7 T I Mlaltara aad Photograph. Tb dliplay of mitiiture or photo graptit Iim become 10 univeaally tin fad that in every drawing room or aoj pretritBion atari dj a small table 01 French filf, npon which the picture re ttutefullv arranged. A novelty il the form of miniture folding screens the back and front covered with dark' velvet, from which the miuiture. an The veteran, of the Kan.aa-Nebraaka impended by tiny gilt hooks, deeoraUt Association promise to eicel in uum- corner prettily and give an eppor- bera the attendance of any previous tunity to display the oiiniturea, which jtathenng. Fully 60.000 citizen of Kan have hitherto lain away for wan. of a 1 ' Join ia t"i4 Kr iBd Reunion. j way to place them on view. . The Band1 Uu on Tn& r lnl5 er 000 uniformed men, will hold .. their ami uai reunion 6h tlie same daten. i Some women live wretched vet There will be luusic galore. i with husbandi in trying? to "manage' Band Goil vfl Saturday morning.', them, but might please them with half I T"0 prize", $75 Brat; $50 second, i I te effort. i Free. all. Han da existing to enter j bmetlfep rt at bf-adqtiarterti Tuesday' ; When a man visits kin, he it bored until after he is shown the clever things all the family and animals about the hone can do. In Our Qreat Grandfather s Time, big bulky pills were ia gD(ittl i;k Like the b und' rbuis" of tbat decade they wire big and clura mf buj fnerf tfve In this cent- I (bliahten- unnt, we have vt. rierce'a Plrasant Prl-li-ts, w b i c h cure all liver, ' fttomach and bowel de rangements i a the most effec tive way. If people would pay more attention to rron- trly regulating the action of their bowels, by the une of these little "I'ellrta" they would bave less frequent occasion to call for their doctor' service to subdue attack sf dangerou diseases. The " Pellets " cure tick and bilious headache, constipation, in ligestion, bilious attacks and kindred de langeuients of liver, stomach and bowels. The Greatest Medical Discover' of. the Age. KENNEDY'S MEDICAL DISCOVERY, I0NALD KENNEDY, OF ROXBURY, MASS., Has discovered In one of our common ature v.reds a remedy th.it cures ev ery kind of Humor, from the worst bcrofula town tna common Pimple. He has trtd It in over eleven hundred taes, and never filled except In two cases both thunder humor). He has now In Ins Xissession ever Vvo hundred certificates f its value, all within twenty miles of Boston Send postal cr,d lor I ok. A benefit Is always experienced from Jie first bottle, and a "perfect cure is war anted when the rght quantity Is taken. When the lungs are affected It causes ihootiiu' pains, like needles rassine hem; the same with the Liver or Bowels. '1 his is caused by the ducts being stopped, and always disappears in a' week ifter taking it. I-Vad the label. If the stomach Is foul or bHious It wilt tause squeamish feelings t first. No change of diet ever necessary. Eat te best you tan get, and enough of it. Dose, one tab'espoonful jn water at bed time. Sold bv all I moists. Bcecham s pills arc for bil iousness, sick headache, diz ziness, dyspepsia, had taste in the mouth, heartburn, tor pid liver, foul breath, sallow skin, coated tongue, pimples, loss of appetite, etc.. when caused by constipation; and constipation is the most fre querc cause of all of them. One of the iiimf important thing for everybody ' learnt that constitution cau.es more than li.ilf the sickness in the world, rspeciallv of women; and itCMnall OC pteveirrd. (io by the biM1(, free Ht your dniRi;lht's,ir wr'le B F.AlIrtjCo.,.y5Canal St., New Yin i'ills.ioe and 5e a box. Anx'-ni " i . " I" i". ASK YOL'R DRL'OOIST TOR The BEST FOR INVALIDS JOHN CAlcLl! SONS, New Vork. tlEW SHORT LINE I LI tS I X ui W T -v lllnllifniii to ffiSFT CAMP SHERMAI! liattUr. Neb., 1. 