidate for I
supreme judge and so they gave the'
nomination to Judge Maxwell, u repub-1
lican. He has iutimated that be willj
accept the nomination but will riot en-'
dorse the ixiiiulist platform, lie will
therefore give the people of the state an
illustratioH of a pronounced member of
one party heading the ticket of another
parly. So one who is conversant with
the political situation in the state be
lieves that he will come any where near
s'ing elected,. '-'
Mtere are about thirteen counties in
the eastern and southern part of thej
state where the crop is about as short as i
it was last year. There will be more
feed and grain will be cheaper than last
year so that people will get along better
than a year ago, but the business men of
that section are feeling very blue. They
.say it is impossible to colled accounts
and they can hardly get money to carry
on their business. Many people would
clangn their location if a letter place found, but times are so bird
and employment so scarce all over the
couutry that they will have to remain
aud get along the best they can.
There are more young men in the
penitentiaries learning trades today than
there are outside of them. The princi
pal cause of this is that we are educat
ing our young muii to be idle gentlemen,
trying to make lawyers, doctors, preach
ers and clerks out of material that is
needed for blacksmiths, carienters,' sail
ors and other honest "hewers of wood
and drawers of water' It is a mistake
and a big one to teach boys ami uirls to
believe that to labor is disgraceful, and
to do nothing for a living is mor$ be
coming to society- in which they expecti
to move and have respect. Hang Such
society! It is rotten to the core today
and there are many men's sons and
daughters who are now being educated
to play the part of "leading lady" and
walking gentleman" in the great
drama of life who will light out for Our
poor house or a penitentiary before they
play their parts and the curtain drops.
Exchange, ;
At A Hundred June lion Points
in Nebraska, connections are made wtb
Burlington Uoute trains for Chicago, St.
Louis, Kansas City, St. Joseph, Omaha,
Lincoln, Denver, Cheyenne and beyondf"
Our maps mid time-tables showing
where, when and how our trains run ami
wherein they excel the trains of other
iines in ninny important respects, are
sent on request free.
Always glad to quote rates and give
J. FDAM'is, (1, P, Jt Tl A, Onmlia,
Puiier napkins
JotmAt. ofllce.
for snle at fHK
For reliable, llrsl class denial w ork
of any kind, go to T. J. Oilmon, Craw,
ford, Nebraska.
Prompt attention given
mailers in Justice, County
lo all legal j
cuiil 1 .'(strict '
.'oiirts, nud biforo the t'nitid Std.s
Land OlhYe,
Fire IiiHurniH'n written in lull
i?"Icgnl piipers rati dully 'lmwp,
prtipl. Hiiflwis nrl us bmiiv't rpiuinn. wrlt to
lwlenp. In Ihd rsilt,t. buM!n. romniinMM.
Um .rl'tlr mnflnniunl. A f Imiitbm.k or In.
iiHinstinn nsintirnimi I'nlrni sml lnn to oh.
bun I hum m irri Alan i-KUiloyiiv ul mslisiiT
j "f bnsaVfct wtoelf taforeiWe naJlevith. i
ffnklr. taunui iMMr( k CTiTl
kWft fflrrsUtloo qf ni KiimtiSc rori ID the
Wiifl'l. ff.t f u KiipV rrss mi fim.
OalMliu H4tioa.ajnulklr. tiMt
Sick and Nervous
You may b easily and quickly carol
by taking
Ayers Pills
" I have been a victim of terri
ble li"adaches, ami hae never
found anything to relieve them
so quickly us Aycr's Pills, cilice
I began taking this medicine, tho
attacks have become less and
less frequent, until, at present,
months have passed since, 1
have had one." ('. F. Xkvvmax,
Img Spur, Va.
