The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, September 05, 1895, Image 2

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I. i. SIMMOXft. P rear later.
Few people beve time to manufacture
all the "reuses they need.
The trouble with tallow candle as a
Bubstitute for coal oil is that tallow is
going up, too.
Holmes, the Insurance . swindler,
right have made money by publishing
Bis own stories.
A scientific exchange asserts that "a
ton of diamonds is worth $35,000,000."
We doubt it; but to make sure of the
matter we will weigh ours some after
Boon and find out
Now that Chicago Is on top of the
heap, or dangerously near it. the New
York papers have taken to snubbing
poor little Boston. Even Boston has
things that New York has uol
An electric trolley car was held up
the other nlsrht at Wichita. Kan., by a
lone highwayman. The fact that the
lone highwayman was not killed will
excite the curltoiity of the people to
know how he got off the car.
Before that flag is made which the
English astronomer Ball says must be
as large as Ireland in order to communi
cate with the people on Mars, it should
be ascertained whether he means as big
as Ireland really Is or as big as it seems
to England.
The report that Mars' canals have be
gun to double has been confirmed from
several sources. The theory, therefore,
that this phenomenon was due to some
observer having been in a condition
that caused him temporarily to see
double will have to be abandoned.
If society is so taken with the bi
cycle and golf ideas of leg upholstery
that It will require every man to wear
knee breeches shortly, as the fashion
editor announces, then society may be
congratulated heartily upon being
caught knowing what it Is about. No
art Is so wise and skillful that It may
add by dress the least to the power of
the beauty of the naturally developed
human body; but all art is wisest and
most skillful when It resolves only to
help the naturally, developed human
body to express Its beauty with the
most freedom.
Among the schemes devised by the
young ladies "to get near the young
men," as Mrs. Potter Palmer would
express It, the "progressive hammock
party," which has broken out In viru
lent form at Massillon, Ohio, occurs
to us as being the most touching of all.
Each young man is required to sit In a
hammock with each young lady five
minutes. If there is any device outside
of a Chicago cable car that will get the
new woman closer to the new man than
the hammock party, particulars of the
same will be gladly received at the
summer resorts.
The men seem to be having almoin
as much trouble over their bicycling
costumes as the women. There are ho
tels, It seems, that will not entertain
men in knickerbockers, and they are
by no means so welcome in all places
la their bicycle clothes as with trousers
that flap about their ankles and mod
ish shirts. It Is largely to this consid
eration of clothes (says Harper's Week
ly) that the far-seeing look for the
preservation of the horse and the con
tinuance of some of the old-fashioned
methods of conveyance. If men could
lire and move and transact their busi
ness in golf stockings and knicker
bockers, and women In bloomers or
abort skirts, the bicycle's progress
might be as sure as It has been swift
Bnt as it Is. the formalities of life, such
as they are, militate gently but firmly
against the bicycle, and though they
are not effectual to hold It back, they
do make a little for Its restraint
In these day of almost universal
. wheeling, when riding' schools are used
to cover a multitude of falls and when
dissimulating persons, with arms In
slings, go about condemning banana
peels in ostentatious tones, it is refresh
. log to read how society takes Its "head
ers" at Newport There is no skulking
hi back alleys after nightfall; no wab
bling around a sawdust-covered floor
, ' with the blinds pulled down. Every
amateur, male or female, who belongs
to the upper set takes bis wheel to the
one fashionable avenue of the place and
wallows In Its white dust head and
heels, in whatever jumble an unruly
wheel may precipitate. Heiresses to
millions have plumped Into this fa
moos roadway with graceful abandon,
afterward seeking the democratic ar
nica of vulgar commerce and patching
themselves op In public. Why? film
ply because It is the proper thing. Oh,
potent reason, "It Is fashionable." No
body questions why It should be so, for
nobody doubts the edict It may be
rnlgar to sneexe or to eat asparagus
with a fork, bat when It comes to a
somersault Into the warm, pallid dust
of BeUerue avenue society takes to It
an uaqoestlonlngly as It takes to the
art Let the merry work go on. It Is
food, old democratic leveler. It
atarks s happy possibility unless it
adl bacon ao fashionable that riders
was3 te twtnble are to be considered
Lj tti form
ixj L i...juiu .