1 ta at. T!.e local Kennion Committee at HmI Hilt and people generally are batj mak jiU preparations lor the greataat gather ing of old fcoldiera and citixena ever be lembled together on Nebraaka soil. It 8 la week in llaaliuga and a ' "tiroiue iwiim every oiu auiuier !o,n BMiaska'a en-ellent National Guard JnfYhtry Tua been ordeied into camp' it flauiotia, during the reunion of thJ aid soldiers. , f be local Committee ha8 contracted with on of lie laret minufactMrerl f fire w'orkj in the United 8Uti oi tl ipet!ikl cjlslay o1 rewori on Monday bd Friday eyehinu. ?ina ehell, . ffre3 froTij niolari, and banrlioiile iti p5flt Buggetive oi the oockaioh will p dtie of the cbanoing feature of the reW'a iiffwram. - I Sham battle Friday under comaaaad at Ota John M. Thayer and Uen. U. J. Dilwofth will arouMj old time activity and admiration. Tb ciriaena of Hasting are prpar ing ai-cornmodationa for a quarter of a milHon of people. Canty fcherman will be turned over to Dapartmont Ooninaader Adama, at 2 p. m. Monday, when horliiitiea will commence id earneat. Six bullion aaceniiona and parachute diopH by one of the leading; aeronauts dl the country. Prouiinent among the fipeakera from Kaneas will be Kx-Senator John J. Injralli, Oor. Morrill, Bernard Kelley and D. R. Anthony. The Nehraaka GonKrevDional tutf& tion, Ex-Dnpt. OoBiaiandara of the G, A.R.will alto be present, and olbei prominent ipeaker. Special reduced rates and excursion trains from all pointa. Free Wood, Hay and Straw, and at) tbundanoe of good water. fcMt lllBkrtaln li-lewftr. The ceason jilHt closed has been f dull )i;e for the tniiskrat catchers on the: Deleware marnhca. The catch Is a vnl JHble one in good seasons, nnd Tiarshes ure rented for the miiRkrat latching privilege. All crogs-roads itorekeepers deal in the pel (a, and the Delewnre ltinislature was once aaked .o enact a law fcr the protection of the miakrHt, ho that the Bcies might not lecotiio extinct. The meat, of the reature is sold in the Wilmington ttreet market and served ;us marsh rabbit. What Women Should Know. Kvery woman ouht to know tlit'.t then' Is an Institution lu this country when1 illscasos peculiar to their sex have, for nearly thirty y-nrs, lx-on made a specially by several of the physicians connected therewith. This Institution is the Invalids' Hotel and .Surgical In stitute, tit Ruffalo, X. Y. In treatlni; thousands of cuki-h at that famous san itarium there have been perfected med icines which form a regular solcntitic course of treatment for these prevalent and most distressing ailments. Dr. Tierce and hi staff of skilled spo cialiMla, formltu; the faculty of the above Institution, are at all times ready to reply to letters from women sufTerlntf from obstinate, complicated, or Ioiik ncKh'cteil diseases and "weaknesses,"" and can be addressed, or consulted at Hie Institution, free of charge. When Ir. I'lercc published the first edition of bis work, The l'eiple"s ('om moli Sense Medical Adviser, he an nounceil that after uhii.dck) copies had been sold at the regular price, $1.."0 per copy, the prolit on which would repay liim for the great amount of labor and money expended In producing It. he would distribute the next half million free. As this mi tuber of copies has al ready ta-en sold, he Is now distributing, absolutely free, ."iki.iKmJ copies of thla most com estiug and c o iu in o n c a I work plete, inter valuable sense mcdi e v e r p u b - COUPON No. Hi lished -the recipient only being requir ed to mail to ti I in, or the World's Ills peiisary Medical Association, of Ituffa io, X. Y.. of which he Is President, this Utile 'oiiiii Number with twenty -one llM) otie-ceul stamps to cover cost of mailing only, and the book will be sent post paid. It Is a veritable medical li brary, complete In one volume. It con- j tains over l.iKHt pages aud more than j Hi hi Illustrations, some of them In colors. Several llnely Illustrated chapters are devoted to Hie careful consideration In plain language, of diseases pectillnr to women and their successful home treat ment without the aid of a physiclau and without kaving to submit to dreaded "examinations" lind the stereotyped "local applications," o repulsive to the modest and Justly sensitive woman. The Free Edition Is precisely the mine ai Uwt sold at $1.50, except only that the books are ImiuihI In strong inaiiilhi paper covers Instead of cloth. Send NOW before all are given away. They are going off rapidly, therefore, do not delay sending Immediately if In want of one. I Can't Sleep la the complaint of many at this aeaion. The reaiion i found in tha fact that the ncrvrn are weak and tbc body In a feverish