Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1895)
J I: f f I V, ItD Crux Ccuty Jcurnsl. im feswrriptioa Price, fie L.A. latitat- wahsrea ei the HirilM seat eelee as TmwhitT. 9, 19M. THt along the Fremoflt and Issoiiri Valley in 1895 are to be exhibited this year in ESTEMO Proper encouracrement by a large representation from every town and county should be on hand to explain localities to visitors. One Fare for the Bound Trip PLUS 30 CENTS FOB ADMISSION TO THE Sa Fair "Row White City" Grounds. The best sMbit. Finest bora and racing, Prtf tiNt fair grounds, New race track. Bicycle race a feature. A largo delegation from each town and yoatjr to explain to viaitora about uor good crops is especially desired, mmm m to 20th. Cmaha ctrcoto will be brilliantly il tdiinatcd each ovoninff by electricity czi tho parade by tho great cxrcVcocicty in lull unttorm will c:'o thoKardi;Gra3 c$ ITcw Or C? Co I?rlt3 cl V ; i7eT lQ.iJ Imeartaii "ettae. j A polite but tlrm In i J lti hai Lwn; received from Um county tmaaunr by j the publisher of THE Tonci At to call and ! nettle Kn delioqoeat ieites. To do j that cash is needed m Um county treas urer will not take wood, garden truck, etc. ia payment of tales. TMb Jotwai haa ftditdreas of dollars doe aod wtwa demand ia mailt tor settleenent of our debt musi pans the oeeiaod along, Ad ere hop tfaai Ue u4ebted to us will bring or mm amount doe without further notice: , - Um of tbe Pollaj at TTrr -Cclio to worth, cc (food rig fuwahsd oa short notice. Sellable driven and quMt saddle horses always on hand, (food acoommodatioas for trsnecteul customers. ' Horses hoarded. TER3S liE&SOriSLE. CIVE CE A CALL QCOROC O LINGER, PtOPKUETOR. - r.z.r.i-L , -THE 8 COMMERCIAL BANK. (ESTABLISHED IMS.) Harrison, B. B. taiwtiu. Preseleet. D. H. fl 818 WOLD, AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $50000. Transacts a General Banking Businccs CORRiSPOKDKNTS: Kxcmadob Natkikal Bam, New York. Uarras StaTM Natural Ba.. Omaha, Pawr NaiMai Bank, C'bedreo. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. K7-DBAjrT SOLD OH ALL PASTS OP XUSUPK. All Pre. Those wbo have uaed Dr. Ring't New Diacovery know ita valua, and Utoo w ho have now the opportunity to try it free. Call the advertised druggiet aod gel a, trial bottle, free. Bead your name and add row to H. E. Buck lea A Co., Chicago, aad get a sample box of Or. King's New Life Pills Free, as well as a copy of Quids to Health and House hold Instructor, free. All of which s guaranteed to do you good and cost you oothiog, atPiooeer Pharmacy. A hacking cough keeps the bronch ial tubes ia a state of constant irritation, which, if not speedily removed, may lead to chronic bronchitis. No prompt er remedy caa be found than Ayer's cherry Pectoral. Its effect is immedi ate and the result permanent. Final Prwf XvtiMs. Ail MrsoBi aavlos ana! proof notice ia thla paper wUI iwaira a marked copy uf the puperaaaare requeaun to auuuma ir uouce aad U any mra eztal rapurt tae sauie to taU ofllca at once. Natl re tor Publication. Land (Mce at Alliance, Neb., I Aa. It, lM. ( Notice ia bereby (Ivea taat the (oUowlu( named aetUer aaa tirl notice ol ala inten tion to make anal proof lu anppert of ata claim, and tbat wila proof will be made be fore m. J. Blewett, Clerk lMethct Court at Harrlmn, ebraaka, on Dept. SI, 1W, u : William Miller, ef ilodarc .Neb. wbo made II. K- So. (Ml for tbe as. V sec- tp. n., r. at w. Me name tbe following wltneaaes to prove hla euoUnuoua realdenoe oimw andeslUva Uon of, aatd land, viz : M. C. lMam, V. r. Coffee. Henry Zlmnier man, AUbmui Suutbwurlb, all uf Uodare, Ken. aiao Alaaaua goatbwsrth. of Bodarc Neb.. mWr inula K. Kn. SSIB for the ulM I itnd t aud e. , 11 w. " aec. as, tp. u., r. M w. lie Hailiee we iuiwwi ihiww.i w pruTv bie oudtiuuooe rtwbieuets upuu aud cailiva- l.uu 01, aaHl viz: w 1111am Miller, nenry AionnvriiiBn, 9iepn- ea berree, all of Uedart;, Neb., orfe Cant, of Uarriaoo, keb. w. waea, im. tMI hVetuur. MeUee for rakUeatlea. Lead (Maee at AltWnee, Neb., rfuiy , lava. uinlikiMktilni tbat the fatlawlnv named settler baa aled aowe f meiatoii- Uun to anas Baal proaf la esaaesa of bla ialui, aad taat aaU ptwef wlMlai awrte bw fM. h J. Illall iluk at uhlrtMimirt. at Marrtssa. aeey ea newt-1. mn,v1B: WMIt K. aiMsm, ef SarHism, B BMS . t!lSorBW. JSBW. u. as. us. i aa4 sw. ae. 4 ef e:rXtp. si. t assan taf ftrflT-rj-f ' Hi SMaaeawMassiaMaew aawa hh ut at.ajttwlaaeveto: . . raalassaaiaat it awrrtana, kea. t. W . W aas, Ju., KasUnrr. , i . M St aw Ml jt W aBXSkar-aeaaSfriaaS at the 1 " "y-''-'y laejs Me Nebraska. ViM-PtwaVtaBt Free PHI. Send your address to H. K. But-klen A Co., Chicaga, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills A trial will convince you (if their roerina. Pi- m pillt are easy in nation and arv particu larly effective in the cure of CoostipH Uoo and sick heuthulie. Fjr MafarU and Liver troublea tlicy have been iu ed invaluable. They are guar.mtetd to be perfectly free from every deleU-rioiif substance and to be purely vegtUblt:. They do not weaken by their actum, but by giving tone to stomach and bow els greatly invigorate the system. Kef ular sine 33c. per bos. Sold by Pioie i Pharmacy. Largest ClreaUtlea la Mebraska. It isn't much woiaier tliut Ibe oi.. Journal now fats Ita largest cm ulati.., in Nettraelui. it bus reduced its price in W cents a inoolia With Sunday, or oC cents without Sunday; it has been spending more mooey for Nebraska thai, any other paper; it uas on ita stalf audi men ae Bixuy, Walt Mason aud Aunm. The Journal ia beiog puslied at er. poiut and is cJiuibuig sieudily ami Miri. away ahead of tlie oilier stale da.liex. People like a Liocoln paper. Eap.;iali when it is aa good as the Journal. Back lea's Araks Salve. Tbe best salve in tbe world for cut.-, bruises, sores, uk-ers, salt rheum, fev sores, Utter, chapped hands, cinlhuni corns, and all skin eruption und p-joiuv . ly cures piles, or no pay required, ii i guaranteed to give perfect sstiataclioi or momy refunded. Price 35 cents x boa. Fur sale by Pioneer PlMtriiiy. ast Frew the Press. A very attractive puMiiailum ii.,s jit? sued by liw pameuwr dcp.irlii.i-i. of the Burlington Huulv. it boura li title "Tbe Newer NorUt-west" aixi d scribes in a moat interestiug and ivn able faebioo those pirtioiis ol nor.i. Wyooiiogand the BUwk lulu of Laikota winch are rutcoud U U.i pany's lines. Tlie scenery, towns, mines, people hi, industries of Utese two remarkable act tions of country are treated of with ab solute ftdelety. 300 pages with illuatru tiooa, seat on receipt of 10 cents n, sumps. J.Fkamcb, O.P.A T. A. Omaha. Nsbraska. I North-Wcstern j UftX P., E. A M. V. B. B. is the beet to ami frosa the V.Z'l DIET RHD$ SiouK County, TllEir90FTl!E!IO:.:E- mm frcS J.l fcr Dere Th:n 5X!3 t.lcfi, A hew county with schools, churches, railroads, etc., AND 800,660 ACRES YET OPEN TO HOMESTEAD ENTRY. Contains over forty-five miles o' rail oad and has no county Bonds; SO BOSM. HO DEBTS, LOW TAXF.v Piel, Pests, Lars and Limber I hcspri Tban at aay Otkrr Place la Ntwraska. Stou