' tit reaoftfuafnl eoontry undertaker
, Oravrtind. U I., who has
V, ZJsiaJ a l,wMcal proposes
I' - U -f t tenant ta Mea of a
rr ? p a 'mm aid of
rttrO woaderfui tataa-
tlou. At firs thought such a perform
ance mlgLt apiear to lie sacrilege, aud
one would naturally expect that this
country. undertaker's Incursion into the
preacher's domain would bring down
uin him a hot and withering aval
nucuc of righteous invective from the
gentlemen of the cloth, who have al
ways eujoyed a monopoly of the busi
ness. But upon more studious reflec
tion we are Inclined to believe that the
Innovation will be welcome by the
clergy, for when they are called upon to
transform with glowing and fervent
eulogy some old sinner Into a w bite
robed saint with snowy wings it will
be a great relief to turn It over to a
phonograph with a small boy to turn
the crank. For a phonograph has no
conscience and no beliefs, and when a
particularly sinful fellow who has
robbed the widows and orphans to pay
his pew rent gets short on breath and
gives up his grip upon finite things,
what a delicious Juke It will be to have
the phonograph make the necessary
misrepresentations to the throne of
grace. To be sure, the phonograph
cannot weep, but its lachrymal de
ficiencies can le made up in tearful
sounds and groans that will l? calcu
lated to move the perfunctory mourn
ers to expressions of grief. Yes,
the phonographic funeral sermoulzer
is a good thing, and it can't come too
quickly to please the pulpit declaimcrs.
who have always regarded a funeral
as a fitting occasion for making mi
effort o outclass Ananias.
Whj a Correspondent Failed to Re
port a Presidential Function.
The following is the explanation giv
en by the Paris corresHiudent of the
Indi'IM-iidance Beige for not sending to
that paier an account of a garden par
ty at the residence of President Kaure:
"I must say a word, even if a day late,
about the charming fete given yester
day at the Elysee by Mine. Felix Faure.
I was there and I staid there; that is the
reason why I could not send any ac
count of the function. That Is my only
excuse, and it Is the strongest proof of
the charm of the evening which we all
passed there." New York Sun.
Undressed by Lightning.
Mr. C. B. Hoffman, of Butte, Mont,
Is now known as "the human lightning
rod." The epithet is descriptive of his
unique experience of what lightning
can do in the way of instantaneously
undressing a man. A writer In the
New York World relates the story of
the man, who survives, though stripped
naked by a stroke of lightning:
Hoffman was standing at the month
of a mine. The bolt first struck his
straw hat tore a hole In It, and cut off
part of the brim. Then It tore hit
clothing Into shreds, and left him
naked. The bolt after passing through
his hat struck him on the shoulder and
ran the full length of bis body, burning
the skin to a crisp on the sides and
legs. It also cut bis left foot on the
side and bottom, breaking the bones of
the foot
He became unconscious as soon as be
was struck, and did not revive for an
hour and a half. When be regained hit
senses, be was In great pain, and wai
confined to the hospital for nine weeks
When his clothing was examined af
ter the accident It was seen that in
many places the lightning had cut the
cloth as neatly as If It bad been done
with a razor. Some of the cuts were
long and straight
The lightning took his clothes off
quicker than he could have undressed
himself, and It threw them In a pile on
one side of the track, with his shoes
carefully deposited beside the pile. The
clothes seemed to have been neatly
folded until they were examined, and
found to be a pile of rags.
The Haying of Grace.
Some of Dickens' most touching and
effective word pictures were those fam
ily gatherings where for a moment song
and mirth were bushed and the revered
head of the household quietly Invoked
a blessing on the repast Who does not
remember the wedding feast at the
Wardle home, when even genial Mr.
Pickwick brushed away a tear, and
Dickens voiced his feelings In that
memorable passage: "There are dark
spots on the earth, but its light shines
brighter In the contrast"
And through a mist of happy mem
ories rises the home of the C'heeryble
brothers, those typical examples, who
In the midst of their prosperity always
remembered at meal time the "Giver of
all good": "For these and all other
blessings, brother Charles," said Ned.
"Lord make us truly grateful, brothet
Ned," said Charles.