and naheallhy condition. Tha nanrei aiay be restored by Havd'a Banaparilla, watch fmdi them upon pure bland, and tbil medlciittwlll also ereaw an apMttta ana tone up h ayatKBi. aed thua tweal, refmhiriR alaap aad rif oroM haalttk. Hood s Sarsaparilla la tli only traa Woa irarifrar pMtlMnt lf In h aoblat ya toatay. fl; aUar$n PRESERVING THE EYESIGHT. Knlea Tbat Mar Be L.eful to Tboae Threatened with Biindncaa. A few luiple mica carefully obeyed will do much to preserve the eye in beultii. Lilit aud color iu rooms are Important. The walls are beat finished In a single tint. Windows should opeu directly upon the outer air, aud light ia better when they are close together, not beparated by much wall space, not dis tributed. Light should be abundant, but not dazzling. It should never come from lu front nor should sunlight fall Upon work or on the printed page. Never read or sew In the twilight after an exhausting fever nor before break fast. Ixok up frequently when at work and fix the eyes upon some dis tant object. Hreak up the stretch of wall by pictures that bave a good per spective. These rest the eye, as does looking out of the window. When at work on minute objects rise occasionally, take deep inspirations with the mouth closed, stretch the body erect, rbrow the arms backward and forward, and step to an open win dow or out Into the open air for a mo ment. Two desks of different height are valuable for a student or writer, one to stand by and the other to sit by. I'lonty of open air exercise is essential to good eyesight. The general tone of the nervous nys tem has much to do with the eyesight. Prolonged or excessive study frequent ly has pain or poor vision as symptom. The use of tobacco may bring about de fective vision ami alcohol sometimes de stroys It utterly, owing to nerve Inflam mation that It sets up. City life, with nhtit-ln Rtreets and narrow outlook, fa vors the production of errors In vision. When looking at distant objects the nor mal eye Is at rest. To see near by, muscular effort Is required. This ef fort, when constant, changes tile shape of the eyeball. After the eighteenth or twentieth year parts of the eye that earlier showed signs of bulging or be coming near-sighted may acquire new trength, and those who escape myopia Jp to this time are usually free from It after jhat. The children of near-sighted parents are In special danger. They require constant care. It Is best to have all children's eyes examined for defects when they are 10 years old. Near sight and color blindness are barriers to the army and navy, to cer tain lino niid mechanic arts aud to many Industrial pursuits. Their early recognition saves time and money and often prevents the discouragement of d 'eat. Ounces of prevention are bet ter than tons of cure. There are but few forms of partial or total blindness that were not at one time the reverse i.f hopeless. In view of this fact the duty of parents and guardians Is clear ly manifest. Ignorance must be replac ed by knowledge, carelessness by en lightened forethought. Precaution In the way of type, light, color and rest aud exercise, together with occasional calls upon the oculist, will probably secure fair eyesight for life. Outlook. Adopted by a Newspaper. Willie and Oscar Maniierstrom are the legal wards of the Grand Rapids Kvefiing Press. The paper is a great friend of the poor lsiys of Grand ltaplds, and has done n. great deal to help them In dlffcr ereut ways, but it has eclipsed even Itself by the adoption of these boys, who last winter were homeless aud friendless lu Chicago. Aud what a suc.