The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, September 05, 1895, Image 1

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The Sioux County Journal,
i i
That la What tlie rail Faahloua Are
Planned to Ncccaaitate Ulg Hlceven
and Ktlffly Bwirllnc Bkirte to Be Out
of Date Next l'sur.
Cbangea Are Badltat
tiaw Xork eorraaiKiwlaaca:
L KSEH are t o
ihave a rest, to
judge by the In
coming fashions
of autumn, which
are carefully
planned to neces
sitate a complete
abandonment of
current a t y 1 e s .
She who wants to
get good servla
out of the beauti
ful dresses plan
ned for this sea
son, must work
hard, for the very
early fall will be the last call for the
"old styles." It does seem dreadful
to ao characterize all our lively big
sleeved and stiffly swirling Hklrted
gowns, but by this time next year the
draperies, fichus and roats now appear
ing will be on the wane. What Is the
use of planning gowns, after all? Why,
to plan more gowns, of course! or that
la the way it swing to work.
Jaunty little coats, too, of the square
cut are already appearing In the very
early clotb gowns. A stunning affair
In white broadcloth has widely turned
back revers opening over a dainty
brocade waistcoat that la almost ob
scured by billows of chiffon and lace.
The aklrt with this Is distinctly nar
rower than the present fashions de
mand, and the sleeves show an equal
decrease. It teems a wild extravagance
to go Into a new model In white broad
cloth ao near the end of the present
season, but the wearer whispered that
ah means to have the gown dyed
black. Still another cut of Jacket that
promises to And favor la put beside
the Initial at the head of the column.
It la provided with a ripple basque,
velvet, the turned back front being
faced with velvet to match. Between
the two re vers a button la placed on
each aide, and pockets ahow lower
down. Its sleeves are only moderately
wide, and the whole la lined with thin
blue silk.
In millinery there are to be enormous
picture hats of felt, with great plumes
and apparently no method In the trim
ming beyond the attainment of becom
Ingness In front As will be eeen from
the second Illustration, It sometimes
takes a good deal of trimming to make
even the front of a hat attractive. Here
the gray felt la topped by hnge bows
of Dresden ribbon, over which gray
tips show In profusion. There are also
to be extremely jaunty tittle cockade
caps, oiid a few examples of Turkish
like affairs that suggest the genuine
turban, produced by winding a scarf
about the bead. For her to whom two
bat ara a lot, It will ba well to bide a
bit, beeauae ao shape has been settled
upon aa a favorlt to far, and raeantlma
the attajpat at peasant la rogM will look
afl rtgit 1 Mat mattha, ar till fall la
' Aa wbmm never agtaa onanlmooaty
i a
upon any one style, so the designers of
fashions are often trying to push to
ward favor stylus that are widely dif
ferent and with the desire strong for
something original and striking, oddi
ties result. These are especially abun
dant In the transition period, and the
two widely different designs that ap
pear In the next two sketches show how
far apart the guesses of even the fash
ion creators are as to what will next
strike woman's fancy. The. first of
these has au accordeon pleated skirt, a
rather daring suggestion for the pres
ent time, and the yoke and uudersleeves
are also pleated, the material being
pink shot silk. A fitted bodice shows
a point at back and front, these points
and the sleeve cuffs being plain silk,
while the drapery Is or Dresden silk.
With all Ita complication of arrange
ment, this costume somehow had a
trace of demureness In Its plctu'reaque
ness, and the locks combed smoothly
away from a central' parting made a
harmonious choice of hairdreaktng.
In the second example,' light brown
suiting Is combined with brown, and
white striped stuff. ''The aklrt Is of the
Utter, but Its front breadth la of the
plain fabric and Is ornamented at the
top ' with small buttons. ' The brown
ratting given the bodice, which baa belt
and aaflor collar of tbe other goods, the
belt finishing In back with a big bow.
It la cut away at the neck over a chemi
sette of brown silk, which may be re
placed wltti white silk for more dressy
wear. Banda of the striped goods are
put at the ends of tbe elbow sleeves
and finish In bows.
When designs that are ao unlike are
presented by makers who are well
known for past achievements. It Is time
for women with slender pin money to
watch, and to wait If they can, for dog
days' weather Is no more uncertain
than the eventual acceptance of Its
. Aa to the fancy waist, the last end of
summer has brought white mull, djmlty
and lawn aa the favorite materials for
thla sort of bodice. Thus a white lawn
waist of much elaborateness la worn
with tailor-made duck skirts, also
white, and the effect Is roted correct
But fall dresses will show that the rule
of fancy silk waist with plain aklrt of
another material Is on the wane. , Still
the wily fashion creators are ' well
aware that this was a style that women
were well satisfied with, so in making
a c'mnge from It they resort to a trick.