Tax on Parisian Theaters.
The Paris theatrical managers are
agitating, not for the abolition of the
"Droit des pauvres" or tax on theat
rical receipts for the benefit of the poor
but for some change In the system of
collection. At present the tax, which
amounts to 15 per cent. Is levied upon
the gross receipts, and is often paid
by managers who are making no prof
its, or sometimes even sustaining a
nightly loss. Altogether the linost
yields annually about 2.600,000 francs,
or $600,000. One result of the system
Is that there can be no mystery as to
the degree of success or failure of any
new play, as the official returns reveal
the exact condition of each theatrical
treasury, thus preventing the enor
mous amount of lying which forms a
regular and Important part of the press
agents' business here and elsewhere.
Victoria's Domestic Affairs.
Queen Victoria's household is a large
one, consisting of just under a thousand
persona, for the maintenance of whom
the nation, nets apart the sum of 12,
800,000 every year, Most of the office
i are sinecures or fixtures for Ufa
Let XM keep her Ideals. They
tton't com bar father any thing so long
aba tUKaa't marry ana of tfiera.
Dissatisfaction at the State Depart
ment Hews from China.
Til GfrranHt iUqucatad to Re p I a re
the Baoaad Briroai, Which Dtn .
Rrmoved liiftsf thi W ar.
Washington, I). C Aug. 29. The
State Department is in receipt of a
cablegram from Mmis'er Denby, in
which t e states that in response to a
request made by bin, to the Tsung Li
Yamen, the I oa si, Hsu lls:ng 1, has
been sent to co-ots .ate with Consul
jllixson in iaveuighiing; the Ku Cheng
: riot. The rank of the commissioner,
J who li an ititendeiii of circuit (Taotai)
Ms, by treaty, equal to that of the Con
till. It is supposed at the department
'that the im ire of this otlicer may have
i been altered in transmission over the
cable, and it is possible '.Lat the name
ihould be Hsu Yniu'-I, a well-known
metropolitan otlicer, who for many
years was vice president of the board
ofaorksand ha, also been, of late
fears, a minister of the Tsung Li Ya
men. Sh"uid, however, the depart
meut be mistaken ou tliii, the person
appointed appears, from his nam, un
questionably to belong to the family of
this well known Minister. The word
Ingof Mr. lien by 'g cablegram leads
the department to believe that the com
missioner has been sent from l'ekln,
and it is also irferred that Minister
1 Jen by has given ample instructions to
Consul ilixson and that he Is enjoying
all the facilities necessary to carry out
the Instructions of Acting Secretary
Adee and that there was dissatisfac
tion with him at the State Department.
The department Is also in receipt of
a dispatch from Minister Denby of
July 10, last, stating that in view of a
request from the consular body at
Shanghai and with the concurrence of
bis colleagues at I'ekin, he as dean of
the Diplomatic Corps had requested
the government o China to replace in
the Yang Tie the buoys and beacons
which were removed during the recent
Renamed for Cnlt-d State. Miniate to
Washington, D. C, Aug. 29. The
Wi.lte house mail bore the commission
of Matt W. Ilansom to be United
States Minister to Mexico. The com
mission was dated Aug. 24. This ends
a legal complication by which Minister
Ransom, after several months' service
at his post at the City of Mexico, was
declaied ineligible to till the office to
which be had been appointed prior to
the expiration of his term as United
Mates Senator. It was held by the
treasury accounting officers that had
ha fell within a constitutional Inhibi
tion against the appointment of Con
gressmen to offices created, or whose
emoluments bad been increased, dar
ing their service in Congress, it baa
bean generally understood that Mr.
Ransom would be promptly reappoint
so, and the slight dslay which has oc
cur red presumably has been for the
purpose of definitely ascertaining that
that there ware no mora legal or other
obstacle In toe way of renaming Mr.
Ransom to the Mexican miss ton. The
Minister was in Washington a few days
ago, but Is now In North Carolina re
cuperating from an attack of Illness
dae in part to the climate of the City
of Mexico.
A BUg War Daaoa,
Black Rivkb Falls, Wis., 29.