-ess the venture haB been! The first thing to do was to find some way for the boys to earn a livelihood. Such little fellows they were, only 12 and li) years old, that It was Impracti cable to think of their doing anything very hard. Some one suggested es tablishing a messenger service In con nection with the Press, to be run by the boys. Neat uniforms were bought for tbein, they were furnished with bi cycles, given the use of the olllce tele phone 'jnd lots of advertising In tile paper, and the thing was done. The kind-hearteil people of Grand ltaplds patronized them at first because they felt sorry for them, but now they do so because they know them, like them, and trust them. Before long Willie, the oldest, found he could make enough money by himself to support both, so Oscar began going to school, and his teacher says he Is a remarka bly bright boy. Both boys are brim full of energy and ambition, ami will, no doubt, when grown be successful men of whom the Press need never be ashamed. America's Frostles licit. What Is supposed to be the only frostless belt In the l ulled Slates lies between the city of Iam Angeles and the Pacific Ocean, It traverses the foothills of the Caliticnga range, and has an elevation of between HIM) and bio feet. Its breadth Is perhaps three miles. The waters of the Pacific are risible from It, and the proximity of the ocean has of course something to do with banishing frosts. I luring the winter season this tract produces toma toes, Mas, beans, and other tender veg etables, and here the lemon flourishes, a tree that Is peculiarly susceptible to cold. Tropical trees may be cultivated wltb success, and In connection with this fact It Is Interesting to know that a part of the favorite territory bus been acquired by Loa Angeles for park purpoaea and It only a question of time when the city will have the dis tinction of possessing the only tropical park In the United Btatea. Strange to aay, only the midway region of the CahnetiRa rang la free from frost, the lower part of the valley being occa sionally vlaltad. Rivera of Buttermilk. There la mora than one way of turn Ins tk tables on person who Indulge In tb prftctloa of "drawing a long tww." One of Um atoot ffactoal net. ods was recently employed by a sUu spoken Veruionter on an "accommoda tion" train. Several persona were listening In open-mouthed, wide-eyed astonishment to the talk of a loquacious young man, whose stories increased lu size and gen eral incredibility o time went ou. He was a resident of a town adjoining that In which the elderly Vermonter had spent all his days; but the old man watched the narrator lu silence, though with none of the interest displayed by the other listeners. At last the young man mentioned one of the citizens of his native towu, and remarked incidentally that the man bad an immense dairy, from which he sent out over a million pounds of butter, and an equal quantity of cheese, every year. At this, several of his hearers looked decidedly Incredulous, n-jd one of them, turning to the elderly man. said: "You come from round his way, I b'lieve; did you ever bear tell of that dairy r 'al, no," drawled the person ad-1 dressed, with a perfectly grave face; "I don't recall bavin' heerd of It till now, but I have heerd that there's ft man over In that towu that has ten sawmills, that are worked an' kep' a golu' by buttermilk, an' I persiime to say It's the same man, an' If one story's true, like as not the other may be." The Indian Swell. A long-skirted tunic or frock of whltb muslin, dose-fitting white trousers, and a rose-colored turban with a broad band of gold lace and tall, flashing plume of dark feathers and gold filigree, were the salient points. Other accessories were the sword belt, crossing his breast and encircling bis waist, of dark green vel vet, richly worked with unalloyed gold, and thickly studded with emeralds, rubies and brilliants; a transparent yellow shield of rhinoceros hide, with knobs of black and gold enamel; a sash of stiff, gold lace, with a crimson thread running through the gold; bracelets of the dainty workmanship known as Jeypore enamel thickly Jeweled, which he wore on his wrists and arms; and there were strings of dull, uncut stones about his neck. The skirts of his tunic were plaited with many folds and stood stiffly out, like the skirts of a "premiere donseuse" In ballot, and when he mounted his horse a servant on either side held them so that they might not be crushed. Four valets had chargr of this costume, and It took them some time to array their master. The trappings of the horse were scarcely less elaborte; his neck was covered on one side with sil ver plates, and his mane, which hung on the other side, was braided and lengthened by black fringes relieved by silver ornaments. White yaks' tall hung from beneath the