That Is, they plan waists of the same
goods ns tbe skirt but so fancifully
trimmed that they hope women will not
miss the dear deiKirtcd silken waist
The flunl picture here presents one of
these substitutes, a blouse waist of
thin blue woolen stilting, worn with a
plain godef skirt of the same stuff.
The waist has fitted lining over which
the stilting Is draped after it haa been
embroidered with a wide spreading de
sign in different colora of silk. Back
and front are alike, and the sleeves,
both puffs and cuffs, ic- the same em
broidery, as does the pialn stock col
ntr. The garment fastens Invisibly In
front and la completed by plavln bait
of the suiting with a ribbon bow In
back. . '
Paopla do not admire every maa who
attempta to ba retlgtooa any port Uaa
bey admire oraty maa who atatmats
to alng.
A Sermon from the Very Appropriate
Test, "And God bhall Wipe Away
All Tears from Their Kyes" The
Comforts of Heliuion.
Usee of Affliction.
Iiev. Dr. Talmage could not have se
lected a more appropriate subject than
the one of last Sunday, considering the
bereavement that has come uhii him
and his household. He had already pre
pared his sermon fur the day, selm-ting
as a topic "Comfort" and takiug as his
text, "And God shall wipe away all tears
from their eyes." Revelation vii 17.
Riding across a Western prairie, wild
flowers up to the huh of the carnage
wheel, and while a long distance from any
shelter, there came a sudden shower, and
while the rain was falling in torrents the
suu was shilling as brightly as I ever saw
it shine, and 1 thought, What a beautiful
sitectacle this is! So the tears of the Bible
are nut midnight storm, but rain on pan
sied prairies in God's sweet and golden
sunlight. You remember that bottle which
David labeled as containing tears, and
Mary's tears, and Paul's tears, and
Christ's tears, and the harvest of juy that
is to spring from the sowing of tears.
God mixes them. God rounds them. God
shows them where to fall. God exhales
them. A census is taken of them, and
there is a record as to the moment when
they are born and as to the place of their
Tears of bad men are not kept. Alex
ander In bis sorrow had the hair clipped
from his horses and mules and made a
great ado about bis grief, but in all the
vases of heaven there is not one of Alex
ander's tears. I speak of the tears of
God's children. Alss, me, they sre fall
ing all the time! Id summer you some
times bear the growling thunder sod you
see there is a storm miles sway, but you
know from the drift of the clouds thst
it win not come anywhere near you. 8o,
though it may be all bright around about
you, there Is a shower of trouble some
where at the time. Tears! Tears!
The Use of Tear,
What Is the use of tbem, anyhow?
Why not substitute laughter? ' Why not
make this a world where all the people
are well and eternal strangers to pains and
aches? What is the use of an Eastern
storm when we might have a perpetual
nor'wester? Why, when a family It put
together, not have them all stay, or if
they mast be transplanted to make other
homes, then have them all live, the family
record telling a story of marriages and
births, but of no desths? Why not have
the harvests chase each other without
fatiguing toil? Why the hard pillow, the
hard crust, the hard straggle? ' It Is easy
enough to explain a smile, or a success, or
a congratulation; but, come now, and
bring all your dictionaries and all your
philosophies snd all your religions, and
help me explain a tear. A chemist will
tell you that It la made up of salt and
lime and other component parts; but he
misses the chief ingredients the acid of
a soured life, the viperine sting of a bit
ter memory, tbe fragments of a broken
heart I will tell you what a tear is; It
is agony in solution. Hear then, while I
discourse of the Uses of trouble.
First, it is the design of trouble to keep
this world from being . too attractive.
Something must be done to make us will
ing to quit this existence. If it were not
for trouble this world would be a good
enough heaven for me. You and I would
be willing to take a lease of this life for a
hundred million years if there were no
trouble. The earth cushioned and uphol
stered and pillared and chandclicred with
such expense, no story of other worlds
could enchant us.
We would say : "Let well enough alone.