The big war dance of the Wtncabagoa
near this city furnished attraction for
a groat number of visitors. There was
a dan os In which tba Chippewa In
diaos Joined. Many preseots were
showered upon the Winnebago dancers
The daace will be continued next Fri
day, Saturday, and Sunday, whan
another delegation of thirty Chippewas
will visit the Winnebagos and extend
the friendship of tba tribe and smoke
the pipe of peace. But one encounter
took place, and that was the outgrowth
of the Black bawk murder. Tba affray
was between Green Cloud, who Is striv
ing to get at the bead of the tribe, and
H or m an Chase, who was Interpreter at
the broken arm in the encounter with
the wily -young warrior. Bloodshed
is looked for when old Chief Black
hawk returns from the northern part
of the State, as he has sworn to avenge
the murder of bis son and legitimate
successor. '
Shut sad Woanded.
Guadalajara, Mex., Aug. 29.
Seorge 8. Morris, an American mining
man, was shot and wounded in a duel
at Atneca, a town west of here, by a
Spaniard named Jos Salsazar. Tbetwe
man had a quarrel over a business deal
and tba 8pantard issued the challenge
to fight a dual. Morris accepted and
seconds wore eboseo. The fight took
place on the outskirts of the town and
at tba first firs Morris received a bullet
In bis breast. He waa carried from
tba field. A strong effort has been
made to kaap tba affair quiet, as it vary
pronounced. Mo arrests have yet bean
A Qmmmr Starr
Rid Oak, la., Aug. 29. W, R. Lid
wail. Bring several miles north of bare,
had aiurgioal operation for cancer of
tba (ae performed In Omaha a abort
lima ago, In whleh It waa found neces
sary to turn a flsp of the skin back on
tba wound, turning tba hair on tba in
side. .Tbe aalr keeps on growing, and
at rafales intervals Ltd wall baa to go
to a abator la have tba Inside af bit
month bared, tba hair growing from
tba rerema flap of akin tbrongh .Into
bM aouth.
IKK ma'Kiii at Last.
1 E. ITvttoa I he Twelfth Juror SrearaS.
San F bamboo, CaU Aug. 30. After
ix weeks of tedious work, a jury to try
William Henry Theodore Durrani for
the murder of Blanehe Lam out has at
last been secured. S. K. Dutton, the
tmelfth juror secured, said that be was
nly in lavor of the death penalty in a
ase of cold-blooded murder. lie would
ilo require that the circumstantial
evidence be direct in order to reach a
conclusion. Only one murder case had
'he talesman sat on, and that waa
twelve years ago. But if a chain of
circumstantial evidence was presented
to him so complete, so perfect as to
leave no room for reasonable doubt
I e would join in a Vrrdict to convict.
He was then accepted by both the pros
ecution and defense. Clerk Morns
then read the inforina'ion, which re
cited the crime, the record that Dur
rani arraigned on May 2, and to which
he pleaded not guilty. Attorney Ilick
tnscn for the defetise moved lor an ad
journment until Monday, as there whs
but one more trial day and both sides
were tried, lie thought an adjourn
men. Jould assist in promoting it.
District Attoiney Barnes joined in the
motion. '
Judge Muphy said lie was very an
xious to go on with the case, but he be
lieved that giving counsel a few days
for preparation would facilitate the
work, lie asked counsel to under
stand that the case must go on, and if
necestary court would be held on Satur
days. lie granted the motion. He
said in some cases judges placed juries
hs soon as selected in charge of the
sheriff, but he would not do so in this
case, as he fell that he could trust the
jurv men to keep aloof from any con
versation upon the case, Monday
morning the case will be opened by
District Attorney Barnes. Ills address
is expected to cover the entire case and
to marshal all the material points of
prosecution. It was expected that he
would ask to bare two extra jurymen
selected as a reserve, but he did not do
so. The difficulty In getting twelve,
and the uncertainty as to the constitu
tionality of the new law caused him to
do this. There hare been 81,400 tales
men called in the case and 509 have
been examined. The state exhausted
four peremptory challenges and the
defense eleven, making 497 excused on
examination. The trial so far has oc
cupied twenty-one days of the twedty
nlne trial days In Judge Murphy's
court since July 22.
The complete panel' Is as follows: I.