embroidered saddle cover on both sides, and his head. Incased In a head stall of white enameled leather and silver, topped with tall oigrettes, was tied down by an embroidered scarf in order to give his neck the requisite curve. Hounds lilke a Hootch Htory. A case of unusual strictness In Sab bath observance Is reported from West Auburn, Me. A farmer was waited on by one of his neighbors who asked for the loan of his team the following Sun day to lake his wife and children to the cemetery. At first, he flatly refused to let the team, arguing that It would be a sin to receive money for such a thing on the Sabbath day, but he linally said to the neighbor that he would think It over and let him know Saturday, re marking that he would pray over It In the meantime. Saturday the neighbor called and the farmer said that lie pon dered ami prayed over the matter, and come to the conclusion that It would he no harm to let the team, but that the neighbor must not pay for it until some week day following. So the neighbor hired the team to go to the cemetery on Sunday, paying for it on Monday, and everything was satisfactory. Io You Know. That many a poor typewriter could iniike a good servant girl. That It takes a long time to decide whether "Trilby" is or Is not immoral. That geese are Intelligent compared with women who try to cheat nature. That golf offers better facilities for flirtatious ihan any outdoor recreation. That It Is a splendid law of etiquette In .lapiin that ladies cannot talk of their servants. That families not going to Europe this season are almost tnortllled. The vacation days spent In "riotous living" are never beneficial. That the caprices of some society women are Insane enough to suggest an asylum. That those draw social lines closest who ought not be within them them selves. . Profitable Rivalry. Topshaiii, Maine, has a very satisfac tory way of settling a town quarrel. Owing to the appointment of a chief engineer of the Are department who was not acceptable to some of the fire men the buter formed an Independent company and bought a new hand tub. The town now baa two companies, and there will be a hustle to see which can get to a lire first and do the most effect ive work. Consistency. "Now, yon roust not repeat this," said Jones to Smith, after retailing a choice bit of scandal. "Oh, osrtalnly not," said Smith. "How did ymi happen to hear Itr "My wife told me. 8he la Just like any woman cannot keep a secret of course." You can select a man from any tact to b a guide and philosopher, bnt It takes a Quaker to bo a guide philoso pher aad filsttd. Highest of all ia Leavening ABSOLUTELY PURE A Preacbrr'a Read Areunirnt. .ter roads often mean letter hurch attendance. It is not without significance that the .lews were com msnded to "prepare the way of the Lord." To "gather out the stones," and to Hake up the stumbling blocks," may be a duty in a literal as well as a figurative sense. The invitation: "Let us go up to the house ot the Lord," would be oftenmoeeffectual if it were not so difficulta thing to get there. Hev. D. F. Lamson, Manchester, Mass. On Tha Installment Plan. "I have come to ask for your daugh ter's hand. Mr. Herrick," said young Waller, Dervously. "O, well, you can't bave it," said Her rick. "I'm not doling out my daueh ter on the installment plan. When you feel that you can support the whole girl you may call again." Harper's Bazar. Fond of Sume Pets. She Yes, I am very fond of pets. He Indeed! What, may I ask, is your favorite animal? 8he (frankly) Man.. Illustrated Fashion Review. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is a constitutional enre. Price 75 cents. Gluck was the variest man of his time. He was once about to take a journey from Paris to a provincial town in a stage coach, but, learning that the conveyance would be all night, on the journey, and being fearful of taking cold he refused to go, saying he had no right to expose the life of so great acomposei to any peril whatever. After six years suffering, I was cured hy bv l'iso's t'ure. M aky Thomson, 2!t'.j oiiio Ave., Allegheny, Pa., March lit. '!4. In the regin of Elizabeth foignryot' any kind was punished by fines, by the pillory, by having both