If you want to die and have your body
disintegrated in the dust and your soul go
out on a celestial adventure, then you can
go, but tins world is good enough for
me!" You might as well go to a man who
bus just entered the Louvre at Paris, and
tell him to hasten off to tbe picture gal
leries of Venice or Florence. "Why," he
would say, "what is the use of my going
there? There are Rembrandts snd Ru
benses snd Raphaels here that I haven't
looked at yet."
No man wants to go out of this world or
out of any house until he has a better
house. To cure this wish to stsy here
God must somehow create a disgust for
Our surrounding. How shall be do it?
lie cannot afford to deface his horizon,
or to tear off a fiery panel from the sun
set, or to snbstraet an anther from the wa
ter lily, or to banish tbe pungent aroma
from the mignonette, or to drag the robes
of the morning in mire. You cannot ex
pect a Christopher Wren to mar his own
St. I'uul's cathedral, or a Michael Ange
lo to dash out his own "Last Judgment,"
or a Handel to discord his "Israel in
Kgypt," and you cannot expect God to
sll the architecture and music of his
own world. How, then, are we to be
made willing to leave? Here is where
troulde comes in.
After a mnn has had a good deal of
(rouble he says: "Well, I am ready to go.
If there is a house somewhere whose roof
doesn't leak, 1 would like to live there.
If there is an atmosphere somewhere that
linen not distress the lungs, I would like
to breathe it. If there is a society some
where where there is no tittle tattle, 1
would like to live there. If there is a
homo circle somewhere where I can find
my lost friends, I would like to go there."
From Genesis to Wevelatlon.
lie used to read the first part of the
Bible chiefly, now he resds the last part
of the Bible chiefly. Why has he chang
ed Genesis for Revelation? Ah! he used
to be anxious chiefly to know how this
world waa made and all about Its geologi
cal construction; Now he Is chiefly anx
ious' to know bow tbe nest world waa
made, and bow M looks, and who lives
'there,1 and how they dress. He reads
Revelation tea Hatea Bow where ba read
Genesis eace.' Tho'oM story, "la the
begJunlng God created the heavens and
1.1 V
the earth," does not thrill biui half as
much as the other story, "I saw a new
heaven and a new earth." The old man's
hand trembles as he turns over this apoca-
Ivptie leaf, and he has to take out his
handkerchief to wiie his sieeta-les. That
book of Revelation is a prospectus now
of the country into which he is soon to
immigrate, the country in winch lie has
lots already laid out and avenues opened
and mansions built.
Vet there are people here to whom tiiis
world is brighter than heaveu. Well, dear
souls, I do not blame you. It is natural.
But after awhile you will be ready to go.
It nan not until Job had been worn out
with bereavements that he wanted to see
Cod. It was not until the prodigal got
tired of living among the hogs that he
wanted to go to his father's house. It is
the ministry of trouble to make this world
worth less and heaveu worth more.
Again, it is the use of trouble to make
us feel our dependence usm God. Men
think that they can do anything until
God shows them they can du nothing at
all. We lay our great plana, and we like
to execute them. It looks big. God conies
attd takes us down. As Prometheus was
assaulted by his enemy, when the lance
struck him it opened a great swelling that
had threatened his death, and he got well.
So it is tlie arrow of trouble that lets out
great swellings of pride. We never feel
our dependence Uwn God until we get
trouble. I was riding with my little child
along the road, and she asked if she might
drive. I said, "Certainly." I handed
over the reins to her, and I had to admire
the glee with which she drove. But after
awhile we met a team, and we had to turn
out The road was narrow, and it was
sheer down on both sides. She handed
tbe reins over to me and said, "1 think
yon bad better take charge of the horse."
Bo we are all children, and on this road of
life we like to drive. It gives one such an
appearance of superiority and power. It
looks big. But after awhile we meet some
obstacle, and we have to turn out. and the
road Is narrow, and it is sheer down on
both sides, snd then we are willing that
Ood shonld take the reins and drive. Ah,
my friends, we get upset so often because
we do not hand over tbe reins soon
Prayer la Trouble.
After s man has had trouble prayer Is
with him a taking hold of tbe arm of God
and crying out for help. I have heard
earnest prayers on two or three occasions
that I remember. Once, on the Cincin
nati express train, going at forty miles au
hoar, tbe train jumped the track, and we
were near a chasm eighty feet deep, and
tbe men who, a few minutes before, had
been swearing and blaspheming God be
gan to pull and jerk at the bell rope, and
got up on the backs of the seats, and cried
eat 0 Ood, save ns!" There was anoth
It time, about 800 miles out at sea, on a
foundering steamer, after the last lifeboat
had been split finer than kindling wood.