J. Truman, Thomas W. Seiberlich, M.
R. Dempser, Nathan Crocker, Charles
P. Nathan, H. J. Smr the, F. P. Hooper
L. Gregolre, Warren Dutton, David
Brooks, H. Unbolt S. . Dutton.
Many Drowned.
Central City, Colo., Aug. 30.
Water broke through the wall separat
ing the abandoned workings of I he
Bob Tail tunnel property and the Sleepy
Hollow and A mericua mines at 3
o'clock yesterday afternoon and caught
thirteen miners before they could be
warned of their danger. News waa
brought here by couriers late in the
day and man want down to assist In re
covering tba bodies, as it is not be
lieved that any of the workmen es
caped. How extensive ibis disaster is
cannot bo determined ' yet. 1 ba Bob
Tall property waa famous in tba early
days of Gilpin ooanty for lis great yield
of goid. lis shafts and drifts and
chambers penetrate Into tba hills for
miles. Tba property waa dosed dowu
for years. About four years ago a
Haverhl!t, Mass., company opened a
portion of tba property named the Flsk
out of which tbey bare taken over a
million dollars. This has encouraged
others to Usee portions of the property,
and such was Ibe Blaepy Hollow and
the Amerieus. The new workings
must hare gone too close to the aban
doned drifts, filled with water, and the
walls broke, engulfing the new work
ings. The break occurred at the Ma
bee workings, now idle. Two unknown
Italians were drowned In tbe Amerieus
and eleren in tbe Sleepy Hollow.
A later cause la given in a supposed
rise of water in tbe incline shaft of tba
Gregory lode, whose pumps bare not
been in operation for some time., Tba
excessive rainfall of this season is tbe
remote cause of the pumps of tbe dis
trict not being able to handle tba
To llilp the Waifs.
Dktiiuit, Mich., Aug. 30. The third
annual convention of the Wa:f-Sarng
association of America met in the
council chamber yesterday. Many
delegates were present, many of them
women. Temporary organization was
effected in the morning. Mayor II. B.
l'liigroe delivered an eddress of wel
come to the relegates, which was re
sponded to by Hon. William E. Mason
of CMcago. Other address were made
ry Mrs.S. A. Smelle of Illinois, Mrs.
Joseph Bonebrigbt of Das Moines, la.
J. J. Kelso of Toronto, Ont., read an
interesting paper on "egieoted and
Dependent Children of Canana." Gen.
li. A. Alger, tba president of tba asso
ciation, waa present at tba evening's
rossion, wblcb waa devoted to Ad
d 'esses and reading of papers.
Saapeeed lo Have Bean Drowaed.
Halifax. N.b. Aug 30. A dispatcn
from I'barlottetown reports that pro
bable loss of aeran Urea. Flra man
and two woman want from Cape Bauld
In a sailboat to Fifteen Polate a weak
ago. They remained there with friends
over night sad loft next day to return,
and nothing baa since bona heard of
than. Their relatives did not Deceme
anxiooj for several daft, snppoetng
that tba party had prolonged their ruut
and when tbey mda inquiries learned
that tba party was Bklng.
laair-d Ma Vuaad
India AfOLis, Ind., Aug. 28. In
tbe chimney of a litUe frame cot mire
standing at soma distance from i e
other residence of Irvlngn-n, a s -urbnf
tl 'y, detectives found the
charred bones of little Howsrd 1'itit l,
one of the Holmee victims. The find
was the reward of a long and per
sistent search by Detective Geyer of
Philadelphia, who came here s i weeks
ago and ba been working ever nince
n the theory that young l'itzel l ad
been killed here. Yesterday be and
Inspector Gary fcund the empty cot
tage at Irvington which r ad been oc
cupied by a man answering Holmes'
description and a little boy early laft
October. They began a search and
soon found a large stove and the
"black trunk" in which it had been
supposed that the I' ly had been
chipped away. Furtbei arch was re
warded by the finding oi t numuer of
charred bones In the chii ney, together
with the buttons from t.., boy's over
coat, hvidently the clu.d had been
m ordered in the house and his body
cremated there. The two came to the
house together and were seen at the
place for a week, when both disap
peared and nothing 1ms teen since
beard of them.