enuaty is the northwest count of Nebraska. It is nboujt thirty mi) east and west by about seventy mile north and south and contains OVfcft 1.300.000 ACRES of land. There sf more bright, spar! ling, small streams id the rounty thf can be found in Um same area etftswhet in tbe state. It has more pine timber i it than all the rest of tlie state combine Its grasses are tlie richest and most n. thtious known so that for stock-growii. it is unetcelled. The soil varies from a heavy rUy to light sandy loam and It capable of in ducing excellent crops. Tbe principal crop are small gra: and vegetables, although good corn grown in tbe valleys. The wheat, oa' rye and barley are all of unusually ftt quality and com mat k) Um highest mu ket prit-e. Tlie watur is pure ami refreshing ni is found io nbuudiiove in all siK of h county. Tim county is practkiilly outofi- i iikJ has over forty -live miles of rsilr. a w ithin its borders, has a good brick com ' hoiMe and Um mxssury llxtures lor rui ning the county und there lias nevt i wen one dollar of county bonds ieu ind hence taxes will be low. The Fremont, Elkhorn A Uisaoi Valley railroad crosses liioiix cou.. . ruin eaat to west und Uie U. A 11. 1 iiKut liilevn iililun ( il line ill , j.irtti.'usl part of Uik vjiiut. Tlw t lill.iU: is luoi jI.-.isiiiU ti if the eubtero portion of NkbruafcH. There is still OVER 800,000 ACHL I luud in Siniix fuunly y-l i p 1 luiuenU-ud entry. U l l!l-i ...-! uure deniraiiiy iocaiU ti). 1. ' 11: . hich such ruiUitu are lunde f'li ..t.. .ngofa rw.rvutiua. IIkt.- int. iad luud 111 tlie couu'.v ! ; iWUKin Its NutlU.uicnt llu.. 1 I 1, 10 s:ciul etf.iri lu t wit.., a in 11 ...' . M aeltlvmeul o' Um tii-lu.. i t tate. Oviod deeded land can be purchustv ivasonable rutes with governnient h. id joining so ttwt a person wIki w. imre tiluu oo quurtel mrlnip 4 if he tuiS a htlla ilieuiik. i'liere ure sbuui ,') .jiinly und li iv is ru-aii ' u ii.iii'. harri.Mii i Uk- ' uiiv .uiiiiii tiated ill Ua t K. ft U. V. iiiilrotil I( i iff . V'Vii us lie! M'ln1;, uBi m i,..a)n y ''U'.-." n. .. . yi up it'lll! ilii. Iii.ivk. All wl di.Tir' ti) Uct . il"i!K . uy kuai cheup ui ni''i l. .: n! lee tbe country for tlii,'ltc4rfiii j,... if its merits. HouiuateaUi. will . Iitainable much longer aud it jou to use your right and get 160 u.:rs land from Uncle Sam free it is time y vers about it. Lank at Tfcfc List if western cities: Chicago Nt. JrMfih Omaim Liru'iiln St. Louis lvnv-r KMeaaCity U-sdwiiKKl Itdoes'nt mailer which you int Wting. Tbe Beringua Routu in 11 Met line to all as it is to any one ; Advertising matter and full iaformi Hon about trains and rites ro apph 1 lion. J. I KAKCib, 0. P. A T. A. (Mtiii.Keb. OfflClAL OlAtCTOftT STAT Orni'kH: SI'a A. Uolcuaib.i '. Meab k. ISuore Lira lea in I w' j. A. Plpa . .aTlry ut aial Kaaeas Huom., . AadiUir veeaa . Krlly ....Treaaarer Utm-rl l.rrrwr.. iaa . 01a 1111 1 orurii-. gl)Mi,kKMslOAL:ukiACAriu: Was. V. Ajtaa I. a, Saaatuv. Madlaoa V. J. kn-yaa, Cuiigi aiMaaii let DUI-. Uaeoaa l. H- Metear. eaaa i. U. MalkJaiuhn " M FallertM a. J. Halaaf " l " Aarara W.A.zUKMaaaa. - Ui - MCkMte O. M. Keai, " eik Brofcaa Zke JlDldaST: r. I-Vorval. ..Cbler Jnettea, lewarS K. at. foat Asaoelate Jail fa. CelaaibM r II C. llaiTUoa ..Aa'te Judaa. twaad lalaaS l. A. lampeell-Uarb sad aepvrtarUaaul a rUTTICKKTll Jl'UlflAL UISTKltT: i. I. Klnkald ..Jda. U'ketli tlfred Kartow " Caadae a. J. klel-Tll . .... ii. 1 1 Itark, Harrlaoa OOL'ITTT orricKB.: Kobert Wilaon Coanlr Jeee M. J. Blewelt Clerk il. s. Woodrsa" Treaaase W. H. lla.U... So pi. rabilc laasraoeata A. a. Hew . ......... aaaruf J. K. rklauy . .......... CuruwaS U Una hureye a. J. kllt.... ......Clerk of UtatrtctUwan Alla t. Clark ...County Alteraey BOAKO OF OOMMlasIOKCa: , f'raak Tlakbam 1st UkUrtei 4. J. Weber-, ' it. t . JuliuauD (i-kairuiaa) td " LKOISLATIVK: - ' t. U. hUwnrt'.iiul'U-, Dl.l Ko. M.Crawfaa V. Ijempwy... i:.