They prayed then. Why is it you so often
hear people, in reciting the last experience
of some friend, say, He made the most
beautiful proyer I ever heard?" , What
makes it beautiful? It is the earnestness
of it. Oh! I tell you, a man is in earnest
when his stripped and naked sou? wades
out in the soundless, shoreless, bottomless
ocean of eternity. :
It is trouble, my friends, thst makes us
feel our dependence upon God. We do not
know our own weakness or God's strength
until the last plank breaks. It is con
temptible In us when there is nothing else
to take hold of that we catch hold of God
only. Why, you do not know who the
Lord is! He is not an autocrat seated far
up In a palace from which he emerges
once a year, preceded by heralds swinging
swords to clear the way. No." But a
Father willing at our call to stand by us
In every crisis and predicament of life.
I tell you what some of you business men
make me think of. A young man goes off
from home to earn his fortune. He goes
with his mother's consent and benedic
tion. She has large wealth, but he wants
to make his own fortune. He goes far
away, falls sick, gets out of money. He
sends for the hotelkeeper where he is stay
ing, asking for lenience, and the answer
he gets is, "If you don't pay up Saturday
night, you'll be removed to the hospital."
' The Laat Reaort.
Getting there, be is frenzied with grief,
and he borrows a sheet of paper and a
postage stamp, and he sits down and he
writes home, saying: "Dear mother, I
am sick unto death. Come." It is ten
minutes of 10 o'clock when she gets the
letter. At 10 o'clock the train starts. She
is five minutes from the depot. She gets
there in time to have five minutes to
spare. She wonders why a train that cm
go thirty miles sn hour cannot go sixty
miles an hour. She rushes into the hos
pital. She says: "My son, what does
sit this mean? Why didn't you send for
me? Yon sent to everybody but me. You
knew I could and would help you. Is
this the reward 1 get for my kindness to
you always?" She bundles bim up, takes
him home and gets him well very soon.
Now, some of you treat God Just as that
young man treated bis mother. When you
get into a financial perplexity, you call
on the hanker, yon call on the broker, you
call on your creditors, you call on your
lawyer for legal counsel, you call upon
everybody, and when you cannot get any
help, then you go to God. You say: "O
Lord, I come to thee! Help me now out
of my perplexity. " And the Ixrd comes,
though it is the eleventh hour. -He says:
"Why did you not send for me before?
As one whom his mother eomforteth, so
will I comfort you." It Is to throw us
hack upon God that we have this minis
try of tears. .
Again, It Is the use of trouble to enpne
Itate us for the office of sympathy. The
priests, under the old disMiisution, wen;
set apart by having water sprinkled upon
their hands, feet and head, and by the
sprinkling of tears people are now set
apart to the office of sympathy. When we
sre in prosperity, we like to have a great
many young people a round ua, and we
laugh when they laugh and we romp when
they romp, and we alng when they aing,
but when we have trouble we like plenty
of old folka around. ' Why? They know
how to talk. j
Take an aged mother 70 rears of age,
Snd she Is almost omnipotent la comfort
Way ? She has boea through It all. At 7
o'clock la tbe moralng aba gees orar to
comfort a young mother who has Just lost
hr balie. Grand mother knows all about
that troulde. Fifty years ago she felt it
At 1 o'clock of that day she over to
comfort a widowed soul. iShe knows all
ubout that. She has been walking in that
dark valley twenty years. At 4 o'clock in
the afternoon some one knocks at the
door, wanting bread. She knows all
about that. Two or three times In h
life she came to her last loaf. At 10
o dock liiai uigui sue goes over 10 sn up ;
with some one severely sick. She know I
all about it. She knows all about fevers j
and pleurisies and broken bones. She has
been doctoring all her life, spreading plas
ters and pouring out bitter drops and
shaking up hot pillows and contriving
things to tempt a pior appetite. lr.
Aberuelhy and Rush and Hosaek audi
Harvey were great doctors, but the great- j
est doctor the world ever saw is au old
Christian woman. Dear me! Do we not j
remember her about the ruwii when we i
were sick in our boyhood? Was there any j
one who could ever so touch a sure with
out hurting it?
Written in Tears.