After the detectives left he Irving
ton houie Dr. J. F. Harm ill one of
the former owners of the In use, con
tinued the investigation begun by the
officers, snd a thorough search of the
house was made. In a chimney wi re
found charred bones, which, Dr, Barn
save, are those of a human body.
Pieces of the skull were found which,
he says, are of a boy about the age of
Piizel, tliis fact being judged by the
thickness of tbe skull. Pieces of ne
femur and other bones were also f d.
After brining from the chimney enough
of the remains to satisfy himself that
there could be no mistake, Dr. Barn
hill came to this city and made known
tbe facts to Detective Oyer. The
latter said there was no tire in digging
further In search of the lemains, as it
wtai evident the chimney contained
the object of their search. All the de
posit of the chimney will be removed
and a careful search of It made.
Plg-tite Moat ba Stopper!.
Acbtin, Tex, Aug. 2tJ. Attorney
General Crane bended down bis opinion
In the Corbett-Fitzsimmons prize-fighting
case In reply to the interrogatory
of Sheriff Cabell of Dallas county, as to
whether be had any right to shoot
down people In trying to suppress a
fight. Tbe attorney's reply is to the
effect that tba prize fighters, referee,
etc., constitute an unlawful assembl
age, and the statutes of lbs state make
special provisions for the dlsbandment
offsuoh unlawful asMinblages, that tba
sheriff is empowered to summon a
posse or eren the militia to bis aid and
In esse tbe fighters will not ooase their
nnlawfnl conduct then that tbe statues
especially proride that homicide la
Justifiable when absolutely necessary
to suppress riots and unlawful gather
ing. The attorney. gei.eral conelndea
bis opinion by sayli.g h does not think
It neoessay, still. If it is necessary, tba
nutates provide the sheriff can naa
firearms In disbanding any unlawful
Waeert laaaaa Lost.
New Yokk, Aug. 28. -Robert W.
Inmaa, tba cotton broker, whose sloop
yacht Adelaide, was run down by tba
Iron steamboat Perseus in the bay off
Morton's Point, bad not returned to
his spartmanta. No. 82 Weat Thirtieth
street yesterday nor had any news con
cerning him been received at his office
In tba Cotton Exchange building, and
It Is now feared that ba was lost.
All toe others of the party bare bean
accounted for. According to one of
tba Adelaide's crew, Mr. Inman boarded
tba Parseua whan tba boat collided,
occurred, declare that bo was not picked
np, either by fhe steamboat, the fishing
smack or Captain Jacobs, who after
wards brought tbe Adelaide to the New
York yacht club anchorage. It is
feared that Mr. Inman was caught un
der tbe paddle wheel of tbe Perse ue
and killed.
Made a Haaty Departure.
London, Aug. 28. The Chronicle
published a dispatch from Constanti
nople saying that Stiskir Pasha, first
aid-de-camp to the sultan, who in June
last was appointed Imperial commis
sioner In connection with reforms In
Armenia, started in great haste on
Sunday by special steamer for the
scene of his duties. Three British war
ships bare btea reported oft! Mllllene.
Their appearance explains fchaklr Pa
sha's hasty departure. It is urged in
Influential quarters in Constantinople
that the Dardanelles in Constantinople
that by hesitation or otherwise British
prestige in tbe east will be seriously
endangered. The presence of a fleet
will alone convince the sultan that
Lord Salisbury Is serious in bis Insis
tence for reforms in Armenia.
1'elted Stale as Arbritrater.
New York. Aug. 24. A World
special from Lima, Pern, says: Tbe
United Statea will ba asked to be ar
bitrator In tba dispute between Peru
and Bolivia.
lufiUka la Jmiu
Dknvkr, Col., Aug. 28. Frederick
Went., tbe Philadelphia bsnk clerk,
failed to obtain bail and still languishes
In jsil to await a bearing. He made
an effort to secure bail from friends In
the Denrer athletic club, where ha wai
entertslned at a gnest before tbe ex
posures o fbls crime were made. Wit
nesses will be brought here from Phila
delphia. Wants continues to assame
a non-commltal attitude only saying
ba intends ta fight. . ,
1895 SEPTEMBER. 1895
t. w. t. r. .