ears cut off and the nostrils slit and seared with a hot iron, by the forfeiture of all property and by perpetual imprisonment. Tobacco's Trium pli. Rvry day we meet men who Iihvp sppHr ently lost till IntMN'st lu life, lint they ciii-w anl smoke all thf time und wrmrler why the Bunshinp U not hrlifht, and the swpet hlrds' aonj sound dlKcnrdMiit, Tohio'eu takeK away the pleasures of lift- nnil lenvex Irritated ni-rv ('nt(rH in return. No-To-Huc Is the fasy way out. (Jiiaruntced to cure and make you well and strong, by JJnigist every where. Divorces have been legal in France for the past eight vears. In the first year 1.00 were granted; in the second, 4,000; in 18!4, 8,000. The total for eight years was over 40,000, Mra. Wlnlow- 80OTHINB 8YRCP for chllfi ren teething, softens the ?nms, reduees inllam mation, alia spalu, cures wind colic. c bottle SANTA CLAUS SOAP Sold everywhere. Made only by The N. K. Fairbanh Company, - Chicago. "He that Works Easily Works Suc cessfully." Tis Very Easy to Clean House With SAPOLIO M - 17 To the and then prove v better. Anything that can be washed, can be washed best with Pfrlim. It lightens labor and does lightning work As nearly as we can figure, about eight millions of women use it Do you ? You will sooner or later. rVinV Ta iillliai ev aaacra ! ,niai wfct afar laUtariwii f tm&m, UOul miw "llliH M M4 aa." r "M mm m" fMltM, 1T T I.a r AUi.-rWM ka M aaMl aa4 U aavw fMWal. LlltCn aa jUaaiTt-La, mm rS Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report The One Thing Needful. There is but one way tojget anything' worth having, and tbat is the right way, and until the people are willing to adopt some plan whereby the wholu length of a road can be worked in lia' mony with the laws of nature as ap plied to proper drainage and moving loads we shall br obliged to wallow through mud and sand, while expend ing money enough each year to have our ways in a great deal better conuir tion. Every man who attempts to do any thing of a public nature complains bitterly afterwards of annoyances tbat were unnecessary, aud should not have been tolerated. This will be the case so long as the fools are encouraged as at present. In no country in the worid are tools given as much liberty ub iu thiB. TO CAEN BE THE SYSTEM. Kflectually yet gently, when costive or bil ious, or when the blood is impure or slug gish, to permanently cure habitual consti pation, to awaken the kidneys and liver to u healthy activity, without irritating or weakeningthem, to dispel headaches, colds or fcvirs use Hyrup of Figs. Hulked. She-George Peterson, if you kiss me again I'll scream ont loud. George (nisses her) -Good! I never heard you scream out loud. She George Peterson, I won't scream out loud now, just, to spite yon. Judge. PROFITABLE DAIRY WORK Can only be accomplished with the very best of tools and a p p 1 1 ances. Cream Sepa larm you are' and better the skimmed uable feed, make nornlS' Davis. Neat, catalogue Agents wanted With a Davis rator on the sure of more butter, while milk is a val Farmers will take to get a 1 1 1 us t r a tod nailed khee DAVIS & RANKIN BLDO. & MFG. OO Cor. Randolph A Dearborn Sis., Chicago. The St. Joseph and Grand Island R. R- ia THK SHORTEST and QUICKEST LINE TO ALL POINTS NORTH WEST EAST SOUTH And in eon nee-1 Union Pacific System tion wltb the IS THE FAVORITE ROUTE' To California, Oregon and all Western Point , For Information regarding rates, etc., call oa or aditrens anv agent or &. M. Adbit, H, P Korinbon. Ja , Gen. Pass. Agt Gau'l Maaagar, St. OMh, Mo. N . N. V. No. 3RO--3S. York Nebv UKS WRITING TO AUVKKTISKK pleaae nay you aaw the advertisement lu this paper. MTIaMVtlpMlatMBt Double the satisfaction obtained from ordinary soap and only half the expense and bother. That's why thousands of thoughtful, thrifty women use Santa Claus Soap. They have learned by practical, thorough tests that for washday or every day use there is no soap in the world that nearly equals Give Ear plain facts about Ptarline, give Ptarline a chance to them, by giving it a fair trial. Nothing else will give the same result. 1 1 washes safely, as well as surely" ; it cleans carefully as well as easily. It is as cheao as soao and J v ,.... 4