When 1 began to preach, my sermons on
the subject of trouble were all poetic and
in semibluuk verse, but God knocked the
blank verse out of me long ago, and I have
found out that I cannot comfort people ex
cept as I myself have been troubled. God
make ine the sou of consolation to the
people! I would rather be the means of
soothing one perturbed spirit to-day than
to play a tune that would set all the sons
of mink reeling in the dance.
I am an herb doctor.' I put into the cal
dron the Root out of dry ground, without
form or comeliness. Then I put in the
Rose of Sharon and the Lily of the Valley.
Then I put into the caldron some of the
leaves from the tree of life, and the
Branch that was thrown into the wilder
ness Marah. Then I pour in the tears of
Bethany and Golgotha. Then I stir them
up. Then I kindle under the caldron a
lire made out of the wood of the cross, and
one drop of that potion will cure the worst
sickness that ever afflicted a human soul.
Mary and Martha shall receive their Laz
arus from the tomb. The damsel shall
rise. And on the darkness shall break the
morning, and God will wipe all tears from
their eyes.
Jesus had enough trial to make Him
sympathetic with all trial. The shortest
verse in the Bible tells the story, "Jesus
wept" The scar on the back of His either
hand, the scar on the arch of either foot,
the row of scars along the line of the bair,
will keep all heaven thinking. Oh, that
great weeper is just the one. to silence sll
earthly trouble, wipe out all the stains of
earthly grief. Gentle! Why, his step is
softer than the step of the dew. It will
not be a tyrant bidding you to hush up
your crying. It will be a Father who will
take you on bis left arm, his face beam
ing into yours, while with the soft tips of
the fingers of the right band He shall
wipe away all tears from your eyes.
Friends, if we could get any apprecia
tion of what God has in reserve for us, it
would make us so homesick we would be
unfit for our everyday work. Professor
Leonard, formerly of Iowa University,
put in my hands a meteoric stone, a stone
thrown off from some other world to this.
How suggestive it was to me! And 1 have
to tell you the best representations we
have of heaven are only aerolites flung off
from that world which rolls on, bearing
the multitudes of the redeemed. We an
alyze these aerolites snd find them crys
tallizations of tears. No wonder, flung off
from heaven! "God shall wipe away all
tears from their eyes."
Funeral on Earth, Jubilee In Heaven.
Have you any appreciation of the good
and glorious times your friends are hav
ing in heaven? How different it is when
they get news there of a Christian's death
from what it is here! It is the differenc
between embarkation and coming into
port. Everything depends upon which
side of the river you stand when you hear
of a Christian's death. If you stand oi.
this side of the river, you mourn that thej
go. If you stand on the other side of tin
river, you rejoice that they come. Oh, th
difference between a funeral on earth and
a jubilee in heaven between ' requiem
here and triumph there parting here and
reunion there! Together! Have you
thought of it? They are together. Not
one of your departed friends in one land
and auother in another land, but together
in different rooms of the same house the
house of many mansions. . Together!
1 never more appreciated that thought
than when we laid away in her last slum
ber my sister Sarah. Standing there in
the village cemetery, I looked around and
said, "There is father, there is mother,
there Is grandfather, there is grandmoth
er, there are whole circles of kindred,"
and I thought to myself, "Together in the
grave together in glory." I am so im
pressed with the thought that I do not
think It Is any fanaticism when some one
is going from this world to the next if yon
make them the bearer of dispatches to
your friends who are gone, saying, "Give
my love to my parents, give my love to
my children, give my love to my old com
rades who are in glory, and tell them I am
trying to fight the good fight of faith, and
I will join them after awhile." I believe
the message will be delivered, and I be
lieve it will increase the gladness of those
who are before the throne. Together are
they, all their tears gone.
' My friends, take this good cheer home
with you. These tears of bereavement
that course your cheek, and of persecu
tion, and of trial, are not always to be
there. The motherly hand of God will
wipe them all away. What is the use, on
the way to such a consummation what is
the use of fretting about anything? Oh,
what an exhilaration it ought to be In
Christian work! See you the pinnacles
against the sky? It is the city of our
God, snd we are approaching it. Oh, let
us be busy in tbe days that remain for
I put this balsam ou the wounds of your
heart Rejoice at the thought of what
your departed friends hsve got rid of and
that you have a prospect of so soon mak
ing your own escape. Bear cheerfully the
ministry of tears and exult at the thought
that soon It is to be ended.
"There we shall march up the heavenly
" i street
And ground our arms at Jesus' feet" "
If there la a virtue In the world wa
anould aim at It la cbaerf ulneaa.