3 4 5 6 7
10 IT 12 13 14
17 18 19 20 21
24 25 20 27 28
22; 23
29' 30
The canning factory at Tekainah is
making a large pack. rweet corn that
II was thought would not make half a
yield has turned out an average crop.
The farmers are beginning to haul
their wheat and rye to market. The
quality is very good. His free from
smut. There will not be much shiped
eas', but will be fed to slock in con
nection with alfalfa.
The family of Judge Hylngton, has
turned up all right. They were away
from home when their house burned.
It is thought, however, that the place
was burned by some one. Everything
in the house went up in smoke. Mr.
Hyingtoii was iu hprltigvlew yester
day and the people there made him
quite a donation.
The body of Mrs. Ada Vennum, who
was drowned in the Elkhorn river near
Norfolk Sunday night was taken to Ex
eter Wednesday and after funeral serv
ices In the Congregational church was
Interred in the Exeter cemetery. Mrs.
Venntim's parents and other relatives
are highly respected and have the sym
pathy of the entire community In their
Beversl new irrigation plants are Do
ing talked of among the ranchmen on
the Lodge I'oU canal. The village of
Lodge Pole, eighteen miles east of Sid
ney will vote bonds for tbe purpose of
securing an experimental artesian well.
There is no question that such a move
will do much toward proving the elli
cacy of the scheme, snd tbe general
opinion Is that tbey will not have to go
more than 800 feet.
Rain knocked out the tennis tourna
ment at Ashland Wednesday. The
finals in tbe doubles between Calhoun
and Bweyn of Springfield and 8hedd
and Lindley of Asbland bad to be givsn
up, as well as the entire single tourna
ment. Tbe games were well contested
and very interesting, about three hun
dred being In attendance. Another
tournament will be held there the lat
ter part of September.
A change Is announced in tbe pro- 4
prletorshlp of the Burt County Herald
at Tekamah.. J. K. Sutherland has
sold out bis Interest to bis partner,
Charles K. Oil, who will conduct tba
paper on the same line as heretofore.
Sutherland retires Irom the newspaper
business In order to devote his entire
attention to the oflloe of secretary of
the btate Board of Transportation, to
wblcb be was appointed some months
' Snyder, tbe man arrested for selling
liquor In tbe northern pert of the
county, on the border of tbe Omaha
reservation, had his preliminary hear
ing yesterday. A large quantity of tba
lira water captured at the Snydar ranch
waa brought Into court and sampled,
and the beer almost drove the crowd
from the court room when tbe keg
was opened. This Is the second case
against Snyder for this kind of an
. Ibe Board of Supervisors In session
st Beatrice Thursday afternoon in
dividing the county into seven su
pervisors' district, and selected seven
members by lot from the board as here
tofore constituted. Those drawn are:
P. E. Wbyman, Adams; A. 8. Casad,
Highland; II. C. Stoll, Riverside; 0.
W. Maurer, Beatrice; Ed Wilkinson,
Sherman; . W. Pen ton, Wymore, V.
J. . Keller, Sicily. Wbyman was
made chairman of tbe new board and
sn adjournment taketi until Septem
bers. The Gage county board of supervis
ors which Is In tension at Beatrice has
found tbe redisricting matter a hard
nut to crack. There Is nearly as great
a variety of opinions as to bow tbe
seven districts should be created as
there are members of the board and
after vainly trying to reach a conclu
sion three committees of five members
each were appointed to prepare plans.
for division. The question was also
raised as to tbe meaning of the statute
relating to tbe division of townships in
making up the new districts. The
county attorney was unable to render
a decision and the board sdjdurned un
til be could have a consultation with
the attorney-general on the matter. It
was reported that the board would fin
ally ignore tbe new law, but only four
or five of tbe thirty members bsve
been heard to express themselres in fa
ror of such action. It is likely that
the question will occupy tbe greater ,
part of the week.
Tbe appointment of O. S. Par melee
as postmaster at Tekamah, rice W. II.
Korns, resigned, gives general satisfac
tion: Parmelee has good endorsements
from both republicans and democrats.
Ho Is an administration democrat.
Kidney Is now Becoming a great feed
ing resort for sheep and cattle. The
prairies are loaded dp wo with feed and
tba shippers from Utah and Wyoming '
sre becoming aware of western Ne
braska's Benefits In that direction.