-p., vu..'J, U.ailatfia-a VILI.AOS OfnCKES: , 4. J. aiewalt lefcalruiaa) ...Tretiaa K. Uohwer I. W. Scolt " . H. Urlawfl .. . " f. H. Mari.! r ........ - J. aliuiiMi ' (tare i-wli t r , ni ti .... ............ .1 ivaiMvrar i. . uitu , li; rebat 1. W. k-ii . lilrerlor I. I.. Mini'k Mixluratur W . ll.ler r.mer TKUMflOfCOCKT: iatrtcl fJburt.-At Mum '1 -oa, eeiuyiaueaa .nrll iHh and .Vov-mr uth. uaaty ivuil, At llarrixMi. eviauiaiiaaa rat MuadaT of earb luoutb. l'Ht'Rct:s ani xitria. M. t-ttiarrb-l'TeiiCulae; eai-h alternat unilvy a IS JO, eu, andererv MKd:) St7 as. ksv. r, K. UONiitLi.. CatUir. Metnoilut Sunday ncnowl nrnla every sas iT more I us at lull. . fc. M.BSTKl.tCS. w. 11. liivie. . MiierlulKiwt.rl. aurratary. WlHIDMl UTTIIK WMKUI. llfifrio r.'ainn, N'v. U, weeta on the Irri J (bird Kvturd.iy evulriK of auch lavatk. ) K. ru!kr, K. . I'oktils. . 11-fc. letCta. MOI'KBS af(HMI1 or AM KltlC A. Mwi. r,ra iUt'Tn itu Sitariluy evanlaf A. U. Ua. V. c. J. " . , C Ifr. F.rwoinn LLAciiE. Iimulio.i i mwtliis every Svnduy eVSalu V H-JO. t'atilacl iuci lm( on call el uiaoi--nt UnKUutm, ll 11. W. If. !) is, f m-tili-i.t ."eri-t.ry. 9100.00 Given Away Every Month to the eeraoo subnlitlai tbe asset aisrlfrtaae taeeattea during tae neaoadlas- month. Wg SgfTtTRI PATBMT8 TO lit VBNTOKa, aad tae V ebjeet of this offer is to ea coutafs psreoas of aa invent. Ire Urn of Mine. At tbe same Ume we wish te laiareat Ike test that u a :i It's the Simple, Trivial Inventions That Yield Fortunes si tie Loac'l Rook VHee that Hsmp." in." "Pigs ia ik- In "aarety Alssost very ane ooaeeives A a britkt Idea at amae ilnw or otksr. Why mil but It In krse tleslusar Y11C H talaoU mar lie In this direction. May htake your fortune. Why set tryf 11 11 n t: it pSTWrlts for further laroraatlsasad sseauoa Uls Baprr. THE PRESS CLAIMS CO. Philip w. avlrett, wsa. Mf 618 P Street, Northwest. wAMWeTOH. B. C. SSThe tir onbtllty of this eohiMsa au, im ludavd bi to. fact that lis stock beM by uin wac thousand ft ef tbe lead ins aeeaapeis ia the ft CB1UKI Bl MM ST. MARTS INSTITUTE, OVtMCV, tLLIMOaS. Tbia taatttBtlea, chartered July, 1173, to CMktactsd by the School Sitter of Notre. Oaaw, and provided with every requitits (asadvs to pbysksi, loteUeohiAl and Borei Tbi aYttaa of educatloa wbracta evtrr asefttl tad oraahMtital branch of art aad deftce MHabU for yeuog UahM. Percata- MOTHER SUPERIOR, It Mary's Institute, Ouiocy, Uk RH?RTHAWD . reaaSlyUajM. iwelre ktackera, SOS u Jaws aaanl, aad Ik. taeM Ciwwital I Typevffnag, Reelhaeaa. mis aa aaafd. ul Am sm. ' - - . r -ii.Zl leildiaa ia Aairkt. Crdu.iM rdil mom , Diaeilliri ;nj.i4 Caialeeae riaJL D. U MUSSLXMAN. e..l.T 1 OaUewe, ftehsey.IU. BetayS Uss CollfS. Arsdamlc, Normal, Art, Commercial aud Hnlnlfili 1 1 llemrl It U strictly firat cisa, and blKbgTwia, but :narEeaoniTiniieraiepri-. UHtew tl. SpeeslJs;.iHair STI'OJtai lTj DEPARTMENTS. LAOi L VaJtYIj iN ART aud Jd VnlC htttrxtctimhyWrnaa. see Arttssstpro' within rrueAtf ejegara Merse. aaw and ... ae ART HAH I ejejeee sjseo htwl eeeiipeA ewe eesVwM eVae) ' s 11 raai aw j iMfte aaa''i'.a -:riiPi 'aeesemet I . KOCSal Mir-VAtyj. tenew sikV WkfwJS ilineirni awe.