"Having used Aycr's Pills with
great success fordvsni'psia. from
which I Buffered tor years, I re-
solved never to he without them Jj
in luv household. They are in. o
deed 'effective." -Mrs.' Sali.ik o
Mounts, 125 Willow St., J'hila-
iicipuia, i a. o1
''I .thv.ns use Aycr's Pills, and oi
lliiiiK tlieiu excellent. .Mrs. li. o
P. WATifors, Jackson, I'la.
Ayer's Pills ;
Received Highest Awards
Fashionable Barber & HairDres
Ht.l'ltS A.'l KCKSOIS ITT IN OKUi'.li.
til vi; I inn I ii t Cull,
I. E. PH1NNEY, M. J).
Physician and Surgeon.
Ail calls given prompt ut million.
Oflli e in Dni Stoic.
Horrible Sight
In the daily performance of his great,
original tradegy in real life the
It is in two acts. In the first act the
principal parts are taken by Mr. (jerlm h
and representatives of eastern wholesale
house, from whom the former purchases
his goods. In this net he displays great
power in the forcing down prices, and
extraordinary ability in the selection of
good:! to suit his customers, Hut it is
in the second net that he most truly
shines and at the points where w ith a
flourish bis priivs are
his classic countenance liears
that is almost heavenlv.
Perforiuaiicn nvery day from 5 a.m.
to 10 p. m. Special low prices on nil
j goods 1 days in Hie week. Admission
free. Don't forget the place,
When youroabonttnbflyaSewiw;Mnch!:it
do not bedoceiveil ly nllnrlnif ntlvet iiHemciits
Bel be led to think you caa get tae bol maJe,
Snntt liai$liod and
Most Popular
(or a mre hong. Sec to it that
you buy from rcliuble nmiiu
(actiircrs that have Klnvd a.
reputation by honest an d st uaro
tUalina-, you will then get a
Sewing Machine that Is notd
the world over for Its dura
billtv. Vou want the one tliat
U nilMt to maaMr and U
Light Running
There I none In the world that
can qiml in mechanical oon
i structinn, durability of working
pans, ItnenoM of finish, beautf
In apponrnnco, or haa aa rnanx
Improvement m th
New Home
ft fcaa Aatomatlt Tenalon, Daahl Peed, aim
' MhnlkUdilnltMMIUAaWLlf
nota araea ot mckim i M(nMiwuir Mt
it,. Zuil aman'
ina miainnna.
Is the name and fame of the "Old
Reliable" store of MARSTELLER
BROTHERS, where you can al
ways find bargains in everything
to be found in a
Now is the time select your
Highest market price paid for produce
of all kinds.
iVIarsteller Bros.
'The Old Reliable."
From scandal's name we stand aloft.
And honor not its propagator,
We sell you goods, will make you laugh
And go and tell your neighbor
The cheapest place to trade
in town,
Yes, that's the nanie, just
Lumber, Coal and
Sash, Doors,
Lath and
Windmill .and
Edited by Kx-( oncrrstuian
It the greatett uetcspapw wett
of the Missouri Jtioer.
It advocates FREE SILVER
at the presaut ratio ol sixteen
to one. ' . . .
Its news service is the best to,
Daily. 0 01) per yoar; 50 caaU
per month Weoldy. $1 0J por
Subscriptions for tht
rcU2d at thit offt6
Farm Implements,
Blinds, Lime,
Pump Supplies.
S. FM.IS-, . -.s-
County Surveyor,
I Is prupat..,l to do all Ijinds of 8UB.
priiinpl end Hit!fac(rv manner.
VlAnnisox Vkbiiaska.
j; ' - v. : -
j . Photographer,
' .-. ' ' J.- v
.-. . . '
I prepirnd li dii all kliuls of work in
1 bis Ijiii? Iv,tt,i. .mokt npprnvHl
!" niutli'sl.
Tt'han kjw,i! 'npftftrMtfa tor ratttcimr
tCmiiMul outaiik 4aw )d pr-
Urn mnUiif wxi f 'iW Um timuW
i call on him.
coin, KeH.
Mr Atremoii