Pierre Loti Is about to start on a
ouruey through India.
"Elizabeth Hastings," the author of
but clever satire, "An Experiment In
kltruisui," turns out to be Miss Mar
pjret Sherwood, a young Instructor In
iVellealey College.
Col. John Hay Is the latest author to
)oast a literary daughter. Miaa Helen
iluy contributes to one of the young
'oiks' magazines a bunioroua poem call
id "The Merry Mongoose."
Tbe danger that besets the noYellst
a ho attempts to write playa la lllua-
;rated by Mr. Zangwlll In an anecdote
)f an actress who played In an unauc
;esful comedy by a distinguished man
f letters. One of her stage directions,
die said, ran thus: "Re-enter Mary, hav
ng drunk a cup of tea-."
George Hugo has been made sub-director
of La Nouvelle Revue, of which
Mme. Adam is In charge. It la sup
posed that he and young Leon Daudet
will soon replace Mme. Adam, who la
!o devote all her time to ber alx vol
umes of memoirs, one of which la to ap
pear each year until finished.
The prize of $2,000 which Miss Mary
Wilkins recently won in the detectlve
itory competition Is not her Brat' suc
cess of the kind. Her earliest publirti
ed story, "The Ghost Family," secured
her the prise of $50 for which it waa
written. Miss Wilkins' bad chlrogaphy
handicapped her early efforts to gain a
publisher's favor. She writes an Imma
ture, schoolgirl hand that used to pre
)tidlce publishers' "readers" against
This Is the pessimistic conclusion at
which Mr. Howells baa arrived, aa set
forth in his latest book: "I have found
that literature gives one no certain sta
tion in the world of men's actlvitiea,
either Idle or useful. We literary folk
try to believe that it does, but that ia
all nonsense. At every period of Ufa
among boys and men we are accepted
when they are at leisure and want to be
amused; and at best we are tolerated
rather than accepted." .
One of tbe moat promising of the
younger school of authors lu tbe West
is Miss Lillian Bell, of Chicago, of
whose newest book, "A Little Slater to
the Wilderness," five thousand coplea
were sold In three wee!s. Miss Bell la
a young woman of thirty, who became
known a few years ago by her "Loyo
Affairs of An Old Maid." She had writ
ten two complete novels before she waa
fifteen, but they are not destined ever
to see the light of publication.
The Yellow-Wheeled Carriage Bold by
Auction for $14.
The old platform-spring park phae
ton owned by Gen. Grant while he waa
President of the United States was sold
by auction a few days ago for $14. It
waa the carriage that was hitched to a
four-ln-hand team and conveyed Grant
to the capitol for his second Inaugura
tion, and afterward did similar service
for Mr. Hayes. During Grant's admin
istration the high-seated park phaeton,
with the yellow wheels and yellow-
striped body, was conspicuous on all
the thoroughfares In and around Wash
ington. Grant's famous double team,
Cincinnati and Egypt the fastest pair
of horses that ever occupied a stall In
tbe executive stable, were usually hook
ed to it Old residents in Washington
recall with what apparent delight Pres
ident Grant drove through the city In
that yellow-wheeled conveyance. There
was only one other like It ever aeen In
Washington, and that waa brought
here and used by the late Senator John
P. Stockton, of New Jersey, who waa a
personal friend of Grant New York
Sun. '
In Time or Eternity.
"There is something about your
verses that is quite nice, Miss Buddly,"
said the aged but truthful editor of the
Clarion, "and I am sorry wa an not
able to use them."
"Then," fluttered Miss Buddly, aa she
received back the little roll tied about
with a blue ribbon, "you think, do you
not that If I persevere, In time I may
be able to write very acceptable
"Yes," assented the editor of tha
Clarion; "In time. Or at leaat," ha
hastened to add, as a glad thought
burst upon his Intellect, "If not In time,
Miss Buddly, what Is the matter with
trying eternity?"
The Moral of the Moral.
The persistency with which children
see some other moral In a fable than
the one which It Is Intended that tbey
shall see la often distressing, and some
times really Instructive, to their elders.
A mother bad recited to ber little
boy the story of the wolf and the lamb,
and followed It np with the remark:
. "And now you tee, Willy, that tha
lamb woud not have been eaten by the
wolf If ha bad been good and aMarbla,
"Tea, I understand, mamma," aaid
Willy; 'If tha lamb had hat food aad
eemaibl wt abould battf hid htm. bf
lamtr'.'. ' ' " '